Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this disc
docs\           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

install.exe     Install/uninstall the MSDOS image viewer of your choice

children\       Pictures of various children.
foreign\        Pictures of various foreign people.
portrait\       Pictures of various portrait images.
relaxing\       Pictures of various types activities.
sports\         Pictures of various types of sports.
working\        Pictures of various types of professions.
Pictures of various children.
path: /children/
bmp\         Children. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Children. (JPEG format)
pict\        Children. (PICT format)
tiff\        Children. (TIFF format)
Children. (BMP format)
path: /children/bmp/
appleeat.bmp   61615 15-08-95  A little girl biting into an apple.
benjamin.bmp   57042 18-08-95  A smiling youngster.
cmpter01.bmp   59711 18-08-95  A child at a computer keyboard.
cmpter02.bmp   49325 18-08-95  A young girl at a Mac computer.
girl_dog.bmp   68916 17-08-95  A teenage girl with her dog.
infant01.bmp   54028 23-08-95  A sleeping infant.
jessica.bmp    60415 23-08-95  A little girl smiling for the camera.
natalie.bmp    59285 24-08-95  A cute look from a little girl.
rachel.bmp     63148 24-08-95  A girl with a teddy bear.
skater01.bmp   48757 15-08-95  A child on roller skates.
skater03.bmp   75480 17-08-95  A girl on in-line skates.
swinging.bmp   66419 15-08-95  A little girl swinging on a tire.
toddler.bmp    87016 17-08-95  A small girl in a blue dress.
Children. (JPEG format)
path: /children/jpeg/
appleeat.jpg   61615 15-08-95  A little girl biting into an apple.
benjamin.jpg   57042 18-08-95  A smiling youngster.
cmpter01.jpg   59711 18-08-95  A child at a computer keyboard.
cmpter02.jpg   49325 18-08-95  A young girl at a Mac computer.
girl_dog.jpg   68916 17-08-95  A teenage girl with her dog.
infant01.jpg   54028 23-08-95  A sleeping infant.
jessica.jpg    60415 23-08-95  A little girl smiling for the camera.
natalie.jpg    59285 24-08-95  A cute look from a little girl.
rachel.jpg     63148 24-08-95  A girl with a teddy bear.
skater01.jpg   48757 15-08-95  A child on roller skates.
skater03.jpg   75480 17-08-95  A girl on in-line skates.
swinging.jpg   66419 15-08-95  A little girl swinging on a tire.
toddler.jpg    87016 17-08-95  A small girl in a blue dress.
Children. (PICT format)
path: /children/pict/
appleeat.pct   61615 15-08-95  A little girl biting into an apple.
benjamin.pct   57042 18-08-95  A smiling youngster.
cmpter01.pct   59711 18-08-95  A child at a computer keyboard.
cmpter02.pct   49325 18-08-95  A young girl at a Mac computer.
girl_dog.pct   68916 17-08-95  A teenage girl with her dog.
infant01.pct   54028 23-08-95  A sleeping infant.
jessica.pct    60415 23-08-95  A little girl smiling for the camera.
natalie.pct    59285 24-08-95  A cute look from a little girl.
rachel.pct     63148 24-08-95  A girl with a teddy bear.
skater01.pct   48757 15-08-95  A child on roller skates.
skater03.pct   75480 17-08-95  A girl on in-line skates.
swinging.pct   66419 15-08-95  A little girl swinging on a tire.
toddler.pct    87016 17-08-95  A small girl in a blue dress.
Children. (TIFF format)
path: /children/tiff/
appleeat.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A little girl biting into an apple.
benjamin.tif 6989588 11-11-95  A smiling youngster.
cmpter01.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A child at a computer keyboard.
cmpter02.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A young girl at a Mac computer.
girl_dog.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A teenage girl with her dog.
infant01.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A sleeping infant.
jessica.tif  6989588 12-11-95  A little girl smiling for the camera.
natalie.tif  6991556 11-11-95  A cute look from a little girl.
rachel.tif   6611140 15-11-95  A girl with a teddy bear.
skater01.tif 6484924 11-11-95  A child on roller skates.
skater03.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A girl on in-line skates.
swinging.tif 6991556 11-11-95  A little girl swinging on a tire.
toddler.tif  6771716 11-11-95  A small girl in a blue dress.
