Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this disc
docs/           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

install.exe     Install/uninstall the MSDOS image viewer of your choice

animals/        Pictures of various animals.
plants/         Pictures of various plants.
scenic/         Scenic pictures of various locations.
Pictures of various animals.
path: /animals/
birds/          Pictures of various birds.
insects/        Pictures of various insects.
mammals/        Pictures of various mammals.
reptiles/       Pictures of various reptiles.
sealife/        Pictures of various sealife animals.
Pictures of various birds.
path: /animals/birds/
bmp/        Pictures of various birds. (BMP format)
jpeg/       Pictures of various birds. (JPEG format)
pict/       Pictures of various birds. (PICT format)
tiff/       Pictures of various birds. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various birds. (BMP format)
path: /animals/birds/bmp/
anhinga.bmp    730304  07-03-95  An anhinga drying its wings.
eagle.bmp      780448  07-03-95  A close-up profile of a bald eagle.
flamingo.bmp   732976  07-03-95  A pair of flamingos.
heron01.bmp    758028  07-03-95  A Louisiana heron with spread wings.
heron02.bmp    790916  07-03-95  A great white heron.
mallard.bmp    773368  07-03-95  A male mallard duck.
ngtheron.bmp   776196  07-03-95  A black crowned night heron.
owl01.bmp      765376  07-03-95  A great horned owl.
owl02.bmp      790256  07-03-95  A barred owl.
pelican.bmp    782512  07-01-95  An adult brown pelican.
seagull.bmp    783732  07-03-95  A nesting gull.
Pictures of various birds. (JPEG format)
path: /animals/birds/jpeg/
anhinga.jpg     77012  07-03-95  An anhinga drying its wings.
eagle.jpg       53863  07-03-95  A close-up profile of a bald eagle.
flamingo.jpg    71381  07-03-95  A pair of flamingos.
heron01.jpg     73739  07-03-95  A Louisiana heron with spread wings.
heron02.jpg     30525  07-03-95  A great white heron.
mallard.jpg     75417  07-03-95  A male mallard duck.
ngtheron.jpg    37006  07-03-95  A black crowned night heron.
owl01.jpg       67435  07-03-95  A great horned owl.
owl02.jpg      109966  07-03-95  A barred owl.
pelican.jpg     48297  06-28-95  An adult brown pelican.
seagull.jpg     93696  07-03-95  A nesting gull.
Pictures of various birds. (PICT format)
path: /animals/birds/pict/
anhinga.pct    903982  07-03-95  An anhinga drying its wings.
eagle.pct      722686  07-03-95  A close-up profile of a bald eagle.
flamingo.pct   873660  07-03-95  A pair of flamingos.
heron01.pct    900648  07-03-95  A Louisiana heron with spread wings.
heron02.pct    350394  07-03-95  A great white heron.
mallard.pct    896296  07-03-95  A male mallard duck.
ngtheron.pct   921114  07-03-95  A black crowned night heron.
owl01.pct      916850  07-03-95  A great horned owl.
owl02.pct      762444  07-03-95  A barred owl.
pelican.pct    901422  06-28-95  An adult brown pelican.
seagull.pct    859318  07-03-95  A nesting gull.
Pictures of various birds. (TIFF format)
path: /animals/birds/tiff/
anhinga.tif   3864344  07-03-95  An anhinga drying its wings.
eagle.tif     3969218  07-03-95  A close-up profile of a bald eagle.
flamingo.tif  4184268  07-03-95  A pair of flamingos.
heron01.tif   4317180  07-03-95  A Louisiana heron with spread wings.
heron02.tif   1816456  07-03-95  A great white heron.
mallard.tif   4627674  07-03-95  A male mallard duck.
ngtheron.tif  4837440  07-03-95  A black crowned night heron.
owl01.tif     3966742  07-03-95  A great horned owl.
owl02.tif     3690064  07-03-95  A barred owl.
pelican.tif   4284930  06-28-95  An adult brown pelican.
seagull.tif   4373454  07-03-95  A nesting gull.
