Visons from Preferred Stock CDROM.  July 94.  Walnut Creek CDROM.
Thumbnail catalogs of images
path: \images\thumbs\ 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ANIMAL01.GIF   182703  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Animals 1/4
ANIMAL02.GIF   157461  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Animals 2/4
ANIMAL03.GIF   172943  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Animals 3/4
ANIMAL04.GIF    22467  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Animals 4/4
ARTPIX01.GIF   173365  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Artpix 1/2
ARTPIX02.GIF   169883  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Artpix 2/2
BARNS01.GIF    130225  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Barns & Farms 1/1
BKGRDS01.GIF   168220  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Backgrounds 1/2
BKGRDS02.GIF    82880  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Backgrounds 2/2
BOATS01.GIF    160788  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Boats & Water 1/2
BOATS02.GIF    124767  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Boats & Water 2/2
CHURCH01.GIF   135849  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Churches 1/2
CHURCH02.GIF    92073  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Churches 2/2
CITIES01.GIF   141954  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Cities 1/2
CITIES02.GIF    82579  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Cities 2/2
CLOSE01.GIF    162410  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Closeups 1/3
CLOSE02.GIF    185160  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Closeups 2/3
CLOSE03.GIF     31279  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Closeups 3/3
FRACTL01.GIF   173028  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Fractals 1/2
FRACTL02.GIF   134310  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Fractals 2/2
FREIGN01.GIF   171624  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Foreign 1/2
FREIGN02.GIF   123587  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Foreign 2/2
HOLDAY01.GIF   151856  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Holidays 1/2
HOLDAY02.GIF    19759  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Holidays 2/2
PARKS01.GIF    166829  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Parks 1/2
PARKS02.GIF     88346  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Parks 2/2
PLANTS01.GIF   153429  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Plants 1/2
PLANTS02.GIF   121203  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Plants 2/2
SCEN_E01.GIF   166783  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Scenic (Eastern) 1/2
SCEN_E02.GIF    39591  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Scenic (Eastern) 2/2
SCEN_W01.GIF   165765  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Scenic (Western) 1/2
SCEN_W02.GIF    49970  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Scenic (Western) 2/2
SEASN01.GIF    158636  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Seasons 1/3
SEASN02.GIF    171791  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Seasons 2/3
SEASN03.GIF     31728  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Seasons 3/3
STILL01.GIF    120910  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Still Life 1/1
VISNS01.GIF    152511  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Visions 1/3
VISNS02.GIF    138911  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Visions 2/3
VISNS03.GIF    141600  07-12-94  Thumbnail: Visions 3/3
Artistic photographs - 640x480
path: \images\artpix\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
2HORSES.GIF    192635  03-22-94  Two horses grazing.
2HOUSES.GIF    182071  03-22-94  Two New England houses.
3BOATS3.GIF    248081  03-17-94  Three boats - abstract colors.
ABANDOND.GIF   297658  03-22-94  Abandoned farm house, Oregon.
ARUBAHSE.GIF   192369  03-22-94  Abandoned farmhouse on Aruba.
AUSTVILG.GIF   145224  03-22-94  An Austrian village with a church spire.
BARN_001.GIF   158953  03-22-94  Barn silhouette and a red sky.
BARN_002.GIF   182905  03-17-94  Two barns with fractal mountains.
BARN_006.GIF   139771  03-22-94  Wheat barn and fractal mountain.
BARNFLWR.GIF   239594  03-22-94  Barn in field of yellow flowers.
CABIN002.GIF   167314  03-22-94  Colorful cabin in fractal landscape.
CHINGDN1.GIF   269840  03-22-94  Scene in a Chinese garden, Montreal.
CLOWNSOL.GIF   182160  03-22-94  Solarized portrait of a clown.
CONVENT.GIF    286979  03-22-94  A Portugese convent.
FALLTOWN.GIF   246782  03-22-94  A Vermont town in autumn.
FLWINDOW.GIF   278859  03-22-94  Flowers on wagon in front of a window.
INDNBOWL.GIF   220864  03-17-94  Indian pottery of the West.
JENFARM.GIF    230986  03-22-94  Vermont farm in autumn.
MTHOUSE.GIF    215417  03-17-94  Abandoned farmhouse on a hilltop.
OLDSTATN.GIF   282498  03-22-94  Section of abandoned train station.
OLDTRUCK.GIF   172152  03-22-94  Old truck, Bodie, CA.
PAGODA2.GIF    264937  03-22-94  Manipulated picture of a pagoda.
PONDHSE.GIF    293275  03-22-94  Red house reflected in a pond.
RODEO_01.GIF   251328  03-22-94  Bucking horse and cowboy.
ROTHBERG.GIF   237441  03-22-94  Medieval German town.
SAILBTDB.GIF   174854  03-22-94  Sailboat among fractal rocks.
SHACKS.GIF     248142  03-22-94  Two shacks, Bodie,CA.
SNOWHSDB.GIF   226089  03-22-94  Snow-covered houses.
VENICE2.GIF    217502  03-22-94  Grand Canal, Venice, Italy.
WHITEBRN.GIF   195609  03-22-94  White barn in the spring.
Artistic photographs- 800x600
path: \images\artpix\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
2HORSES.GIF    293676  03-22-94  Two horses grazing.
2HOUSES.GIF    275913  03-22-94  Two New England houses.
3BOATS3.GIF    384830  03-17-94  Three boats - abstract colors.
ABANDOND.GIF   435981  03-16-94  Abandoned farm house, Oregon.
ARUBAHSE.GIF   304432  03-22-94  Abandoned farmhouse on Aruba.
AUSTVILG.GIF   233720  03-22-94  An Austrian village with a church spire.
BARN_001.GIF   227426  03-22-94  Barn silhouette and a red sky.
BARN_002.GIF   301501  03-17-94  Two barns with fractal mountains.
BARN_006.GIF   230481  03-22-94  Wheat barn and fractal mountain.
BARNFLWR.GIF   380385  03-22-94  Barn in field of yellow flowers.
CABIN002.GIF   254848  03-22-94  Colorful cabin in fractal landscape.
CHINGDN1.GIF   389793  03-17-94  Scene in a Chinese garden, Montreal.
CLOWNSOL.GIF   276323  03-22-94  Solarized portrait of a clown.
CONVENT.GIF    427899  03-22-94  A Portugese convent.
FALLTOWN.GIF   387497  03-22-94  A Vermont town in autumn.
FLWINDOW.GIF   391469  03-22-94  Flowers on wagon in front of a window.
INDNBOWL.GIF   325086  03-17-94  Indian pottery of the West.
JENFARM.GIF    369428  03-22-94  Vermont farm in autumn.
MTHOUSE.GIF    343592  03-17-94  Abandoned farmhouse on a hilltop.
OLDSTATN.GIF   419487  03-22-94  Section of abandoned train station.
OLDTRUCK.GIF   281143  03-22-94  Old truck, Bodie, CA.
PAGODA2.GIF    432957  03-22-94  Manipulated picture of a pagoda.
PONDHSE.GIF    466843  03-22-94  Red house reflected in a pond.
RODEO_01.GIF   362395  03-22-94  Bucking horse and cowboy.
ROTHBERG.GIF   367832  03-22-94  Medieval German town.
SAILBTDB.GIF   271410  03-22-94  Sailboat among fractal rocks.
SHACKS.GIF     371926  03-17-94  Two shacks, Bodie,CA.
SNOWHSDB.GIF   325731  03-22-94  Snow-covered houses.
VENICE2.GIF    307627  03-22-94  Grand Canal, Venice, Italy.
WHITEBRN.GIF   303895  03-22-94  White barn in the spring.
Backgrounds - 640x480
path: \images\bkgrnds\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
FANTASY1.GIF   256224  03-15-94  Blue and red-yellow pattern.
FANTASY2.GIF   307497  03-15-94  Shades of purple.
FANTASY3.GIF   340655  03-15-94  Blue and yellow pattern.
FANTASY4.GIF   227299  03-16-94  Pink and gray curtain.
FANTASY5.GIF   199124  03-16-94  Colorful swirls.
FULLMOON.GIF   201501  03-19-94  Full moon in light sky.
GARDEN.GIF     290095  03-15-94  Flowers with red rock.
MEXICO.GIF     244365  03-13-94  Mexican motif.
PATTERN1.GIF    91003  03-16-94  Blue checkerboard.
PATTERN2.GIF   113849  03-16-94  Chicken wire with yellow background.
PATTERN3.GIF   163107  03-16-94  Musical scales on purple.
PATTERN4.GIF   203356  03-16-94  Greek Key design on tan.
PATTERN5.GIF   179350  03-16-94  Blue herringbone.
SHADOWS.GIF    185482  03-13-94  Arcade with light and shadows.
SUNSET01.GIF   141801  03-13-94  Yellow afterglow above mountains.
SUNSET02.GIF    74950  03-13-94  Sun peeking through clouds.
SUNSET03.GIF   179819  03-19-94  Red sun in red sky.
SUNSET04.GIF   139461  03-26-94  Dark clouds framing sunset.
TEXTURE1.GIF   212374  03-16-94  Pink linen.
TEXTURE2.GIF   333085  03-16-94  Red brick wall.
TEXTURE3.GIF   338856  03-16-94  Blue mosaic.
TEXTURE4.GIF   354785  03-16-94  Yellow stucco.
TEXTURE5.GIF   381482  03-16-94  Brown cork.
TEXTURE6.GIF   386214  03-19-94  Tan burlap.
TEXTURE7.GIF    98608  03-19-94  Extruded lumber.
Backgrounds - 800x600
path: \images\bkgrnds\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
FANTASY1.GIF   268665  03-15-94  Blue and red-yellow pattern.
FANTASY2.GIF   362353  03-15-94  Shades of purple.
