Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this disc
docs/           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

install.exe     Install/uninstall the MSDOS image viewer of your choice

800x600/        Scaled down images. (Use these for browsing)
fractal/        Full sized images. (Please use the above selection for viewing)
maps/           Alternate color maps for the pictures for use in Fractint.
fractint/       Fractint Program, Fractint Source, and Formulas.
text/           Fractint formula and parameter files.
thumbs/         Five images containing thumbnail images of the fractals.
Scaled down images. (Use these for browsing)
path: /800x600/
4blkhart.gif   98117 25-08-95  Candy Swirls and Black Hearts
4bofmp06.gif  128940 25-08-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map 6
4bofmp38.gif  303265 25-08-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map 38
4bofmp49.gif  218735 25-08-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map49
4bridges.gif  205864 25-08-95  Bridges Spanning High Towers
4c1361f1.gif  193548 25-08-95  Road into the Electric Forest
4c143702.gif  178515 25-08-95  Satin Pillows
4c143806.gif  372592 25-08-95  Tropical Rainforest
4c143814.gif  286617 09-09-95  Forest in the Clouds
4c634a02.gif  268944 25-08-95  Calcite Flowers
4c856f05.gif  229105 25-08-95  Gateway to Obscurity
4cact002.gif  148221 25-08-95  Psychodelic Journey
4cavelak.gif  344819 25-08-95  Stalactite Reflections
4clazmre.gif  112592 25-08-95  Mandel-space
4cmpnwt3.gif  233652 25-08-95  Alien Musical String Instrument
4crossng.gif  163957 25-08-95  French Curves
4crown.gif    245119 25-08-95  Silver and Turquoise Jewelry
4danlion.gif  163139 25-08-95  Lake of the Gods
4ee026.gif    249704 25-08-95  Floral Arrangement
4fndr004.gif  237203 25-08-95  Mandel in the Rough
4frth001.gif  368227 25-08-95  Aztec Peak
4gemini.gif   233815 25-08-95  Constellations
4geode15.gif  295805 25-08-95  Cotton Candy
4icecave.gif   67408 25-08-95  Arctic Window
4kalls31.gif  242564 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Lines of Force
4kalls47.gif  165329 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: English Garden
4kalp117.gif  306511 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Thorny Issues
4kalsord.gif  241508 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Cow Palace
4kalze73.gif  219190 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Diamonds
4kalze83.gif  178880 25-08-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Parallels
4lcos14p.gif  203289 25-08-95  Holiday Lights
4lemnd2c.gif  299077 25-08-95  Bubbling Mandelbrot
4lsd007.gif    96877 25-08-95  Where Man Has Not Yet Been
4lsd008.gif   103455 25-08-95  Walkways to the Magic Realm
4lsd016.gif    89988 25-08-95  Under the Microscope
4lsd039.gif   286750 25-08-95  Mandel-virus
4lsd046.gif   183528 25-08-95  Eye of Chaos
4lsd052.gif   299271 25-08-95  Metamorphosis
4lswcbio.gif  153051 25-08-95  Kudzu Uber Alles
4mhypsz3.gif  206040 25-08-95  Fountain of the Ferns
4mntg005.gif  180307 25-08-95  Balloon Exodus
4mp003.gif    202035 25-08-95  Rips in Spacetime
4phoenix.gif  153054 25-08-95  Rift Archipelago
4pumpkin.gif  182322 25-08-95  Halloween Display
4rhombus.gif   95894 25-08-95  It's Really a Trapezoid
4seaslug.gif   90125 25-08-95  South Pacific Sea Slug
4sleighs.gif  330580 25-08-95  Sleigh Factory
4spca005.gif  185840 25-08-95  Mandel-Party
4spcb007.gif  227411 25-08-95  Sugar Wedges
4spcb013.gif  141701 25-08-95  Planet of the Bicycle Chain Creatures
4spcb020.gif  177924 25-08-95  Prior to Liftoff
4spcd012.gif  391346 25-08-95  Whirlwinds on a Gas Planet
4spirls2.gif  282713 25-08-95  Gravity Well
4srube.gif    100515 25-08-95  Key on a Cushion
4sunflwr.gif  222425 25-08-95  Sunflower
4swirls.gif   144883 25-08-95  Swirling Nebulae
4szoom12.gif   94823 25-08-95  Waterfall of Creation
4tgrtals.gif  139614 25-08-95  Tiger Tails
4theblob.gif   56104 25-08-95  The Blob in the Forest
4tmfig13.gif  153303 25-08-95  Explosive Forces
4tmrp004.gif  336085 25-08-95  Briar Patch
4vortex.gif   311786 25-08-95  Vortex
4wired.gif     78299 25-08-95  Taffy Mandelbrot
4wudr012.gif  502940 25-08-95  Prize in the Cereal Box
4zere063.gif  284719 06-09-95  Alligator Fantasia
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
pv.doc          15441  04-22-95  Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc     14434  01-15-95  QPEG Image Viewer documentation