Pictures of various insects.
path: /animals/insects/
bmp/           Pictures of various insects. (BMP format)
jpeg/          Pictures of various insects. (JPEG format)
pict/          Pictures of various insects. (PICT format)
tiff/          Pictures of various insects. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various insects. (BMP format)
path: /animals/insects/bmp/
damslfly.bmp   746252  07-03-95  A damselfly eating a beetle.
drgonfly.bmp   776948  07-03-95  A blue bodied dragonfly.
fritlary.bmp   783940  07-03-95  A great spangled fritillary butterfly.
inchworm.bmp   796172  07-01-95  A moth larva on a grass stem.
lunamoth.bmp   786456  07-03-95  A luna moth on a leaf.
satyr.bmp      771412  07-03-95  A satyr butterfly on a leaf.
skipper.bmp    787304  07-03-95  A skipper on a grass stem.
spider01.bmp   730080  07-03-95  An orb weaver spider on it's web.
spider02.bmp   747476  07-03-95  A wolf spider lies in wait.
spider03.bmp   743900  07-03-95  A crab spider on a flower.
Pictures of various insects. (JPEG format)
path: /animals/insects/jpeg/
damslfly.jpg    57569  07-03-95  A damselfly eating a beetle.
drgonfly.jpg    66751  07-03-95  A blue bodied dragonfly.
fritlary.jpg    81107  07-03-95  A great spangled fritillary butterfly.
inchworm.jpg    28976  07-03-95  A moth larva on a grass stem.
lunamoth.jpg    65144  07-03-95  A luna moth on a leaf.
satyr.jpg       91727  07-03-95  A satyr butterfly on a leaf.
skipper.jpg     56647  07-03-95  A skipper on a grass stem.
spider01.jpg    59739  07-03-95  An orb weaver spider on it's web.
spider02.jpg   100810  07-03-95  A wolf spider lies in wait.
spider03.jpg    68935  07-03-95  A crab spider on a flower.
Pictures of various insects. (PICT format)
path: /animals/insects/pict/
damslfly.pct   696636  07-03-95  A damselfly eating a beetle.
drgonfly.pct   912246  07-03-95  A blue bodied dragonfly.
fritlary.pct   468832  07-03-95  A great spangled fritillary butterfly.
inchworm.pct   209286  06-29-95  A moth larva on a grass stem.
lunamoth.pct   789672  07-03-95  A luna moth on a leaf.
satyr.pct      887942  07-03-95  A satyr butterfly on a leaf.
skipper.pct    540920  07-03-95  A skipper on a grass stem.
spider01.pct   904742  07-03-95  An orb weaver spider on it's web.
spider02.pct   837540  07-03-95  A wolf spider lies in wait.
spider03.pct   747954  07-03-95  A crab spider on a flower.
Pictures of various insects. (TIFF format)
path: /animals/insects/tiff/
damslfly.tif  3488722  07-03-95  A damselfly eating a beetle.
drgonfly.tif  4920304  07-03-95  A blue bodied dragonfly.
fritlary.tif  2855980  07-03-95  A great spangled fritillary butterfly.
inchworm.tif  1265108  06-29-95  A moth larva on a grass stem.
lunamoth.tif  4323786  07-03-95  A luna moth on a leaf.
satyr.tif     5257060  07-03-95  A satyr butterfly on a leaf.
skipper.tif   3251864  07-03-95  A skipper on a grass stem.
spider01.tif  4343872  07-03-95  An orb weaver spider on it's web.
spider02.tif  4723910  07-03-95  A wolf spider lies in wait.
spider03.tif  4129750  07-03-95  A crab spider on a flower.
Pictures of various mammals.
path: /animals/mammals/
bmp/         Pictures of various mammals. (BMP format)
jpeg/        Pictures of various mammals. (JPEG format)
pict/        Pictures of various mammals. (PICT format)
tiff/        Pictures of various mammals. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various mammals. (BMP format)
path: /animals/mammals/bmp/
baboons.bmp    777880  07-03-95  A mother and baby baboon.
bobcat.bmp     460684  07-03-95  A bobcat close-up.
elephant.bmp   770648  07-03-95  Close-up of an African
                               | elephant.
jaguar.bmp     788880  07-03-95  Close-up of a jaguar.
lion.bmp       71528  07-03-95  A roaring lion.
polarbr.bmp    723784  07-03-95  A prowling polar bear.
prairie.bmp    779660  07-03-95  A prairie dog perched on
                               | a log.
snoleprd.bmp   791648  07-03-95  A snow leopard resting.
squirrel.bmp   774516  07-03-95  A red squirrel eating.
tiger.bmp      778368  07-03-95  Portrait of a tiger.