FANTASY3.GIF   334518  03-15-94  Blue and yellow pattern.
FANTASY4.GIF   274280  03-16-94  Pink and gray curtain.
FANTASY5.GIF   284755  03-16-94  Colorful swirls.
FULLMOON.GIF   373579  03-19-94  Full moon in light sky.
GARDEN.GIF     444084  03-15-94  Flowers with red rock.
MEXICO.GIF     375298  03-13-94  Mexican motif.
PATTERN1.GIF    88487  03-16-94  Blue checkerboard.
PATTERN2.GIF   123812  03-16-94  Chicken wire with yellow background.
PATTERN3.GIF   179326  03-16-94  Musical scales on purple.
PATTERN4.GIF   187886  03-16-94  Greek Key design on tan.
PATTERN5.GIF   191699  03-16-94  Blue herringbone.
SHADOWS.GIF    284169  03-13-94  Arcade with light and shadows.
SUNSET01.GIF   211619  03-13-94  Yellow afterglow above mountains.
SUNSET02.GIF   127495  03-13-94  Sun peeking through clouds.
SUNSET03.GIF   188257  03-19-94  Red sun in red sky.
SUNSET04.GIF   193438  03-26-94  Dark clouds framing sunset.
TEXTURE1.GIF   264868  03-16-94  Pink linen.
TEXTURE2.GIF   527565  03-16-94  Red brick wall.
TEXTURE3.GIF   539934  03-16-94  Blue mosaic.
TEXTURE4.GIF   479198  03-16-94  Yellow stucco.
TEXTURE5.GIF   590698  03-16-94  Brown cork.
TEXTURE6.GIF   541243  03-19-94  Tan burlap.
TEXTURE7.GIF   118976  03-19-94  Extruded lumber.
Boats and Marine - 640x480
path: \images\boatswtr\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
2_MASTER.GIF   155423  03-31-94  Two masted sailing ship
3BOATS.GIF     232534  03-31-94  Three fishing boats at dock.
4BOATS.GIF     207958  03-31-94  Four colorful boats.
BEACHBOT.GIF   189101  03-31-94  Small boat on a beach.
CALCOAST.GIF   242413  03-31-94  California coast near Big Sur.
CANOEING.GIF   257296  03-31-94  Man paddling canoe.
CLIFBOAT.GIF   161507  03-13-94  Boat in surf, California.
CRUISING.GIF   135659  03-31-94  Sailboat in the Caribbean Sea.
DORIES.GIF     174248  03-31-94  Two fishing dories, Portugal.
FISHING.GIF    230056  03-31-94  Woman fishing in pond.
FISHOUSE.GIF   203188  03-31-94  Scenic view, Nova Scotia.
FOUNTAIN.GIF   212359  03-31-94  Decorative fountain, Arizona.
GRTFALLS.GIF   263862  03-31-94  Great Falls of the Potomac, Virginia.
ICYFALLS.GIF   274128  03-31-94  Great Falls in winter, Paterson,NJ.
LOBSTBOT.GIF   197682  03-31-94  Fishing scene, Rockport,MA.
NSSCENE.GIF    152225  03-19-94  Fish shacks, Nova Scotia.
OLDTIMRS.GIF   152427  03-31-94  Abandoned sailing ships, Maine.
PACBEACH.GIF   191733  03-31-94  Pacific Beach, Oregon.
PEGGYCOV.GIF   152948  03-31-94  Classic scene, Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia.
REFLCTON.GIF    98437  03-31-94  Reflected patterns in water.
RKYBEACH.GIF   202991  03-31-94  Portugese beach.
ROCKPORT.GIF   154528  03-31-94  Winter scene, Rockport,MA.
ROWBOAT.GIF    210053  03-31-94  Rowboat tied at pier.
SAILBOAT.GIF   120719  03-13-94  Impression of a sailboat at sunset.
SAILBOT2.GIF   145287  03-31-94  Colorful sailboat on a Florida beach.
SAILING.GIF    133615  04-01-94  Sailboat among rocks.
SHORELIN.GIF   200271  04-01-94  Ocean meets the shore.
SUNPATH.GIF    123146  04-01-94  Setting sun reflected in water.
WATRFALL.GIF   222919  03-13-94  Close-up of rushing water.
WAVECURL.GIF   213571  04-01-94  Breaking wave.
Boats and Marine - 800x600
path: \images\boatswtr\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
2_MASTER.GIF   252404  04-01-94  Two masted sailing ship
3BOATS.GIF     353854  04-01-94  Three fishing boats at dock.
4BOATS.GIF     320726  03-13-94  Four colorful boats.
BEACHBOT.GIF   236854  03-13-94  Small boat on a beach.
CALCOAST.GIF   401316  04-01-94  California coast near Big Sur.
CANOEING.GIF   354137  04-01-94  Man paddling canoe.
CLIFBOAT.GIF   268103  03-13-94  Boat in surf, California.
CRUISING.GIF   178494  04-01-94  Sailboat in the Caribbean Sea.
DORIES.GIF     291393  04-01-94  Two fishing dories, Portugal.
FISHING.GIF    308588  04-01-94  Woman fishing in pond.
FISHOUSE.GIF   243030  04-01-94  Scenic view, Nova Scotia.
FOUNTAIN.GIF   294024  04-01-94  Decorative fountain, Arizona.
GRTFALLS.GIF   388457  04-01-94  Great Falls of the Potomac, Virginia.
ICYFALLS.GIF   306669  04-01-94  Great Falls in winter, Paterson,NJ.
LOBSTBOT.GIF   303866  04-01-94  Fishing scene, Rockport,MA.
NSSCENE.GIF    390101  04-01-94  Fish shacks, Nova Scotia.
OLDTIMRS.GIF   255408  04-01-94  Abandoned sailing ships, Maine.
PACBEACH.GIF   267718  04-01-94  Pacific Beach, Oregon.
PEGGYCOV.GIF   308317  04-01-94  Classic scene, Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia.
REFLCTON.GIF   136722  03-29-94  Reflected patterns in water.
RKYBEACH.GIF   334429  04-01-94  Portugese beach.
ROCKPORT.GIF   238085  04-01-94  Winter scene, Rockport,MA.
ROWBOAT.GIF    314955  03-13-94  Rowboat tied at pier.
SAILBOAT.GIF   215637  03-13-94  Impression of a sailboat at sunset.
SAILBOT2.GIF   224454  03-29-94  Colorful sailboat on a Florida beach.
SAILING.GIF    193140  03-13-94  Sailboat among rocks.
SHORELIN.GIF   325981  04-01-94  Ocean meets the shore.
SUNPATH.GIF    206989  04-01-94  Setting sun reflected in water.
WATRFALL.GIF   348912  03-13-94  Close-up of rushing water.
WAVECURL.GIF   300597  04-01-94  Breaking wave.
Barns and Farm - 640x480
path: \images\brnsfrms\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BARN01.GIF     196945  04-02-94  Barn in autumn.
BARN02.GIF     266694  04-02-94  Red barn behind flowers.
BARNSILO.GIF   169350  04-02-94  Distant view of  a farm.
COLOBARN.GIF   207445  03-17-94  Barn placed in front of mountains.
FALLBARN.GIF   260215  03-22-94  Barn and fall foliage.
FRMHOUSE.GIF   284584  04-02-94  Farmhouse through the trees.
FRMWAGON.GIF   248206  04-02-94  Wagon and livery barn.
HORSFARM.GIF   176207  04-02-94  White barns at sunset.
NJBARN01.GIF   173694  03-19-94  New Jersey farm in winter.
OLDBARN2.GIF   291681  03-17-94  Old barn in wheatfields.
PENNFARM.GIF   159773  04-02-94  Pennsylvania farm.
REDBARN.GIF    230518  04-02-94  Red barn with haystack.
Barns and Farm - 800x600
path: \images\brnsfrms\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BARN01.GIF     271618  04-03-94  Barn in autumn.
BARN02.GIF     390338  04-03-94  Red barn behind flowers.
BARNSILO.GIF   242153  04-03-94  Distant view of  a farm.
COLOBARN.GIF   338387  04-03-94  Barn placed in front of mountains.
FALLBARN.GIF   384299  03-22-94  Barn and fall foliage.
FRMHOUSE.GIF   436591  04-03-94  Farmhouse through the trees.
FRMWAGON.GIF   352433  04-03-94  Wagon and livery barn.
HORSFARM.GIF   252917  04-02-94  White barns at sunset.
NJBARN01.GIF   394287  03-19-94  New Jersey farm in winter.
OLDBARN2.GIF   462731  04-03-94  Old barn in wheatfields.
PENNFARM.GIF   225932  04-03-94  Pennsylvania farm.
REDBARN.GIF    335617  04-02-94  Red barn with haystack.
Churches - 640x480
path: \images\churches\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AUTUMNCH.GIF   201693  05-08-94  A NJ churcu in the fall.
BAVCHURH.GIF   179498  03-19-94  Church in fog, Bavaria, Germany.
CATHEDRL.GIF   234055  05-08-94  St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.
CHAPEL.GIF     217579  05-08-94  Red Rocks Chapel, Sedona, Arizona.
CHFRONT.GIF    201214  05-08-94  Front view, white church and steeple.
COUNTRY.GIF    171703  05-07-94  An old country church, Long Island, NY.
FALLCHUR.GIF   151135  05-08-94  White steeple framed by fall leaves.
HILLTOP.GIF    169469  05-08-94  A hilltop church and cemetery, Nova Scotia,
INTERIOR.GIF   186039  05-08-94  Interior view of Montreal cathedral.
MACHURCH.GIF   162095  05-08-94  Campus church, UMASS, Amhurst, MA.
MISSION.GIF    166305  05-08-94  Spanish mission church, Tucson, Arizona.
