Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this disc
docs\           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

install.exe     Install/uninstall the MSDOS image viewer of your choice

colorado\       Colorado mountain scenes.
montana\        Montana mountain scenes.
utah\           Utah mountain scenes.
wildlife\       Wildlife scenes.
wyoming\        Wyoming mountain scenes.
Colorado mountain scenes.
path: /colorado/
bmp\          Colorado. (BMP format)
jpeg\         Colorado. (JPEG format)
pict\         Colorado. (PICT format)
tiff\         Colorado. (TIFF format)
Colorado. (BMP format)
path: /colorado/bmp/
aspen01.bmp   753196 19-11-95  Golden aspen and a snow covered peak.
aspen03.bmp   775220 22-11-95  Aspen grow thickly in the woods.
autumn01.bmp  787512 18-11-95  Colorful trees line the stream near Aspen.
autumn02.bmp  787512 02-12-95  A fall scene in Colorado.
belles01.bmp  763824 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles and Maroon Lake near Aspen.
belles02.bmp  682344 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles in winter.
blkcnyn1.bmp  794168 22-11-95  A high bridge crosses the Black Canyon near
                               | Montrose.
colonm01.bmp  737608 10-12-95  Rock formation at the Colorado National
                               | Monument.
cowboy.bmp    675456 21-11-95  A cowboy statue in Denver.
dunes01.bmp   762512 19-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
dunes02.bmp   634892 02-12-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
durango.bmp   744392 10-12-95  A narrow gauge railroad between Durango and
                               | Silverton.
earlylfl.bmp  728528 22-11-95  A row of trees is covered by an early frost near
                               | Walsenburg.
earlylt.bmp   752240 21-11-95  A red mountain in early light near Maroon Lake,
                               | CO.
estespk.bmp   755372 03-12-95  A view of the Rocky Mountain from Estes Park.
fallday.bmp   659976 21-11-95  Colorful foliage on a Colorado mountainside.
foo.bar         2158 04-02-96
frosty.bmp    731956 19-11-95  A frost covered landscape near Walsenburg.
gostown2.bmp  739100 18-11-95  The ghost town of St. Elmo in the Collegiate
                               | Mountain.
grazing.bmp   751472 20-11-95  Cattle grazing near La Veta in southern
                               | Colorado.
grazing2.bmp  794636 22-11-95  Horses grazing in a field near Aspen.
haystack.bmp  734488 03-12-95  Haystacks on a farm.
highlake.bmp  751768 10-12-95  Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest peak in the
                               | background.
majestic.bmp  764104 21-11-95  A peaceful scene near Carbondale.
mineshed.bmp  787512 21-11-95  An abandoned mine in the mountains near Ouray.
mtnroad.bmp   751592 21-11-95  A winding mountain road offers splendid views.
panorama.bmp  698268 21-11-95  A panoramic view of mountains, water, and an
                               | ominous sky.
redmtn.bmp    743076 10-12-95  A scene at Red Mountain Pass near Ouray.
rkymtn01.bmp  776732 20-11-95  A view from the Trail Ridge Road in Rocky
                               | Mountain N.P.
rkymtn02.bmp  787512 21-11-95  Another scene in Rocky Mountain National Park.
roadside.bmp  769992 10-12-95  A view of the Collegiate Mountains near Buena
                               | Vista.
ruins01.bmp   717540 20-11-95  Ancient Indian dwellings at Mesa Verde National
                               | Park.
ruins02.bmp   784416 21-11-95  More Indian ruins at Mesa Verde National Park.
snocover.bmp  732836 19-11-95  An early snowfall blankets the mountainside.
stelmo.bmp    745660 21-11-95  Shacks in the ghost town of St. Elmo.
stream01.bmp 2359352 10-12-95  A Colorado stream in the fall.
twnlakes.bmp  764080 21-11-95  Twin lakes and Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest
                               | mountain.
wagon04.bmp   687068 20-11-95  An old covered wagon in Central City.