Pictures of various mammals. (JPEG format)
path: /animals/mammals/jpeg/
baboons.jpg     99832  07-03-95  A mother and baby baboon.
bobcat.jpg      70555  07-03-95  A bobcat close-up.
elephant.jpg    87430  07-03-95  Close-up of an African elephant.
jaguar.jpg      83053  07-03-95  Close-up of a jaguar.
lion.jpg       104649  07-03-95  A roaring lion.
polarbr.jpg     86741  07-03-95  A prowling polar bear.
prairie.jpg     55562  07-03-95  A prairie dog perched on a log.
snoleprd.jpg    68249  07-03-95  A snow leopard resting.
squirrel.jpg    75579  07-03-95  A red squirrel eating.
tiger.jpg       75666  07-03-95  Portrait of a tiger.
Pictures of various mammals. (PICT format)
path: /animals/mammals/pict/
lion.pct       924462  07-03-95  A roaring lion.
baboons.pct    926612  07-03-95  A mother and baby baboon.
tiger.pct      922652  07-03-95  Portrait of a tiger.
squirrel.pct   793774  07-03-95  A red squirrel eating.
snoleprd.pct   913028  07-03-95  A snow leopard resting.
polarbr.pct    861848  07-03-95  A prowling polar bear.
bobcat.pct     563952  07-03-95  A bobcat close-up.
prairie.pct    916804  07-03-95  A prairie dog perched on a log.
elephant.pct   912116  07-03-95  Close-up of an African elephant.
jaguar.pct     834880  07-03-95  Close-up of a jaguar.
Pictures of various mammals. (TIFF format)
path: /animals/mammals/tiff/
baboons.tif   5127522  07-03-95  A mother and baby baboon.
bobcat.tif    3193304  07-03-95  A bobcat close-up.
elephant.tif  4541192  07-03-95  Close-up of an African elephant.
jaguar.tif    4413202  07-03-95  Close-up of a jaguar.
lion.tif      5031838  07-03-95  A roaring lion.
polarbr.tif   4785738  07-03-95  A prowling polar bear.
prairie.tif   4318252  07-03-95  A prairie dog perched on a log.
snoleprd.tif  4955242  07-03-95  A snow leopard resting.
squirrel.tif  4176506  07-03-95  A red squirrel eating.
tiger.tif     4965946  07-03-95  Portrait of a tiger.
Pictures of various reptiles.
path: /animals/reptiles/
bmp/           Pictures of various reptiles. (BMP format)
jpeg/          Pictures of various reptiles. (JPEG format)
pict/          Pictures of various reptiles. (PICT format)
tiff/          Pictures of various reptiles. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various reptiles. (BMP format)
path: /animals/reptiles/bmp/
bullfrog.bmp   785820  07-03-95  A frog in an algae covered pond.
gator.bmp      781800  07-03-95  Closeup of an alligator.
snake01.bmp    668232  07-03-95  Close-up of a poisonous pit viper.
snake02.bmp    785272  07-03-95  A harmless garden snake..
snake03.bmp    743048  07-02-95  An orange snake on a log.
Pictures of various reptiles. (JPEG format)
path: /animals/reptiles/jpeg/
bullfrog.jpg   109287  07-03-95  A frog in an algae covered pond.
gator.jpg       63018  07-03-95  Closeup of an alligator.
snake01.jpg     70258  07-03-95  Close-up of a poisonous pit viper.
snake02.jpg     52997  07-03-95  A harmless garden snake..
snake03.jpg     87838  07-02-95  An orange snake on a log.
Pictures of various reptiles. (PICT format)
path: /animals/reptiles/pict/
bullfrog.pct   926170  07-03-95  A frog in an algae covered pond.
gator.pct      916554  07-03-95  Closeup of an alligator.
snake01.pct    893482  07-03-95  Close-up of a poisonous pit viper.
snake02.pct    707886  07-03-95  A harmless garden snake..
snake03.pct    726682  07-02-95  An orange snake on a log.