MODERNCH.GIF   169349  05-08-94  Modern church, Scottsdale, Arizona.
MONTREAL.GIF   194444  05-07-94  Cathedral of Notre Dame, Montreal, Canada.
MOSQUE.GIF     188287  05-08-94  A mosque in Iran.
MTGHOUSE.GIF   261400  05-08-94  Quaker meeting house, New Jersey.
NEWENGCH.GIF   173800  05-08-94  A church in Mass.
NJCHURCH.GIF   215758  05-08-94  A New Jersey brick church.
REDDOOR.GIF    244319  05-08-94  A stone church with a red door.
SNOWCVCH.GIF   201400  05-08-94  A snow covered church.
ST_JUDES.GIF   148326  03-28-94  St. Jude's church, Boulder, Nevada.
STEEPLE.GIF    268873  03-13-94  White church in the spring.
STONCHUR.GIF   265012  05-08-94  A stone church in the winter.
VILLAGCH.GIF   201552  05-08-94  Country village scene with church.
VTCHURCH.GIF   312798  05-08-94  Fall scene in Vermont.
WESTERN.GIF    137271  05-08-94  Old western church, Arizona.
Churches - 800x600
path: \images\churches\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AUTUMNCH.GIF   318797  05-08-94  A NJ churcu in the fall.
BAVCHURH.GIF   331045  03-19-94  Church in fog, Bavaria, Germany.
CATHEDRL.GIF   334700  05-08-94  St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.
CHAPEL.GIF     349849  05-08-94  Red Rocks Chapel, Sedona, Arizona.
CHFRONT.GIF    287720  05-08-94  Front view, white church and steeple.
COUNTRY.GIF    268872  05-08-94  An old country church, Long Island, NY.
FALLCHUR.GIF   281191  05-08-94  White steeple framed by fall leaves.
HILLTOP.GIF    172394  05-08-94  A hilltop church and cemetery, Nova Scotia,
INTERIOR.GIF   285539  05-08-94  Interior view of Montreal cathedral.
MACHURCH.GIF   230982  05-08-94  Campus church, UMASS, Amhurst, MA.
MISSION.GIF    284203  05-08-94  Spanish mission church, Tucson, Arizona.
MODERNCH.GIF   238537  05-08-94  Modern church, Scottsdale, Arizona.
MONTREAL.GIF   295308  05-07-94  Cathedral of Notre Dame, Montreal, Canada.
MOSQUE.GIF     216228  05-08-94  A mosque in Iran.
MTGHOUSE.GIF   414558  05-08-94  Quaker meeting house, New Jersey.
NEWENGCH.GIF   279980  05-08-94  A church in Mass.
NJCHURCH.GIF   310531  05-08-94  A New Jersey brick church.
REDDOOR.GIF    333038  05-08-94  A stone church with a red door.
SNOWCVCH.GIF   301020  05-08-94  A snow covered church.
ST_JUDES.GIF   275335  03-28-94  St. Jude's church, Boulder, Nevada.
STEEPLE.GIF    386570  03-13-94  White church in the spring.
STONCHUR.GIF   365753  05-08-94  A stone church in the winter.
VILLAGCH.GIF   277212  05-08-94  Country village scene with church.
VTCHURCH.GIF   345549  05-08-94  Fall scene in Vermont.
WESTERN.GIF    218841  05-08-94  Old western church, Arizona.
Cityscape images - 640x480
path: \images\cities\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ALBANYNY.GIF   144525  05-21-94  The State Campus, Albany, NY.
ATHENS.GIF     198871  05-20-94  The Parthenon, Athens, Greece.
CARACAS.GIF    192760  05-21-94  Government building, Caracas, Venezuela.
DENVER.GIF     223385  03-31-94  Cowboy statue, Denver, Colorado.
DOWNTOWN.GIF   156555  05-21-94  The Manhattan skyline at dusk.
FTLAUDER.GIF   208959  05-21-94  A marina, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
GOLDGATE.GIF   144517  05-21-94  The Golden Gate bridge, San Francisco, CA.
JERUSLEM.GIF   161486  05-21-94  Gold domed mosque, Jerusalem, Israel.
LIMA.GIF       197675  05-21-94  Spanish style house, Lima, Peru.
LONDON.GIF     173153  05-21-94  The Tower bridge, London, England.
MANHATAN.GIF   150355  03-13-94  Sunset view of Manhattan, NYC.
MIAMI.GIF      172120  05-21-94  Vizcaya, Miami, Florida.
MONTREAL.GIF   215677  05-21-94  Place Jacques Cartier, Montreal, Canada.
NYBRIDGE.GIF   138787  05-21-94  The Whitestone bridge, NYC.
NYSKYLNE.GIF   187522  05-21-94  NYC skyline at night.
PHOENIX.GIF    160317  05-21-94  Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.
ROME.GIF       180841  05-21-94  The Colliseum, Rome, Italy.
SACRMETO.GIF   338615  05-21-94  The State Capitol, Sacramento, CA.
SALTLAKE.GIF   164961  05-21-94  State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah.
SALZBURG.GIF   208152  05-21-94  View of Salzburg, Austria.
SANFRSCO.GIF   212533  05-21-94  Downtown San Francisco, CA.
SANJUAN.GIF    136292  05-20-94  Red dome, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
SEATTLE.GIF    157076  05-21-94  Space Needle at night, Seattle, WA.
WASHDC01.GIF   229354  05-21-94  The Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC
WASHDC02.GIF   125588  05-21-94  The Washington Monument, Wash. DC.
Cityscape images - 800x600
path: \images\cities\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ALBANYNY.GIF   225108  05-21-94  The State Campus, Albany, NY.
ATHENS.GIF     316060  05-20-94  The Parthenon, Athens, Greece.
CARACAS.GIF    192760  05-21-94  Government building, Caracas, Venezuela.
DENVER.GIF     325167  05-21-94  Cowboy statue, Denver, Colorado.
DOWNTOWN.GIF   216805  05-21-94  The Manhattan skyline at dusk.
FTLAUDER.GIF   331493  05-21-94  A marina, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
GOLDGATE.GIF   221356  05-21-94  The Golden Gate bridge, San Francisco, CA.
JERUSLEM.GIF   265350  05-21-94  Gold domed mosque, Jerusalem, Israel.
LIMA.GIF       305465  05-21-94  Spanish style house, Lima, Peru.
LONDON.GIF     233892  05-21-94  The Tower bridge, London, England.
MANHATAN.GIF   229061  05-21-94  Sunset view of Manhattan, NYC.
MIAMI.GIF      273741  05-21-94  Vizcaya, Miami, Florida.
MONTREAL.GIF   330904  05-20-94  Place Jacques Cartier, Montreal, Canada.
NYBRIDGE.GIF   196704  03-13-94  The Whitestone bridge, NYC.
NYSKYLNE.GIF   292134  05-21-94  NYC skyline at night.
PHOENIX.GIF    231148  05-21-94  Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.
ROME.GIF       277608  05-21-94  The Colliseum, Rome, Italy.
SACRMETO.GIF   279864  05-21-94  The State Capitol, Sacramento, CA.
SALTLAKE.GIF   229973  05-21-94  State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah.
SALZBURG.GIF   307674  05-21-94  View of Salzburg, Austria.
SANFRSCO.GIF   291346  05-21-94  Downtown San Francisco, CA.
SANJUAN.GIF    215270  05-21-94  Red dome, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
SEATTLE.GIF    234138  05-21-94  Space Needle at night, Seattle, WA.
WASHDC01.GIF   359443  05-21-94  The Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC
WASHDC02.GIF   191201  05-21-94  The Washington Monument, Wash. DC.
Closeup - 640x480
path: \images\closeups\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AZTEC.GIF      297520  03-26-94  Stone carving of a Aztec warrior, Mexico.
BRICKS.GIF     253691  05-12-94  A brick wall with many shades of red.
BRUSHES.GIF    160583  05-12-94  Art brushes with various tips.
CANDY01.GIF    102107  05-12-94  A popular brand of chocolate candy
CHEMSTRY.GIF   113735  03-27-94  Gloved hand holding a flask of liquid.
CLAMS.GIF      221641  05-12-94  A pile of clams in the shell.
COINS01.GIF    218371  05-12-94  An international collection of coins.
COTTON.GIF     193261  03-26-94  Some cotton balls.
CRAYONS.GIF    137465  05-12-94  A box of crayons.
CRYSTAL.GIF    291386  03-27-94  A small section of a polarized crystal.
FLOWER.GIF     182595  05-12-94  The inside of a flower.
GARLIC.GIF     241239  05-12-94  Many bulbs of garlic.
GOLD.GIF       254556  05-12-94  International gold coins.
IVY.GIF        200198  05-12-94  Ivy leaves after the rain.
MARBLES.GIF    202702  05-12-94  A group of playing marbles.
MEDICINE.GIF   145402  05-12-94  Pills on top of a prescription form.
MONEY01.GIF    280466  05-12-94  Various foreign currency.
MONEY02.GIF    232613  05-12-94  Several $20. dollar bills.
MONEY03.GIF    192758  05-12-94  Different denominations of U.S. currency.
MONEY04.GIF    221555  05-12-94  A hand holding a U.S. $5. bill and change.
MUSHRMS.GIF    255089  03-20-94  A group of mushrooms.
NECKTIES.GIF   307275  05-12-94  A colorful collection of neckties.
PASSPORT.GIF   252751  05-12-94  Passports and foreign money.
PEPPERS.GIF    182437  05-12-94  Red and green peppers.
PETRWOOD.GIF   243340  05-12-94  A cross section of petrified wood.
PRMTVART.GIF   252455  03-26-94  Primitive art.
SLKNSEED.GIF   197878  05-12-94  An open seed pod with silken seeds.
