----------------------------------------------------------- Root Directory path: / ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt Information about this disc docs\ Documentation for this disc dos\ada\ DOS Ada archives dos\asm\ DOS ASMEnv v1.20 dos\ccc\ DOS C archives dos\cpp\ DOS C++ archives dos\mis\ DOS Misc archives dos\gm\ DOS Awesome Games archives dos\nl\ DOS Newsletters archives dos\rs\ DOS Routines and Supplement archives dos\pas\ DOS Pascal archives dos\tw\ DOS Pascal Tug O'Wards win\mis\ Windows Misc archives win\cpp\ Windows C++ archives zips\ ZIP'ed copies of all archives ----------------------------------------------------------- Documentation for this disc path: /docs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- view.doc VIEW.EXE Docs catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM Catalog catalog.fre Walnut Creek CDROM Catalog - French catalog.ita Walnut Creek CDROM Catalog - Italian ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Ada archives path: /dos/ada/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sc197a\ Beginning ADA Tutorial v2.0 Part 1 by Coronado Enterprises. ADA Part 1 - Ada is the modern programming language developed by the United States Department of Defense for use in embedded programming applications. Part 1 of the Ada tutorial assumes you know nothing about Ada, but that you at least have some programming experience. This tutorial teaches you enough Ada to allow you to use it in much the same manner that Pascal is used. It is a very complete course in beginning Ada. sc197b\ Beginning ADA Tutorial v2.0 Part 2 by Coronado Enterprises. sc198a\ ADVANCED ADA v2.0 Part 1 by Coronado Enterprises Ada Part 2 - Part 2 of the Ada tutorial builds on the topics taught in part 1 and adds the concepts of exception handling, tasking, generic units, advanced topics in the use of records and arrays, and low level machine features. It assumes a thorough knowledge of the material taught in Ada Part 1. sc198b\ ADVANCED ADA v2.0 by Coronado Enterprises ----------------------------------------------------------- Beginning ADA Tutorial v2.0 Part 1 by Coronado Enterprises. path: /dos/ada/sc197a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scadado.197 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chap01.txt chap02.txt chap03.txt chap04.txt chap05.txt chap06.txt chap07.txt chap08.txt chap09.txt chap10.txt chap11.txt chap12.txt chap13.txt chap14.txt chap15.txt chap16.txt intro.txt printext.bat prnttext.exe read.me1 tabcont.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Beginning ADA Tutorial v2.0 Part 2 by Coronado Enterprises. path: /dos/ada/sc197b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scadado.197 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive access1.ada access2.ada access3.ada access4.ada access5.ada adder1.ada adder2.ada adder3.ada adder4.ada adderpkg.ada adderstb.ada age.ada allint.ada array1.ada arryinit.ada automatc.ada blocks.ada boolvars.ada calling.ada casedemo.ada charin.ada charint.ada chars.ada charstak.ada comments.ada compare.ada compares.ada concat.ada dersubs.ada dertypes.ada dumbconv.ada dynstrng.ada easyout.ada enum.ada fixed.ada floatvar.ada formats.ada funct.ada goodform.ada gotodemo.ada ifdemo.ada incrint.ada initex.ada intattrs.ada intin.ada list.exe loopdemo.ada mixtypes.ada moreders.ada moreints.ada moreloop.ada moreout.ada multary1.ada multary2.ada multary3.ada multout.ada nesting.ada oddsqre.ada oneint.ada overload.ada printout.ada printpt1.bat proced1.ada proced2.ada proced3.ada read.me1 record1.ada record2.ada record3.ada record4.ada scope.ada scope2.ada slice.ada someout.ada string1.ada stringin.ada strngcmp.ada subtypes.ada tempconv.ada trivial.ada trystak.ada trystrng.ada uglyform.ada verifile.dat answers\ch02_1.ada answers\ch02_2.ada answers\ch03_1.ada answers\ch03_2.ada answers\ch03_3.ada answers\ch04_1.ada answers\ch04_2.ada answers\ch05_1.ada answers\ch05_2.ada answers\ch06_1.ada answers\ch06_2.ada answers\ch06_3.ada answers\ch07_1.ada answers\ch08_1.ada answers\ch08_2.ada answers\ch08_3.ada answers\ch09_1.ada answers\ch09_2.ada answers\ch10_1.ada answers\ch10_2.ada answers\ch11_1.ada answers\ch11_2.ada answers\ch12_1.ada answers\ch12_2.ada answers\ch13_1.ada answers\ch13_2a.ada answers\ch13_2b.ada answers\ch13_2c.ada answers\ch14_1.ada answers\ch14_2.ada answers\ch15_1a.ada answers\ch15_1b.ada answers\ch15_2.ada answers\ch15_3a.ada answers\ch15_3b.ada answers\ch16_1.ada answers\ch16_2.ada ----------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED ADA v2.0 Part 1 by Coronado Enterprises path: /dos/ada/sc198a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scadado.198 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chap17.txt chap18.txt chap19.txt chap20.txt chap21.txt chap22.txt chap23.txt chap24.txt chap25.txt chap26.txt chap27.txt chap28.txt chap29.txt chap30.txt chap31.txt printext.bat prnttext.exe read.me2 tabcont.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED ADA v2.0 by Coronado Enterprises path: /dos/ada/sc198b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.198 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive accesgen.ada age2.ada allgener.ada arraygen.ada arrayop2.ada arrayops.ada birandio.ada biseqin.ada biseqout.ada bitfield.ada btree.ada default2.ada defaults.ada discrim1.ada discrim2.ada discrim3.ada discrim4.ada dynstrng.ada enumary.ada enumrep.ada except1.ada except2.ada except3.ada except4.ada except5.ada family.ada funcpkg.ada funcrecr.ada genpkg.ada genstack.ada hotdog.ada hotdogs.ada infix.ada limpriv.ada linklist.ada list.exe manydogs.ada meals1.ada meals2.ada meals3.ada nestpkg.ada noprivat.ada objgen.ada packitin.ada parallel.ada philos.ada printpt2.bat priority.ada privat1.ada privat2.ada procpkg.ada random.ada read.me2 recurson.ada retail1.ada retail2.ada revers.ada smallint.ada sortlist.ada summer.ada swapmore.ada swapsome.ada task1.ada task2.ada task3.ada taskaces.ada taskarry.ada tasktype.ada terminat.ada testran.ada teststrn.ada timer.ada trystak.ada unaryop.ada variant1.ada variant2.ada verifile.dat answers\ch17_1.ada answers\ch17_2.ada answers\ch18_1.ada answers\ch18_2.ada answers\ch19_1.ada answers\ch19_2.ada answers\ch20_1.ada answers\ch20_2.ada answers\ch20_3.ada answers\ch21_1.ada answers\ch21_2.ada answers\ch21_3.ada answers\ch22_1.ada answers\ch22_2.ada answers\ch22_3.ada answers\ch23_1.ada answers\ch23_2.ada answers\ch24_1.ada answers\ch24_2.ada answers\ch25_1.ada answers\ch25_2.ada answers\ch25_3.ada answers\ch26_1.ada answers\ch26_2.ada answers\ch27_1.ada answers\ch27_2.ada answers\ch28_1.ada answers\ch28_2.ada answers\ch28_3.ada answers\ch29_1.ada answers\ch29_2a.ada answers\ch29_2b.ada answers\ch30_1.ada answers\ch30_2.ada ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS ASMEnv v1.20 path: /dos/asm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= This is an ASMEnv.EXE v1.9a Distribution Disk. Four executables on the disk are copyrighted (owned) programs to be marked as Shareware. These have .DOC files to be read and to accompany the executables when passed on. Other files are all support files for ASMEnv (as are the executables, in a sense). ASMEnv is an Integrated Development Environment similar to Borland's for its Borland Pascal and Borland C/C++ packages but specially built for use with As- sembly Language source code. Further (easily changed) customizing makes ASMEnv specifically useful for working with Borland's TASM which is provided in the packages I mentioned. That's why I wrote ASMEnv, using Borland's Turbo Vision (and TP6/BP7), to "fill a gap." ============================================================================= asmenv.cfg asmenv.doc asmenv.dsk asmenv.exe asmenv.hlp asmpr.bat asmprn.doc asmprn.exe autoexec.386 config.386 dirpager.doc dirpager.exe disknote keyread.doc keyread.exe reboot.com r_a_note ta.bat ta386.bat txtpager.doc txtpager.exe undo386.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS C archives path: /dos/ccc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi006\ Unix Stuff mi009\ Misc. C Stuff #1 mi012\ Misc. C Stuff #2 mi019\ Misc. C Stuff #3 mi021\ Misc. C Stuff #4 mi024\ Graphics, MemClean, ZapLoad, etc. mi026\ Misc. C Stuff #5 mi028\ Backgammon Concur BAWK mi032\ Turbo Vision Disk 4 contains four utilities for C++ development. mi035\ Declare UFind mi036\ CVT100 Kaleids mi037\ Windows Mandel CMMU BoxDem mi041\ Fil DeepFind BlackJak CRC QUOD mi048\ SmallCom Soundex mi050\ FFT DATES LIST CMOS ZFMAT mi052\ WKQFile, DateDay mi053\ Index, Wave mi058\ DirSize EvalX Profile BuildLib mi066\ SetPtr86, DAFI, FIFI, Flowing mi073\ CTask mi083\ EXEC, SBC, XMS, MODE X pt035\ Matrix STRX sc029b\ Window Boss sc066\ C Tutor sc122\ TEGL Windows Toolkit II(TC2.0) sc154\ CtrlC Library ----------------------------------------------------------- Unix Stuff path: /dos/ccc/mi006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dump.c Filter program to provide a hexdump of any file. fcomp.c Adaptation of UNIX's DIFF command for use under MS/PC-DOS (and shells). Compares two files and reports the differences. grep.c Adaptation of UNIX's GREP command for MS/PC-DOS (and shells). merge.c Filter program to merge two files into a single output file (stdout) morse.h Header file for the morse code trainer program. Contains variable declarations and function prototypes. morse2.c Part two of the morse code trainer (#include'd in the morsmain.c section) morse3.c Part 3 of the morse code trainer (#include'd in the morsmain.c section) morse4.c Part four of the morse code trainer (#include'd in the morsmain.c section) morsmain.c Very public domain morse code trainer. Award winner from MicroCornucopia's C programming contest. read_me.doc releases.doc Release notes for the morse code trainer. rm.c Adaptation of UNIX's RM command - shows first part of file and asks for verification before deleting file. split.c Improvement on UNIX's diff command - this program allows side by side comparison of any two files on an 80-column screen. verifile.dta wc.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. C Stuff #1 path: /dos/ccc/mi009/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.009 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. bioshand.asm BIOS disk write and read software interrupt handler for rdir. If BIOS disk request is busy when this program is called, it sets a flag for the calling program. bioshand.obj ch.c Low level character input routine for LESS. Provides both forward and backward movement capability within the input file. command.c User-level command processor for LESS. dirsel.c Provides a method of selecting a file from a disk in menu form. Puts a window on the screen and fills it with filnames from the given directory. User selects a specific file by moving cursor over the name and presses return. dos_port.h Header module for LESS. Contains defines for program configuration. funcs.h Header module for LESS. Contains the function prototypes for the entire program. help.c Program module for LESS. Displays two pages of help on screen at user's request. input.c High-level routines for getting lines of input from the input file. intercep.c Program to intercept BIOS and DOS calls and record them to a file. This file will be interpreted later by interpret.c, which will produce an annotated listing of all the intercepted BIOS and DOS calls. intercep.doc Documentation file for intercept.c and interpret.c. Shows intent of program, usage of program, and interpretation of program output. intercep.h Header file for intercep.c. Contains some "syntatic sugar", structures, and filenames used within the program. interpre.c Program to interpret the file saved by intercep.c. This program will read that file and produce an annotated listing of the DOS and BIOS functions called by the program being "intercepted". interpre.dat intvid.asm Special intvid() function since int86 will not work inside a TSR program. intvid.h Special union declaration for intvid.asm within rdir.c. intvid.obj less.doc Documentation for LESS.C, a "more" type utility that allows not only file viewing, but also pattern searches, backwards paging, and other commands in an easy-to-use vi (UNIX editor) type format. less.h Main include file for LESS. Sets up compiler dependent defines and some of the program configuration. line.c Routines to manipulate the program's line buffer. Builds each line before it is actually printed to the screen. main.c Entry point for LESS. Does initialization and miscellaneous routines. option.c Command line processor for LESS. See LESS.DOC for command line options. output.c High level routines dealing with output to the screen. position.c Routines dealing with a "position table", which holds the file position of the first character on each currently displayed line. position.h Include file for position.c's position table pointer values. prim.c Primitives for displaying file contents to the screen. prompt.c Takes care of prompts to the user while running LESS. rclock.c Memory resident clock program in C. Provides demonstration of interrupt chaining and redirection. rdir.c Memory resident directory lister demonstrating how to access DOS from within a resident program. Object files for intvid and bioshand are included on this disk; however, if changing of the .asm files is required, you will need MASM 4.0 or compatible to recompile. regerror.c Reports errors to the user. regexp.c Expression parser for LESS. Detailed information is available in header block of this module. regexp.h Header file for regexp.c. regmagic.h Header file for regexp.c. regsub.c Substitution function for regexp.c. scrn.c PC screen routines for LESS. scrn.h Header file for scrn.c. signal.c Routines dealing with signals for LESS. ttyin.c Routines dealing with getting input from the keyboard. verifile.dta version.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. C Stuff #2 path: /dos/ccc/mi012/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.012 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive exe2com.c Replacement for the DOS program, exe2bin. Beginning with DOS 3.3, exe2bin is no longer supplied with DOS. This program does exactly the same thing, and can be a learning experience. The only difference is that this program emits a .com file instead of a .bin file, saving one command (REN). exe2com.doc Documentation file for EXE2COM.C. For an overview of the program, see the header for exe2com.c. integral.c This program uses simpson's rule to calculate the integral of a given function. See the comment block following this header for detailed infor- mation. integral.prj kopy.doc Documentation file for the kopy program. See the header to kopy.c for program overview. refcard.doc Reference "card" for the C programming language. Originally written for the Lattice C compiler, it should still be of use to any C compiler as it appears to conform to K&R and ANSI. rkf45.c 5-Stage, 4th-order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg integration of the system of n ordinary differential equations. (Doesn't sound ordinary to me...) This file contains the code for this system of integration. See the file tstrkf45.c for a demonstration of the use of this function. rkf45.h Header file for rkf45.c. Refer to the file RKF45.C for greater detail. rkf45.prj rs_info.doc tc15.rls Press release concerning Turbo C ver 1.5. Included as a description of what should be on that upcoming release. A few months from now we should be able to look at the 1.5 package and see if they did what they said they would. tpc.com tpc.doc For those of you who would like to make the port from pascal to C a little easier. This program does a respectable job of converting pascal source code to C source. tpcmac.h Header file for tpc translated programs. Contains macro definitions for the generated C source code file. tstinteg.c This program demonstrates the use of integral.c, specifically calling the function integral(). The function f1() contains the function to be "integrated". tstrkf45.c Program to test/demonstrate use of the rkf45 integrator found in the file RKF45.C. For further detail, see that file. verifile.dta rs\ccolor.c rs\clock.c rs\clock.prj rs\color.c rs\color.prj rs\editor.c rs\entry.c rs\exec.c rs\fast.c rs\fast.prj rs\fasttest.c rs\ibmpc.c rs\keys.h rs\maxims.c rs\menu.c rs\menu.prj rs\move.c rs\move.prj rs\note.c rs\note.prj rs\notepad.c rs\ordent.c rs\order.c rs\order.prj rs\poems.c rs\poetry.c rs\poetry.prj rs\popup.c rs\popup.prj rs\prom.c rs\prom.prj rs\promote.c rs\readme rs\resident.c rs\sayings.c rs\sayings.prj rs\tcprogs.hlp rs\testmove.c rs\thelp.c rs\tmenu.c rs\twindow.c rs\twindow.h rs\verifile.dta rs\vidpoke.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. C Stuff #3 path: /dos/ccc/mi019/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.019 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive _readme blank.bin dbcopy.c Program to copy dBase III data structure and records to another file. Written by Mark Sadler. Revised 6/19/87. Compiles with v. 1.0. dbf.doc A fairly complete documentary on dBase III files and how to use routines. The routines included here provide some tools for access to dBASE III database files by Turbo C, version 1.0, programs. dbf.h Header file that must be included in programs calling all functions. dbf.lib dbf.mak dbstat.c Program to list structure and statistics of dbase files. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_addrec.c Routine to append a record to a open dBase III file. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_blank.c Routine to fill a record in memory with blanks. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_close.c Routine to close a dBase III file after access by the other routines in dbf.lib. Updates header and places eof marker at end of file. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_cpystr.c Routine to create a new dBase III file useing the structure of an existing file. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_getfld.c Routine to fill a buffer with field data from a dBase III file opened with d_open and accessed with d_getrec. The data from the record is copied into the buffer and terminated with '\0'. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_getrec.c Routine to get a record from a dBase III file and place in memory at location pointed to by DBF.record_prt. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_open.c Routine to open a dBase III file for access by the other routines in dbf.lib. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_putfld.c Routine to fill a field with data from buffer. Compiles with v. 1.0. d_putrec.c Routine to update a record in a dBase III file. Compiles with v. 1.0. expand.c Will convert a text file into an interleaved character/attribute file using the attribute specified below. Will pad the end of the file with spaces. Develop your ASCII data files and convert them to .BIN with this utility. Compiles with v. 1.0. fm.c Disk directory and file manager. Complete with bar selection, and help menu. Written by Jim Derr. Compiles with v. 1.0. fm.cfg Configuration file for fm.c. fm.doc Instructions for use of the file/directory manager. Written by Jim Derr. Compiles with v. 1.0 fm.prj help.c Help.c is a "roll your own" memory resident help facility. It can be used for those hard to remember functions in any application program, including Dos. The .BIN files are the data files. Compiles with version 1.0. help.doc Documentation covers use of HELP.EXE and generation of data (.BIN) files. help0.bin helpq.bin keydefs.h Key definition header file. listdb.c Program to list the records in a dBase III file. Compiles with v. 1.0. qwikc.doc File discription of windowing routines. Revision 3.02.01. date 10/26/87. qwikc.h Header include file with definitions and constants for all quick sceen routines. Compiles with v. 1.0. qwikc.lib tc.dat tchelp.c TCHELP is a quick reference guide to library functions. Be sure to use quotes around the function name when using TCHELP.EXE. Compiles with version 1.0. tcutil.h Header file for FM.C tcutils.lib test.c This program must be linked to QWIKC.lib. QWIKC.lib is a library file which contains fast screen I/O routines for windows and data entry functions. Compiles with v. 1.0. tutor.c Main source file for window routines. Using the project file, the routines will compile to a tutorial for Turbo C and others. Revision 3.02.01. Revision date 10/26/87. Compiles with v. 1.0. tutor.h Header file to go with Tutor.c. Compiles with v.1.0. tutor.prj verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. C Stuff #4 path: /dos/ccc/mi021/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.21 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive apuzzle Text file example of program output. cal.c This program produces a calendar for the specified year or month. When the command line contains no parameters, the calendar for the present month is printed, flanked by the previous and following months. Version 1.0.3. Date: 11/18/87. Author: John Layman. calendar.c This program reads the file named "calendar" in the current directory, and copies to stdout any lines which fall within a date window commencing with the current date. You must create your own "calendar" file using the format in the Synopsis. Version 1.0.3. Date: 11/18/87. Author: John Layman. cities.wrd Text input file containing a list of cities to be input to program and scrambled. (Hidden) contents display.exe example.c Program to demonstrate the sound functions in C. example.prj explain lesson1 lesson10 lesson11 lesson12 lesson2 lesson3 lesson4 lesson5 lesson6 lesson7 lesson8 lesson9 sound.c Functions to generate various types of sounds on PC speaker. Compile to .OBJ before running .PRJ file. Written by: David W. Terry. sound.h Header file used in EXAMPLE.C teach_c.doc test1_5 test6_8 tutorial.bat verifile.dta wordsrch.c Program takes selected words from a file or input from keyboard and scrambles them in a word puzzle. Written by Dave Regan. wordsrch.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- Graphics, MemClean, ZapLoad, etc. path: /dos/ccc/mi024/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive findfi.c Findfile.c - example of recursive program that searches all directories for a file specified on command line. Comples under version 1.5. Written by Jonathan Wayne CIS 76703,410. Very fast on a well organized disk. graphics.c A series of graphics subroutines for Turbo C. Written by: Sean Pobuda. These routines will compile to .OBJ but have not been tested beyond this point due to no written demo or application program. graphics.doc Text file describing the use of graphics routines. graphics.h Header file for Graphics.C. memclean.c Utility to write a specified byte to extended memory above 640k. Written by: Robert J. Beilstein. memclean.doc Text file describing the use of Memclean.C read.gph Text file describing the reason for the graphics routines. read.me A short description of the windowing package along with copy rights. readndx1.c the following program (tested under Turbo C 1.5) demonstrates reading of dbase III+ .NDX files. The format of the .NDX files was determined by empirical testing. This was tested under the small memory model. revlist Revision listing through version 1.01. tcdebug.doc TCdebug is an experimental source code debugger for use in debugging Turbo C Programs on the IBM-PC. Its goal is to allow source code debugging in all of Turbo C's memory models. Object only. AT/286 required. Author: L. David Baldwin. May, '88. tcdebug.exe verifile.dat windc.lib winddemo.c An extensive set of windowing routines. Written by Danial R. Evans. WINDDEMO.C compiles on a medium model per the project file but routines are included for all models. WINDDEMO.C is one of the better tutorials. winddemo.prj windh.lib windl.lib windm.lib window.h Header file for window routines winds.lib zapload.c A nearly universal utility for converting binary to Intel hex outputting to one or more devices. See ZAPLOAD.DOC for details. Compiles under version 1.5. Author T. Jennings - Sept. '82 zapload.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. C Stuff #5 path: /dos/ccc/mi026/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.026 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive argv.asm Alternate startup code module for setting up argv[] This code mimics the Unix handling of wildcard file names as program arguments. They will be expanded into a list of matching file names, each in a separate argv[] string. argv.doc A replacement command line processor that expands wildcards into the matching files, similar to Unix. Requires Borlands 'make' utility, Masm 4.0, and TLIB. Author John Maline. Last rev. 2/24/88. For use with Turbo C 1.5. May be modified for use with 1.0. argvc.lib argvh.lib argvl.lib argvm.lib argvs.lib argvt.lib ca.c CA is a utility program that provides a vast improvement over DOS's ATTRIB program, besides providing insight into the use of assembly language in TC programs. TCC and MASM 4.0 or later is required to compile this program. Author: Mark Adler, June 5 1988. ca.doc Documentation for the CA program. cpr.c An EXCELLENT C program lister, complete with Table-of-Contents creation, page breaks, source line numbering, and multiple file processing. This program removes the drudgery of formatting your listings for the printer. Original author: Paul Breslin, 7/18/88 expand.c This function is called by the startup code and used to expand wildcards on the command line tail to the matching filenames in argv[]. exparg.c Utility function that expands command line arguments containing wildcard characters. exparg.com getopt.c Utility function that parses -x style command line parameters. Should be easy to modify for /x style parameters. makefile mapesc.c Utility function to map an extended set of escape sequences to ASCII values. ndpcodes.txt 8087/80287 NDP Coprocessor Opcode listing. opcodes.txt LISTING OF 8086/186/286 OPCODES. pgsopt.doc Documentation for a group of command line processing utility functions. Use of these functions provides an improvement over DOS's command line processing, and provides compatability with the UNIX operation system. Author: Michael Mohle', July 1988. For TC version 1.5 pgsopt.h Header file for all of the command line utilities in this package. pset.c A printer setup utility for IBM graphics printer. Uses a command line with options listed in source code. Author: Judson D. McLendon - Version 2.2 - 4/24/88. Compiles on version 1.5. readme.1st Information file on contents of OPCODES.TXT and NDPCODES.TXT Briefly, complete listings of 8086/186/286 and 8087/287 processors. Author: Michael L. Mohle sysday.c Utility function to format the system date into a "MM DDD YYYY" format string. tcdebug.thd Compuserve "TC Debugger" message thread from 19 June to 26 June, as collated by Michael L. Mohle'. A lot of valuable info on programming methodology and software engineering. verifile.dat x.c Program prints its own arguments. zfmat.c Program to QUICK format floppy diskettes, based on earlier work by Frank Nystrom (Copyit.C), Kim Kokkonen (FMAT.PAS), and Peter Norton (BOOT.ASM). Program compiles and runs under TC 1.5 with a minor bug in screen writes (on Librarians machine). Author: Edward V. Dong. Last revised: 08 Jun 88. zfmat.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- Backgammon Concur BAWK path: /dos/ccc/mi028/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.028 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive backgmmn.doc Gammon IV is a full-screen backgammon game, wrutten for CP/M some time ago, and finally ported to MS-DOS with color. Author: David C. Oshel. Compiles with multiple warnings under TC 1.x, but seems to run well. backgmmn.h Header file for the pc-gammon program. backgmmn.prj bawk.c bawk main program. bawk.doc Documentation file for bawk, a UNIX AWK look-alike. Bawk performs actions on text file lines/words/characters/? that match user-specified patterns. Author: Bob Brodt. Test compiled under TC 1.5. bawk.h Bawk header file. bawk.prj bawkact.c Bawk actions compiler - tokenizes the actions specified in the action input file for use the the bawk program. bawkdo.c Bawk actions interpreter - "runs" the tokenized bawk action file. bawkpat.c Bawk regular expression interpreter - used by bawk along with the action interpreter. bawksym.c Bawk support module - bawk C actions builtin functions, variable declaration, and stack management routines. bg0.c main() function and global declarations for the pc-gammon program. bg1.c Utility functions for the pc-gammon program. bg2.c Board & dice manager for the pc-gammon program. bg3.c Gameplan and strategy manager for the pc-gammon program. ciao.c Screen primitives for console input and output, used by the pc-gammon program. ciao.h Declarations for all global data & functions in ciao.lib. Used by the pc-gammon program. clairol.c Modifies the screen colors and attributes "on the fly" as the user is using the program. Used by the pc-gammon program. concur.c Concurrent task processing program. Achieves the same end as multi-tasking programs but with the use of software calls in- stead of hardware interrupts. Author: Richard Dickerson 10/88. Turbo C 1.x. concur.doc Documentation for CONCUR.C. Explains the function of concurrent programming. concur.h Header file for CONCUR.C concur.prj getms.c "Replacement" for getline, supports input length limits and escape key handling. Used by the pc-gammon program. keyin.c Function to read a key from the keyboard, processing extended ASCII codes. Used by the pc-gammon program. noop.c Definition of noop (no-op) to satisfy #define statements in debug test files. Used by the pc-gammon program. pc_gamn.doc sound.c Sound generation primitives. Used here by the pc-gammon program, but the functions should be usable by any program. switchta.asm Task switching module for CONCUR.C. Assemble to .OBJ switchta.obj typeafil.c Types a file (with optional word-wrap) into a screen window. Used here in the pc-gammon program, but should be usable (and very useful) in any program. verifile.dat wprintf.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Vision Disk 4 contains four utilities for C++ development. path: /dos/ccc/mi032/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvcppmi.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dbputs.exe mdidlg.exe qdhelp.exe tvtools.exe verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Declare UFind path: /dos/ccc/mi035/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.035 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive amatch.c Recursive string-match routing for the ufind package. compat.c Returns date data to calling program. Used by the ufind package. copymove.c Copy file to another directory/drive/file/??. Used by the ufind package. copymove.h crc.c CRC (cyclic redundancy check) coding for the ufind package. decl.c Functions for "noting and translating a sequence of declarator descriptions" used within declare. decl.h declare.c Main function for the declare package. declare.doc Declare is a utility program that parses english "sentances" and displays the corresponding C storage definition. For example, you enter "pointer to int" and it responds "int *X". MUCH more sophistication is possible. Written by Edward Screven and Tom Cunningham for TC 2.0 (and possibly 1.5). declare.exe declare.prj ensure.c Function to ensure that a given pathname actually exists - and create it if it doesn't. error.c Error message functions for the declare package. error.h execute.c Function to perform the "exec" option of ufind. execute.h getargs.c Function to get/interpret command line arguments for ufind. main.h makefile makefile.msc makefile.tc mcufind.rsp parse.c Parser code for the declare package. Note that this code is generated from a yacc grammar, so the resulting C code (this file) is somewhat macabre. parse.h queue.c Function to create and maintain a FIFO queue structure in ufind. queue.h readme readme.1st readme_ rootpath.c Function to build the complet pathname (including drive specifier) for the current file. Used by ufind. rootpath.h scan.c Lexical analyzer code for the declare parser. Note that this code is generated from a LEX grammar, so (like parse.c) the code quality is scary. spec.c Translation functions for data type and storage class specifiers. Used by the declare package. spec.h tcufind.rsp ufind.c Main program for ufind. ufind.doc Ufind is an implementation of the UNIX "find" program. It is capable of finding files on any drive, and can do DOS operations on the found files. Ufind is written Russell Nelson and Don Williams for TC 2.x. ufind.exe ufind.h ufind.prj usage.c Display usage instructions for ufind. util.c Utility functions for the declare package. util.h verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- CVT100 Kaleids path: /dos/ccc/mi036/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.036 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive comio.c Communications (serial) port functions for CVT100. Handles port initialization, baud settings, port reset, and interrupt driven input. cvt100.c Main program for CVT100, a VT100 terminal emulator written entirely in C (Look Ma, no assembly!). This file contains the main program loop and some of the initialization code. cvt100.doc Documentation for CVT100, a VT100 terminal emulation program written entirely in Turbo C 2.0. Has been tested to 19.2K baud on 4.77 Mhz PC with no data loss. Written by Jerry Joplin. Requires TC 2.0 to compile. cvt100.exe cvt100.h Function prototypes for the CVT100 program. cvt100.pif cvt100.prj fileio.c File system functions for CVT100. This file contains the interface code to DOS, and handles setup file saves, file capture, etc. kaleids.c Source code for the kaleids package. Note that EGA or VGA is required to run this program. kaleids.doc Kaleidescope program for EGA/VGA machines ONLY. Written by Edward Aguinaga and Judson McClendon for TC 1.x/2.x. kaleids.exe keyio.c Keyboard handler for CVT100. All of the code dealing with keyboard input is in this file. verifile.dat vidio.c Video handler code for CVT100. Handles writes to the screen through BIOS calls and direct screen memory access. vtsetup.c Setup functions for CVT100. These are the driver functions for configuring the system to the user's tastes. vttio.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Mandel CMMU BoxDem path: /dos/ccc/mi037/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.037 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive boxdem.c Demo program to draw boxes on the screen. This program is not intended as a serious/useful piece of work, but rather as a tutorial on interfacing C with assembly. Written by Mike Riendeau for TC 1.x. Note that MASM or TASM is required to re-assemble the .asm file (the .obj file is included). boxdem.exe boxdem.prj cmmu.c cmmu.h cmmu.tug CMMU is a set of C functions providing Pascal-style memory management routines for C programs. By the author's conditions, we are distributing the files in their unmodified form. See the file CMMU.C for program documentation and notes on memory management. customio.c Demo of data-entry features contained within the windows package. customio.exe d_box.asm Assembly box drawing subroutine. Shadowing and filling are supported. d_box.obj mandel.c Main program for mandel. Note that this must be compiled in either the compact, large, or huge memory models. mandel.doc Documentation for mandel, a mandelbrot set graphing program that makes fairly heavy use of BGI. It runs fast enough to use on a stock PC, but an AT or better is VERY handy. Written for TC 1.5 and higher by Michael M Rubenstein. Note that the .BGI file for your adapter should be copied to this directory. mandel.exe mandel.prj verifile.dat vgraph.c Graphics routines for mandel. Note that this makes fairly heavy use of BGI, the Borland Graphic Interface. vgraph.h Graphics function header file for mandel. winddemo.c Demonstration program for the windows package. Opens several windows (stacking them on top of each other) and scrolls data through them. Compile with TC or TCC, versions 1.x and 2.x. winddemo.exe windows.doc Public-Domain windows and data-entry FUNCTIONS for TC 1.x and 2.x. Written by Robert Kline, it provides coding examples for windowing systems and can be included in your source if desired. Note that the Lattice library has been removed to conserve space (since this IS TURBO User Group...) windows.h Header file for the windows files. windows.lib w_beep.asm Assembly code to beep the speaker. Note that MASM 5.0 (or TASM) is required to re-assemble this file. The .obj file is provided under the filename w_beep.obj. w_beep.obj w_center.c Code for the function w_center. Centers text on a given row of a given window. w_close.c Code for the functions w_close (closes an open window) and w_unlink (removes a window's node from the linked list of windows). w_cursor.c Code for the cursor functions, providing cursor positioning and toggling. w_fields.c Code for the data-entry (field control) functions of the windows package. w_init.c Code for the actual window creation/configuration functions of the windows package. w_memcpy.asm Assembly function to copy data directly into video RAM. Provides snow- checking if requested. Note that MASM 5.0 (or TASM) is required to re- assemble this program. The .obj file is provided under the filename w_memcpy.asm. w_memcpy.obj w_open.c Code for window selection, linking, and opening. w_printf.c printf() function for windows. Used almost identically to the standard printf() function. w_putc.c Code for functions dealing with window output and scrolling. w_putw.asm Assembly function to write a word to video RAM. Provides snow-checking if requested. Note that MASM 5.0 (or TASM) is required to re-assemble this file. The .obj file is provided under the filename w_putw.obj. w_putw.obj ----------------------------------------------------------- Fil DeepFind BlackJak CRC QUOD path: /dos/ccc/mi041/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.042 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bplus.pas bpstatus.pas celebrat.asc crc.pas cursors.pas demo1.pas demo2.pas fjoin.pas formpas.doc formpas.pas fsplit.pas ibmcom.pas make3xt.bat makeopen.bat mkopent.bat offer__1.txt opener.asm opener.com pwindow.asm pwindow.me quod.c quod.dat quod.exe quodread.me ram.com tsr.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- SmallCom Soundex path: /dos/ccc/mi048/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.048 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive editor.c Source module for the editor sub-system. Editor commands can be found in the SMALLCOM.HLP file, and can be re-configured in the EDITOR.H file. editor.h Header file for the editor module. editshel.c Main driver program for the editor sub-system. entry.c Source module implementing "editable" text entry in screen fields. entry.h Header file for the "editable" text entry fields module. help.c Source module for the help system. Note that the help file, SMALLCOM.HLP, is incomplete. help.h Header file for the help module. interp.c Source module implementing a command-script parser and interpreter. See the file PROCOMM.SCR for an example of the script language (it is surprisingly similar to C). interp.h Header file for the script interpreter module. menu.c Source module for the menu system. Pull-down, hilighted menus with hot keys are supported. menu.h Header file for the menuing (pull-down) system. modem.c Modem specific code for placing a call, initializing the modem, etc. The actual modem commands can be found in the file MODEM.H. modem.h Header file for the modem-specific module. NOTE: You may need to change the contents of RESETMODEM, INITMODEM, HANGUP, and ANSWER to match the command syntax and abilities of your modem. phone.dir phonedir.c Source module implementing the phone directory. Up to 50 entries of system names, numbers and parameters will be maintained. procomm.scr protocol.c Module implementing file-transfer protocols. It appears to be fairly easy to add protocols - let TUG know if you develop any! script.c Main driver module for the script interpreter module. serial.c Module for serial port communications functions. serial.h Header file for the serial port access module. smallcom.c SMALLCOM is a complete (if "small") telecommunications program, supporting xmodem file transfers, a simple text editor, automatic dialing, session logging, and more. Note that the help file is incomplete. Compiles under TC 2.0 with many "un-used parameter" warnings (mandated by the menu system). smallcom.exe smallcom.hlp smallcom.lnk smallcom.mak smallcom.prj soundex.c Soundex algorithm from Knuth Volume 3. This algorithm can be used to find similar sounding words (try it with homonyms). Define MAIN on the compiler command line (/DMAIN) to compile to EXE. Test compiled with TC2.0, but should work with all versions. Written by Donald Knuth. soundex.exe varray.c Functions to implement virtual arrays (storing arrays on disk to save memory space). Author unknown. Test compiled under TC 2.0. varray.h Header file for VARRAY. Defines control block structures and function prototypes. vartest.c Test program for VARRAY functions. vartest.exe verifile.dat window.c Source module for the window system. window.h Header file for the windowing subsystem. xmodem.c ----------------------------------------------------------- FFT DATES LIST CMOS ZFMAT path: /dos/ccc/mi050/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.050 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive datedemo.c Demo program using most of the functions in dates.c. Shows how to use the functions and tests for proper operation. datedemo.exe dates.c A complete library of date manipulation and conversion functions for Turbo C. Written by Gerry Rohr, test compiled with Turbo C 2.0. dates.doc Brief documentation for the dates.c functions. dates.h Include/header file for dates.c. fft.c This program produces a Frequency Domain display from the Time Domain data input; using the Fast Fourier Transform. Auto-detects CGA, EGA, and VGA for graphic display of results. Written by Steve Sampson. Test compiled with Turbo C 2.0. fft.exe fft_read.me Documentation for FFT.C. See the programs themselves for additional information. listcmos.c C program to read and display the contents of AT class computer's CMOS configuration memory. The program also discusses writing to the memory as well, but does NOT perform any writes. Written by Ed Luebke for Turbo C 1.X and 2.0. listcmos.exe makefile.fft moustrak.c Mouse functions for Microsoft (tm) compatible mouse support. Written by Bob Goldrich, test compiled with Turbo C 2.0. moustrak.exe pulse.c Program used to generate time domain pulse data for fft.c. Written by Steve Sampson, test compiled under Turbo C 2.0 pulse.exe sine.c Program to generate time domain sinewave data for fft.c. Written by Steve Sampson, test compiled under Turbo C 2.0. sine.exe soundzz.c Fun routines to generate various sound effects using C (no assembly). Each effect is in a single function, so they can be pasted into your programs. Written by Tom Grubbe for Turbo C 1.X and 2.0. soundzz.exe stdans.txt Answers to common questions about Turbo C. Written by Don Corbitt (NOT from Borland International). verifile.dat zfmat.c Program to accurately and reliably format 360K floppy disks on AT or XT class machines. Expanding to 1.2M diskettes or 3.5 inch disks shouldn't be too difficult. Can verify while formatting. Written by Edward V Dong, test compiled with TC 2.0 (one warning on compile is OK). zfmat.doc Documentation file for ZFMAT.C. zfmat.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- WKQFile, DateDay path: /dos/ccc/mi052/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.052 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dateday.c Program to calculate the day of the week belonging to any date in the current calendar system. Author unknown. Test compiled under TC 2.0. dateday.exe graph.h Data definitions for Quattro graph records. opcode.c Opcodes for Quattro formulas. opcode.h #define's for Quattro formula opcodes. opcode.wkq qdriver.h File driver definitions. verifile.dat wkq.h Data and structure definitions for Quattro .WKQ files. wkqfile.doc Functions/data definitions for reading Quattro (tm) spreadsheet files. Differences between Quattro and 1-2-3 files are discussed in this file. Programs test compiled under Turbo C 2.0. wkqlist.c Program to list Quattro spreadsheet files. Includes file OPCODE.C wkqlist.exe wkqread.c Program to dump Quattro spreadsheet files. Includes file OPCODE.C wkqread.exe wreadme wreadme1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Index, Wave path: /dos/ccc/mi053/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.053 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive adr.c Demonstration address book program, showing uses of index functions. adr.exe adr.mak cmprtns.c Data comparison routines, used internally in the INDEX package. ibld.c Test program for the INDEX package - builds an indexed file for testing the irebuild() function. ibld.exe ibld.mak idelete.c Function to delete a record in an indexed file. inames index.doc Function library to provide single-key indexed file access to C programs. Keys can be of any data type. Written by Jim Mischel for Turbo C 1.x and 2.0. Requires TLIB to create library, or QLIB if available. NOTE: QLIB linking has NOT been tested by the TUG staff. index.h Header file with definitions for the INDEX library package. index.lib index.mak inxdefs.h Date definitions for all INDEX modules. inxrtns.c Internal support routines, including i/o functions. iopen.c Open and close functions for INDEX. ireadn.c Function to read the next record in an indexed file. ireadp.c Function to read the previous record in an indexed file. ireadr.c Function to read a random record in an indexed file. irebuild.c Routines to rebuild the index of an indexed file (and balance the binary tree). irewrite.c Function to update (re-write) a record in an indexed file. istart.c Setup to begin reading sequentially from the beginning of an indexed file. iwrite.c Function to write a new record to indexed file. i_read.me makewave.bat verifile.dat wave.c Three-dimensional plot program, using BGI. Test compiled under TC 2.0. Requires BGIOBJ to compile. See the file MAKEWAVE.BAT for compilation techniques, and the WAVEREAD.ME file for run instructions and sample data. wave.exe waveread.me ----------------------------------------------------------- DirSize EvalX Profile BuildLib path: /dos/ccc/mi058/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.058 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive asmrules.h Assembler rules, used in MOUSE.C. bldlib.c BLDLIB does essentially the same job as BLDMAK, but the makefile it builds is used to create libraries instead of executables. bldlib.com bldlib.mak bldlib.res bldmak.c BLDMAK is a program that generates makefiles for projects by reading the project's source files and building dependency lists. Written by Thomas J. Peter, test compiled under Turbo C 2.0. Use the command "make -fmbldmak" to build this program. bldmak.com bldmak.doc Questions and answers about BLDMAK and BLDLIB. bldmak.mak bldmak.res calc.c Test/demonstration program for evalx(). calc.exe calc.mak class.c Algebraic expression field and operator classifier (and syntax checker). dirsize.c Source for the DIRSIZE program, written by David Bennett. Test compiled with TC 2.0. The program resursively descends through a directory, maintaining information about the directory and printing a summary of the directory structure. dirsize.com dirsize.txt Documentation for the DIRSIZE program. evalx.c This file contains the evalx() function, a recursive descent parser for algebraic expressions. evalx.doc Documentation for EVALX.C, a recursive descent parser for algebraic expressions. Written by James P. Hawkins and test compiled under Turbo C 2.0. evalx.h Header file for the evalx package. mouse.c Mouse functions for Turbo C, author unknown. Test compiled with TC 2.0 and TASM 1.0. NOTE: Inline assembly is used in these files. TASM will be required to re-compile these files. The provided file, MOUSE.OBJ, can be used during compilation for those without TASM. mouse.h Misc. definitions and structures for the mouse package. mouse_tc.mak profile.c Profiler function package for Turbo C 2.0. Add the statment prof_start(*argv); to your main() function to enable profiling. Compile with a detailed map file option turned ON. profile.doc Description of PROFILE.C, an execution profiler for Turbo C 2.0 written by Diomidis D. Spinellis and modified for TC by Dan Zemke. Programs must be compiled using the -M switch (for TCC) or with Options/Linker/Map File/ Detailed (environment). Requires adding only one line to main(). profprt.c Prints an analysis of the output file from the profiler (prof.out). profprt.exe scribble.c Test/demonstration program, using the routines in MOUSE.C. This is a simple utility for drawing with the mouse in graphics mode. scribble.exe test.c Test program for the profiler functions. Compile with the command TCC -M TEST.C PROFILE.C using the command-line compiler, or with Options/Linker/Map File/Detailed set on the in the integrated environment. test.exe test.map usual.h Header file with some useful constant and syntax #defines for the mouse project. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- SetPtr86, DAFI, FIFI, Flowing path: /dos/ccc/mi066/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.066 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive brother cone.scr dafi.c DAFI searches directories for files meeting a specific date/time condition, a filename mask condition (similar to "WHERE" or Norton's "FF"), or both. Written by J. Braeuchi, test compiled under Turbo C 2.0. Compiles to a .COM file using the tiny memory model (-mt switch on the TCC command line). dafi.com epson800 epson85e epson85i fifi.c FIFI searches a directory structure for files matching a specified filename mask (similar to "WHERE" or Norton's "FF"). Compiles to .COM file using the tiny memory model (-mt on the TCC command line). fifi.com flowing.c Main routines for the FLOWING project. flowing.doc FLOWING is a VGA-specific palette manipulation program that produces a constantly shifting color display. Written by Mike Best, and test compiled with TC 2.0. NOTE: TASM (ideal mode) is needed to re-assemble the .ASM file, but is not needed to compile the project (a .OBJ file is provided). flowing.exe flowread.me juki laserjet makeflow.bat olympia screen.c Screen support routines for the FLOWING project. setpr.bat setpr86a.c First half of the C source code for the SETPTR86 program. The remainder of the code is in the file SETPR86B.C setpr86b.c Second half of the C source code for the SETPTR86 printer configuration program. setpr86b.h Function prototypes for the SETPTR86 printer configuration program. setptr86.doc SETPTR86 is a menu-driven printer configuration program, allowing setup of a number of different printer types with virtually any desired option. Written by John Martin, and test compiled under TC 2.0. setptr86.exe setptr86.prj setvgapl.asm VGA palette manipulation function. NOTE that TASM is required to re-assemble this file if any changes are made. Use the command TASM /jIDEAL /ml setvgapl.asm to re-assemble this file. setvgapl.obj star verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- CTask path: /dos/ccc/mi073/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ _micccdo.073 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bc.cfg cbc.bat conout.c ctask.bc ctask.def ctask.doc ctask.ms ctask.tc ctaskh.bc ctaskh.tc ctaskms.lib ctasktc.lib ctc.bat ctsup.bc ctsup.ms ctsup.tc ctsuph.bc ctsuph.tc ctsupmsl.lib ctsuptcl.lib ferrari.doc kbd.h minres.asm minres.bc minres.ms minres.tc ms.bat mspawn.bc mspawn.c mspawn.ms mspawn.tc prt.h read.me res.bc res.c res.ms res.tc sampbc.bat sampms.bat samptc.bat sio.h snap.bc snap.c snap.ms snap.tc spawn.bc spawn.c spawn.ms spawn.tc tch.bat test.bc test.c test.ms test.tc testmod.asm testmod.bc testmod.ms testmod.tc tprt.bc tprt.c tprt.ms tprt.tc tsio.bc tsio.c tsio.ms tsio.tc tsk.h tsk.mac tskalloc.c tskasm.asm tskbios.asm tskbuf.c tskcnt.c tskconf.h tskdeb.h tskdos.asm tskems.asm tskflg.c tskgrp.c tskhot.c tskinst.c tskint17.asm tskkbd.asm tsklocal.h tskmain.c tskmemw.c tskmsg.c tskname.c tskndp.asm tskpip.c tskporw.c tskprf.asm tskprf.h tskprt.c tskprti.asm tskque.asm tskres.asm tskrsc.c tsksec.asm tsksio.c tsksioi.asm tsksnap.c tskstck.asm tskstub.asm tsksub.c tsksup.h tsktask.c tsktick.c tsktim.asm tsktops.c tsktsub.c tskttsk.c tsktutl.c tskutil.c tskwpip.