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
pv.doc          15441  04-22-95  Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc     14434  01-15-95  QPEG Image Viewer documentation
acrobat.txt     25981  08-27-95  Adobe Acrobat documentation
catalog.txt     45732  07-17-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
catalog.fre     40520  03-25-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger     44521  07-24-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita     38525  06-15-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.spa     40882  06-10-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.jpn     29684  09-07-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf   3374815  04-05-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
view.doc         6832  03-24-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Pictures of various foreign people.
path: /foreign/
bmp\         Foreigners. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Foreigners. (JPEG format)
pict\        Foreigners. (PICT format)
tiff\        Foreigners. (TIFF format)
Foreigners. (BMP format)
path: /foreign/bmp/
amazon1.bmp   703556 15-08-95  A woman and child from the Amazon in Brazil.
dancers.bmp   792036 18-08-95  A dance performance in Indonesia.
islander.bmp  745964 23-08-95  A Caribbean islander contemplates the surf.
swissgrd.bmp  787512 19-08-95  A member of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican in
                               | Rome.
titicaca.bmp  688156 19-08-95  An Aymara indian in a reed boat, Lake Titicaca,
                               | Bolivia.
Foreigners. (JPEG format)
path: /foreign/jpeg/
amazon1.jpg    65211 15-08-95  A woman and child from the Amazon in Brazil.
dancers.jpg    66173 18-08-95  A dance performance in Indonesia.
islander.jpg   91499 23-08-95  A Caribbean islander contemplates the surf.
swissgrd.jpg   71342 19-08-95  A member of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican in
                               | Rome.
titicaca.jpg  104836 19-08-95  An Aymara indian in a reed boat, Lake Titicaca,
                               | Bolivia.
Foreigners. (PICT format)
path: /foreign/pict/
amazon1.pct   733266 15-08-95  A woman and child from the Amazon in Brazil.
dancers.pct   816610 18-08-95  A dance performance in Indonesia.
islander.pct  854796 23-08-95  A Caribbean islander contemplates the surf.
swissgrd.pct  898036 19-08-95  A member of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican in
                               | Rome.
titicaca.pct  741152 19-08-95  An Aymara indian in a reed boat, Lake Titicaca,
                               | Bolivia.
Foreigners. (TIFF format)
path: /foreign/tiff/
amazon1.tif  6476852 16-11-95  A woman and child from the Amazon in Brazil.
dancers.tif  6730496 12-11-95  A dance performance in Indonesia.
islander.tif 6989588 16-11-95  A Caribbean islander contemplates the surf.
swissgrd.tif 6653868 16-11-95  A member of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican in
                               | Rome.
titicaca.tif 6989588 16-11-95  An Aymara indian in a reed boat, Lake Titicaca,
                               | Bolivia.
Pictures of various portrait images.
path: /portrait/
bmp\         Portraits. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Portraits. (JPEG format)
pict\        Portraits. (PICT format)
tiff\        Portraits. (TIFF format)
Portraits. (BMP format)
path: /portrait/bmp/
citygirl.bmp  683380 18-08-95  A career woman in the city.
clown01.bmp   725828 18-08-95  A colorful clown poses for her portrait.
colonial.bmp  650284 03-09-95  An enactor in a Continental Army private's
                               | uniform.
drummer.bmp   702900 18-08-95  An enactor in the uniform of a British Black
                               | Watch
guardian.bmp  407948 15-08-95  A member of the Guardian Angels.
laura.bmp     669160 23-08-95  A close-up of a pretty teenager.
officer.bmp   613228 03-09-95  An enactor as a Captain in the Continental Army.
pregnant.bmp  646036 19-08-95  A pregnant woman sits for a portrait.
profile.bmp   678388 17-08-95  A bearded man in profile.
Portraits. (JPEG format)
path: /portrait/jpeg/
citygirl.jpg   56578 18-08-95  A career woman in the city.
clown01.jpg    91348 18-08-95  A colorful clown poses for her portrait.
colonial.jpg   53561 03-09-95  An enactor in a Continental Army private's
                               | uniform.
drummer.jpg    83120 18-08-95  An enactor in the uniform of a British Black
                               | Watch
guardian.jpg   50214 15-08-95  A member of the Guardian Angels.
laura.jpg      44798 23-08-95  A close-up of a pretty teenager.
officer.jpg    72451 03-09-95  An enactor as a Captain in the Continental Army.
pregnant.jpg   61592 19-08-95  A pregnant woman sits for a portrait.
profile.jpg    58990 17-08-95  A bearded man in profile.