SNAKE.GIF      244487  05-12-94  A snake with it's tongue extended.
SNAKESKN.GIF   268018  03-26-94  Snakeskin pattern on red.
STATUE.GIF     251414  03-27-94  A primitive Native American carving.
STEREO.GIF      80109  03-27-94  The controls on a stereo system.
TOTEM.GIF      174446  05-12-94  A facial carving on a totem pole.
TULIP.GIF      151069  05-12-94  The inside of a tulip.
WALLFACE.GIF   324002  05-12-94  Face in a tiled wall - Asian origin.
WDFUNGUS.GIF   277947  05-12-94  A fungus growing on a dead log.
Closeup - 800x600
path: \images\closeups\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AZTEC.GIF      419263  05-14-94  Stone carving of a Aztec warrior, Mexico.
BRICKS.GIF     367380  05-14-94  A brick wall with many shades of red.
BRUSHES.GIF    185502  05-12-94  Art brushes with various tips.
CANDY01.GIF    144264  05-14-94  A popular brand of chocolate candy
CHEMSTRY.GIF   157106  03-27-94  Gloved hand holding a flask of liquid.
CLAMS.GIF      339161  05-12-94  A pile of clams in the shell.
COINS01.GIF    332446  05-12-94  An international collection of coins.
COTTON.GIF     330587  03-26-94  Some cotton balls.
CRAYONS.GIF    221217  05-14-94  A box of crayons.
CRYSTAL.GIF    430768  03-27-94  A small section of a polarized crystal.
FLOWER.GIF     280881  05-12-94  The inside of a flower.
GARLIC.GIF     360768  05-12-94  Many bulbs of garlic.
GOLD.GIF       378295  05-14-94  International gold coins.
IVY.GIF        285424  05-14-94  Ivy leaves after the rain.
MARBLES.GIF    266570  05-14-94  A group of playing marbles.
MEDICINE.GIF   222735  05-12-94  Pills on top of a prescription form.
MONEY01.GIF    428351  05-14-94  Various foreign currency.
MONEY02.GIF    378449  05-14-94  Several $20. dollar bills.
MONEY03.GIF    299471  05-14-94  Different denominations of U.S. currency.
MONEY04.GIF    382649  05-14-94  A hand holding a U.S. $5. bill and change.
MUSHRMS.GIF    362241  05-14-94  A group of mushrooms.
NECKTIES.GIF   442382  05-14-94  A colorful collection of neckties.
PASSPORT.GIF   412395  05-14-94  Passports and foreign money.
PEPPERS.GIF    265416  05-11-94  Red and green peppers.
PETRWOOD.GIF   445260  05-14-94  A cross section of petrified wood.
PRMTVART.GIF   360863  03-26-94  Primitive art.
SLKNSEED.GIF   304650  05-12-94  An open seed pod with silken seeds.
SNAKE.GIF      357543  05-14-94  A snake with it's tongue extended.
SNAKESKN.GIF   371676  03-26-94  Snakeskin pattern on red.
STATUE.GIF     371398  03-27-94  A primitive Native American carving.
STEREO.GIF     130285  03-27-94  The controls on a stereo system.
TOTEM.GIF      269073  05-11-94  A facial carving on a totem pole.
TULIP.GIF      243808  05-14-94  The inside of a tulip.
WALLFACE.GIF   451336  05-14-94  Face in a tiled wall - Asian origin.
WDFUNGUS.GIF   398886  05-14-94  A fungus growing on a dead log.
Foreign places - 640x480
path: \images\foreign\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BRAZIL.GIF     147908  05-22-94  View of Brasilia, Brazil.
CAMBODIA.GIF   231881  05-22-94  Temples at Angkor Wat, Cambodia.
COLUMB01.GIF   242620  05-24-94  Spanish fortress, Cartagena, Colombia.
COLUMB02.GIF   219663  05-22-94  Hilltop fort, Cartagena, Colombia.
ENGLAND.GIF    184284  05-24-94  Horse Guard, Buckingham Palace, London, Eng.
EQADOR01.GIF   240512  05-24-94  Indian market, Equador.
FRANCE.GIF     173463  05-24-94  Church of Sacre Coeur, Paris, France.
GRMANY01.GIF   210778  05-24-94  Village of Rothenburg, Germany.
INDIA01.GIF    169403  05-24-94  The Taj Mahal, Agra, India.
ISRAEL01.GIF   217324  05-24-94  Praying at the Wall, Jerusalem, Israel.
ISRAEL02.GIF   240963  04-03-94  Old staircase, Safad, Israel.
ITALY.GIF      149637  05-24-94  Cathedral and tower, Pisa, Italy.
JAPAN.GIF      172710  05-22-94  Teahouse, Kyoto, Japan.
JERICHO.GIF    276408  05-22-94  Farmer plowing, Jericho, Israel.
MALI.GIF       204045  05-24-94  Baking oven, Timbuktu, Mali.
MEXICO01.GIF   262968  05-24-94  Building facade, Chichen-iza, Mexico.
PAGODA02.GIF   244040  05-24-94  Chinese pagoda, Montreal, Canada.
PANAMA01.GIF   260176  05-24-94  Tropical countryside, Panama.
PERU01.GIF     213640  05-24-94  View of Machu-piccu, Peru.
PERU02.GIF     209582  05-22-94  River valley in the Andes, Peru.
PRTGAL01.GIF   226392  05-24-94  Beach at Albufieria, Portugal.
SPAIN.GIF      186335  05-22-94  Bullfight, Madrid, Spain.
SWITZ01.GIF    212261  05-24-94  The Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland.
SWITZ02.GIF    165831  05-24-94  Old wooden bridge, Lucerne, Switzerland.
THAILAND.GIF   209413  05-22-94  Golden temples, Bangkok, Thailand.
VENICE01.GIF   228097  05-24-94  Canal with boats, Venice, Italy.
VENICE02.GIF   261757  05-24-94  Motorboat in canal, Venice, Italy.
VIENNA.GIF     193302  05-24-94  Streetcars in Vienna, Austria.
Foreign places - 800x600
path: \images\foreign\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BRAZIL.GIF     302357  05-24-94  View of Brasilia, Brazil.
CAMBODIA.GIF   393997  05-22-94  Temples at Angkor Wat, Cambodia.
COLUMB01.GIF   362631  04-03-94  Spanish fortress, Cartagena, Colombia.
COLUMB02.GIF   338968  05-22-94  Hilltop fort, Cartagena, Colombia.
ENGLAND.GIF    289985  05-24-94  Horse Guard, Buckingham Palace, London, Eng.
EQADOR01.GIF   379898  05-24-94  Indian market, Equador.
FRANCE.GIF     377807  05-24-94  Church of Sacre Coeur, Paris, France.
GRMANY01.GIF   280345  05-24-94  Village of Rothenburg, Germany.
INDIA01.GIF    341115  05-24-94  The Taj Mahal, Agra, India.
ISRAEL01.GIF   297709  05-24-94  Praying at the Wall, Jerusalem, Israel.
ISRAEL02.GIF   346698  05-24-94  Old staircase, Safad, Israel.
ITALY.GIF      229913  05-24-94  Cathedral and tower, Pisa, Italy.
JAPAN.GIF      275655  05-22-94  Teahouse, Kyoto, Japan.
JERICHO.GIF    426543  05-22-94  Farmer plowing, Jericho, Israel.
MALI.GIF       313109  05-24-94  Baking oven, Timbuktu, Mali.
MEXICO01.GIF   387821  05-24-94  Building facade, Chichen-iza, Mexico.
PAGODA02.GIF   331887  05-24-94  Chinese pagoda, Montreal, Canada.
PANAMA01.GIF   358322  05-24-94  Tropical countryside, Panama.
PERU01.GIF     329507  05-24-94  View of Machu-piccu, Peru.
PERU02.GIF     321057  05-22-94  River valley in the Andes, Peru.
PRTGAL01.GIF   366053  05-24-94  Beach at Albufieria, Portugal.
SPAIN.GIF      387791  05-24-94  Bullfight, Madrid, Spain.
SWITZ01.GIF    328559  05-24-94  The Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland.
SWITZ02.GIF    260594  05-24-94  Old wooden bridge, Lucerne, Switzerland.
THAILAND.GIF   323168  05-22-94  Golden temples, Bangkok, Thailand.
VENICE01.GIF   336355  05-24-94  Canal with boats, Venice, Italy.
VENICE02.GIF   371291  05-24-94  Motorboat in canal, Venice, Italy.
VIENNA.GIF     304607  05-24-94  Streetcars in Vienna, Austria.
Fractal images - 640x480
path: \images\fractals\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AMEBAS.GIF     101065  03-20-94  Microscopic view of one celled animals.
BALLET.GIF     310412  03-26-94  Impression of ballet.
BLAKHOLE.GIF   252385  03-26-94  Black hole engulfing matter.
BULLSEYE.GIF   127621  03-26-94  Fractal bullseye.
CHECKER.GIF    167071  03-20-94  Round fractal on checkerboard.
CLOVER.GIF     103441  03-20-94  Fantasy flower.
DOILY.GIF      197218  03-20-94  Lace patterns.
DRAGON.GIF     129890  03-26-94  Asian dragon fractal.
EXPLOSN.GIF    328159  03-20-94  An explosion of color.
FLAME.GIF      215969  03-20-94  Fractal flame.
INFINITY.GIF   124889  03-20-94  Impression of infinity.
LARVAE.GIF     189435  03-20-94  Larvae in cocoon.
LGHTNING.GIF   121814  03-20-94  Mandelbrot lightning.
MASK.GIF       141048  03-20-94  Fanciful mask.
METALLIC.GIF   305740  03-20-94  Metallic tubes.