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- EXEC, SBC, XMS, MODE X path: /dos/ccc/mi083/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ _files.lst _micccdo.083 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive checkpat.asm checkpat.h checkpat.pas checkpcl.obj compat.h compile.bat deutsch.bat doserror.cpp doserror.h english.bat exec.c exec.h exec.pas extest.c extest.exe extest.pas getlang.exe hmatest.cpp hmatest.exe lib.c liesmich.doc m13org.asc m13org.gif makefile.mak makems makepas maketc mxorg.asc mxorg.gif rawin.c rawin.exe rawout.c rawout.exe readme readme.doc rwave.c rwave.exe sb.doc sb.h sbc.c sbc.lib spawn.asm spawncl.obj umbtest.cpp umbtest.exe verifile.dat vocinfo.c vocinfo.com voice.c voice.exe wave.c wave.exe waveinfo.c waveinfo.com xarrtest.cpp xarrtest.exe xarrtime.cpp xarrtime.exe xintro.txt xms.cpp xms.doc xms.h xmsarray.cpp xmsarray.h xmstest.cpp xmstest.exe xmstime.cpp xmstime.exe xms_l.lib ----------------------------------------------------------- Matrix STRX path: /dos/ccc/pt035/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcccmi.035 bcstr.cpp bcstr.h demo.c demo.dat demo.exe dlldefs.h dynstrea.cpp dynstrea.h grep.cpp grep.exe makefile makefile.dos makefile.ux matadd.c match.cpp matcreat.c matdet.c matdump.c matdurbn.c materr.c matinv.c matmul.c matrix.doc matrix.h matrix.lib matsolve.c matsub.c matsubx.c mattoepz.c mattran.c minmax.h read.me readme regx.cpp regx.h regximp.h str.cpp str.doc str.h strcmp.cpp strsearc.cpp tokens.cpp tokens.h verifile.dat wwlib.lib ----------------------------------------------------------- Window Boss path: /dos/ccc/sc029b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.29b Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta wb\sc86.lib wb\sdlc.lib wb\slat2.lib wb\slat3.lib wb\smsc3.lib wb\smsc4.lib wb\stc.lib wb\verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- C Tutor path: /dos/ccc/sc066/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _sccccdo.066 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive amort anyfile.c backward.c betterin.c bigarray.c bigdynl.c bitfield.c bitops.c breakcon.c chap01.txt chap02.txt chap03.txt chap04.txt chap05.txt chap06.txt chap07.txt chap08.txt chap09.txt chap10.txt chap11.txt chap12.txt chap13.txt chap14.txt charclas.c charout.c chrstrg.c comments.c compares.c cryptic.c data.c defin.h define.c dosex.c dowhile.c dumbconv.c dynlink.c dynlist.c enum.c file.c firstex.c floatsq.c floatsq2.c forloop.c formout.c goodform.c gotoex.c help ifelse.c inmem.c intarray.c intasign.c intin.c intro.txt list.c list.exe listf.c lottypes.c macro.c mortypes.c multiary.c nested.c oneint.c passback.c payment pointer.c pointer2.c printall.bat printdat.c printext.bat prnttext.exe read.me readchar.c readgood.c readline.c readtext.c recurson.c scope.c shifter.c simpleio.c singleio.c special.c squares.c stringin.c strings.c struct.def struct1.c struct2.c struct3.c sumsqres.c switch.c tabcont.txt tempconv.c test test.bat trivial.c twoway.c uglyform.c union1.c union2.c uplow.c vc.c vc.doc vc.exe verifile.dat video.c whatnext.c while.c wrtmore.c wrtsome.c answers\ch02_1.c answers\ch02_2.c answers\ch03_1a.c answers\ch03_1b.c answers\ch03_1c.c answers\ch03_2.c answers\ch04_1.c answers\ch04_2.c answers\ch04_3.c answers\ch05_1.c answers\ch05_2.c answers\ch05_3.c answers\ch06_1.c answers\ch07_1.c answers\ch07_2.c answers\ch08_1.c answers\ch08_2.c answers\ch09_1.c answers\ch10_1.c answers\ch10_2.c answers\ch10_3.c answers\ch11_1.c answers\ch11_2.c answers\ch12_1.c answers\ch12_2.c ----------------------------------------------------------- TEGL Windows Toolkit II(TC2.0) path: /dos/ccc/sc122/ ----------------------------------------------------------- iconedit.exe install.exe list.com readme.txt samprogs.zip tegl.exe tegldoc.zip teglsys.zip verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- CtrlC Library path: /dos/ccc/sc154/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.154 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bootdemo.c bootdemo.exe cldemo.c cldemo.exe ctrlc.h ctrlcman.doc history.doc msc5sh.zip msc6sh.zip qc25sh.zip quickref.doc readme.1st register.frm sysop.doc tc20sh.zip tcxxsh.zip vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS C++ archives path: /dos/cpp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi055\ C++ Tutorial C++ OOP Wld.Tour mi059\ Neural XMSCPP mi064\ Dialer2, BiSet, Files, Sequen mi067a\ GNU Chess mi067b\ GNU Chess mi069\ Mouse TMangler FFT mi072\ Pool, TEST mi075\ Maze Cluster IOStream mi077\ DateCL31 VolLab GCObject mi082\ BTree, IniFile, C++ Quiz pt005\ PXBuddy+ XMS Routines pt011\ VSA256 Event pt020\ TOGMenu, ObjectEase pt026\ Sound Blaster Freedom, SBPROG.. pt027\ ISC, MTL, CCL sc199a\ C++ Tutorial (disk 1 of 2) sc199b\ C++ Tutorial (disk 2 of 2) tv003\ Dialog Designer for C++ TVRW tv004\ TVTools MDIDLG QDHelp DBPuts ut015\ LVS C++ ----------------------------------------------------------- C++ Tutorial C++ OOP Wld.Tour path: /dos/cpp/mi055/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.055 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive backgrnd.com cpptour.htx hh.exe oopworld.txt Description of the directories/files containing the source code used by Bruce Eckel during the Object-Oriented World Tour, sponsored by Borland. These files are in the four subdirectories on this disk, along with individual readme files in each of the directories. runtour.bat tourread.me CPPTOUR is a hypertext tutorial to the features and usages of C++. The hypertext engine is available as shareware from the author, Bryan Flamig. Run the program for details on ordering the engine package. verifile.dat bintree\fullbin.cpp bintree\fullbin.hpp bintree\fulltest.cpp bintree\fulltest.exe bintree\makefile bintree\smap.cpp bintree\smap.hpp bintree\_read.me_ direct\direct.doc direct\direct.hpp direct\direct2.hpp direct\dirtest.cpp direct\dirtest.exe direct\dirtest2.cpp direct\dirtest2.exe direct\dirtree.hpp direct\exmpl1.cpp direct\exmpl1.exe direct\makefile direct\treetest.cpp direct\treetest.exe direct\_read.me_ poly\crispies.cpp poly\crispies.exe poly\stars.cpp poly\stars.exe poly\_read.me_ shapes\bgi.cpp shapes\bgi.hpp shapes\circbox.hpp shapes\doskey.hpp shapes\ellipse.cpp shapes\ellipse.hpp shapes\keyread.cpp shapes\keyread.exe shapes\makefile shapes\polygon.cpp shapes\polygon.hpp shapes\shape.cpp shapes\shape.hpp shapes\shed.cpp shapes\shed.doc shapes\shed.exe shapes\shed.prj shapes\shlist.cpp shapes\shlist.hpp shapes\_read.me_ ----------------------------------------------------------- Neural XMSCPP path: /dos/cpp/mi059/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micccdo.059 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive alpha.dat connecti.cpp Member functions for the Connection class, defined in NEURAL.HPP. himem.sys himem.txt himem206.doc network.cpp Member functions for the Network class, defined in NEURAL.HPP. neural.cpp Main program for the neural package. neural.exe neural.hpp neural.prj neural.rpt neuron.cpp Member functions for the Neuron class, defined in NEURAL.HPP. n_read.me Description of the NEURAL package, a sample neural network written for Turbo C++ 1.0 from a description in the October 1990 AI Expert magazine. pattern.cpp Memory allocation routine for patterns. verifile.dat xms.h Class definitions for the XMS Interface Library. xmscpp.txt Documentation for the XMS Interface Library by Richard Vuduc. xmscppl.lib xmscpps.lib xmsdemo.cpp Demo program for the XMS Interface Library. xmsdemo.exe xmsdemo2.cpp Second demo program for the XMS Interface Library. xmsdemo2.exe xmshndl.h XMSHandle and SwapFlags class definitions. xmshrw.cpp XMSHandle member functions for store and retrieve functionality. xmsread.me Overview and description of the XMS Interface Library for Turbo C++, written by Richard Vuduc. Test compiled using Turbo C++ 1.0. Requires HIMEM.SYS and an AT (or better) system with at least 64K of extended (not expanded) memory. xor.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Dialer2, BiSet, Files, Sequen path: /dos/cpp/mi064/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.064 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bitset.cpp BITSET is a class implementation that eases the manipulation of bit fields. It provides a fairly rich selection of operators. Written by Gus Smedstad for Turbo C++. Test compiled using TC++ 1.0. bitset.h Class definition for the bitset class. bittest.cpp Short test program for the bitset class. bittest.exe bool.h Quick definition of a Boolean class. charqueu.cpp Member functions for the CharQueue class, defined in charqueu.hpp. charqueu.hpp Class definition for the CharQueue class. comports.cpp Module to define various UART member functions, making use of the preprocessor token-pasting operator (##). The uart class is defined in uart.hpp. comports.hpp Class definition for the COMx classes, where x is a number from 1 to 4. Note the heavy (and productive) use of token pasting. dialer2.cpp Main program for the DIALER2 project, a technical serial port class set written by William Herrara for Turbo C++. The set of serial port classes supports COM1 through COM4. Test compiled under TC++ 1.0. dialer2.exe dialread.me files.c This is a Borland-written method of opening more than 20 files at a single time under DOS 3.3 or higher. Note that these are file HANDLES, not stream pointers (FILE *). Test compiled under TC++ 1.0. files.exe iostream.doc A comprehensive discussion of the iostream class, as implemented in Turbo C++. The document was written by Eric Nagler for use in one of his classes. makefile.tcc modem.cpp Member functions for the Modem class, defined in modem.hpp. modem.hpp Class definition for the modem class, derived from SerialPort. sequen.cpp Example of a class using dynamically allocated arrays, providing support for time-domain sequences in digital signal processing. Operator overloading is used to implement storing, convolving, IIR convolution, and more. Test compiled under TC++ 1.0. sequen.exe serialpo.cpp Member functions for the SerialPort class, defined in serialpo.hpp. serialpo.hpp Class definition for the SerialPort class. uart.cpp Member functions for the UART class, define in uart.hpp. uart.hpp Class definition for the uart class. Good information on the 8250 UART can be found in the book "The IBM PC from the Inside Out" by Sargent and Shoemaker, as well as in the sources mentioned below. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- GNU Chess path: /dos/cpp/mi067a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.067 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive about.c About box dialog handler function for GNUCHESS. about.dlg bishop.bmp bishopm.bmp bishopo.bmp board.c Functions to draw the chess board. book.c Functions dealing with reading and using move books. borland.lnk borland.mak chesread.me Version 1.01 of a Microsoft Windows port of GNUCHESS 3.1. Complete port, including resources. Test compiled under Borland C++ 2.0, large model. Note that the file BORLAND.MAK must be modified to specify the proper drive/directory of the compiler (tcc) and linker (tlink). chess.c The main GNUCHESS function (WinMain), as well as the main client window function. chess.chs chess.def chess.dlg chess.exe chess.h Main include file for the GNUCHESS project. chess.ico chess.lst chess.prj chess.rc color.c Routines to handle the color selection dialog. color.dlg color.h Manifest constants defining Color information. copying create.c Function to create all of the child windows on the main chess client window (static text boxes, etc.). defs.h Function prototypes for the entire GNUCHESS project. dsp.c Functions dealing with the display, verifying moves, etc. eval.c Move evaluation routines and tables. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- GNU Chess path: /dos/cpp/mi067b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.067 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive getnum.dlg globals.c Global variable declarations. gnuchess.boo gnuchess.h Function prototypes and variable declarations for the core GNUCHESS routines. hittest.c The filename says it all. Functions for hit testing. init.c Initialization function for the GNUCHESS package. initiali.c Main initialization routines. initmenu.c Routine to enable/disable items in the menus according to the current program variable setting. king.bmp kingm.bmp kingo.bmp kinkc.bmp knight.bmp knightm.bmp knighto.bmp makever.c Program to generate a current date/time line, used in the make process. msc.mak mswdsp.c Routines for outputting information to the screen. numdlg.c Dialog function for the GetNumber dialog, a generic "get a number" dialog box. pawn.bmp pawnm.bmp pawno.bmp piece.c Routines to display piece bitmaps at a specified position. promote.c The pawn promotion dialog box handler. promote.dlg queen.bmp queenm.bmp queeno.bmp review.c Review dialog box handler. review.dlg rook.bmp rookm.bmp rooko.bmp saveopen.c Routines and docs to handle a fairly generic save/open dialog box. saveopen.dlg saveopen.h Function prototypes and manifest constants for the generic file open/save dialog, whose handler is in SAVEOPEN.C. search.c Move generation and search routines. stats.c Statistics dialog box handler. stats.dlg stats.h Manifest constants for the Stats dialog box handler. test.c Test dialog box handler. test.dlg timecnt.c Time control dialog box handler. timecnt.dlg timecnt.h Manifest constants for the time dialog box handler. verifile.dat version.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Mouse TMangler FFT path: /dos/cpp/mi069/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.069 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive esm.cpp Demonstration of the Mouse class using BGI graphics and mouse support. Requires EGA or VGA to run. Also requires EGAVGA.OBJ to be linked with ESM.OBJ and MOUSE.OBJ, as well as GRAPHICS.LIB. See the file MAKEESM.BAT for compilation information. esm.exe esm_read.me Short descriptions of the mouse structures and functions. For better information, see the file MOUSE.DOC. fft.c Fast Fourier Transform main program, with algorithms. Uses data generated by SINE.EXE and PULSE.EXE to produce a graph on CGA, EGA, and (untested) VGA monitors. fft.exe fft_read.me This package implements a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, using BGI to display a 256 filter result on CGA and EGA (and VGA, although VGA is untested) monitors. Written by Steve Sampson, and test compiled using Turbo C++. makeesm.bat makefile mouse.cpp Member functions for the Mouse class. mouse.doc Mouse class documentation. This mouse class was adapted by Timothy Erickson from C code written by Rodney Loos. Test compiled under Turbo C++. mouse.hpp Class description of the Mouse class, along with several support structures. pulse.c This program is used to generate time domain pulse data for fft.c. pulse.exe sine.c This program is used to generate time domain sinewave data for fft.c. If you want an opening target - negate the test frequency. sine.exe tmangler.doc TMANGLER adds public names to a C++ .obj file. The added names are the C external names for the C++ routine names. This enables you to call routines compiled as C++ from C and assembly after you run the C++ .OBJ file through TMANGLER. tmangler.exe verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Pool, TEST path: /dos/cpp/mi072/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.072 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive blclpeg.bmp bluepeg.bmp board.bmp dkpupeg.bmp dlgbase.h Definition of the Dialog base class. This class cannot be used directly - you must derive another dialog class from it. grenpeg.bmp ltblpeg.bmp oranpeg.bmp pegboard.bmp pool.c Source for the Windows portion of the POOL project. pool.def pool.doc Information file for the POOL project. pool.exe pool.h Header file for the POOL project (both versions) pool.ico pool.lnk pool.mak pool.rc poolcolr.c Source for the BASE (DOS, non-windows) version of POOL. poolcolr.exe poolread.me Introductory reading for the POOL project. purppeg.bmp redpeg.bmp swin.h Definition of the StdWindow class. test.cpp Test program for the StdWindow and Dialog classes. test.def test.exe test.h Definition of TDlg class, derived from Dialog. A dialog procedure is also included here. test.res testm.h Menuitem definitions. testread.me This is a collection of files implementing some base classes for windows development. Standard (application) windows are included, as well as a dialog base class (must be derived from). Written by Davin Hills, and test compiled under Borland C++ 1.0. verifile.dat wcdbrk2.bat wcdbrk2.c C source for Code breaker, a windows game app. wcdbrk2.def wcdbrk2.doc Source for a Windows game app, similar to Mastermind. Written in C, rather than C++ (sorry). Use the file WCDBRK2.BAT to compile. Written by Kenneth Fogel, test compiled under BC++. wcdbrk2.exe wcdbrk2.h Header for Code breaker, a windows game app. wcdbrk2.ico wcdbrk2.rc whclpeg.bmp winbase.h Definition of WindowRegClass and Window classes. yellpeg.bmp ----------------------------------------------------------- Maze Cluster IOStream path: /dos/cpp/mi075/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.075 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cluster.cpp This program implements a simulation of orbiting stars, based on mass, velocity, position, and grav attraction. Written by Eric S Ace, compiled under TC++. Minor mods have been made to remove path dependencies. Copy the appropriate BGI file into current dir! Requires VGA (640x480x16). cluster.exe cluster.mak iostream.txt Streaming tutorial, covering ostream headers, input & output, file I/O, and stream manipulators. Code examples can be cut out of this file and compiled with Borland C++ or Turbo C++. maze.cpp Three-dimensional maze game using BGI. Written by Charles Haden and test compiled under TC++ 1.0 and BC++ 2.0. Implements the "rat in a maze" look. maze.exe maze.mak maze1.dat maze2.dat mazeread.me Quick description of the Maze program. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DateCL31 VolLab GCObject path: /dos/cpp/mi077/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.077 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chgser.cpp CHGSER uses the VolLabel class to perform volume serial number manipulation. chgser.exe chgvol.cpp CHGVOL uses the VolLabel class to manipulate the volume name of a specified DOS volume. chgvol.exe datecl31.cpp Date class member functions. See documentation in datecl31.doc details on the usage of these functions. datecl31.doc Documentation file for a complete date class, including operator overloading and printing/formatting functions. Written by Steve Marcus, Eric Simon, and Christopher Hill. Test compiled under TC++ 2.0. datecl31.hpp Date class description and constants used by the Date class member functions. datedemo.cpp Test program for the Date class. datedemo.exe error.cpp Error reporting class member functions. error.hpp exprclas.cpp Regexpr class member functions. exprclas.doc This file describes EXPRCLAS, a C++ class for regular expression matching. This implementation uses UNIX-compatible metacharacters. Written by Martin Backschat of West Germany and test compiled using Turbo C++ 1.0. exprclas.hpp Definition of the Regexpr class. exprdemo.cpp Demonstration program for the Regexpr class. This program implements a version of the UNIX grep program. It asks for a filename to search and a regular expression to search for, then prints all lines in the file that match the given expression. exprdemo.exe exprdemo.mak gcobject.cpp Member functions for the gcobject class. gcobject.hpp GCOBJECT.HPP contains the definition of a base class, gcobject, that implements garbage collection. Documentation is minimal, but the code is fairly clear. Written by William Herrera and test-compiled under Turbo C++ 2.0. Should port fairly easily to MS Windows. gcread.me gcstring.cpp Member functions for the gcstring class. gcstring.hpp Definition of a string class that uses class gcobject to implement a garbage-collecting string. pointerh.cpp Member functions for the PointerHeap class. pointerh.hpp Definition of a special-purpose heap allocator which only allocates void pointers of the size specified by the current memory model. testgc.cpp Test program for the gcstring class. testgc.exe testgc.mak verifile.dat vollab.cpp VOLLAB is a C++ class that manipulates DOS volume labels and serial numbers. It WILL NOT run under a version of DOS lower then 4.0, as those previous version do not support serial numbers. Written by Tom Astin, and test compiled under Turbo C++ 1.0. vollab.h ----------------------------------------------------------- BTree, IniFile, C++ Quiz path: /dos/cpp/mi082/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _micppdo.082 ENTER here for a description of this _twpasdo.009 blank1.inc calendar.doc calendar.pas charlie.cal date.inc david.cal err24.inc flower.cal gamelife.pas getstrg.inc joystick.pas justify.inc kbin.inc kirk.cal leeuw.cal lion.cal mickey.cal newlen.inc nude.cal opent.inc openu.inc pacman.pas page.inc polly.cal polymath.pas robic.pas sara.cal setepson.com snoop1.cal snoop2.cal verifile.dat btree\btree.cpp btree\btree.h btree\btree.lib btree\btreet1.cpp btree\btreet1.exe btree\btreet1.mak btree\btreet1.prj btree\bucketb.h btree\cacheb.cpp btree\cacheb.h btree\coptrb.cpp btree\coptrb.h btree\countobj.h btree\exchdlr.cpp btree\exchdlr.h btree\fmgr.cpp btree\fmgr.h btree\fmgrptr.h btree\mnode.cpp btree\mnode.h btree\mnodeptr.h btree\order.frm btree\placenew.h btree\readme inifile\editini.cpp inifile\editini.exe inifile\editini.mak inifile\inifile.cpp inifile\inifile.doc inifile\inifile.h lib_quiz\ex0.cpp lib_quiz\ex1.cpp lib_quiz\ex2.cpp lib_quiz\ex3.cpp lib_quiz\ex4.cpp lib_quiz\ex5.cpp lib_quiz\ex6.cpp lib_quiz\ex7.cpp lib_quiz\ex8.cpp lib_quiz\ex9.cpp lib_quiz\ex10.cpp lib_quiz\quiz.doc lib_quiz\readme.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- PXBuddy+ XMS Routines path: /dos/cpp/pt005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppdo.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. cust.cpp cust.h customer.db customer.px error.h joystick.doc joystick.h joystick.hdr joystick.mak joystklo.c joystklo.obj joystklo.se joystkmd.c joystkmd.se joystk_s.lib pdxfld.cpp pdxfld.h pdxtbl.cpp pdxtbl.h pdxtblge.cpp pdxtblge.h pxbud.cpp pxbud.doc pxbud.exe pxbud.mak pxbuddy.hdr pxcl.lib pxgen.cpp pxgen.doc pxgen.exe start.bat temptim.bat testlow.c testlow.exe testmid.c testmid.exe verifile.dat xms.hdr xmslib.c xmslib.doc xmslib.h xmstest.c xmstest.exe xmstest.mak xtypes.h ----------------------------------------------------------- VSA256 Event path: /dos/cpp/pt011/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppdo.011 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat event\inevent.cpp event\inevent.exe event\inevent.h event\inevent.mak event\inevent.prj event\keys.h event\mouse.h event\read.me vesa\bugrpt.txt vesa\order.txt vesa\readme.txt vesa\vsa.h vesa\vsa256.txt vesa\vsa256bc.lib vesa\vsa256ms.lib vesa\vsawsh.txt vesa\vsa_demo.c vesa\vsa_demo.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- TOGMenu, ObjectEase path: /dos/cpp/pt020/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppdo.020 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat lingua\deutsch.etf lingua\deutsch.txt lingua\english.etf lingua\english.txt lingua\files.inc lingua\francais.etf lingua\francais.txt lingua\lingdemo.c lingua\lingdemo.exe lingua\lingua.c lingua\lingua.doc lingua\lingua.exe lingua\lingua.h lingua\lingua.obj lingua\makefile lingua\nl.etf lingua\nl.txt lingua\nocr.c lingua\ui_text.c lingua\ui_text.h lingua\unix.mak obj_ease\demos obj_ease\docs obj_ease\editors obj_ease\libs obj_ease\file_id.diz obj_ease\readme.1st obj_ease\demos\b1.btn obj_ease\demos\b2.btn obj_ease\demos\guidemo.cpp obj_ease\demos\guidemo.exe obj_ease\demos\i1.icn obj_ease\demos\i2.icn obj_ease\demos\i3.icn obj_ease\demos\tuidemo.cpp obj_ease\demos\tuidemo.exe obj_ease\demos\viddemo.cpp obj_ease\demos\viddemo.exe obj_ease\docs\editors.doc obj_ease\docs\files.doc obj_ease\docs\file_id.diz obj_ease\docs\iconedit.doc obj_ease\docs\objease.doc obj_ease\docs\readme.1st obj_ease\docs\register.doc obj_ease\docs\whatsnew.doc obj_ease\editors\16image.exe obj_ease\editors\256image.exe obj_ease\editors\backfore.btn obj_ease\editors\box.icn obj_ease\editors\button.icn obj_ease\editors\capture.icn obj_ease\editors\circle.icn obj_ease\editors\clear.btn obj_ease\editors\copy.btn obj_ease\editors\dnarrow.btn obj_ease\editors\draw.icn obj_ease\editors\ellipse.icn obj_ease\editors\erase.icn obj_ease\editors\exit.btn obj_ease\editors\fbox.icn obj_ease\editors\fellipse.icn obj_ease\editors\fill.btn obj_ease\editors\foreward.btn obj_ease\editors\freehand.icn obj_ease\editors\fromdisk.btn obj_ease\editors\getter.btn obj_ease\editors\icon.icn obj_ease\editors\iconedit.exe obj_ease\editors\line.icn obj_ease\editors\liner.icn obj_ease\editors\ltarrow.btn obj_ease\editors\ltrt.btn obj_ease\editors\new.btn obj_ease\editors\paint.icn obj_ease\editors\painter.icn obj_ease\editors\rtarrow.btn obj_ease\editors\saver.btn obj_ease\editors\scissor.icn obj_ease\editors\spray.icn obj_ease\editors\square.icn obj_ease\editors\todisk.btn obj_ease\editors\uparrow.btn obj_ease\editors\updn.btn obj_ease\editors\vgaedit.exe obj_ease\libs\gui.h obj_ease\libs\gui.lib obj_ease\libs\tui.h obj_ease\libs\tui_l.lib obj_ease\libs\tui_s.lib obj_ease\libs\vidbios.h obj_ease\libs\vidbiosl.lib obj_ease\libs\vidbioss.lib togmenu\readme.doc togmenu\togmenu.cpp togmenu\togmenu.exe togmenu\togmenu.prj ----------------------------------------------------------- Sound Blaster Freedom, SBPROG.. path: /dos/cpp/pt026/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppmi.026 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pdial verifile.dat ruckus\borland.zip ruckus\chimps1.exe ruckus\file_id.diz ruckus\hal.voc ruckus\ibk2ruck.doc ruckus\install.bat ruckus\inst_dac.exe ruckus\inst_mid.exe ruckus\jazz.mid ruckus\modac1.doc ruckus\modac1.exe ruckus\rbk2ruck.exe ruckus\ruckdac.doc ruckus\ruckdac.h ruckus\ruckdac.li_ ruckus\ruckmidi.doc ruckus\ruckmidi.h ruckus\ruckmidi.li_ ruckus\smoke.mod ruckus\train.wav ruckus\vol2midi.exe ruckus\x01.c ruckus\x01.mak ruckus\x01m.c ruckus\x01m.mak ruckus\x02.c ruckus\x02.mak ruckus\x02m.c ruckus\x02m.mak ruckus\x03.c ruckus\x03.mak ruckus\_errcode.lst ruckus\_order.frm ruckus\_packing.lst ruckus\_readme sbf\brass2.sam sbf\brasshit.sam sbf\dacdir.c sbf\dacdir.exe sbf\dacdma.c sbf\dacdma.exe sbf\dma_code.asm sbf\driver.c sbf\driver.exe sbf\environ.c sbf\fmtest.c sbf\fmtest.exe sbf\getopt.c sbf\getvol.c sbf\getvol.exe sbf\hitit.sam sbf\lowbrass.sam sbf\m1.sam sbf\makefile sbf\mixed.sam sbf\mixed1.sam sbf\mult.sam sbf\organ.sam sbf\play_cmf.c sbf\play_cmf.exe sbf\readme.txt sbf\sb.h sbf\sbdac.c sbf\sbf.lib sbf\sbf.txt sbf\sbfm.c sbf\sbfm.exe sbf\sbmidi.c sbf\sbp.asm sbf\sbp_chk.asm sbf\vochdr.h sbprog\dma_code.asm sbprog\makefile sbprog\monitor.cpp sbprog\monitor.exe sbprog\play_rec.cpp sbprog\play_rec.exe sbprog\readme sbprog\sbdevice.cpp sbprog\sndclass.h sbprog\sounddev.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------- ISC, MTL, CCL path: /dos/cpp/pt027/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppmi.027 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pdial ccl\coroutin.cpp ccl\coroutin.doc ccl\coroutin.h ccl\coroutin.obj ccl\example1.cpp ccl\example1.exe ccl\example2.cpp ccl\example2.exe ccl\example3.cpp ccl\example3.exe ccl\makefile.mak ccl\_files.lst isc\dosfree isc\examples isc\isc isc\kbd isc\serial isc\readme.txt isc\dosfree\examples isc\dosfree\dosfree.cpp isc\dosfree\dosfree.h isc\dosfree\isc.cpp isc\dosfree\isc.h isc\dosfree\iscserve.asm isc\dosfree\examples\dosfree.cpp isc\dosfree\examples\dosfree.h isc\dosfree\examples\isc.cpp isc\dosfree\examples\isc.h isc\dosfree\examples\iscserve.asm isc\dosfree\examples\kbd.cpp isc\dosfree\examples\kbd.h isc\dosfree\examples\snap.cpp isc\dosfree\examples\snap.dsk isc\dosfree\examples\snap.exe isc\dosfree\examples\snap.prj isc\dosfree\examples\tcconfig.tc isc\examples\example1.cpp isc\examples\example1.dsk isc\examples\example1.exe isc\examples\example1.prj isc\examples\example2.cpp isc\examples\example2.dsk isc\examples\example2.exe isc\examples\example2.prj isc\examples\example3.cpp isc\examples\example3.dsk isc\examples\example3.exe isc\examples\example3.prj isc\examples\example4.cpp isc\examples\example4.dsk isc\examples\example4.exe isc\examples\example4.prj isc\examples\isc.cpp isc\examples\isc.h isc\examples\iscserve.asm isc\examples\tcconfig.tc isc\isc\isc.cpp isc\isc\isc.h isc\isc\iscserve.asm isc\kbd\isc.cpp isc\kbd\isc.h isc\kbd\iscserve.asm isc\kbd\kbd.cpp isc\kbd\kbd.h isc\serial\examples isc\serial\buff.cpp isc\serial\buff.h isc\serial\isc.cpp isc\serial\isc.h isc\serial\iscserve.asm isc\serial\modem.cpp isc\serial\modem.h isc\serial\public.h isc\serial\serial.cpp isc\serial\serial.h isc\serial\serialse.cpp isc\serial\xonoff.cpp isc\serial\xonoff.h isc\serial\examples\buff.cpp isc\serial\examples\buff.h isc\serial\examples\isc.cpp isc\serial\examples\isc.h isc\serial\examples\iscserve.asm isc\serial\examples\main.cpp isc\serial\examples\modem.cpp isc\serial\examples\modem.h isc\serial\examples\public.h isc\serial\examples\receive.dsk isc\serial\examples\receive.exe isc\serial\examples\receive.prj isc\serial\examples\serial.cpp isc\serial\examples\serial.dsk isc\serial\examples\serial.h isc\serial\examples\serialse.cpp isc\serial\examples\tcconfig.tc isc\serial\examples\transmit.dsk isc\serial\examples\transmit.exe isc\serial\examples\transmit.prj isc\serial\examples\xonoff.cpp isc\serial\examples\xonoff.h mtl\buffers.h mtl\example1.cpp mtl\example1.exe mtl\example2.cpp mtl\example2.exe mtl\example3.cpp mtl\example3.exe mtl\example4.cpp mtl\example4.exe mtl\example5.cpp mtl\example5.exe mtl\example6.cpp mtl\example6.exe mtl\makefile.mak mtl\threads.cpp mtl\threads.doc mtl\threads.h mtl\threads.obj mtl\_files.lst tvtools\actlib tvtools\tvtools tvtools\ascii.h tvtools\bool.h tvtools\c2cpp.h tvtools\calcul.h tvtools\calendar.h tvtools\check.h tvtools\clock.h tvtools\combobox.h tvtools\date.h tvtools\drvker.h tvtools\fileview.h tvtools\gencoll.h tvtools\heap.h tvtools\history.txt tvtools\input.h tvtools\ioctl.h tvtools\ker.h tvtools\key.h tvtools\menu.h tvtools\nodebug.h tvtools\pe112.h tvtools\protos.h tvtools\rd.h tvtools\readme.txt tvtools\strings.h tvtools\tb100.h tvtools\textf.h tvtools\tools.h tvtools\touterr.h tvtools\trace.h tvtools\trt.h tvtools\tvbugs.cpp tvtools\tvtools.doc tvtools\tvtools.h tvtools\tvtools.lib tvtools\xset.txt tvtools\actlib\bctools tvtools\actlib\date tvtools\actlib\strings tvtools\actlib\tools tvtools\actlib\bctools.h tvtools\actlib\bctools.lib tvtools\actlib\dbgalloc.c tvtools\actlib\readme.txt tvtools\actlib\bctools\border.c tvtools\actlib\bctools\inpdate.c tvtools\actlib\bctools\inptime.c tvtools\actlib\bctools\inputs.c tvtools\actlib\bctools\listfile.c tvtools\actlib\bctools\menu.c tvtools\actlib\date\dateval.c tvtools\actlib\date\dayofwk.c tvtools\actlib\date\diffdate.c tvtools\actlib\date\getdtime.c tvtools\actlib\strings\align.c tvtools\actlib\strings\case.c tvtools\actlib\strings\chcase.c tvtools\actlib\strings\comp.c tvtools\actlib\strings\delblk.c tvtools\actlib\strings\elt.c tvtools\actlib\strings\end.c tvtools\actlib\strings\hextostr.c tvtools\actlib\strings\insert.c tvtools\actlib\strings\isalnum.c tvtools\actlib\strings\isalpha.c tvtools\actlib\strings\is_alnum.c tvtools\actlib\strings\left.c tvtools\actlib\strings\mid.c tvtools\actlib\strings\mvchr.c tvtools\actlib\strings\mvstr.c tvtools\actlib\strings\ncomp.c tvtools\actlib\strings\reduce.c tvtools\actlib\strings\regexp.c tvtools\actlib\strings\right.c tvtools\actlib\strings\rmchr.c tvtools\actlib\strings\rmstr.c tvtools\actlib\strings\skip.c tvtools\actlib\strings\strcalc.c tvtools\actlib\strings\strcpyb.c tvtools\actlib\strings\strncpyb.c tvtools\actlib\strings\strtohex.c tvtools\actlib\strings\token.c tvtools\actlib\tools\beep.c tvtools\actlib\tools\config.c tvtools\actlib\tools\cputype.asm tvtools\actlib\tools\density.c tvtools\actlib\tools\diskfree.c tvtools\actlib\tools\errorlvl.c tvtools\actlib\tools\exthandl.c tvtools\actlib\tools\file.c tvtools\actlib\tools\filedel.c tvtools\actlib\tools\fnreduce.c tvtools\actlib\tools\getkey.c tvtools\actlib\tools\mkpath.c tvtools\actlib\tools\options.c tvtools\actlib\tools\passwd.c tvtools\actlib\tools\pgmpath.c tvtools\actlib\tools\setcwd.c tvtools\actlib\tools\setup.c tvtools\actlib\tools\testdrv.c tvtools\actlib\tools\tmppath.c tvtools\actlib\tools\truename.c tvtools\actlib\tools\ungetkey.c tvtools\actlib\tools\vollabel.c tvtools\tvtools\appsys.cpp tvtools\tvtools\ascii.cpp tvtools\tvtools\buttons.cpp tvtools\tvtools\calcul.cpp tvtools\tvtools\calendar.cpp tvtools\tvtools\clock.cpp tvtools\tvtools\combobox.cpp tvtools\tvtools\combovwr.cpp tvtools\tvtools\combowin.cpp tvtools\tvtools\execdlg.cpp tvtools\tvtools\fileview.cpp tvtools\tvtools\format.cpp tvtools\tvtools\gencoll.cpp tvtools\tvtools\heap.cpp tvtools\tvtools\incalc.cpp tvtools\tvtools\indate.cpp tvtools\tvtools\indouble.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inhexa.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inint.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inkey.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inlong.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inpasswd.cpp tvtools\tvtools\inregexp.cpp tvtools\tvtools\menu.cpp tvtools\tvtools\statbox.cpp tvtools\tvtools\stinplin.cpp tvtools\tvtools\textf.cpp tvtools\tvtools\touterr.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------- C++ Tutorial (disk 1 of 2) path: /dos/cpp/sc199a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _sccppdo.199 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chap01.txt chap02.txt chap03.txt chap04.txt chap05.txt chap06.txt chap07.txt chap08.txt chap09.txt chap10.txt chap11.txt chap12.txt intro.txt printext.bat prnttext.exe read.me tabcont.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- C++ Tutorial (disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/cpp/sc199b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _sccppdo.199 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive allvehic.cpp box.cpp box.h boxes1.cpp boxes2.cpp car.cpp car.h clas.cpp claspole.cpp class1.cpp clock.cpp clock.h concom.cpp conspole.cpp date.cpp date.h datetime.h default.cpp elemlist.cpp elemlist.h employe2.cpp employee.cpp enum.cpp flyaway.cpp flyaway.exe flyaway.h fstream.cpp funcover.cpp funcpnt.cpp inherit1.cpp inherit2.cpp inherit3.cpp inherit4.cpp inherit5.cpp inherit6.cpp inherit7.cpp items.cpp items.h list.exe location.cpp location.h map.cpp map.h message.cpp message.txt multinh1.cpp multinh2.cpp multinh3.cpp nesting.cpp newdate.cpp newdate.h newdel.cpp objarray.cpp objdynam.cpp objintpt.cpp objlink.cpp objlist.cpp objstrng.cpp open.cpp openpole.cpp opoverld.cpp overload.cpp passref.cpp person.cpp person.h pointers.cpp printall.bat protype1.cpp protype2.cpp read.me schedule.cpp schedule.h scopeop.cpp structur.cpp supervsr.cpp supervsr.h templat1.cpp templat2.cpp templat3.cpp time.cpp time.h transprt.cpp truck.cpp truck.h tryndate.cpp typeconv.cpp unionex.cpp usedate.cpp usedttm.cpp usetime.cpp varargs.cpp vardef.cpp vehicle.cpp vehicle.h verifile.dat virtual1.cpp virtual2.cpp virtual3.cpp virtual4.cpp virtual5.cpp virtual6.cpp words.cpp words.h answers\ch01_1.cpp answers\ch01_2.cpp answers\ch01_3.cpp answers\ch02_1.cpp answers\ch02_2a.cpp answers\ch02_2b.cpp answers\ch03_1.cpp answers\ch03_2.cpp answers\ch04_1.cpp answers\ch04_2.cpp answers\ch04_3.cpp answers\ch04_4.cpp answers\ch05_1.cpp answers\ch05_2.cpp answers\ch05_3.cpp answers\ch05_5.h answers\ch06_1.cpp answers\ch06_2.cpp answers\ch06_3.cpp answers\ch07_1.cpp answers\ch07_2a.h answers\ch07_2b.h answers\ch07_3a.h answers\ch07_3b.cpp answers\ch07_3c.cpp answers\ch07_4.h answers\ch08_1.cpp answers\ch08_2.cpp answers\ch10_1.cpp answers\ch10_2.cpp answers\ch11_1a.h answers\ch11_1b.cpp answers\ch11_1c.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------- Dialog Designer for C++ TVRW path: /dos/cpp/tv003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvcppdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dlgdsnc.doc dlgdsnc.exe dlghlpc.hlp read.me scolortx.cpp sinplong.cpp tcolortx.doc tcolortx.h tcolortx.obj testcase.cpp tinplong.cpp tinplong.h tvrw.exe tvrw.hlp verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TVTools MDIDLG QDHelp DBPuts path: /dos/cpp/tv004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvcppmi.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive align.c appsys.cpp ascii.cpp ascii.h beep.c bitmap.qdh bmaplink.qdh bool.h browse.qdh buttons.cpp c2cpp.h calcul.cpp calcul.h calendar.cpp calendar.h case.c chcase.c check.h clock.cpp clock.h colors.qdh combobox.cpp combobox.h combovwr.cpp combowin.cpp commands.qdh comp.c config.c cputype.asm date.h dateval.c dayofwk.c dbclient.c dbclient.def dbclient.exe dbclient.h dbclient.ico dbclient.mak dbclient.rc dbclient.res dbputs.c dbputs.def dbputs.dll dbputs.h dbputs.lib dbputs.mak dbputs.rc dbputs.res dbserver.c dbserver.def dbserver.exe dbserver.h dbserver.ico dbserver.mak dbserver.rc dbserver.res deformat.qdh delblk.c density.c diffdate.c diskfree.c elt.c end.c errorlvl.c execdlg.cpp exthandl.c file.c filedel.c fileview.cpp fileview.h fnreduce.c fonts.qdh format.cpp gencoll.cpp gencoll.h getdtime.c getkey.c heap.cpp heap.h hextostr.c hints.qdh history.txt hpj.qdh hpjalias.qdh hpjbag.qdh hpjbmap.qdh hpjbuild.qdh hpjconfg.qdh hpjfiles.qdh hpjmap.qdh hpjopts.qdh hpjwin.qdh incalc.cpp include.qdh indate.cpp indouble.cpp inhexa.cpp inint.cpp inkey.cpp inlong.cpp inpasswd.cpp input.h inregexp.cpp insert.c isalnum.c isalpha.c is_alnum.c key.h keyword.qdh left.c link.qdh live.bmp maclink.qdh macros.qdh makefile menu.cpp menu.h mid.c mkpath.c mvchr.c mvstr.c ncomp.c nodebug.h options.c owl.def para.qdh passwd.c pgmpath.c popup.qdh pragma.qdh qdhelp.hlp qdhelp.qdh read.me readme readme.txt reduce.c regexp.c register.frm right.c rmchr.c rmstr.c running.qdh sample.cpp sample.exe sample.prj sample.rc sample.res samplerc.h setcwd.c setup.c skip.c statbox.cpp stinplin.cpp strcalc.c strcpyb.c strings.h strncpyb.c strtohex.c tabs.qdh tbmdidlg.cpp tbmdidlg.h testdrv.c text.qdh textf.cpp textf.h title.qdh tmacro.qdh tmppath.c token.c tools.h topic.qdh touterr.cpp touterr.h trace.h truename.c tvtools.doc tvtools.h tvtools.lib ungetkey.c verifile.dat vgabg.bmp vollabel.c whatsnew.doc xset.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- LVS C++ path: /dos/cpp/ut015/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utcppdo.015 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive demo.cpp demo.doc demo.exe demo2.cpp demo2.exe demo2.hpp demo3.cpp demo3.exe demo4.cpp demo4.exe lvsmenu.hpp lvspick.hpp lvswin.doc lvswin.h lvswin.hpp lvswin_s.lib lvs_hard.hpp lvs_prn.hpp verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Awesome Games archives path: /dos/gm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 101\ Awesome Games 1 (Artic, Mars) 102a\ Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 1 of 2) 102b\ Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 2 of 2) 103\ Awesome Games 3 (Cosmo!) 104\ Awesome Games 4 (Math Rescue!) 105\ Awesome Games 5 (Word Rescue) 107\ Awesome Games 108\ Awesome Games (Bio Menace) ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 1 (Artic, Mars) path: /dos/gm/101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.101 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive catalog.exe license.doc order.frm readme.1st artic\disk1\arctic1.1 artic\disk1\arctic1.dat artic\disk1\deice.exe artic\disk1\install.bat caves\disk1\caves.1 caves\disk1\caves.dat caves\disk1\deice.exe caves\disk1\install.bat darkages\disk1\darkages.1 darkages\disk1\darkages.dat darkages\disk1\deice.exe darkages\disk1\install.bat kroz\kingdom.exe mars\disk1\deice.exe mars\disk1\install.bat mars\disk1\mars.1 mars\disk1\mars.dat paga\disk1\deice.exe paga\disk1\install.bat paga\disk1\paga.1 paga\disk1\paga.dat pharoah\disk1\deice.exe pharoah\disk1\install.bat pharoah\disk1\ptomb.1 pharoah\disk1\ptomb.dat sam\disk1\agent1.1 sam\disk1\agent1.dat sam\disk1\deice.exe sam\disk1\install.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 1 of 2) path: /dos/gm/102a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.102 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive duke\disk1 duke\disk1\deice.exe duke\disk1\duke.1 duke\disk1\duke.dat duke\disk1\install.bat galaxy\cga galaxy\cga\360k galaxy\cga\720k galaxy\cga\360k\disk1 galaxy\cga\360k\disk2 galaxy\cga\360k\disk1\deice.exe galaxy\cga\360k\disk1\galaxyc.1 galaxy\cga\360k\disk1\galaxyc.dat galaxy\cga\360k\disk1\install.bat galaxy\cga\360k\disk2\galaxyc.2 galaxy\cga\720k\disk1 galaxy\cga\720k\disk1\deice.exe galaxy\cga\720k\disk1\galaxyc.1 galaxy\cga\720k\disk1\galaxyc.dat galaxy\cga\720k\disk1\install.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/gm/102b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eh.bat galaxy\ega galaxy\ega\360k galaxy\ega\720k galaxy\ega\360k\disk1 galaxy\ega\360k\disk2 galaxy\ega\360k\disk1\deice.exe galaxy\ega\360k\disk1\galaxy.1 galaxy\ega\360k\disk1\galaxy.dat galaxy\ega\360k\disk1\install.bat galaxy\ega\360k\disk2\galaxy.2 galaxy\ega\720k\disk1 galaxy\ega\720k\disk1\deice.exe galaxy\ega\720k\disk1\galaxy.1 galaxy\ega\720k\disk1\galaxy.dat galaxy\ega\720k\disk1\install.bat keen\disk1 keen\disk1\install.bat keen\disk1\keen.1 keen\disk1\keen.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 3 (Cosmo!) path: /dos/gm/103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.103 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat cosmo\360k cosmo\720k cosmo\360k\disk1 cosmo\360k\disk2 cosmo\360k\disk1\cosmo.1 cosmo\360k\disk1\cosmo.dat cosmo\360k\disk1\deice.exe cosmo\360k\disk1\install.bat cosmo\360k\disk2\cosmo.2 cosmo\720k\disk1 cosmo\720k\disk1\cosmo.1 cosmo\720k\disk1\cosmo.dat cosmo\720k\disk1\deice.exe cosmo\720k\disk1\install.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 4 (Math Rescue!) path: /dos/gm/104/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.104 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat math\360k math\720k math\360k\disk1 math\360k\disk2 math\360k\disk1\deice.exe math\360k\disk1\install.bat math\360k\disk1\math1.1 math\360k\disk1\math1.dat math\360k\disk2\math1.2 math\720k\disk1 math\720k\disk1\deice.exe math\720k\disk1\install.bat math\720k\disk1\math.1 math\720k\disk1\math.dat math\720k\disk1\math1.1 math\720k\disk1\math1.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games 5 (Word Rescue) path: /dos/gm/105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.105 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive major\360k major\720k major\360k\disk1 major\360k\disk2 major\360k\disk1\deice.exe major\360k\disk1\install.bat major\360k\disk1\stryker.1 major\360k\disk1\stryker.dat major\360k\disk2\stryker.2 major\720k\disk1 major\720k\disk1\deice.exe major\720k\disk1\install.bat major\720k\disk1\stryker.1 major\720k\disk1\stryker.dat word\disk1 word\disk1\install.bat word\disk1\word1.1 word\disk1\word1.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games path: /dos/gm/107/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.107 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bash\360k bash\720k bash\hd bash\360k\disk1 bash\360k\disk2 bash\360k\disk3 bash\360k\disk1\bash.1 bash\360k\disk1\bash.dat bash\360k\disk1\deice.exe bash\360k\disk1\install.bat bash\360k\disk2\bash.2 bash\360k\disk3\bash.3 bash\720k\disk1 bash\720k\disk2 bash\720k\disk1\bash.1 bash\720k\disk1\bash.dat bash\720k\disk1\deice.exe bash\720k\disk1\install.bat bash\720k\disk2\bash.2 bash\hd\disk1 bash\hd\disk1\bash.1 bash\hd\disk1\bash.dat bash\hd\disk1\deice.exe bash\hd\disk1\install.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- Awesome Games (Bio Menace) path: /dos/gm/108/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gmmisdo.108 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat bio\360k bio\720k bio\360k\disk1 bio\360k\disk2 bio\360k\disk1\bio1.1 bio\360k\disk1\bio1.dat bio\360k\disk1\bm_help.exe bio\360k\disk1\deice.exe bio\360k\disk1\install.bat bio\360k\disk2\bio1.2 bio\720k\disk1 bio\720k\disk1\bio1.1 bio\720k\disk1\bio1.dat bio\720k\disk1\bm_help.exe bio\720k\disk1\deice.exe bio\720k\disk1\install.bat ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Misc archives path: /dos/mis/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bf002a\ Envision Publisher (disk 1 of 2) Want to be able to easily create documentation for your project? ENVISION PUBLISHER is a nice DOS based shareware application that can turn out good-looking documentation with ease. 2 disk set. bf002b\ Envision Publisher (disk 2 of 2) co002\ Telix. When we went searching for the best DOS-based shareware communications program, we setteled on Telix from deltaComm Development. It's a classic, it's been around for several years - and it just keeps getting better. Includes a powerful scripting language capability. dm001\ dQUERRY (version 4.0) by Quadbase Systems, Inc. is a query management system that allows you to use SQL (Structured Query Language) and QBE (Query-By-Example) to do ad hoc queries and report writing against dBASE and Lotus 1-2-3 files. Using menu design facility and dBASE programming constructs, you can also very easily build comprehensive canned query and report systems for novice end-users. dQUERRY is the award winning power tool that allows you to transform raw data into meaningful information very quickly for analysis and interpretation. This demo will handle up to a limit of 200 records per file. dm002\ MultiEdit Text Editor Demo. MultiEdit demo from American Cybernetics highlights a richly-featured text editor for use with all types of ASCII files. Orginally created by a professional programmer for his own use. MultiEdit provides all the power and functionality, while maintaining a clean, intuitive interface that makes it extremely easy to learn and use. This is a fully functional editor - any size file can be loaded, edited and saved! Works on up to 100 files simultaneously in tiled, overlapping or linked windows. Edits files with line lengths up to 2,048 characters, and up to 2 billion lines long (which will probably satisfy most requirements). Undo/Redo up to 65,535 operations, language support, mouse support and more. gt001a\ This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain softwatre shared at GeTUGether '90, including material presented by speakers and software brought for trading by attendees. On this set you will find many useful programs and utilities, most in both source and executable form. Here you will find Bob Crawford's 3-D fractal demonstrations; Mike Burton's user interface code; Eberhard Waiblinger and Rob Powell's event-driven programming code (a "mini implementation" of the capabilities found in the Turbo Vision package for TP 6.0, but provided in source form for TP 5.5); and much, much more. We have compressed the nearly two megabytes of information here, using the Public Domain LHArc utility (which is supplied with its documentation file as part of this set). gt001b\ This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain softwatre shared at GeTUGether '90, including material presented by speakers and software brought for trading by attendees. On this set you will find many useful programs and utilities, most in both source and executable form. Here you will find Bob Crawford's 3-D fractal demonstrations; Mike Burton's user interface code; Eberhard Waiblinger and Rob Powell's event-driven programming code (a "mini implementation" of the capabilities found in the Turbo Vision package for TP 6.0, but provided in source form for TP 5.5); and much, much more. We have compressed the nearly two megabytes of information here, using the Public Domain LHArc utility (which is supplied with its documentation file as part of this set). gt001c\ This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain softwatre shared at GeTUGether '90, including material presented by speakers and software brought for trading by attendees. On this set you will find many useful programs and utilities, most in both source and executable form. Here you will find Bob Crawford's 3-D fractal demonstrations; Mike Burton's user interface code; Eberhard Waiblinger and Rob Powell's event-driven programming code (a "mini implementation" of the capabilities found in the Turbo Vision package for TP 6.0, but provided in source form for TP 5.5); and much, much more. We have compressed the nearly two megabytes of information here, using the Public Domain LHArc utility (which is supplied with its documentation file as part of this set). gt002\ Optimizing Turbp Pascal Programs There are often times when we would like to speed up time-critical portions of applications we write. But just what are the tricks and tradeoffs involved? Where do you look for improvements, and when must you resort to writing in assembly code? om003\ The PARAGen Demo Disk. Gives you hands-on experience with using a code-generator for Paradox. PARAGen is a commercial product that enables a programmer to generate source code for Paradox database applications in Turbo Pascal, Borland C, or ANSI C. For a more complete description of the product, see the Test Report on PARAGen in issue 48 of TUG/Pro. pt002a\ The MouseMaster Disk (disk 1 of 2) pt002b\ The MouseMaster Disk (disk 2 of 2) pt009\ DPMI 0.9 Specification. The DPMI Disk contains the full text of Version 0.9 of the DPMI specification. If you are considering writing programs using Borland Pascal or Borland C++ that use the DOS Protected Mode Interface to break the 640K barrier, you need this reference document. pt010\ ZIP Code Data Base. The Zip Code Data Disk contains a database covering 41,898 Zip codes in the United States. Each record contains Zip code, city and state information, in ASCII text format that can be imported into any DBMS (including dBASE, Paradox, Access and FoxBase) or easily converted for your customized data handling routines. pt017\ Borland Bug Report Disk. Many of you have asked why we don't print bug reports in TUG Lines any more. The answer is simple: Borland now has so many products that trying check out alleged bugs and maintain the list would be an impossible task. But never fear there are a few hearty souls out there who are keeping track of bugs, and we have collected all that information on THE BORLAND BUG REPORT DISK. Now, in one place, you can discover all known bugs in Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal, Turbo C++, and Borland C++ - and in many cases, you'll get patches that will eliminate the problem, or workarounds that will enable you to avoid them. Explanations of most bugs are included, which gives an insight into the inner workings of Borland's premier products. pt019\ The MS_DOS FAQ Disk. How can you tell if your DOS program is running in an MS Windows DOS session? That's just one of the many questions and answers on the MS-DOS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DISK. You'll find the most asked questions on a wide range of MS-DOS programming related topics, along with responses from experts. This disk also contains a data engine for fast retrieval of the information on a specified topic. sc043a\ TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 1 of 2) sc043b\ TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 2 of 2) sc044\ Turbo Overdrive Package version 1.0 by Nescatunga Software. The Turbo Overdrive Package is a collection of over 40 procedures and functions that you can incorporate in your own Turbo Pascal 4.0 programs. TOP is written almost exclusively in standard Turbo Pascal with as little inline machine code as is possible. And TOP is modular so that you don't have to use the entire pasckage if you only like one piece. Source code format will allow the user the to understand it and change it. sc057\ MATHPLOT - Version 2.1 by J.H. McCrary is a set of graphics aided programs designed to help scientists and engineers analyze data. Routines are included for least-squares fitting polynomials to sets of data points, solving simultaneous linear equations, numerically integrating a curve defined by a set of data points, calculating simple statistical parameters for data sets, and for calculating the coefficients of a Fourier series for a periodic function described by a set of data points. Programs are also included for calculating and plotting Fourier spectra and Bessel functions, for plotting data sets and for plotting and comparing user- specified functions with data sets. Screen graphics capabilities are used by most of the programs, and the host computer must be equipped with a graphics card and monitor (CGA, EGA, VGA, MCGA or Hercules). Mathplot detects which graphics hardware is present and provides the appropriate drivers. Mathplot is compatible with computers with or without a numeric co-processor. sc067\ Modula-2 Tutor Ver. 2.0 by Coronado Enterprises is a two disk set. The tutorial consists of a large number of example programs ready for you to compile and execute. Documentation is provided for each example. Example programs begin with the basics and progress into the more advanced features of the language. Shareware/Source and executable code included. sc080\ EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE version 3.14a by Seaware Corp. BAT is short for Extended Batch Language. BAT is a powerful productivity tool for the IBM Personal Computer. It represents a significant advance in providing a comprehensive yet easy to learn and use facility for controlling tasks you give your computer. It can even give you on-line documentation. BAT is a command programming language. It is a high level language that can be used as a direct replacement or in conjunction with DOS batch files. It can operate with IBM DOS versions 2.0 through 3.x. Compared with standard DOS batch files, BAT has superior control structures, string handling, and user interface. It also has tracing facilities, and is easy to learn and use. Many aspects of the language are like BASIC. Users of VM/370 will also find it similar to EXEC2. It seems that both "end users" and programmers find BAT a simple and effective language. sc081\ Colorado Utilities Disk Manager Version 3.1 sc086\ PAK version 1.61 by NoGate Consulting is a utility to create and maintain