============================== README.TXT ================================

            Welcome to The Walnut Creek CDROM Visions Fractals CDROM

This CDROM contains 65 fractal images in GIF format.  The images can be used
without royalties, but may not be used on another image CDROM without adding
value to the image such as using them in a multi-media presentation.

The images are in the following image formats and sizes:

    GIF     800x600    8 bit color    RGB
    GIF    6400x4800   8 bit color    RGB

Each of the 65 6400x4800 pixel image (that's 30,720,000 pixels) is
duplicated also in the scale of 800x600 for Super-VGA viewing.  Each
pixel in an 800x600 image is expanded to 64 pixels in the corresponding
6400x4800 image.  Another way of saying that is that each 6400x4800
image could be divided in 64 800x600 images!  All images were generated
with fractint as 16 sub-images of 1600x1200 pixels each, then stitched
seamlessly together to make the resulting 6400x4800 pixel super-sized
GIF87a fractal image.

Six of the images are in a kaleidoscope format.  Sixteen copies of a
1600x1200 image was reflected in various ways to make the kaleidoscopic
pattern.  8zere063.gif took over 217 hours to generate on a 486DX4 100Mh
computer.  Although this one took the longest time, most of the others 
required days each to generate, as each pixel is often processed thousands
of times with a mathematical formula.

Most GIF viewers will cause your PC to hang or freeze-up if you try to
view a 6400x4800 image.  For that reason, the 800x600 "watered-down"
images are included for screen viewing.  Fractint will allow you to look
at 6400x4800 images in 1600x1200 video mode if your monitor and
video-card support that mode under DOS or Windows-95.

This is the largest collection of Super-Sized fractal images ever
compiled. They are intended to be used for printing high-resolution
quality fractal images in brochures, books, or posters.

Here is a list of some important files and directories on the disc.

00global.txt         Global index
00_index.txt         Top level index.
00_index.htm         Top level index in HTML format.
view.exe             MSDOS File Browser/Uncompressor
install.exe          MSDOS Image Viewer Installation Program
setup.exe            Windows 3.1/NT/95 Installation Program

docs\                Documentation directory
docs\view.doc        Documentation regarding VIEW.EXE
800x600\             Scaled down images.  Use these for browsing.
fractal\             Full sized images.
maps\                Alternate color maps for the pictures for use in Fractint.
text\                Fractint formula and parameter files.
thumbs\              Five images containing thumbnail images of the fractals.
_bbs\                BBS support files


Quick Start Instructions:

 MSDOS Quick Start:
    Change to your CDROM drive and type "view".
          C:\> D: 
          D:\> view

  Windows 95:
    Inserting the cdrom into the cdrom drive will automatically start 
    a CDROM browser program called WinView.

    Alternatively, you can also install the program group and icon
    by selecting the "Start" menu and choosing "Run".  At the Run
    box, type: "D:\setup", assuming 'D' is your cdrom drive.

  Windows 3.1:
    Go to "File" menu under program manager and choose Run.  At the
    Run box, type: "D:\setup", assuming 'D' is your cdrom drive.
    This will install a group folder with icons for this cdrom.

 Windows NT:
    Go to "File" menu under program manager and choose Run.  At the
    Command Line box, type: "D:\setup", assuming 'D' is your cdrom drive.
    This will install a group folder with icons for this cdrom.

Using the 00_INDEX.HTM:
We have included 00_index.htm files so the user may use a Web browser
to view our disc.

In order to view this disc using these 00_index.htm files, point your
Web browser to the root level 00_index.htm file.

For example, in Netscape/Mosaic:

        1) Choose File/Open File (or File/Open Local File with Mosaic)
        2) Choose your CDROM Drive under "Drives"
        3) Select the 00_index.htm file
        4) Click on OK

The 00_index.htm files have been tested under Netscape 1.1 (Windows,
Macintosh, and FreeBSD), Netscape 1.22 (Windows), Netscape 2.0b2,
Mosaic 2.00 (Final Beta), and Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Macintosh users:

The files and applications on this cdrom are sorted by category.
To access the files or applications just double-click on the item you
are interested in.  If the files are compress or binhexed, you have
to uncompress or unbinhex them before using.  There are utilities on this
CDROM specifically for this task. They are in the 'MacUtils' Folder. 

Note: some folders include a readme document.  We advise that you
read the readme document before opening any files or applications.


Advanced image viewing using Powerview (the default image viewer.)