Pictures of various reptiles. (TIFF format)
path: /animals/reptiles/tiff/
bullfrog.tif  5215752  07-03-95  A frog in an algae covered pond.
gator.tif     5121610  07-03-95  Closeup of an alligator.
snake01.tif   3677262  07-03-95  Close-up of a poisonous pit viper.
snake02.tif   3575722  07-03-95  A harmless garden snake..
snake03.tif   3748292  07-02-95  An orange snake on a log.
Pictures of various sealife animals.
path: /animals/sealife/
bmp/         Pictures of various sealife animals. (BMP format)
jpeg/        Pictures of various sealife animals. (JPEG format)
pict/        Pictures of various sealife animals. (PICT format)
tiff/        Pictures of various sealife animals. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various sealife animals. (BMP format)
path: /animals/sealife/bmp/
dolphin.bmp    776516  07-01-95  Close-up of a dolphin.
seal.bmp       773300  07-03-95  A swimming seal.
sealion.bmp    749584  07-01-95  A sealion basking on a rock.
shark.bmp      697368  07-03-95  A medium sized shark underwater.
starfish.bmp   742664  07-03-95  Three starfish in a tidepool.
Pictures of various sealife animals. (JPEG format)
path: /animals/sealife/jpeg/
dolphin.jpg     53398  06-30-95  Close-up of a dolphin.
seal.jpg        78997  07-03-95  A swimming seal.
sealion.jpg     64622  06-30-95  A sealion basking on a rock.
shark.jpg       54295  07-03-95  A medium sized shark underwater.
starfish.jpg   147300  07-03-95  Three starfish in a tidepool.
Pictures of various sealife animals. (PICT format)
path: /animals/sealife/pict/
dolphin.pct    923860  06-30-95  Close-up of a dolphin.
seal.pct       922806  07-03-95  A swimming seal.
sealion.pct    890652  06-30-95  A sealion basking on a rock.
shark.pct      795016  07-03-95  A medium sized shark underwater.
starfish.pct   875428  07-03-95  Three starfish in a tidepool.
Pictures of various sealife animals. (TIFF format)
path: /animals/sealife/tiff/
dolphin.tif   4422898  06-30-95  Close-up of a dolphin.
seal.tif      4688090  07-03-95  A swimming seal.
sealion.tif   3770034  07-01-95  A sealion basking on a rock.
shark.tif     4785936  07-03-95  A medium sized shark underwater.
starfish.tif  4830502  07-03-95  Three starfish in a tidepool.
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
pv.doc         15441 02-09-95  Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc    14434 02-09-95  QPEG Image Viewer documentation

catalog.txt    45732 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
catalog.fre    40520 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger    44521 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita    38525 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.spa    40882 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.jpn    25117 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf  3374815 02-09-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
view.doc        6832 02-09-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Pictures of various plants.
path: /plants/
cacti/        Pictures of various cactus plants.
flowers/      Pictures of various flowers.
fungi/        Pictures of various fungi.
trees/        Pictures of various trees.
Pictures of various cactus plants.
path: /plants/cacti/
bmp/          Pictures of various cactus plants. (BMP format)
jpeg/         Pictures of various cactus plants. (JPEG format)
pict/         Pictures of various cactus plants. (PICT format)
tiff/         Pictures of various cactus plants. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various cactus plants. (BMP format)
path: /plants/cacti/bmp/
2cacti.bmp     698540  07-04-95  Two saguaro cacti in the Arizona desert.
barrel.bmp     790344  07-04-95  Two barrel cacti.
cholla.bmp     776556  07-04-95  Close-up of a cholla cactus.
Pictures of various cactus plants. (JPEG format)
path: /plants/cacti/jpeg/
2cacti.jpg      93313  07-04-95  Two saguaro cacti in the Arizona desert.
barrel.jpg     161172  07-04-95  Two barrel cacti.
cholla.jpg      85778  07-04-95  Close-up of a cholla cactus.
Pictures of various cactus plants. (PICT format)
path: /plants/cacti/pict/
2cacti.pct     822630  07-04-95  Two saguaro cacti in the Arizona desert.
barrel.pct     847554  07-04-95  Two barrel cacti.
cholla.pct     920512  07-04-95  Close-up of a cholla cactus.
Pictures of various cactus plants. (TIFF format)
path: /plants/cacti/tiff/
2cacti.tif    3963042  07-04-95  Two saguaro cacti in the Arizona desert.
barrel.tif    4539460  07-04-95  Two barrel cacti.
cholla.tif    4454524  07-04-95  Close-up of a cholla cactus.