Portraits. (PICT format)
path: /portrait/pict/
citygirl.pct  857520 18-08-95  A career woman in the city.
clown01.pct   849622 18-08-95  A colorful clown poses for her portrait.
colonial.pct  759332 03-09-95  An enactor in a Continental Army private's
                               | uniform.
drummer.pct   889998 18-08-95  An enactor in the uniform of a British Black
                               | Watch
guardian.pct  514582 15-08-95  A member of the Guardian Angels.
laura.pct     786460 23-08-95  A close-up of a pretty teenager.
officer.pct   736200 03-09-95  An enactor as a Captain in the Continental Army.
pregnant.pct  721656 19-08-95  A pregnant woman sits for a portrait.
profile.pct   843944 17-08-95  A bearded man in profile.
Portraits. (TIFF format)
path: /portrait/tiff/
citygirl.tif 6989588 15-11-95  A career woman in the city.
clown01.tif  6989588 15-11-95  A colorful clown poses for her portrait.
colonial.tif 6655836 12-11-95  An enactor in a Continental Army private's
                               | uniform.
drummer.tif  6832852 12-11-95  An enactor in the uniform of a British Black
                               | Watch
guardian.tif 6314012 12-11-95  A member of the Guardian Angels.
laura.tif    6814540 12-11-95  A close-up of a pretty teenager.
officer.tif  6912204 12-11-95  An enactor as a Captain in the Continental Army.
pregnant.tif 6625316 12-11-95  A pregnant woman sits for a portrait.
profile.tif  6593096 12-11-95  A bearded man in profile.
Pictures of various types activities.
path: /relaxing/
bmp\         Activities. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Activities. (JPEG format)
pict\        Activities. (PICT format)
tiff\        Activities. (TIFF format)
Activities. (BMP format)
path: /relaxing/bmp/
artist01.bmp  756332 15-08-95  An artist painting an old mill.
balloon.bmp   745008 15-08-95  An enthusiast works on a hot air balloon.
bikeride.bmp  763040 16-08-95  A young man biking in the park.
civilwar.bmp  736628 18-08-95  Reenactment of a Civil War battle.
clown01.bmp   716140 15-08-95  A clown showing a boy some tricks.
family01.bmp  716636 22-08-95  A family watching the sunrise.
fathrson.bmp  760652 04-09-95  A man and his son doing a project.
fishing1.bmp  691392 22-08-95  A surf fisherman.
fishing3.bmp  713536 22-08-95  Two men fishing from a rowboat.
flykite.bmp   706500 15-08-95  A couple preparing to fly a kite.
foggyday.bmp  787052 18-08-95  A couple stroll in the fog.
gardener.bmp  769596 04-09-95  A man tending his flowers.
haloween.bmp  744608 17-08-95  A woman assisting a boy with his Jack-o-lantern.
outwest.bmp   787512 24-08-95  A man looking into a Utah canyon.
potter01.bmp  658652 02-09-95  A potters hands fashioning a pitcher.
quilting.bmp  566024 04-09-95  A Mennonite girl working on a quilt.
santa01.bmp   697948 17-08-95  Santa Claus with a child on his lap.
workout.bmp   687612 17-08-95  A girl using hand weights.
Activities. (JPEG format)
path: /relaxing/jpeg/
artist01.jpg   99004 15-08-95  An artist painting an old mill.
balloon.jpg    76350 15-08-95  An enthusiast works on a hot air balloon.
bikeride.jpg   61631 16-08-95  A young man biking in the park.
civilwar.jpg  108494 18-08-95  Reenactment of a Civil War battle.
clown01.jpg    88376 15-08-95  A clown showing a boy some tricks.
family01.jpg   74658 22-08-95  A family watching the sunrise.
fathrson.jpg   52807 04-09-95  A man and his son doing a project.
fishing1.jpg   64269 22-08-95  A surf fisherman.
fishing3.jpg   95797 22-08-95  Two men fishing from a rowboat.
flykite.jpg    62191 15-08-95  A couple preparing to fly a kite.
foggyday.jpg   60678 18-08-95  A couple stroll in the fog.
gardener.jpg  140770 04-09-95  A man tending his flowers.
haloween.jpg   67358 17-08-95  A woman assisting a boy with his Jack-o-lantern.
outwest.jpg    76649 24-08-95  A man looking into a Utah canyon.
potter01.jpg   65369 02-09-95  A potters hands fashioning a pitcher.
quilting.jpg   67734 04-09-95  A Mennonite girl working on a quilt.
santa01.jpg    75108 17-08-95  Santa Claus with a child on his lap.
workout.jpg    54231 17-08-95  A girl using hand weights.