acrobat.txt     25981  08-27-95  Adobe Acrobat documentation
catalog.txt     45732  07-17-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
catalog.fre     40520  03-25-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger     44521  07-24-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita     38525  06-15-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.spa     40882  06-10-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.jpn     29684  09-07-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf   3374815  04-05-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
view.doc         6832  03-24-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Full sized images. (Please use the above selection for viewing)
path: /fractal/
8blkhart.gif 3353089  16-08-95  Candy Swirls and Black Hearts
8bofmp06.gif 4015963  16-08-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map 6
8bofmp38.gif 14252134 22-06-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map 38
8bofmp49.gif 9946586  19-08-95  The Beauty of Fractals: Map49
8bridges.gif 6429929  25-06-95  Bridges Spanning High Towers
8c1361f1.gif 6219918  31-07-95  Road into the Electric Forest
8c143702.gif 6636795  23-08-95  Satin Pillows
8c143806.gif 17726643 25-08-95  Tropical Rainforest
8c143814.gif 12906883 09-09-95  Forest in the Clouds
8c634a02.gif 9854275  14-07-95  Calcite Flowers
8c856f05.gif 9622192  15-07-95  Gateway to Obscurity
8cact002.gif 5097212  09-08-95  Psychodelic Journey
8cavelak.gif 14593136 14-07-95  Stalactite Reflections
8clazmre.gif 4010982  26-06-95  Mandel-space
8cmpnwt3.gif 8954945  21-06-95  Alien Musical String Instrument
8crossng.gif 7542584  15-07-95  French Curves
8crown.gif   11001603 21-06-95  Silver and Turquoise Jewelry
8danlion.gif 6781242  14-07-95  Lake of the Gods
8ee026.gif   10591061 03-08-95  Floral Arrangement
8fndr004.gif 9854224  22-06-95  Mandel in the Rough
8frth001.gif 21547882 15-07-95  Aztec Peak
8gemini.gif  10984794 15-07-95  Constellations
8geode15.gif 14085381 14-07-95  Cotton Candy
8icecave.gif 2224594  15-07-95  Arctic Window
8kalls31.gif 10104596 21-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Lines of Force
8kalls47.gif 6416256  25-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: English Garden
8kalp117.gif 14627149 21-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Thorny Issues
8kalsord.gif 10173629 23-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Cow Palace
8kalze73.gif 8947101  23-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Diamonds
8kalze83.gif 7453011  21-07-95  1/16 kaleidoscope: Parallels
8lcos14p.gif 9488412  15-07-95  Holiday Lights
8lemnd2c.gif 13267129 25-06-95  Bubbling Mandelbrot
8lsd007.gif  3008632  21-07-95  Where Man Has Not Yet Been
8lsd008.gif  3182442  25-07-95  Walkways to the Magic Realm
8lsd016.gif  3398797  22-06-95  Under the Microscope
8lsd039.gif  11087954 14-07-95  Mandel-virus
8lsd046.gif  6580828  26-07-95  Eye of Chaos
8lsd052.gif  13828473 06-08-95  Metamorphosis
8lswcbio.gif 7317306  28-06-95  Kudzu Uber Alles
8mhypsz3.gif 9502108  22-06-95  Fountain of the Ferns
8mntg005.gif 8729010  14-07-95  Balloon Exodus
8mp003.gif   8070486  16-07-95  Rips in Spacetime
8phoenix.gif 6211600  18-07-95  Rift Archipelago
8pumpkin.gif 6339358  22-06-95  Halloween Display
8rhombus.gif 4051532  15-07-95  It's Really a Trapezoid
8seaslug.gif 3475943  15-07-95  South Pacific Sea Slug
8sleighs.gif 14863765 18-07-95  Sleigh Factory
8spca005.gif 7755237  22-06-95  Mandel-Party
8spcb007.gif 9001450  14-07-95  Sugar Wedges
8spcb013.gif 3913074  30-07-95  Planet of the Bicycle Chain Creatures
8spcb020.gif 6928637  12-08-95  Prior to Liftoff
8spcd012.gif 23513891 15-08-95  Whirlwinds on a Gas Planet
8spirls2.gif 12868865 15-07-95  Gravity Well
8srube.gif   3178861  14-07-95  Key on a Cushion
8sunflwr.gif 9791992  25-06-95  Sunflower
8swirls.gif  5402613  14-07-95  Swirling Nebulae
8szoom12.gif 3045583  25-06-95  Waterfall of Creation
8tgrtals.gif 4905106  16-05-94  Tiger Tails
8theblob.gif 1602166  15-07-95  The Blob in the Forest
8tmfig13.gif 6461373  18-08-95  Explosive Forces
8tmrp004.gif 13653763 22-06-95  Briar Patch
8vortex.gif  14601662 17-07-95  Vortex
8wired.gif   2719366  17-07-95  Taffy Mandelbrot
8wudr012.gif 22330134 22-06-95  Prize in the Cereal Box
8zere063.gif 14794292 06-09-95  Alligator Fantasia
Fractint Program, Fractint Source, and Formulas.