OVAL.GIF       155635  03-20-94  Fractal in oval frame.
PINWHEEL.GIF   214429  03-20-94  Spinning pinwheel.
PROPELER.GIF   140040  03-20-94  Head on view of spinning propeller.
RACETIRE.GIF   225262  03-26-94  Race car tire.
ROYALGEM.GIF   176886  03-26-94  Royal gem of India.
SCORPION.GIF   343916  03-26-94  Scorpion abstract.
SHOCK.GIF      190750  03-20-94  Fractal impression of electric shock.
SPIDER.GIF     207347  03-20-94  Spider on web.
STARFISH.GIF   275134  03-26-94  Fractal starfish.
STEW.GIF       266621  03-20-94  Primordial stew.
SUNFLARE.GIF   131523  03-20-94  Solar flare.
TORNADO.GIF    195571  03-26-94  Eye of a tornado.
WAVE.GIF        38868  03-20-94  Crest of a wave.
WHIRL.GIF      204604  03-20-94  Whirling funnel.
Fractal images - 800x600
path: \images\fractals\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AMEBAS.GIF     145704  03-20-94  Microscopic view of one celled animals.
BALLET.GIF     446934  03-26-94  Impression of ballet.
BLAKHOLE.GIF   344317  03-26-94  Black hole engulfing matter.
BULLSEYE.GIF   176071  03-26-94  Fractal bullseye.
CHECKER.GIF    266067  03-20-94  Round fractal on checkerboard.
CLOVER.GIF     174671  03-20-94  Fantasy flower.
DOILY.GIF      299737  03-20-94  Lace patterns.
DRAGON.GIF     165467  03-26-94  Asian dragon fractal.
EXPLOSN.GIF    510794  03-20-94  An explosion of color.
FLAME.GIF      319437  03-20-94  Fractal flame.
INFINITY.GIF   194866  03-20-94  Impression of infinity.
LARVAE.GIF     307516  03-20-94  Larvae in cocoon.
LGHTNING.GIF   192546  03-20-94  Mandelbrot lightning.
MASK.GIF       218743  03-20-94  Fanciful mask.
METALLIC.GIF   475504  03-20-94  Metallic tubes.
OVAL.GIF       229448  03-20-94  Fractal in oval frame.
PINWHEEL.GIF   327690  03-20-94  Spinning pinwheel.
PROPELER.GIF   206052  03-20-94  Head on view of spinning propeller.
RACETIRE.GIF   321226  03-26-94  Race car tire.
ROYALGEM.GIF   268382  03-26-94  Royal gem of India.
SCORPION.GIF   522024  03-26-94  Scorpion abstract.
SHOCK.GIF      300714  03-20-94  Fractal impression of electric shock.
SPIDER.GIF     320089  03-20-94  Spider on web.
STARFISH.GIF   407009  03-26-94  Fractal starfish.
STEW.GIF       380371  03-20-94  Primordial stew.
SUNFLARE.GIF   209734  03-20-94  Solar flare.
TORNADO.GIF    271158  03-26-94  Eye of a tornado.
WAVE.GIF        45132  03-20-94  Crest of a wave.
WHIRL.GIF      321530  03-20-94  Whirling funnel.
Holiday themes - 640x480
path: \images\holidays\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
CHRMAS01.GIF   228296  04-06-94  Wreath around an ornamental lamp.
CHRMAS02.GIF   216489  05-11-94  Huge shrubbery 'candy cane'.
CHRMAS03.GIF   271331  05-11-94  Christmas tree with red ribbons.
CHRMAS04.GIF   187263  04-06-94  Still life-candy canes with red ribbon.
CHRMAS05.GIF   197050  05-10-94  Christmas lamppost decoration.
CHRMAS06.GIF   269702  05-10-94  Art treatment of Christmes still life.
CHRMAS07.GIF   275585  05-10-94  Christmas tree, Rockefeller Center, NYC.
HANUKKAH.GIF   202603  05-11-94  Hanukkah menorahs.
HLWEEN01.GIF   197879  04-06-94  Skeleton with black hood.
HLWEEN02.GIF   177536  05-10-94  Frankenstein Monster mask.
HLWEEN03.GIF   214968  05-10-94  Halloween mummy.
HLWEEN04.GIF   168315  05-10-94  Skeleton with pirate hat.
PARADE01.GIF   275011  05-11-94  Impression of a parade.
THNKSG01.GIF   208779  05-11-94  Roast turkey in the oven.
THNKSG02.GIF   248353  04-06-94  Thanksgiving still life.
THNKSG03.GIF   255610  04-06-94  Thanksgiving bouquet.
THNKSG04.GIF   199756  05-10-94  Pumpkins and wagon wheel.
THNKSG05.GIF   105686  05-11-94  Pilgrim woman doll.
Holiday themes - 800x600
path: \images\holidays\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
CHRMAS01.GIF   346468  05-11-94  Wreath around an ornamental lamp.
CHRMAS02.GIF   314582  05-11-94  Huge shrubbery 'candy cane'.
CHRMAS03.GIF   393495  05-11-94  Christmas tree with red ribbons.
CHRMAS04.GIF   263416  04-06-94  Still life-candy canes with red ribbon.
CHRMAS05.GIF   298582  05-10-94  Christmas lamppost decoration.
CHRMAS06.GIF   408797  05-10-94  Art treatment of Christmes still life.
CHRMAS07.GIF   424513  05-10-94  Christmas tree, Rockefeller Center, NYC.
HANUKKAH.GIF   291834  05-11-94  Hanukkah menorahs.
HLWEEN01.GIF   298802  04-06-94  Skeleton with black hood.
HLWEEN02.GIF   255142  05-10-94  Frankenstein Monster mask.
HLWEEN03.GIF   335259  05-10-94  Halloween mummy.
HLWEEN04.GIF   260585  05-10-94  Skeleton with pirate hat.
PARADE01.GIF   429332  05-11-94  Impression of a parade.
THNKSG01.GIF   309759  05-11-94  Roast turkey in the oven.
THNKSG02.GIF   399317  04-06-94  Thanksgiving still life.
THNKSG03.GIF   356259  04-06-94  Thanksgiving bouquet.
THNKSG04.GIF   340446  05-11-94  Pumpkins and wagon wheel.
THNKSG05.GIF   211841  05-11-94  Pilgrim woman doll.
Parks - 640x480
path: \images\parks\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ARCHES.GIF     215002  05-17-94  Twin arches, Arches NP, Utah.
BRYCECNY.GIF   264190  05-18-94  Bryce Canyon NP, Utah.
CDRBREAK.GIF   230848  05-18-94  Cedar Breaks NM, Utah.
CHELLY01.GIF   287283  05-18-94  Canyon de Chelly NM, Arizona.
CHELLY02.GIF   292985  05-18-94  Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly NM, Arizona.
CNYNLAND.GIF   181288  05-18-94  Angel arch, Canyonlands NP, Utah.
CORALDUN.GIF   204199  04-07-94  Coral Dunes State Park, Kanab, Utah.
CRATERLK.GIF   205179  04-07-94  Wizard Island, Crater Lake NP, Oregon.
GRCNYN01.GIF   244907  05-18-94  Sunrise, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona.
GRCNYN02.GIF   239278  05-18-94  Grand Canyon NP, Arizona.
GRDTETON.GIF   220575  05-18-94  Grand Teton NP, Wyoming.
MESAVRDE.GIF   296874  05-17-94  Cliff dwelling, Mesa Verde NP,  New Mexico.
MONTZUMA.GIF   253234  05-18-94  Cliff dwelling, Montezuma Castle NM, Arizona.
MONVLY01.GIF   196041  05-18-94  Monument Valley, Navaho Tribal Park, Utah.
MONVLY02.GIF   171190  04-07-94  The mitten, Monument Valley, Utah.
OLYMPIC.GIF    177602  05-18-94  Hurricane Ridge, Olympic NP, Oregon.
PNTDES01.GIF   214782  05-18-94  Painted Desert NP, Arizona.
PNTLOBOS.GIF   243271  05-18-94  Point Lobos State Reserve, California.
RAINIER.GIF    112823  05-18-94  Mount Rainier NP, Washington.
ROCKYMTN.GIF   205726  05-18-94  Rocky Mountain NP, Colorado.
SEQUOIA.GIF    261830  05-18-94  Sequoia NP, California.
TETONS01.GIF   235675  05-18-94  Grand Teton NP, Wyomong.
YLWSTONE.GIF   261465  05-17-94  Yellowstone Falls, Yellowstone NP, Wyoming.
YOSMTE01.GIF   243425  05-18-94  El Capitan, Yosemite NP, California.
YOSMTE02.GIF   234360  05-18-94  Half Dome, Yosemite NP, California.
Parks - 800x600
path: \images\parks\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ARCHES.GIF     318516  05-17-94  Twin arches, Arches NP, Utah.
BRYCECNY.GIF   405041  05-18-94  Bryce Canyon NP, Utah.
CDRBREAK.GIF   334377  05-18-94  Cedar Breaks NM, Utah.
CHELLY01.GIF   446255  05-18-94  Canyon de Chelly NM, Arizona.
CHELLY02.GIF   462868  05-18-94  Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly NM, Arizona.
CNYNLAND.GIF   333315  05-18-94  Angel arch, Canyonlands NP, Utah.
CORALDUN.GIF   295807  04-07-94  Coral Dunes State Park, Kanab, Utah.
CRATERLK.GIF   318968  04-07-94  Wizard Island, Crater Lake NP, Oregon.
GRCNYN01.GIF   384648  05-18-94  Sunrise, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona.
GRCNYN02.GIF   373313  05-18-94  Grand Canyon NP, Arizona.
GRDTETON.GIF   342175  05-18-94  Grand Teton NP, Wyoming.
