Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this CDROM

docs\           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

install.exe     Install/uninstall the MSDOS image viewer of your choice

conn\           Pictures of Connecticut
maine\          Pictures of Maine
mass\           Pictures of Massachusetts
nwhmpshr\       Pictures of New Hampshire
rhodisle\       Pictures of Rhode Island
vermont\        Pictures of Vermont
Pictures of Connecticut
path: /conn/
bmp\          Pictures of Connecticut (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of Connecticut (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of Connecticut (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of Connecticut (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of Connecticut (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /conn/bmp/
autumn01.bmp  508968 08-10-95  Fall leaves alongside a barn in Northwestern
                               | Connecticut.
autumn02.bmp  794956 08-10-95  Fall foliage is reflected in a Connecticut pond.
caboose.bmp   630152 11-10-95  An old caboose at the Railroad Museum in Essex,
                               | Connecticut.
lichfld1.bmp  668920 08-10-95  A white colonial church graces the town common
                               | in Litchfield, Ct., the birthplace of Ethan
                               | Allen and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
mystic01.bmp  780020 10-10-95  A pier at Mystic Seaport, a restored mid-19th
                               | century seafaring village.
mystic02.bmp  715364 11-10-95  A restored whaling ship at Mystic Seaport in SE
                               | Connecticut.
mystic03.bmp  737560 08-10-95  Old homes and warehouses line the wharf at
                               | Mystic Seaport.
Pictures of Connecticut (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /conn/jpeg/
autumn01.jpg   87374 08-10-95  Fall leaves alongside a barn in Northwestern
                               | Connecticut.
autumn02.jpg  208341 08-10-95  Fall foliage is reflected in a Connecticut pond.
caboose.jpg    62227 11-10-95  An old caboose at the Railroad Museum in Essex,
                               | Connecticut.
lichfld1.jpg   58272 08-10-95  A white colonial church graces the town common
                               | in Litchfield, Ct., the birthplace of Ethan
                               | Allen and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
mystic01.jpg   78092 10-10-95  A pier at Mystic Seaport, a restored mid-19th
                               | century seafaring village.
mystic02.jpg   89028 11-10-95  A restored whaling ship at Mystic Seaport in SE
                               | Connecticut.
mystic03.jpg  105022 08-10-95  Old homes and warehouses line the wharf at
                               | Mystic Seaport.
Pictures of Connecticut (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /conn/pict/
autumn01.pct  620036 08-10-95  Fall leaves alongside a barn in Northwestern
                               | Connecticut.
autumn02.pct  855476 08-10-95  Fall foliage is reflected in a Connecticut pond.
caboose.pct   819530 11-10-95  An old caboose at the Railroad Museum in Essex,
                               | Connecticut.
lichfld1.pct  901718 08-10-95  A white colonial church graces the town common
                               | in Litchfield, Ct., the birthplace of Ethan
                               | Allen and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
mystic01.pct  795864 10-10-95  A pier at Mystic Seaport, a restored mid-19th
                               | century seafaring village.
mystic02.pct  885492 11-10-95  A restored whaling ship at Mystic Seaport in SE
                               | Connecticut.
mystic03.pct  905384 08-10-95  Old homes and warehouses line the wharf at
                               | Mystic Seaport.
Pictures of Connecticut (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /conn/tiff/
autumn01.tif 6423884 03-11-95  Fall leaves alongside a barn in Northwestern
                               | Connecticut.
autumn02.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Fall foliage is reflected in a Connecticut pond.
caboose.tif  6851164 04-11-95  An old caboose at the Railroad Museum in Essex,
                               | Connecticut.
lichfld1.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A white colonial church graces the town common
                               | in Litchfield, Ct., the birthplace of Ethan
                               | Allen and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
mystic01.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A pier at Mystic Seaport, a restored mid-19th
                               | century seafaring village.
mystic02.tif 6820644 03-11-95  A restored whaling ship at Mystic Seaport in SE
                               | Connecticut.
mystic03.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Old homes and warehouses line the wharf at
                               | Mystic Seaport.
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
pv.doc      Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc QPEG Image Viewer documentation
catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - English
catalog.fre Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Italian
catalog.spa Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Spanish
catalog.jpn Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Japanese
catalog.pdf Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe Acrobat format
view.doc    Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on this CDROM
Pictures of Maine
path: /maine/
bmp\          Pictures of Maine (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of Maine (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of Maine (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of Maine (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of Maine (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /maine/bmp/
acadia.bmp    777820 08-10-95  A wave breaking over the rocks at Acadia
                               | National Park, Maine. The park is located on
                               | Mt. Desert Island which was discovered by the
                               | French explorer Champlain in 1604.
buoys01.bmp   676016 10-10-95  Old buoys for lobster pots hang on a shack in a
                               | Maine harbor.
buoys02.bmp   651344 08-10-95  A Maine still life of buoys against a fishnet.
camden01.bmp  792024 10-10-95  A section of rocky coastline near Camden, Maine,
                               | which was the home of the poet Edna St.