Colorado. (JPEG format)
path: /colorado/jpeg/
aspen01.jpg   116785 19-11-95  Golden aspen and a snow covered peak.
aspen03.jpg   135899 22-11-95  Aspen grow thickly in the woods.
autumn01.jpg  116012 18-11-95  Colorful trees line the stream near Aspen.
autumn02.jpg  132442 02-12-95  A fall scene in Colorado.
belles01.jpg   86318 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles and Maroon Lake near Aspen.
belles02.jpg   88591 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles in winter.
blkcnyn1.jpg  142849 22-11-95  A high bridge crosses the Black Canyon near
                               | Montrose.
colonm01.jpg  102597 10-12-95  Rock formation at the Colorado National
                               | Monument.
cowboy.jpg     78520 21-11-95  A cowboy statue in Denver.
dunes01.jpg    73543 19-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
dunes02.jpg    55661 26-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
durango.jpg    94618 10-12-95  A narrow gauge railroad between Durango and
                               | Silverton.
earlylfl.jpg  107266 22-11-95  A row of trees is covered by an early frost near
                               | Walsenburg.
earlylt.jpg   111581 21-11-95  A red mountain in early light near Maroon Lake,
                               | CO.
estespk.jpg    89312 03-12-95  A view of the Rocky Mountain from Estes Park.
fallday.jpg    89914 21-11-95  Colorful foliage on a Colorado mountainside.
frosty.jpg    138429 19-11-95  A frost covered landscape near Walsenburg.
gostown2.jpg   88549 18-11-95  The ghost town of St. Elmo in the Collegiate
                               | Mountain.
grazing.jpg   122740 20-11-95  Cattle grazing near La Veta in southern
                               | Colorado.
grazing2.jpg  109571 22-11-95  Horses grazing in a field near Aspen.
haystack.jpg   92184 03-12-95  Haystacks on a farm.
highlake.jpg   69708 10-12-95  Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest peak in the
                               | background.
majestic.jpg  102285 21-11-95  A peaceful scene near Carbondale.
mineshed.jpg   94934 21-11-95  An abandoned mine in the mountains near Ouray.
mtnroad.jpg   125380 21-11-95  A winding mountain road offers splendid views.
panorama.jpg   67799 23-11-95  A panoramic view of mountains, water, and an
                               | ominous sky.
redmtn.jpg     59118 10-12-95  A scene at Red Mountain Pass near Ouray.
rkymtn01.jpg  105403 20-11-95  A view from the Trail Ridge Road in Rocky
                               | Mountain N.P.
rkymtn02.jpg  101596 21-11-95  Another scene in Rocky Mountain National Park.
roadside.jpg   77107 10-12-95  A view of the Collegiate Mountains near Buena
                               | Vista.
ruins01.jpg    99315 20-11-95  Ancient Indian dwellings at Mesa Verde National
                               | Park.
ruins02.jpg   133461 21-11-95  More Indian ruins at Mesa Verde National Park.
snocover.jpg  101337 19-11-95  An early snowfall blankets the mountainside.
stelmo.jpg    113031 21-11-95  Shacks in the ghost town of St. Elmo.
stream01.jpg  131719 10-12-95  A Colorado stream in the fall.
twnlakes.jpg   89239 21-11-95  Twin lakes and Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest
                               | mountain.
wagon04.jpg    73695 20-11-95  An old covered wagon in Central City.
Colorado. (PICT format)
path: /colorado/pict/
aspen01.pct   894518 19-11-95  Golden aspen and a snow covered peak.
aspen03.pct   924562 22-11-95  Aspen grow thickly in the woods.
autumn01.pct  925224 18-11-95  Colorful trees line the stream near Aspen.
autumn02.pct  835226 02-12-95  A fall scene in Colorado.
belles01.pct  824652 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles and Maroon Lake near Aspen.
belles02.pct  824710 22-11-95  The Maroon Belles in winter.
blkcnyn1.pct  928820 22-11-95  A high bridge crosses the Black Canyon near
                               | Montrose.
colonm01.pct  875534 10-12-95  Rock formation at the Colorado National
                               | Monument.
cowboy.pct    841604 21-11-95  A cowboy statue in Denver.
dunes01.pct   918562 19-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
dunes02.pct   765850 26-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
durango.pct   871288 10-12-95  A narrow gauge railroad between Durango and
                               | Silverton.