MESAVRDE.GIF   438073  05-17-94  Cliff dwelling, Mesa Verde NP,  New Mexico.
MONTZUMA.GIF   412086  05-18-94  Cliff dwelling, Montezuma Castle NM, Arizona.
MONVLY01.GIF   332361  05-18-94  Monument Valley, Navaho Tribal Park, Utah.
MONVLY02.GIF   247859  04-07-94  The mitten, Monument Valley, Utah.
OLYMPIC.GIF    275452  05-18-94  Hurricane Ridge, Olympic NP, Oregon.
PNTDES01.GIF   297630  05-18-94  Painted Desert NP, Arizona.
PNTLOBOS.GIF   379136  05-18-94  Point Lobos State Reserve, California.
RAINIER.GIF    238661  05-18-94  Mount Rainier NP, Washington.
ROCKYMTN.GIF   349712  05-18-94  Rocky Mountain NP, Colorado.
SEQUOIA.GIF    403343  05-18-94  Sequoia NP, California.
TETONS01.GIF   351494  05-18-94  Grand Teton NP, Wyomong.
YLWSTONE.GIF   487376  05-18-94  Yellowstone Falls, Yellowstone NP, Wyoming.
YOSMTE01.GIF   387591  05-18-94  El Capitan, Yosemite NP, California.
YOSMTE02.GIF   386794  05-18-94  Half Dome, Yosemite NP, California.
Plant pictures - 640x480
path: \images\plants\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ASPEN.GIF      174881  05-29-94  A grove of Aspen trees.
BLAKEYED.GIF   138827  05-29-94  Three Black-eyed Susans.
BLUEEYE.GIF    195249  05-25-94  Blue-eyed grass.
CACTUS02.GIF   255844  05-27-94  Barrel cactus group.
CACTUSFL.GIF   261401  05-29-94  Orange cactus flowers.
DAISYFLE.GIF   145354  05-26-94  Daisy fleabane cluster.
DAYLILY.GIF    177829  05-25-94  The inside of a daylily.
EVRGREEN.GIF   192299  05-29-94  A majestic evergreen tree.
FLOWRBED.GIF   222256  05-29-94  Yellow and purple flowers.
FLWRSHOW.GIF   280005  05-29-94  Colorful flowers on exhibit.
FOREST.GIF     177959  05-27-94  A pine forest in the fog.
GARDEN01.GIF   300162  05-29-94  Flowers in a garden.
GRAPEVIN.GIF   243966  05-28-94  A grapevine in the fall.
IVYTREE.GIF    289407  05-28-94  Ivy growing on a tree trunk.
MULTICLR.GIF   227608  05-29-94  A multi-colored flower bed.
MUSHRM01.GIF   201260  05-25-94  Two orange mushrooms.
MUSHRM02.GIF   120342  05-29-94  A poisonous pair.
MUSHRM03.GIF   282049  05-29-94  A couple of mushrooms.
PALMTREE.GIF   293428  05-25-94  Native American palm trees.
PITCHER.GIF    161281  05-29-94  Pitcher plants.
POPPIES.GIF    263215  05-25-94  A bed of poppies.
PURPLE.GIF     265919  05-25-94  Purple flowers.
SAGUARO.GIF    200497  05-25-94  A Saguaro cactus.
SCABBAGE.GIF   226974  05-29-94  Skunk cabbage in the spring.
SEEDPOD.GIF    199991  05-25-94  Close-up of a milkweed pod.
SNOWCVRD.GIF   261310  05-25-94  Evergreens with snow.
THISTLE.GIF    128156  05-25-94  A pink thistle.
TROUTLY.GIF     98372  05-25-94  A Trout lily.
WILDIRIS.GIF   149309  05-29-94  A blue flag iris.
WTRLILY.GIF    261062  05-29-94  A yellow water lily.
WTRLILY2.GIF   116022  05-29-94  A pink water lily.
YELLOW01.GIF   147947  05-29-94  An unusual yellow flower.
Plant pictures - 800x600
path: \images\plants\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
ASPEN.GIF      334317  05-29-94  A grove of Aspen trees.
BLAKEYED.GIF   232308  05-29-94  Three Black-eyed Susans.
BLUEEYE.GIF    285066  05-25-94  Blue-eyed grass.
CACTUS02.GIF   394647  05-29-94  Barrel cactus group.
CACTUSFL.GIF   399594  05-29-94  Orange cactus flowers.
DAISYFLE.GIF   219077  05-26-94  Daisy fleabane cluster.
DAYLILY.GIF    258499  05-25-94  The inside of a daylily.
EVRGREEN.GIF   299637  05-25-94  A majestic evergreen tree.
FLOWRBED.GIF   331481  05-29-94  Yellow and purple flowers.
FLWRSHOW.GIF   426660  05-29-94  Colorful flowers on exhibit.
FOREST.GIF     226281  05-27-94  A pine forest in the fog.
GARDEN01.GIF   456784  05-29-94  Flowers in a garden.
GRAPEVIN.GIF   385197  05-28-94  A grapevine in the fall.
IVYTREE.GIF    443406  05-28-94  Ivy growing on a tree trunk.
MULTICLR.GIF   393148  05-25-94  A multi-colored flower bed.
MUSHRM01.GIF   266627  05-25-94  Two orange mushrooms.
MUSHRM02.GIF   176587  05-29-94  A poisonous pair.
MUSHRM03.GIF   400120  05-28-94  A couple of mushrooms.
PALMTREE.GIF   447661  05-25-94  Native American palm trees.
PITCHER.GIF    244307  05-29-94  Pitcher plants.
POPPIES.GIF    410374  05-25-94  A bed of poppies.
PURPLE.GIF     379229  05-25-94  Purple flowers.
SAGUARO.GIF    308506  05-25-94  A Saguaro cactus.
SCABBAGE.GIF   365275  05-29-94  Skunk cabbage in the spring.
SEEDPOD.GIF    300016  05-25-94  Close-up of a milkweed pod.
SNOWCVRD.GIF   419505  05-29-94  Evergreens with snow.
THISTLE.GIF    216335  05-25-94  A pink thistle.
TROUTLY.GIF    136115  05-25-94  A Trout lily.
WILDIRIS.GIF   220554  03-15-94  A blue flag iris.
WTRLILY.GIF    450152  05-29-94  A yellow water lily.
WTRLILY2.GIF   146034  05-29-94  A pink water lily.
YELLOW01.GIF   243639  05-29-94  An unusual yellow flower.
The Eastern U.S. - 640x480
path: \images\scenic_e\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BARNFALL.GIF   234825  05-19-94  A Vermont barn in autumn.
CLINMILL.GIF   225766  05-19-94  The old mill, Clinton, NJ.
CRANES.GIF     162176  05-19-94  Construction cranes at sunset.
FISHRMAN.GIF   254962  05-19-94  A fisherman in a stream.
HSEWOODS.GIF   280282  05-19-94  A cabin in the woods.
LGTHOUSE.GIF   143808  05-19-94  A Maine lighthouse.
LOGCABIN.GIF   262460  05-19-94  A restored log cabin.
MAINELGT.GIF   225566  03-20-94  Portland Head light, Maine.
MALIGHT.GIF    132614  05-19-94  Chatham light, Cape Cod, Mass.
MIAMIBCH.GIF   144021  05-19-94  Cabanas and hotels, Miami Beach, FL.
MILLTOWN.GIF   109735  05-19-94  An old New England mill town.
OLDHOUSE.GIF   311407  04-15-94  An abandoned house, autumn.
OLDMILL.GIF    259986  05-19-94  Old stone mill, Tysons Corner, VA
PEACEFUL.GIF   239101  05-19-94  A peaceful scene in Maine.
PORTHEAD.GIF   115563  05-19-94  Portland Head light, Maine.
QUIETIME.GIF   250185  05-19-94  A restful scene, Maine.
REFLECTN.GIF   227709  03-19-94  A house reflected in a pond.
SEAPORT.GIF    170906  05-19-94  A shack and a wooden ship, Mystic, Conn.
SEASCAPE.GIF   161992  05-19-94  Fish shacks, Nova Scotia, Canada.
STONEHSE.GIF   213987  05-19-94  Historic stone house, Manassas, VA.
The Eastern U.S. - 800x600
path: \images\scenic_e\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BARNFALL.GIF   364309  05-19-94  A Vermont barn in autumn.
CLINMILL.GIF   369116  05-19-94  The old mill, Clinton, NJ.
CRANES.GIF     264660  05-19-94  Construction cranes at sunset.
FISHRMAN.GIF   360656  05-19-94  A fisherman in a stream.
HSEWOODS.GIF   406732  05-19-94  A cabin in the woods.
LGTHOUSE.GIF   218391  05-19-94  A Maine lighthouse.
LOGCABIN.GIF   402066  05-19-94  A restored log cabin.
MAINELGT.GIF   333253  05-19-94  Portland Head light, Maine.
MALIGHT.GIF    205010  05-19-94  Chatham light, Cape Cod, Mass.
MIAMIBCH.GIF   224111  05-19-94  Cabanas and hotels, Miami Beach, FL.
MILLTOWN.GIF   210836  05-19-94  An old New England mill town.
OLDHOUSE.GIF   495121  04-15-94  An abandoned house, autumn.
OLDMILL.GIF    396012  05-19-94  Old stone mill, Tysons Corner, VA
PEACEFUL.GIF   388299  05-19-94  A peaceful scene in Maine.
PORTHEAD.GIF   201543  05-19-94  Portland Head light, Maine.
QUIETIME.GIF   396776  05-19-94  A restful scene, Maine.
REFLECTN.GIF   406545  03-19-94  A house reflected in a pond.
SEAPORT.GIF    264684  05-19-94  A shack and a wooden ship, Mystic, Conn.