                               | Vincent Millay.
camden02.bmp  754864 10-10-95  Sailboats clustered in the harbor of Camden,
                               | Maine in an area which attracts many summer
                               | visitors.
harbor01.bmp  740800 11-10-95  A typical Maine harbor scene.
harbor03.bmp  729468 08-10-95  A family prepares for a morning sail in Maine.
nubblelt.bmp  758256 08-10-95  Nubble Lighthouse, erected in 1899, is on Cape
                               | Neddick near York Harbor, Maine.
oldships.bmp  683700 08-10-95  Abandoned sailing ships lie in the harbor at
                               | Wiscasset, Maine.
peaceful.bmp  756356 10-10-95  A peaceful scene in a small inlet near Rockland,
                               | Maine.
pemaqid1.bmp  775468 10-10-95  Pemaquid Lighthouse is built high on a rocky
                               | coast, much of which is exposed at low tide.
pemaqid2.bmp  763060 12-10-95  Picturesque Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. It was
                               | commissioned by President John Quincy Adams
                               | in1827, and it's beacon can be seen 14 miles
                               | at sea.
portlnd1.bmp  755184 08-10-95  Scenic Portland Head Light is situated on Cape
                               | Elizabeth, just south of Portland, Maine.
ptclyde2.bmp  766980 08-10-95  An unusual view of Owl's Head Light, at Port
                               | Clyde, Maine.
redboat.bmp   747888 08-10-95  A colorful rowboat fills the foreground of this
                               | Maine seascape.
rockland.bmp  762476 08-10-95  A fishhouse attracts gulls in this view at
                               | Rockland, one of Maine's largest fishing
                               | ports.
Pictures of Maine (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /maine/jpeg/
acadia.jpg     79097 08-10-95  A wave breaking over the rocks at Acadia
                               | National Park, Maine. The park is located on
                               | Mt. Desert Island which was discovered by the
                               | French explorer Champlain in 1604.
buoys01.jpg    77892 10-10-95  Old buoys for lobster pots hang on a shack in a
                               | Maine harbor.
buoys02.jpg    75765 08-10-95  A Maine still life of buoys against a fishnet.
camden01.jpg  142018 10-10-95  A section of rocky coastline near Camden, Maine,
                               | which was the home of the poet Edna St.
                               | Vincent Millay.
camden02.jpg   91405 10-10-95  Sailboats clustered in the harbor of Camden,
                               | Maine in an area which attracts many summer
                               | visitors.
harbor01.jpg   93850 11-10-95  A typical Maine harbor scene.
harbor03.jpg   78053 08-10-95  A family prepares for a morning sail in Maine.
nubblelt.jpg   73949 08-10-95  Nubble Lighthouse, erected in 1899, is on Cape
                               | Neddick near York Harbor, Maine.
oldships.jpg   57634 08-10-95  Abandoned sailing ships lie in the harbor at
                               | Wiscasset, Maine.
peaceful.jpg   79851 10-10-95  A peaceful scene in a small inlet near Rockland,
                               | Maine.
pemaqid1.jpg  117812 10-10-95  Pemaquid Lighthouse is built high on a rocky
                               | coast, much of which is exposed at low tide.
pemaqid2.jpg   89966 08-10-95  Picturesque Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. It was
                               | commissioned by President John Quincy Adams
                               | in1827, and it's beacon can be seen 14 miles
                               | at sea.
portlnd1.jpg   68623 08-10-95  Scenic Portland Head Light is situated on Cape
                               | Elizabeth, just south of Portland, Maine.
ptclyde2.jpg   67062 08-10-95  An unusual view of Owl's Head Light, at Port
                               | Clyde, Maine.
redboat.jpg    95566 08-10-95  A colorful rowboat fills the foreground of this
                               | Maine seascape.
rockland.jpg   70084 08-10-95  A fishhouse attracts gulls in this view at
                               | Rockland, one of Maine's largest fishing
                               | ports.
Pictures of Maine (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /maine/pict/
acadia.pct    923526 08-10-95  A wave breaking over the rocks at Acadia
                               | National Park, Maine. The park is located on
                               | Mt. Desert Island which was discovered by the
                               | French explorer Champlain in 1604.
buoys01.pct   656078 10-10-95  Old buoys for lobster pots hang on a shack in a
                               | Maine harbor.
buoys02.pct   558660 08-10-95  A Maine still life of buoys against a fishnet.
camden01.pct  894826 10-10-95  A section of rocky coastline near Camden, Maine,
                               | which was the home of the poet Edna St.