For an amazing "psychedelic" effect when viewing pictures under MSDOS:

   1) Be sure the disc is using its default viewer (Powerview).  If it
      isn't, use the INSTALL.EXE program to switch to Powerview.

   2) Start up the VIEW program.

   3) Choose a directory that contains images.

   4) Choose an image.

   5) When the image is on your screen, press the "A" key.

Try some of the following keys:

G ...................... Color-kill on\off (or greyscale)
I ...................... Inversion on\off
A ...................... Cycle palette on\off (press ESC, a mouse  button,  or
                         "A" to stop cycling)
C ...................... Component swap  (cycles  through  all combinations of
                         the RGB components: RGB, RBG, BGR, etc.)
Ctrl+C ................. Component swap reset
"1", Shift+"1" ......... Red Component -
"2", Shift+"2" ......... Red Component +
Ctrl+"1", Ctrl+"2" ..... Red Component Reset
"3", Shift+"3" ......... Green Component -
"4", Shift+"4" ......... Green Component +
Ctrl+"3", Ctrl+"4" ..... Green Component Reset
"5", Shift+"5".......... Blue Component -
"6", Shift+"6" ......... Blue Component +
Ctrl+"6", Ctrl+"7"...... Blue Component Reset
F7, Shift+F7 ........... Brightness -
F8, Shift+F8 ........... Brightness +
Ctrl+F7, Ctrl+F8 ....... Brightness Reset
F9, Shift+F9 ........... Contrast -
F10, Shift+F10 ......... Contrast +
Ctrl+F9, Ctrl+F10 ...... Contrast Reset
F11, Shift+F11 ......... Color Saturation -
F12, Shift+F12 ......... Color Saturation +
Ctrl+F11, Ctrl+F12 ..... Color Saturation Reset
W, Shift+W ............. Hue Rotate +
S, Shift+S ............. Hue Rotate -
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+S ......... Hue Reset
E, Shift+E ............. Linear Brightness +
D, Shift+D ............. Linear Brightness -
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+D ......... Linear Brightness Reset
O, Shift+O ............. Gamma +
L, Shift+L ............. Gamma -
Ctrl+O, Ctrl+L ......... Gamma Reset
R ...................... Toggle between original settings and new settings
Ctrl+R ................. Resets all settings, does not toggle

Buyer Agreement

The images are provided royalty free.  If images are used for commercial
gain, the artist's name (Lee H. Skinner) MUST be credited on the
product. If you use the images without buying this product from Walnut
Creek CD-ROM, you are guilty of copyright infringement!  The artist
would also appreciate being on any distribution list of any publication
using his art: LEE H. SKINNER, P.O. Box 14944, Albuquerque, NM  87191.


Walnut Creek CDROM makes no warranty about any file on this CDROM,
including any written by Walnut Creek.  You, not Walnut Creek CDROM,
assume all risk of using any of the files on this CDROM.  We reserve
the right to limit any effort on our part to rectify problems with
any file on this CDROM.

We cannot accept any responsibility or liability in the event that
using the software on this disc causes you grief, malfunction, data
loss or thinning of the hair.  As with any new software, make sure
that you back up your system regularly so that you can recover from
unforeseen crashes.

Although we have made every attempt to examine every program on this
disc, some non-shareware or public domain programs may have slipped
by.  If you find such a program on this disc, please notify us
immediately so we can rectify the situation.  Thanks.

This CDROM comes with a full money back guarantee.  If you are
dissatisfied for any reason, you can return it for a full refund.



All trademarks belong to their respective trademark holders.
Third-Party applications\software\information are copyrighted by
their respective owners.



This CDROM copyright (c) 1996 Walnut Creek CDROM.  All rights


This CDROM is unconditionally guaranteed.  If you are dissatisfied
for any reason, simply return it with a short note and your contact
information for a full refund.

        Walnut Creek CDROM
        Suite 260
        1547 Palos Verdes Mall
        Walnut Creek CA  94596

         1 800 786-9907 (Sales)         [24 hours]
        +1 510 674-0783 (Sales)         [24 hours]
         1 800 731-7177 (Tech Support)  [9 AM - 5 PM, Mon-Fri, PST]
        +1 510 603-1234 (Tech Support)  [9 AM - 5 PM, Mon-Fri, PST]
        +1 510 674-0821 FAX
        Email: orders@cdrom.com (Orders)
        Email: info@cdrom.com (Information)
        Email: support@cdrom.com (Tech Support)
        WWW:   http:\\www.cdrom.com\ (info, tech support, sales)
        FTP:   ftp.cdrom.com

=============================== README.TXT ==================================