SEASCAPE.GIF   260375  05-19-94  Fish shacks, Nova Scotia, Canada.
STONEHSE.GIF   367125  05-19-94  Historic stone house, Manassas, VA.
The Western U.S. - 640x480
path: \images\scenic_w\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BODIE.GIF      228218  04-15-94  House in ghost town, Bodie, CA.
COLOMTN.GIF    231221  05-19-94  A mountain near Aspen, Colorado.
COLOSTRM.GIF   270971  05-19-94  A Colorado stream in the fall.
DESERT.GIF     240753  05-19-94  A desert scene, Apache Junction, AZ.
GHOSTTWN.GIF   172914  05-19-94  Old houses, Bodie, CA.
LAKPOWEL.GIF   243159  05-19-94  Narrow canyon, Lake Powell, AZ.
LOSTLAKE.GIF   248804  05-19-94  Lostlake and Mt. Hood, Oregon.
MONOLAKE.GIF   207206  05-19-94  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
OLDSIGN.GIF    218719  05-19-94  Sign on an old store, Winthrop, WA.
OLDWAGON.GIF   285635  05-19-94  An old wagon, Wyomong.
PGNPOINT.GIF   160034  05-19-94  Pigeon Point Lighthouse, CA.
REDROCK1.GIF   234004  04-07-94  Rock formations. Utah.
REDROCK2.GIF   240289  04-07-94  Red rock formations, Sedona, AZ.
SEDONA01.GIF   262169  05-19-94  A scene near Sedona, AZ.
ST_ELMO.GIF    279120  05-19-94  Ghost town, St. Elmo, Colorado.
STAGCOCH.GIF   198178  05-19-94  Old stagecoach, Wyoming.
TAHOE.GIF      252610  05-19-94  View at Lake Tahoe, CA.
UTAHMTN.GIF    250175  05-19-94  A Utah mountainside, late fall.
VINYARD.GIF    248278  05-19-94  A vineyard, Napa Valley, CA.
WINDMILL.GIF   147798  05-19-94  Windmill and barn, Oregon.
The Western U.S. - 800x600
path: \images\scenic_w\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
BODIE.GIF      369666  05-19-94  House in ghost town, Bodie, CA.
COLOMTN.GIF    390260  05-19-94  A mountain near Aspen, Colorado.
COLOSTRM.GIF   429707  05-19-94  A Colorado stream in the fall.
DESERT.GIF     376152  05-19-94  A desert scene, Apache Junction, AZ.
GHOSTTWN.GIF   381056  05-19-94  Old houses, Bodie, CA.
LAKPOWEL.GIF   385476  05-20-94  Narrow canyon, Lake Powell, AZ.
LOSTLAKE.GIF   356108  05-20-94  Lostlake and Mt. Hood, Oregon.
MONOLAKE.GIF   312434  05-20-94  Tufa formations, Mono Lake, CA.
OLDSIGN.GIF    341905  05-20-94  Sign on an old store, Winthrop, WA.
OLDWAGON.GIF   428543  05-20-94  An old wagon, Wyomong.
PGNPOINT.GIF   250785  05-20-94  Pigeon Point Lighthouse, CA.
REDROCK1.GIF   345877  04-07-94  Rock formations. Utah.
REDROCK2.GIF   349147  05-20-94  Red rock formations, Sedona, AZ.
SEDONA01.GIF   426282  05-20-94  A scene near Sedona, AZ.
ST_ELMO.GIF    457190  05-20-94  Ghost town, St. Elmo, Colorado.
STAGCOCH.GIF   310064  05-20-94  Old stagecoach, Wyoming.
TAHOE.GIF      384271  05-19-94  View at Lake Tahoe, CA.
UTAHMTN.GIF    435274  05-20-94  A Utah mountainside, late fall.
VINYARD.GIF    392364  05-20-94  A vineyard, Napa Valley, CA.
WINDMILL.GIF   219400  05-20-94  Windmill and barn, Oregon.
The seasons - 640x480
path: \images\seasons\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AUTUMN01.GIF   305595  04-10-94  Golden fall foliage.
AUTUMN02.GIF   281637  05-15-94  Brilliant orange foliage.
AUTUMN03.GIF   315398  05-15-94  Grove of trees with leaf covered ground.
AUTUMN04.GIF   306592  05-15-94  A stream with fall foliage.
AUTUMN05.GIF   233544  05-15-94  A dirt road with colorful aspens.
AUTUMN06.GIF   330591  05-15-94  A glorious orange tree.
AUTUMN07.GIF   273659  05-15-94  Aspen and evergreens on a mountainside.
AUTUMN08.GIF   203586  05-15-94  Gourds and autumn leaves.
AUTUMN09.GIF   284983  05-15-94  Fall color reflected in a pond.
AUTUMN10.GIF   274580  05-15-94  Autumn at the lake.
SPRING01.GIF   243948  05-15-94  Apple trees in bloom.
SPRING02.GIF   189706  05-16-94  A field of yellow flowers.
SPRING03.GIF   218627  05-16-94  White blossoms in spring.
SPRING04.GIF   266590  05-16-94  Spring flowers in the desert.
SPRING05.GIF   245515  05-16-94  Cherry trees in bloom.
SPRING06.GIF   246441  05-16-94  A pink dogwood in front of a brick building.
SPRING07.GIF   322840  05-15-94  Dogwood trees and a split rail fence.
SPRING08.GIF   322185  05-15-94  Dogwood and azaleas in bloom.
SUMMER01.GIF   280342  05-16-94  A lazy summer day at the lake.
SUMMER02.GIF   311721  05-16-94  A field of daisies.
SUMMER03.GIF   283821  05-16-94  A white rock and purple flowers.
SUMMER04.GIF   309862  05-16-94  Pink flowers and a stone wall.
SUMMER05.GIF   292281  05-15-94  Daisies and daylilies along a fence.
SUMMER06.GIF   230086  05-15-94  Tall red flowers and a rail fence.
SUMMER07.GIF   252191  05-15-94  A pond in the summer.
WINTER01.GIF   179280  05-16-94  A Vermont barn in the winter.
WINTER02.GIF   151080  05-16-94  A barn and silo in the snow.
WINTER03.GIF   171920  05-16-94  Icycles hanging on a cliff.
WINTER04.GIF   343563  05-16-94  Snow covered trees at the lake.
WINTER05.GIF   226001  04-10-94  A snow covered tree branch.
WINTER06.GIF   221332  05-15-94  A snow covered red barn.
WINTER07.GIF   194583  05-15-94  A barbed wire fence in the snow.
WINTER08.GIF   188901  05-16-94  Ice formations near a waterfall.
WINTER09.GIF   245705  05-15-94  An ice covered tree.
WINTER10.GIF   235840  05-15-94  Frost covered trees in early winter.
The seasons - 800x600
path: \images\seasons\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AUTUMN01.GIF   449500  05-16-94  Golden fall foliage.
AUTUMN02.GIF   399886  05-16-94  Brilliant orange foliage.
AUTUMN03.GIF   512968  05-16-94  Grove of trees with leaf covered ground.
AUTUMN04.GIF   484369  05-16-94  A stream with fall foliage.
AUTUMN05.GIF   370026  05-16-94  A dirt road with colorful aspens.
AUTUMN06.GIF   519258  05-15-94  A glorious orange tree.
AUTUMN07.GIF   437882  05-16-94  Aspen and evergreens on a mountainside.
AUTUMN08.GIF   344821  05-16-94  Gourds and autumn leaves.
AUTUMN09.GIF   460036  05-16-94  Fall color reflected in a pond.
AUTUMN10.GIF   469953  05-16-94  Autumn at the lake.
SPRING01.GIF   380141  05-16-94  Apple trees in bloom.
SPRING02.GIF   298856  05-16-94  A field of yellow flowers.
SPRING03.GIF   344504  05-16-94  White blossoms in spring.
SPRING04.GIF   415306  05-16-94  Spring flowers in the desert.
SPRING05.GIF   398128  05-16-94  Cherry trees in bloom.
SPRING06.GIF   395109  05-16-94  A pink dogwood in front of a brick building.
SPRING07.GIF   527950  05-15-94  Dogwood trees and a split rail fence.
SPRING08.GIF   504096  05-15-94  Dogwood and azaleas in bloom.
SUMMER01.GIF   439979  05-16-94  A lazy summer day at the lake.
SUMMER02.GIF   515497  05-16-94  A field of daisies.
SUMMER03.GIF   448473  05-16-94  A white rock and purple flowers.
SUMMER04.GIF   478923  05-17-94  Pink flowers and a stone wall.
SUMMER05.GIF   460853  05-15-94  Daisies and daylilies along a fence.
SUMMER06.GIF   358732  05-15-94  Tall red flowers and a rail fence.
SUMMER07.GIF   425999  05-17-94  A pond in the summer.
WINTER01.GIF   249703  05-17-94  A Vermont barn in the winter.
WINTER02.GIF   225530  05-17-94  A barn and silo in the snow.
WINTER03.GIF   275181  05-17-94  Icycles hanging on a cliff.
WINTER04.GIF   476761  05-17-94  Snow covered trees at the lake.
WINTER05.GIF   366842  05-17-94  A snow covered tree branch.
WINTER06.GIF   312209  05-15-94  A snow covered red barn.
WINTER07.GIF   299580  05-17-94  A barbed wire fence in the snow.
WINTER08.GIF   264524  05-17-94  Ice formations near a waterfall.
WINTER09.GIF   383184  05-15-94  An ice covered tree.
WINTER10.GIF   379001  05-15-94  Frost covered trees in early winter.
Still life - 640x480
path: \images\stillife\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
APPLES.GIF     165562  04-09-94  A red and a green apple.
BARRELS.GIF    254953  04-10-94  Old barrels and a wooden box.