                               | Vincent Millay.
camden02.pct  924216 10-10-95  Sailboats clustered in the harbor of Camden,
                               | Maine in an area which attracts many summer
                               | visitors.
harbor01.pct  907966 11-10-95  A typical Maine harbor scene.
harbor03.pct  885918 08-10-95  A family prepares for a morning sail in Maine.
nubblelt.pct  889936 08-10-95  Nubble Lighthouse, erected in 1899, is on Cape
                               | Neddick near York Harbor, Maine.
oldships.pct  773264 08-10-95  Abandoned sailing ships lie in the harbor at
                               | Wiscasset, Maine.
peaceful.pct  926514 10-10-95  A peaceful scene in a small inlet near Rockland,
                               | Maine.
pemaqid1.pct  917250 10-10-95  Pemaquid Lighthouse is built high on a rocky
                               | coast, much of which is exposed at low tide.
pemaqid2.pct  900734 08-10-95  Picturesque Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. It was
                               | commissioned by President John Quincy Adams
                               | in1827, and it's beacon can be seen 14 miles
                               | at sea.
portlnd1.pct  913694 08-10-95  Scenic Portland Head Light is situated on Cape
                               | Elizabeth, just south of Portland, Maine.
ptclyde2.pct  880034 08-10-95  An unusual view of Owl's Head Light, at Port
                               | Clyde, Maine.
redboat.pct   914028 08-10-95  A colorful rowboat fills the foreground of this
                               | Maine seascape.
rockland.pct  877576 08-10-95  A fishhouse attracts gulls in this view at
                               | Rockland, one of Maine's largest fishing
                               | ports.
Pictures of Maine (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /maine/tiff/
acadia.tif   6991556 03-11-95  A wave breaking over the rocks at Acadia
                               | National Park, Maine. The park is located on
                               | Mt. Desert Island which was discovered by the
                               | French explorer Champlain in 1604.
buoys01.tif  6600900 04-11-95  Old buoys for lobster pots hang on a shack in a
                               | Maine harbor.
buoys02.tif  6991556 03-11-95  A Maine still life of buoys against a fishnet.
camden01.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A section of rocky coastline near Camden, Maine,
                               | which was the home of the poet Edna St.
                               | Vincent Millay.
camden02.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Sailboats clustered in the harbor of Camden,
                               | Maine in an area which attracts many summer
                               | visitors.
harbor01.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A typical Maine harbor scene.
harbor03.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A family prepares for a morning sail in Maine.
nubblelt.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Nubble Lighthouse, erected in 1899, is on Cape
                               | Neddick near York Harbor, Maine.
oldships.tif 6204140 03-11-95  Abandoned sailing ships lie in the harbor at
                               | Wiscasset, Maine.
peaceful.tif 6716876 03-11-95  A peaceful scene in a small inlet near Rockland,
                               | Maine.
pemaqid1.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Pemaquid Lighthouse is built high on a rocky
                               | coast, much of which is exposed at low tide.
pemaqid2.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Picturesque Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. It was
                               | commissioned by President John Quincy Adams
                               | in1827, and it's beacon can be seen 14 miles
                               | at sea.
portlnd1.tif 6716876 03-11-95  Scenic Portland Head Light is situated on Cape
                               | Elizabeth, just south of Portland, Maine.
ptclyde2.tif 6991556 03-11-95  An unusual view of Owl's Head Light, at Port
                               | Clyde, Maine.
redboat.tif  6991556 03-11-95  A colorful rowboat fills the foreground of this
                               | Maine seascape.
rockland.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A fishhouse attracts gulls in this view at
                               | Rockland, one of Maine's largest fishing
                               | ports.
Pictures of Massachusetts
path: /mass/
bmp\          Pictures of Massachusetts (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of Massachusetts (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of Massachusetts (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of Massachusetts (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of Massachusetts (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /mass/bmp/
anisquam.bmp  594044 08-10-95  Sunset at Anisquam Light on Cape Ann, near
                               | Gloucester, Mass.
boston01.bmp  719192 08-10-95  An old building stands in front of a glass
                               | skyscraper in downtown Boston.
boston04.bmp  761780 08-10-95  The Paul Revere house (1680) is the oldest house
                               | in Boston.
boston09.bmp  766552 08-10-95  A monument to the founding of Boston, located on
                               | the Commons.
bounty01.bmp  632112 10-10-95  A recreation of the HMS Bounty at Battleship
                               | Cove in Fall River, Mass.
cambrg02.bmp  710456 08-10-95  A view of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass.
capecod1.bmp  721904 10-10-95  Nauset Light is located in the Cape Cod National
                               | Seashore at Eastham,MA.
capecod2.bmp  699160 10-10-95  The harbor at Wellfleet. MA on Cape Cod, which
                               | is one of the prime recreational areas in New
                               | England.