Pictures of various flowers.
path: /plants/flowers/
bmp/          Pictures of various flowers. (BMP format)
jpeg/         Pictures of various flowers. (JPEG format)
pict/         Pictures of various flowers. (PICT format)
tiff/         Pictures of various flowers. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various flowers. (BMP format)
path: /plants/flowers/bmp/
blueflag.bmp   655564  07-03-95  A blue flag iris.
wtrlily.bmp    297084  07-02-95  A waterlily and bud.
trtlily.bmp    752492  07-02-95  A trout lily.
thistle.bmp    773132  07-03-95  A lavender thistle.
daylilys.bmp   770496  07-04-95  A pair of daylilies.
rose.bmp       729796  07-04-95  A  pink and a yellow rose.
spbeauty.bmp   765076  07-04-95  An early spring beauty.
turkscap.bmp   667076  07-04-95  A turkscap lily.
tropical.bmp   619400  07-04-95  A tropical flower.
wtrlily2.bmp   767048  07-04-95  A pink waterlily with lily pads.
echinace.bmp   756164  07-04-95  A bed of echinace.
blackeye.bmp   753940  07-04-95  A group of black-eyed susans.
Pictures of various flowers. (JPEG format)
path: /plants/flowers/jpeg/
blackeye.jpg   109762  07-04-95  A group of black-eyed susans.
blueflag.jpg    65283  07-03-95  A blue flag iris.
daylilys.jpg    63543  07-04-95  A pair of daylilies.
echinace.jpg   146558  07-04-95  A bed of echinace.
rose.jpg        70094  07-04-95  A  pink and a yellow rose.
spbeauty.jpg    62722  07-04-95  An early spring beauty.
thistle.jpg     76959  07-03-95  A lavender thistle.
tropical.jpg    45318  07-04-95  A tropical flower.
trtlily.jpg     48617  07-02-95  A trout lily.
turkscap.jpg    49550  07-04-95  A turkscap lily.
wtrlily.jpg     41043  07-02-95  A waterlily and bud.
wtrlily2.jpg    49951  07-04-95  A pink waterlily with lily pads.
Pictures of various flowers. (PICT format)
path: /plants/flowers/pict/
blackeye.pct   844560  07-04-95  A group of black-eyed susans.
blueflag.pct   739048  07-03-95  A blue flag iris.
daylilys.pct   909584  07-04-95  A pair of daylilies.
echinace.pct   909446  07-04-95  A bed of echinace.
rose.pct       897974  07-04-95  A  pink and a yellow rose.
spbeauty.pct   849728  07-04-95  An early spring beauty.
thistle.pct    910692  07-03-95  A lavender thistle.
tropical.pct   766594  07-04-95  A tropical flower.
trtlily.pct    771224  07-02-95  A trout lily.
turkscap.pct   821244  07-04-95  A turkscap lily.
wtrlily.pct    616162  07-02-95  A waterlily and bud.
wtrlily2.pct   767100  07-04-95  A pink waterlily with lily pads.
Pictures of various flowers. (TIFF format)
path: /plants/flowers/tiff/
thistle.tif   3715946  07-03-95  A lavender thistle.
wtrlily.tif   2685178  07-02-95  A waterlily and bud.
rose.tif      4256612  07-04-95  A  pink and a yellow rose.
blueflag.tif  5242304  07-03-95  A blue flag iris.
trtlily.tif   3692538  07-02-95  A trout lily.
turkscap.tif  3688678  07-04-95  A turkscap lily.
daylilys.tif  5196206  07-04-95  A pair of daylilies.
tropical.tif  3624258  07-04-95  A tropical flower.
blackeye.tif  3747080  07-04-95  A group of black-eyed susans.
wtrlily2.tif  4360784  07-04-95  A pink waterlily with lily pads.
spbeauty.tif  4321634  07-04-95  An early spring beauty.
echinace.tif  4781978  07-04-95  A bed of echinace.