Activities. (PICT format)
path: /relaxing/pict/
artist01.pct  926664 15-08-95  An artist painting an old mill.
balloon.pct   899716 15-08-95  An enthusiast works on a hot air balloon.
bikeride.pct  913968 16-08-95  A young man biking in the park.
civilwar.pct  885488 18-08-95  Reenactment of a Civil War battle.
clown01.pct   852138 15-08-95  A clown showing a boy some tricks.
family01.pct  896166 22-08-95  A family watching the sunrise.
fathrson.pct  618390 04-09-95  A man and his son doing a project.
fishing1.pct  891624 22-08-95  A surf fisherman.
fishing3.pct  902116 22-08-95  Two men fishing from a rowboat.
flykite.pct   896548 15-08-95  A couple preparing to fly a kite.
foggyday.pct  890256 18-08-95  A couple stroll in the fog.
gardener.pct  792466 04-09-95  A man tending his flowers.
haloween.pct  911128 17-08-95  A woman assisting a boy with his Jack-o-lantern.
outwest.pct   905050 24-08-95  A man looking into a Utah canyon.
potter01.pct  844248 02-09-95  A potters hands fashioning a pitcher.
quilting.pct  697304 04-09-95  A Mennonite girl working on a quilt.
santa01.pct   855504 17-08-95  Santa Claus with a child on his lap.
workout.pct   873388 17-08-95  A girl using hand weights.
Activities. (TIFF format)
path: /relaxing/tiff/
artist01.tif 6991556 14-11-95  An artist painting an old mill.
balloon.tif  6989588 15-11-95  An enthusiast works on a hot air balloon.
bikeride.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A young man biking in the park.
civilwar.tif 6674148 14-11-95  Reenactment of a Civil War battle.
clown01.tif  6991556 14-11-95  A clown showing a boy some tricks.
family01.tif 6989588 15-11-95  A family watching the sunrise.
fathrson.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A man and his son doing a project.
fishing1.tif 6989588 15-11-95  A surf fisherman.
fishing3.tif 6991556 14-11-95  Two men fishing from a rowboat.
flykite.tif  6991556 14-11-95  A couple preparing to fly a kite.
foggyday.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A couple stroll in the fog.
gardener.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A man tending his flowers.
haloween.tif 6927436 14-11-95  A woman assisting a boy with his Jack-o-lantern.
outwest.tif  6989588 11-11-95  A man looking into a Utah canyon.
potter01.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A potters hands fashioning a pitcher.
quilting.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A Mennonite girl working on a quilt.
santa01.tif  6858736 14-11-95  Santa Claus with a child on his lap.
workout.tif  6991556 14-11-95  A girl using hand weights.
Pictures of various types of sports.
path: /sports/
bmp\         Sports. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Sports. (JPEG format)
pict\        Sports. (PICT format)
tiff\        Sports. (TIFF format)
Sports. (BMP format)
path: /sports/bmp/
autorace.bmp  674556 15-08-95  A racer waiting for the starting signal.
climber1.bmp  777976 18-08-95  A rock climber.
cyclist.bmp   765628 18-08-95  A bicycle rider on a track.
downhill.bmp  729848 22-08-95  A skier on the slopes.
equestrn.bmp  687048 18-08-95  Impression of a horse and rider jumping a
                               | hurdle.
motorace.bmp  735512 24-08-95  Motorcycle racers rounding a turn.
rodeo.bmp     776368 17-08-95  A cowboy on a bucking horse.
runners.bmp   703660 02-09-95  Impression of a footrace.
skater02.bmp  745756 17-08-95  A man on in-line skates.
wtlifter.bmp  745888 02-09-95  Close-up of a weightlifter.
xcountry.bmp  755124 02-09-95  Two cross country skiers.