chatham.bmp   757736 11-10-95  Coast Guard Light in Chatham, MA on Cape Cod.
cvrdbdg1.bmp  774804 10-10-95  A covered bridge in Old Sturbridge Village, a
                               | recreated 1830 rural community in Sturbridge,
                               | MA.
deerfld1.bmp  784740 10-10-95  A house in the historic area of Deerfield, MA,
                               | first settled in 1660.
deerfld2.bmp  698992 08-10-95  Icycles drip from a historic house in Deerfield,
                               | MA.
deerfld3.bmp  741020 08-10-95  Daylilies frame an old doorway in Deerfield, MA.
falmth01.bmp  737148 08-10-95  Nobska Light near Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod.
falmth02.bmp  708112 13-10-95  Another view of Nobska Light on Cape Cod. MA.
fshboats.bmp  673260 11-10-95  Two colorful fishing boats in the harbor at
                               | Gloucester, MA.
gloster2.bmp  742436 08-10-95  The Fishermans' Memorial in Gloucester, MA.
lexingtn.bmp  753308 10-10-95  The Minuteman statue in Lexington, MA.  Lxingtn2
                               | An old colonial church in Lexington, MA.
nantuk02.bmp  751672 08-10-95  Brant Point Light at the entrance to Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk03.bmp  709592 08-10-95  A shorefront residential area on Nantucket
                               | Island, MA.
nantuk04.bmp  683748 08-10-95  Another view of Brant Point Light and Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk05.bmp  735584 08-10-95  A quaint sign in Nantucket, MA.
orleans1.bmp  783112 10-10-95  A beached boat in a typical seascape on Cape
                               | Cod, MA.
plymth02.bmp  715868 08-10-95  Another view of the Mayflower II in the harbor
                               | at Plymouth, MA.
rockprt1.bmp  604228 10-10-95  Snow covered rowboats in the harbor at Rockport,
                               | MA.
rockprt2.bmp  719448 08-10-95  The inner harbor and "Motif #1" at Rockport on
                               | Cape Ann, MA.
sandwich.bmp  774056 08-10-95  A round stone barn in the "Heritage Plantation"
                               | at Sandwich, MA., the oldest town on Cape Cod.
strbrdg1.bmp  754664 10-10-95  A rural scene in "Old Sturbridge Village", a
                               | recreated rural village in Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg2.bmp  776520 10-10-95  A colonial church in "Old Sturbridge Village",
                               | Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg3.bmp  675712 10-10-95  An old barn in "Old Sturbridge Village".
strbrdg4.bmp  757024 08-10-95  An autumn scene in Sturbridge, MA.
stscene1.bmp  722324 10-10-95  A street scene in Newburyport, MA. a historic
                               | port city with a restored downtown area.
sunset01.bmp  761792 10-10-95  A sailboat offshore from Provincetown, MA.
truro01.bmp   700128 10-10-95  Highland Light at Truro on Cape Cod, MA.
vineyrd2.bmp  691880 08-10-95  The cliffs at Gay Head on Martha's Vineyard, MA.
windmill.bmp  771368 11-10-95  An old windmill in Sandwich. MA.
woodhole.bmp  732564 08-10-95  The inner harbor at Wood's Hole, a major
                               | oceanographic center on Cape Cod, MA.
Pictures of Massachusetts (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /mass/jpeg/
anisquam.jpg   39979 08-10-95  Sunset at Anisquam Light on Cape Ann, near
                               | Gloucester, Mass.
boston01.jpg   96955 08-10-95  An old building stands in front of a glass
                               | skyscraper in downtown Boston.
boston04.jpg  106245 08-10-95  The Paul Revere house (1680) is the oldest house
                               | in Boston.
boston09.jpg  105276 08-10-95  A monument to the founding of Boston, located on
                               | the Commons.
bounty01.jpg   69090 14-10-95  A recreation of the HMS Bounty at Battleship
                               | Cove in Fall River, Mass.
cambrg02.jpg   94819 08-10-95  A view of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass.
capecod1.jpg   68688 10-10-95  Nauset Light is located in the Cape Cod National
                               | Seashore at Eastham,MA.
capecod2.jpg   63253 10-10-95  The harbor at Wellfleet. MA on Cape Cod, which
                               | is one of the prime recreational areas in New
                               | England.
chatham.jpg    52096 14-10-95  Coast Guard Light in Chatham, MA on Cape Cod.
cvrdbdg1.jpg   91151 10-10-95  A covered bridge in Old Sturbridge Village, a
                               | recreated 1830 rural community in Sturbridge,
                               | MA.
deerfld1.jpg  105376 10-10-95  A house in the historic area of Deerfield, MA,
                               | first settled in 1660.
deerfld2.jpg   87918 14-10-95  Icycles drip from a historic house in Deerfield,
                               | MA.