file archives in compressed form. There are several advantages to compressing files. On a hard disk, most files are accessed infrequently. Reducing the size of these files allows more of them to remain on the hard disk, where they are more accessible than on a floppy in a file cabinet, and frees disk space for other use. Backup is simpler, faster and cheaper, since the files are smaller and organized into related groups. Most importantly, compressed files take less time to transmit via modem, and time is money when the transmission is long distance, or to a service such as CompuServe. Shareware/Executable code only. sc089\ Qanalyst is a full menu driven application, not some minor utility program. It recognizes local, toll, long-distance, and "other" calls. You declare cost data for any of these types of calls, or for a specific area code, or for a specific prefix, even a specific telephone number. You can enter daytime/evening/nighttime phone rates. You decide how these rates apply for each day of the week, even for holidays! Qanalyst will analyze your uploads and downloads if you wish. You can tell what files you transferred and how much it cost to transfer them to or from another computer. It can also maintain your Qmodem log files to keep them as small as possible. You can condense a log so only vital data remains (typical first-time reduction is 70%), or you can totally delete old calling data over a specified period. It's up to you. Quick, powerful, easy to use. Qanalyst is the first (and still only) professional Qmodem phone bill analyzer. sc097\ LQMatrix sc098\ FXMatrix sc111\ Easy Format version 3.10 by Falk Data Systems does only one thing.......it formats floppy diskettes. Evert detail in Easy Format is intended to make that one thing easier and more efficient. It gives you more options and more control over the formatting process than literally any other formatting program anywhere. Easy Format can perform complete testing of your disks during the format process to prevent problems later. It can give you more usable disk space, better error detection and marking, faster formatting, and much more. sc112\ Easy Project (version 3.3) by Parcell Software is a project management tool for the IBM and compatibles. It is designed to be easy to learn, practical and efficient method for planning, tracking and controlling all types of projects. As the manager, you plan the activities or tasks needed to complete the project in a top-down outline fashion. The resulting Gantt chart then displays the project schedule and task schedule interrelationships graphically with time bars that span the duration of each task. sc117\ WYNDFIELDS version 1.1 by Thomas J. Mosbo is a general purpose database program, useful for keeping track of any type of structured information. Data may be added, changed, removed, found, displayed, analyzed, and printed easily using the friendly pull-down Menu System. sc119\ WorkBase version 2.2 by R.K. West Consulting is designed specifically with the professional developer (especially the Clipper user) in mind, WORKBASE replaces the dot prompt with over 80 "dBASE language" commands (including some that may be new to you) and over 110 functions. You can create a DBF; append, edit and browse records; restore from and save to MEM files; display memory; display and modify structure; and many other commands necessary for the development and debugging. Very helpful in troubleshooting and support. Anyone who uses dBASE-compatible data files will love this powerful utility. sc124\ WindE is a programmer's editor that was designed to take maximum advantage of the mouse. Other features include: multiple overlapping windows, macros, extended text mode support (132x43, 100x60, etc.), enhanced keyboard support and a powerful DOS shell capability. The DOS shell capability allows the user to select a DOS command in any window and execute it without having to leave the editor. This means that the user can keep a file of commonly executed DOS commands open at all times (greps, compile command lines, file compares, etc.). The output from these command is redirected to another window and the text from that window can be selected and used in whatever way is appropriate (searched for, open a filename, change directory, goto a line number, etc.). sc125a\ Programmer's Productivity Pack (version 2.50) by Falk Data Systems. No matter which language you program in, this program can make your work easier. Included is programmer's calculator program that works simultaneously in decimal, binary, hex and octal; an ASCII and color attribute chart; a keystroke reference utility that returns both the BIOS scan codes and the dBASE INKEY () values; keystroke recording and playback that allows up to 100 keystroke recordings of 1,000 keystrokes each; a screen grabber utility that will grab text off the screen and play it back like a keystroke recording; a screen capture utility; and a lot more. sc125b\ Programmer's Productivity Pack (version 2.50) by Falk Data Systems. No matter which language you program in, this program can make your work easier. Included is programmer's calculator program that works simultaneously in decimal, binary, hex and octal; an ASCII and color attribute chart; a keystroke reference utility that returns both the BIOS scan codes and the dBASE INKEY () values; keystroke recording and playback that allows up to 100 keystroke recordings of 1,000 keystrokes each; a screen grabber utility that will grab text off the screen and play it back like a keystroke recording; a screen capture utility; and a lot more. sc127\ ZAPCODE version 3.3 by Morton Utilities, International. Get it while it's hot!!! The ultimate printer control utility that burns them all away. Use ZAPCODE to select fonts, reset printer, change margins, advance the page, and anything else your printer is capable of doing. Memory resident pop-up or stand alone running. Supports all types of printers: laser, dot-matrix, ink-jet, even plotters! Drivers included for all of the popular printers. Printer driver editor allows you to easily customize or create your own. Author will create yours for you FREE. Supports LPT1 to LPT3, COM1 to COM4. No longer must you hunt for your printer manual to look up control strings. Simply pop-up ZAPCODE, select the desired printer option(s), and then let ZAPCODE enter the control srtings for you, just as if you had typed them at the keyboard - works for all programs. Use it to enter printer set up strings in Lotus 1-2-3. Outstanding Program! ASP Shareware - registion $19.95. sc129\ PC-GLOSSARY version 2.2 from Disston Ridge. With its pull down menus the uninitated computer user will finally be able to increase his/her computer literacy. Just a few keystrokes away is information that could take hours of research. From an ASCII chart to information about networks, just press F5 (tables) make your selection and astound those around you. PC-GLOSSARY is just as the name implies, a glossary on disk, plus a few nice extras. An excellent educational aid to the classroom environment. sc133\ DISK SPOOL II version 2.06 from Budget Software is a program that fundamentally changes the manner in which printing takes place on your computer. Without DISK SPOOL II, whenever an application prints information, it sends it directly to the printer. If your printer halts for whatever reason, then the application halts, too. More importantly, your application's execution speed is held back by the printer, regardless of how fast your computer is, or how well designed the application is. With DISK SPOOL II, your applications do not have to contend directly with the printer, since DISK SPOOL II sits in the background and intercepts your printer data, re-routing it to a disk file. Two benefits are immediately derived from this: A disk file dosen't jam, and you don't have to worry about its ribbon, so you know that your application will run to completion. Secondly, even the fastest printers cannot process data as quickly as a disk drive. So your applications finish sooner, and you are able to do more work in less time. sc134\ WYND-DOS version 2.0 from Wyndware was recently listed as one of the top 30 shareware programs in PC WORLD. This disk utility complete with pull down menus allows the user to veiw directories in a "tree" like structure while viewing the file listing on a second window. From the pull down menus selections are availiable to copy, delete, move, print, browse, and rename files. Other features include: use of a mouse or keyboard to open up to 9 different windows on the screen at one time, with different directory information in each window. Create and edit text files (such as batch files), and run the programs listed in your directories. sc135\ Three programs from XD systems. 4EDIT version 1.04 is a full screen editor for 4DOS file descriptions. It is much more convenient than the 4DOS DESCRIBE command because you can see the descriptions for all selected files at one time. Create or edit descriptions for any grouping of files using multiple filenames and extended wildcards, like 4DOS. Works with all versions of 4DOS, including 3.01. 4ZIP/4UNZIP version 1.07 are utilities 4DOS. Used with the PKWare file compression program PKZIP, 4ZIP automatically saves 4DOS file descriptions along with files as they are compressed. 4UNZIP calls PKUnzip, and restores the descriptions to 4DOS as each file is uncompressed. Select files to Zip or Unzip from a full-screen list with extended wildcards, like 4DOS. Works with all versions of 4DOS, including 3.01. XDIR version 3.02 is a commented directory utility. It displays a 65 character comment for each file in the DIR display. You can copy, rename and move files, carrying the comment line along. Version 3.0 can run programs from the directory list and supports executable extensions. The run feature (e.g., XDIR /r *.exe) permits the user to select one or more entries from the directory list, and run them. sc137\ sc139\ PopDBF (version 3.7) by Bowen Software is a memory resident (TSR) program that can also be run as a standalone program. It is written entirely in hand-coded assembly so it is very compact and very fast! It provides easy access to any dBase.DBF file. View the database structure, append, browse, edit, and print records. Perform lightning fast searches for information anywhere in the record or limit to specific fields! Other PopDBF features include: view index expressions, delete files, print file structures, copy structure, copy records painlessly, specify 12 "frequently" used files. PopDBF has context sensitive help at the press of a key. Executable code. Member (ASP) sc140\ PowerBatch version 1.4 by CSD, INC. Add speed and security to your batch command files with PowerBatch. Contains more than 40 additional functions to extend the capabilities of batch command files. Create professional screen displays with boxes, colors, direct cursor positioning, and fast screen writing functions. Access system information such as environment variables, date, time, disk capacity and free space; validate files, paths, and drives; control program flow with user input, field comparisons, field manipulation, and string handling functions. Execute DOS functions (parameters may be variables defined in PowerBatch), external programs, other PowerBatch programs, or standard DOS batch files. Consultants will appreciate the capability to create batch files which cannot be modified or exited by pressing any break key combinations. PowerBatch is a completely self-contained product. It contains no external compliers or object linkers to produce the final executable code. Compilation is extremely fast. The ENTIRE source is scanned for comilation errors during each compilation. Compile errors are reported both on screen and in a disk file which may be directly printed or edited for reference. A map function may be invoked during compilation for extensive constant, variable, and code size information. Executable code. Member (ASP) sc141\ BOOT.SYS version 1.27 by Hans Salvisberg makes it possible to display one or more menus at boot-up time and to have different parts of CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT executed, depending on which menu option(s) are chosen. No more editing/renaming/copying your start-up files and rebooting. Up to 9 options per menu, up to 25 consecutive and/or nested menus. Easy installation, detailed examples for every level of sophistication. Executable code Member (ASP) sc143\ The enclosed disk contains two Shareware programs, SHERLOCK version 2.00 and DISKLIST version 1.00 from Gulf Sierra. SHERLOCK is a text comparison utility that compares two ASCII files line by line. When they don't match, SHERLOCK raises a flag. At this point, you may scroll either or both files passed the mismatch to put them in sync and continue. Either file can be automatically scanned to locate a line matching the line selected in the other file. SHERLOCK displays five lines from each file in separate windows. SHERLOCK contains features for searching, jumping around the files and copying lines to a printer. SHERLOCK is designed as a tool for programmers and writers. It is best on files like program source files, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and text documents. DISKLIST produces diskette covers with the directory contents for 5.25, 3.5, and hard disks. File names can be sorted by name, date, extension, size. DISKLIST reads all sub-directories. Displays on the printer, screen or file. Select the type of frame lines to use including plain ASCII 1&-. Printer control codes can be inserted and saved for your printer, even laser printer font selections. Listed files can be selected with a filespec. Executable code Member (ASP) sc144\ 4DOS version 3.02a by J.P Software. By replacing COMMAND.COM, 4DOS helps you get the most out of your PC. 4DOS provides a wide varity of capabilities that COMMAND.COM can't, ranging from a vastly enhanced DIR command, to point-and-shoot file selection for any command, to the ability to compeletly redefine your systems commands. 4DOS is a "DOS shell", but it's unlike most DOS shells on the market. Virtually all of these shells are designed to isolate the novice user from the DOS command line. 4DOS, on the other hand, is intended to make DOS easier to use and to make you more productive while working at the command line. It provides enhancements to most of the DOS commands, as well as more than 40 new commands. These improvements make 4DOS a much richer and more powerful working environment than COMMAND.COM, without sacrificing the compatibility, flexibility and control you get from working the command line. Executable code Member ASP sc155\ An interactive color kaleidoscopic program that provides many hours of changing visual viewscapes. Performance art for the eyes using over 30 drawing algorithms and an assortment of "fades" and special effects to exercise a wide range of available display techniques. Providing an entertaining excursion through the capabilities of PC graphics technology. Dazzle can be used in a varity of ways. At the office it keeps the screen from being burned by a constant display of an unchanging prompt. Other uses include; reception areas, at trade shows, in showrooms, in waiting rooms, in schools, in display windows, and other events where the desire to attract attention. Shareware Executable code Version 4.1f sc164\ Just Say "No" to Mr. Virus! AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION (version 1.0) by Pete Maclean Software can give your hard disk generational file protection and recovery. It provides a file system that automatically maintains up to eight generations of all your critical files. When you delete a file, it dosen't go away - it's saved as a historical version. That means you can easily restore files that have been "deleted". You can also write protect your hard disk, in case you suspect a program you're running of having a malicious intent. ASP ShareWare sc165\ Don't Let Btrieve Get You Down You probably already know that Btrieve is Novell's record manager system, designed to help PC programmers in the development of applications. You probably already know that Btrieve isn't the easiest thing to work with. But BTR HELP! by Informative Technologies Corp. was created to provide functions needed during the design, development and maintenance of applications that use Btrieve. It is useful for file maintenance for Great Plains Accounting; IBM's Platinum Series; the Galacticomm BBS; DacEasy Accounting and many other programs. With Btr Help! you can repair damaged files, test their integrity, browse, edit, add and delete records, and a lot more. ASP ShareWare sc168\ Record Your Phone Conversations Do you use a telephone in your business? Wouldn't it be nice to have an easy way to track just who said what to whom when? HOTNET (version 1.3) by Joey Robichaux is a PC-based multiuser shareware system, that can help solve these business problems. HOTNET is network capable and supports NETBIOS record locking. HOTNET captures caller information (thousands of characters per call!) to help phone personnel record and solve common problems and also provide management with the necessary information to help make business decisions. By the way, HOTNET works great in non-networked situations, for those who just want to keep a record of their phone conversations! Now it's easy to confirm just "who said what" way back in September of 1990. ASP ShareWare sc173\ DeskJet Fonts and Utilities (version 1.4) This is a collection of 18 soft fonts for the HP DeskJet or DeskJet Plus printer. The fonts include: Helv & Roman 10 & 12 point medium/bold/italic, Script 8 & 12 pt, Old English 8 & 10 point, Square 10 point 10 pitch, and Symbols 24 point. The package also includes utility programs for downloading and printing sample sheets of fonts. Printer drivers and updated new instructions are included for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1, Word 5.X, MS Works, PC Write, and Windows 3.0. ASP ShareWare sc174\ European LaserJet Fonts (version 1.0) This is a collection of 12 soft fonts that will print almost any European language. The fonts are for any HP LaserJet II or compatible printer. The fonts include: Garamond, Helev, & Roman 12 point medium/bold/italic, plus 18 point bold versions. The package also includes utility programs for downloading and printing sample sheets of fonts. printer drivers are included for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1, MS Word 5.X, MS Works, Ventura, PageMaker, and Windows. The fonts come with the PC-850 symbol set and directly support: German, Spanish, French, and numerous other languages. ASP Member sc175\ LaserJet Fonts and Utilities (version 1.4) This is a collection of 21 soft fonts for any HP LaserJet or compatible printer. The fonts include: Helv & Roman 10 & 12 point medium/bold/italic, 18 point bold Helv & Roman, Century Legal 12 pt, Script 12 pt, Broadway 18 pt, KeyCaps 10 pt, Dingbats 18 pt, and Greek 10 pt. The package also includes utility programs for downloading and printing sample sheets of fonts. Updated printer drivers and nwe instructions are included for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1, MS Word 5.X, MS Works, Ventura, PageMaker, and Windows. ASP Member sc176\ TSR Download (version 2.9b) This memory resident soft font manager for LaserJet and DeskJet printers locates your soft fonts automatically and displays them in English. You can compress your fonts so they take up only 1/6 of the space they used to! TSR Download pops up in any application and downloads individual or lists of fonts. Offers a point and shoot interface, selects or deletes fonts, controls line spacing, and remembers what fonts have been sent to your printer while managing printer memory, all in only 7K of RAM. The program now runs either under DOS or as a special Windows 3.0 application. Mouse support. Creates landscape fonts on the fly. New documentation changes and DOS 5.0 support. Registration: $45.00 ASP Member sc181\ QEdit Advanced version 2.15 by SEMWARE is a Blazingly Fast, multi/window, compact, (44K) text editor, both powerful and EASY to use. Includes macros, column blocks, and basic word-processing features. Configurable, including keyboard, colors, initial settings. Data Based Advisor Readers Choice as Best Program/Text Editor. Over 90,000 licensed users prefer QEdit! sc187\ COMPUTER TRIVIA QUIZ (version 1.0) by Shoestring Software is a unique and fun learning game in which one to six players can match their knowledge about computer terms, history, famous figures, and other computer-related trivia. Players can learn much, as there is an informative explaination for each question. sc189\ T-ZERO (version 1.03) by Dennis Cunningham "An Adventure for the Time Being" This game is dedicated to all gamers saddened by the premature death toll sounded for text adventures. It is a text adventure in the grand style, mixing elements of fantasy and science fiction while exploring the nature of time. Scenes take place in a rustic but disturbing present, a bustling prehistoric era, and a damaged, bureaucratic future. Your task is to locate six round objects scattered across eras and landscapes, transport them to progressively future time-zones, and manipulate them in a fashion that will right the troubled times. ASP Member sc193\ PCX2PCL (version 1.3) by TaxWare. PCLX2PCL converts PCX graphics to HP PCL format. Convert scanned signatures or logos and letterhead, then download and print the PCL macro file on any HP LaserJet printer from within most major applications. Member ASP sc194\ Three programs from CareWare. Hearts (version 6b.2) - The traditional four handed card game. Hearts was featured in the December 1989 issue of COMPUTE! magazine and is acclaimed by many users to be the best Hearts game they have experienced. Hearts offers; full mouse support, ease of play, several user options and fun for the whole family. CGA/EGA/MCGA/VGA. Q4Tool (version 1.2) - Programming tools for QuickBASIC 4.x. Q4Tool is an innovative collection of programming tools for QuickBASIC. Q4Tool features a comprehensive selection of mouse functions, a unique windowing routine, screen save/restore routines, fast screen writes and more. Q4Tools contains nearly everything needed to create fast, attractive, mouse driven applications. Demo with source code included. PCForm provides an easy and inexpensive means for creating tailor made professional looking forms. Its Form Management System gives you the ability to maintain forms in a way suited to your needs. PCForm features; ease of use, two point line and box drawing, multiple pages, pull down menuing, screen blanking, full mouse support, configurability, ASCII format for maximum portability and more. CGA/EGA/MCGA/VGA. Member ASP sc196\ EditPick EditPick v1.2 from Sunrise Software. Allows a user to edit pick files that are used with Borland's Turbo Pascal. EditPick does not require any command line parameters, however, it must reside in the same directory that contains your pick files. When the screen starts you will see a screen containing a list of all the .PCK files in the the directory. Highlight the desired file using the left/right arrow keys and press the return key to select the file. Once you have selected a file to edit, a screen will appear displaying the selected pick file's pick list and a menu of editing options available. The program allows you to Delete entries, Swap the order of two entries, Edit the filenames in the list and Add new entries to the list. An on-line help screen is available via the F1 key and you can save changes or abandon file editing at any time. This program was tested using Turbo Pascal version 4.0 and 5.5. (Note .PCK files are not used with Turbo Pascal version 6.0) MathLib (self extracting file) Math Libraries for Turbo Pascal 6.0 by Waldman Sidelines. MATHLIB is a set of Turbo Pascal units which provide direct access to the '287 and '387 coprocessors. This can provide a substantial performance boost to any numerically intensive program such as scientific and engineering computations and certain graphics applications. METRIC-X (self extracting file) METRIC-X v1.10 by Orion Development Corporation. A Metric-English-Metric conversion utility which uses drop-down menus to display/select any of 10 Categories and 138 Unit of Measure. A very user friendly, very accurate program, which has been DESIGNATED an "ACCEPTED METRIC CINVERSION TOOL" by the ICMP-MOC, the US Gov't metric authority. tv005\ Ever have a question about Turbo Vision that wasen't explained in the Borland manuals? You're not alone-in fact, there's an entire network of people) beginning to spring up, asking and answering questions about Turbo Vision. And we've captured it all on THE TURBO VISION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DISK. On this disk you'll find a wide range of the most frequently asked questions about TV (both the Pascal and C++ versions), along with answers given by experts around the world. Included is a really nice data engine that makes searching for answers both easy and fun. tw015\ TUG O'Wards III Set 1 tw027\ AL, SD, WallSt, ZCD ut001\ Ralf Brown Interrupt List ut003\ BGI Toolkit ut005\ Turbo Powered Editor ut007\ LHA, UNARJ, ArcMaster ut010\ The BGI Drivers Disk ut011\ GNU Diff / RCS ut012\ Reconfig ut014\ ShareSpell ut020\ Super Disk Utilities ut021\ SeekEasy ut022\ Pseuodographics Font Masticator ut026\ OzCIS ut027\ Persistence of Vision ut029\ Turbo Debugger ut035\ Qedit Advanced v3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Envision Publisher (disk 1 of 2) Want to be able to easily path: /dos/mis/bf002a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _bfmisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. _fx.bgi _ljdj.bgi _lq.bgi _pp24.bgi _ps.bgi _ps.ini __disk__.1 cga.bgi egavga.bgi evp.exe evp.hlp evp.ini evp1.dat evp2.dat evp_ps.ps extract.bat file_id.diz go.bat helvetiq.svf herc.bgi install.exe modstamp.svf newcalig.svf read_me read_me.bat verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Envision Publisher (disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/mis/bf002b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _bfmisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. _canon.bgi _cfx.bgi _clq.bgi _djc.bgi _ibmq.bgi _oki92.bgi _pj.bgi _tsh.bgi __disk__.2 800numbr.txt att.bgi bugle.pcx cleanup.exe flier2.evp fonts.evp fonts.pcx go.bat ibm8514.bgi manual.doc news.evp pc3270.bgi printman.bat printreg.bat read_me read_me.bat register.doc screen.pcx show_off.evp sun.pcx svclogo.pcx tutor.evt tutorial.doc vendor.bbs verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Telix. When we went searching for the best DOS-based shareware path: /dos/mis/co002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _comisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive disk.1 disk.2 disk.3 install.exe laptop.doc readme.doc tlx320_1.zip tlx320_2.zip tlx320_3.zip tlx320_4.zip tlx320_5.zip tlx320_6.zip verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- dQUERRY (version 4.0) by Quadbase Systems, Inc. is a query path: /dos/mis/dm001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _dmdbado.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive advqbe.qbe advqbe.sql advrpt.sql advsql.sql arcust99.dbf arcust99.ndx arinvt99.dbf arinvt99.ndx arisup99.dbf arisup99.ndx armast99.dbf armast99.ndx artran99.dbf artran99.ndx c123.wks clients.dbf db123.mnu db123.qbe db123.sql demo.bat dq4.exe dqhelp1.dbf dqhelp1.dbt dqhelp2.dbf dqhelp2i.ndx dreport.rfm eleqbe.sql elesql.sql expdbase.sql expmenu.sql expqbe.mnu expqbe.sql expsql.mnu expsql.sql finish.sql goodcust.sql ibmcust.wks info123.wks interm.qbe interqbe.sql intersql.sql main.mnu mainmenu.mnu mdqmsg.bin monthsal.qbe monthsal.sql obalance.sql opentxt.sql overview.sql prodsum.rfm prodsum.sql products.dbf report.mnu report.sql sales.dbf save123.sql sickhr.dbf sickhr.rfm simp123.qbe simp123.sql simple.qbe simprpt.sql stk123.wks stkinfo.dbf stktrans.dbf userqbe.qbe userqbe.sql verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- MultiEdit Text Editor Demo. MultiEdit demo from American path: /dos/mis/dm002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _dmmisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive aci_hype.hlz asm.hlz basic.hlz brief.db brief.hlz c.hlz cmac.hlz cuame.db dbase.hlz demo.dat dirshell.hlz dospromp.bat ec.cfg ec.db ec_arago.hlz ec_arago.mac ec_asist.hlz ec_clipr.hlz ec_clipr.mac ec_dbase.hlz ec_dbase.mac ec_dbwin.hlz ec_dbwin.mac ec_fxpro.hlz ec_fxpro.mac filemngr.hlz fortran.hlz init.mac install.exe macro.hlz me.exe me.hlz me.mcl mecom.hlz meconfig.db medebug.hlz modula_2.hlz notebook.hlz pascal.hlz phone.db printers.db prnform.hlz quickref.hlz readme.doc spell.hlz verifile.dat wordstar.db wordstar.hlz ----------------------------------------------------------- This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain path: /dos/mis/gt001a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gtmisdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. cpm.pal cpmbig.pal cstrings.asm cstrings.obj default.cpm demo.cpm demo.pal dump123.exe dump123.pas event.pas foreend.cpm gettug90.5 gettug90.6 gettug90.7 gettug90.8 ja.cpm ja1.cpm jb.cpm jc.cpm jd.cpm je.cpm jf.cpm jg.cpm jh.cpm jha2.cpm jha3.cpm jha4.cpm jha5.cpm jha6.cpm jha7.cpm jhl1.cpm jhl2.cpm jhl3.cpm jhl4.cpm jhl5.cpm jhl6.cpm jhs0.cpm jhs1.cpm jhs2.cpm jhs3.cpm jhs4.cpm jhs5.cpm jhsl1.cpm jhsl2.cpm jhsl3.cpm jhsl4.cpm jhsl5.cpm jhsl6.cpm ji.cpm jm.cpm lake.cpm litt.pas manbig.cpm newapp.pas pal1.pal read123.pas read123.tpu test123.exe test123.pas tugcomp.exe tugcomp.pas tugcpm.exe tugcpm.pas tugdata.exe tugdata.pas tugfract.doc tuggraph.pas tugmj.exe tugmj.pas tugpal.exe tugpal.pas tugshow.pas tugview.exe tugview.pas verifile.dat wigglyc.cpm ----------------------------------------------------------- This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain path: /dos/mis/gt001b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gtmisdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chain.lzh dupfind.lzh extend.lzh heap55.lzh lharc.exe lhdoc.lzh opkey.lzh opstack.lzh optimer.lzh opxms.lzh popdos.lzh streams.txt tpe.lzh verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- This disk set is a collction of all the Public Domain path: /dos/mis/gt001c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _gtmisdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive typecast.lzh usrinfce.lzh verifile.dat tasmonly\com tasmonly\dosver1x tasmonly\exe tasmonly\com\comexmpl.asm tasmonly\com\comexmpl.com tasmonly\com\comexmpl.map tasmonly\com\comexmpl.obj tasmonly\dosver1x\dosver1x.asm tasmonly\dosver1x\dosver1x.exe tasmonly\dosver1x\dosver1x.map tasmonly\dosver1x\dosver1x.obj tasmonly\exe\exeexmpl.asm tasmonly\exe\exeexmpl.exe tasmonly\exe\exeexmpl.lst tasmonly\exe\exeexmpl.map tasmonly\exe\exeexmpl.obj tpascal\example1 tpascal\example2 tpascal\example3 tpascal\example4 tpascal\examples tpascal\template tpascal\example1\leftstr.asm tpascal\example1\leftstr.obj tpascal\example1\macros.asm tpascal\example1\rightstr.asm tpascal\example1\rightstr.obj tpascal\example1\rs_asm.pas tpascal\example2\clrscr.asm tpascal\example2\clrscr.obj tpascal\example2\discuss.rs2 tpascal\example2\getxy.asm tpascal\example2\getxy.obj tpascal\example2\inkey.asm tpascal\example2\inkey.obj tpascal\example2\rs_asm.pas tpascal\example2\testrs2.pas tpascal\example3\discuss.rs3 tpascal\example3\fillword.asm tpascal\example3\fillword.obj tpascal\example3\lptready.asm tpascal\example3\lptready.obj tpascal\example3\macros.asm tpascal\example3\normal.asm tpascal\example3\normal.obj tpascal\example3\rs_asm.pas tpascal\example3\testlpt.pas tpascal\example3\testnorm.pas tpascal\example4\memcomp.asm tpascal\example4\memcomp.obj tpascal\example4\memcomp.pas tpascal\example4\tmemcomp.pas tpascal\examples\exptabs.asm tpascal\examples\exptabs.obj tpascal\examples\inkey.asm tpascal\examples\inkey.obj tpascal\examples\macros.asm tpascal\examples\memcomp.asm tpascal\examples\memcomp.obj tpascal\examples\parse.asm tpascal\examples\parse.obj tpascal\examples\rightstr.asm tpascal\examples\rightstr.obj tpascal\examples\search.asm tpascal\examples\search.obj tpascal\examples\tools.pas tpascal\examples\trim.asm tpascal\examples\trim.obj tpascal\examples\tsttools.pas tpascal\examples\ucase.asm tpascal\examples\ucase.obj tpascal\template\tpascal.asm ----------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Turbp Pascal Programs There are often times when path: /dos/mis/gt002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _files Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bacgcmaj case1.pas case2.pas case3.pas case4.pas case5.pas case6.pas case7.asm case7.obj case7.pas mapfiles.doc mapfiles.exe mapfiles.pas moustrap.asm popedit.doc popedit.exe shareall.asm shareall.com test.pas tvscreen.pas tvstest.pas tvstestm.pas tvtest.pas tvtsr.doc undocdos.pas verifile.dat bmp\halfdome.bmp bmp\nolimits.bmp burton\filedata.c burton\filedata.h burton\filetest.c burton\filetest.ini burton\filetest.mak burton\macdata.c burton\macdata.h burton\mactest.c burton\mactest.mak burton\userextn.doc burton\userextn.wq1 carter\15ways carter\arrays.pas carter\avoid.pas carter\crc.pas carter\demo3d.pas carter\demo3dex.dta carter\demo3dex.pas carter\demo3din.pas carter\demo3dit.pas carter\demo3dme.pas carter\demo3dsi.dta carter\demo3dsi.pas carter\dostime.bat carter\empty.dta carter\fasteasy.pas carter\fasvideo.pas carter\fat.bat carter\fatspot.pas carter\fillmove.pas carter\htpdsub.pas carter\htptime.inc carter\incdec.pas carter\letter carter\loop.pas carter\optimize.txt carter\order carter\read.me carter\redundan.pas carter\strength.pas carter\textbuf.pas carter\timer.pas carter\untyped.pas carter\xchg.pas max_w\bmsearch.exe max_w\bmsearch.pas max_w\c.bat max_w\improved.exe max_w\improved.pas max_w\junk.bat max_w\kmpsrch.exe max_w\kmpsrch.pas max_w\naive.exe max_w\naive.pas max_w\text printers\pset_c.bat printers\pset_e.bat printers\pset_n.bat thorpe\clocks.pas thorpe\eventwin.pas thorpe\heapwin.pas thorpe\keynamer.pas thorpe\showevnt.pas thorpe\testedit.pas thorpe\textcoll.pas thorpe\textwin.pas thorpe\tvspy.exe thorpe\tvspy.pas tjock\demeng1.exe tjock\demeng1.pas tjock\demeng2.exe tjock\employee.db tjock\empnames.txt tjock\flags.inc tjock\listdem0.pas tjock\listdem1.pas tjock\listdem2.pas tjock\listdem3.pas tjock\listdem4.pas tjock\listdem5.pas tjock\listdem6.pas tjock\listdemo.txt tjock\oldlist.pas tjock\pxengine.ovl tjock\read.me tjock\tjengine.pas tjock\tjlist.pas tjock\tjlistv.pas trader\grafopen.pas trader\grafopen.tpu trader\gravity.pas trader\gr_tp.tpu trader\gxopen.pas trader\gxopen.tpu trader\gx_tp.tpu trader\jtdefine.inc trader\jtrandom.pas trader\jtrandom.tpu trader\opcrt.tpu trader\read.me trader\tgdefs.pas trader\tgdefs.tpu urlocker\bitmaps.pas urlocker\bitmaps.tpu urlocker\charts.pas urlocker\dicts.pas urlocker\generic.res urlocker\hbar.cht urlocker\helloapi.exe urlocker\helloapi.pas urlocker\hellocrt.exe urlocker\hellocrt.pas urlocker\helloowl.exe urlocker\helloowl.pas urlocker\hellowin.exe urlocker\hellowin.pas urlocker\oopwint.wq1 urlocker\oopwpas.wq1 urlocker\pchart.exe urlocker\pchart.pas urlocker\pchart.res urlocker\pchart.txt urlocker\phello.txt urlocker\pie.cht urlocker\plife.pas urlocker\plife.res urlocker\plife.txt urlocker\readme.txt urlocker\v3dbar.cht urlocker\vbar.cht urlocker\world0.bmp urlocker\world1.bmp urlocker\world2.bmp urlocker\world3.bmp urlocker\world4.bmp urlocker\world5.bmp urlocker\world6.bmp urlocker\world7.bmp urlocker\world8.bmp urlocker\world9.bmp urlocker\world10.bmp urlocker\world11.bmp urlocker\world12.bmp urlocker\world13.bmp urlocker\world14.bmp urlocker\world15.bmp urlocker\world16.bmp urlocker\world17.bmp urlocker\world18.bmp urlocker\world19.bmp urlocker\world20.bmp urlocker\world21.bmp urlocker\world22.bmp urlocker\world23.bmp urlocker\world24.bmp urlocker\world25.bmp urlocker\world26.bmp urlocker\world27.bmp urlocker\world28.bmp urlocker\world29.bmp urlocker\world30.bmp urlocker\world31.bmp ----------------------------------------------------------- The PARAGen Demo Disk. Gives you hands-on experience with path: /dos/mis/om003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _dmmisdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pdemd\demoinv.c pdemd\demoinv.cpp pdemd\demoinv.exe pdemd\demoinv.mak pdemd\demoinv.pas pdemd\invoice.c pdemd\invoice.cpp pdemd\invoice.db pdemd\invoice.h pdemd\invoice.hpp pdemd\invoice.pas pdemd\invoice.px pdemd\makedir.com pdemd\vidlib.c pdemd\vidlib.cpp pdemd\vidlib.exe pdemd\vidlib.h pdemd\vidlib.hpp pdemd\vidlib.mak pdemd\vidlib.pas pdemd\vidutil.c pdemd\vidutil.pas pdemd\vlib.c pdemd\vlib.cpp pdemd\vlib.db pdemd\vlib.h pdemd\vlib.hpp pdemd\vlib.pas pdemd\vlib.px pdocd\paragen.doc pgend\paragend.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- The MouseMaster Disk (disk 1 of 2) path: /dos/mis/pt002a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat calender\ascodes.txt calender\mogen.c calender\mogen.exe calender\mogen.txt calender\tools.c day\mouse.pas mcd\mcd108.com mous\mouse.pro mous\mousegra.pro mous\mousetxt.pro sadowsky\gmtest.pas sadowsky\mouse.doc sadowsky\mouse.pas sadowsky\mousecur.pas sadowsky\mouseisr.pas sadowsky\mousestk.pas sadowsky\mousesub.pas sadowsky\tmtest.pas schnapp\msmouse.inc tcml\tcml10.com tcml\tcmtk11.com tpml\tpml10.com ----------------------------------------------------------- The MouseMaster Disk (disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/mis/pt002b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmisdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat mousetol\soundpas mousetol\box.tpu mousetol\ccmap.pic mousetol\cgaexp.exe mousetol\cgaexp.pas mousetol\convert.tpu mousetol\mapedit.exe mousetol\mapedit.pas mousetol\mouse.tpu mousetol\mousers2.tpu mousetol\moustool.doc mousetol\palette.tpu mousetol\readme mousetol\sharewre.txt mousetol\soundpas\demo1.exe mousetol\soundpas\demo1.pas mousetol\soundpas\demo2.exe mousetol\soundpas\demo2.pas mousetol\soundpas\sound.doc mousetol\soundpas\soundeff.pas mousetol\soundpas\sounder.pas peart\bezier.pas peart\mouseuni.inc peart\mouseuni.pas porter\gmice.c porter\gmice.pas porter\gmouscur.i porter\gmouscur.inc porter\mousdemo.c porter\mousdemo.pas porter\mouse.i porter\mouse.inc porter\mouse.pas porter\mousevnt.c porter\mousevnt.pas porter\scribble.c porter\scribble.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- DPMI 0.9 Specification. The DPMI Disk contains the full text of path: /dos/mis/pt009/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmisdo.009 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dpmi.h dpmi.txt dpmispec.txt dpmiutil.c dpmiutil.obj dpmi_v1.c dpmi_v1.exe dpmi_v1.mak dpmi_v1.pif dpmi_v2.c dpmi_v2.exe dpmi_v2.mak dpmi_v2.pif fixdpmi.c fixdpmi.com readfix.me verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ZIP Code Data Base. The Zip Code Data Disk contains a database path: /dos/mis/pt010/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmismi.010 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive makezip.exe makezip.pas verifile.dat zipcodes.sdf ----------------------------------------------------------- Borland Bug Report Disk. Many of you have asked why we don't path: /dos/mis/pt017/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmismi.017 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 700.lst bp7bugs2.lst delay.fix editors.fix filedial.fix movebuf.fix newshr.fix outline.fix tbufstre.fix tp6bugs7.lst tvbugs tvbugs.lst twindow.fix verifile.dat cpp_bugs\ambig.cpp cpp_bugs\ambig2.cpp cpp_bugs\ambig3.cpp cpp_bugs\ambig4.cpp cpp_bugs\ccpsub.cpp cpp_bugs\constptr.cpp cpp_bugs\dblptr.cpp cpp_bugs\defctor.cpp cpp_bugs\defopeq.cpp cpp_bugs\dtrorder.cpp cpp_bugs\enuminit.cpp cpp_bugs\execv.cpp cpp_bugs\expldtr.cpp cpp_bugs\inherit.cpp cpp_bugs\inlbug.cpp cpp_bugs\macrobug.cpp cpp_bugs\macrocom.cpp cpp_bugs\nstclass.cpp cpp_bugs\oparrow.cpp cpp_bugs\opeqconv.cpp cpp_bugs\opeqdel.cpp cpp_bugs\operdel.cpp cpp_bugs\opnecnd.cpp cpp_bugs\opnewcl.cpp cpp_bugs\privdtor.cpp cpp_bugs\stod.cpp cpp_bugs\strintr.cpp cpp_bugs\switchi.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplad.cpp cpp_bugs\tmpladd.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplca.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplcctr.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplcnst.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplcrs2.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplcrsh.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplfr2.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplgpf1.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplinh.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplinl.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplinl2.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplinl3.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplinl4.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplmat.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplmatc.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplmfp.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplmfp2.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplmfp3.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplnmbr.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplopcn.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplord.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplout.cpp cpp_bugs\tmploutp.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplovld.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplspec.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplstat.cpp cpp_bugs\tmpltype.cpp cpp_bugs\tmplvec.cpp cpp_bugs\unreach.cpp cpp_bugs\zeroptr.cpp tv_bugs\tvbugs.cpp tv_bugs\tvbugs.lst tv_bugs\tvbugs.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- The MS_DOS FAQ Disk. How can you tell if your DOS program is path: /dos/mis/pt019/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmisdo.019 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive msdos.faq verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 1 of 2) path: /dos/mis/sc043a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.043 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat toolkit\dirttt.pas toolkit\dirttt.tpu toolkit\fastttt.asm toolkit\fastttt.obj toolkit\fastttt.pas toolkit\fastttt.tpu toolkit\iottt.pas toolkit\iottt.tpu toolkit\keyttt.pas toolkit\keyttt.tpu toolkit\menuttt.pas toolkit\menuttt.tpu toolkit\miscttt.pas toolkit\pullttt.pas toolkit\pullttt.tpu toolkit\read.me toolkit\readttt.pas toolkit\readttt.tpu toolkit\register.doc toolkit\strngttt.pas toolkit\strngttt.tpu toolkit\winttt.asm toolkit\winttt.obj toolkit\winttt.pas toolkit\winttt.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/mis/sc043b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.043 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat superbak\bkup.pic superbak\bmain.com superbak\help superbak\helpfile.txt superbak\order.blk superbak\sb.lts superbak\setbak.com superbak\setbk.pic ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Overdrive Package version 1.0 by Nescatunga Software. The path: /dos/mis/sc044/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.044 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat top\bigdemo.dem top\dir.dem top\dir.pas top\dir.tpu top\drawbox.dem top\drawbox.pas top\drawbox.tpu top\getcolor.dem top\getcolor.pas top\getcolor.tpu top\getline.dem top\getline.pas top\getline.tpu top\iostuff.dem top\iostuff.pas top\iostuff.tpu top\menu123.dem top\menu123.pas top\menu123.tpu top\menubox.dem top\menubox.pas top\menubox.tpu top\menupull.dem top\menupull.pas top\menupull.tpu top\popascii.dem top\popascii.pas top\popascii.tpu top\read.me top\topascii.doc top\topepson.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- MATHPLOT - Version 2.1 by J.H. McCrary is a set of graphics path: /dos/mis/sc057/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.057 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ep.cfg ep.com fouramp.frd foursqr.frd fplsinx.mpd manual.txt matrix2.inv matrix3.inv poly2.mpd poly3.mpd poly5.mpd readme simeq2.sim simeq4.sim simeq6.sim verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Modula-2 Tutor Ver. 2.0 by Coronado Enterprises is a two disk path: /dos/mis/sc067/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmoddo.067 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive adrstuff.mod araypass.mod areas.mod arrays.mod arrays2.mod bakcopy.mod baklist.mod bakrstr.mod bigcase.mod bigrec.mod bitops.def bitops.mod boolmath.mod cardmath.mod casedemo.mod chap01.txt chap02.txt chap03.txt chap04.txt chap05.txt chap06.txt chap07.txt chap08.txt chap09.txt chap10.txt chap11.txt chap12.txt chap13.txt chap14.txt chap15.txt chap16.txt chardemo.mod circles.def circles.mod constant.mod corout.mod corout2.mod corout3.mod dirhelps.def dirhelps.mod dumbconv.mod dynrec.mod entypes.mod fileio.mod firstex.mod function.mod garden.mod garden2.mod goodform.mod ifdemo.mod infinite.mod intmath.mod intro.txt intvar.mod lastprog.mod linklist.mod list.mod listall.bat locmod1.mod locmod2.mod loopdemo.mod loopif.mod modcoms.mod moreprog.mod opaquety.def opaquety.mod optype.mod overprog.mod pc.mod pointers.mod printext.bat printfle.mod proced1.mod proced2.mod proced3.mod proced4.mod proced5.mod proctype.mod puppydog.mod ranproc.mod read.me real2fil.def real2fil.mod real2mon.def real2mon.mod realmath.mod realtrig.mod recurson.mod sets.mod simplin.mod simplout.mod smallrec.mod stringex.mod subrange.mod tabcont.txt tempconv.mod timedate.mod transfer.mod typerel.mod types.mod uglyform.mod varrec.mod varyfile.mod verifile.dat wordaddr.mod writesm.mod answers\ch02e1.mod answers\ch02e2.mod answers\ch02e3.mod answers\ch03e1.mod answers\ch03e2.mod answers\ch04e1.mod answers\ch04e2.mod answers\ch04e3a.mod answers\ch04e3b.mod answers\ch05e1.mod answers\ch05e2.mod answers\ch05e3.mod answers\ch06e1.mod answers\ch06e2.mod answers\ch06e3.mod answers\ch06e4.mod answers\ch07e1.mod answers\ch07e2.mod answers\ch08e1.mod answers\ch08e2.mod answers\ch11e1.mod answers\ch12e1.mod answers\ch12e2.mod answers\ch14e1.mod answers\ch14e2.mod ----------------------------------------------------------- EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE version 3.14a by Seaware Corp. BAT is path: /dos/mis/sc080/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.080 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bat.com bat3info.doc batdemo.bat batdoc.bat batdoc2.bat batfunc1.com verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Colorado Utilities Disk Manager Version 3.1 path: /dos/mis/sc081/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.081 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive colordef.pas cubbs.cfg cubbs10.doc cudm.hlp cudm31.doc cudmcntx.hlp cudmord.doc cuvl.doc cuvl.pas oopwin.doc oopwin.pas owvars.pas owwind.pas par11.doc parord.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PAK version 1.61 by NoGate Consulting is a utility to create path: /dos/mis/sc086/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.086 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive altcfg.txt exemake.exe file_id.diz order.frm pak.cnf pak.doc pak.exe pakinst.exe read.me site.frm stdcfg.txt update.frm verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Qanalyst is a full menu driven application, not some minor path: /dos/mis/sc089/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.089 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive discount.doc file_id.diz loweribm.doc loweribm.exe qanadocs.com qanalyst.exe qanalyst.ovr qanalyst.prf read.me_ sample.bat sample.cf1 sample.cf2 sample.cf3 sample.lg1 sample.lg2 sample.prf vendor.doc verifile.dat whatsnew.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- LQMatrix path: /dos/mis/sc097/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.103 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme verifile.dat turbo4_0\tp4multi.com turbo5_x\doc_dem.com turbo5_x\multi50.com turbo5_x\multi55.com turbo5_x\queue.com ----------------------------------------------------------- FXMatrix path: /dos/mis/sc098/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.098 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive alpha.fxf autofxf.com block.fxf caps.fxf digit.fxf fixfxf.com fx.com fxascii.com fxedit.doc fxmatrix.com fxprint.com germod.fxf gerund.fxf graph.fxf greek.fxf italic.fxf olympias.doc olympias.fxf round.fxf russ.fxf serif.fxf simple.fxf thai.fxf verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Easy Format version 3.10 by Falk Data Systems does only one path: /dos/mis/sc111/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.111 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bbs_desc.doc df_pif.dvp dvformat.exe easychek.exe euro_reg.frm ezformat.exe ezmanual.txt formatf.exe packing.lst read.me readme.1st register.frm vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Easy Project (version 3.3) by Parcell Software is a project path: /dos/mis/sc112/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.112 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive config.sys ep.doc ep.exe epconfg2.ntx epconfig.dbf epconfig.ntx epdepend.ntx epplan.dbf epplan.ntx epplangn.ntx epplanpr.ntx epproj.dbf epproj.ntx epres.dbf epres.ntx epres2.dbf epres2.ntx epresx.ntx epwork.dbf file_id.diz installf.bat installh.bat readme.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- WYNDFIELDS version 1.1 by Thomas J. Mosbo is a general purpose path: /dos/mis/sc117/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.117 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive file_id.diz install.exe readme.bat verifile.dat wf.doc wfdata.exe wfprog.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- WorkBase version 2.2 by R.K. West Consulting is designed path: /dos/mis/sc119/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.119 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive arce.com arce.doc asp.doc catalog.doc help.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat workbase.exe workdoc.com ----------------------------------------------------------- WindE is a programmer's editor that was designed to take path: /dos/mis/sc124/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.124 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ascii.txt autoexec.txt cmds dos.cmd fnctcode.txt global.txt order.frm paths read.me readme.too revision.txt verifile.dat winde.hlp winde.ini winde.log winde.___ work.doc work.wek ----------------------------------------------------------- Programmer's Productivity Pack (version 2.50) by Falk Data path: /dos/mis/sc125a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.125 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. answers.txt bbs_desc.doc file_id.diz killcfgs.exe packing.lst pcustom.exe propak.exe proswap.exe read.me register.frm sitelice.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Programmer's Productivity Pack (version 2.50) by Falk Data path: /dos/mis/sc125b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.125 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive propak.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ZAPCODE version 3.3 by Morton Utilities, International. Get it path: /dos/mis/sc127/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.127 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive asp.doc epsfx.pmf hpdjplus.pmf hplj.pmf ibm4019.pmf ibmcolor.pmf ibmpro.pmf invoice.doc tshp341.pmf tshp351c.pmf verifile.dat zapcode.com zapcode.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- PC-GLOSSARY version 2.2 from Disston Ridge. With its pull down path: /dos/mis/sc129/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.129 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive gl.dat glossary.reg readme.1st verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DISK SPOOL II version 2.06 from Budget Software is a program path: /dos/mis/sc133/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.133 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive sp2.com sp2.dat sp2.doc sp2.hlp sp2cfg.com sp2d.com sp2demo.bat sp2prt.com sp2s.com sp2ss.com sp2sss.com verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- WYND-DOS version 2.0 from Wyndware was recently listed as one path: /dos/mis/sc134/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.134 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.bat verifile.dat wd.doc wd.hlp ----------------------------------------------------------- Three programs from XD systems. 4EDIT version 1.04 is a full path: /dos/mis/sc135/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.135 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 4edit104.zip 4zip107.zip verifile.dat xdir302.zip ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/mis/sc137/ ----------------------------------------------------------- archplan.lib arcs.mac bbsinst.bat cga.cfg cgadrv.com cgastart.bat dline.dwg draft3.cfg draft3.doc draft3.hlp duplex.fon epson060.cfg epson072.cfg epson090.cfg epson120.cfg epson240.cfg fndation.dwg gemcap.zip hgcstart.bat house.dwg ibmdm060.cfg ibmdm120.cfg ibmdm240.cfg install.bat order.frm pattern1.lib printer.cfg products.lst read.me read.me1 read.me2 read.me3 sans.fon script.fon simplex.fon svgadrv.com triplex.fon vendor.doc verifile.dat vgadrv.com vgastart.bat vidtest.com ----------------------------------------------------------- PopDBF (version 3.7) by Bowen Software is a memory resident path: /dos/mis/sc139/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.139 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive order.frm popaid.doc popdbf.com popdbf.doc popdbf.hlp popdbf.hst read.me vendor.doc verifile.dat whats.new ----------------------------------------------------------- PowerBatch version 1.4 by CSD, INC. Add speed and security to path: /dos/mis/sc140/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.140 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive boxdemo1.pwr demo1.pwr dosex1.bat invoice.frm menu1.pwr move1.pwr move2.pwr movesub.pwr pbclone.pwr pbinstal.pwr powerbat.doc readme.1st register.frm smlmodel.mdl sysop.