BRASSWRE.GIF   254104  03-15-94  Rows of brass containers.
CANDLE.GIF     145600  03-19-94  Old books with candle.
DAFODILS.GIF   180863  04-03-94  Composition with grapes and daffodils.
DOORWNDW.GIF   164424  04-10-94  Composition with door and window.
GRAPES.GIF     175121  04-10-94  Grapes, wine and carafe with candle.
NEONSIGN.GIF    88144  04-10-94  Neon sign of a cheerleader.
OLDBOOKS.GIF   192133  04-10-94  Apple with old books.
ORANGES.GIF    168483  04-09-94  A basket of oranges.
SCARCROW.GIF   304017  04-10-94  Scarecrow with a plaid shirt.
TEDDIES.GIF    149554  04-10-94  Two teddy bears.
TWOBUOYS.GIF   182482  04-10-94  A pair of lobster buoys.
Still life - 800x600
path: \images\stillife\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
APPLES.GIF     228320  04-09-94  A red and a green apple.
BARRELS.GIF    428027  04-10-94  Old barrels and a wooden box.
BRASSWRE.GIF   351476  03-15-94  Rows of brass containers.
CANDLE.GIF     358337  03-19-94  Old books with candle.
DAFODILS.GIF   301362  04-03-94  Composition with grapes and daffodils.
DOORWNDW.GIF   239369  04-10-94  Composition with door and window.
GRAPES.GIF     281025  04-10-94  Grapes, wine and carafe with candle.
NEONSIGN.GIF   154653  04-10-94  Neon sign of a cheerleader.
OLDBOOKS.GIF   270878  04-10-94  Apple with old books.
ORANGES.GIF    244335  04-10-94  A basket of oranges.
SCARCROW.GIF   471664  04-10-94  Scarecrow with a plaid shirt.
TEDDIES.GIF    233275  04-10-94  Two teddy bears.
TWOBUOYS.GIF   258068  04-10-94  A pair of lobster buoys.
Raytraced images - 640x480
path: \images\visions\640x480 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AFTRGLOW.GIF   177846  03-24-94  Mountains and a colorful sky.
ASTEROID.GIF   174791  03-10-94  Moon above a rocky planet.
BLUEMOON.GIF   214295  03-23-94  Moon rising behind mountains.
CAVE001.GIF    184378  03-23-94  View to sky from canyon bottom.
CAVE002.GIF    170634  03-24-94  View to night sky from canyon.
CLIFVIEW.GIF   256427  03-10-94  Scene of ocean and mountains.
CRATER01.GIF   190378  03-23-94  Crater on planet with sun in sky.
DARKSKY1.GIF   172176  03-10-94  Storm over mountains.
DESMTS.GIF     230601  03-10-94  Desert with background mountains.
DESPLNET.GIF   194146  03-23-94  Desolate planet with two moons.
DSRTVIEW.GIF   181506  03-10-94  View of desert and mountains.
EARTH_MN.GIF   114289  03-10-94  Earth as seen from the  Moon.
FALLSCN1.GIF   174509  03-10-94  Fall foliage scenic.
FANTASY1.GIF   193129  03-10-94  Fantasy landscape with moon.
FIORD001.GIF   143888  03-24-94  Mountainous inlet from the ocean.
FIORD002.GIF   181699  03-10-94  Fiord at sunset.
FULLMN.GIF     219270  03-10-94  Desert scene with a full moon.
GREYWRLD.GIF   195830  03-10-94  Gray world with moon.
ICEAGE_1.GIF   137595  03-24-94  Icebergs in sea and moon in the sky.
ICEPLANT.GIF   199389  03-10-94  An ice planet with it's moon.
INLET01.GIF    146571  03-24-94  Mountains and sea.
LAGOON.GIF     180693  03-10-94  Fantasy tropical island.
LAGOON3.GIF    129598  03-10-94  Tropical island-another view.
LAVAPLAN.GIF   128195  03-10-94  Volcanic planet with sun.
MTNLAKE.GIF    256120  03-10-94  High mountain lake.
NEBULA2.GIF    137537  03-24-94  Nebula with heavenly body.
NGHTSHT.GIF    204178  03-24-94  View of Earth from the Moon.
NIGHTSKY.GIF   106460  03-24-94  Earth and Moon in motion.
OCEANMTS.GIF   125508  03-24-94  Moon rising behind mountains.
PLANRISE.GIF   146818  03-24-94  Planet in sky above mountains.
RAINBOW1.GIF    97709  03-24-94  Rainbow over a seascape.
RDMTNS.GIF     163707  03-24-94  Two moons over red mountains.
REDCLIFF.GIF   207937  03-24-94  Satellite above cliffs.
REDCOVER.GIF   152972  03-10-94  A moon above a red planet.
REDLANDS.GIF   242434  03-10-94  Red planet with moon in sky.
RIVERVW.GIF    142970  03-10-94  Sun and halo above landscape.
ROCKYMTS.GIF   160530  03-24-94  Planet above rocky landscape.
ROUGHMTS.GIF   201795  03-24-94  Rugged mountain peaks.
SATVIEW.GIF    175135  03-24-94  Satellite above asteroid.
SEASTAKS.GIF   192228  03-24-94  Ocean scene with planet.
SKY002.GIF      86638  03-10-94  Two bodies in space.
SPACEWRP.GIF   195444  03-10-94  Warped space with heavenly bodies.
STARSUN.GIF    140932  03-24-94  Mountain scene and sunset.
STARSUN2.GIF   246904  03-10-94  Sun in sky over mountains.
SUNRISE1.GIF   114558  03-24-94  Sunrise and ocean scene.
SUNRISE2.GIF   115645  03-10-94  Sunrise and mountains.
SUNWATER.GIF   142963  03-24-94  Sun over mountains and ocean.
TWOMOONS.GIF   169806  03-24-94  Two moons over planet.
Raytraced images - 800x600
path: \images\visions\800x600 
Name             Size    Date    Description
------------     ----    ----    --------------------------------
AFTRGLOW.GIF   285265  03-23-94  Mountains and a colorful sky.
ASTEROID.GIF   281597  03-23-94  Moon above a rocky planet.
BLUEMOON.GIF   313901  03-23-94  Moon rising behind mountains.
CAVE001.GIF    304424  03-23-94  View to sky from canyon bottom.
CAVE002.GIF    288520  03-23-94  View to night sky from canyon.
CLIFVIEW.GIF   394883  03-23-94  Scene of ocean and mountains.
CRATER01.GIF   265955  03-23-94  Crater on planet with sun in sky.
DARKSKY1.GIF   269783  03-23-94  Storm over mountains.
DESMTS.GIF     321562  03-23-94  Desert with background mountains.
DESPLNET.GIF   295238  03-24-94  Desolate planet with two moons.
DSRTVIEW.GIF   283509  03-23-94  View of desert and mountains.
EARTH_MN.GIF   184377  03-23-94  Earth as seen from the  Moon.
FALLSCN1.GIF   279612  03-24-94  Fall foliage scenic.
FANTASY1.GIF   303809  03-24-94  Fantasy landscape with moon.
FIORD001.GIF   220789  03-24-94  Mountainous inlet from the ocean.
FIORD002.GIF   297808  03-24-94  Fiord at sunset.
FULLMN.GIF     338895  03-24-94  Desert scene with a full moon.
GREYWRLD.GIF   329120  03-24-94  Gray world with moon.
ICEAGE_1.GIF   206040  03-24-94  Icebergs in sea and moon in the sky.
ICEPLANT.GIF   312558  03-24-94  An ice planet with it's moon.
INLET01.GIF    227025  03-24-94  Mountains and sea.
LAGOON.GIF     284494  03-24-94  Fantasy tropical island.
LAGOON3.GIF    203857  03-24-94  Tropical island-another view.
LAVAPLAN.GIF   200207  03-24-94  Volcanic planet with sun.
MTNLAKE.GIF    363615  03-24-94  High mountain lake.
NEBULA2.GIF    187301  03-24-94  Nebula with heavenly body.
NGHTSHT.GIF    317830  03-24-94  View of Earth from the Moon.
NIGHTSKY.GIF   149688  03-24-94  Earth and Moon in motion.
OCEANMTS.GIF   159750  03-24-94  Moon rising behind mountains.
PLANRISE.GIF   240127  03-24-94  Planet in sky above mountains.
RAINBOW1.GIF   154853  03-24-94  Rainbow over a seascape.
RDMTNS.GIF     226658  03-24-94  Two moons over red mountains.
REDCLIFF.GIF   320280  03-24-94  Satellite above cliffs.
REDCOVER.GIF   233821  03-24-94  A moon above a red planet.
REDLANDS.GIF   325035  03-24-94  Red planet with moon in sky.
RIVERVW.GIF    217442  03-24-94  Sun and halo above landscape.
ROCKYMTS.GIF   233170  03-24-94  Planet above rocky landscape.
ROUGHMTS.GIF   295639  03-24-94  Rugged mountain peaks.
SATVIEW.GIF    275140  03-24-94  Satellite above asteroid.
SEASTAKS.GIF   263426  03-24-94  Ocean scene with planet.
SKY002.GIF     134388  03-24-94  Two bodies in space.
SPACEWRP.GIF   269518  03-24-94  Warped space with heavenly bodies.
STARSUN.GIF    227932  03-24-94  Mountain scene and sunset.
STARSUN2.GIF   378247  03-24-94  Sun in sky over mountains.
SUNRISE1.GIF   161720  03-24-94  Sunrise and ocean scene.
SUNRISE2.GIF   183137  03-24-94  Sunrise and mountains.
SUNWATER.GIF   193057  03-24-94  Sun over mountains and ocean.
TWOMOONS.GIF   257322  03-24-94  Two moons over planet.