deerfld3.jpg  102391 08-10-95  Daylilies frame an old doorway in Deerfield, MA.
falmth01.jpg   80299 14-10-95  Nobska Light near Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod.
falmth02.jpg   75889 14-10-95  Another view of Nobska Light on Cape Cod. MA.
fshboats.jpg   66020 14-10-95  Two colorful fishing boats in the harbor at
                               | Gloucester, MA.
gloster2.jpg   73922 08-10-95  The Fishermans' Memorial in Gloucester, MA.
lexingtn.jpg   47388 10-10-95  The Minuteman statue in Lexington, MA.  Lxingtn2
                               | An old colonial church in Lexington, MA.
nantuk02.jpg   89422 08-10-95  Brant Point Light at the entrance to Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk03.jpg   71337 08-10-95  A shorefront residential area on Nantucket
                               | Island, MA.
nantuk04.jpg   84725 08-10-95  Another view of Brant Point Light and Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk05.jpg  124264 14-10-95  A quaint sign in Nantucket, MA.
orleans1.jpg   82294 10-10-95  A beached boat in a typical seascape on Cape
                               | Cod, MA.
plymth02.jpg   74540 14-10-95  Another view of the Mayflower II in the harbor
                               | at Plymouth, MA.
rockprt1.jpg   91198 14-10-95  Snow covered rowboats in the harbor at Rockport,
                               | MA.
rockprt2.jpg   70442 14-10-95  The inner harbor and "Motif #1" at Rockport on
                               | Cape Ann, MA.
sandwich.jpg   54610 08-10-95  A round stone barn in the "Heritage Plantation"
                               | at Sandwich, MA., the oldest town on Cape Cod.
strbrdg1.jpg  129060 10-10-95  A rural scene in "Old Sturbridge Village", a
                               | recreated rural village in Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg2.jpg  124750 10-10-95  A colonial church in "Old Sturbridge Village",
                               | Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg3.jpg  128832 10-10-95  An old barn in "Old Sturbridge Village".
strbrdg4.jpg  143269 14-10-95  An autumn scene in Sturbridge, MA.
stscene1.jpg  103725 10-10-95  A street scene in Newburyport, MA. a historic
                               | port city with a restored downtown area.
sunset01.jpg   60410 10-10-95  A sailboat offshore from Provincetown, MA.
truro01.jpg    49534 14-10-95  Highland Light at Truro on Cape Cod, MA.
vineyrd2.jpg  104894 08-10-95  The cliffs at Gay Head on Martha's Vineyard, MA.
windmill.jpg   85422 14-10-95  An old windmill in Sandwich. MA.
woodhole.jpg   82095 14-10-95  The inner harbor at Wood's Hole, a major
                               | oceanographic center on Cape Cod, MA.
Pictures of Massachusetts (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /mass/pict/
anisquam.pct  724556 08-10-95  Sunset at Anisquam Light on Cape Ann, near
                               | Gloucester, Mass.
boston01.pct  873976 08-10-95  An old building stands in front of a glass
                               | skyscraper in downtown Boston.
boston04.pct  858894 08-10-95  The Paul Revere house (1680) is the oldest house
                               | in Boston.
boston09.pct  921024 08-10-95  A monument to the founding of Boston, located on
                               | the Commons.
bounty01.pct  780910 14-10-95  A recreation of the HMS Bounty at Battleship
                               | Cove in Fall River, Mass.
cambrg02.pct  902362 08-10-95  A view of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass.
capecod1.pct  903584 10-10-95  Nauset Light is located in the Cape Cod National
                               | Seashore at Eastham,MA.
capecod2.pct  883774 10-10-95  The harbor at Wellfleet. MA on Cape Cod, which
                               | is one of the prime recreational areas in New
                               | England.
chatham.pct   860868 14-10-95  Coast Guard Light in Chatham, MA on Cape Cod.
cvrdbdg1.pct  923384 10-10-95  A covered bridge in Old Sturbridge Village, a
                               | recreated 1830 rural community in Sturbridge,
                               | MA.
deerfld1.pct  868892 10-10-95  A house in the historic area of Deerfield, MA,
                               | first settled in 1660.
deerfld2.pct  761646 14-10-95  Icycles drip from a historic house in Deerfield,
                               | MA.
deerfld3.pct  805702 08-10-95  Daylilies frame an old doorway in Deerfield, MA.
falmth01.pct  904936 14-10-95  Nobska Light near Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod.
falmth02.pct  809646 14-10-95  Another view of Nobska Light on Cape Cod. MA.
fshboats.pct  778298 14-10-95  Two colorful fishing boats in the harbor at
                               | Gloucester, MA.
gloster2.pct  905568 08-10-95  The Fishermans' Memorial in Gloucester, MA.