earlylfl.pct  866988 22-11-95  A row of trees is covered by an early frost near
                               | Walsenburg.
earlylt.pct   829852 21-11-95  A red mountain in early light near Maroon Lake,
                               | CO.
estespk.pct   906520 03-12-95  A view of the Rocky Mountain from Estes Park.
fallday.pct   814992 21-11-95  Colorful foliage on a Colorado mountainside.
frosty.pct    905660 19-11-95  A frost covered landscape near Walsenburg.
gostown2.pct  829976 18-11-95  The ghost town of St. Elmo in the Collegiate
                               | Mountain.
grazing.pct   915380 20-11-95  Cattle grazing near La Veta in southern
                               | Colorado.
grazing2.pct  926004 22-11-95  Horses grazing in a field near Aspen.
haystack.pct  914782 03-12-95  Haystacks on a farm.
highlake.pct  900768 10-12-95  Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest peak in the
                               | background.
majestic.pct  921532 21-11-95  A peaceful scene near Carbondale.
mineshed.pct  752616 21-11-95  An abandoned mine in the mountains near Ouray.
mtnroad.pct   911926 21-11-95  A winding mountain road offers splendid views.
panorama.pct  782630 23-11-95  A panoramic view of mountains, water, and an
                               | ominous sky.
redmtn.pct    847918 10-12-95  A scene at Red Mountain Pass near Ouray.
rkymtn01.pct  925852 20-11-95  A view from the Trail Ridge Road in Rocky
                               | Mountain N.P.
rkymtn02.pct  923326 21-11-95  Another scene in Rocky Mountain National Park.
roadside.pct  907904 10-12-95  A view of the Collegiate Mountains near Buena
                               | Vista.
ruins01.pct   859422 20-11-95  Ancient Indian dwellings at Mesa Verde National
                               | Park.
ruins02.pct   830338 21-11-95  More Indian ruins at Mesa Verde National Park.
snocover.pct  914466 19-11-95  An early snowfall blankets the mountainside.
stelmo.pct    915714 21-11-95  Shacks in the ghost town of St. Elmo.
stream01.pct  901032 10-12-95  A Colorado stream in the fall.
twnlakes.pct  905156 21-11-95  Twin lakes and Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest
                               | mountain.
wagon04.pct   788170 20-11-95  An old covered wagon in Central City.
Colorado. (TIFF format)
path: /colorado/tiff/
aspen01.tif  6989588 26-11-95  Golden aspen and a snow covered peak.
aspen03.tif  6989588 23-11-95  Aspen grow thickly in the woods.
autumn01.tif 6989588 26-11-95  Colorful trees line the stream near Aspen.
autumn02.tif 6989588 02-12-95  A fall scene in Colorado.
belles01.tif 6989588 23-11-95  The Maroon Belles and Maroon Lake near Aspen.
belles02.tif 6989588 23-11-95  The Maroon Belles in winter.
blkcnyn1.tif 6989588 23-11-95  A high bridge crosses the Black Canyon near
                               | Montrose.
colonm01.tif 6592828 10-12-95  Rock formation at the Colorado National
                               | Monument.
cowboy.tif   6745428 23-11-95  A cowboy statue in Denver.
dunes01.tif  6989588 27-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
dunes02.tif  5872556 26-11-95  Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern
                               | Colorado.
durango.tif  6684388 10-12-95  A narrow gauge railroad between Durango and
                               | Silverton.
earlyfl.tif  6525684 23-11-95  A row of trees is covered by an early frost near
                               | Walsenburg.
earlylt.tif  6989588 23-11-95  A red mountain in early light near Maroon Lake,
                               | CO.
estespk.tif  5315054 23-11-95  A view of the Rocky Mountain from Estes Park.
fallday.tif  6989588 28-11-95  Colorful foliage on a Colorado mountainside.
frosty.tif   6989588 26-11-95  A frost covered landscape near Walsenburg.
gostown2.tif 6346132 25-11-95  The ghost town of St. Elmo in the Collegiate
                               | Mountain.
grazing.tif  6989588 23-11-95  Cattle grazing near La Veta in southern
                               | Colorado.