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- BOOT.SYS version 1.27 by Hans Salvisberg makes it possible to path: /dos/mis/sc141/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.141 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive boot.com boot.doc boot.sys license.doc pause.sys read.me register.frm sysop.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- The enclosed disk contains two Shareware programs, SHERLOCK path: /dos/mis/sc143/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.143 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive disklist.doc disklist.ttl read.me sherlock.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- 4DOS version 3.02a by J.P Software. By replacing COMMAND.COM, path: /dos/mis/sc144/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.144 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 4dos.zip install.bat readme.1st ----------------------------------------------------------- An interactive color kaleidoscopic program that provides many path: /dos/mis/sc155/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.155 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dazzle.doc overview.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Just Say "No" to Mr. Virus! AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION (version path: /dos/mis/sc164/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.164 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive license manual order.frm register starter vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Don't Let Btrieve Get You Down You probably already know that path: /dos/mis/sc165/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.165 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bedit.bat bempty.bat brebuild.bat breset.bat bstop.bat btr.bat btrhelp.doc btrhelp.hlp masscopy.doc masscopy.hlp mount.bat nwspaper.btr one_copy.bat readme.doc register.bat register.doc sitelice.doc sysop.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Record Your Phone Conversations Do you use a telephone in your path: /dos/mis/sc168/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.168 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive hotnet.doc phone.dbf phone.dbt phone1.ntx phone2.ntx phone3.ntx phone4.ntx read_hot.me register.doc reports.rp1 rr.cnf rr.udf rrc.ovl rrunc.ovl rrunin.dbf updates.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat wwcust.dbf ----------------------------------------------------------- DeskJet Fonts and Utilities (version 1.4) This is a collection path: /dos/mis/sc173/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.173 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive catalog desknews.txt esfdesk.all esfdesk.dat esfdesk.prd he100bpn.djp he100ipn.djp he100rpn.djp he120bpn.djp he120ipn.djp he120rpn.djp install.ctl msword.bat msword.doc od080rpn.djp od100rpn.djp pcwrite.com readme.1st register.doc ro100bpn.djp ro100ipn.djp ro100rpn.djp ro120bpn.djp ro120ipn.djp ro120rpn.djp sc080rpn.djp sc100rpn.djp sm240rpn.djp special.off sq100r10.djp sq100rpn.djp utility.com vendor.doc verifile.dat windows.doc wordperf.doc wordpf.bat wordpf51.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- European LaserJet Fonts (version 1.0) This is a collection of path: /dos/mis/sc174/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.174 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive catalog esflaser.all esflaser.dat esflaser.prd gr120bpn.pcp gr120ipn.pcp gr120rpn.pcp gr180bpn.pcp hv120bpn.pcp hv120ipn.pcp hv120rpn.pcp hv180bpn.pcp install.ctl msword.bat read.me register.doc special.off tr120bpn.pcp tr120ipn.pcp tr120rpn.pcp tr180bpn.pcp utility.com vendor.doc verifile.dat windows.doc word.doc wordpf.bat wordpf50.doc wordpf51.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- LaserJet Fonts and Utilities (version 1.4) This is a collection path: /dos/mis/sc175/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.175 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bw180rpn.usp catalog ce120rpn.usp cs100rpn.usp esflaser.all esflaser.dat esflaser.prd fl120rpn.usp gr100rpn.usp hv100bpn.usp hv100ipn.usp hv100rpn.usp hv120bpn.usp hv120ipn.usp hv120rpn.usp hv180bpn.usp install.ctl laserjet.doc msword.bat read.me register.doc sc120rpn.usp sm180rpn.usp special.off tr100bpn.usp tr100ipn.usp tr100rpn.usp tr120bpn.usp tr120ipn.usp tr120rpn.usp tr180bpn.usp utility.com vendor.doc ventura.doc verifile.dat windows.doc word.doc wordpf.bat wordpf51.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- TSR Download (version 2.9b) This memory resident soft font path: /dos/mis/sc176/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.176 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive catalog control.com dl.ico fontdj.doc fontlj.doc fonts_dj.com fonts_lj.com install.ctl read.me readme.bat special.off tsrdl.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat windows.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- QEdit Advanced version 2.15 by SEMWARE is a Blazingly Fast, path: /dos/mis/sc181/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.181 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive orderfrm.doc qconfig.dat qedit.doc qedittsr.doc qhelp.txt read.me ----------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER TRIVIA QUIZ (version 1.0) by Shoestring Software is a path: /dos/mis/sc187/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.187 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive quiz.doc quiz.frm readme vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- T-ZERO (version 1.03) by Dennis Cunningham "An Adventure for path: /dos/mis/sc189/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.189 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive register.me t_0.dat t_zero.dat t_zero.man vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PCX2PCL (version 1.3) by TaxWare. PCLX2PCL converts PCX path: /dos/mis/sc193/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.193 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive download.doc license.doc order.frm packing.lst products.doc readme.doc register.doc verifile.dat warranty.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- Three programs from CareWare. Hearts (version 6b.2) - The path: /dos/mis/sc194/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.194 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive heart6.zip pcf16.zip q4tool.zip vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- EditPick EditPick v1.2 from Sunrise Software. Allows a user to path: /dos/mis/sc196/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.196 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive describe.doc exec_ord.txt fed_mcp.txt go.bat install.bat license.doc mathlib.doc mathlib.tpu p287math.tpu p387math.tpu packing.lst pl94_168.doc pl94_168.txt poc_list.txt read_me.1st read_me.2nd register.doc savage.pas shr_ware.doc sitelice.doc survey.frm sysop.doc vendor.doc verifile.dat warranty.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- Ever have a question about Turbo Vision that wasen't explained path: /dos/mis/tv005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvmisdo.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive hlpindex.db hlpindex.px hlplinks.db hlplinks.px tv.faq tv.ph tv.set verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 1 path: /dos/mis/tw015/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twmisdo.015 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ascodes.txt boxparts.inc colors.inc demo.bat diet.dat diet.doc diet.pro drawbox.inc keydeffs.inc liteup.inc menu.bas menu.inc mogen.c mogen.txt printopt.inc readary.inc savscrn.inc tools.c verifile.dat xmascard.com xmascard.pas xmaslist ----------------------------------------------------------- AL, SD, WallSt, ZCD path: /dos/mis/tw027/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twmisdo.027 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive al.asc al.dat al.inc al.pas makeinfo.com makeinfo.pas sd.asc sd.com sd.pas verifile.dat wallstrt.com wallstrt.pas walstock.org zcd.doc zcd.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Brown Interrupt List path: /dos/mis/ut001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _advert.txt _ptmisdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive _reward.txt 86bugs.lst cmos.lst combine.bat glossary.lst int.c int.com int2hlp.bat interrup.1st interrup.a interrup.b interrup.c interrup.d interrup.e interrup.f interrup.g interrup.h interrup.i interrup.j interrup.pri intlist.e intlist.ico intprint.c intprint.com intprint.doc iv.bat memory.lst ports.lst rbrown.txt readme.1 readme.2 readme.3 readme.4 verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- BGI Toolkit path: /dos/mis/ut003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat bgidrv\bgi.doc bgidrv\bh.c bgidrv\build.bat bgidrv\debdemo.c bgidrv\debug.bgi bgidrv\debug.c bgidrv\debvect.asm bgidrv\device.inc bgidrv\f_debug.obj bgidrv\makefile bgidrv\n_debug.obj bgidrv\readme bgifnt\dfont.c bgifnt\fe.doc bgifnt\font.h bgifnt\readme fonts\euro.chr fonts\goth.chr fonts\lcom.chr fonts\litt.chr fonts\readme fonts\sans.chr fonts\scri.chr fonts\simp.chr fonts\trip.chr fonts\tscr.chr herc\bgidemo.c herc\bgidemo.pas herc\herc.bgi herc\hercbgi.doc herc\hercules.pas herc\hercules.tpu herc\readme vga256\hsi.pas vga256\readme vga256\vga256.bgi vga256\vgademo.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Powered Editor path: /dos/mis/ut005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive badptr.asm badptr.obj badptr.pas demo.pas heap6.doc help.pas helpexe.doc helpsrc.doc hpat60.pas hpat60x.pas modhelp.pas prnhelp.pas scanhelp.pas tpe.doc tpe.hlp tpe.ico tpe.mac vegatrap.com verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- LHA, UNARJ, ArcMaster path: /dos/mis/ut007/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _cnvtime.asm _utmisdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive am.doc am.hlp am.ovr append.c crcio_.asm decode.c desc.sdi dhuf_.asm disp.c disp.h dosio.c dspmrk_.asm environ.c errmes.h error.c extract.c files files.c file_id.diz getopt.c header.c history.eng huf_.asm intrface.h larc_.asm lh.h lha.hlp lha213.doc list.c lsic86.cfg lzh2asm.c makefile maketbl_.asm maketre_.asm match.c mes_e.c mes_j.c mn.c new_ware.bbs os2unarj.mak path.c pathinfo.txt progmenu.am progmenu.doc qclunarj.mak readme.doc readme.eng read_.pop self.c sfx_.asm shuf_.asm slidehuf.h slide_.asm tccunarj.mak technote.doc typedef.h unarj.c unarj.def unarj.doc unarj.h use_e use_j util.c vendor.doc verifile.dat vhuf_.asm warning.___ whats.new ----------------------------------------------------------- The BGI Drivers Disk path: /dos/mis/ut010/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.010 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bitimage.bgi drivers.asm drivers.bat drivers.inc history.rev initsvga.c initsvga.pas intro.doc makebgi.bat makefile.svg makefile.twk notes16.svg notes16.twk notes256.svg notes256.twk notes32k.svg printbgi.doc readme register.doc register.frm svga16.bgi svga16.h svga16.inc svga256.bgi svga256.h svga256.inc svga32k.bgi svga32k.h svga32k.inc twk16.bgi twk16.h twk16.inc twk256.bgi twk256.h twk256.inc verifile.dat vgademo.pas vgapalet.c ----------------------------------------------------------- GNU Diff / RCS path: /dos/mis/ut011/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.011 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat dos\diff115 dos\gnulib dos\rcs56 dos\copying dos\diff115\alloca.c dos\diff115\analyze.c dos\diff115\changelo.g dos\diff115\context.c dos\diff115\copying dos\diff115\diagmeet.not dos\diff115\diff.c dos\diff115\diff.h dos\diff115\diff3.c dos\diff115\dir.c dos\diff115\ed.c dos\diff115\getopt.c dos\diff115\getopt.h dos\diff115\getopt1.c dos\diff115\ifdef.c dos\diff115\io.c dos\diff115\limits.h dos\diff115\makefile dos\diff115\normal.c dos\diff115\readme dos\diff115\readme.dos dos\diff115\regex.c dos\diff115\regex.h dos\diff115\util.c dos\diff115\version.c dos\gnulib\copying dos\gnulib\error.c dos\gnulib\getopt.c dos\gnulib\getopt.h dos\gnulib\getopt1.c dos\gnulib\glob.c dos\gnulib\gnulib.h dos\gnulib\makefile dos\gnulib\ndir.c dos\gnulib\ndir.h dos\gnulib\patches dos\gnulib\pwd.c dos\gnulib\pwd.h dos\gnulib\readme dos\gnulib\regex.c dos\gnulib\regex.h dos\gnulib\xmalloc.c dos\gnulib\xrealloc.c dos\gnulib\_cwild.c dos\rcs56\ci.c dos\rcs56\ci.txt dos\rcs56\co.c dos\rcs56\co.txt dos\rcs56\conf.h dos\rcs56\fdopen.c dos\rcs56\fopen.c dos\rcs56\freeze.sh dos\rcs56\getcwd.c dos\rcs56\ident.c dos\rcs56\ident.txt dos\rcs56\logindos.c dos\rcs56\makefile dos\rcs56\maketime.c dos\rcs56\merge.c dos\rcs56\merge.txt dos\rcs56\merger.c dos\rcs56\partime.c dos\rcs56\rcs.c dos\rcs56\rcs.tl dos\rcs56\rcs.txt dos\rcs56\rcsbase.h dos\rcs56\rcsclean.c dos\rcs56\rcsclean.txt dos\rcs56\rcsdiff.c dos\rcs56\rcsdiff.txt dos\rcs56\rcsedit.c dos\rcs56\rcsfcmp.c dos\rcs56\rcsfile.txt dos\rcs56\rcsfnms.c dos\rcs56\rcsfreez.txt dos\rcs56\rcsgen.c dos\rcs56\rcsintro.txt dos\rcs56\rcskeep.c dos\rcs56\rcskeys.c dos\rcs56\rcslex.c dos\rcs56\rcsmap.c dos\rcs56\rcsmerge.c dos\rcs56\rcsmerge.txt dos\rcs56\rcsrev.c dos\rcs56\rcssyn.c dos\rcs56\rcsutil.c dos\rcs56\readme dos\rcs56\readme.dos dos\rcs56\rlog.c dos\rcs56\rlog.txt dos\rcs56\utime.c other\df22_tar.lzh other\lha10tar.z other\rc56_tar.lzh other\readme.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- Reconfig path: /dos/mis/ut012/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.012 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive install.bat install.txt mcs.doc nslhelp.bat printdoc.bat readme reconfig.doc reconfig.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ShareSpell path: /dos/mis/ut014/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.014 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive acrop.dic dicman.doc dicman14.new ss.doc ss23.new verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Super Disk Utilities path: /dos/mis/ut020/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.020 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive anad207.zip cnfmt108.zip copyq302.zip formq172.zip verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- SeekEasy path: /dos/mis/ut021/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.021 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive seekeasy.doc seekeasy.pif seeksumm.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Pseuodographics Font Masticator path: /dos/mis/ut022/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.022 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat dfe\8x8.raw dfe\8x10.raw dfe\8x14.raw dfe\antique.raw dfe\backward.raw dfe\bold.raw dfe\courier.raw dfe\cyrillic.raw dfe\describe.doc dfe\dfe.cpi dfe\dfe.doc dfe\dfeprg1.c dfe\dfeprg2.c dfe\icons.raw dfe\icons.txt dfe\install.cmd dfe\inverted.raw dfe\italics.raw dfe\itt.raw dfe\order.frm dfe\packing.lst dfe\problem.doc dfe\readme.doc dfe\sans16.raw dfe\showicon.bat dfe\sysop.doc dfe\vendor.doc dfe\warranty.doc rie\describe.doc rie\dialog.c rie\example.bat rie\iconload.c rie\info.c rie\info4.c rie\install.cmd rie\order.frm rie\packing.lst rie\problem.doc rie\query3.c rie\rie.doc rie\sample.txt rie\sysop.doc rie\vendor.doc rie\warn.c rie\warn2.c rie\warranty.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- OzCIS path: /dos/mis/ut026/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.026 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive addrbook.db cismail.doc extrn.db files.doc forums.db forums.doc hosts.db intro.doc misc.doc ozcis.hlp ozcis.ico ozcis.ov1 ozcis.ov2 ozcis.pif ozcis.req params.oz readme.1st terminal.doc utils.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Persistence of Vision path: /dos/mis/ut027/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.027 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bugs.doc poverr.doc povinf.doc povlang.doc povlegal.doc povray.cat povray.doc quickref.doc readme.1st readme.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Debugger path: /dos/mis/ut029/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmisdo.029 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 8087ign.td asmpastr.td ati.dll childprc.td cpuwin.td dual8514.dll metaware.td multilan.td noconbkp.td nulpoint.td readme.386 readme.txt slowtrac.td stb.dll strthang.td svga.dll tddebug.386 tdh386.sys tdhpvec.td tdta.qa tdvesa.dll tdwin.dll ti1037.txt tseng.dll ultra.dll unint.td verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Qedit Advanced v3.0 path: /dos/mis/ut035/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz helpme.doc macros.txt orderfrm.doc qconfig.dat qcp.dat qcp.doc qcp.txt qedit.doc qhelp.txt qtips.doc read.me vendor.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Newsletters archives path: /dos/nl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 048\ Issue 48 Newsletter Disk 049\ Issue 49 Newsletter Disk 050\ Issue 50 Newsletter Disk 052\ Issue 52 Newsletter Disk 053\ Issue 53 Newsletter Disk 054\ Issue 54 Newsletter Disk 055\ Issue 55 Newsletter Disk 056\ Issue 56 Newsletter Disk ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 48 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/048/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ndmis.048 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive both.opl buttons.pcx demoslid.exe demoslid.pas filexist.pas get91.wq1 hist.pcx jss.pas library1.exe library1.pas library2.exe library2.pas library3.exe library3.pas makefile manip.cpp manip.h no.com no.doc open.pcx picem.doc picem.exe slide.bat test.cpp test.exe thatsall.pcx tvslidr0.pas util.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 49 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/049/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _nldisk.049 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive delbut.com delbut.doc demoslid.pas filetest.exe filetest.pas filexist.pas makefile prosrc.doc prosrc.exe roundcnr.pas stack.h test.cpp test.exe tvslidr1.pas tvslidr2.pas tvslidr3.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 50 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/050/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _nldisk Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat issue50\cwright.ini issue50\cwright.pst issue50\dckeys.dll issue50\dckeys.pas issue50\dckeys.txt issue50\demoslid.exe issue50\demoslid.pas issue50\intedit.pas issue50\opro.mak issue50\tpcalc.mak issue50\tvslider.pas issue51\bgiimg.pas issue51\imgflip.exe issue51\imgflip.pas issue51\imgsize.exe issue51\imgsize.pas issue51\imgview.exe issue51\imgview.pas issue51\util.pas special\license.txt special\paragraf.exe special\paragraf.hlp special\paragraf.pas special\paragraf.rc special\paragraf.res ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 52 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/052/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _issue52.txt Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive blockstr.exe blockstr.pas ccount.pas decent.pal default.pal defpal.exe defpal.pas f320x200.tga fdef.q ffix.q fixpal.exe fixpal.pas fpop.pal fpop.q gather1.exe gather1.pas htptime.inc jtconfig.cpy poppal.exe poppal.pas rm.exe scatter1.exe scatter1.pas shapes1.tga shapes2.tga showpal.exe showpal.pas showq.exe showq.pas stats.exe stats.pas targau.pas util.pas verifile.dat winafter.bat winback.bat winbefor.bat wince.exe wince.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 53 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/053/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _issue53.txt Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive demo.pas demosc.pas f320x200.tga morph.pas point.exe point.pas strmdemo.exe strmdemo.pas targau.pas tgainfo.exe tgainfo.pas tgsview.exe tgsview.pas util.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 54 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/054/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _issue54.txt Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cbuild.bat circle.cpp circle.pas cntrl.c cntrl.pas dlgdemo.exe dlgdemo.inc dlgdemo.pas freemap2.exe freemap2.pas gsconv.exe gsconv.pas gsdiff.exe gsdiff.pas gsfish.tga gsmedian.exe gsmedian.pas gtug.tga hex2.pas lunchbox.dlg lunchbox.src memory2.pas pbuild.bat point.cpp point.pas ptr2.pas search2.exe search2.pas svgadefs.c svgadefs.pas targau.pas tgsview.exe tgsview.pas tugfuzz.tga util.pas verifile.dat xortest.cpp xortest.h xortest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 55 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/055/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _issue55.txt Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bib1.txt bmp256.pas build.bat calunit.pas colortxt.int colortxt.tpu cpp.mak cpprsrc.cpp cpprsrc.prj cppskel.dat cppsrc1.cpp cppsrc1.prj cppsrc2.cpp cppsrc2.prj dlgdsn.doc dlgdsn.exe dlghlp.hlp dlgwin.pas dlgwin.res formline.pas fviewer.pas getput.pas inplong.pas modem.pas modem.res modemfax.pas o1.c o2.c o3.c o4.c o5.c opbutton.dlg ovrhook.c ovrhook.h ovrthunk.asm ovsample.c ovsample.exe ovsample.map ownrdraw.pas pas.mak pasrsrc.pas passrc1.pas passrc2.pas picklst.pas read.me readscpt.cpp readscpt.h readscpt.pas reset.pas scolortx.cpp script.doc sinplong.cpp skel.dat splash.pas splash.res tcolortx.doc tcolortx.h tcolortx.obj test.prj testcase.cpp testcase.pas tinplong.cpp tinplong.h trantest.pas trantest.res verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 56 Newsletter Disk path: /dos/nl/056/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _nldisk.056 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bib2.txt diskio.pas hbool.h hregexp.cpp hregexp.h hstring.cpp hstring.h pbfuncs.pas perfbook readme regex.c regex.h setcurs.pas string.wps stuff.pas stufftst.pas upper.pas uptimer.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Pascal archives path: /dos/pas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi001\ PC Turbo Tools Disk #1 mi002b\ PC Turbo Tools Disk #2 mi003c\ PC Turbo Tools Disk #3 mi010\ TSR Utilities mi013\ Misc. Pascal Stuff #1 mi017\ Misc. Pascal Stuff #2 mi018\ Misc. Pascal Stuff #3 mi025\ Cursors, Chain, Info, Extnd, StrEr mi029\ Kbd Enhan Scrn Design SOUNDEX mi034\ PortChecker Software Telescope mi038\ Chain Drive EMSHeap ExecWin mi040\ NXRef104 LS3 LM Indexer Lnklst mi042\ BPlus TTY Text2 Vol Screen Etc mi046\ Add Bank Eval. FastScrn Mouse mi047\ ATCFG, DBLock, TP5W10, TPXMS, etc. mi049\ MTASK RLINE SYSID mi054\ DollarWord Help MouseUnit mi057\ OOP Tutorial Clocks DifLiMag mi060\ Turbo Paint Stopwatch SetEnv mi063a\ TPUNew EnhKbd Cmath mi063b\ TPUNew EnhKbd CMath mi065\ BP2Tap Clocks Joystick mi068\ ASorts, FRTE, GrabHeap mi070\ TPU6, ANSIView, Clocks mi071\ Dialoger, MenuGen mi074\ EndcodeIt DecodeIt Explod mi079\ TUG/Pro Disk Library mi080\ SPO Sprites VGAGrab ot031\ pt003\ Turbo Pascal Library pt006\ TPDB pt007\ Btrieve Tools Disk pt013\ TP Avatar Level 1 Console Kit pt015\ pt016\ Optimized Runtime Library (TP6) pt018\ pt022\ CtoP, CtoPas pt023\ pt024\ Turbo Pascal FAQ Disk pt025\ pt029\ pt030\ pt031\ pt033\ pt034\ rs001\ Complete Turbo Pascal Routines rs002\ Software Tools Routines rs004\ TurboPascal Solutions Routine rs033\ Routines from Oh! Pascal rs100\ Turbo Pascal Reference Book rs300\ rs900\ TUGStuff Units Disk sc015\ T_Ref sc061\ Eyeball INLINE Assembler, JREAD sc068\ Pascal Tutor sc101\ TBTree sc103\ CPMulti sc121\ JED sc123\ TEGL Toolkit II (TP5.5/6.0) sc145a\ TechnoJock Object Tlkt_2 disks sc145b\ TechnoJock Object Tlkt_2 disks sv068\ Pascal Tutor tv001\ Turbo Vision Disk 1 tv002\ Dialog Designer for Pascal tv006\ TV Toys ut002\ Unsquashing/Stack Utilities ut004\ BGI Font Units Disk ut006\ BGI Utilities Disk ut007\ Turbo Vision Utilities Bonanza ut032\ ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Turbo Tools Disk #1 path: /dos/pas/mi001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. browse.pas Directory search demonstration and file moving program. Uses DOS function calls. Author: R. Israel. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 3.0. clrtsr.doc Documentation for MARK and RELEASE routines written by Kim Kokkonen. contan.pas This program implements a "contains" function for manipulation of Turbo Pascal strings. Author: Neil Rubenking. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. cpm.inc CP/M-80 specific routines for SQZ/USQZ file compression/de-compression program. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. demo.pas Program to demonstrate a fast replacement for Turbo's WRITELN procedure. Author: Jim Everingham. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. Assumes color monitor and true PC compatibility. dos.inc MS/PC-DOS specific routines for SQZ/USQZ file compression/de-compression program. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. edit.pas Line editing routines that provide Wordstar-like features. Author: Bela Lubkin. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. exec.pas This file contains 2 functions for Turbo Pascal that allow you to run other programs from within a Turbo program. Author: Bela Lubkin. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. mapmem.pas Maps system memory blocks for MS/PCDOS 2.0 and higher. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo 3.0 or higher. mark.asm Assembler routine to mark a position in memory. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Version: T1.0. Written for CHASM (CHeap ASseMbler). mark.com rdibmkbd.inc Procedure to read the IBM PC keyboard. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. release.pas Releases memory above the last Mark call made with a program. Companion program to MARK.COM. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Version: 1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. sqz.pas Program to perform file compression. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. sqzmain.inc Include file for file compression program SQZ.PAS. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. sqz_usqz.not thelp.doc Documentation for THELP memory-resident help window. Author: Unknown. thelp.pas Memory-resident Help window for Turbo Pascal. Author: Unknown. Version: 2.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. PC or true compatibles only. trig.lib Library of trigonometric functions for Turbo Pascal. Author: John Lucas. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. turbo.doc A collection of Turbo Pascal bugs, routines, hints, techniques, along with some short utilities. Author: John Doran. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. turboprt.pas Cross-reference lister for Turbo Pascal source programs. Author: Michael Roberts. Version: 1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. turboprt.res turbosqz.doc Documentation for SQZ/USQZ file compression/de-compression programs. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. usqz.pas Program to de-compress files compressed with SQZ.PAS. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. usqzmain.inc Include file for file USQZ.PAS file de-compression program. Author: Bob Berry. Version: 2.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. util.inc A collection of 52 miscellaneous procedures and functions. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. vars.inc Type and variable declarations for DEMO.PAS. Author: Jim Everingham. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0 and higher. Requires true PC compatible with color monitor. verifile.dta write.doc Documentation for WRITELIN and WRITEXY direct-screen writing procedures. Author: Jim Everingham. Format: ASCII. writelin.inc Fast, direct-screen writing routine to replace Turbo's WRITELN. Author: Jim Everingham. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. Requires true PC compatible with color monitor. writexy.inc Fast, direct-screen procedure to write a string at a specified location on the display. Author: Jim Everingham. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. Requires true PC compatible with color monitor. xref1_2.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Turbo Tools Disk #2 path: /dos/pas/mi002b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive. 2dir.pas Program to display a disk's directory in alphanumeric order. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or higher. ask.pas Routines to determine which fixed disk the user wants to test. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or later. banner.pas Routines to print banner on the screen for the DISKTIME program. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. cla.pas Command line argument processor for DWS.PAS. Author: Bela Lubkin. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. cmdkey.pas A set of four routines that install and interpret function key commands. Author: Carl Neiberger. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. dbase2.doc Information on DBase II file formats for interface with Turbo Pascal and other languages. Author: Gary Whizin. Version: T1.0. disasm.pas "Vanilla" disassembler for Turbo Pascal COM files. Author: Hal Sampson. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0; includes version-specific code. disktime.doc Documentation for DISKTIME.PAS. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Format: ASCII. disktime.pas This program measures the average access time for IBM PC/XT and PC/AT fixed disks. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. dosfiles.pas This program demonstrates the use of DOS calls to perform file handling, instead of using the standard I/O routines. Author: R. Israel. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. dumbterm.pas Program demonstrating the use of MS-DOS interrupts and COM port interface routines. Author: Jim McCarthy. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 and greater. dws.pas A program to process WordStar files into standard ASCII files. Removes high bits, tosses all control characters except CR, LF and TAB. Optionally expands tabs. Author: Bela Lubkin. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. int24.pas Routines to utilize the DOS "Critical Error" vector (INT 24H) from Turbo Pascal programs. Author: Bela Lubkin. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. keytest.pas A program to demonstrate the ReadCh function. Author: L/G Computer Consultants. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. lastcom.pas A memory-resident program that permits the user to perform any of the last 10 commands issued from the keyboard. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. listwild.pas Program to access files, using wild card characters from the DOS command line. Author: Dave Carroll. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. maxcyl.pas Routines to determine the maximum number of cylinders on a fixed disk, to support the DISKTIME program. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. nwindo.300 New windows routines to support memory-resident programs. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or Later. pibmusic.pas Program to demonstrate the included PlayMusic procedure, which emulates the BASIC "PLAY" statement (see the BASIC manual for operating details). Author: Philip R. Burns. Version: 1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. plist.pas Program lister that lists $Include files as well. Author: Rich Schaeffer (and many others). Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. printusg.inc Turbo Pascal version of BASIC's "PRINT USING" statement for formatted output of numerical data. Author: Bill Collins. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. printusg.pas A demo program of the number formatting routine in PRINTUSG.INC. Author: Bill Collins. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. qkstr.pas Program to demonstrate the use of some quick string handling routines. Author: Brian Foley. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. readall.lib Routines to read characters, bytes and integers from the keyboard. Author: L/G Computer Consultants. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. recal.pas Routines to recalibrate a fixed disk drive specified in program DISKTIME. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. regrstor.inc INLINE code to restore registers to support LASTCOM.PAS. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. regsave.inc INLINE routine to save registers to support LASTCOM.PAS. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. results.pas Routine to print the average seek time for a fixed disk tested with DISKTIME. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. secnds.pas Routines to compute the seconds past midnight as a real number. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. seek.pas Routines to locate the heads on a specified fixed disk drive to a specified cylinder. Author: Y.N. Miles. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. stayres.320 This program provides an example "template" for memory-resident programs written in Turbo Pascal. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.20. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. stayrstr.310 Routines to restore the stack and allow re-entrance to support memory- resident programs. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. staysave.320 INLINE routines to save the registers and stack for memory-resident programs. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.2. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 and greater. staysubs.300 Directory routines for stay-resident demo STAYRES. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. stayxit.320 Routines to provide exit from memory-resident demo program STAYRES. Authors: Lane Ferris and Neil Rubenking. Version: 3.2. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. strnglib.doc Documentation for supplementary string library functions. Author: Tryg Helseth. Version: T1.0. Format: ASCII. strnglib.inc A collection of string manipulation routines to supplement those provided in Turbo Pascal. Author: Tryg Helseth. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. tadform.inc Time and date routines for PLIST.PAS. Author: Rich Schaeffer (and others). Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. tadpc.inc Time and date routines for PLIST.PAS. Author: Rick Schaeffer (and others). Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. verifile.dta window.inc ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Turbo Tools Disk #3 path: /dos/pas/mi003c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chkbook.pas This program sums outstanding checks, and permits the user to balance a checkbook with a bank statement. Author unknown. Version T1.0 Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. chmod2.pas Program to examine and modify attributes of DOS files. Can set or clear R/O, archive, system, and hidden attributes. Author unknown. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. dirhard.pas Program to selectively list the contents of a hard disk. Options to select all files, those stamped after a specified date, or duplicate files only. Author: George Goldberg. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 3.0. dirte.doc Documentation for DIRTE.PAS. Author unknown. Version T1.0. dirte.pas Program to display/print a file directory, with automatic display of lines 3,4 and 5 of ASCII files with .PAS or .INC file extension. Author unknown. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. dollarst.inc Function DollarString converts a real number representing a dollar amount into a string in standard accounting format (with commas, decimals, and negative amounts in parentheses). Author: Charles L. Jackson. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. dollarst.pas Program to demonstrate the use of procedure DollarString. Author: Charles L. Jackson. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. drverr.pas Program to handle "critical" errors (Int 24H) such as open drive doors from Turbo Pascal programs. Author: Marshall Brain. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. envelope.pas Program to print address on 3.5-inch tractor-feed envelopes. Designed for Epson FX-80 printer. Author: Drew Letcher. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. fastdisp.pas Program to demonstrate procedure fastdisplay for fast screen updating on true IBM PC compatibles. Author: Steve Hall. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. fileutil.pas Program to display a file directory in a format specified by a macro string. Displays file attributes. Author: Preston L. Bannister. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. flash.inc Set of flashy routines for PC programs, including detection of hardware configuration and reading and setting of cursor size. Author: Bill Hileman. Version 1.00. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. flash.pas Program to demonstrate the routines in FLASH.INC. Author: Bill Hileman. Version 1.00. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. getchar.pas Program to demonstrate the use of reading a character from the keyboard, while allowing full extended keycode detection. Author: Kevin Bales. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. getinput.pas Program to demonstrate the reading of extended keycodes from Turbo programs. Author: Kevin Bales. Version: T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. labels2.pas Program to print standard file folder labels. Prints first line in expanded print on Epson FX-80. Author: Debbie Hardin. Version 0.02. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. laser.pas Program to send setup codes to HP LaserJet printer. Author unknown. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. memlook.pas Program to display and examine the contents of memory locations in the IBM PC. Author: Roger McCarty. Version 0.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. park.doc Documentation for PARK.PAS. Author: Sam Smith. Version T1.0. park.pas Program to "park" the heads on all fixed disk drives on a PC system. Locks the system up from keyboard input in preparation for power-down. Author: Sam Smith. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. pset.pas Printer setup program for the Epson RX-80. Includes options for setting pitch, emphasized print, doublespacing, italics and more. Author: Pete Eschman. Version 1.2. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. qdl1.pas Program to display a directory of files on an MSDOS disk, including options to selectively display attributes. Author: Jim McCarthy. Version 2.00A. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. rcv_asc.pas Receive communications routines for WARDIAL.PAS. Author: Jim Everingham. Revision 1.1. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. send_asc.pas Send communications routines for WARDIAL.PAS. Author: Jim Everingham. Revision 1.1. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. snow.pas Program to draw snow in a window on the screen. Author unknown. Turbo 2.0, 3.0. Requires 640 x 200 graphics. sorcelst.pas Program to print source code files. Works with lines longer than 80 characters while maintaining proper pagination. Author: Glenn Brooke. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. sortdemo.pas Program to demonstrate and compare the 8 most common sorting methods in use today. Author: Richard R. Rebouche. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Requires hires graphics. tkeys.pas Program to capture and display extended keycodes generated on the IBM PC keyboard. Author unknown. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. tparc.doc Documentation for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. tparccio.inc C Language I/O simulation routines for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcdat.inc Global declarations for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcgfn.inc Get File Name support routines for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcini.inc Initialization support routines for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcio.inc I/O support routines for TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparclst.inc Member name list routines to support TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcsvc.inc Archive service routines to support TPARCV.PAS. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. tparcv.pas Turbo Pascal version of popular utility ARC.COM, which compresses and creates libraries for files. Author: Michael Quinlan. Version 1.01. Turbo Pascal 3.0. turbopas.res turboprt.pas Source code file lister and cross-referencer for Turbo Pascal programs. Includes many features and control options. Author: Rich Schaeffer and others. Version T1.0. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. verifile.dta wardial.dta wardial.pas Program to autodial and log numbers, as in the movie "War Games". Author: Jim Everingham. Revision 1.1. Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. windmo.pas window.inc ----------------------------------------------------------- TSR Utilities path: /dos/pas/mi010/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.010 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive actigram.pas ACTIGRAM - Version T1.0. Author Namir C. Shammas. A program to manage an activity network. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. device.com device.pas TSR Utilities - Version 2.4. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Enable you to set and release marks to remove or more Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs; display a report showing the name of each program currently resident, and how much memory it's using (along with a report of EMS memory usage); and disable.com disable.pas DISABLE - disables or reactivates TSRs kept in memory. eatmem.asm EATMEM - uses up memory for controlled program testing. eatmem.com fmark.asm FMARK - performs the same function as MARK but uses less memory. fmark.com loaner11.pas Loan amortization program. Author: Jerry Weisskohl. Version: 1.1. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. mapmem.com mapmem.pas MAPMEM - shows what memory resident programs are loaded. mark.asm MARK - marks a position above which TSRs can be released. mark.com ramfree.asm RAMFREE - shows how much RAM memory is available. ramfree.com release.com release.pas RELEASE - removes TSRs from memory. tsr.doc TSR Utilities - Version 2.4. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Enable you to set and release marks to remove or more Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs; display a report showing the name of each program currently resident, and how much memory it's using (along with a report of EMS memory usage); and verifile.dta watch.asm WATCH - a TSR itself, it keeps detailed records of other TSRs. watch.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. Pascal Stuff #1 path: /dos/pas/mi013/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.013 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive _read.me bankloan.com bankloan.pas This program will calculate equal monthly payments on a loan, given the amount borrowed, interest rate and term. Simply enter the data as you are asked for it. Author: Cameron Hall. Version: 2.4. Source and object code format. date20.inc A sophisticated system for controlling console data entry, allowing precise control over where data is entered on the screen, and making your programs more bulletproof. Author: Bill Meacham. Version: T1.0. Object and source code included. dir404.pas Disk directory program that allows the user the option to: Backup, configure, Zap, Find, List-Records, Print-List and Write-Labels. Author: Wes Meier. Version: 4.04. Source code format. io20.inc A sophisticated system for controlling console data entry, allowing precise control over where data is entered on the screen, and making your programs more bulletproof. Author: Bill Meacham. Version: T1.0. Object and source code included. io20demo.com io20demo.doc A sophisticated system for controlling console data entry, allowing precise control over where data is entered on the screen, and making your programs more bulletproof. Author: Bill Meacham. Version: T1.0. Object and source code included. io20demo.pas A sophisticated system for controlling console data entry, allowing precise control over where data is entered on the screen, and making your programs more bulletproof. Author: Bill Meacham. Version: T1.0. Object and source code included. lister2.com lister2.pas Program to type out ASCii files. quikloan.pas This program will calculate equal monthly payments on a loan, given the amount borrowed, interest rate and term. Simply enter the data as you are asked for it. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Source code format. shop.doc Shop is a program that creates and/or displays a data file which is a shopping list. A list is created in memory while using the program and this list is printed when you quit. The data file has a maximum of 40 categories. Each category can contain a maximum of 40 items. Author: shop.inc Shop is a program that creates and/or displays a data file which is a shopping list. A list is created in memory while using the program and this list is printed when you quit. The data file has a maximum of 40 categories. Each category can contain a maximum of 40 items. Author: shop.pas Shop is a program that creates and/or displays a data file which is a shopping list. A list is created in memory while using the program and this list is printed when you quit. The data file has a maximum of 40 categories. Each category can contain a maximum of 40 items. Author: verifile.dta writelbs.com writelbs.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. Pascal Stuff #2 path: /dos/pas/mi017/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.017 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive catcall.doc Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. catcall.pas Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. catcall.var Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. datetime.inc Provides a means of obtaining the date and time through the use of an include file. Author: Michael A. Covington. Version: T1.0 Only checked for Turbo Pascal 3.0. dearc6.pas Program to extract all files from an archive created by version 5.12 of the ARC utility. Version 3.01 modified by Robert D. Tolz. Original author unknown. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.01A. filprn.pas Prints text files with up to 132 characters per line. Places date, time and page number at the top of each page. Author: Scott Daniels. Version: 1.2. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or higher. filther.pas Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. fraction.pas FRACTION.PAS converts a decimal to a fraction. Author of the Turbo Pascal version: Roy Collins. Version: T1.0 ipm.pas Project management program including PERT, GANNT charts, editing, plotting, and more. Requires Turbo Pascal Version 3.0. Author: E. Dong. Version: 1.07. jimclock.pas Digital clock display at bottom of monitor display. Any keypress removes clock. Version T1.0. Author unknown (however I have reason to believe his first name may be Jim). Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. misc.cat Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. newdrive.pas Useful procedure for logging a new drive as the default. Version: T1.0 pilot1.pas Interesting version of Waduzitdo. As the name implies, it takes some knowledge of Pascal to determine what the program does. This program is more mind game than useful code. Version: T1.0 ppnfile.cat Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. ptoolwi3.doc Documentation for PTOOLWI3.INC and PTOOLWI3.PAS. Author: R. D. Ostrander. Version: 3.0 Requires Turbo Pascal Version 2.0. ptoolwi3.inc Include file for multiple windows demonstration package. Author: R. D. Ostrander. Version: 3.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or later. ptoolwi3.pas Windows demonstration program. If you need windows this could be the window program for you. Author: R. D. Ostrander. Version: 3.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or later. May be modified for PTOOLWI4.INC. ptoolwi4.inc An updated version of PTOOLWI3.INC. Can be used with PTOOLWI3.PAS if the program is modified for use of PTOOLWI4.INC instead of PTOOLWI3.INC. Author: R. D. Ostrander. Version: 4.0. Requires Turbo Pascal Version 3.0 or later. read_me.tsr tb_byte.pas template.cat Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. tsr2env.pas Author: John Sparks. Version 1.0. This particular application is useful for working with batch programs to determine which programs are memory resident in order to avoid incompatibilities and to determine required resident programs that are not yet tsr2env.prn Author: John Sparks. Version 1.0. This particular application is useful for working with batch programs to determine which programs are memory resident in order to avoid incompatibilities and to determine required resident programs that are not yet unprune.pas Author: Don Strenczewilk. Version 2.0. Catcall sorts, views, and searches BORPRO ".DES" files which contain descriptions of files uploaded to the data libraries. verifile.dta wrds2.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc. Pascal Stuff #3 path: /dos/pas/mi018/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.018 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bio.pas Another biorythem program. This one does what it's supposed to. If you use this kind of chart, this one may be just what you are looking for. Author: Bob Westwater. Version: 1.5. Requires Turbo Pascal Version 3.0. bio.txt Good textual description of program BIO.PAS. Author: Bob Westwater. Version: 1.5. getparms.inc An include file to retrieve command line parameters and delete them. Author: Michael A. Covington. Version: T1.0 Requires Turbo Pascal Version 2.0 or higher. inline.doc inline.pas Inline.pas will assemble 8086,8087,8088 code for inline procedures. Written for Turbo Pascal 3.0. keyin.inc A interactive data field entry include file. There is a demo program in this file which allows it to compile and run. This portion of the file can be commented out to use as an include file. Compiles (and runs) on version 3.0. Author Michael H. Hughes. 2/15/86. men2.dat printtur.pas One more program lister. No line numbers. Appears to use Epson defaults. Author: Rick Schaeffer. Version: T1.0 Requirements: MS or PC DOS 2.10 or higher. Compiles on v. 3.0. pulldown.pas Pull down menu routines. McIntosh style. Demo routine included in main source code. Author: Kurt M. Gutzmann. Compiles (and runs) with v. 3.0. qsort.pas A good representation of one of the basic sort routines in use today. Author: C.A.R. (Tony) Hoare. Version T1.0 Should work in any version of Turbo Pascal. tbvideo.txt A brief description of a different way of using writelin and writexy. Author: Jim Everingham. Version: T1.0 Requires Turbo Pascal Version 2.0 or later. tools2.pas A group of functions and procedures which may prove helpful if you wish to incorporate them into your program. They will take some work to use separately, however. Author: Unknown. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal Version 3.0. tree.doc tree.inc Included file for binary search tree, written by Allan K. Boyd. Compiles with version 3.0 tree.pas Various routines to work with binary trees. Written by Allan K. Boyd. Compiles with v. 3.0. treedirs.inc Tree-structured directories routines. Author: Michael A. Covington. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal Version 2.0 or later. turbutil.pas PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS USED AS INSERTS TO OTHER PROGRAMS. MAY BE USED WITH A PROGRAM YOU ARE WRITING. CHECK CODE BEFORE USE TO BE SURE IT WILL RUN AS WRITTEN ON YOUR SYSTEM! MODIFY AS REQUIRED. SEE STATEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL ROUTINES. verifile.dta xrefprg2.doc xrefprg2.pas A cross referance lister for Dbase 3 version 1.1 files. Modified version written by Larry Jay Seltzer. Compile with version 3.0 or higher. xreft3.