lexingtn.pct  901836 10-10-95  The Minuteman statue in Lexington, MA.  Lxingtn2
                               | An old colonial church in Lexington, MA.
nantuk02.pct  895978 08-10-95  Brant Point Light at the entrance to Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk03.pct  885044 08-10-95  A shorefront residential area on Nantucket
                               | Island, MA.
nantuk04.pct  862018 08-10-95  Another view of Brant Point Light and Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk05.pct  836632 14-10-95  A quaint sign in Nantucket, MA.
orleans1.pct  927350 10-10-95  A beached boat in a typical seascape on Cape
                               | Cod, MA.
plymth02.pct  873436 14-10-95  Another view of the Mayflower II in the harbor
                               | at Plymouth, MA.
rockprt1.pct  747428 10-10-95  Snow covered rowboats in the harbor at Rockport,
                               | MA.
rockprt2.pct  874118 14-10-95  The inner harbor and "Motif #1" at Rockport on
                               | Cape Ann, MA.
sandwich.pct  921918 08-10-95  A round stone barn in the "Heritage Plantation"
                               | at Sandwich, MA., the oldest town on Cape Cod.
strbrdg1.pct  924772 10-10-95  A rural scene in "Old Sturbridge Village", a
                               | recreated rural village in Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg2.pct  880324 10-10-95  A colonial church in "Old Sturbridge Village",
                               | Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg3.pct  840094 10-10-95  An old barn in "Old Sturbridge Village".
strbrdg4.pct  893354 14-10-95  An autumn scene in Sturbridge, MA.
stscene1.pct  856048 10-10-95  A street scene in Newburyport, MA. a historic
                               | port city with a restored downtown area.
sunset01.pct  710612 10-10-95  A sailboat offshore from Provincetown, MA.
truro01.pct   790584 14-10-95  Highland Light at Truro on Cape Cod, MA.
vineyrd2.pct  828132 08-10-95  The cliffs at Gay Head on Martha's Vineyard, MA.
windmill.pct  842956 14-10-95  An old windmill in Sandwich. MA.
woodhole.pct  894374 14-10-95  The inner harbor at Wood's Hole, a major
                               | oceanographic center on Cape Cod, MA.
Pictures of Massachusetts (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /mass/tiff/
anisquam.tif 6741292 03-11-95  Sunset at Anisquam Light on Cape Ann, near
                               | Gloucester, Mass.
boston01.tif 6857268 03-11-95  An old building stands in front of a glass
                               | skyscraper in downtown Boston.
boston04.tif 6991556 03-11-95  The Paul Revere house (1680) is the oldest house
                               | in Boston.
boston09.tif 6680252 03-11-95  A monument to the founding of Boston, located on
                               | the Commons.
bounty01.tif 6259076 03-11-95  A recreation of the HMS Bounty at Battleship
                               | Cove in Fall River, Mass.
cambrg02.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A view of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass.
capecod1.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Nauset Light is located in the Cape Cod National
                               | Seashore at Eastham,MA.
capecod2.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The harbor at Wellfleet. MA on Cape Cod, which
                               | is one of the prime recreational areas in New
                               | England.
chatham.tif  6991556 03-11-95  Coast Guard Light in Chatham, MA on Cape Cod.
cvrdbdg1.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A covered bridge in Old Sturbridge Village, a
                               | recreated 1830 rural community in Sturbridge,
                               | MA.
deerfld1.tif 6991556 03-11-95  A house in the historic area of Deerfield, MA,
                               | first settled in 1660.
deerfld2.tif 6613108 03-11-95  Icycles drip from a historic house in Deerfield,
                               | MA.
deerfld3.tif 6771812 03-11-95  Daylilies frame an old doorway in Deerfield, MA.
falmth01.tif 6875580 03-11-95  Nobska Light near Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod.
falmth02.tif 6991556 03-11-95  Another view of Nobska Light on Cape Cod. MA.
fshboats.tif 6649732 03-11-95  Two colorful fishing boats in the harbor at
                               | Gloucester, MA.
gloster2.tif 6796228 03-11-95  The Fishermans' Memorial in Gloucester, MA.
lexingtn.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The Minuteman statue in Lexington, MA.  Lxingtn2
                               | An old colonial church in Lexington, MA.
nantuk02.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Brant Point Light at the entrance to Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk03.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A shorefront residential area on Nantucket
                               | Island, MA.
nantuk04.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Another view of Brant Point Light and Nantucket
                               | harbor.
nantuk05.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A quaint sign in Nantucket, MA.
orleans1.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A beached boat in a typical seascape on Cape
                               | Cod, MA.
plymth02.tif 6927436 04-11-95  Another view of the Mayflower II in the harbor
                               | at Plymouth, MA.
rockprt1.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Snow covered rowboats in the harbor at Rockport,
                               | MA.