grazing2.tif 6989588 23-11-95  Horses grazing in a field near Aspen.
haystack.tif 6989588 22-11-95  Haystacks on a farm.
highlake.tif 6989588 10-12-95  Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest peak in the
                               | background.
majestic.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A peaceful scene near Carbondale.
mineshed.tif 6989588 10-12-95  An abandoned mine in the mountains near Ouray.
mtnroad.tif  6989588 23-11-95  A winding mountain road offers splendid views.
panorama.tif 6305940 23-11-95  A panoramic view of mountains, water, and an
                               | ominous sky.
redmtn.tif   6989588 10-12-95  A scene at Red Mountain Pass near Ouray.
rkymtn01.tif 5306832 27-11-95  A view from the Trail Ridge Road in Rocky
                               | Mountain N.P.
rkymtn02.tif 6989588 28-11-95  Another scene in Rocky Mountain National Park.
roadside.tif 6989588 10-12-95  A view of the Collegiate Mountains near Buena
                               | Vista.
ruins01.tif  6769844 03-12-95  Ancient Indian dwellings at Mesa Verde National
                               | Park.
ruins02.tif  6708804 22-11-95  More Indian ruins at Mesa Verde National Park.
snocover.tif 6989588 26-11-95  An early snowfall blankets the mountainside.
stelmo.tif   6898028 23-11-95  Shacks in the ghost town of St. Elmo.
stream01.tif 6989588 10-12-95  A Colorado stream in the fall.
twnlakes.tif 6989588 23-11-95  Twin lakes and Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest
                               | mountain.
wagon04.tif  6312044 22-11-95  An old covered wagon in Central City.
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
pv.doc          15441  04-22-95  Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc     14434  01-15-95  QPEG Image Viewer documentation
acrobat.txt     25981  08-27-95  Adobe Acrobat documentation
catalog.txt     45732  07-17-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
catalog.fre     40520  03-25-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger     44521  07-24-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita     38525  06-15-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.spa     40882  06-10-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.jpn     29684  09-07-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf   3374815  04-05-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
view.doc         6832  03-24-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Montana mountain scenes.
path: /montana/
bmp\          Montana. (BMP format)
jpeg\         Montana. (JPEG format)
pict\         Montana. (PICT format)
tiff\         Montana. (TIFF format)
Montana. (BMP format)
path: /montana/bmp/
cowboys.bmp   488620 20-11-95  A group of riders with cattle in silhouette.
dirtroad.bmp  765000 28-11-95  An aspen lined road in Autumn.
glacier2.bmp  688524 21-11-95  A mountain goat rests in Glacier National Park.
glacier3.bmp  750928 22-11-95  Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.
grazing7.bmp  785996 22-11-95  Horses grazing in the snow.
scenic01.bmp  733560 22-11-95  A high plains scene in Montana.
watrfall.bmp  700940 21-11-95  A falls in Glacier National Park.
wtrfall2.bmp  757580 10-12-95  An icy stream plunges down in Glacier National
                               | Park.
Montana. (JPEG format)
path: /montana/jpeg/
cowboys.jpg    63471 20-11-95  A group of riders with cattle in silhouette.
dirtroad.jpg  123519 28-11-95  An aspen lined road in Autumn.
glacier2.jpg   84412 21-11-95  A mountain goat in Glacier National Park.
glacier3.jpg   78441 22-11-95  Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.
grazing7.jpg  164970 22-11-95  Horses grazing in the snow.
scenic01.jpg   87011 22-11-95  A high plains scene in Montana.
watrfall.jpg   58269 21-11-95  A falls in Glacier National Park.
wtrfall2.jpg   96255 10-12-95  An icy stream plunges down in Glacier National
                               | Park.
Montana. (PICT format)
path: /montana/pict/
cowboys.pct   590880 20-11-95  A group of riders with cattle in silhouette.
dirtroad.pct  843260 28-11-95  An aspen lined road in Autumn.
glacier2.pct  835264 21-11-95  A mountain goat in Glacier National Park.
glacier3.pct  884442 22-11-95  Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.
grazing7.pct  924058 22-11-95  Horses grazing in the snow.
scenic01.pct  831494 22-11-95  A high plains scene in Montana.
watrfall.pct  666238 21-11-95  A falls in Glacier National Park.
wtrfall2.pct  845670 10-12-95  An icy stream plunges down in Glacier National
                               | Park.