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Cursors, Chain, Info, Extnd, StrEr path: /dos/pas/mi025/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.025 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive async4.pas ASYNCH4 - version 4.1a by Michael Quinlan. This set of Async4 communication routines has been converted to Turbo Pascal 4.0 UNIT by Arley Dealey. chain.asm chain.doc Documentation for CHAIN.PAS chain.obj chain.pas CHAIN - version 1.0 by Kim Kokkonen. Turbo Pascal 4.0 no longer supports several features that many programmers have come to count upon: Chain, Execute, and overlays. This Chain facility provides a reasonable facsimile of the Turbo 3 Chain and Execute commands. colors.doc Text for GETSTRIN.PAS. cursors.doc Documentation for CURSORS.PAS. cursors.pas CURSORS - version 1.02 by Professional Practice Systems is a UNIT for Turbo Pascal 4.0 allowing control of the size and placement of the cursor. To include this unit in your program, add CURSORS to the USES clause in your main program. demo.pas Demonstrates the use of the CHAIN unit dirsel.pas DIRSELECT - version T1.0 author unknown. Seltec a directory in Turbo Pascal 4.0. diskinfo.pas DiskInfo - version 1.0 by Michael BoRowiec. Check disk types and amount of space remaining on disk. extend.asm extend.doc Documentation for EXTEND.PAS. extend.obj extend.pas EXTEND - version 3.0 by Scott Bussinger. A Turbo Pascal 4.0 UNIT that allows a program to open more than the standard DOS maximum of 20 open files at one time. fastwr.asm fastwr.obj fastwr.pas FASTWR - version 4.0 by Brain Foley contains five fast, snow-and-flicker free routines for writing directly to (or reading from) the video memory of IBM PC/XT/AT's and close compatibles. Written in Turbo Pacal 4.0. fastwr.tpu fwdemo.pas FWDEMO - Demonstration program for FASTWR.PAS. getstrin.pas GETSRIN - version 1.0 by John Simmons controls the input of a string. info.pas INFO - version 1.0 by Kim Kokkonen reports various information about a Turbo Pascal 4.0 EXE file, and optionally offers the ability to patch stack and heap sizes without recompiling. maze_tp4.pas This program builds a maze on your CRT. menudemo.pas MENUDEMO - version 3.2 by Rick Fothergill is a utility that creates incredibly quick multi-level windows in Turbo Pascal programs. newload.asm pack.pas PACK - version 1.0 by Kim Kokkonen reduces the size of EXE files by packing the EXE header table into a smaller structure. read.me stderr.doc Documentation for STDERR.PAS. stderr.pas STDERR - version 1.0 by Scott Bussinger. A Turbo Pascal 4.0 UNIT for accessing the standard error device. testgs.pas TESTGS - version 1.0 by John Simmons is an example showing the correct way to use GETSTRIN. timers.pas Provides tick (1/18.2 second) and elapsed timers used with ASYNC4.PAS. tpdemo32.pas Tutoring program for MENUDEMO.PAS. tpwind32.txt Documentation for MENUDEMO.PAS. tpwindo.hdr tpwindo.tpu tty.pas Test shell for Async4 unit. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Kbd Enhan Scrn Design SOUNDEX path: /dos/pas/mi029/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.029 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive colors.pas File used with LCU.PAS. demo.pas DEMO.PAS - Demonstrates the use of the Soundex unit. Author: Eric Krammerer, Version: 1.0, Turbo Pascal 4.0. diablo.doc Documentation file for DIABLO.PAS. diablo.pas This program allows setting Diablo and compatible printer parameters with software, from the command. Can reset, and set paper length, top of form, characters per inch, left margin, and skip perforation. Allows use of the Diablo at the DOS level, even with a cut sheet feeder. Author:Rick Housh. drvparms.pas File used with LCU.PAS. enhkbd.asm Assembly language file for ENHKBD unit. enhkbd.obj enhkbd.pas This unit activates the IBM enhanced keyboard for machines that have one and simulates an enhanced keyboard for machines that don't. Version 1.2. Author: Kim Kokkonen. enhkbd.tpu errprocs.pas File used with LCU.PAS field2.pas A unit for coding input screens. The main function locates fields, allows complete editing, and returns terminating keystroke. Ten field types with crash proof data entry and error messages. Also includes menu pick function. Version 2. Author: Frank Wood. filefcns.pas File used with LCU.PAS fld2demo.pas A simple chemical engineering program that illustrates how to use FIELD2.TPU to create a screen with a large number of fields that have the same format. fld2test.pas Written to help debug FIELD2.PAS. This program is a good demonstration of the getpick function from field2 and allows fairly complete testing of the editfield function. kbddemo.pas Demonstration of EnhKbd unit. lcu.doc Documentation file for LCU.PAS. lcu.fff lcu.pas LCU - List Copy Utility is a utility written to aid in backing up your hard disk, by allowing a set of files to be manipulated as a group. Functions include: List, Copy, Verify, Merge, Attribute and Delete. Author: John W. Sparks. lcu.tpm memcomp.asm Assembler file used with LCU.PAS memcomp.obj memcomp.pas File used with LCU.PAS mouse.pas Mouse version 2.2 is a general purpose mouse unit that can be used in text or graphics mode. It is not limited to a particular type of display. It does require that you have a mouse driver loaded in your computer. Author: Michael Day. old2demo.pas Illustrates the use of the field2 functions to generate a screen display and to allow input. readme.1st Documentation file for FIELD2.PAS. soundex.pas SOUNDEX.PAS - This unit contains one function, SoundexCode, that returns the Soundex code of a string. The Soundex code may then be compared with other codes to find words that have similar pronunciations. Author: Eric Krammerer, Version: 1.1, Turbo Pascal 4.0. soundex.txt SOUNDEX.TXT - Documentation for SOUNDEX. space.pas Space displays the total and available space on the number of logical HARD disk drives and RAM disk drives in your system specified in the command line parameter. Version 1.2. Author: John Land, ESQ. testvirt.pas Program to test the virtual array unit VIRTUAL.TPU. Requires TPRARRAY.TPU and TPVARRAY.TPU from Turbo Professional 4.0 by TurboPower Software. Author: R. Jones. vdel.pas A file deletion program that asks confirmation for each delete. VDEL works very much like the DOS "DEL" command, except that it prompts the user on a file-by-file basis as to whether each file should be deleted. Version 1.1. Author: John Land, ESQ. verifile.dat virtual.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PortChecker Software Telescope path: /dos/pas/mi034/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.034 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive commchk.doc Readme file for COMMCHK.PAS. commchk.pas Program to check communications adapter settings. Sets the mode of operation of COM1 to 2400 baud, no parity, 8 databits, and 1 stopbit. Author John Roberts. Version T1.0. gauss.dat gauss.pas Program containing two useful tools for statistical programs: a function to evaluate the area under the gaussian ( or normal ) curve and a procedure to reverse the first, that is given an area under the gaussian curve it will return the corresponding Z. Author Marc Lalibert. Ver T1.0. gauss.tpm gauss.txt Readme file for GAUSS.PAS. pxl.doc Documentation file for Pascal Cross - Reference Lister. pxl.pas PXL is a cross - reference lister made for Turbo Pascal. Version 1.41 is written in and meant for Turbo Pascal 4.0. Source code for Turbo Pascal 3 can be handeled by substituting PXLT3.WDS for PXL.WDS. Author R.N. Wisan. pxl.prn pxl.wds pxlinit.pas Source code for a PXL TPU. pxlinst.pas Creates and or updates PXL.PRN data file of print control characters for use by PXL Pascal X-Ref lister. pxllist.pas Source code for a PXL TPU. pxlmenu.pas Source code for a PXL TPU. pxlt3.wds readme.pxl Readme file file for Pascal Cross - Reference Lister. readme.wp5 Readme file for GAUSS.PAS. setup starmaps.doc Documentation for STARMAPS.PAS. starmaps.pas Starmaps is a program that will plot a star map of any area of the sky as viewed from any place on Earth at any time of the day or year. stars.dat verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Chain Drive EMSHeap ExecWin path: /dos/pas/mi038/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.038 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chain.asm chain.doc Documentation for CHAIN. chain.obj chain.pas Provides a reasonable facsimile of the TP 3 Chain and Execute commands. The chain facility is implemented in a small unit that you USE in your TP4 or 5 program. The unit exports a function called Chain4 which you call to chain any EXE or COM file. Unlike TP3 there is no restriction that the chain.tpu demo.pas A simple program to demonstates the use of CHAIN unit. drive.doc Documentation for DRIVE. drive.pas A single routine that attempts to classify the type of disk installed in a specified drive. It recognizes all of the most common disk types. An undocumented DOS function ($32) is used therefore some measure of caution should be used. Author: TurboPower Software. Version 1.0. emsheap.asm emsheap.obj emsheap.pas Manage portions of EMS as a heap by TurboPower Software. emsheap.tpu execwin.asm execwin.obj execwin.pas ExecWindow attempts to keep the video output of the child process within a specified window on the screen. The technique used is to grab interrupt 21h and thus control all writes to the standard output and error devices. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Version 1.0. Requires TPDos and TPString.TPU from execwin.tpu getemsp.pas File used with EMSHEAP. getmem.asm getmem.obj grabheap.pas Restore control to the system heap routines. Version T1.0. grabheap.tpu swtest.pas Simple program to demonstrate the use of TPSWITCH. testenv.pas Demonstration program for TPENV. testgrab.pas Test program for GRABHEAP. testheap.pas Program to test EMSHEAP. tpalloc.doc Documentation for TPALLOC. tpalloc.pas Version 1.0. Routines written by TurboPower's Brian Foley for allocating / deallocating blocks of memory larger than 64K. tpalloc.tpu tpenv.doc Documentation for TPENV. tpenv.pas TPENV is a Turbo Pascal unit that allows application programs to manipulate the DOS environment by reading and setting environment strings in either the current programs environment or in the system master environment. Author: Kim Kokkonen. Version 1.0. Requires TpString and tpenv.tpu tpspool.doc Documentation for TPSPOOL. tpspool.pas Print Spooler version 0.8 by Richard Sadowsky is a program that captures printer output and saves it in a file. The printer output is captured by trapping the BIOS interrupt 17h and hijacking the characters. Requires: TpCrt, TpString, TpInt and TpTSR.TPU from TurboPower Software. tpswitch.doc Documentation for TPSWITCH. tpswitch.pas Routine for switching screens on dual-display systems. Version 1.0 by TurboPower Software. Requires TpCrt.TPU from TurboPower Software. tpswitch.tpu tpulib.doc TPULIB version 2.0 is a utility much like Borland's TPUMOVER, which comes with Turbo Pascal 5.0. It differs in several respects, first it is not IBM specific, it should run unmodified on generic MS-DOS machines. Second it is much smaller and third it is command - line driven. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- NXRef104 LS3 LM Indexer Lnklst path: /dos/pas/mi040/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.040 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive comword.dat dctcmp.asm dctcmp.inc Include file for NXREF104.PAS. gaussj.pas File used with LS3.PAS. gaussj.tpu getvars.pas Program to get variable names. indexer.doc Indexer by Charles Lichtenwalner. Version T2.0. This is an updated version of the popular TUG-O-WARDS entry to compile under Turbo Pascal 5.0. The program will generate indexes using the Key Word In Context (KWIC) scheme. The program includes a file of "common" words that will be ignored when indexer.pas Indexer by Charles Lichtenwalner. Version T2.0. This is an updated version of the popular TUG-O-WARDS entry to compile under Turbo Pascal 5.0. The program will generate indexes using the Key Word In Context (KWIC) scheme. The program includes a file of "common" words that will be ignored when lm.pas Yet another Menu System says author Ed Keefe. Version 1.5. This version is for 100% IBM compatible computers. It must be compiled with TP4.0 or TP5.0. No special TPUs are needed for this version. The LM.EXE program is a batch file enhancer that lets you roll your own sliding light bar menu lnklst.map lnklst.pas This Turbo Pascal 4.0 program written by Jim Kyle lets you type a number of records in random sequence and sorts them into increasing order. Duplicates are not added to the list. At the end of input, it prints the output to the screen. ls3.pas LS3.PAS reads data from a Quattro or 1-2-3 file and performs linear multiple regression analysis. Written in Turbo Pascal 5.0 by Sam Baker. ls3file.txt m.bat mpm1.out mpm1.txt nxref104.com nxref104.doc Documentation file for NXREF104.PAS. nxref104.pas This program produces a cross-reference listing for a Pascal program. Occurrences only are listed. NXREF is practically a complete rewrite of XREF. Written in Turbo Pascal 3.0. Version 1.04. Author: Don A. Williams. qread.pas QREAD.PAS is a program that reads through a Quattro file and displays the contents of all cells with text, numbers, or formulas. For formula cells, it displays the value only. Written in Turbo Pascal 5.0 by Sam Baker. readme.ls3 Description of LS3.PAS and QREAD.PAS. tug22 tug22.out verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- BPlus TTY Text2 Vol Screen Etc path: /dos/pas/mi042/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.042 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bplus.pas This unit implements the Compuserve B+ protocol. Author: Russ Ranshaw. Last revised 2/89. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. bpstatus.pas This Unit contains routines for displaying various status items. They are called from BPLUS.PAS. Author: Russ Ranshaw, CompuServe Inc. Created: 19 Apr 88. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. celebrat.asc An address given at GetTUGether '89 in celebration of the programmer. Author: Jeff Duntemann. crc.pas Init_CRC initializes for XMODEM style CRC calculation by setting crc_16 to value. Typically value is 0 for XMODEM and -1 for B+ Protocl. It returns the initial value. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. cursors.pas A unit for changing the appearance of the display cursor. Version 1.02 Released - 10/26/1987. Author: Scott Bussinger. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. demo1.pas A program to implement SOUNDEFF.PAS. Program will allow a selection of verious sound effects from a table. demo2.pas A program to implement SOUNDER.PAS. Program plays a song selected from a table. See docs to implement other selections. fjoin.pas Program FJoin (file joiner) re-creates a large source text file, following a file splitting by FSplit. Author: Robert L. Jones. Released 6/89. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. formpas.doc Documentation for FORMPAS - source formatter. formpas.pas Program to format Pascal source code to upper/lower combo format. Copy of the original is stored in .BAK or .OLD file. Comments and string constants in code are unaffected. Author: Kenneth Steere/. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. fsplit.pas Program Fsplit (file splitter) creates sub-divisions of a source text file, using a command-line file size. The file size should reflect the size of the destination media. Will process Text and binary files. Author: Robert L. Jones. Released 6/89. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. ibmcom.pas This unit is the communications port interrupt driver for the IBM-PC. It handles handles all low-level i/o through the serial port. Author: Wayne E. Conrad. Released: January, 1989. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. pwindow.asm Routine to save and restore portions of screen. Author: John Tal pwindow.me Documentation for pwindow. pwindow.obj pwindow.pas Demo program for Routine to save and restore portions of the screen in alpha mode. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. screen.pas A unit that will: detect monochrome; save and restore screens; hide or display cursor; create multiple box windows; and wait for keypressed. Author: John Gatewood Ham. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. sound.doc Documentation for SOUNDEFF.PAS and SOUNDER.PAS. soundeff.pas A unit that generates various sounds from a table using the function Sound(). Author: Nels Anderson. Released 10/88 version 1.0. Turbo 4.0 5.0 5.5. sounder.pas A unit that replaces interrupt 1Ch to generate sound. Allows concurrent operation with program. test1.pas This is an advanced example to show how to change Output so that output is sent both to the screen and printer. test123.pas This demonstration program is to be used with the unit "UNIT123". Written by Dan Glanz, Alexandria, Virginia (76672,2572), May, 1989. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. test2.pas A simple test file to implement unit TEXT2.PAS. No user action is necessary. text2.pas Unit text file device driver to allow output of one text file to be written to two seperate files. Author: David Neal Dubois. Released 5/89. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. timers.pas Unit provides tick (1/18.2 second) and second elapsed timers. Seconds resolution is only approximate. Improved by calculating seconds as ticks * 3600 div 65536. Author: Arley Dealey. Last revised: 11/88. Turbo 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. tty.pas A test program to implement units BPLUS.PAS, a Compuserve B+ protocol, and IBMCOM.PAS, a communications driver. This is a working terminal program that will download files using the B+ protocol. Author listed: Russ Bradshaw. Last rev. 1/89. Use Turbo 5.0, 5.5. unit123.pas This is a Turbo Pascal 5.0 unit designed to allow reading and writing of Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, VP-Planner and other such files using the Lotus 1-2-3 file format. Author: Dan Glanz, May '89. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. user1.pas Unit used in FORMPAS. verifile.dat vol.doc Documentation for the unit VOL.PAS. Describes the procedures. vol.pas A unit to read, add, change, or delete a disk volume name. Author: Vernon E. Davis. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. voltest.pas A test program for use with the unit VOL.PAS. wdemo.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Add Bank Eval. FastScrn Mouse path: /dos/pas/mi046/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.046 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive add.pas Implementation of a method that is polymorphic in two arguments. It defines a function Add(x,y) where x and y can be either real or strings. The function is extensable as far as TP5.5 allows. Author: Ed Russell. bank.pas A simple example of how objects can represent abstract data types. In this case, the use of a Queue. Author: Unknown. Turbo 5.5 only. binop.pas The object unit evaltest.pas This program demonstrates the use of the evaluator unit and the notions of variable list objects. This acts as a shell into the evaluator by allocating and deallocation variable. Author: Arthur Zatarain, P.E. Revision 7/89. Turbo 5.5 only. evaluate.doc Documentation for EVALUATE unit and test program. evaluate.pas This program takes a legal arithmetic expression in the form of a string and evaluates it. Requires Turbo Professional units TPCRT and TPSTRING to recompile. Based on an expression evaluatior by Neil Rubenking. fast.asm Used in FASTSCRN.PAS. fast.doc Implementation and use of FASTSCRN and FASTDEF units fast.obj fastdef.pas A unit that defines windows, borders, colors, and graphics. fastscrn.pas The FASTSCRN unit is designed to provide fast video control through the use of objects. Features include: memory screens, snow avoidance, copying between screens, changing attributes, cursor control, multiple video page support, and multiple video mode support. Author: Mark Addleman. Turbo 5.5. gmtest.pas Program to test graphics based mouse. mouse.doc Describes the current mouse unit version and its use. mouse.pas A text and/or graphics mouse unit based on the Mouse4 unit developed by Richard Sadowsky 11/20/87. Graphics cursor procedure borrowed from EgaMouse by Eduardo Martins 02/02/88. This version 3.1 - Author: Michael Day - 5/89. Turbo 5.0, 5.5. mousecur.pas Contains the mouse text and graphic cursor definitions. Included in MOUSE.PAS. mouseisr.pas This include file contains the mouse ISR routines and Exit handlers. mousestk.pas This include file contains the mouse status stack procedures. mousesub.pas Contains various special mouse routines used by the Mouse unit. printf.pas A general purpose string formatting unit. All functions are based on FMTSTR. The format string contains control characters that tell fmtstr what to do. TURBO 4.0, 5.0, 5.5. queues.pas The unit to construct a queue. readme.txt Since the documentation was written, two new routines were added. testlib.pas Dataran Standard Library Special Version for RTU. Designed to be used with TP Professional. Some good functions in here. tmtest.pas Program to test a text based mouse. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ATCFG, DBLock, TP5W10, TPXMS, etc. path: /dos/pas/mi047/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.047 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive atcfg.doc Documentation for ATCFG.PAS. atcfg.out atcfg.pas Turbo Pascal 5.5 program written by Rick Housh to check the configuration of IBM-AT's, PS/2's and truly compatible computers. The program will furnish information about the ROM BIOS, the machine type, extended and expanded memory, such as that provided by the LIM specification. Version T1.0. dblktest.pas Just a test program to read a Dbase III + file, show the struture, and optionally list the records in SDF format. dblktst1.pas Uses more of the functions in dblook to select particular records and fields to display. dblook.doc Documentation for DBLOOK.PAS. dblook.pas DBLOOK version 2.0 written in Turbo pascal 5.5 is a unit which reads Dbase III+ .DBF files, displays the structure information on the screen, converts from Dbase format to various internal formats to assist gathering data from Dbase files. Author: Gerry Rohr. readme.atc Readme file for ATCFG.PAS. test.dbf tp5misc.pas TP5MISC creates a unit which performs misc functions on strings. ver 1.10. tp5wio.doc Documentation for TP5WIO.PAS. tp5wio.inc Include file for TP5WIO.PAS. tp5wio.pas TP5WIO by Gerry Rohr is a Turbo Pascal version 4.0 or 5.X unit which consists of a collection of procedures and functions which assist in screen input / output. Version 4.10. tpxms.pas The XMS specification version 1.0 written by Vernon E. Davis is a Lotus/Intel Microsoft/AST joint venture, it lays the groundwork for access to Extended Memory, the memory above the 1-Megabyte boundry on AT-Class and above computer systems. For Turbo Pascal 4.0 or above. tpxms.tpu verifile.dat wtln.txt A simple way to compress the size of your compiled .EXE file. Author Harry Gensler. xmove.doc Documentation for XMOVE.PAS. xmove.pas XMOVE ver T1.0 written in Turbo Pascal 5.5 by John Gatewood Ham will rename all files matching filespecs from the source directory to the target directory on a drive, creating the target directory if necessary. xms.doc Documentation for TPXMS.PAS. xmstest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- MTASK RLINE SYSID path: /dos/pas/mi049/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.049 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive copyrite.doc math.doc Documentation for MATH.PAS math.pas Written in Turbo Pascal 5.5 by Nick Nelson version 1.0 of this math package will allow the the following: function power, function log, function reciprocal, convert degrees to radians, convert radians to degrees, find the tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent of an angle and functions for SIN, COS. moveops.pas Objects for displaying strings and moving around the screen. mtask.doc Documentation file for MTASK. mtask.pas MTASK version 1.1 is a unit for Turbo Pascal 5.0, to allow a Turbo Pascal program to exhibit simple multi-tasking. MTASK gives your program a non-preemptive, request driven multi-tasking capability. Author: Wayne E. Conrad. mtask.prt oview.pas Dual-window Object viewing program, views TP5.5 OOP source code. read.me readers.pas Combines Scroller and File Of Lines to allow viewing/scrolling through ascii files. readme Readme file for RLINE. rline.asm rline.obj rline.pas OOP version of the popular RLINE containing fast ASCII file reading and seeking object. Contains numerious object routines and all source including some written in TASM. rltest.pas Timing comparison between ReadLn/FReadLn, and other tests. seeme.pas View/scroll/search through the ascii file that is passed on the command line. sysid.asm sysid.inc Pascal functions and procedures sysid.obj sysid.pas A system description for DOS-based PC/XT/AT and PS/2 class machines. SYSID generates 16 screens of information about the host system and runs under DOS versions 3.0 and later. Developed with TP 5.0 and Turbo Assembler 1.0. Version 4.7. Author Steve Grant. test1.pas Demonstration program using MTASK. up_cming.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- DollarWord Help MouseUnit path: /dos/pas/mi054/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.054 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bezier.pas Program that demonstrates use of the mouse object and Bezier spline curves. Requires the appropriate BGI driver. dolrword.doc Documentation for Unit DOLRWORD.PAS. Explains its use and interface. dolrword.pas DollarWord takes a number string and returns a string containing the "written form" of the number. Necessary for check writing. TPU compiles under 4.0 through 5.5. Author: Rob Loew. flipper.inc The game is played on an 8x8 board. The game is over when the board is full. getid.pas A utility to work with Netware. Retreives connection number, station number error code, and user name. Written 1989 to work with version 2.1x of Novell Netware. Author: Rick Ryan. Compiles under 4.0 - 5.5. help.pas Released into the public domain by TurboPower Software these 4 utilities are a collection for creating, editing, testing and modifying an Object Professional (or Turbo Professional) help system. These programs require Object Professional to compile. Version 1.0. helpsrc.doc Documentation file for HELP.PAS. mksoft.pas A game interface including FLIPPER, STACKIT, 3D-STACKIT, AND 3D-TIC-TAC- TOE. Author: Michael Sinz. Last revised 1984. Compiles under 4.0 through 5.5. modhelp.pas MODHELP modifies the topic numbers of existing files. Its default behavior is to renumber the topics, starting from one and incrementing by one, in the order in which it encounters them. This has the effect of compressing out all the unused topic numbers. mouseuni.inc This unit defines an object type mouse_object that provides mouse support for Turbo Pascal 5.5 programs. The routines have been tested with a MicroSoft serial mouse. Author: Benjamin R. Peart. Compiles under 5.5 only. mouseuni.pas The mouse object source. prnhelp.pas PRNHELP is a help text proof-reading aid. It produces printed listings of your help file as it will appear in a help window. It uses different printer fonts to distinguish between the various types of text: normal, cross-reference topic or highlighted. rt_stock.dat rt_stock.pas score4.inc A 3D version of the STACKIT game. Object is to get 4 of your pieces in a row before the other player does. stackit.inc The Object of the game is to get four of your pieces in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- OOP Tutorial Clocks DifLiMag path: /dos/pas/mi057/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.057 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive clkdemo.out Sample output from CLOCKDEMO.EXE clkdemo.pas This PROGRAM demonstates how to use the CLOCKS UNIT, including a clock object, its methods, and related FUNCTIONs and PROCEDUREs. Differences between CMOS and DOS clocks are shown. clocks.doc Explains the function of the CLOCKS object, programs and associated files. clocks.pas The CLOCKS UNIT contains a CMOS/DOS real-time clock object and REXX-like Date/Time formatting functions for time stamps from Jan 1, 1900 - June5, 2079. (REXX is an IBM SAA language). Author Earl F. Glynn. Last revised 7/89. Use ver. 5.5 only. dell220.flp FLOPS output from Dell 220 computer diflimag.doc Explaination of content and use of DIFLIMAG.PAS. diflimag.pas Performs Diffusion Limited Aggregation algorithm for random walk and random vector. In simpler terms, a fractal or Mandelbrot. Version 1.0. Written 3/90. Author: O. Sami Saydjari. Uses DRIVERS.TPU. Versions 5.0, 5.5. doublink.pas A linked list unit. flexpntr.pas A flexable pointer unit flops.pas This program uses the Clocks UNIT to determine the number of floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) by arithmetic type with REAL "matrices" having a size greater than 65535 bytes. flxarray.doc Discussion of the design and implementation of FLEXARRAY and FLEXSTACK objects. genarray.tpu gendatum.pas Unit GenDatum written by Eric C. Wentz Last Mod - 7/9/89 Type Datum is not truly intended for direct use in programs, rather it is designed to be the ancestor object for a whole series of heirs which may range from Bytes to large Records. generics.doc A mini tutorial on the use of Objects in a more generic form. The code presented deals with stacks and heaps and their manipulation. The theme being the re-usability of objects with little implementation detailing. Author: Eric C. Wentz. Written 7/89. Version 5.5 only. genlist.doc Discussion of design and implementation of LIST and L_HEAP objects and decendants. genlist.pas Unit GenList introduces the LinkedList equivalent of the FlexArray datatype Lists are allocated dynamically on the Heap, but as they are allocated on a node-by-node basis, they can grow to occupy the entire Heap. This is their only superiority over the FlexArray type. genstack.pas FlexStacks are simple FlexArray based stacks using the DataType defined in Unit GenArray. heaps.pas A unit that inherits methods from MaxArray and GenericHeap. hugearay.tpu h_arrays.pas This unit demonstrates how to define MaxArrays for actual use within your application. Re-Defining the indicated methods puts type-checking back, and makes the use of MaxArrays simpler lgenheap.pas Generic Fully Dynamic Doubly-Linked Heap. lists.pas An example Unit intended to demonstrate the declaration of application-level versions of the List. l_heaps.pas An example Unit intended to demonstrate the declaration of application-level versions of the L_Heap. maxarray.doc Discussion of design and implementation of MAXARRAY and GENERICHEAP objects and decendants. mgenheap.tpu nodesort.pas A node sorting Unit. srtfuncs.pas Introduces some sample SortFuncs for use with GenHeaps of the MaxArray variety. stacks.pas By following the pattern established in the example Object, RealStack It is possible (and sinfully easy) to implement clean and efficient Stacks of any desired data type. stakdemo.pas Demo program to create and resize stacks. test.pas Test program sorts 200 integers on the heap. testheap.pas Test program for descendants of Linked Generic Heaps. testlist.pas Test Program for Descendants of Generic Lists. timer.log Output timer log from TMRDEMO.BAT example timer.pas This program uses the Clocks UNIT to time any DOS command executed from native DOS or via a BAT file. tmrdemo.bat tosh3100.flp FLOPS output from Toshiba 3100 verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Paint Stopwatch SetEnv path: /dos/pas/mi060/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.060 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bold.obj cmouse.pas A 3 button mouse interface unit cobject.pas Unit defines TObject as the base class for all classes. cstyle.pas Unit defines TStyle as a class for various drawing styles. ctool.pas A unit defines TTool as a class for drawing tools. cwindow.pas A unit that defines TWindow as a class for windows on the screen. diskname euro.obj goth.obj lcom.obj litt.obj paint.pas A graphic example of object programming. Turbo Paint is similar to a couple of well known commercial paint programs but this one has source. Author: Scott Bussinger. Turbo 5.5 only. readme Explaines what is needed to compile and run the demo program. sans.obj scri.obj setenv.doc Describes what this utility will do. setenv.pas Program will locate master PSP, determine size of envirnment, locate and edit envirnment. Author: Rohit Gupta. Version 5.5 only. simp.obj stpwatch.obj stpwatch.pas This is a fully compensated, high precision stop watch for timing program loops. Author Rohit Gupta. Versions 5.0, 5.5 swtest.pas This program illustrates some uses of the stop_watch. trip.obj tscr.obj useful.pas Usful macros and routines unit. TPU is included because unit will not compile. Source listing for info only. See DOC file for explanation. useful.tpu verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TPUNew EnhKbd Cmath path: /dos/pas/mi063a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.063 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.___ tpuams1.pas This Unit contains all Type Definitions, Structures, and "Canned" Functions and Procedures required by the main program. tpudoc1.txt An extinsive tutorial on Turbo Pascal 5.5 TPUs. Includes their structure and the use of the disassembler and report utilities. The author makes no claims for complete accuracy but he has invested many hours so that we may not have to re-invent the wheel. tpunew.pas This program will document and/or disassemble Turbo Pascal 5.5 TPUs. The assembler code is not necessarily acceptable to Tasm. However it will allow fine tuning of Pascal code. Author: William L. Peavy. Rev. 8/90. Compiles under 5.5 - 6.0. tpurpt1.pas This is a Unit that contains the text-file output primitives required by the main program. It's not very pretty but it does work. tpuuna1.inc Part of TPUUNA1.PAS unit. tpuuna1.pas This unit is a rudimentary disassembler. The output will not assemble and may look strange to a real assembler programmer since this author is not so-qualified. However, the basis for support of 80286, 80386 etc. processors is present as well as coprocessor support. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TPUNew EnhKbd CMath path: /dos/pas/mi063b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.063 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cmath.doc Documents the library of type definitions, functions and procedures for manipulation of mathematically complex variables. cmath.pas CMATH.PAS provides a library of type definitions, functions and procedures for manipulation of mathematically complex variables (having both a "real" part and an "imaginary" part). Rev. 1990. Author: J.W. Rider. Compiles under 4.0 - 6.0. enhkbd.asm Assembly language file for ENHKBD unit. enhkbd.obj enhkbd.pas This unit activates the IBM enhanced keyboard for machines that have one, and simulates an enhanced keyboard for machines that don't. The enhanced scan codes will be returned by all normal calls which read the keyboard. Author: Kim Kokkonen and Brian Foley. Rev. 1.2, 2/88. Turbo 4.0 - 6.0. himem.sys himem.txt A short tutorial on HIMEM.SYS. It covers the installation and use, including some error conditions. kbddemo.pas Demonstration of EnhKbd unit. See the comments within that unit for more information. math.doc Documents the library of mathematical constants, type definitions, functions, and procedures. math.pas This unit provides a library of mathematical constants, type definitions, functions, and procedures for immediate use within contemporary Turbo Pascal programs. math.ref A quick referance to functions and procedures. udir.doc Documents both the use and the source code. udir.pas The ulitmate directory lister will list files in subdirs. Redirect to a file or printer. It will sort and format output in several ways. It will find all new files on a disk and perform pseudo batch operations using @file. Author: First Aid Co. Turbo 4.0 - 6.0. verifile.dat xms.asm External Assembler Routines for XMS.PAS xms.obj xms.pas The purpose of this Unit is to implement an interface between a Turbo Pascal program and an XMS driver. It implements those functions defined in the Extended Memory Specification (XMS) Version 2.00 for MS-DOS. The unit will compile under 5.0 - 6.0. xms.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- BP2Tap Clocks Joystick path: /dos/pas/mi065/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.065 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bp2tap.pas Allows you download any of the Borland forums B*.CAT or B*.NEW files, and append them to (or create) a catalog file that is compatible with TAPCIS, CatScan, and DelSort. It adds the library numbers required to identify which Data Libraries the descriptions are from. Turbo 4 or greater. clocks.pas Source code for clock-in-the-menubar. clockwrk.pas Realtime clock on the menubar for Turbo Vision. joydemo.pas JOYSTICK.PAS by JonSoft Technologies Inc. and writen for Turbo Pascal 5.x contains the code and a small demo to interface your joystick to Turbo Pascal. joystick.doc Documentation for JOYSTICK.PAS. joystick.pas JOYSTICK.PAS by JonSoft Technologies Inc. and writen for Turbo Pascal 5.x contains the code and a small demo to interface your joystick to Turbo Pascal. laserprt.pas TP5.5 unit which makes formatting output to a Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer very easy. No need to remember the escape sequences, just use plain english (i.e. WRITELN (lpt,leftmargin (10) + portrait + lineprinter + 'Hello') prints "Hello" starting 10 columns from the left in portrait mode. lzrtpu.doc Documentation for LASERPRT.PAS. net_prin.pas Demonstration of printing on Novell Advanced Netware 2.1+ using named Print Queues and Servers. Requires UNIT_SUP.TPU from BLAISE POWER TOOLS+ 5.O to compile. (5.5 version supplied.) Author: Rick Ryan. Compiles under 5.5 only with this TPU. shade1.pas Produces a pattern similar to "green bar" paper in the portrait format. shade2.pas Produces a pattern similar to "green bar" paper in the landscape format. shadetxt.pas Sample program showing alternating lines of shaded text. tp6util.doc TPCONFIG.EXE - Utility program that will take your IDE configuration file (TURBO.TP) and create a config file (TPC.CFG) for use with the command line compiler. TPUINFO.EXE - Utility that will list various facts concerning .TPU files. unit_sup.tpu utility.doc Released into the public domain this utility written for TP6.0 by Gemini Systems has a number of features such as: Screen_save, Date routines, Drive ready, 43 line mode, Print_screen, Printer_ready, Save_line, screen_attribute, Set_cursor, Encryption, Elapsed time, Full screen input and much more. utility.tpu verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- ASorts, FRTE, GrabHeap path: /dos/pas/mi068/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.068 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive asorts.man Documentation for ASORTS.PAS. asorts.pas Provides the Turbo Pascal programmer with type definitions, functions and procedures to handle a variety of array sorting and searching tasks. Several of these are analogous to functions of the same name in the C programming language. Author: J.W. Rider. asorts.tpu bigmem.pas Allocates heap space for a particular type of data structure. bigmem.tpu bigtest.pas Test for BIGMEM.PAS. clock.doc Documentation for SETCLOCK.PAS. cmpsrt.pas Compares various sorting algorithms on random arrays. demo.pas Demo of how FRTE can be used. fndclock.pas Unit used with SETCLOCK.PAS. frte.pas This unit allows your programs to generate runtime errors similar to Turbo's IDE internal error routines. Works with TP version 4.0, 5.5 and 6.0. frte.tpu getclock.pas Unit used with SETCLOCK.PAS. grabheap.pas Turbo Pascal 5.5 and 6.0 unit for use with Christian Philipps multitasking subsystem. Insures that no task switches can occur during heap manipulation. The unit was derived from GRABHEAP.PAS of HEAP55.ARC by Kim Kokkonen. grabheap.tpu grabtest.pas Test file for GRABHEAP.PAS. mult.pas Unit used with FRTE.PAS. mult.tpu multtest.pas Used with FRTE.PAS. objtest.pas Program to show how FRTE can be used with object methods, both static and virtual. o_newdis.asm o_newdis.obj readme.asc setclock.pas A set of utilities for finding and then reading or setting a clock card in an XT. Useful if you no longer have the the original software. storage.pas A storage method for putting large amounts of variable string information on a disk and retaining a pointer to the head of each message. Will also perform minor compression. Author: Marcos R. Della. storage.tpu test.pas This program will demonstrate the ability to save and restore text infomation in an indexed file that is also Network aware. testfile.dat tstsrt.pas Exercises most of the facilities of the ASORTS unit. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TPU6, ANSIView, Clocks path: /dos/pas/mi070/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.070 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ansitest.pas Test file for ANSIVIEW.PAS. ansiview.doc Documentation file for ANSIVIEW.PAS. ansiview.pas ANSIView is a unit that will give the features that you came to enjoy from the CRT unit with the eariler versions of Turbo Pascal while still retaining the features of the new TVISION environment. It provides an object on your desktop and lets you interface as you would with a "normal" pascal program. clocks.pas This unit provides an OOP extention to place a clock on the menubar in TurboVision applications. Author: Danny Thorpe. Update: 12/90. Pascal version 6.0 / TurboVision. clockwrk.pas Test program to demonstrate the CLOCKS.PAS unit. readme.___ tpu6.pas tpu6ams.pas tpu6doc.txt tpu6equ.pas tpu6rpt.pas tpu6una.inc tpu6una.pas tpu6utl.pas verifile.dat whats.new ----------------------------------------------------------- Dialoger, MenuGen path: /dos/pas/mi071/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.071 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dialoger.doc DIALOGER (version 1.03) takes an ASCII text file with the design of a dialog box in it, and generates the TurboVision code to create that box. It handles radio buttons, Check Boxes, Input Lines, Labels, Buttons and Static Text. Even creates the appropriate data record for exchanging data with the box. dlgdemo.pas Demo for LINEIO.PAS. dlgrdemo.pas Demo for LINEIO.PAS, requires additional work. gendemo.pas Demo for LINEIO.PAS, requires additional work. lineio.pas TVision InputLine Objects for Strings, Reals, and Integers. lineio.tpu menugen.doc The Program MENUGEN.EXE will ease the coding of menus in TurboVision. It eliminates the need to keep track of all the nesting, amongst other things. Author: Vernon J. Adams. Version 1, 12/90. For use with Pascal version 6.0 and TurboVision. tdlgs.pas TVision Dialog Objects for Buttons,Strings, Reals, and Integers. tdlgs.tpu testmenu.mdf testmenu.pas Output code from MENUGEN.EXE using TESTMENU.MDF. Please note that this is not a complete program and as such, it will not compile until inserted into other code. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- EndcodeIt DecodeIt Explod path: /dos/pas/mi074/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.074 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive blocks.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. blowup.pas Program used with EXPLOD.PAS. cmidler.pgm Program used with UWIDLE.PAS. code.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. decodeit.pas File used with ENCODEIT.PAS. dump.pas Various routines to dump memory to system. encodeit.pas Code your files. Written in Turbo Pascal 6.0. explod.pas This is a unit to draw exploding/imploding boxes. Compiled under Turbo Pascal 6.0. explod.tpu globals.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. head.pas Header declarations and dumper. intrfc.doc Documentation for INTRFC.PAS. intrfc.pas Program to print out the information contained in a TPU file. loader.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. namelist.pas Routines that print the name definitions. nametype.pas Unit of type/const definitions for namelist unit. params.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. picklst.pas Pick List will read a line of data and validate the field as well as keep a history of valid commands. pixelstk.pas Line demo to draw pixel sticks on the screen. reloc.pas Unit to print relocation records. srcfiles.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. test1.inc test1.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. tpu60.doc An outine of the structure of the Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file format. util.pas Program used with INTRFC.PAS. uwidle.pas cmIdler demonstrates broadcasting "idle events" to a non-modal dialog, which updates itself as a background process. Sample includes a clock view, heap viewer, and an original keyboard flags dialog. Compiled under Turbo Pascal 6.0. uwidle.tpu verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG/Pro Disk Library path: /dos/pas/mi079/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.079 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive clip.doc Documentation for file used with PCX.PAS clipshow.doc Documentation for file used with PCX.PAS hoedown.c hoedown.dta hoedown.pas Turbo Pascal animation demo using clips and PutImage. pas1.art Article and source code for an ANSI type drawing program to illustrate how easy it is to use Turbo Pascal to write seemingly complex applications. Author: Ben Shoval / OctagonSoft. pasart.pas Code for an ANSI type drawing program to illustrate how easy it is to use Turbo Pascal to write seemingly complex applications. Author: Ben Shoval / OctagonSoft. pcx.asm pcx.obj pcx.pas Turbo Pascal unit for displaying full-screen images. (A way to incorporate those PCX images into Turbo Programs). Compiled using Turbo Pascal 6.0. pcx.tpu read.me show256.pas Sample of the 256 color file. showcga.pas Sample of the CGA file. showega.pas Sample of the EGA file. showvga.pas Sample of the VGA file. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- SPO Sprites VGAGrab path: /dos/pas/mi080/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipasdo.080 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive alice.dmp crtwrite.asm crtwrite.obj e2320.cel goblins.dmp history.txt i620.cel int_0405.pas m10x10.spr m20x10.spr m20x20.spr need_186.pas need_286.pas need_386.pas p2320.cel r2320.cel read.me results.txt s2320g.cel s2320r.cel showgrab.pas spo.doc sprdemo.cel sprdemo.col sprdemo.pas sprites.pas sprites.tpu t2420.cel tpkey.pas verifile.dat vgabios.pas vgagrab.com ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/ot031/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utpasmi.031 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bigarray.doc catalog.doc file_id.diz generic.doc glue.doc graf.doc graf2.doc graf3.doc mulaware.doc mulaware.int mulaware.tp6 mulaware.tp7 mulaware.tpp multest.pas readme.1st readtspa.me register.frm selftest.pas support.doc tserr.int tserr.tpu tserr.tst tspas.nws tspas.sum tsprog.inf tsunta.int tsunta.tpu tsunta.tst tsuntb.int tsuntb.tpu tsuntb.tst tsuntc.int tsuntc.tpu tsuntc.tst tsuntd.int tsuntd.tpu tsuntd.tst tsunte.int tsunte.tpu tsunte.tst tsuntenv.int tsuntenv.tpu tsuntenv.tst tsuntf.int tsuntf.tpu tsuntf.tst tsuntg.int tsuntg.tpu tsuntg.tst tsunth.int tsunth.tpu tsunth.tst tsunti.int tsunti.tpu tsunti.tst tsuntj.int tsuntj.tpu tsuntj.tst tsuntk.int tsuntk.tpu tsuntk.tst tsuntl.int tsuntl.tpu tsuntl.tst vaasa.inf verifile.dat winlib.doc wintest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal Library path: /dos/pas/pt003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive crtclerr.pas crtclerr.tpu crtkb.asm crtkb.obj crtvdu.asm crtvdu.obj date.asm date.obj date.pas date.tpu enhcrt.pas enhcrt.tpu example.hlp excerr1.pas excrt1.pas excrt2.pas exdate1.pas exhelp.txt exhelp1.pas exserr1.pas exstr1.pas exstr2.pas exstr3.pas exstr4.pas exstr5.pas exstr6.pas extime1.pas exwndw1.pas help.pas help.tpu helpconv.pas manual.doc readme.doc stderr.asm stderr.obj stderr.pas stderr.tpu strings.pas strings.tpu sucase.asm sucase.obj sucnvrt.asm sucnvrt.obj sumisc.asm sumisc.obj supad.asm supad.obj sutrim.asm sutrim.obj sutrunc.asm sutrunc.obj time.asm time.obj time.pas time.tpu verifile.dat windows.pas windows.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- TPDB path: /dos/pas/pt006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive tpdb323.zip verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Btrieve Tools Disk path: /dos/pas/pt007/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive btrv6.pas btv.asc btv.pas btv.txt example1.pas example2.pas example3.pas order.frm readme restore.pas tone.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TP Avatar Level 1 Console Kit path: /dos/pas/pt013/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.013 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dhooks.inc file_id.diz history.txt order.frm pavt150.bp7 pavt150.doc pavt150.t55 pavt150.t60 pavt150.t70 pavtdemo.pas pavtio.bp7 pavtio.t55 pavtio.t60 pavtio.t70 pavtsnd.bp7 pavtsnd.t55 pavtsnd.t60 pavtsnd.t70 queries.doc rainbow.avt read.me verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt015/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.015 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive accuracy.doc instr.pas math.pas math.tpp math.tpu math.tpw packing.lst readme.doc tpp.tpl tppperf.doc tpw.tpl turbo.tpl turbperf.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Optimized Runtime Library (TP6) path: /dos/pas/pt016/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.016 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive accuracy.doc instr.pas math.pas packing.lst perform.doc readme.doc turbo.tpl verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt018/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.018 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat lastlook\contents.txt lastlook\lastlook.doc psb\bp7sb.doc psb\bp7sb_in.ide psb\readme.txt psb\register.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- CtoP, CtoPas path: /dos/pas/pt022/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.022 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive changes ctopas.c ctopunit.pas readme sieve.c towers.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt023/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.023 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 1nreadme.doc 1nrinfo.doc 1nrpas13.lst 1nrpex10.lst 1st_read.me adi.dem adi.pas amoeba.dem amoeba.pas anneal.dem anneal.pas avevar.dem avevar.pas badluk.pas balanc.dem balanc.pas bcucof.dat bcucof.dem bcucof.pas bcuint.dem bcuint.pas bessi.dem bessi.pas bessi0.dem bessi0.pas bessi1.dem bessi1.pas bessj.dem bessj.pas bessj0.dem bessj0.pas bessj1.dem bessj1.pas bessk.dem bessk.pas bessk0.dem bessk0.pas bessk1.dem bessk1.pas bessy.dem bessy.pas bessy0.dem bessy0.pas bessy1.dem bessy1.pas beta.dem beta.pas betacf.pas betai.dem betai.pas bico.dem bico.pas bksub.pas bnldev.dem bnldev.pas brent.dem brent.pas bsstep.dem bsstep.pas caldat.dem caldat.pas cel.dem cel.pas chder.dem chder.pas chebev.dem chebev.pas chebft.dem chebft.pas chebpc.dem chebpc.pas chint.dem chint.pas chsone.dem chsone.pas chstwo.dem chstwo.pas cntab1.dem cntab1.pas cntab2.dem cntab2.pas convlv.dem convlv.pas correl.dem correl.pas cosft.dem cosft.pas covsrt.dem covsrt.pas crank.dem crank.pas cyfuni.dat dates1.dat dbrent.dem dbrent.pas ddpoly.dem ddpoly.pas des.dem des.pas desinp.dat desks.dem desks.pas destst.dat df1dim.dem df1dim.pas dfpmin.dem dfpmin.pas difeq.pas eclass.dem eclass.pas eclazz.dem eclazz.pas eigsrt.dem eigsrt.pas el2.dem el2.pas elmhes.dem elmhes.pas erf.dem erf.pas erfc.dem erfc.pas erfcc.dem erfcc.pas eulsum.dem eulsum.pas evlmem.dem evlmem.pas expdev.dem expdev.pas f1dim.dem f1dim.pas factln.dem factln.pas factrl.dem factrl.pas fgauss.dem fgauss.pas fit.dem fit.pas fixrts.dem fixrts.pas fleg.dem fleg.pas flmoon.dem flmoon.pas fncval.dat four1.dem four1.pas fourn.dem fourn.pas fpoly.dem fpoly.pas frprmn.dem frprmn.pas ftest.dem ftest.pas gamdev.dem gamdev.pas gammln.dem gammln.pas gammp.dem gammp.pas gammq.dem gammq.pas gasdev.dem gasdev.pas gauleg.dem gauleg.pas gaussj.dem gaussj.pas gcf.dem gcf.pas golden.dem golden.pas gser.dem gser.pas hqr.dem hqr.pas hunt.dem hunt.pas indexx.dem indexx.pas irbit1.dem irbit1.pas irbit2.dem irbit2.pas jacobi.dem jacobi.pas julday.dem julday.pas kendl1.dem kendl1.pas kendl2.dem kendl2.pas ksinpu.dat ksone.dem ksone.pas kstwo.dem kstwo.pas laguer.dem laguer.pas lfit.dem lfit.pas linmin.dem linmin.pas locate.dem locate.pas lubksb.dem lubksb.pas ludcmp.dem ludcmp.pas matrx1.dat matrx2.dat matrx3.dat mdian1.dem mdian1.pas mdian2.dem mdian2.pas medfit.dem medfit.pas memcof.dem memcof.pas midinf.pas midpnt.dem midpnt.pas midsql.pas midsqu.pas mmid.dem mmid.pas mnbrak.dem mnbrak.pas mnewt.dem mnewt.pas modfile.pas moment.dem moment.pas mprove.dem mprove.pas mrqcof.dem mrqcof.pas mrqmin.dem mrqmin.pas odeint.dem odeint.pas pcshft.dem pcshft.pas pearsn.dem pearsn.pas piksr2.dem piksr2.pas piksrt.dem piksrt.pas pinvs.pas plgndr.dem plgndr.pas poidev.dem poidev.pas polcoe.dem polcoe.pas polcof.dem polcof.pas poldiv.dem poldiv.pas polin2.dem polin2.pas polint.dem polint.pas powell.dem powell.pas predic.dem predic.pas probks.dem probks.pas pzextr.dem pzextr.pas qcksrt.dem qcksrt.pas qgaus.dem qgaus.pas qromb.dem qromb.pas qromo.dem qromo.pas qroot.dem qroot.pas qsimp.dem qsimp.pas qtrap.dem qtrap.pas quad3d.dem quad3d.pas ran0.dem ran0.pas ran1.dem ran1.pas ran2.dem ran2.pas ran3.dem ran3.pas ran4.dem ran4.pas rank.dem rank.pas ratint.dem ratint.pas realft.dem realft.pas red.pas rk4.dem rk4.pas rkdumb.dem rkdumb.pas rkqc.dem rkqc.pas rofunc.dem rofunc.pas rtbis.dem rtbis.pas rtflsp.dem rtflsp.pas rtnewt.dem rtnewt.pas rtsafe.dem rtsafe.pas rtsec.dem rtsec.pas rzextr.dem rzextr.pas scrsho.dem scrsho.pas sfroid.pas shell.dem shell.pas shoot.dem shoot.pas shootf.dem shootf.pas simp1.pas simp2.pas simp3.pas simplx.dem simplx.pas sinft.dem sinft.pas smooft.dem smooft.pas sncndn.dem sncndn.pas solvde.pas sor.dem sor.pas sort.dem sort.pas sort2.dem sort2.pas sort3.dem sort3.pas sparse.dem sparse.pas spctrl.dat spctrm.dem spctrm.pas spear.dem spear.pas splie2.dem splie2.pas splin2.dem splin2.pas spline.dem spline.pas splint.dem splint.pas svbksb.dem svbksb.pas svdcmp.dem svdcmp.pas svdfit.dem svdfit.pas svdvar.dem svdvar.pas table1.dat table2.dat tarray.dat toeplz.dem toeplz.pas tptest.dem tptest.pas tqli.dem tqli.pas trapzd.dem trapzd.pas tred2.dem tred2.pas tridag.dem tridag.pas ttest.dem ttest.pas tutest.dem tutest.pas twofft.dem twofft.pas vander.dem vander.pas verifile.dat zbrac.dem zbrac.pas zbrak.dem zbrak.pas zbrent.dem zbrent.pas zroots.dem zroots.