Sports. (JPEG format)
path: /sports/jpeg/
autorace.jpg   58113 15-08-95  A racer waiting for the starting signal.
climber1.jpg  111788 18-08-95  A rock climber.
cyclist.jpg    62206 18-08-95  A bicycle rider on a track.
downhill.jpg   71058 22-08-95  A skier on the slopes.
equestrn.jpg   43074 18-08-95  Impression of a horse and rider jumping a
                               | hurdle.
motorace.jpg   87233 24-08-95  Motorcycle racers rounding a turn.
rodeo.jpg      74026 17-08-95  A cowboy on a bucking horse.
runners.jpg    52015 02-09-95  Impression of a footrace.
skater02.jpg   57497 17-08-95  A man on in-line skates.
wtlifter.jpg   48552 02-09-95  Close-up of a weightlifter.
xcountry.jpg   77628 02-09-95  Two cross country skiers.
Sports. (PICT format)
path: /sports/pict/
autorace.pct  857110 15-08-95  A racer waiting for the starting signal.
climber1.pct  915044 18-08-95  A rock climber.
cyclist.pct   919332 18-08-95  A bicycle rider on a track.
downhill.pct  896470 22-08-95  A skier on the slopes.
equestrn.pct  881506 18-08-95  Impression of a horse and rider jumping a
                               | hurdle.
motorace.pct  883970 24-08-95  Motorcycle racers rounding a turn.
rodeo.pct     924444 17-08-95  A cowboy on a bucking horse.
runners.pct   860682 02-09-95  Impression of a footrace.
skater02.pct  876910 17-08-95  A man on in-line skates.
wtlifter.pct  602794 02-09-95  Close-up of a weightlifter.
xcountry.pct  904240 02-09-95  Two cross country skiers.
Sports. (TIFF format)
path: /sports/tiff/
autorace.tif 6989588 16-11-95  A racer waiting for the starting signal.
climber1.tif 5423048 16-11-95  A rock climber.
cyclist.tif  5742754 16-11-95  A bicycle rider on a track.
downhill.tif 6989588 16-11-95  A skier on the slopes.
equestrn.tif 6989588 16-11-95  Impression of a horse and rider jumping a
                               | hurdle.
motorace.tif 6989588 16-11-95  Motorcycle racers rounding a turn.
rodeo.tif    6991556 14-11-95  A cowboy on a bucking horse.
runners.tif  4892034 16-11-95  Impression of a footrace.
skater02.tif 6991556 14-11-95  A man on in-line skates.
wtlifter.tif 6687308 15-11-95  Close-up of a weightlifter.
xcountry.tif 6989588 16-11-95  Two cross country skiers.
Pictures of various types of professions.
path: /working/
bmp\         Professions. (BMP format)
jpeg\        Professions. (JPEG format)
pict\        Professions. (PICT format)
tiff\        Professions. (TIFF format)
Professions. (BMP format)
path: /working/bmp/
attorney.bmp  743752 15-08-95  An attorney consults with his associate.
brakejob.bmp  701360 21-08-95  Close-up of a mechanic working on an auto.
builders.bmp  773512 17-08-95  Construction workers on the job.
cmputer4.bmp  620264 15-08-95  A woman at a home computer.
coffeebr.bmp  726100 18-08-95  A worker on a coffee break.
dentist.bmp   759436 18-08-95  A dentist examining x-rays.
doctor.bmp    745552 17-08-95  A doctor pointing to a chest x-ray.
executiv.bmp  729080 18-08-95  A woman executive on the phone.
firemen1.bmp  719900 22-08-95  Firemen working at a night fire.
firemen2.bmp  689016 22-08-95  A fireman spraying water from a lifting device.
fishmn04.bmp  719684 04-09-95  A commercial fisherman unloading his catch.
handyman.bmp  722816 22-08-95  A man on a ladder fixing a wall.
honorgrd.bmp  754164 19-08-95  A guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
                               | Wash. D.C.
linemen.bmp   780336 18-08-95  Men working on a power line.
magician.bmp  565624 16-08-95  A magician with a rabbit in his hat.
plowing.bmp   708860 16-08-95  A farmer plowing with a team of horses.
rescue.bmp    685904 16-08-95  A rescue team cutting open a wrecked auto.
shopping.bmp  736380 15-08-95  A woman reading a product label.
teacher1.bmp  679964 15-11-95  A teacher giving a writing lesson.