Montana. (TIFF format)
path: /montana/tiff/
cowboys.tif  4883708 22-11-95  A group of riders with cattle in silhouette.
dirtroad.tif 6902568 28-11-95  An aspen lined road in Autumn.
glacier2.tif 6989588 25-11-95  A mountain goat in Glacier National Park.
glacier3.tif 6989588 25-11-95  Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.
grazing7.tif 6989588 25-11-95  Horses grazing in the snow.
scenic01.tif 6989588 25-11-95  A high plains scene in Montana.
watrfall.tif 6678284 28-11-95  A falls in Glacier National Park.
wtrfall2.tif 6684388 10-12-95  An icy stream plunges down in Glacier National
                               | Park.
Utah mountain scenes.
path: /utah/
bmp\          Utah. (BMP format)
jpeg\         Utah. (JPEG format)
pict\         Utah. (PICT format)
tiff\         Utah. (TIFF format)
Utah. (BMP format)
path: /utah/bmp/
autumn04.bmp  757040 20-11-95  A dirt road on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
autumn05.bmp  781948 21-11-95  A vertical composition of the previous image.
earlysno.bmp  749908 18-11-95  Early snowfall covers this mountain near Park
                               | City.
fallscn1.bmp  760544 20-11-95  Mountain slope east of Salt Lake City.
fallscn2.bmp  786836 21-11-95  Snow covered evergreens near southeast of Salt
                               | Lake.
lonesome.bmp 2359352 20-11-95  A lonely stretch of highway near Cedar City.
saltlk01.bmp  724404 19-11-95  The State Capitol building in Salt Lake City.
saltlk03.bmp  784068 21-11-95  A restored pioneer cabin in Salt Lake City.
sheep01.bmp   777372 21-11-95  Sheep grazing on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
winter01.bmp  765492 10-12-95  A narrow valley near Park City is snow-covered.
Utah. (JPEG format)
path: /utah/jpeg/
autumn04.jpg  133684 20-11-95  A dirt road on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
autumn05.jpg  128159 21-11-95  A vertical composition of the previous image.
earlysno.jpg  105297 18-11-95  Early snowfall covers this mountain near Park
                               | City.
fallscn1.jpg  110494 20-11-95  Mountain slope east of Salt Lake City.
fallscn2.jpg  150698 21-11-95  Snow covered evergreens near southeast of Salt
                               | Lake.
lonesome.jpg   78052 20-11-95  A lonely stretch of highway near Cedar City.
saltlk01.jpg   80618 19-11-95  The State Capitol building in Salt Lake City.
saltlk03.jpg  115396 21-11-95  A restored pioneer cabin in Salt Lake City.
sheep01.jpg   115047 21-11-95  Sheep grazing on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
winter01.jpg  123266 10-12-95  A narrow valley near Park City is snow-covered.
Utah. (PICT format)
path: /utah/pict/
autumn04.pct  889674 20-11-95  A dirt road on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
autumn05.pct  924708 21-11-95  A vertical composition of the previous image.
earlysno.pct  874218 18-11-95  Early snowfall covers this mountain near Park
                               | City.
fallscn1.pct  908714 20-11-95  Mountain slope east of Salt Lake City.
fallscn2.pct  918336 21-11-95  Snow covered evergreens near southeast of Salt
                               | Lake.
lonesome.pct  921534 20-11-95  A lonely stretch of highway near Cedar City.
saltlk01.pct  801890 19-11-95  The State Capitol building in Salt Lake City.
saltlk03.pct  920326 21-11-95  A restored pioneer cabin in Salt Lake City.
sheep01.pct   923040 21-11-95  Sheep grazing on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
winter01.pct  916546 10-12-95  A narrow valley near Park City is snow-covered.