path: /fractint/
frain192.zip   570514  04-11-95  Fractint 19.2 Executables
frasr192.zip   973991  04-11-95  Fractint 19.2 Source Code
fracxtr6.zip  1328275  04-06-95  Extra programs for Fractint
frmtut.zip      41147  02-24-95  Fractint Formula Parser Tutorial
winf1821.zip   506697  04-24-95  Fractint for Windows ver 18.21
wins1821.zip   729625  04-24-95  Fractint for Windows source code

xfract.tar    2959360  05-25-95  Fractint for X Windows (in TAR format)
xfract.zip     805079  05-25-95  Fractint for X Windows (in ZIP format)
Alternate color maps for the pictures for use in Fractint.
path: /maps/
blkhart.map     3328   10-09-95
bofmp06.map     3328   10-09-95
bofmp38.map     3328   10-09-95
bofmp49.map     3328   10-09-95
bridges.map     3328   10-09-95
c1361f1.map     3328   10-09-95
c143702.map     3328   10-09-95
c143806.map     3328   10-09-95
c143814.map     3328   10-09-95
c634a02.map     3328   10-09-95
c856f05.map     3328   10-09-95
cact002.map     3328   10-09-95
cavelak.map     3328   10-09-95
clazmre.map     3328   10-09-95
cmpnwt3.map     3328   10-09-95
crossng.map     3328   10-09-95
crown.map       3328   10-09-95
danlion.map     3328   10-09-95
ee026.map       3328   10-09-95
fndr004.map     3328   10-09-95
frth001.map     3328   10-09-95
gemini.map      3328   10-09-95
geode15.map     3328   10-09-95
icecave.map     3328   10-09-95
kalls31.map     3328   10-09-95
kalls47.map     3328   10-09-95
kalp117.map     3328   10-09-95
kalsord.map     3328   10-09-95
kalze73.map     3328   10-09-95
kalze83.map     3328   10-09-95
lcos14p.map     3328   10-09-95
lemnd2c.map     3328   10-09-95
lsd007.map      3328   10-09-95
lsd008.map      3328   10-09-95
lsd016.map      3328   10-09-95
lsd039.map      3328   10-09-95
lsd046.map      3328   10-09-95
lsd052.map      3328   10-09-95
lswcbio.map     3328   10-09-95
mhypsz3.map     3328   10-09-95
mntg005.map     3328   10-09-95
mp003.map       3328   10-09-95
phoenix.map     3328   10-09-95
pumpkin.map     3328   10-09-95
rhombus.map     3328   10-09-95
seaslug.map     3328   10-09-95
sleighs.map     3328   10-09-95
spca005.map     3328   10-09-95
spcb007.map     3328   10-09-95
spcb013.map     3328   10-09-95
spcb020.map     3328   10-09-95
spcd012.map     3328   10-09-95
spirls2.map     3328   10-09-95
srube.map       3328   10-09-95
sunflowr.map    3328   10-09-95
swirls.map      3328   10-09-95
szoom12.map     3328   10-09-95
tgrtals.map     3328   10-09-95
theblob.map     3328   10-09-95
tmfig13.map     3328   10-09-95
tmrp004.map     3328   10-09-95
vortex.map      3328   10-09-95
wired.map       3328   10-09-95
wudr012.map     3328   10-09-95
zere063.map     3328   10-09-95
Fractint formula and parameter files.
path: /text/
bigfract.frm    2568 10-09-95
bigfract.par   40269 10-09-95
read_me         6349 11-09-95
Five images containing thumbnail images of the fractals.
path: /thumbs/
big_01.gif    193763 10-09-95
big_02.gif    215240 10-09-95
big_03.gif    176907 10-09-95
big_04.gif    193951 10-09-95
big_05.gif     16113 10-09-95