Pictures of various fungi.
path: /plants/fungi/
bmp/          Pictures of various fungi. (BMP format)
jpeg/         Pictures of various fungi. (JPEG format)
pict/         Pictures of various fungi. (PICT format)
tiff/         Pictures of various fungi. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various fungi. (BMP format)
path: /plants/fungi/bmp/
colony.bmp     775004  07-03-95  A family of small mushrooms.
family.bmp     571300  07-03-95  A cluster of mushrooms.
treefung.bmp   780392  07-03-95  Yellow tree fungi.
Pictures of various fungi. (JPEG format)
path: /plants/fungi/jpeg/
colony.jpg      79559  07-03-95  A family of small mushrooms.
family.jpg      34743  07-03-95  A cluster of mushrooms.
treefung.jpg   109667  07-03-95  Yellow tree fungi.
Pictures of various fungi. (PICT format)
path: /plants/fungi/pict/
colony.pct     694190  07-03-95  A family of small mushrooms.
family.pct     401670  07-03-95  A cluster of mushrooms.
treefung.pct   872820  07-03-95  Yellow tree fungi.
Pictures of various fungi. (TIFF format)
path: /plants/fungi/tiff/
colony.tif    3745312  07-03-95  A family of small mushrooms.
family.tif    2215876  07-03-95  A cluster of mushrooms.
treefung.tif  4654082  07-03-95  Yellow tree fungi.
Pictures of various trees.
path: /plants/trees/
bmp/         Pictures of various trees. (BMP format)
jpeg/        Pictures of various trees. (JPEG format)
pict/        Pictures of various trees. (PICT format)
tiff/        Pictures of various trees. (TIFF format)
Pictures of various trees. (BMP format)
path: /plants/trees/bmp/
autumn01.bmp   780596  07-02-95  Hardwood trees in autumn color.
eucalypt.bmp   787512  07-04-95  A row of eucalyptus trees against a sunset.
icytrees.bmp   785744  07-02-95  Ice coated trees in the winter.
leaves.bmp     754480  07-04-95  Three autumn leaves on the forest floor.
willow.bmp     773164  07-03-95  Willow trees in early spring.
Pictures of various trees. (JPEG format)
path: /plants/trees/jpeg/
autumn01.jpg   164297  07-02-95  Hardwood trees in autumn color.
eucalypt.jpg    75846  07-04-95  A row of eucalyptus trees against a sunset.
icytrees.jpg   172795  07-02-95  Ice coated trees in the winter.
leaves.jpg     112683  07-04-95  Three autumn leaves on the forest floor.
willow.jpg     146615  07-03-95  Willow trees in early spring.
Pictures of various trees. (PICT format)
path: /plants/trees/pict/
autumn01.pct   854436  07-02-95  Hardwood trees in autumn color.
eucalypt.pct   915058  07-04-95  A row of eucalyptus trees against a sunset.
icytrees.pct   924744  07-02-95  Ice coated trees in the winter.
leaves.pct     880424  07-04-95  Three autumn leaves on the forest floor.
willow.pct     919728  07-03-95  Willow trees in early spring.
Pictures of various trees. (TIFF format)
path: /plants/trees/tiff/
autumn01.tif  4788920  07-02-95  Hardwood trees in autumn color.
eucalypt.tif  5154708  07-04-95  A row of eucalyptus trees against a sunset.
icytrees.tif  5992572  07-02-95  Ice coated trees in the winter.
leaves.tif    5246276  07-04-95  Three autumn leaves on the forest floor.
willow.tif    5520728  07-03-95  Willow trees in early spring.
Scenic pictures of various locations.
path: /scenic/
land/          Pictures of land scenes.
sky/           Pictures of sky scenes.
water/         Pictures of water scenes.
Pictures of land scenes.
path: /scenic/land/
bmp/          Pictures of land scenes. (BMP format)
jpeg/         Pictures of land scenes. (JPEG format)
pict/         Pictures of land scenes. (PICT format)
tiff/         Pictures of land scenes. (TIFF format)
Pictures of land scenes. (BMP format)
path: /scenic/land/bmp/
desert.bmp     759236  07-03-95  A scene in the Arizona high desert.
tufa.bmp       767196  07-04-95  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
Pictures of land scenes. (JPEG format)
path: /scenic/land/jpeg/
desert.jpg     131666  07-03-95  A scene in the Arizona high desert.
tufa.jpg        76185  07-04-95  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
Pictures of land scenes. (PICT format)
path: /scenic/land/pict/
desert.pct     917930  07-03-95  A scene in the Arizona high desert.