rockprt2.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The inner harbor and "Motif #1" at Rockport on
                               | Cape Ann, MA.
sandwich.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A round stone barn in the "Heritage Plantation"
                               | at Sandwich, MA., the oldest town on Cape Cod.
strbrdg1.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A rural scene in "Old Sturbridge Village", a
                               | recreated rural village in Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg2.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A colonial church in "Old Sturbridge Village",
                               | Sturbridge, MA.
strbrdg3.tif 6875580 04-11-95  An old barn in "Old Sturbridge Village".
strbrdg4.tif 6991556 04-11-95  An autumn scene in Sturbridge, MA.
stscene1.tif 6924412 04-11-95  A street scene in Newburyport, MA. a historic
                               | port city with a restored downtown area.
sunset01.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A sailboat offshore from Provincetown, MA.
truro01.tif  6362844 04-11-95  Highland Light at Truro on Cape Cod, MA.
vineyrd2.tif 6301804 04-11-95  The cliffs at Gay Head on Martha's Vineyard, MA.
windmill.tif 6991556 04-11-95  An old windmill in Sandwich. MA.
woodhole.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The inner harbor at Wood's Hole, a major
                               | oceanographic center on Cape Cod, MA.
Pictures of New Hampshire
path: /nwhmpshr/
bmp\          Pictures of New Hampshire (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of New Hampshire (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of New Hampshire (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of New Hampshire (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of New Hampshire (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /nwhmpshr/bmp/
albany.bmp    757800 08-10-95  An old covered bridge near Albany, N.H.
flume.bmp     732812 08-10-95  The Flume, a scenic chasm with many waterfalls
                               | is near Franconia Notch.
Pictures of New Hampshire (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /nwhmpshr/jpeg/
albany.jpg    111803 08-10-95  An old covered bridge near Albany, N.H.
flume.jpg     104133 08-10-95  The Flume, a scenic chasm with many waterfalls
                               | is near Franconia Notch.
Pictures of New Hampshire (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /nwhmpshr/pict/
albany.pct    918662 08-10-95  An old covered bridge near Albany, N.H.
flume.pct     902510 08-10-95  The Flume, a scenic chasm with many waterfalls
                               | is near Franconia Notch.
Pictures of New Hampshire (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /nwhmpshr/tiff/
albany.tif   6991556 04-11-95  An old covered bridge near Albany, N.H.
flume.tif    6991556 04-11-95  The Flume, a scenic chasm with many waterfalls
                               | is near Franconia Notch.
Pictures of Rhode Island
path: /rhodisle/
bmp\          Pictures of Rhode Island (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of Rhode Island (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of Rhode Island (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of Rhode Island (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of Rhode Island (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /rhodisle/bmp/
newport3.bmp  759516 08-10-95  The Mawdsley/Turner house is another historic
                               | house in Newport, R.I.
newport4.bmp  457100 11-10-95  Chateau-Sur-Mer (1852) is an ornate Victorian
                               | mansion in Newport. It is one of many large
                               | and opulent mansions that were used as summer
                               | residences for the wealthy of that era.
sailboat.bmp  782484 08-10-95  Newport is one of the prime sailing centers in
                               | New England, and was the site of the America's
                               | Cup races for many years.
Pictures of Rhode Island (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /rhodisle/jpeg/
newport3.jpg   75450 08-10-95  The Mawdsley/Turner house is another historic
                               | house in Newport, R.I.
newport4.jpg   91155 11-10-95  Chateau-Sur-Mer (1852) is an ornate Victorian
                               | mansion in Newport. It is one of many large
                               | and opulent mansions that were used as summer
                               | residences for the wealthy of that era.
sailboat.jpg   64844 08-10-95  Newport is one of the prime sailing centers in
                               | New England, and was the site of the America's
                               | Cup races for many years.
Pictures of Rhode Island (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /rhodisle/pict/
newport3.pct  852854 08-10-95  The Mawdsley/Turner house is another historic
                               | house in Newport, R.I.
newport4.pct  583722 11-10-95  Chateau-Sur-Mer (1852) is an ornate Victorian
                               | mansion in Newport. It is one of many large
                               | and opulent mansions that were used as summer
                               | residences for the wealthy of that era.
sailboat.pct  924270 08-10-95  Newport is one of the prime sailing centers in
                               | New England, and was the site of the America's
                               | Cup races for many years.
Pictures of Rhode Island (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /rhodisle/tiff/
newport3.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The Mawdsley/Turner house is another historic
                               | house in Newport, R.I.
newport4.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Chateau-Sur-Mer (1852) is an ornate Victorian
                               | mansion in Newport. It is one of many large
                               | and opulent mansions that were used as summer
                               | residences for the wealthy of that era.
sailboat.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Newport is one of the prime sailing centers in
                               | New England, and was the site of the America's
                               | Cup races for many years.