Utah. (TIFF format)
path: /utah/tiff/
autumn04.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A dirt road on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
autumn05.tif 6989588 24-11-95  A vertical composition of the previous image.
earlysno.tif 6989588 25-11-95  Early snowfall covers this mountain near Park
                               | City.
fallscn1.tif 6989588 25-11-95  Mountain slope east of Salt Lake City.
fallscn2.tif 6989588 25-11-95  Snow covered evergreens near southeast of Salt
                               | Lake.
lonesome.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A lonely stretch of highway near Cedar City.
saltlk01.tif 6989588 26-11-95  The State Capitol building in Salt Lake City.
saltlk03.tif 6750508 28-11-95  A restored pioneer cabin in Salt Lake City.
sheep01.tif  6750508 28-11-95  Sheep grazing on the Kaibab Plateau in southern
                               | Utah.
winter01.tif 6989588 10-12-95  A narrow valley near Park City is snow-covered.
Wildlife scenes.
path: /wildlife/
bmp\          Wildlife. (BMP format)
jpeg\         Wildlife. (JPEG format)
pict\         Wildlife. (PICT format)
tiff\         Wildlife. (TIFF format)
Wildlife. (BMP format)
path: /wildlife/bmp/
coyote2.bmp     A coyote in the Montana woods.
elk.bmp         An elk in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
greywolf.bmp    A grey wolf at a Montana pond.
moose.bmp       A moose in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
pronghrn.bmp    A pronghorn antelope in the National Bison Reserve in Idaho.
Wildlife. (JPEG format)
path: /wildlife/jpeg/
coyote2.jpg    82336 22-11-95  A coyote in the Montana woods.
elk.jpg        92291 21-11-95  An elk in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
greywolf.jpg  115357 21-11-95  A grey wolf at a Montana pond.
moose.jpg     100880 19-11-95  A moose in a meadow in Yellowstone Park,
                               | Wyoming.
pronghrn.jpg  133999 19-11-95  A pronghorn antelope in the National Bison
                               | Reserve in Idaho.
Wildlife. (PICT format)
path: /wildlife/pict/
coyote2.pct     A coyote in the Montana woods.
elk.pct         An elk in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
greywolf.pct    A grey wolf at a Montana pond.
moose.pct       A moose in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
pronghrn.pct    A pronghorn antelope in the National Bison Reserve in Idaho.
Wildlife. (TIFF format)
path: /wildlife/tiff/
coyote2.tif  6989588 25-11-95  A coyote in the Montana woods.
elk.tif      6830884 25-11-95  An elk in a meadow in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
greywolf.tif 6989588 25-11-95  A grey wolf at a Montana pond.
moose.tif    6605036 02-12-95  A moose in a meadow in Yellowstone Park,
                               | Wyoming.
pronghrn.tif 6750508 02-12-95  A pronghorn antelope in the National Bison
                               | Reserve in Idaho.
Wyoming mountain scenes.
path: /wyoming/
bmp\          Wyoming. (BMP format)
jpeg\         Wyoming. (JPEG format)
pict\         Wyoming. (PICT format)
tiff\         Wyoming. (TIFF format)
Wyoming. (BMP format)
path: /wyoming/bmp/
gostown1.bmp  787512 18-11-95  Old buildings in a Wyoming ghost town.
gostown2.bmp  743440 20-11-95  A barber shop in a ghost town.
gostown3.bmp  744596 21-11-95  A street in an abandoned town in Wyoming.
stgcoach.bmp  731096 20-11-95  An old coach in Yellowstone National Park.
stgcoch2.bmp  678500 20-11-95  A recreation of an old stage coach.
teton01.bmp   670160 10-12-95  Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park.
teton02.bmp   727148 20-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake, Grand
                               | Teton N.P.
teton03.bmp   751412 20-11-95  A canoist on Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National
                               | Park.
teton04.bmp   740252 21-11-95  A view of the Teton Range and Willow Flats,
                               | Teton N.P.
teton05.bmp   759268 22-11-95  An autumn vista in Grand Teton National Park.
teton06.bmp   764540 26-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake.
yelwstn1.bmp  775480 10-12-95  Limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park.
yelwstn2.bmp 2359352 10-12-95  A geyser spouting steam in Yellowstone National
                               | Park.
yelwstn5.bmp  795256 22-11-95  Yellowstone Falls and the Grand Canyon of the
                               | Yellowstone.
yelwstn6.bmp  715996 22-11-95  A thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park.