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal FAQ Disk path: /dos/pas/pt024/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasdo.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive faqpas.txt faqpas2.txt faqpasb.txt file_id.diz info_pas.txt readmail.inf tsfaqp.inf tsfaqp.nws tsprog.inf unixelm.inf vaasa.inf verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt025/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.025 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat frte\bigmem.pas frte\bigtest.pas frte\demo.pas frte\frte.pas frte\mult.pas frte\multtest.pas frte\objtest.pas frte\readme.asc idfi\idfi.doc idfi\idfi.pas kunix_11\delbak.pas kunix_11\metadire.doc kunix_11\metadire.pas kunix_11\metadire.pos pasnet\pasneta.asm pasunzip\dezip.pas pasunzip\memalloc.pas pasunzip\shrink.pas pasunzip\strprocs.pas rtmswap\rtmswap.doc rtmswap\rtmswap.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt029/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.029 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive acker.pas atoi.inc cintrin.pas compall.bat compold.bat dia.pas dial.pas doall.bat dostd.bat errors.doc findchrs.pas fmap.pas ftoa.inc getenv.inc go.bat history.doc howto.doc itoa.inc keypress.inc license.doc linklist.pas ljust.inc look.bat make.bat makecin.bat makepo.bat minicrt.pas mtplus.pas pas2c.doc pasobj.c patchtpc.pas point4.pas pointers.pas ptc.doc ptc.man ptoc.doc puzzle.pas qcread.doc qsort.pas readme readme.1st runtime.doc savereg.h savereg.pas sets.pas sieve.pas smallrec.pas std.h stoupper.inc subrange.pas t2c.bat t2c.lib task.c task.h task.pas test.pas test2.pas timedat4.pas todo.doc tpc.com tpc.doc tpcdecl.inc tpcexpr.inc tpcmac.h tpcmisc.inc tpcscan.inc tpcstmt.inc tpcsym.inc tpcunit.inc tptc.doc tptc.pas tptc17.inf tptcmac.h tptcsys.pas tptcsys.uns turbo.bat turbo.h uninc.pas unsq.pas upd.bat varrec.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt030/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.030 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive air_raid.pas alert.pas beep.pas bmptest.pas bomb.pas bsxcat.doc catalog.doc cd.pas cd.res cdc.pas cdplay.res chess.pcx clip.doc clipshow.doc dosbel.pas ega.doc ega.int ega.tpu explain.txt hoedown.c hoedown.dta hoedown.pas order.doc pcx.asm pcx.doc pcx.int pcx.obj pcx.pas pcx.tpu pcx256.asm pcx256.obj pcx256.pas pcxobj.asm pcxobj.obj pcx_read.me pcx_view.pas playcd.pas read.me runpcx.pas runset.dat sbts.pas sharewre.txt show256.pas showcga.pas showega.pas showpcx.pas showvga.pas show_bmp.doc show_bmp.tpu show_pcx.pas siren.pas test_04.pcx test_06.pcx test_16.pcx test_19.pcx tp208.pcx tvgas.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt031/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.031 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 3.3d2 3dc.doc 3dcw.hlp 3demo.m3d 3dlib.doc 3dlib.reg 3dlib.res 3dlib.tph 3do.doc bimbo.3ds box.3d2 box3mv.m3d bug.m3d bwcc.dll clc.m3d ctm3d.pas d.3d2 demo3d.pas demo3dw.pas egavga.bgi foxtrot.m3d hdr3d.pas house.3ds inmid.3ds integv.m3d kuku.m3d mashpech.3ds mytest.3ds newdemo.m3d programs.txt project3.pas prop.3d2 pyr.3d2 pyr3mv.m3d pyrmov.m3d pyrtyp.m3d r2d2.m3d rtobj.pas superbox.m3d suprop.3d2 trap.3d2 tst.m3d twobox.3ds twoboxmv.m3d twoedge.3ds twolayer.3d2 twolayer.3dd twopyr.3dd twopyr.3ds verifile.dat zoozo.m3d ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt033/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.033 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive analyzr.doc bitlib.dll bpw.cfg bpw.dsk buttons.hlp bwcc.dll cdlg.inc comondlg.pas comosamp.pas comosamp.res files.lst file_id.diz fnamedlg.pas fontdlg.pas ipxhdr.doc ipxlib.tpu myopen_.pas myprn_.pas novapi.tpu noverr.doc novhdr.doc novtools.tpu pojwi.ico port_.pas printdlg.pas prn31_.pas read.me readme readme.1st toolhdr.doc unitree.doc usrwin_.pas verifile.dat vgasave.com vgasave.doc whatsnew.200 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/pt034/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptpasmi.034 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ansi.swg archives.swg bbs.txt chars.swg cmdline.swg color.swg comm.swg copymove.swg crc.swg crt.swg cursor.swg datatype.swg datetime.swg desqview.swg dirs.swg dos.swg drives.swg egavga.swg encrypt.swg entry.swg exec.swg faq.swg files.swg findrepl.swg graphics.swg hardware.swg interrup.swg isr.swg joystick.swg keyboard.swg mail.swg math.swg memory.swg menu.swg misc.swg mouse.swg network.swg numbers.swg oop.swg parsing.swg pointers.swg printing.swg reader.doc reader.ini records.swg redirect.swg savescrn.swg screen.swg scroll.swg sorting.swg sound.swg streams.swg strings.swg swag.txt textedit.swg textfile.swg textwndw.swg timing.swg tsr.swg unitinfo.swg verifile.dat win_os2.swg ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Turbo Pascal Routines path: /dos/pas/rs001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive arcx.com ctpcode.arc extract.bat read.me verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Software Tools Routines path: /dos/pas/rs002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta mcgee\chapter1.pas mcgee\chapter2.pas mcgee\chapter3.pas mcgee\chapter4.pas mcgee\chapter5.pas mcgee\chapter6.pas mcgee\chapter7.pas mcgee\chapter8.pas mcgee\fprims.pas mcgee\os_cpm80.pas mcgee\os_cpm86.pas mcgee\os_msdos.pas mcgee\os_other.pas mcgee\pasfiles.shl mcgee\proclist.shl mcgee\shell.pas mcgee\test86.pas mcgee\toolu.pas mcgee\tptool19.doc mcgee\verifile.dta stone\archive.pas stone\editing.arc stone\files.arc stone\filters.arc stone\format.arc stone\macro.arc stone\patterns.arc stone\prims.arc stone\sorting.arc stone\starting.arc stone\utility.arc stone\verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- TurboPascal Solutions Routine path: /dos/pas/rs004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 87there.src boiler.asm boostr.src button.asm button.bin button.src calcdate.src calctime.src check87.pas clears.asm clears.bin comp87.src create.bat creatlbl.src cursoff.src curson.src daterec.def dayoweek.src deedle.src dirrec.def dirstrin.src dispdir.src dispscrn.src dosversn.src dtarec.def dtatodir.src dummy.src ega25.pas ega25lns.src ega43.pas ega43lns.src fastinx.pas flushkey.src fontsize.src gamebord.asm gamebord.bin gametest.pas genattr.src getdate.src getdir.src getkey.src getlabel.src gettime.src header.src initvscr.src intstr.src isega.src locate.com locate.pas look1.pas look2.pas makebox.src marktime.src morstest.pas movescrn.src movlocal.pas movparm.pas mvparmin.pas ptrinln.pas querydsp.src read.me realplat.asm realstr.src regpack.def relayoff.src relayon.src scrnsize.src scroller.asm scroller.bin sendmors.src setattr.src setattrv.src setdate.src setmode.src settime.src spacer.com spacer.pas spiro.bat spiro.pas srchenv.src stick.asm stick.bin strplate.asm timerec.def vardump.src vectors.com vectors.pas verifile.dta vertest.pas vscreen.def vscreen.src vviddemo.pas wordblt.asm wordblt.bin wordcomp.src writeat.src writehex.src writevrt.src ----------------------------------------------------------- Routines from Oh! Pascal path: /dos/pas/rs033/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _readme.bok Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive _readme.prj _rspasdo.033 addaword.pas addme.pas appears.pas arraybed.pas arraybug.pas bdbrot.pas bdcells.pas bdmind.pas bdpop.pas binary.pas board.pas brotplot.pas bubble.pas cellular.pas chatty.pas chcount.pas coins.pas color.pas colornum.pas colorstr.pas common.pas compare.pas complex.pas confound.pas convert.pas copyfile.pas counter.pas crawler.pas customiz.pas cycle.pas cyclecol.pas data.in decode.pas degrees.pas describe.pas dickc.pas diskie.pas distance.pas doggerel.pas dutch.pas early.pas emptyq.pas emptystk.pas enqueue.pas extra ezgraph.pas ezstats.pas failure.pas fibonacc.pas fibs.pas filebed.pas finds.pas findsize.pas firstrun.pas forbed.pas fortrial.pas freelist.pas gauss.pas gcd.pas getinput.pas glider.pas gradient.pas groucho.pas gwindow.pas handin.pas hanoi.pas hidetest.pas inherits.pas init.pas initq.pas initstak.pas inorder.pas insert.pas inspect.pas iterativ.pas keytypes.pas koch.pas latebind.pas linear.pas linkecho.pas locality.pas lookup.pas loopbed.pas mailer.pas main menu.pas merger.pas methods.pas mindwall.pas minwin.pas mrrogers.pas multiply.pas musical.pas name.pas newton.pas newtype.pas nextwork.pas nodebed.pas numbers.pas objbed.pas objpoint.pas objunit.pas old.pas params.pas passage.pas peek.pas permute.pas pervade.pas piapprox.pas plasma.pas pointbed.pas pointers.pas pointop.pas pop.pas populate.pas power.pas primes.pas print.pas printout.pas project.pas projects push.pas quad.pas radians.pas rangeerr.pas readme readtest.pas realavg.pas reallife.pas recbed.pas recip.pas recur.pas remove.pas removeq.pas reset.pas results retrieve.pas reversal.pas roller.pas root.pas search.pas secret.pas select.pas shopper.pas showoff.pas showsort.pas showtime.pas skipton.pas slider.pas source speckle.pas splitter.pas state.pas sticks.pas streams.pas strip.pas stuck.pas summer.pas suzy.wk switch.pas tangent.pas test.pas testing.pas testpals.pas testrand.pas textpane.pas theunit.pas timer.pas tracker.pas tutor.pas tvcure.pas twindow.pas typein.pas typeout.pas undigit.pas unitbed.pas unituser.pas upset.pas useobj.pas valuearg.pas vararg.pas verifile.dat watchbed.pas wator.pas wattage.pas wilder.pas wine.pas wintrio.pas wiseguy.pas words.pas zoomkeys.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal Reference Book path: /dos/pas/rs100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.100 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.txt tpr1.txt tpr10.txt tpr2.txt tpr3a.txt tpr3b.txt tpr3c.txt tpr4a.txt tpr4b.txt tpr5.txt tpr6.txt tpr7.txt tpr8.txt tpr9.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/rs300/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasmi.300 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive apology.txt bigarray.pas binary.pas chesster.pas contents.txt digisnd.pas dosmem.pas draw_pcs.pas err_desc.pas globals.pas i286.pas kb1.pas linklist.pas make_err.pas mdp1.pas mdp2.pas mdp3.pas mdp4.pas mdp5.pas mdp5a.edl mdp6.pas mdp7.pas mdp8.pas playdigi.pas pnl001.txt pnl002.txt pnl003.txt pnl004.txt pnl005.txt pnl006.txt pnl010.txt pnl011.txt profile.pas profiler.pas protimer.asm protimer.obj readini.pas readme.1st sequent.pas sorttest.pas sortunit.pas strlist.pas test.ini test.pas test186.pas testit.pas textlist.pas textutl2.pas token.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUGStuff Units Disk path: /dos/pas/rs900/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.900 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive crcstuf.asm crcstuf.obj crcstuf.pas datestuf.pas dosstuf.pas faststuf.asm faststuf.obj faststuf.pas filestuf.pas grafstuf.pas hayestuf.pas intrstuf.pas kbdstuf.inc kbdstuf.pas makestuf.bat makestuf.mak ndpstuf.asm ndpstuf.obj ndpstuf.pas prtrstat.asm prtrstat.obj prtrstuf.pas scrnstuf.pas spfxstuf.asm spfxstuf.obj spfxstuf.pas strgstuf.pas syststuf.asm syststuf.obj syststuf.pas timestuf.pas tugint.bat tugint16.asm tugint16.com typestuf.pas verifile.dat virustuf.pas windstuf.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- T_Ref path: /dos/pas/sc015/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.015 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.1st register.frm t_ref.doc t_ref.hlp verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Eyeball INLINE Assembler, JREAD path: /dos/pas/sc061/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scpasdo.061 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive eyeball.bat eyeball.doc eyeball.txt eyedoc.bat read.me readme.bat verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Pascal Tutor path: /dos/pas/sc068/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scpasdo.068 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive allvar.pas amort1.pas amort2.pas amort3.pas amort4.pas amort5.pas areas.pas arrays.pas arrays2.pas bigcase.pas bigrec.pas binin.pas binout.pas boolmath.pas casedemo.pas chardemo.pas constant.pas convert.pas dumbconv.pas dynrec.pas entypes.pas findchrs.pas forward.pas function.pas functype.pas garden.pas goodform.pas ifdemo.pas intdata.txt intmath.pas intvar.pas intvar2.pas labels.pas linklist.pas list3.pas list4.pas loopdemo.pas loopif.pas newint4.pas newreal4.pas ot.doc ot3.pas ot4.pas pascoms.pas perims.pas point.pas point4.pas pointers.pas printall.bat printout.pas proced1.pas proced2.pas proced3.pas proced4.pas proced5.pas proctype.pas read.me readarry.pas readchar.pas readdata.pas readdisp.pas readfile.pas readint.pas readints.pas readreal.pas readstor.pas readstrg.pas realdata.txt realmath.pas recurson.pas repeatlp.pas sets.pas settime.pas shapes3.pas shapes4.pas smallrec.pas strarray.pas strings.pas subrange.pas tempconv.pas timedat4.pas timedate.pas trivial.pas types.pas uglyform.pas varrec.pas verifile.dat whatstrg.pas whilelp.pas writelnx.pas writemr.pas writesm.pas answers\ch02_1.pas answers\ch02_2a.pas answers\ch02_2b.pas answers\ch03_1.pas answers\ch04_1.pas answers\ch04_2.pas answers\ch05_1.pas answers\ch05_2.pas answers\ch05_3.pas answers\ch06_1.pas answers\ch06_2.pas answers\ch06_3.pas answers\ch07_1.pas answers\ch08_1.pas answers\ch09_1.pas answers\ch10_1.pas answers\ch11_1.pas answers\ch11_2.pas answers\ch12_1.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- TBTree path: /dos/pas/sc101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scpasdo.101 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive read.me verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- CPMulti path: /dos/pas/sc103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.103 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme verifile.dat turbo4_0\tp4multi.com turbo5_x\doc_dem.com turbo5_x\multi50.com turbo5_x\multi55.com turbo5_x\queue.com ----------------------------------------------------------- JED path: /dos/pas/sc121/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scasmdo.121 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive eat2.asm jed.cfg jed.pas jeddoc.asc jedscrn.asm read.me textinfo.pas verifile.dat vidblast.asm ----------------------------------------------------------- TEGL Toolkit II (TP5.5/6.0) path: /dos/pas/sc123/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scpasdo.123 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive animate.doc animate.tpu animoop.pas animtst1.inc animtst1.pas animtst2.pas animtst3.pas animunit.doc animunit.tpu autorot.pas buildall.bat buttons.pas criterr.tpu debugunt.tpu dirselec.pas drop.pas errdlog.pas errorlog.tpu examples.txt exec.tpu exevent1.pas exevent2.pas exmenu01.pas fastgrph.doc fastgrph.tpu fenter.pas filepick.tpu fine.chr grtest01.pas grtest02.pas hello.pas hideshow.pas ipstacks.tpu lips2.obj menu01.pas menudemo.pas menutest.pas moreicon.tpu moveimag.pas order.txt pcxdemo.inc pcxdemo.pas pcxgraph.tpu prepare.pas readme.txt resize.pas rotstack.pas runall.bat selectfl.tpu sensems.tpu simmouse.pas simple.pas slider.pas soundunt.tpu spawntst.pas switches.inc tall.chr techna.chr tegledit.doc tegledit.tpu teglfnt2.tpu teglfont.tpu teglfsio.tpu teglicon.tpu teglintr.doc teglintr.tpu tegllogo.pcx teglmain.doc teglmain.tpu teglmenu.doc teglmenu.tpu teglpick.doc teglpick.tpu teglspec.doc teglspec.tpu teglunit.doc teglunit.tpu tgi.doc tgi.tpu tgraph.doc tgraph.tpu tocommon.doc tocommon.tpu todemo.pas todialog.doc todialog.tpu tokernel.doc tokernel.tpu tomenus.doc tomenus.tpu toslider.doc toslider.tpu towin.txt towindow.doc towindow.tpu toworlds.doc toworlds.tpu tp.bat tstedit.pas tstpick1.pas tstpick2.pas tstpick3.pas tutor.com twcommon.doc twcommon.tpu twcontrl.tpu twddemo.pas twdemo.pas twdemoov.pas twdialfp.doc twdialfp.tpu twdialog.doc twdialog.tpu twdialud.doc twdialud.tpu twhello.pas twkernel.doc twkernel.tpu twmangr.tpu twwdemo.pas twwindow.doc twwindow.tpu twworld.tpu twwsam.pas verifile.dat videochk.tpu virtmem.doc virtmem.tpu winicons.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- TechnoJock Object Tlkt_2 disks path: /dos/pas/sc145a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.145 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.com verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TechnoJock Object Tlkt_2 disks path: /dos/pas/sc145b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scmisdo.145 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Pascal Tutor path: /dos/pas/sv068/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _scpasdo.068 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chap01.txt chap02.txt chap03.txt chap04.txt chap05.txt chap06.txt chap07.txt chap08.txt chap09.txt chap10.txt chap11.txt chap12.txt chap13.txt chap14.txt intro.txt printext.bat read.me tabcont.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Vision Disk 1 path: /dos/pas/tv001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvpasdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cmdfile.pas colors.asc dlgshop.pas dmxgizma.tpu edithelp.txt editpkg.pas exprline.pas fileshop.pas helpalt.pas makehelp.bat nedemo.pas newedit.doc newedit.pas percent.pas pertest.pas readme readme.doc register.txt resmover.doc revision rset.tpu samples.pas spy.pas stddmx.pas teststm.pas tryexpr.pas tvdmx.tpu tvdmxbuf.pas tvdmxhex.pas verifile.dat workshop.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Dialog Designer for Pascal path: /dos/pas/tv002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvpasdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive colortxt.int colortxt.tpu cpp.mak cpprsrc.cpp cpprsrc.prj cppskel.dat cppsrc1.cpp cppsrc1.prj cppsrc2.cpp cppsrc2.prj dlgdsn.doc dlghlp.hlp inplong.pas opbutton.dlg pas.mak pasrsrc.pas passrc1.pas passrc2.pas read.me readscpt.cpp readscpt.h readscpt.pas scolortx.cpp script.doc sinplong.cpp skel.dat tcolortx.doc tcolortx.h tcolortx.obj test.prj testcase.cpp testcase.pas tinplong.cpp tinplong.h verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TV Toys path: /dos/pas/tv006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvpasdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ascii.txt asmlex.l bugs.txt canvas.pas cars.bmp cga.bgi checkvt.pas chic12.com colorbox.pas colortxt.pas dblstr.pas dialog.pas dir.pas dpmi.pas egavga.bgi exestrm.pas fontdlg.pas fontfile.pas hcfile.pas helpctx.pas helpfile.pas helptest.hlp helptest.pas helptest.txt imprtant.pas keys.inc license.txt litt.chr mangler.pas mickey.h mickey.int mickey.obj mickey.tpp mickey.tpu modedlg.pas newmouse.pas pal.pas paslex.l paulina.bmp read.me readme.txt restest.pas scroll.pas strmrec.pas test.out test.pas tile.pas tip.txt toyapp.pas toycfg.pas toyprefs.pas toyutils.pas tvpal.pas tvutils.pas tvvideo.pas verifile.dat vesa.pas video.pas videotst.pas xbitmap.pas xview.h xview.int xview.obj xview.tpp xview.tpu xview_pc.txt xvtest.c x_plot.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Unsquashing/Stack Utilities path: /dos/pas/ut002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utpasdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive atkybd.pas Turbo Pascal 4.0 non-resident procedure to change AT class keyboard delay (.25 - 1.0 sec) and typematic (2 - 30 repeats/sec). boyer.doc Documentation file explaining about Boyer-MOORE. dearc.pas Turbo Pascal 4.0 program to extract all files from an archive created by version 5.12 or earlier of the ARC utility. dearc.txt Text file for DEARC.PAS. dearcabt.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC routine to abort with a message. dearcglb.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC global variables and type definations. dearcio.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC input/output routines. dearclzw.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC Lempel-Ziv-Welch decompression routines (that is, unsquashing and uncrunching). dearcunp.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC unPacking routines. dearcusq.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 DEARC unSqueezing routines. demo.pas This program demonstrates the use of the heap allocation tools provided in the HeapChek unit. demo1.pas Demonstration program for TPPICK and TPDIR units. field.pas Author Frank Wood. Turbo Pascal 4.0 unit for coding input screens. The main function locates fields, allows complete editing, and returns terminating keystroke. Eight fields types with crash proof data entry and error messages. Menu pick function also included. field.txt Text file for FIELD.PAS. flddemo.pas File used with FIELD.PAS. fldtest.pas This program illustrates the use of the field functions to generate a screen display and to allow input. heapchek.pas Unit that contains procedures developed to help debug a program that uses the heap extensively, and other routines to return more information about the free list and to influence the behaviour of the heap manager. heapchek.tpu olddemo.pas File used with FIELD.PAS. scan.pas Turbo Pascal V4.0 code to scan all directories on a disk. As configured only displays the name of each directory (like DOS's TREE). But you can add your own code to make it do whatever you want. searches.doc Documentation file for SEARCHES.PAS. searches.pas A Turbo Pascal 4.0 unit for rapidly searching a buffer for a string. Version 1.0. Author Scott Bussinger. stackuse.pas Version 1.0. Author Richard S. Sadowsky. This unit, when used in a Turbo Pascal 4.0 program will automaticall report information about stack usage. This is very useful during program development. The following information is reported about the stack: total stack space, unused stack space and teststac.pas A simple program to test StackUse. Uses a few string because strings are rather hard on the stack. timer.pas Version 1.01. Author Rob Rosenberger. Turbo Pascal 4.0 unit source code provides 256 independent stop-watch timers. Great for timing the execution of a routine or an I/O access. Timer #0 specifically times the overall program, the rest are at your disposal. Fully compatible with other tpdir.pas This program requires the use of units from the commercial product Turbo Professional 4.0, by TurboPower Software. It demonstrates two new units. The TPPICK unit offers general-purpose scrolling "pick" windows, which allow the user to scroll through a list of strings and select one to tpdir.tpu tppick.pas General-purpose scrolling window unit. tppick.tpu tpstack.asm File used with TPSTACK.PAS. tpstack.doc Documentation file for TPSTACK.PAS. tpstack.obj tpstack.pas Unit for monitoring stack and heap usage. trig.pas Supplies missing trigonometric functions for Turbo Pascal 4.0. Also provides hyperbolic, logarithmic, power, and root functions. All trig functions accessibile by radians, decimal degrees, degrees-minutes-seconds and a global DegreeType. Author: Hugo Hemmerich. verifile.dat wordwrap.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- BGI Font Units Disk path: /dos/pas/ut004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utpasdo.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive drivers.tpu euro.chr fontdemo.mak fontdemo.pas fonts.tpu fontstuf.doc fontstuf.pas fontstuf.tpu lcom.chr scri.chr simp.chr tscr.chr verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- BGI Utilities Disk path: /dos/pas/ut006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utpasdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive areawr.pas attdeb.bgi attdeb.doc bgimouse.doc bgimouse.pas bioscrt.pas biostest.pas called.pas demo.pas evrx.txt evrx16.bgi evrx256.bgi fefix101.pas ffdemo50.pas ffdemo55.pas ffont50.tpu ffont55.tpu floodit.pas fm256.txt freefont.doc grinit.asm grinit.doc grinit.obj grinit.pas grinit.tpu gstart.pas gwcurse.pas gwedit.doc gwedit.pas is16det.pas is16det.tpu isvga16.bgi keycodes.pas readme.1st tested.pas testgr.pas tfddtest.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Vision Utilities Bonanza path: /dos/pas/ut007/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _tvpasdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive changes.txt demo.mnu demo.pas demo1.mnu desc.sdi filelist.doc file_id.diz gtmouse.doc gtmouse.reg gtmouse.tpu gtmouse.wri gtmouse7.tpu libdemo.pas license.doc maketest.pas menu.doc menutest.pas menutick.pas mtest.pas opdemo.pas order.frm read.me register.doc resinfo.doc resmover.doc respack.doc resstr.doc restxt.doc scroll.pas test.pas testtvcc.pas tool.txt tv3d.int tv3d.pas tvapp.int tvapp.pas tvbdemo.pas tvbeg15.txt tvcc.doc tvcc.int tvcc.tpp tvcc.tpu tvcoll.int tvcoll.pas tvcom.pas tvconst.pas tvdefs.inc tvdialog.int tvdialog.pas tvgraph.doc tvgraph.prc tvinp101.doc tvinp101.int tvinp101.tpu tvinput.int tvinput.pas tvkeys.pas tvlist.doc tvlist.pas tvmenus.int tvmenus.pas tvobject.int tvobject.pas tvscroll.int tvscroll.pas tvstring.pas tvtype.int tvtype.pas tvviews.int tvviews.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /dos/pas/ut032/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utpasmi.032 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive tcpip.txt uudecode.pas uuencode.pas verifile.dat zen10.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Routines and Supplement archives path: /dos/rs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 005\ Issues 1_12, Routines & Supplement 006\ Issues 13_20, Routine & Supplement 007\ Issues 21_22, Rountines & Supplement 008\ Issue 23 Routines & Supplement 009\ Issue 24 Routines & Supplement 010\ Issue 25 Routines & Supplement 011\ Issue 26 Routines & Supplement 013\ Issue 28 Routines & Supplement 014\ Issue 29 Routines & Supplement 015\ Issue 30 Routines & Supplement 016\ Issue 31 Routines & Supplement 017\ Issue 32 Routines & Supplement 018\ Issue 33 Routines & Supplement 019\ Issue 34 Routines & Supplement 020\ Issue 35 Routines & Supplement 021\ Issue 36 Routines & Supplement 022\ Issue 37 Routines & Supplement 023\ Issue 38 Routines & Supplement 024\ Issue 39 Routines & Supplement 025\ Issue 40 Routines & Supplement 026\ Issue 41 Routines & Supplement 027\ Issue 42 Routines & Supplement 028\ Issue 43 Routines & Supplement 029\ Issue 44 Routines & Supplement 030\ Issue 45 Routines & Supplement 031\ Issue 46 Routines & Supplement 032\ Issue 47 Routines & Supplement 101\ Zen & Internet ; FixUtil ; DrPeek 102\ DOSRef 400\ Selected Articles from TUG Lines 700a\ Complete Borland Tech Notes 700b\ Complete Borland Tech Notes 701\ Turbo Lang. Q & A and patches 800\ PC Techniques Listings: V1 #1 801\ PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #2 802\ PC Techniques Listings: V1 #3 803\ PC Techniques Listings: V1 #4 804\ PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #5 805\ PC Techniques Listings: V1 #6 806\ PC Techniques Listings: V2 #1 807\ PC Techniques Listings: V2 #2 808\ PC Techniques Listings: V2 #3 809\ PC Techniques LIstings: V2 #4 810\ PC Techniques Listings: V2 #5 811\ PC Techniques Listings: V2 #6 812\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #1 813\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #2 814\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #3 815\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #4 816\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #5 817\ PC Techniques Listings: V3 #6 818\ PC Techniques Listings: V4 #1 819\ PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #2 820\ PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #3 821\ PC Techniques Listings: V4 #4 822\ PC Techniques Listings: V4 #5 823\ PC Techniques Listings: V4 #6 824\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #1 825\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #2 826\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #3 827\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #4 828\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #5 829\ PC Techniques Listings: V5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------- Issues 1_12, Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta tl1_6\blist.pas tl1_6\centrepl.inc tl1_6\choices.pas tl1_6\clone.pas tl1_6\copy.pas tl1_6\erase.pas tl1_6\filedump.pas tl1_6\getdir.pas tl1_6\heaptest.pas tl1_6\inkey.inc tl1_6\inkey.pas tl1_6\interupt.pas tl1_6\intr.inc tl1_6\intr.pas tl1_6\list.pas tl1_6\list2.pas tl1_6\listsubs.pas tl1_6\logicdev.pas tl1_6\mathtest.pas tl1_6\monospfx.inc tl1_6\monospfx.pas tl1_6\mx80.pas tl1_6\params.pas tl1_6\printusg.inc tl1_6\printusg.pas tl1_6\psystem.pas tl1_6\rename.pas tl1_6\testvid.pas tl1_6\time.inc tl1_6\timepack.pas tl1_6\timestmp.pas tl1_6\timetest.pas tl1_6\typer.pas tl1_6\verifile.dta tl1_6\viddemo.pas tl1_6\xton.inc tl1_6\xton.pas tl7_10\calcext.txt tl7_10\cbreak.pas tl7_10\codeff.pas tl7_10\convertr.bas tl7_10\convertr.pas tl7_10\ctrlc.pas tl7_10\cursor.inc tl7_10\cursor.pas tl7_10\display.pas tl7_10\emubasic.bas tl7_10\emubasic.pas tl7_10\escape.inc tl7_10\fastrite.asm tl7_10\fastrite.inc tl7_10\fastrite.pas tl7_10\intrupt2.pas tl7_10\memsize.pas tl7_10\monoefex.inc tl7_10\monoefex.pas tl7_10\msmouse.inc tl7_10\parmstuf.inc tl7_10\parmstuf.pas tl7_10\point1a.pas tl7_10\point1b.pas tl7_10\point2a.pas tl7_10\point2b.pas tl7_10\point2c.pas tl7_10\point3a.pas tl7_10\point3b.pas tl7_10\point4a.pas tl7_10\point4b.pas tl7_10\point4c.pas tl7_10\printkey.inc tl7_10\quiksort.inc tl7_10\quiksort.pas tl7_10\repcentr.inc tl7_10\strincop.inc tl7_10\testesc.pas tl7_10\textsort.pas tl7_10\ucsdsrce.pas tl7_10\verifile.dta tl11_12\binsrch.pas tl11_12\border.inc tl11_12\border.pas tl11_12\readdtry.c80 tl11_12\readdtry.c86 tl11_12\readdtry.pcd tl11_12\screen.inc tl11_12\screen.pas tl11_12\shomenbx.pas tl11_12\snake.pas tl11_12\verifile.dta tl11_12\verifile.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Issues 13_20, Routine & Supplement path: /dos/rs/006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta tl13_14\artest1.pas tl13_14\artest2.pas tl13_14\artest3.pas tl13_14\artest4.pas tl13_14\artest5.pas tl13_14\bpcode1.pas tl13_14\bpcode2.pas tl13_14\bpcode3.pas tl13_14\bpcode4.pas tl13_14\bpcode4a.pas tl13_14\cgapage.pas tl13_14\fastrep.asc tl13_14\flyfix.pas tl13_14\heap134.pro tl13_14\int_real.fnc tl13_14\newdict.pas tl13_14\point6.pas tl13_14\real_int.fnc tl13_14\showstr.pas tl13_14\verifile.dta tl13_14\wildbox.pas tl13_14\_tlmisdo.004 tl15_16\araymax1.pas tl15_16\araymax2.pas tl15_16\artest6.pas tl15_16\artest7.pas tl15_16\bpcode5.pas tl15_16\bpcode6.pas tl15_16\cmdline.txt tl15_16\codename.pas tl15_16\dec.asm tl15_16\demo.pas tl15_16\findmax.asm tl15_16\gettime.asm tl15_16\graph.ega tl15_16\inc.asm tl15_16\index1.fnc tl15_16\index2.fnc tl15_16\max.asm tl15_16\randgrph.pas tl15_16\randstuf.inc tl15_16\readint.prc tl15_16\readreal.prc tl15_16\readstr.prc tl15_16\readstuf.cpm tl15_16\readstuf.inc tl15_16\readstuf.msd tl15_16\timer.pas tl15_16\verifile.dta tl15_16\worms.txt tl15_16\_tlmisdo.005 tl17_18\bigmenu.pas tl17_18\bootmess.pas tl17_18\buftime.pas tl17_18\fool1.pas tl17_18\fool1a.pas tl17_18\fool2.pas tl17_18\inttest.bas tl17_18\inttest.pas tl17_18\readbuf.inc tl17_18\setmodem.pas tl17_18\texstuf1.pas tl17_18\texstuf2.pas tl17_18\texstuf3.pas tl17_18\texttest.txt tl17_18\timer.inc tl17_18\vbubble.pro tl17_18\verifile.dta tl17_18\writebuf.inc tl17_18\ws2ascii.pas tl17_18\ws3ascii.pas tl17_18\_tlmisdo.006 tl19_20\bench.c tl19_20\boot.pat tl19_20\bootfix.bat tl19_20\com.bat tl19_20\compas.pas tl19_20\cursroff.art tl19_20\cursroff.pas tl19_20\debug.pas tl19_20\errorchk.art tl19_20\fixcursr.art tl19_20\fixcursr.pas tl19_20\gameport.art tl19_20\gameport.pas tl19_20\gameport.src tl19_20\grammar1.pas tl19_20\grammar2.pas tl19_20\input.pas tl19_20\main1.pas tl19_20\main2.pas tl19_20\makebin.pas tl19_20\mkunpro.bas tl19_20\parse1.pas tl19_20\parse2.pas tl19_20\parslib.pas tl19_20\passparm.pas tl19_20\showstk.pas tl19_20\sp_reg.asm tl19_20\stkexmpl.pas tl19_20\strlib.pas tl19_20\verifile.dta tl19_20\vocab1.pas tl19_20\vocab2.pas tl19_20\_tlmisdo.007 ----------------------------------------------------------- Issues 21_22, Rountines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/007/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta issue_21\ezpuzzle.pro issue_21\grammar3.pas issue_21\input3.pas issue_21\keybeep.c issue_21\main3.pas issue_21\parse3.pas issue_21\parslib3.pas issue_21\savage.bas issue_21\strlib3.pas issue_21\textrd3.pas issue_21\verifile.dta issue_22\actions.pas issue_22\g4eng.pas issue_22\g4lisp.pas issue_22\grammar4.pas issue_22\i4eng.pas issue_22\i4lisp.pas issue_22\main4.pas issue_22\numlock.pas issue_22\parse.pro issue_22\parse4.pas issue_22\statkeys.pas issue_22\ttt.pro issue_22\verifile.dta ttechnix\articles.bas ttechnix\articles.inc ttechnix\attrdemo.pro ttechnix\bined.hdr ttechnix\bits.h ttechnix\box.pas ttechnix\button.src ttechnix\cfit1.eka ttechnix\cfit2.eka ttechnix\cfit3.eka ttechnix\cfit4.eka ttechnix\cfit4.plt ttechnix\charfreq.c ttechnix\childa.pas ttechnix\childb.pas ttechnix\chrono.c ttechnix\chrono.inc ttechnix\chrono.tb ttechnix\crt.hdr ttechnix\demo0a.pas ttechnix\errorhan.inc ttechnix\getdir.bas ttechnix\getparam.inc ttechnix\hex.inc ttechnix\listof.var ttechnix\mean.pro ttechnix\mean2.pro ttechnix\mean3.c ttechnix\mean_c.c ttechnix\mean_p.pro ttechnix\menu.pro ttechnix\menu1.pro ttechnix\mincom.bas ttechnix\mymenu.pro ttechnix\new_clib.bat ttechnix\new_math.bat ttechnix\parent.pas ttechnix\passdata.typ ttechnix\passwd.sc ttechnix\piedemo.bas ttechnix\preortrv.c ttechnix\printer.c ttechnix\printer.h ttechnix\simcom.bas ttechnix\simple.pas ttechnix\testbox.pas ttechnix\tpreds.pro ttechnix\tpreds1.pro ttechnix\tsr.c ttechnix\ttech.lst ttechnix\updasm.bat ttechnix\updc.bat ttechnix\variance.c ttechnix\variance.pro ttechnix\verifile.dta ttechnix\volume.c ttechnix\volume.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 23 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/008/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.008 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dta basic\com2inc.bas basic\com2inc.exe basic\cominc.txt basic\draw.txt basic\drawdemo.bas basic\getcputb.asm basic\getcputb.com basic\getcputb.inc basic\scaler.bas basic\verifile.dta basic\whatcpu.bas basic\whatcpu.exe pascal\accel.exe pascal\accel.pas pascal\bisect.inc pascal\bisect2.pas pascal\error.inc pascal\keyint.txt pascal\morekey.exe pascal\morekey.pas pascal\morekeyu.pas pascal\morekeyu.tpu pascal\noreboot.exe pascal\noreboot.pas pascal\raphson.inc pascal\raphson2.pas pascal\shkey.exe pascal\shkey.pas pascal\skydiv.txt pascal\verifile.dta turbo_c\abstract turbo_c\abstract.doc turbo_c\asmcpu.asm turbo_c\concat.c turbo_c\concat.exe turbo_c\concat.prj turbo_c\custlist.c turbo_c\c_getcpu.asm turbo_c\denormal.c turbo_c\dnormal2.c turbo_c\dot.c turbo_c\dot2.c turbo_c\dot3.c turbo_c\filecopy.c turbo_c\getcpu.asm turbo_c\getcpu.exe turbo_c\hello.c turbo_c\inptrrxd.i turbo_c\makefile turbo_c\matherr.c turbo_c\procpu.pro turbo_c\procpu.txt turbo_c\reflex.h turbo_c\sample.c turbo_c\showrxd.c turbo_c\sumprod.c turbo_c\think.txt turbo_c\tproj.lnk turbo_c\usetc.txt turbo_c\verifile.dta turbo_c\whatcpu.c turbo_c\whatcpu.pas turbo_c\whatcpu.prj ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 24 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/009/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.009 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat basic\asmenu.cis basic\election.bas basic\errors.bas basic\events.cis basic\keyevent.bas basic\lady.bas basic\menu.bas basic\menu.exe basic\random1.bas basic\random2.bas basic\random3.bas basic\random4.bas basic\select.cis bl\antena.cis bl\bridge.asm bl\bridge2.pas bl\gameio.pas bl\moves.pas bl\pasunit.pas bl\play.pas bl\pro2pas.exe bl\pro2pas.prj bl\pro2pas.pro bl\pro2pas2.pro bl\proface.pas bl\propas.cis bl\tictac.cis bl\tictac.pas bl\trap.eka issue_24\amortize.bas issue_24\amortize.txt issue_24\demo.c issue_24\demo.prj issue_24\directre.pas issue_24\exc.c issue_24\exc.h issue_24\recurdmo.pas issue_24\showfont.p issue_24\stackeat.pas issue_24\tp40tips.pas issue_24\xcram.pro pascal\arctype.src pascal\bezier.cis pascal\bezier.pas pascal\curve.pas pascal\customex.src pascal\demoexit.pas pascal\errshel.pas pascal\exitshel.pas pascal\extprc.cis pascal\fill.inc pascal\fillcirc.pas pascal\flood.inc pascal\roundrct.src pascal\rrect.cis pascal\sdtest.pas pascal\sysdebug.pas pascal\tbfill.cis pascal\twocurvs.pas pascal\unita.pas pascal\unitb.pas pascal\unitc.pas prolog\eventt prolog\a_call.pro prolog\bdesign.kb prolog\call.pro prolog\clproc.pro prolog\engine.cis prolog\fig1.pro prolog\fig2.txt prolog\fig3.txt prolog\fig4.pro prolog\fig5.txt prolog\fig6.txt prolog\fig7.pro prolog\fig8.pro prolog\frame1.pro prolog\frame2.pro prolog\frames.cis prolog\meta.cis prolog\meta.txt prolog\readme prolog\tbl_mod.pro prolog\tpengine.pro turbo_c\acctg.c turbo_c\coment.cis turbo_c\comment.c turbo_c\farptr.cis turbo_c\linklist turbo_c\makefar.c turbo_c\makefile turbo_c\maketc.cis turbo_c\mcalc.prj turbo_c\mincim.cis turbo_c\minicom.bin turbo_c\minicom.c turbo_c\minicom.pro turbo_c\minicom.sys turbo_c\nums.c turbo_c\nums2.c turbo_c\swtich.cis ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 25 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/010/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.010 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat basic\abstract.txt basic\magic.bas basic\picker.bas basic\plot.bas basic\plot.c basic\plot.pas basic\plot.pro basic\screen.bas bl\building.db bl\buyers.db bl\csort.c bl\database.spm bl\date.c bl\downpmt.sc bl\future.sc bl\lenders.db bl\link.bat bl\netpv.sc bl\payment.sc bl\pcsort.txt bl\printf.c bl\psort.pro bl\sort.exe bl\sort1.pas bl\sort2.pas bl\sort3.pas bl\sorttest.pas bl\vprinter.cas issue_25\cadd.c issue_25\cmath.h issue_25\cmosdemo.pas issue_25\cmosstuf.pas issue_25\cmul.c issue_25\complex.prj issue_25\demo.c issue_25\diskver.pas issue_25\xcramab.pro pascal\cmplx.pas pascal\colors.pas pascal\fontdemo.pas pascal\gprocs.src pascal\kaleido.pas pascal\list.pas pascal\mandel.cis pascal\mandel4.pas pascal\pr.pas pascal\randomgr.pas pascal\spool.pas pascal\vectors.exe pascal\vectors.pas prolog\buttons.pro prolog\init.pro prolog\listing1 prolog\listp.txt prolog\mouse1.txt prolog\msm_drv.pro prolog\position.pro turbo_c\abstract.txt turbo_c\clock.c turbo_c\clock.com turbo_c\fsasc.c turbo_c\fsasc.trn turbo_c\mousdemo.c turbo_c\mousdemo.pas turbo_c\mouse.inc turbo_c\mouse.pas turbo_c\mousevnt.c turbo_c\mousevnt.pas turbo_c\sample.wkq ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 26 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/011/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.011 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat basic\scroll.txt basic\scrollup.bas basic\textfy.txt basic\textify.bas basic\viewdemo.bas basic\viewpt.txt bl\add.exe bl\cadd.c bl\cedit.c bl\csort.c bl\edit.exe bl\fulldate.spm bl\lcv1n5.txt bl\optmiz.txt bl\padd.pro bl\pedit.pro bl\psort.pro bl\rand.asm bl\rand.c bl\rand.out bl\rocket.eka bl\rocket.rpt bl\rocket.txt bl\sort.exe bl\spdate.txt issue_26\anyprog.pas issue_26\batch.bat issue_26\delay.c issue_26\passpro1.pas issue_26\passpro2.pas issue_26\scales.c issue_26\scales.prj issue_26\sound.c issue_26\user.h pascal\backunit.pas pascal\backward.pas pascal\catch.txt pascal\memfile.pas pascal\pushpop.pas pascal\pushpop.txt pascal\textrec.def pascal\tfdd.txt pascal\usrfile.pas pascal\xception.asm pascal\xception.obj pascal\xception.pas prolog\buttons.pro prolog\compare.pro prolog\dms1.pro prolog\dmsmenu.pro prolog\grapdecl.pro prolog\init.pro prolog\mouse2.txt prolog\msbar.pro prolog\msdoms.pro prolog\msm_drv.pro prolog\msut.pro prolog\position.pro prolog\probgi.txt prolog\pump.pro prolog\rloop.pro prolog\rmenu.pro prolog\rpfail.txt prolog\scr.tst prolog\scroll.pro prolog\smsmenu.pro prolog\tmodel.pro turbo_c\cmous2.txt turbo_c\comkey2.c turbo_c\comtest.c turbo_c\delay.c turbo_c\gmice.c turbo_c\gmice.pas turbo_c\gmouscur.i turbo_c\gmouscur.inc turbo_c\mouse.i turbo_c\mouse.pas turbo_c\scribble.c turbo_c\scribble.pas turbo_c\sgetc.asm turbo_c\sgetc.obj turbo_c\sputc.asm turbo_c\sputc.obj turbo_c\ticsm.c turbo_c\wait.c turbo_c\wait.txt turbo_c\waitdemo.c ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 28 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/013/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.013 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive box.bas box.exe colour.inc errors.inc ersample.bas ersample.exe eventdem.op fpieee.exe fpieee.pas fptp.exe fptp.pas m2rvw.txt ndpstuf.asm ndpstuf.doc ndpstuf.obj ndpstuf.pas ndpstuf4.tpu ndpstuf5.tpu ndptest.exe ndptest.pas runner.doc runner.exe runner.pas sample.bas sample.exe scrnstu4.tpu scrnstu5.tpu scrnstuf.pas scrntest.exe scrntest.pas submit.c submit.exe test.bas timeread.inc timeread.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 29 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/014/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.014 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat 88feb_cl\create.c 88feb_cl\c_asm.ltg 88feb_cl\depends.c 88feb_cl\menudemo.com 88feb_cl\menudemo.pas 88feb_cl\readme.feb 88feb_cl\tsri.ltg 88jan_cl\code.c 88jan_cl\comp.c 88jan_cl\comp.exe 88jan_cl\comp_uti.c 88jan_cl\expr.c 88jan_cl\invoke.asm 88jan_cl\io.c 88jan_cl\io.h 88jan_cl\lex.c 88jan_cl\lex.h 88jan_cl\readme.jan 88jan_cl\struct.h 88jan_cl\sys.h 88jan_cl\windows.ltg rs014\demomenu.c rs014\demomenu.exe rs014\demomenu.h rs014\demomenu.obj rs014\demomenu.prj rs014\faststu4.tpu rs014\faststu5.tpu rs014\faststuf.asm rs014\faststuf.obj rs014\faststuf.pas rs014\fasttest.exe rs014\fasttest.pas rs014\fxorpic.com rs014\fxorpic.pas rs014\scrnstu4.tpu rs014\scrnstu5.tpu rs014\scrnstuf.pas rs014\senscolr.txt rs014\wxorpic.exe rs014\wxorpic.pas rs014\xorpic.bin rs014\xorpic.exe rs014\xorpic.pas rs014\xorpic.txt rs014\_lvarcal.asm rs014\_lvarcal.obj rs014\_varcall.asm rs014\_varcall.obj ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 30 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/015/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.015 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive commchk.exe commchk.pas egavga.bgi employee.cdf makegt.exe makegt.pro showgt.exe showgt.pro spfxdemo.exe spfxdemo.pas spfxstu4.tpu spfxstu5.tpu spfxstuf.asm spfxstuf.obj spfxstuf.pas syststu4.tpu syststu5.tpu syststuf.asm syststuf.obj syststuf.pas tempemp.cdf tempor.cdf tl.txt tlbyauth.txt tlbytitl.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 31 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/016/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.018 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive backmail.txt centerit.pas demo.c demo.exe demo.obj demo.prj fitz.pas hash.c hash.h hash.obj hashtest.c hashtest.exe hashtest.obj hashtest.prj moore.pas prtrstat.asm prtrstat.obj prtrstuf.pas prtrtest.exe prtrtest.pas since.exe since.pas testit.exe testit.pas verifile.dat windemo1.exe windemo1.pas windemo2.exe windemo2.pas windemo3.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 32 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/017/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.017 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive att.bgi axis.inc axisr.inc axisrtst.exe axisrtst.pas axistest.exe axistest.pas bits.pas cga.bgi cressey.pas editpath.exe editpath.pas egavga.bgi flagstuf.pas flagtest.exe flagtest.pas herc.bgi ibm8514.bgi isalpha1.pas isalpha2.pas kbdstuf.inc kbdstuf.pas marktime.inc pc3270.bgi p_test1.c p_test1.com p_test1.exe p_test2.c p_test2.com p_test2.exe p_test3.c p_test3.com p_test3.exe p_test3.prj qputs.c qputs.h qp_demo.c qp_demo.com qp_demo.exe qp_demo.prj settest.exe settest.pas strgstuf.pas testbits.exe testbits.pas timestuf.pas tl32.txt tl32auth.txt tl32titl.txt verifile.dat w_curve3.c w_curve3.exe w_curve3.prj ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 33 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/018/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.018 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive backmail.txt centerit.pas demo.c demo.exe demo.obj demo.prj fitz.pas hash.c hash.h hash.obj hashtest.c hashtest.exe hashtest.obj hashtest.prj moore.pas prtrstat.asm prtrstat.obj prtrstuf.pas prtrtest.exe prtrtest.pas since.exe since.pas testit.exe testit.pas verifile.dat windemo1.exe windemo1.pas windemo2.exe windemo2.pas windemo3.exe windemo3.pas windstuf.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 34 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/019/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rspasdo.019 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive casebug.exe casebug.pas datestuf.pas dialit.pas dialit1.exe dialit2.exe dialit3.exe egavga.bgi hayestuf.pas midterm.pas midterm1.exe midterm2.exe midterm3.exe nuclock.dat nuclock.exe nuclock.pas scape.exe scape.pas strndemo.c strnfunc.c strnfunc.exe strnfunc.h strnfunc.out strnfunc.prj syststuf.asm syststuf.obj syststuf.pas timestuf.pas tug.3d tugscape.exe tugscape.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 35 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/020/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.020 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive casebug.exe casebug.pas constant.pas crccalc.asm crccalc.obj crcstuf.asm crcstuf.c crcstuf.obj crcstuf.pas makefile no_virus.h remake.bat verifile.dat virstufs.lib virustuf.c virustuf.h virustuf.pas vsdemo.c vsdemo.pas vsdemoc.exe vsdemop.exe ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 36 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/021/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.021 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive barber.pas bits.pas bits.tpu euro.chr fontstuf.mak fontstuf.pas fontstuf.tpu issue36.dif ksb_test.exe ksb_test.pas lcom.chr makefont.bat scri.chr simp.chr stakbomb.exe stakbomb.pas staktest.exe staktest.pas stakunit.pas stakunit.tpu tscr.chr verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 37 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/022/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.022 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 8x16font.bin biglet.pas bucknall.pas chargen.exe chargen.pas chown.pas demo3d.c demo3d.exe egavga.bgi empath.exe empath.pas ff.asm ff.com ff.exe grafchar.pas grfxtabl.pas issue37.dif pbreview.2 pb_dbase rf.doc rf.exe rf.pas romchars.doc tpenv.tpu verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 38 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/023/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.023 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive att.bgi cga.bgi cursors_.exe cursors_.pas demo.c demo.exe demo.obj demo.prj dls.exe dls.pas egavga.bgi grafstuf.pas herc.bgi ibm8514.bgi issue38.dif modpath.bat pc3270.bgi readme.dls spiral.c spiral.exe spiral.obj testgraf.exe testgraf.pas valist.c valist.h valist.obj verifile.dat world.pas world.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 39 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/024/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dirsize.exe dirsize.pas extdkbd.c extdkbd.exe extdkbrd.exe extdkbrd.pas filter.exe filter.pas fourea5.bas fourea5.exe issue39.dif modifyln.in1 modifyln.in2 modifyln.inc opdos.tpu opinline.tpu opnfile.inc oproot.tpu opstring.tpu pizza.exe pizza.pas scrnstuf.pas tbwidth.txt verifile.dat windo.pas wintest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 40 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/025/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.025 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive filltug.exe filltug.pas g.dat geo.pas intrstuf.pas intrtest.exe intrtest.pas setdelay.exe setdelay.pas t.dat tugint.bat tugint16.asm tugint16.com u.dat verifile.dat tp55\geo.tpu tp55\opdos.tpu tp55\opinline.tpu tp55\oproot.tpu tp55\opstring.tpu tp60\geo.tpu tp60\opdos.tpu tp60\opinline.tpu tp60\oproot.tpu tp60\opstring.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 41 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/026/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.026 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive areacode.dat fillboat.exe fillboat.pas g.dat geo.pas geo1.pas keynote.dat keynote.exe keynote.pas kyntmain.pas makekynt.bat makekynt.mak phonenum.dat t.dat testsave.exe testsave.pas tugint16.com tvscrsav.pas tvscrsav.tpu tvsimple.pas u.dat verifile.dat tp55\geo.tpu tp55\geo1.tpu tp60\geo.tpu tp60\geo1.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 42 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/027/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.027 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive _rsmisdo.028 fontable.asm makefile ratetug.c ratetug.pas savexchr.pas savfulch.pas tagtest.exe tagtest.pas testeven.exe testeven.pas tugdict.exe tugdict.pas tvshowev.pas tvshowev.tpu verifile.dat whoami.c whoami.com extras\asynctap.doc extras\asynctap.exe extras\dirsort.inc extras\edit.inc extras\menu.inc extras\print.inc extras\read.inc extras\tmaker.exe extras\tmaker.pas extras\tpbug.prn shooter\jt000001.tqa shooter\jt000002.tqa shooter\jt2basrd.exe shooter\jt2basrd.pas shooter\jt2code.exe shooter\jt2code.pas shooter\jt2code2.exe shooter\jt2code2.pas shooter\jt2dat.exe shooter\jt2dat.pas shooter\jt2rd.exe shooter\jt2rd.pas shooter\jt000003.tqa shooter\jt000004.tqa shooter\mpb00001.tqa shooter\mpb00002.tqa shooter\tlb000a4.pas shooter\tlb000a5.pas shooter\tlb000a6.pas shooter\tlb000b4.pas shooter\tlb0001.tqa shooter\tlb0002.tqa shooter\tlb0003.tqa shooter\tlb0004.tqa shooter\tlb0005.tqa shooter\tlb0006.tqa shooter\tlb0007.tqa shooter\tlb0008.tqa shooter\tlb0009.tqa ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 43 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/028/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.028 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive fontable.asm savexchr.pas savfulch.pas testeven.exe testeven.pas tvshowev.pas tvshowev.tpu verifile.dat whoami.c whoami.com extras\dirsort.inc extras\edit.inc extras\menu.inc extras\print.inc extras\read.inc extras\tmaker.exe extras\tmaker.pas shooter\jt000003.tqa shooter\jt000004.tqa shooter\tlb000a4.pas shooter\tlb000a5.pas shooter\tlb000a6.pas shooter\tlb000b4.pas shooter\tlb0001.tqa shooter\tlb0002.tqa shooter\tlb0003.tqa shooter\tlb0004.tqa shooter\tlb0005.tqa shooter\tlb0006.tqa shooter\tlb0007.tqa shooter\tlb0008.tqa shooter\tlb0009.tqa ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 44 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/029/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.029 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive custexit.pas finddrvs.c finddrvs.exe logdemo.exe logdemo.pas logrun.pas logrun.tpu rate.txt ratetug0.c ratetug0.pas ratetug1.pas ratetug2.pas ratetug3.pas ratetug4.pas ratetug5.pas ratetug6.pas ratetug7.c showtr.exe showtr.pas teglex1.exe teglex1.pas teglex2.exe teglex2.pas testeven.exe testeven.pas tvshowev.pas tvshowev.tpu verifile.dat shooter\jt000005.tqa shooter\jt000006.tqa shooter\jt000007.tqa shooter\jt000008.tqa shooter\jt000009.tqa ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 45 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/030/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.030 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive aclock.exe aclock.pas callclok.exe callclok.pas pointu.pas stream1.pas stream2.pas symbols.asc symbols.pas undocdos.pas util.pas verifile.dat opro55\opinline.tpu opro55\oproot.tpu opro55\opstring.tpu opro60\opinline.tpu opro60\oproot.tpu opro60\opstring.tpu shooter\hjd00050.pas shooter\hjd00052.tqa shooter\hjd00053.pas shooter\hjd00053.tqa shooter\hjd00054.tqa shooter\hjd00055.tqa shooter\hjd00056.tqa shooter\hjd00057.tqa shooter\hjd00058.tqa shooter\hjd00059.tqa shooter\hjd00060.tqa shooter\jt000010.tqa shooter\jt000011.tqa ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 46 Routines & Supplement path: /dos/rs/031/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.031 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive listu.pas maketurn.bat pasdrvs.pas pointu.pas stream3.pas stream4.pas turnpage.asm turnpage.com twdemo.pas util.pas verifile.dat shooter\hjd00001.tqa shooter\hjd00002.tqa shooter\hjd00003.asm shooter\hjd00003.tqa shooter\hjd00004.tqa shooter\hjd00005.pas shooter\hjd00005.tqa shooter\hjd00006.tqa shooter\hjd00007.pas shooter\hjd00007.tqa shooter\hjd00008.tqa shooter\hjd00009.tqa shooter\hjd00010.tqa shooter\hjd00011.tqa shooter\hjd00012.inc shooter\hjd00012.pas shooter\hjd00012.tqa shooter\hjd00013.pas shooter\hjd00013.tqa shooter\hjd00014.pas shooter\hjd00014.tqa shooter\hjd00015.tqa shooter\hjd00016.pas shooter\hjd00016.tqa shooter\hjd00017.scr shooter\hjd00017.tqa shooter\hjd00018.pas shooter\hjd00018.tqa shooter\hjd00019.pas shooter\hjd00019.tqa shooter\hjd00020.bat shooter\hjd00020.tqa shooter\hjd00021.tqa shooter\hjd00022.pas shooter\hjd00022.tqa 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shooter\hjd00031.tqa shooter\hjd00032.pas shooter\hjd00032.tqa shooter\hjd00033.tqa shooter\hjd00034.pas shooter\hjd00034.tqa shooter\hjd00035.pas shooter\hjd00035.tqa shooter\hjd00036.tqa shooter\hjd00037.pas shooter\hjd00037.tqa shooter\hjd00038.pas shooter\hjd00038.tqa shooter\hjd00039.pas shooter\hjd00039.tqa shooter\hjd00040.tqa shooter\hjd00041.pas shooter\hjd00041.tqa shooter\hjd00042.tqa shooter\hjd00043.pas shooter\hjd00043.tqa shooter\hjd00044.pas shooter\hjd00044.tqa shooter\hjd00045.pas shooter\hjd00045.tqa shooter\hjd00046.pas shooter\hjd00046.tqa shooter\hjd00047.pas shooter\hjd00047.tqa shooter\hjd00048.pas shooter\hjd00048.tqa shooter\hjd00049.pas shooter\hjd00049.tqa shooter\hjd00050.pas shooter\hjd00052.tqa shooter\hjd00053.pas shooter\hjd00053.tqa shooter\hjd00054.tqa shooter\hjd00055.tqa shooter\hjd00056.tqa shooter\hjd00057.tqa shooter\hjd00058.tqa shooter\hjd00059.tqa shooter\hjd00060.tqa shooter\jt000012.tqa shooter\jt000013.tqa shooter\jt000014.tqa shooter\_readme_.now ----------------------------------------------------------- Zen & Internet ; FixUtil ; DrPeek path: /dos/rs/101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.101 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive chk.doc chkmem.com drpeek.hlp filec12.doc filec15.doc fixfbr1a.doc fixmbr27.doc fixutil4.new fixutil4.val list.bat nofboot.com nofboot.doc verifile.dat zen10.