Professions. (JPEG format)
path: /working/jpeg/
attorney.jpg   68178 15-08-95  An attorney consults with his associate.
brakejob.jpg   57062 21-08-95  Close-up of a mechanic working on an auto.
builders.jpg   95445 17-08-95  Construction workers on the job.
cmputer4.jpg   68021 15-08-95  A woman at a home computer.
coffeebr.jpg   84950 18-08-95  A worker on a coffee break.
dentist.jpg    60639 18-08-95  A dentist examining x-rays.
doctor.jpg     35479 17-08-95  A doctor pointing to a chest x-ray.
executiv.jpg   63635 18-08-95  A woman executive on the phone.
firemen1.jpg   66192 22-08-95  Firemen working at a night fire.
firemen2.jpg   26122 22-08-95  A fireman spraying water from a lifting device.
fishmn04.jpg   61743 04-09-95  A commercial fisherman unloading his catch.
handyman.jpg  102626 22-08-95  A man on a ladder fixing a wall.
honorgrd.jpg   93586 19-08-95  A guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
                               | Wash. D.C.
linemen.jpg   161230 18-08-95  Men working on a power line.
magician.jpg   47716 16-08-95  A magician with a rabbit in his hat.
plowing.jpg    94690 16-08-95  A farmer plowing with a team of horses.
rescue.jpg     72465 16-08-95  A rescue team cutting open a wrecked auto.
shopping.jpg   75263 15-08-95  A woman reading a product label.
teacher1.jpg   62090 15-11-95  A teacher giving a writing lesson.
Professions. (PICT format)
path: /working/pict/
attorney.pct  776278 15-08-95  An attorney consults with his associate.
brakejob.pct  835370 21-08-95  Close-up of a mechanic working on an auto.
builders.pct  921106 17-08-95  Construction workers on the job.
cmputer4.pct  772466 15-08-95  A woman at a home computer.
coffeebr.pct  877294 18-08-95  A worker on a coffee break.
dentist.pct   916944 18-08-95  A dentist examining x-rays.
doctor.pct    686540 17-08-95  A doctor pointing to a chest x-ray.
executiv.pct  839674 18-08-95  A woman executive on the phone.
firemen1.pct  745856 22-08-95  Firemen working at a night fire.
firemen2.pct  689868 22-08-95  A fireman spraying water from a lifting device.
fishmn04.pct  751188 04-09-95  A commercial fisherman unloading his catch.
handyman.pct  842950 22-08-95  A man on a ladder fixing a wall.
honorgrd.pct  870032 19-08-95  A guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
                               | Wash. D.C.
linemen.pct   901234 18-08-95  Men working on a power line.
magician.pct  749974 16-08-95  A magician with a rabbit in his hat.
plowing.pct   846756 16-08-95  A farmer plowing with a team of horses.
rescue.pct    633972 16-08-95  A rescue team cutting open a wrecked auto.
shopping.pct  865100 15-08-95  A woman reading a product label.
teacher1.pct  828818 15-11-95  A teacher giving a writing lesson.
Professions. (TIFF format)
path: /working/tiff/
attorney.tif 6989588 16-11-95  An attorney consults with his associate.
brakejob.tif 6989588 16-11-95  Close-up of a mechanic working on an auto.
builders.tif 6989588 16-11-95  Construction workers on the job.
cmputer4.tif 6704668 15-11-95  A woman at a home computer.
coffeebr.tif 6623348 16-11-95  A worker on a coffee break.
dentist.tif  4418194 16-11-95  A dentist examining x-rays.
doctor.tif   6817516 15-11-95  A doctor pointing to a chest x-ray.
executiv.tif 6745428 16-11-95  A woman executive on the phone.
firemen1.tif 6989588 15-11-95  Firemen working at a night fire.
firemen2.tif 6989588 15-11-95  A fireman spraying water from a lifting device.
fishmn04.tif 6989588 16-11-95  A commercial fisherman unloading his catch.
handyman.tif 6818676 16-11-95  A man on a ladder fixing a wall.
honorgrd.tif 6733220 16-11-95  A guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
                               | Wash. D.C.
linemen.tif  6989588 16-11-95  Men working on a power line.
magician.tif 6991556 15-11-95  A magician with a rabbit in his hat.
plowing.tif  6484924 15-11-95  A farmer plowing with a team of horses.
rescue.tif   6362844 15-11-95  A rescue team cutting open a wrecked auto.
shopping.tif 6991556 15-11-95  A woman reading a product label.
teacher1.tif 6370876 15-11-95  A teacher giving a writing lesson.