Wyoming. (JPEG format)
path: /wyoming/jpeg/
gostown1.jpg   90786 18-11-95  Old buildings in a Wyoming ghost town.
gostown2.jpg  110328 20-11-95  A barber shop in a ghost town.
gostown3.jpg  121492 21-11-95  A street in an abandoned town in Wyoming.
stgcoach.jpg  101278 20-11-95  An old coach in Yellowstone National Park.
stgcoch2.jpg   99741 20-11-95  A recreation of an old stage coach.
teton01.jpg    33108 10-12-95  Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park.
teton02.jpg    94000 20-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake, Grand
                               | Teton N.P.
teton03.jpg    86878 20-11-95  A canoist on Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National
                               | Park.
teton04.jpg   112914 21-11-95  A view of the Teton Range and Willow Flats,
                               | Teton N.P.
teton05.jpg   121618 22-11-95  An autumn vista in Grand Teton National Park.
teton06.jpg    70582 26-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake.
yelwstn1.jpg   63969 10-12-95  Limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park.
yelwstn2.jpg   67032 10-12-95  A geyser spouting steam in Yellowstone National
                               | Park.
yelwstn5.jpg  126535 22-11-95  Yellowstone Falls and the Grand Canyon of the
                               | Yellowstone.
yelwstn6.jpg   70097 22-11-95  A thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park.
Wyoming. (PICT format)
path: /wyoming/pict/
gostown1.pct  901966 18-11-95  Old buildings in a Wyoming ghost town.
gostown2.pct  771334 20-11-95  A barber shop in a ghost town.
gostown3.pct  892482 21-11-95  A street in an abandoned town in Wyoming.
stgcoach.pct  863580 20-11-95  An old coach in Yellowstone National Park.
stgcoch2.pct  813504 20-11-95  A recreation of an old stage coach.
teton01.pct   633098 10-12-95  Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park.
teton02.pct   915494 20-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake, Grand
                               | Teton N.P.
teton03.pct   906224 20-11-95  A canoist on Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National
                               | Park.
teton04.pct   920848 21-11-95  A view of the Teton Range and Willow Flats,
                               | Teton N.P.
teton05.pct   853918 22-11-95  An autumn vista in Grand Teton National Park.
teton06.pct   894604 26-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake.
yelwstn1.pct  920114 10-12-95  Limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park.
yelwstn2.pct  908928 10-12-95  A geyser spouting steam in Yellowstone National
                               | Park.
yelwstn5.pct  930578 22-11-95  Yellowstone Falls and the Grand Canyon of the
                               | Yellowstone.
yelwstn6.pct  864146 22-11-95  A thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park.
Wyoming. (TIFF format)
path: /wyoming/tiff/
gostown1.tif 6891924 25-11-95  Old buildings in a Wyoming ghost town.
gostown2.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A barber shop in a ghost town.
gostown3.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A street in an abandoned town in Wyoming.
stgcoach.tif 6989588 27-11-95  An old coach in Yellowstone National Park.
stgcoch2.tif 6989588 22-11-95  A recreation of an old stage coach.
teton01.tif  6031260 10-12-95  Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park.
teton02.tif  6989588 27-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake, Grand
                               | Teton N.P.
teton03.tif  6989588 22-11-95  A canoist on Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National
                               | Park.
teton04.tif  6989588 24-11-95  A view of the Teton Range and Willow Flats,
                               | Teton N.P.
teton05.tif  6989588 24-11-95  An autumn vista in Grand Teton National Park.
teton06.tif  6989588 26-11-95  A view of the Tetons from Jackson Lake.
yelwstn1.tif 6989588 10-12-95  Limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park.
yelwstn2.tif 6989588 10-12-95  A geyser spouting steam in Yellowstone National
                               | Park.
yelwstn5.tif 6989588 24-11-95  Yellowstone Falls and the Grand Canyon of the
                               | Yellowstone.
yelwstn6.tif 6568412 24-11-95  A thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park.