tufa.pct       924472  07-04-95  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
Pictures of land scenes. (TIFF format)
path: /scenic/land/tiff/
desert.tif    5154268  07-03-95  A scene in the Arizona high desert.
tufa.tif      4719986  07-04-95  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
Pictures of sky scenes.
path: /scenic/sky/
bmp/         Pictures of sky scenes. (BMP format)
jpeg/        Pictures of sky scenes. (JPEG format)
pict/        Pictures of sky scenes. (PICT format)
tiff/        Pictures of sky scenes. (TIFF format)
Pictures of sky scenes. (BMP format)
path: /scenic/sky/bmp/
afterglo.bmp   784384  07-01-95  The aftreglow of a Pacific sunset.
clouds01.bmp   768984  07-01-95  Large clouds in a blue sky.
rainbow.bmp    732612  07-03-95  A rainbow after a storm.
sunset01.bmp   787512  06-30-95  Colorful clouds over the mountains.
Pictures of sky scenes. (JPEG format)
path: /scenic/sky/jpeg/
afterglo.jpg    49663  07-01-95  The aftreglow of a Pacific sunset.
clouds01.jpg    47182  07-01-95  Large clouds in a blue sky.
rainbow.jpg     45188  07-03-95  A rainbow after a storm.
sunset01.jpg    59916  06-30-95  Colorful clouds over the mountains.
Pictures of sky scenes. (PICT format)
path: /scenic/sky/pict/
afterglo.pct   819716  07-01-95  The aftreglow of a Pacific sunset.
clouds01.pct   858570  07-01-95  Large clouds in a blue sky.
rainbow.pct    889312  07-03-95  A rainbow after a storm.
sunset01.pct   881574  06-30-95  Colorful clouds over the mountains.
Pictures of sky scenes. (TIFF format)
path: /scenic/sky/tiff/
afterglo.tif  3877410  07-01-95  The aftreglow of a Pacific sunset.
clouds01.tif  4357442  07-01-95  Large clouds in a blue sky.
rainbow.tif   3221846  07-03-95  A rainbow after a storm.
sunset01.tif  5242304  06-30-95  Colorful clouds over the mountains.
Pictures of water scenes.
path: /scenic/water/
bmp/          Pictures of water scenes. (BMP format)
jpeg/         Pictures of water scenes. (JPEG format)
pict/         Pictures of water scenes. (PICT format)
tiff/         Pictures of water scenes. (TIFF format)
Pictures of water scenes. (BMP format)
path: /scenic/water/bmp/
breaker.bmp    788232  07-03-95  A wave smashing against rocks.
icybrook.bmp   768696  07-01-95  A stream in the winter.
rkybeach.bmp   704992  07-03-95  Interesting rock forms at a beach..
rkycoast.bmp   720328  07-01-95  High rocks defying the sea.
wtrfall.bmp    710004  07-04-95  A small waterfall.
Pictures of water scenes. (JPEG format)
path: /scenic/water/jpeg/
breaker.jpg     61716  07-03-95  A wave smashing against rocks.
icybrook.jpg   114680  07-01-95  A stream in the winter.
rkybeach.jpg    88841  07-03-95  Interesting rock forms at a beach..
rkycoast.jpg   110794  07-01-95  High rocks defying the sea.
wtrfall.jpg     76116  07-04-95  A small waterfall.
Pictures of water scenes. (PICT format)
path: /scenic/water/pict/
breaker.pct    874214  07-03-95  A wave smashing against rocks.
icybrook.pct   916050  07-01-95  A stream in the winter.
rkybeach.pct   859774  07-03-95  Interesting rock forms at a beach..
rkycoast.pct   818118  07-01-95  High rocks defying the sea.
wtrfall.pct    859092  07-04-95  A small waterfall.
Pictures of water scenes. (TIFF format)
path: /scenic/water/tiff/
breaker.tif   4141636  07-03-95  A wave smashing against rocks.
icybrook.tif  4909952  07-01-95  A stream in the winter.
rkybeach.tif  4326086  07-03-95  Interesting rock forms at a beach..
rkycoast.tif  4264844  07-01-95  High rocks defying the sea.
wtrfall.tif   4161426  07-04-95  A small waterfall.