Pictures of Vermont
path: /vermont/
bmp\          Pictures of Vermont (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
jpeg\         Pictures of Vermont (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
pict\         Pictures of Vermont (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
tiff\         Pictures of Vermont (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
Pictures of Vermont (BMP, 1024x768x8 RGB)
path: /vermont/bmp/
corinth2.bmp  741012 08-10-95  The church in E. Corinth. This is one of many
                               | scenic villages in mostly rural Vermont.
ecorinth.bmp  761168 11-10-95  Another view of E. Corinth, Vermont.
greyfarm.bmp  726244 08-10-95  A farm scene near Woodstock, VT.
redbarn1.bmp  786576 08-10-95  A colorful barn is reflected in a pond near
                               | Pomfret, VT.
thetford.bmp  734404 08-10-95  Water cascades past a covered bridge near
                               | Thetford, VT.
tunbridg.bmp 1696548 08-10-95  Sunrise just touches a covered bridge near
                               | Turnbridge, VT.
village1.bmp  713312 11-10-95  A classic composition in the village of Waite
                               | River, VT.
winter01.bmp  792196 10-10-95  Snow covered houses are typical of a Vermont
                               | winter.
winter02.bmp  750896 11-10-95  Winter at the Jenne Farm near Woodstock, VT.
winter03.bmp  751540 08-10-95  A farm along the frozen Connecticut River in
                               | Newbury, VT.
Pictures of Vermont (JPG, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /vermont/jpeg/
corinth2.jpg  110301 08-10-95  The church in E. Corinth. This is one of many
                               | scenic villages in mostly rural Vermont.
ecorinth.jpg   98782 11-10-95  Another view of E. Corinth, Vermont.
greyfarm.jpg   78802 08-10-95  A farm scene near Woodstock, VT.
redbarn1.jpg   95088 08-10-95  A colorful barn is reflected in a pond near
                               | Pomfret, VT.
thetford.jpg   95894 08-10-95  Water cascades past a covered bridge near
                               | Thetford, VT.
tunbridg.jpg  106195 08-10-95  Sunrise just touches a covered bridge near
                               | Turnbridge, VT.
village1.jpg  107105 11-10-95  A classic composition in the village of Waite
                               | River, VT.
winter01.jpg   73613 10-10-95  Snow covered houses are typical of a Vermont
                               | winter.
winter02.jpg   91058 11-10-95  Winter at the Jenne Farm near Woodstock, VT.
winter03.jpg   62219 08-10-95  A farm along the frozen Connecticut River in
                               | Newbury, VT.
Pictures of Vermont (PCT, 640x480x24, RGB)
path: /vermont/pict/
corinth2.pct  901240 08-10-95  The church in E. Corinth. This is one of many
                               | scenic villages in mostly rural Vermont.
ecorinth.pct  922570 11-10-95  Another view of E. Corinth, Vermont.
greyfarm.pct  894188 08-10-95  A farm scene near Woodstock, VT.
redbarn1.pct  845520 08-10-95  A colorful barn is reflected in a pond near
                               | Pomfret, VT.
thetford.pct  900444 08-10-95  Water cascades past a covered bridge near
                               | Thetford, VT.
tunbridg.pct  919436 08-10-95  Sunrise just touches a covered bridge near
                               | Turnbridge, VT.
village1.pct  804904 11-10-95  A classic composition in the village of Waite
                               | River, VT.
winter01.pct  927688 10-10-95  Snow covered houses are typical of a Vermont
                               | winter.
winter02.pct  888086 11-10-95  Winter at the Jenne Farm near Woodstock, VT.
winter03.pct  919066 08-10-95  A farm along the frozen Connecticut River in
                               | Newbury, VT.
Pictures of Vermont (TIF, 1500x1125x24, CMYK)
path: /vermont/tiff/
corinth2.tif 6991556 04-11-95  The church in E. Corinth. This is one of many
                               | scenic villages in mostly rural Vermont.
ecorinth.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Another view of E. Corinth, Vermont.
greyfarm.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A farm scene near Woodstock, VT.
redbarn1.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A colorful barn is reflected in a pond near
                               | Pomfret, VT.
thetford.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Water cascades past a covered bridge near
                               | Thetford, VT.
tunbridg.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Sunrise just touches a covered bridge near
                               | Turnbridge, VT.
village1.tif 6460508 04-11-95  A classic composition in the village of Waite
                               | River, VT.
winter01.tif 6991556 04-11-95  Snow covered houses are typical of a Vermont
                               | winter.
winter02.tif 6600900 04-11-95  Winter at the Jenne Farm near Woodstock, VT.
winter03.tif 6991556 04-11-95  A farm along the frozen Connecticut River in
                               | Newbury, VT.