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- DOSRef path: /dos/rs/102/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.102 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive biblio chapter.001 chapter.002 chapter.003 chapter.004 chapter.005 chapter.006 chapter.007 chapter.008 chapter.009 concat.bat contents credits flex.ad getinfo intro invoice.aus invoice.trf license.doc mailer mailer.aus newstuff omb.doc packing.lst payment printer.bat quotes support tinyview.lzh usage verifile.dat winref.ad ----------------------------------------------------------- Selected Articles from TUG Lines path: /dos/rs/400/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _readme_.txt bgiimg.pas bib1.txt bib2.txt ccount.pas collectn.txt decent.pal default.pal defpal.pas demoslid.pas diskio.pas dlgdemo.inc dlgdemo.mms dlgdemo.pas egavga.bgi exlib.txt exlib2.txt f320x200.tga fdef.q ffix.q filecolr.txt fixpal.pas fpop.pal fpop.q genclas1.txt genclas2.txt getimage.txt gsconv.pas gsdiff.pas gsfish.tga gsmedian.pas gtug.tga imgflip.pas imgsize.pas imgview.pas intedit.pas lunchbox.dlg lunchbox.src manstrms.txt matchwrd.txt owlbutn.txt patchwrk.txt perfbook perform.txt point.pas poppal.pas ptbypt.txt secret.txt setcurs.pas shapes1.tga shapes2.tga showpal.pas showq.pas sliding1.txt sliding2.txt sliding3.txt stats.pas streams.txt strmdemo.pas strmtest.dat targau.pas tgainfo.pas tgsview.pas tugfuzz.tga tvdialog.txt tvslider.pas tvslidr0.pas tvslidr1.pas tvslidr2.pas tvslidr3.pas upper.pas uptimer.pas util.pas wince.pas wizards.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Borland Tech Notes path: /dos/rs/700a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.700 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive contents.txt ti101.txt ti103.txt ti104.txt ti105.txt ti109.txt ti110.txt ti111.txt ti112.txt ti114.txt ti116.txt ti118.txt ti120.txt ti123.txt ti125.txt ti129.txt ti134.txt ti135.txt ti151.txt ti152.txt ti155.txt ti159.txt ti161.txt ti173.txt ti174.txt ti175.txt ti176.txt ti177.txt ti179.txt ti182.txt ti189.txt ti191.txt ti196.txt ti199.txt ti200.txt ti201.txt ti202.txt ti204.txt ti205.txt ti206.txt ti213.txt ti224.txt ti226.txt ti227.txt ti228.txt ti229.txt ti230.txt ti232.txt ti237.txt ti238.txt ti239.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Borland Tech Notes path: /dos/rs/700b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ti243.txt ti244.txt ti245.txt ti257.txt ti297.txt ti303.txt ti310.txt ti312.txt ti314.txt ti317.txt ti320.txt ti328.txt ti332.txt ti334.txt ti341.txt ti342.txt ti343.txt ti352.txt ti354.txt ti355.txt ti356.txt ti359.txt ti360.txt ti361.txt ti364.txt ti366.txt ti396.txt ti397.txt ti398.txt ti400.txt ti402.txt ti404.txt ti415.txt ti416.txt ti423.txt ti424.txt ti425.txt ti426.txt ti428.txt ti429.txt ti430.txt ti431.txt ti432.txt ti433.txt ti434.txt ti435.txt ti443.txt ti445.txt ti450.txt ti451.txt ti452.txt ti453.txt ti455.txt ti457.txt ti516.txt verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Lang. Q & A and patches path: /dos/rs/701/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.701 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive comm.qa compat.qa data.qa database.qa debugger.qa delay.obc delay.obh delay.obl delay.obm delay.obs diffver.qa dos.qa editor.qa error.qa fixtpc.1 fixtpc.2 fixturbo.1 fixturbo.2 flt_tc.dif flt_tcc.dif foextend.ti general.qa gexit.ch gexit.cl gexit.cm gexit.obj gfreemem.ch gfreemem.cl gfreemem.cm gfreemem.obj ggetmem.ch ggetmem.cl ggetmem.cm ggetmem.obj graphics.qa int60.dif int60.pat io.qa isr.qa libtmpaa.aaa linker.qa mac.qa math.qa memory.qa mixlang.qa oop.qa overlays.qa pas_tasm.qa patch.com patch.doc patchit.bat patchtd.15 patdelay.bat patfloat.bat patprntf.bat patstat.bat pattc.bat pattlib.bat printf.obc printf.obh printf.obl printf.obm printf.obs prolog.qa readme readme.pat stat.obj string.qa syntax.qa tc.qa tdta.qa tlib.dif topten.qa ui.qa units.qa verifile.dat version.dif ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V1 #1 path: /dos/rs/800/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.800 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cardfile.pas f11f12.src hax1.zip keyspeed.c l1.c l2.c l3.asm l4.c l5.c l6.c l7.asm makeform.pas makemusi.pas music.dta nbstime.bas packed.src pctv1n1.zip read.me readcard.pas reboot.src tabexp.c tabexp.cpp tabexp.hpp tabexp2.c tabprog.cpp test.dta uformgen.pas unewtype.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #2 path: /dos/rs/801/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.801 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 256color.bas 3dwin.pas 43lines.asm attrtest.pas bsound.asm bsound.bas count.c draw.c draw.h mouse.c mouse.h noxlat.asm paint.c pctv1n2.zip read.me sample.c sd.bat search.c testdump.bas vardump.bas verifile.dat vgamixer.pas vidpoint.pas xlat.asm ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V1 #3 path: /dos/rs/802/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.802 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive active.cur antitest.c antivenm.asm capslock.pas clone.c clone.pas cons1.pas cons2.pas debug.pas flopwait.pas fourbyte.c lists.pas main.asm mosaic.pas mosaic.txt ms ms.c ms.def ms.dlg ms.h ms.rc pctv1n3.zip read.me ready.ico ready1.ico setcrc.c smtest.pas stackmon.pas tiles.pas trace.pas twobyte.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V1 #4 path: /dos/rs/803/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.803 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cdecl.pro criterr.c criterr.pas get.pas getcolor.asm getseg.asm hello.pas hwmain.pas l1.asm l2.asm l3.asm l4.asm l5.asm l6.asm mget.pas newkey.pas park.pas pctv1n4.zip printscr.c printscr.pas put.pas read.me sets.mth shift.pas sysreqff.asm sysreqff.com transfer.asm tsr101.asm tsred.pro tsrmem1.asm tsrmem2.c tsrmem3.c utransfe.pas verifile.dat whatitis.c ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #5 path: /dos/rs/804/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _heap.pas _rsmisdo.804 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bitstuff.c bubbler.cpp bubbler.pas com_pp.asm flush.asm heap.pas indmem.c l1.c l2.cod l3.asm l4.asm l5.c l6.asm msg_pckt.cpp msg_pckt.hpp pctv1n5.zip read.me readreal.src reboot.c serial.cpp serial.hpp silvtest.c textify.bas tp6shift.pas valx.pas verifile.dat xon_xoff.cpp xon_xoff.hpp ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V1 #6 path: /dos/rs/805/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.805 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive books.cpp cputest.c cputype.asm drawline.pas generic generic.c generic.def generic.h generic.rc generic2.c generic2.h generic2.rc getip.asm iconview.kb input.asm input.cpp input2.cpp l1.asm l2.asm l3.c makecpu.bat pctv1n6.zip polite.pas ptest.pas read.me screen.cpp setcrc.fix showshad.c startinf.asm stat.cpp structs.asm swapmac.c untsr.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V2 #1 path: /dos/rs/806/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.806 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive addabout.txt baseobj.pas blinktst.pas dec2hex.pas demoside.asc file.hpp fileside.asc find_tsr.c generic.pas getmcb1.c haxbp.asm hello1.pas hello2.pas hex2dec.pas l1.c l2.c l3.c l4.c l5.asm patch.pas pctv2n1.zip prefers.asm read.me stacks.pas syscom.txt syscom2.txt test.bas test.pas typedem2.cpp typedemo.cpp types.cpp types.h typesall.cpp typesall.h valsub.asm verifile.dat watch.pas watcher.pas wc.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V2 #2 path: /dos/rs/807/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.807 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bitmask.cpp bitmask.hpp charactr.cpp charactr.hpp comio.pas demo.cpp dial.pas enumfunc.pas fast.pas font.cpp font.hpp fonttest.cpp grab.asm heap.cpp heap.h hpfont.cpp hpfont.hpp l1.asm l1.c l2.asm makefile mediabyt.c methods.act pctv2n2.zip poly.pas prnaux.cpp prnaux.h read.me shelldos.c slow.pas test.act test.rc testpath.pas tvt.pas verifile.dat vtdlg.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V2 #3 path: /dos/rs/808/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.808 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive asm.h breakout.pas ddlst.c dirsize.c dirsize.pas heapstat.c heapstat.h huffman.pas keybuff.c l1.c l2.c l3.asm l4.asm list.c nametest.c pctv2n3.zip read.me shades.zip smake.bat strtest.pas testhp.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques LIstings: V2 #4 path: /dos/rs/809/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.809 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive defines.h dircomp.c easy.pas generic.mod hello.mod l1.c l2.c l3.asm l4.asm litquiz.pas normname.c pctv2n4.zip ports.h prsetup.pas prsetup.rc read.me restore.opt scanfix.c scantest.c smemcpy.asm tokdemo.pas tokenize.pas verifile.dat vidinfo.cpp xfonts.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V2 #5 path: /dos/rs/810/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.810 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pctv2n5.zip verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V2 #6 path: /dos/rs/811/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.811 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive apprun.src bezier.zip bitvect.zip bootdriv.pas dynamic.src intmanip.h l1.asm l2.asm l3.asm l4.c newdel.cpp ordsfx.c pctctrl.rlz pctrob.rlz pctv2n6.zip phonbook.asc pie.zip prtscr.pas read.me scancode.asm sysreq.pas uaetest.pas verifile.dat windproc.src ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #1 path: /dos/rs/812/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.812 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive buflen.src cutfat.asm dumpmono.src extkey.pas fileview.chg fileview.cpp fileview.h fileview.hhg finput.lzh fontlist.pas fonttest.pas fonttest.rc fviewer.chg fviewer.cpp gdyield.src keyfast.asm l1.c l2.h l3.c l4.c l5.c l6.c l7.asm l8.c l9.asm log.asm makedll.bat msdosdll.asm msdosdll.bas msdosdll.def pctv3n1.lzh prfile.cpp prfile.h qualify.pas qualtest.pas read.me sketch.lzh splay.c splay.h testfile.pas verifile.dat xkeytest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #2 path: /dos/rs/813/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.813 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive badintr.pas boot.asm cmos.c drives.asm fri13th.bas iswind3.pas l1.cpp l2.cpp l3.cpp l4.cpp mousey.pas pardonme.lzh pctv3n2.lzh postnet.c read.me rtc.h rtcbios.c rtcbios.h rtchdw.c strings.pas test.bat timeouts.pas timertst.c toshfunc.src toshiba.pas tvouterr.cpp vbplay.lzh verifile.dat wpro.c ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #3 path: /dos/rs/814/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.814 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 386ops.asm 386ops.pas bintoh.c clockisr.pas cpu.pas dosdisk.c fastload.pas l1.cpp l2.cpp mditool.lzh miniclok.pas my.bmp pctv3n3.lzh phontest.pas ptrmath.pas pushpop.asm pushpop.h read.me scroll.frm scroll.lst scroll.mak stakstuf.src strcins.c strndel.c testpp.c threed.cpp threed.h verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #4 path: /dos/rs/815/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.816 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive calcname.src fpex.cpp fpnum.cpp fpnum.h fpspeed.cpp fptrig.cpp getevent.src getpalet.src makeraw.c newdebug.cxx newdebug.h newtest.cxx read.me simpldll.pas simplusr.pas strwrite.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #5 path: /dos/rs/816/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.816 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive calcname.src fpex.cpp fpnum.cpp fpnum.h fpspeed.cpp fptrig.cpp getevent.src getpalet.src makeraw.c newdebug.cxx newdebug.h newtest.cxx read.me simpldll.pas simplusr.pas strwrite.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V3 #6 path: /dos/rs/817/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.817 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ccomm.c chgcase.pas getdrive.pas hugelst2.pas hugemodl.pas menufix.pas menuxpl.pas newfast.h pascomm.pas ptrtst.c read.me readme.dsk readsec.c status.me testdrv.pas validptr.asm verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V4 #1 path: /dos/rs/818/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmisdo.818 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bfp1.c bfp2.cpp bubble.txt chkfcb.com chktmp.com dbdescnw.c dbdescqe.c dbwrap.pas error.pas errtest.pas fasthex.asm linklist.pas maketemp.asm read.me segname.c stack.cpp tcomp.pas verifile.dat vgacont.pas vgamono.pas wraptest.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #2 path: /dos/rs/819/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.819 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive b40.c cdate.asm cmfile.cpp cngruent.pas colorpck.c colorpck.exe dropshad.c file_id.diz frame.cpp frame.h grworld.pas idbyte.pas intmanip.h makefile multi.cpp multi.def multi.rc multi.rch normaliz.pas ntthrds.c ntthrds.exe os2thrds.c os2thrds.exe pctv4n2.exe ptrdump.pas pythdiff.src pythsum.src read.me readme.txt shades.exe sincos.pas telbook.c testdate.pas tlink.cfg turboc.cfg verifile.dat wc.bat whello.cpp whello.def which.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #3 path: /dos/rs/820/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.820 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive adjpad.asm aifcode.zip chklist.cps copyfile.c driver.pas dt.cmd explpad.asm hellowin.c hellowin.h makefile mandel.zip nfile.c prfile.c proctokn.txt read.me search.pas setlimit.src snapshot.c verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V4 #4 path: /dos/rs/821/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.821 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 2buff.cla 3buff.cla chkuart.asm folder.cmd framelib.pas hello.c hello.def hello.mak killproc.c memavail.c overload.zip pctv4n4.zip prcssmsg.cpp prcssmsg.pas read.me rjinput.pas rjinput.tpu scanmap.pas shades.zip spinbttn.pas spinbttn.tpu stamp.cla test.pas testspin.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V4 #5 path: /dos/rs/822/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmismi.822 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pctv4n5.zip readme.dsk verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V4 #6 path: /dos/rs/823/ ----------------------------------------------------------- asmenv.doc asmenv.hlp autoexec.386 bsearch1.h bsearch2.h config.386 dcdemo.bas dcdemo.frm dcdemo.frx dcdemo.ico dcdemo.mak dialogs.pas disknote dlgsrch.frm fact.c fact1.c fact2.c gcd.c gcd1.c gcd2.c gcda.asm labelchk.c list1.txt list2.txt makemem.bat mem.pas mem286.pas mem386.pas memconst.inc memtest.pas move.c pcfile.cmd popups.pas read.me readme.dsk readme.txt reboot.com recal.c sample.asm serial.asm shoehorn.fix spin.vbx state.cpp state.h ta.bat ta386.bat test.c topmenu.bas undo386.bat vbxdemo.cpp vbxdemo.def vbxdemo.h vbxdemo.rc vdrv.cpp vdrv.h vdrvtest.cpp vgalines.pas vlabel.c wincon.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #1 path: /dos/rs/824/ ----------------------------------------------------------- actcoll.pas browser.frm cfind.bat critsec.c ddldemo.bas ddldemo.frm ddldemo.frx ddldemo.mak dlgsrch.frm event.c frmprevi.frm hash.asm int_log.c kplist02.txt kplist03.txt kpreview.doc kpreview.mak launch1.pcx launch2.pcx loops.c lyrics.pas lyrics.rc makefile multisrt.pas mutex.c normalpt.pas r.bas read.me ripper.c slides.c slides.def slides.dlg slides.h slides.rc srchlist.pas stikread.pas t.bas tiles.pcx timertst.pas v.bas windlg.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #2 path: /dos/rs/825/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cbokey.txt ctrdlg.cpp doevents.txt free.pas l1.asm l2.asm l3.asm l4.asm l5.asm maxexec.pas pctv5n2.zip plane.bmp qf.lev qf.pcx read.me screen.c screen.h scrlock.zip scrndemo.c secrets.zip shades.zip sprite.c timkey.txt tvdosbox.zip vio.c wrappers.txt xorcode.zip ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #3 path: /dos/rs/826/ ----------------------------------------------------------- antiline.c bttredit.pas ddpad.c ddpad.def ddpad.rc demo.clw demo.cpp demo.def demo.h demo.ico demo.mak demo.rc demo.rc2 demo.reg demodoc.cpp demodoc.h demodoc.ico demoview.cpp demoview.h diskchk.c example.c exvaldtr.pas fixorien.c l1.asm l2.asm l3.asm l4.asm line.c linear.asm mainfrm.cpp mainfrm.h makefile mapiexam.zip numedit.c numedit.def numedit.rc numeditc.c numeditc.def readme.txt resource.h send.c stdafx.cpp stdafx.h ticker.cmd timechk.cmd timerset.cmd toolbar.bmp valtest.pas valtest.rc video.asm ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #4 path: /dos/rs/827/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abrash.zip ataskman.zip awaremm.vb_ bildfile.pas cscapt.vb_ csopt.vb_ dwspydll.dl_ exedat.c filebuff.pas fmtstr.c fprun300.dl_ lzwav.zip mainform.pas mhgchk.vb_ mhgcmd.vb_ mhggrp.vb_ mhglbl.vb_ mhglbx.vb_ mhrun400.zip msaes110.dl_ msajt110.dl_ ocxlists.zip pctv5n4.zip qpro200.dl_ read.me sbceasy.vb_ scrnsave.zip selfpoly.pas setup.lst setup1.ex_ setupkit.dl_ ssformfx.vb_ testbuff.pas truegrid.vb_ vbdb300.dl_ vbrun300.dl_ vbxdb.ex_ vbxdb.hl_ vbxdb.md_ ver.dl_ vsvbx.li_ vsvbx.vb_ ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #5 path: /dos/rs/828/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addattr.zip bitmanip.zip cache.c cache.h class.pas classmth.pas daccess1.txt daccess2.txt daccess3.txt getkey.pas interp.asm jigsaw.zip keycodes.pas l1.c l2.lst l3.lst methdemo.pas override.pas pctv5n5.zip read.me setkmode.pas virtcon.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- PC Techniques Listings: V5 #6 path: /dos/rs/829/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cwdlg.c cwdlg.h dlldbg.c dpmistak.pas drivechk.c drivtest.c frame.txt frm_pnt.txt gdi.pas hablador.bas hablador.frm hablador.mak inied32.mak iniedit.c iniedit.def iniedit.h iniedit.ico iniedit.rc l1.asm l2.asm l3.asm l4.asm l5.asm l6.asm l7.asm l8.asm panel.txt penttest.asm qyunload.bas read.me readme.txt refresh.txt schedule.pas scollect.pas skeddemo.pas timtest.bas traflite.dcr traflite.pas uldll.c utils.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Pascal Tug O'Wards path: /dos/tw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 001\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Business) 002\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #1) 003\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #2) 004\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #1) 005\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #2) 006\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #3) 007a\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 1 of 2) 007b\ 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 2 of 2) 008\ TUG O'Wards II DIsk #1 009\ TUG O'Wards II Disk #2 010\ TUG O'Wards II Disk #3 011\ Tug O'Wards II Disk #4 012\ Tug O'Wards II Disk #5 013\ Tug O'Wards II Disk #6 016\ Tug O'Wards III Set 2 017\ TUG O'Wards III Set 3 018\ TUG O'Wards III Set 4 019\ TUG O'Wards III Set 5 023a\ TUG O'Wards III Set 9 023b\ TUG O'Wards III Set 9 024a\ TUG O'Wards III Set 10 024b\ TUG O'Wards III Set 10 025\ PacMan, Calendar, Robic (TP4.0) 026\ DiskTree, HDMenu, Notebk, (TP4.0) 028\ Aspirin, Football 029a\ KLTerm 029b\ KLTerm 030\ Mk2, X_Utilities 031\ CheckUp, CNTLFR10, RESWRD10, etc, 032\ Conics ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Business) path: /dos/tw/001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive accounts.dat acctg.pas A program for a basic bookeeping system. Requirements: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Jack Draper. Version: T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O' Wards entry. acetime.lab alanaddr.lab amort.pas Prints loan amortization schedules. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Wayne Welty. Version T1.0. TUG O' WARDS 1985/86. checks.dat comm1986.dta Data for COMMRCVD.PAS. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Requires: Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Donald D Roeber. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. commrcvd.pas Records monthly commissions and prints year to date data. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Donald D. Roeber. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. commrcvd.txt Read Me file for COMMRCVD.PAS. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Donald D Roeber. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. copypar.bat dcrasher.lab labeldoc.fw2 labeldoc.txt Documentation for labeller.pas. labeller.pas Allows user an easy means to print labels. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Alan Anderson. Version T1.00. lblrdisk.lab makedisk.bat par.doc Documentation for PAR.DOC Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Wayne Welty. Version 2.3. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. par.pas pardata.dat par_more.pas printdoc.bat sc25.lab verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #1) path: /dos/tw/002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive addcb.sub This routine adds transactions and updates data base balance. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. addelkf.sub This routine adds and deletes key field records in the data base. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. adjust.sub Adjusts items in the data base after a record has been added or deleted. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. cbhelp.doc Documentation and help for CHECKS.PAS. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. cheat.pas Program to permute words up to six characters in length for the Sunday paper 'JUMBLE' game. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Henri Arnold and Bob Lee. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. check.lib Library routine used for the check book tracer program. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. checks.pas Program that uses a data base to maintain data on check books. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. closecb.sub This routine closes the check book data base. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. clrsc.tol This procedure clears the screen within passed starting and ending rows. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. date.tol This function returns the system date. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. deletecb.sub This routine prompts for the record to delete. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. delit.sub This routine prepares a record for deletion. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. disphd.sub This routine prints display header to screen and printer. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. help.sub This routine displays the checkbook program tutorial. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. input.tol This routine inputs a string from the user. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. k_scope.pas labelw.pas Program to print price labels for retail stores. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard N. Day. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. lesson1.dct lesson10.dct lesson2.dct lesson3.dct lesson4.dct lesson5.dct lesson6.dct lesson7.dct lesson8.dct lesson9.dct listcb.sub This routine prompts for listing of checkbook by date or payee. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. listm.sub This routine handles listing the checkbook by date. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. listp.sub This routine handles listing the checkbook by payee. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. loan.pas Mortage program to compute loan payments, interest rates, amortzation. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. loan.txt Description of LOAN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menucb.sub This routine displays the main menu and calls all transaction routines. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. msdos.inc Get time procedure for LOAN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. numbers.dct opencb.sub This routine opens the checkbook data base. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. printl.sub This routine handles printing of the checkbook records to screen/printer. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. printusg.inc Procedure for LOAN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. prompt.tol This procedure displays a prompt string and awaits character input. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. ptoolent.inc Procedure for LOAN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. ringer.doc Documentation for Ringer.Pas. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. ringer.pas Tests ring indication from modem and shows ring count and time. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. spanish.doc Documentation for SPANISH.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Darrell Schultz. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. spanish.pas Tutor to assist in Spanish to English and English to Spanish. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author:Darrell Schultz. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O Wards entry. time.tol This function returns the system time. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. upcase.tol This routine converts a string to upper case. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. verifile.dta video.inc Reverse procedure for LOAN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. wrtsc.tol Writes data to the screen and a given location in a given color. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. 2)Turbo Toolbox. Author: Bill Reid. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. xyz.bok xyz.dat xyz.pay ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #2) path: /dos/tw/003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive backup.inc Backs up data to a .BAK file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Day. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. convwrit.inc Takes the amount entered in the main program and prints it out. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Day. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. create.pas This program creates a mailing label file. Requires:1) Turbo Pascal 3.0, (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: John Comiskey. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. labelsc.pas This program maintains a mailing list. This version for color monitors. Requires:(1) Turbo Pascal 3.0, (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: John Comiskey. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. labelsm.pas This program maintains a mailing list. This version for monochrome monitiors. Requires: (1) Turbo Pascal 3.0. (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: John Comiskey. Version T1.0. notebook.doc Documentation for NOTEBOOK.PAS. Requires:(1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0 (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: Harry Baecker Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. notebook.pas Enter notes at will into a set of computer files. Requires:(1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0 (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: Harry Baecker Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. notebook.txt Letter explaining NOTEBOOK.PAS Requires:(1) Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0 (2) Turbo Toolbox. Author: Harry Baecker Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pegboard.pas A program to write checks and account for expenses. Author: Richard Day. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Version: 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. print.doc Reference manual for PRINT.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0. print.hlp Sets up various type printers. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0. print.pas General ASCII print program. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0. restore.inc Backs up data to a .BAK file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Day. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. timestam.inc Returns string of "MON DAY YEAR TIME". Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Day. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. t_talk.dir t_talk.ltr Letter explaining T_TALK.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk.pas Turbo Talk is a simple smart terminal emulator with data transmission and data reception capabilities. Supports baud rates up to 9600. Recognizes XON / XOFF protocol. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk0.inc Determine if a mono or color graphics video board is installed. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk1.inc Returns the designator of the currently logged disk drive. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk2.inc This procedure handles the interrupts from the currently enabled serial port. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk3.inc Display help for the current level. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk4.inc Sets the line terminator sent / displayed when the user presses return. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk5.inc This procedure handles the reception and storage of a text file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk6.inc This procedure is used to transmit the contents of a text file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk7.inc Handle the viewing of a file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. t_talk8.inc This procedure is a simple telephone directory manager / dialer. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Gunderson. Version 1.0. unwords.tbl verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #1) path: /dos/tw/004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ascii.doc Documentation for NOTEBOOK.PAS. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: William Nuttle. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. box.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. config.prn date.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. disktree.doc Documentation for DISKTREE.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Fred Hulting. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. disktree.pas A program to print out the directory structure of a disk in a useful format. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Fred Hulting. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. display.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdm.bat hdm.doc Documentation for HDMUNU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdmenu.pas This program is a DOS shell that hides the underlying system from the uninitiated user, yet does not get in the way of the expert user. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdmenu.txt hdmhelp.pas Help file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdmx.bat key.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. keyin.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. lexp.pas An "expert system" building tool that can be used to develop systems that examine situations and outcomes, and from that deduce the rules that relate them. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: John Carpenter. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. notebook.pas Program to setup and manage data files with format similar to laboratory notebook. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: William Nuttle. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. printer.pas This program sets-up an interactive menu in which the user selects certain printer options. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Christopher Maeder. Version 1.03. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. scrhdr.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. sdx.pas This program outputs the specified filenames (sorted alphabetically) includes file attributes, size and date last updated. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Don Ferguson. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. sector.doc Documentation for SECTOR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 sector.hlp Help file for SECTOR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 sector.pas Examine disk file by sectors. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 standard.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. tcolor.doc Documentation for TCOLOR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Grelis. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. tcolor.pas This program patches TURBO.COM Version 3.01. It sets the default colors used by the Turbo editor. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Grelis. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. template.gen This module reads the record entries out of a file, places the entries in an array and allows the user to change them. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Christopher Maeder. Version 1.03. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. time.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. verifile.dta xref.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #2) path: /dos/tw/005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive checksum.doc Documentation for CHECKSUM.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. checksum.pas This program computes a checksum for any given file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. checksum.txt Documentation for CHECKSUM.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. cmdline.msd Get command from command line. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Todd Merriman. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. decode.pas This program decodes (decrypts) any file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. display.inc Display 128 Bytes in HEX and ASCII given the starting address. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Todd Merriman. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. edisk.pas File examination and editing utility. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Todd Merriman. Version T1.0. 1985/85 TUG O'Wards entry. edit.inc Enter the edit mode. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Todd Merriman. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. encode.pas This program encodes (encrypts) any file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. endecode.doc Documentation for ENCODE / DECODE.PAS Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. endecode.txt Documentation for ENCODE / DECODE.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 2.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. funcs.inc Include file for EDISK.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Todd Merriman. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. makechar.dat makechar.pas Program to aid in design of ASCII characters 128 - 255 in graphics mode. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Guy Rouillier. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. makechar.txt Documentation for MAKECHAR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Guy Rouillier. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pxl.doc Documentation for PXL.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Wisan. Version 1.11. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pxl.pas Turbo Pascal Lister. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Wisan. Version 1.11. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pxl.prn pxl.txt Readme file for PXL.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Wisan. Version 1.11. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pxl.wds pxl2.inc Procedure to check out printer. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Wisan. Version 1.11. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. pxlinst.pas Creates &/or updates PXL.PRN data. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Richard Wisan. Version 1.11. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. text.pas This program converts any binary file into a text file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. textun.doc Documentation for TEXT / UNTEXT.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. textun.txt Documentation for TEXT / UNTEXT.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Parker. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. untext.pas verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #3) path: /dos/tw/006/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.006 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bakdemo.pas Demo for BAKPRINT.INC. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Andrew Tipple. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. bakprint.inc A series of 5 procedures which allow a text file to be printed in a background while a program is running. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Andrew Tipple. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. basic.lbl Program to print Basic function key template. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. char.dat chsav.hlp colors.pas Procedures for color mixtures and sounding the bell. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Tooker. Version T1.0. crfonts.doc Documentation for CRFONTS.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Larry Winkler. Version 1.0. crfonts.pas Written to test BORLAND INTERNATIONAL'S Turbo Pascal compiler. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Larry Winkler. Version 1.0. datetime.pas Procedure to get, show and update date and time from DOS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Tooker. Version T1.0. dbase_3.lbl dblfont.hlp decode.pas Used in Turbo programs which read files created by BASIC programs, and rewrites them in Turbo Pascal format. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Solomon. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. decode.txt Letter explaining DECODE.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Solomon. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. decode88.pas DECODE88.PAS will not work with TURBO-87 or TURBOCD. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Rick Solomon. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. develop.hlp editor.hlp equip.pas Shows machine type and attached equipment. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. example.pas Demonstration of an input requiring a timed entry. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Greenberg. Version T1.0. fkey_lbl.doc fkey_lbl.pas gdl.doc Documentation for GDL.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gdl.pas This is a general delete utility. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemedit.pas Editing routines for GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemfont.pas Font selection routines for GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemhelp.pas Help file selection routines for GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemini.pas Complete utility to set up and control the Gemini 10-X printer (very similar to the Epson series printers). Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemini.txt Documentation for GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemini2.pas Special re-entrant version of GEMINI.PAS. Skips printer initialization. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemnicpm.hlp gemprint.pas Text file printing routines for GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gemprmtv.pas Global routines for inclusion with programs associated with GEMINI.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or 3.0. Author: Richard Buro. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. gened.hlp genfont.hlp hardware.hlp inkey.inc Function for GDL.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Paul McGee. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. lotus123.lbl Program to print LOTUS 123 function key templates. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. makeinln.doc Documentation for MAKEINLN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Ben Ettelson. Version T1.0. makeinln.pas This program reads a .PRN file and creates an INLINE program fragment to include in a Turbo Pascal source file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Ben Ettelson. Version T1.0. menu.lib Menu library for MENU.PAS Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Donald Shaw. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menu.pas Demonstrates pop up menus. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Donald Shaw. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menuprog.pas This program is an expanded version of CHOICES: A generalized menu technique. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Bill Tooker. Version T1.0. multimat.lbl Program to print MULTIMAT function key template. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Fender. Version 1.1. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. software.hlp specfont.hlp stdfont.hlp testprn.prn Test program to check MAKEINLN.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Ben Ettelson. Version T1.0. textfile This is the textfile used with BAKDEMO.PAS. Author: Andrew Tipple. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. timeread.txt Procedure to place a time limit on the users input. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Peter Greenberg. Version T1.0. tug.lib Library routines for Turbo Pascal. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Donald Shaw. Version T1.0 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. verifile.dta viewtest.pas xtalk_16.lbl ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 1 of 2) path: /dos/tw/007a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive display.inc This include file provides a visual representation of the scrolling input data as the user enters it. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. error.inc This subprogram contains two modules which are used in checking specific user data input. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. execute.inc This include file contains routines that allow you to run other programs directly from TURBO PASCAL. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. file.inc File control subprogram include file. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. g_input.inc Contains modules necessary to support as many general input pages as your program requires. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. init.inc This module controls the initalization of the input pre-processor program. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menu.inc This include file contains the modules necessary to support as many menu pages as your application program requires. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. readme.txt Description of the files on this disk. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. screen.inc This subprogram contains various functions and procedures to manipulate the monitor screen. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. transfer.dat tsipp.pas Turbo Screen Input Pre-Processor will help programs become "user-friendly" by taking care of input handling between the user and the application program. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. tsipp1.doc Documentation for TSIPP.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. tsipp2.doc verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 2 of 2) path: /dos/tw/007b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.007 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive example.com g_i_01.col g_i_01.mon g_i_01.tpl g_i_tpl.frm General input page screen template form. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. g_i_tpl.gen General input page screen template generator. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menu_01.col menu_01.mon menu_01.tpl menu_tpl.frm Menu screen template form. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. menu_tpl.gen Menu screen template generator. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. readme.txt Description of the files on this disk. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. s_input.tpl s_input1.inc Scrolling input subprogram include file #1. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. s_input2.inc Scrolling input subprogram include file #2. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. s_i_01.col s_i_01.mon s_i_02.col s_i_02.mon s_i_03.col s_i_03.mon s_i_04.col s_i_04.mon s_i_tpl.frm Scrolling input screen template form. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. s_i_tpl.gen Scrolling input column heading screen template generator. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0. Author: Chris Maeder. Version 1.07. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. test1.inp test2.inp transfer.dat verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards II DIsk #1 path: /dos/tw/008/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.008 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ask.asc The output from FILE2BAS.PAS with ASK.COM as its input. Author: Steve Healy. Version: 1.0. Requires: TURBOBCD. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. ask.com copydisk.pas This program is a replacement for DOS's DISKCOPY.COM. The main differences are, an unformatted disk can be used and it only copies tracks that have data on them. Author: Arnie Camp. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. file2bas.doc Documentation file for FILE2BAS.PAS. Author: Steve Healy. Version: 1.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. file2bas.pas Program to convert files to a BASIC program in ASCII form to allow universal downloading from bulletin boards. Author: Steve Healy. Version: 1.0. Requires: TURBOBCD. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. gbook.doc Documentation for GBOOK.PAS. Author: Glenn Reiff. Version: T1.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. gbook.inc Include file for GBOOK.PAS. Author: Glenn Reiff. Version T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. gbook.pas Program written to help teachers keep records on their students. Program is set up to handle Epson printer codes. Author: Glenn Reiff. Version T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. gradesum.doc Documentation for GRADESUM.PAS. Author: F.A. Kramer. Version: T1.0 last revised 11/23/86. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. gradesum.pas Exam grades and class data summary program. Author: F.A. Kramer. Version: T1.0 last revised 11/23/86. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or later. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. grdscale keys2lpt.chn keys2lpt.pas Chain file for PTS.PAS. Author: E. Kasemodel. Version: 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. keysexp.txt Documentation for PTS.PAS. Author: E. Kasemodel. Version: 1.0a. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kinetics.doc Documentation file for KINETICS.PAS. Author: F.A. Kramer. Version: T1.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kinetics.pas A chemistry lab experiment program. Author: F.A. Kramer. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or later, and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. lab2lpt.chn lab2lpt.pas This program reads and prints labels to line printers. Author: E. Kasemodel. Version: 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. ordering.doc Documentation for ORDERINGS.PAS. Author: Harry Baecker. Version 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. ordering.pas A program to allow the user to establish levels of preference for up to 255 entities. Author: Harry Baecker. Version: 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. outport.def pts.pas This program is used to print .LBL files onto mailing labels or to use the computer as a line typewriter. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. Author: E. Kasemodel. Version: 1.0a. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. selector.chn selector.pas Chain file for PTS.PAS. Author: E. Kasemodel. Version: 1.0a. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dta vltsort.doc Documentation file for VLTSORT.PAS. Author: James Reed. Version T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. vltsort.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards II Disk #2 path: /dos/tw/009/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.009 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive autoexec.bat blank1.inc Strip double / lead / trail blanks from string. Author : Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. calendar.doc Documentation for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. calendar.pas Print calendars up to the year 1999 with graphics. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. charlie.cal date.inc System date in MM/DD/YY format. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. david.cal err24.inc Toot and display error message at line 24. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. flower.cal gamelife.pas Game of life requires that player maintain life to sustain a colony, failure to do so results in total population destruction. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. getstrg.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. joystick.pas Game of PACMAN using joystick. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. justify.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kbin.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kirk.cal leeuw.cal lion.cal mickey.cal newlen.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. nude.cal opent.inc Include file used to open text files for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. openu.inc Include file used for untyped files with CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. pacman.pas Game of PACMAN using the keyboard. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. page.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. polly.cal polymath.pas Algebric polynomial division and multiplication. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. robic.pas Attempt to solve the puzzle of the Cube. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. sara.cal setepson.com snoop1.cal snoop2.cal snoopy.cal stdscrn.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. susan.cal textin.inc Include file for fast text-file input. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. upperstr.inc Include file to convert strings to upper case. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T1.0 modified 10/28/86. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dta woman.cal yesno.inc ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards II Disk #3 path: /dos/tw/010/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.010 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive d36.doc Documentation for D36.PAS. Author: A.L. Lowder. Version: 1.36HD/e. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. d36.pas A sorted directory program written in Turbo Pascal with commented source code. Author: A.L. Lowder. Version: 1.36HD/e. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. d36cln.pas A sorted directory program written in Turbo Pascal without commented source code. Author: A.L. Lowder. Version: 1.36HD/e. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. forms.pas fractals.pas FRACTALS.PAS code contains 24 graphics procedures, all recursive, which are very autonomus (selfcontained). Author: Rastislav Telgarsky. Version: 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and also the external files GRAPH.P and GRAPH.BIN from Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. fractals.txt Documentation for FRACTALS.PAS. Author: Rastislav Telgarsky. Version: 2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. genprocs.inc Generalized routines for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. irs1040.frm manual.doc FORMS.PAS allow the user the ability to create various forms and print results. MANUAL.DOC provides instructions to use forms. Author: Gary Benson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menu.bat menu.txt Read me file for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menucntl.inc Screen format control for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menudisp.inc Primary menu controller for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menudrvr.inc Include file for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menuedit.hlp menuhelp.hlp menuinst.hlp menulist.inc List and print control routines for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menumstr.pas This program displays a list of executable batch files and allows the user to select one for execution. Designed for the user with one or more hard disks, can also be used with floppy disks. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II. menuopen.inc File initialization routines for MENUMSTR.PAS. Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menurecs.inc Data base record format for MENUMSTR.PAS.Author: Robert Johnson. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater and Turbo Toolbox. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. msketch.doc Documentation for MSKETCH.PAS. Author: Michael Chapin. Version: T1.0 last revised 02/22/87. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. msketch.pas MSKETCH.PAS is a simple drawing program. Can be used to generate the screens needed by the games requiring graphics. Author: Michael Chapin. Version: T1.0 last revised 02/22/87. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. psave.fm ruler.doc verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- Tug O'Wards II Disk #4 path: /dos/tw/011/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.011 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive autoexec.bat box.inc Procedure to draw a box on the screen in the given colors. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.4c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. colors.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. crtmode.inc This function calls BIOS to determine the current CRT mode. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.0c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. cursor.inc This procedure does the actual cursor setting thru the TURBO INTR procedure. Author: Unknown, program downloaded from a bulletin board. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. cvtrl.doc Documentation for CVTRL.PAS. Author: Francis Federighi. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. cvtrl.pas Program to read, write and list real numbers to or from a "file of real" written by either Turbo Pascal or Turbo-87. Author: Francis Federigi. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. cvtrl87.pas Program to read, write and list real numbers to or from a "file of real" written by either Turbo Pascal or Turbo-87. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. display.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. dosrun.ext dosrun.inc Allows user to call other MS-DOS programs from within a turbo pascal program. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.01c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. dtimekey.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. ezt.doc Documentation for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. ezt.pas A genealogy program to track and report on family trees. Will track up to 16 marriages per person and up to 32 children per marriage. There is no limit to the number of generations you can have for each family tree. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. eztfig.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. files.lst Discription of the files used for SYSMENU.PAS. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.06c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. get_env.inc Routine to get the value of an MS-DOS environment variable. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.0c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. global.def Common global types and constants.Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.0c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. install.bat install.doc Description to explain to to install SYSMENU.PAS. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.06c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. installf.bat installh.bat keyin.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. main.mnu mainhard.mnu max.inc Finds the maximum of two real numbers. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.0c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. menu.bat menu.inc Data structures and code for creating a SIDEKICK style menu. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.03c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. msdos.mnu print.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. programr.doc Explanation of SYSMENU.PAS. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.06c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. readme.000 scrncolr.inc Routine to replace turbo pascal screen color commands. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.07c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. standard.inc Include file for EZT.PAS. Author: Jim Hass. Version 1.00. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. sysmenu.doc Documentation for SYSMENU.PAS. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.06c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. sysmenu.hlp sysmenu.pas Disk organizating system, written for those with little knowledge of computers Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 1.06c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. t.dat t87.dat ucstr.inc Function which returns the uppercase version of a string. Author: Kevin Lowery. Version: 2.0c. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dta waitkey.inc ----------------------------------------------------------- Tug O'Wards II Disk #5 path: /dos/tw/012/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.012 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cfft.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. cfft.txt Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. conlst.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. counts.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. crtd.dta crtd.pas Calculating a precast prestressed concrete member. Author: M. Rounde. Version: 1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. crtd1.hlp crtd2.hlp crtd3.hlp crtd4.hlp crtd5.hlp crtd6.hlp csft.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. driver1.out driver1.pas Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. driver2.out driver2.pas Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. driver3.out driver3.pas Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. driver4.out driver4.pas Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. driver5.out driver5.pas Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. factor.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. mapdsk.doc Documentation for MAPDSK.PAS. Author: Richard Wendrock. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. mapdsk.pas This is a simple program to list to the printer the directory of the current (logged) drive. Author: Richard Wendrock. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. mapdskpa.inc Include file for MAPDSK.PAS. Author: Richard Wendrock. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 3.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. textbase.pas This program will search a WordStar file(or any other text file which uses carriage-returns only at the ends of paragraphs) by paragraph for all occurrences of specified strings. Author: Lois Frankel. Version: T1.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. textbase.txt Documentation for TEXTBASE.PAS. Author: Lois Frankel. Version T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. textbase.ws Documentation in WordStar format for TEXTBASE.PAS. Author: Lois Frankel. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. time.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. trig.inc Author: Mike Ess. Version: T1.0. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- Tug O'Wards II Disk #6 path: /dos/tw/013/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.013 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive attreor.com attr_eor.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. chmode.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. deflib.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. dir.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. get_ext.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. infield.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. misc.com misc.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. mode_set.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. print.com print.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. read_me.txt Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. review.com review.doc Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. review.dum review.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. review.scr screen.com scrnlib.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. throwupc.com uppy.pas Review, a program that lets you examine the contents of a directory, view their contents, and delete unwanted files. Author: Jonathan Gennick. Version: 3.6. Requires: TURBOBCD 3.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dta ----------------------------------------------------------- Tug O'Wards III Set 2 path: /dos/tw/016/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.016 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive biogeo.dta biogeo.idx biogeo.txt Introduction to INFOX.PAS. counter.pas Counter (version 2.0) by Rafael Del Vecchio enables its user to set up event counters that can replace their mechanical counterparts. Written in Turbo Pascal 4.0, this program provides up to 20 counters for use on your PC, with output that can be directed to the printer or a file. counter1.pas Include source code file for COUNTER.PAS. counter2.pas Include source code file for COUNTER.PAS. counter3.pas Include source code file for COUNTER.PAS. infox.com infox.doc Documentation file for INFOX.PAS. infox.pas InfoX (version T1.0) by Robert Ash is a Turbo Pascal 3.0 program that enables the user to enter, store, cross-reference, view and print chunks of information that is organized in a dictionary fashion. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 3 path: /dos/tw/017/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.017 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive assay.txt comword.dat curve.com curve.pas Curve ++ (version T1.0) by Stephen Callender is a Turbo Pascal 3.0 program that performs multiple regression on X and Y data and then draws a line that will best match the data. The user can choose from four lines - straight, exponential, logarithmic or power. curve4.pas Curve ++ (version T1.0) by Stephen Callender is a Turbo Pascal 4.0 program that performs multiple regression on X and Y data and then draws a line that will best match the data. The user can choose from four lines - straight, exponential, logarithmic or power. indexer.com indexer.doc Documentation for Indexer. indexer.pas Indexer (version T1.0) by Charles Lichtenwalner is a Turbo Pascal 3.0 program for generating indexes using the Key Word in Context (KWIC) scheme. The program includes a file of "common" words that will be ignored when generating indexes. printout.inc Include source code file for curve. pt.las readme Readme file for curve. sample.inc Include source code file for curve. sample2.inc Include source code file for curve. sample4.inc Include source code file for curve. sample4b.inc Include source code file for curve. spacer.inc Include source code file for curve. tools.inc Include source code file for curve. tools4.inc Include source code file for curve. tug22 tug22.idx verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 4 path: /dos/tw/018/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addweek.inc assign.inc audit.inc cursor.pas date.pas dbllnbox.pas display.inc edit.inc flushkey.pas initial.inc listing.inc prepare.inc printit.inc sgllnbox.pas trinity.doc trinity.pas verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 5 path: /dos/tw/019/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.019 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive dl.com dl.doc Documentation file for DL. dl.pas Directory List (version 1.0) by Rickey Lively is a Turbo Pascal 3.0 program that offers DOS directory listings in a particular order and format that differs from the standard DOS DIR command. dl.prn dlclone.inc Include source code file for DL. dldate.inc Include source code file for DL. dlmono.inc Include source code file for DL. dlread.inc dlshow.inc Include source code file for DL. improve.dl readstr.inc readstuf.inc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 9 path: /dos/tw/023a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.23a Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive colrtext.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. dist.11 dist.15 dist.17 dist.20 dist.3 dist.4 dist.5 dist.6 errhndlr.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. execute.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. fchnxtmv.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. filehndl.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. flldata.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. fllfield.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. fllfile.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. fllinmtx.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. flloutmx.bdy File used with MACRAFT.PAS. flloutmx.dec File used with MACRAFT.PAS. fllscrn.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. getdtval.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. gtfilnam.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. intrmenu.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. macraft.pas M.A.C.R.A.F.T. (version 1.0) by Roberto Fontana is a microcomputer implementation of the CRAFT algorithm, which is used to provide a suboptimal solution to the "Facility Layout" problem from the field of Operational Research. Can be used as a valuable aid when designing a production maindecl.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. messages.pas File used with MACRAFT.PAS. prcssfil.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. tcost.11 tcost.15 tcost.17 tcost.20 tcost.3 tcost.4 tcost.5 tcost.6 updatfil.inc File used with MACRAFT.PAS. verifile.dat wflow.11 wflow.15 wflow.17 wflow.20 wflow.3 wflow.4 wflow.5 wflow.6 ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 9 path: /dos/tw/023b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.23b Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive contents.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. contents.wp cover.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. cover.wp dividers.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. dividers.wp fm.doc Documentation for FM.PAS. fm.pas FileManager (version 1.0) by Jim Zwick provides a visual display of DOS directories and their contents, and it permits files to be copied, moved, renamed, erased, printed and viewed by highlighting the files on the display and picking commands from a menu. Files to be printed can be fm.tpu fmfile.pas File used with FM.PAS. fminput.pas File used with FM.PAS. fmscreen.pas File used with FM.PAS. fmutest.pas File used with FM.PAS. fmview.pas File used with FM.PAS. macraft0.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. macraft0.wp macraft1.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. macraft1.wp macraft2.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. macraft2.wp macraft3.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. macraft3.wp read.me Documentation for MACRAFT. refrnces.txt Documentation for MACRAFT. refrnces.wp verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 10 path: /dos/tw/024a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bw.bat bw.prn calculat.inc File used with PAYROLL. clrtotal.inc File used with PAYROLL. color.bat color.prn conout.inc File used with PAYROLL. dac.cfg edittime.inc File used with PAYROLL. getcfg.inc File used with PAYROLL. getclien.inc File used with PAYROLL. header.inc File used with PAYROLL. install.bat mainmenu.inc File used with PAYROLL. maint.inc File used with PAYROLL. manual.doc Documentation for PAYROLL. payroll.000 payroll.001 payroll.002 payroll.cfg payroll.com payroll.pas Payroll (version T1.0) by Jim Walker prepares payroll checks and maintains the required quaterly and annual totals. It prints a check register, and it maintains a QTD and YTD earnings register. The check format may be customized by the user to accommodate virtually any paycheck form. It will paystub.cfg verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- TUG O'Wards III Set 10 path: /dos/tw/024b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive pr.bat pr0001.inc File used with PAYROLL. prdata.inc File used with PAYROLL. print2.inc File used with PAYROLL. prints.inc File used with PAYROLL. read.me File used with PAYROLL. revise.inc File used with PAYROLL. sample.ckf sample.eef sample.erf sample.tcf stdpr.mod sysetup.inc File used with PAYROLL. tax.1 tax.13 tax.15 tax.2 tax.3 timecard.inc File used with PAYROLL. update.inc File used with PAYROLL. verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- PacMan, Calendar, Robic (TP4.0) path: /dos/tw/025/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.025 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive autoexec.bat blank1.inc Strip double / lead / trail blanks from string. Author : Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. calendar.doc Documentation for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. calendar.pas Print calendars up to the year 1999 with graphics. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 08/08/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. charlie.cal date.inc System date in MM/DD/YY format. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. david.cal err24.inc Toot and display error message at line 24. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. flower.cal gamelife.pas Game of life requires that player maintain life to sustain a colony, failure to do so results in total population destruction. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. getstrg.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. joystick.pas Game of PACMAN using joystick. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. justify.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kbin.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. kirk.cal leeuw.cal lion.cal mickey.cal newlen.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. nude.cal opent.inc Include file used to open text files for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. openu.inc Include file used for untyped files with CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. pacman.pas Game of PACMAN using the keyboard. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. page.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. polly.cal polymath.pas Algebric polynomial division and multiplication. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. robic.pas Attempt to solve the puzzle of the Cube. Author: Omid Mottahedeh. Version: T2.0. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. sara.cal setepson.com snoop1.cal snoop2.cal snoopy.cal stdscrn.inc Include file for CALENDAR.PAS. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. susan.cal textin.inc Include file for fast text-file input. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. upperstr.inc Include file to convert strings to upper case. Author: Allan Bloom. Version: T2.0 modified 8/11/88. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0 or greater. 1987 TUG O'Wards II entry. verifile.dat woman.cal yesno.inc ----------------------------------------------------------- DiskTree, HDMenu, Notebk, (TP4.0) path: /dos/tw/026/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.026 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive ascii.doc Documentation for NOTEBOOK.PAS. Requires Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: William Nuttle. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. box.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Coverted to version 4.0. config.prn date.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Coverted to version 4.0. disktree.doc Documentation for DISKTREE.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Fred Hulting. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. disktree.pas A program to print out the directory structure of a disk in a useful format. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Fred Hulting. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. display.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. hdm.bat hdm.doc Documentation for HDMUNU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdmenu.pas This program is a DOS shell that hides the underlying system from the uninitiated user, yet does not get in the way of the expert user. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. hdmenu.txt hdmhelp.pas Help file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. hdmx.bat key.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. keyin.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. lexp.pas An "expert system" building tool that can be used to develop systems that examine situations and outcomes, and from that deduce the rules that relate them. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: John Carpenter. Version T1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. notebook.pas Program to setup and manage data files with format similar to laboratory notebook. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: William Nuttle. Version 1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. printer.pas This program sets-up an interactive menu in which the user selects certain printer options. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Christopher Maeder. Version 1.03. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. scrhdr.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. sdx.pas This program outputs the specified filenames (sorted alphabetically) includes file attributes, size and date last updated. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Don Ferguson. Version T1.0. Converted to version 4.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. sector.doc Documentation for SECTOR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 sector.hlp Help file for SECTOR.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 2.0, 3.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 sector.pas Examine disk file by sectors. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Charles Rogers. Version T1.0 Converted to version 4.0. * ASSOCIATED FILES standard.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. template.gen This module reads the record entries out of a file, places the entries in an array and allows the user to change them. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: Christopher Maeder. Version 1.03. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. time.inc Include file for HDMENU.PAS. Requires: Turbo Pascal 4.0. Author: James Haas. Version T.1.0. 1985/86 TUG O'Wards entry. Converted to version 4.0. verifile.dat xref.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- Aspirin, Football path: /dos/tw/028/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.028 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 14x9.fon 4x6.fon 8x8.fon alarm.pas Unit to sound an alarm. aspirin.doc Documentation for ASPIRIN.PAS. aspirin.pas Aspirin is a program to be used by laboratory students to process their data from a simple colorimetric analysis experiment for a course in General Chemistry. Written by F, Axtell Kramer Jr. in Turbo Pascal 4.0. Requires Borland's Turbo Graphix Toolbox and EGA. cursor.pas Unit to turn cursor Off/On. error.msg flushkey.pas Procedure to empty the typeahead keyboard buffer in memory before asking for a specific keystroke response. football.pas Football is a specialized database manager that tracks the statistics of football teams. Written by Leigh L. Sauer in Turbo Pascal 4.0. sortteam.pas Procedure used with FOOTBALL.PAS. spacebar.pas Procedure to wait for space bar. verifile.dat viewstat.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- KLTerm path: /dos/tw/029a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.029 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive build.bat verifile.dat src\klterm.pas src\term.pas src\vt52.pas src\vt102.pas units\kvlunits.def units\kvl_ansi.pas units\kvl_comm.pas units\kvl_crt.pas units\kvl_dos.pas units\kvl_io.pas units\kvl_kbd.pas units\kvl_lat.pas units\kvl_mice.pas units\kvl_str.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- KLTerm path: /dos/tw/029b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00readme.1st kevin.gif klterm.lpt kltrmprg.lpt verifile.dat exe\config.kvl exe\klterm.pif exe\kvl_comm.tpu exe\kvl_crt.tpu exe\kvl_dos.tpu exe\kvl_io.tpu exe\kvl_kbd.tpu exe\kvl_mice.tpu exe\kvl_str.tpu exe\services.kvl exe\term.tpu exe\vt52.tpu exe\vt102.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- Mk2, X_Utilities path: /dos/tw/030/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.030 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive mk2.asc mk2.inc Include file used with Mk2.PAS. mk2.pas Mk2 is a general purpose file utility and DOS shell. Written by Wayne Matrejek in Turbo Pascal 5.0. mk2.spr Documentation file for Mk2.PAS. verifile.dat xcleanup.pas xdel.pas XDEL is a substitution for the DOS DEL command. Instead of deleting the file, it copies it to a special subdirectory. Writen by Wayne Matrejek in Turbo Pascal 5.0. xfiles.asc Documentation file for X-Utilities. xfiles.spr Documentation file for X-Utilities. xundel.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- CheckUp, CNTLFR10, RESWRD10, etc, path: /dos/tw/031/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.031 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat checkup\checkup.asc checkup\checkup.pas checkup\checkup.spr cntlfr\cntlfr10.doc cntlfr\cntlfr10.pas cntlfr\cnt_c.bat cntlfr\cnt_r.bat cntlfr\vutil.pas cntlfr\vutil.tpu reswrd\reswrd10.doc reswrd\reswrd10.pas reswrd\rwords.fil reswrd\vutil.pas reswrd\vutil.tpu synwrd\readstf2.pas synwrd\readstf2.tpu synwrd\syngen10.inc synwrd\synwrd10.doc synwrd\synwrd10.pas synwrd\vutil.pas synwrd\vutil.tpu ----------------------------------------------------------- Conics path: /dos/tw/032/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _twpasdo.032 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cga.bgi conellip.hlp cone_pln.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. congener.hlp conics.pas CONICS is a program that will graphicall demonstrate the different ways in which ellipses, hyperbolae and other curves can be described geometrically. Written by David Anderson in Turbo Pascal 5.0. egavga.bgi ellipseu.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. graphics.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. herc.bgi input.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. litt.chr pt_line.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. strings.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. tools.pas File used with CONICS.PAS. trip.chr verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows C++ archives path: /win/cpp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ow001\ BC++ OWL Disk 1 Contains four packages, all designed for use with the Object Windows Library under Borland C++. OWLDlgs contains several program source files, each demonstrating special dialog boxes using the OWL. OWLBWCC is a collection of files showing how to create and use custom controls using the OWL and the Borland Custom Controls libraries. Toobar contains some C files that implement a toolbar, while WinMort contains a project that creates a simple mortage calculator using OWL. While the calculator won"t win any awards for its functionality, it does serve to illustrate some of the principles of programming in OWL. ow002\ CUSTOM CONTROLS DISK 1 Contains CTLPCT, a DLL written in OWL that is used to display a 256-color bitmap in a custom control, complete with some nice examples. CTLDTL is a custom control that implements the stereotypical "digital display" look inside a rectangular region. CTLBAR is a bar chart custom control, and DLLMIN, an absolute minimum DLL example. ow003\ The Custom Controls Tutorial In an "entry level" introduction to BWCC, covering everything from basic DLLs to multiple DLLs. It's almost a megabyte of material, written by Bob Bourbonnais at Borland. pt004\ Programming Tools Disk 4 A Windows-oriented disk for C++ programmers. It contains an example of using OWL with Microsoft's Common Dialog DLL, a Windows class library, and a kaleidoscope example. Source code is included; you'll find a more complete description in the C/C++ section of TUG/Pro issue 48. pt014\ WinThreads, NewTrak. WinThreads is a non-preemptive multi-threading shareware library, implemented as a Windows DLL. NewTrak is a freeware C++ tool that is an extension to C++'s own memory management routines. It validates, deletes, detects memory overruns and underruns, and it identifies memory leaks. pt028\ WinECJ ut028\ Bitmaps, LZSS, Printer ----------------------------------------------------------- BC++ OWL Disk 1 Contains four packages, all designed for use path: /win/cpp/ow001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _owcccwi.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive owlbwcc.exe owldlgs.exe toolbar.exe verifile.dat winmort\klibs.lib winmort\moneycl.h winmort\readme.txt winmort\winmort.cpp winmort\winmort.exe winmort\winmort.h winmort\winmort.prj winmort\winmort.rc winmort\winmort.res winmort\winmort.rws ----------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOM CONTROLS DISK 1 Contains CTLPCT, a DLL written in OWL path: /win/cpp/ow002/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _owwicpp.002 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat ctlbar\bmpbar.bmp ctlbar\bmpgrd.bmp ctlbar\bmpsiz.bmp ctlbar\bmpsiz.cur ctlbar\ctlbar.cpp ctlbar\ctlbar.def ctlbar\ctlbar.dll ctlbar\ctlbar.h ctlbar\ctlbar.lib ctlbar\ctlbar.prj ctlbar\ctlbar.rc ctlbar\ctlbar.res ctlbar\ctlsiz.cpp ctlbar\ctlsiz.def ctlbar\ctlsiz.dll ctlbar\ctlsiz.h ctlbar\ctlsiz.lib ctlbar\ctlsiz.prj ctlbar\ctlsiz.rc ctlbar\ctlsiz.res ctlbar\curbar.cur ctlbar\curgrd.cur ctlbar\cursiz.cur ctlbar\usebar.cpp ctlbar\usebar.def ctlbar\usebar.exe ctlbar\usebar.h ctlbar\usebar.prj ctlbar\usebar.rc ctlbar\usebar.res ctldtl\bmpcol.bmp ctldtl\bmpdtl.bmp ctldtl\ctlcol.cpp ctldtl\ctlcol.def ctldtl\ctlcol.dll ctldtl\ctlcol.h ctldtl\ctlcol.lib ctldtl\ctlcol.prj ctldtl\ctlcol.rc ctldtl\ctlcol.res ctldtl\ctldtl.cpp ctldtl\ctldtl.def ctldtl\ctldtl.dll ctldtl\ctldtl.h ctldtl\ctldtl.lib ctldtl\ctldtl.prj ctldtl\ctldtl.rc ctldtl\ctldtl.res ctldtl\curcol.cur ctldtl\curdtl.cur ctldtl\usedtl.cpp ctldtl\usedtl.def ctldtl\usedtl.exe ctldtl\usedtl.h ctldtl\usedtl.prj ctldtl\usedtl.rc ctldtl\usedtl.res ctlpct\bmppct.bmp ctlpct\ctlpct.cpp ctlpct\ctlpct.def ctlpct\ctlpct.dll ctlpct\ctlpct.h ctlpct\ctlpct.lib ctlpct\ctlpct.prj ctlpct\ctlpct.rc ctlpct\ctlpct.res ctlpct\curpct.cur ctlpct\dunes.bmp ctlpct\earth.bmp ctlpct\usepct.cpp ctlpct\usepct.def ctlpct\usepct.exe ctlpct\usepct.h ctlpct\usepct.prj ctlpct\usepct.rc ctlpct\usepct.res ctlpct\waterfal.bmp dllmin\callmin.cpp dllmin\callmin.def dllmin\callmin.exe dllmin\callmin.prj dllmin\dllmin.cpp dllmin\dllmin.def dllmin\dllmin.dll dllmin\dllmin.lib dllmin\dllmin.prj ----------------------------------------------------------- The Custom Controls Tutorial In an "entry level" introduction path: /win/cpp/ow003/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _owcppwi.003 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bwcc.dll custctrl.doc verifile.dat ctl4ln\bmpbln.bmp ctl4ln\bmphln.bmp ctl4ln\bmpsln.bmp ctl4ln\bmpvln.bmp ctl4ln\ctl4ln.cpp ctl4ln\ctl4ln.def ctl4ln\ctl4ln.dll ctl4ln\ctl4ln.h ctl4ln\ctl4ln.lib ctl4ln\ctl4ln.prj ctl4ln\ctl4ln.rc ctl4ln\ctl4ln.res ctl4ln\ctl4lnid.h ctl4ln\curbln.cur ctl4ln\curhln.cur ctl4ln\cursln.cur ctl4ln\curvln.cur ctl4ln\use4ln.cpp ctl4ln\use4ln.def ctl4ln\use4ln.exe ctl4ln\use4ln.h ctl4ln\use4ln.prj ctl4ln\use4ln.rc ctl4ln\use4ln.res ctlblu\bmpblu.bmp ctlblu\ctlblu.cpp ctlblu\ctlblu.def ctlblu\ctlblu.dll ctlblu\ctlblu.h ctlblu\ctlblu.lib ctlblu\ctlblu.prj ctlblu\ctlblu.rc ctlblu\ctlblu.res ctlblu\curblu.cur ctlblu\useblu.cpp ctlblu\useblu.def ctlblu\useblu.exe ctlblu\useblu.h ctlblu\useblu.prj ctlblu\useblu.rc ctlblu\useblu.res ctlbsh\bmpbsh.bmp ctlbsh\bmpflr.bmp ctlbsh\bmphrt.bmp ctlbsh\bmpsqr.bmp ctlbsh\ctlbsh.cpp ctlbsh\ctlbsh.def ctlbsh\ctlbsh.dll ctlbsh\ctlbsh.h ctlbsh\ctlbsh.lib ctlbsh\ctlbsh.prj ctlbsh\ctlbsh.rc ctlbsh\ctlbsh.res ctlbsh\curbsh.cur ctlbsh\usebsh.cpp ctlbsh\usebsh.def ctlbsh\usebsh.exe ctlbsh\usebsh.h ctlbsh\usebsh.prj ctlbsh\usebsh.rc ctlbsh\usebsh.res ctlcol\bmpcol.bmp ctlcol\ctlcol.cpp ctlcol\ctlcol.def ctlcol\ctlcol.dll ctlcol\ctlcol.h ctlcol\ctlcol.lib ctlcol\ctlcol.prj ctlcol\ctlcol.rc ctlcol\ctlcol.res ctlcol\curcol.cur ctlcol\usecol.cpp ctlcol\usecol.def ctlcol\usecol.dsk ctlcol\usecol.exe ctlcol\usecol.h ctlcol\usecol.prj ctlcol\usecol.rc ctlcol\usecol.res ctlelp\bmpelp.bmp ctlelp\ctlelp.cpp ctlelp\ctlelp.def ctlelp\ctlelp.dll ctlelp\ctlelp.h ctlelp\ctlelp.lib ctlelp\ctlelp.prj ctlelp\ctlelp.rc ctlelp\ctlelp.res ctlelp\curelp.cur ctlelp\useelp.cpp ctlelp\useelp.def ctlelp\useelp.exe ctlelp\useelp.h ctlelp\useelp.prj ctlelp\useelp.rc ctlelp\useelp.res ctlgry\bmpgry.bmp ctlgry\ctlgry.cpp ctlgry\ctlgry.def ctlgry\ctlgry.dll ctlgry\ctlgry.h ctlgry\ctlgry.lib ctlgry\ctlgry.prj ctlgry\ctlgry.rc ctlgry\ctlgry.res ctlgry\curgry.cur ctlgry\usegry.cpp ctlgry\usegry.def ctlgry\usegry.exe ctlgry\usegry.h ctlgry\usegry.prj ctlgry\usegry.rc ctlgry\usegry.res ctllin\bmplin.bmp ctllin\ctllin.cpp ctllin\ctllin.def ctllin\ctllin.dll ctllin\ctllin.h ctllin\ctllin.lib ctllin\ctllin.prj ctllin\ctllin.rc ctllin\ctllin.res ctllin\curlin.cur ctllin\uselin.cpp ctllin\uselin.def ctllin\uselin.exe ctllin\uselin.h ctllin\uselin.prj ctllin\uselin.rc ctllin\uselin.res ctllns\bmplns.bmp ctllns\ctllns.cpp ctllns\ctllns.def ctllns\ctllns.dll ctllns\ctllns.h ctllns\ctllns.lib ctllns\ctllns.prj ctllns\ctllns.rc ctllns\ctllns.res ctllns\ctllnsid.h ctllns\curlns.cur ctllns\uselns.cpp ctllns\uselns.def ctllns\uselns.exe ctllns\uselns.h ctllns\uselns.prj ctllns\uselns.rc ctllns\uselns.res ctloff\bmpoff.bmp ctloff\ctloff.cpp ctloff\ctloff.def ctloff\ctloff.dll ctloff\ctloff.h ctloff\ctloff.lib ctloff\ctloff.prj ctloff\ctloff.rc ctloff\ctloff.res ctloff\curoff.cur ctloff\useoff.cpp ctloff\useoff.def ctloff\useoff.exe ctloff\useoff.h ctloff\useoff.prj ctloff\useoff.rc ctloff\useoff.res ctlred\bmpred.bmp ctlred\ctlred.cpp ctlred\ctlred.def ctlred\ctlred.dll ctlred\ctlred.h ctlred\ctlred.lib ctlred\ctlred.prj ctlred\ctlred.rc ctlred\ctlred.res ctlred\curred.cur ctlred\usered.cpp ctlred\usered.def ctlred\usered.exe ctlred\usered.h ctlred\usered.prj ctlred\usered.rc ctlred\usered.res ctltwo\bmpbtx.bmp ctltwo\bmprrc.bmp ctltwo\ctltwo.cpp ctltwo\ctltwo.def ctltwo\ctltwo.dll ctltwo\ctltwo.h ctltwo\ctltwo.lib ctltwo\ctltwo.prj ctltwo\ctltwo.rc ctltwo\ctltwo.res ctltwo\curbtx.cur ctltwo\currrc.cur ctltwo\usetwo.cpp ctltwo\usetwo.def ctltwo\usetwo.exe ctltwo\usetwo.h ctltwo\usetwo.prj ctltwo\usetwo.rc ctltwo\usetwo.res dlldlg\dlldlg.bmp dlldlg\dlldlg.cpp dlldlg\dlldlg.def dlldlg\dlldlg.dll dlldlg\dlldlg.h dlldlg\dlldlg.lib dlldlg\dlldlg.prj dlldlg\dlldlg.rc dlldlg\dlldlg.res dlldlg\usedlg.cpp dlldlg\usedlg.def dlldlg\usedlg.exe dlldlg\usedlg.h dlldlg\usedlg.prj dlldlg\usedlg.rc dlldlg\usedlg.res dllfun\dllfun.cpp dllfun\dllfun.def dllfun\dllfun.dll dllfun\dllfun.h dllfun\dllfun.lib dllfun\dllfun.prj dllfun\usefun.cpp dllfun\usefun.def dllfun\usefun.exe dllfun\usefun.h dllfun\usefun.prj dllfun\usefun.rc dllfun\usefun.res dllmin\dllmin.cpp dllmin\dllmin.def dllmin\dllmin.dll dllmin\dllmin.prj ----------------------------------------------------------- Programming Tools Disk 4 A Windows-oriented disk for C++ path: /win/cpp/pt004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppwi.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive cleanup.bat commdlg.h Header file for use with COMMDLG.DLL, which is supplied with windows but is currently undocumented. commdlg.lib dlgtest.cpp Test program that demonstrates usage of the Microsoft Common Dialog DLL. Loaded with details on the internals of that DLL. dlgtest.doc Demonstration and test program for Microsoft's Common Dialog DLL, due out with Windows 3.1. Includes a header file for values and settings used by that undocumented DLL. Written by Reinhold Gerharz, test compiled using BC++ 3.0. dlgtest.exe dlgtest.h Definitions used in DLGTEST.CPP. dlgtest.prj dlgtest.rc dlgtest.res generic.cpp This short program uses WINCLASS to put up a generic window. generic.def generic.exe generic.mak initapp.h Short code to register the application. initinst.h Short RegisterInstance code. makeall.bat pen.h PENCLASS definition. Uses constructors and destructors to simplify work with Windows Pens. scribble.cpp Demonstration program to show an implementation of a program using the WINCLASS library. It doesn't do much but allow mouse scribbling on the screen. scribble.exe scribble.mak verifile.dat winclass.cpp WINCLASS is a basic generic windows class library. It defines the base classes WINDOW, CHILDWINDOW, MAINWINDOW, and DIALOG. Test compiled under Borland C++ 2.0. winclass.h WINCLASS header file. Defines the base WINCLASS classes. winclass.lib winclass.mak winkal.cpp Windows Kaleidoscope. Example of a well-behaved "run forever" Windows program. Written by Peter Roach, test compiled with BC++ 3.0 winkal.def winkal.exe winkal.ico winkal.prj winkal.rc winkal.res ----------------------------------------------------------- WinThreads, NewTrak. WinThreads is a non-preemptive path: /win/cpp/pt014/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppwi.014 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat newtrak\newtdll.cpp newtrak\newtk200.doc newtrak\newtk200.txt newtrak\newtrack.cpp newtrak\newtrack.def newtrak\newtrack.hpp newtrak\newtrack.prj newtrak\nttest.cpp newtrak\nttest.prj winthrds\desc.txt winthrds\install.exe winthrds\install.in_ winthrds\readme.txt winthrds\thrdapi.h winthrds\thrdapi.pas winthrds\thrdutls.dll winthrds\thrdutls.lib winthrds\threads.c winthrds\threads.exe winthrds\threads.hlp winthrds\threads.pas winthrds\threads.res ----------------------------------------------------------- WinECJ path: /win/cpp/pt028/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptcppwi.028 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat pdial\pdial svgakt\changes svgakt\copying svgakt\cpu.asm svgakt\cpu.obj svgakt\debug.h svgakt\files.lst svgakt\makefile svgakt\makefile.msc svgakt\makeutil.lzh svgakt\model.mac svgakt\msc.bat svgakt\paranoid.c svgakt\paranoid.exe svgakt\paranoid.prj svgakt\read.me svgakt\svga.asm svgakt\svga.h svgakt\svga.lib svgakt\svga.obj svgakt\svgac.c svgakt\svgakit.doc svgakt\svga_msc.lib svgakt\test16.c svgakt\test16.exe svgakt\test16.prj svgakt\test16m.c svgakt\test16m.exe svgakt\test16m.prj svgakt\test32k.c svgakt\test32k.exe svgakt\test32k.prj svgakt\test64k.c svgakt\test64k.exe svgakt\test64k.prj svgakt\test256.c svgakt\test256.exe svgakt\test256.prj svgakt\turboc.cfg svgakt\version.c svgakt\vesavbe.h uvesa\bugs uvesa\changes uvesa\copyrigh uvesa\ibmves.zip uvesa\license.doc uvesa\licensin uvesa\order.doc uvesa\products.doc uvesa\read.me uvesa\testvbe.exe uvesa\univbe.doc uvesa\univbe.exe uvesa\xgaves.zip winecj\ecjapi.h winecj\ecjapi.txt winecj\makefile winecj\read.me winecj\readme.txt winecj\showjpg.c winecj\showjpg.def winecj\showjpg.exe winecj\showjpg.h winecj\showjpg.rc winecj\wecjlib.dll ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmaps, LZSS, Printer path: /win/cpp/ut028/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utcppwi.028 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive verifile.dat bmp\about.dlg bmp\bitmaps.c bmp\bitmaps.def bmp\bitmaps.exe bmp\bitmaps.h bmp\bitmaps.ico bmp\bitmaps.mak bmp\bitmaps.prj bmp\bitmaps.rc bmp\bitmaps.res bmp\bmfile.c bmp\bmfile.h bmp\bminfo.c bmp\bminfo.h bmp\bmmanip.c bmp\bmmanip.h bmp\colors.c bmp\colors.dlg bmp\colors.h bmp\fileopen.dlg bmp\gif.c bmp\gif.h bmp\graying.bmp bmp\help.bmp bmp\helpdown.bmp bmp\helpfocu.bmp bmp\icnfile.c bmp\icnfile.h bmp\openfile.c bmp\openfile.h bmp\option.bmp bmp\optiondo.bmp bmp\optionfo.bmp bmp\os2.bmp bmp\pcx.c bmp\pcx.h bmp\print.c bmp\print.dlg bmp\print.h bmp\prsetup.dlg bmp\readme.doc bmp\rle4.bmp bmp\setup.bmp bmp\setupdow.bmp bmp\setupfoc.bmp lzss\desc.txt lzss\edilzssa.dll lzss\lzsslib.wri lzss\lzsstest.c lzss\lzsstest.def lzss\lzsstest.exe lzss\lzsstest.ovd lzss\lzsstest.pas lzss\ordrform.txt lzss\pressrel.wri lzss\readme.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Misc archives path: /win/mis/ ----------------------------------------------------------- co001\ MLINK103 We wanted to pick the best Windows shareware communication program, and we selected MicroLink. It's really an elegant program that provides the flexibility you need, with built-in convenience. We liked the layout and the high degree of customization we got, without being faced with screenfuls of menus and data entry screens. It also has one intolerably cute feature: a simulated LED display bar across the top of the screen: the LEDs "light" to show the status of TX/RX, CD and so forth. dm005\ D FOR WINDOWS from Soft As It Gets, is a potent programmer's editor for the MS Windows environment. This disk contains a working demo version of Ed for Windows (the only limitations are the maximum size file you can save, the lack of ability to create custom keyboards, and the lack of the extension language compiler). As editors go, Ed is extremely flexible, and it works smoothly with Pascal, C, C++, and dBase, Clipper, DataFlex and COBAL. You don't have to leave the editor's environment to compile your code - and it includes powerful features like brace matching. (For a detailed description of Ed for Windows, see Dave Chowning's article starting on page 7 of issue 51.) gr001\ Paint Shop Pro version 1.02 is a Windows shareware program that will display, convert, alter and print images. In addition, it is a screen capture utility. It supports the file formats BMP, DIB, GIF, IMG, JAS, MAC, MSP, PIC, PCX, RAS, RLE, TGA, TIFF and WPG. Paint Shop Pro displays images in many ways, including zooming in and out. Altering the image includes rotating, resizing, resampling, trimming, filter application, color adjustments, brightness and contrast adjusting, increasing and decreasing the color depth, gamma correcting, and gray scaling. Paint Shop Pro comes with a standard set of filters. It also supports applying, creating, editing, and deleting user defined filters. Decreasing color depth can be done using a standard palette or an optimized palette. All in all, it is a sophisticated graphics tool that can be used to create illustrations for your documentation or teach art students (young or old). mi076\ Bounce FileCopy PaintBMP ow004\ Object Windows Library or not, programming for Windows with Pascal is nopicnic. But this new library can reduce the effort significantly. It's a DLL called FOYEH1 that provides a convenient interface for numerous everyday program chores, including checking for the existence of a file, deleting or copying files, getting the current directory, playing a sound file, changing a disk's volume label, displaying the Windows hourglass to indicate a time delay, retrieving information from INI files, and many other functions. The disk includes the compiled DLL and source for the interface. pt008\ WinBatch version 4.OL from Wilson WindowWare is a powerful shareware tool for programmers writing applications for MS Windows. WinBatch provides more than 100 functions that can control nearly every aspect of the Windows environment, by simply writing batch code commands. You can easily create dialog boxes with push buttons, check boxes and radio buttons that enable you to seamlessly integrate (and automate) Windows programs, that can smooth the interface for the user when running DOS programs under Windows. pt012\ No doubt about it; installing your Windows program is an irksome task, at best. But we've discovered a neat piece of shareware that makes creating installation routines a snap. It's called EDI INSTALL PRO, a package that puts a very powerful and extensible (but very easy to use) installation capability at your fingertips. Utilizing a simple script bearing a staggering resemblance to an .INI file, you can create an installation package that allows for custom and partial installations, .INI file modifications, distribution file compression, disk space management, to name a few of its many features. In as fierce a market as Windows applications, the first glimpse a customer gets of your package is crucial, and this installation program makes a great first impression. (In fact, it just happens to look a lot like most of Microsoft's applications installation programs..) This disk also contains the WINDOWS ENHANCED DIALOG LIBRARY. WEDL is a shareware package that gives your dialogs formatted entry fields and entry field validation, as well as automatic variable update, 3-level undo, case conversion, overtype mode, and extended field editing. Drag and drop is also supported. Very Nice. pt032\ If you like the Ralf Brown Interrupt List, you're gonna love The Ralf Brown Interrupt List for Windows. Supplied as a Windows help file, you can program in TPW or BPW and always have the most detailed information on PC and DOS internals accessible on a moment's notice. Plus, the hot links make it quick and easy to research a topic to find virtually everything there is to know about it. ut013\ WinEdit rom Wilson WindowWare is a shareware text editor designed to take full advantage of the Windows graphical environment. WinEdit is first and foremost a programmer's editor, with features designed for creating and maintaining program source code. With its ASCII file format, ability to edit files of almost unlimited size, and word processing features such as word wrap, headers and footers, WinEdit also serves as an effective "front end" for word processors and desktop publishers like Word for Windows, PageMaker and Ventura Publisher. ut018\ LECTURE By Barn Owl Software is a textbased shareware that will enable anyone to create a professional-looking presentation under Windows in minutes. Simply write your presentation with any ASCII text editor (Notepad, for instance). Add the Lecture commands to your file, and you will have a complete presentation, controlling fonts, colors and the size of text. You can change "slides" with the click of a mouse, so you can use the mouse like a remote control on a slide projector. With this program, a notebook PC and an LCD display panel, you can create great-looking presentations anywhere, even in the back seat of a cab, on the way to a meeting. ut023\ SnagItis the screen capture and print shareware for Microsoft Windows 3.x. With SnagIt, Windows users can capture an entire screen, a portion of the screen or a single window or icon. SnagIt sends the captured area to a printer, the Windows clipboard or a file. These images can be pasted into other Windows applications such as word processors and desktop publishing programs. This is an ideal tool for anyone who needs to document MS Windows programs. ut024\ The Sound Blister Disk may be a pain in Microsoft's side, but it's sure a lot of fun for the rest of us. It's the "Poor Man's Sound Blaster Board" (it's really a driver) that enables you to play those Win 3.1 sound WAV files through the PC's speaker. Imagine the stillness of the night being broken by Curly (of 3 Stooges fame) shouting "I'm tryin to think, but nuttin' happens!" through your PC speaker. It's a riot! The only problem - nothing productive gets done on the computer any more. (The whole truth: Microsoft didn't release this driver because they found it wouldn't run on every PC ever made. But it's run beautifully on every one we've tried, so we're making it available to you.) Complete with a ton of sound files, including "I'm tryin' to think...". ut025\ Windows Write is a great low-end word processor that has most of features you need to write letters, manuals or whatever. It's main problem is the lack of a spelling checker. Enter WinSpell. This shareware utility checks your spelling in any window. It supervises by intercepting each word you type and comparing those words with an internal dictionary of words known to be correctly spelled. When WinSpell is active, it will notify you of any misspelled words as they are typed by either beeping the computer's speaker, flashing the title bar of the window in which the offending word was typed, or both at the same time. One particularly interesting feature of WinSpell is its ability to spell check the clipboard. This allows WinSpell to check any Windows application, including spreadsheets, on which many presentations are dependent. ut030\ It seems like everywhere you turn, there's Yet Another Windows Killer Apps Book on the shelf. And thanks to the efforts of Dave Chowning, we've got our own collection of favorite Windows utilities. We call it the WINDOWS PRODUCTIVITY BOOSTERS DISK #1. Dave has spent countless hours over the past months, evaluating numerous shareware add-on packages that claim to enhance the Windows environment. This disk contains the "keepers" - you might call them "Dave's Faves" - that really do the job. On this disk you'll find some really nice alternatives to the Windows File Manager: Application Dock Clysmic Icon Bar RIPbar SideBar Lite WinDock Winfast, plus a couple of others not listed. ut200\ We've been looking for a really top-notch source of information for Pascal and C++ Windows programmers, and we've discovered something that has exceeded our wildest hopes. It's called WINDOWS PROGRAMMER'S JOURNAL, and it's a magazine published exclusively on disk. It's extremely user-friendly, and caters to everyone from Windows beginners to experienced hackers. It's currently being published in two formats - straight ASCII text and as a Help file you can view from the Windows Help system. Here's a summary of what one issue (#3) contains: A beginner section that teaches how to design dialog boxes and insert controls; A tutorial on how to create "designer" buttons with bitmaps for labels; Using file version stamping to be able to recognize special files; Painting in Windows; Advanced C++ and Windows; Programming Windows with Borland Pascal; and tips and tricks. Source code from examples is included on disk. We've grabbed the first 6 complete issues and crammed them on this disk for you. If you're interested in programming in Windows, this will give you a great boost. pt036\ HelpGen Windows Help File Generator, Version 1.21. <ASP> Create attractive Windows help files without using an expensive word pro- cessor. HelpGen uses an easy-to-learn macro language take the pain out of creating the help file. Full RTF language support through macro language and/or RTF commands. Complete manual and uncrippled program included. Requires an ASCII text editor and help compiler. Shareware $30 registration. ut036\ ButtonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database. View data as Cards or in Tables. Point-and-click interface. Includes 14 pre-defined databases or design your own. Print data on 3x5 cards, labels, envelopes, lists etc. Over 100 Avery forms supported! Autodialer. Easy, powerful searching including ranges and "sounds-like". Import/Export to Cardfile, ASCII CSV, dBase & WordPerfect. 5 disks. From ButtonWare, ASP member. ut037\ ut038\ ----------------------------------------------------------- MLINK103 We wanted to pick the best Windows shareware path: /win/mis/co001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _comiswi.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive atlwin.msl compusrv.msl dir2dr1.c dir2dr1.exe dr12dr1.c dr12dr1.exe host.msl license.wri manual.wri mlink.exe mlink.hlp mwutil.dll note0692.wri readme.wri register.wri verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- D FOR WINDOWS from Soft As It Gets, is a potent programmer's path: /win/mis/dm005/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _dmmiswi.005 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive add_clm.ce_ ascii.ed_ blk_wrt.ce_ briefcmd.ce_ charts.ce_ clipr_tc.ce_ clipr_tf.ce_ clm_ops.ce_ cmds_gen.ce_ config.ce_ csmart.ce_ dbase_tc.ce_ dbase_tf.ce_ dbformat.ce_ dbgets.ce_ dbheader.ce_ db_acomp.ce_ db_smart.ce_ db_tmplt.ce_ demo.bat detab.ce_ draw.ce_ ed4w.ex_ ed4w.hl_ edblock.ce_ edbuflst.ce_ edcmds.h_ eddrvdir.ce_ edexcmd1.ce_ edexcmd2.ce_ edexcmd3.ce_ edmacro0.ce_ edopsys0.ce_ edrun.ex_ edrun.pi_ edvtree.ce_ ed_c_ref.ed_ ed_exit.ce_ ed_fnm.ce_ ed_ins.ce_ ed_wcmds.ce_ fext_cfg.ce_ fext_prg.ce_ file_new.ce_ flex_smt.ce_ funcs.ce_ func_brs.ce_ glob_sr.ce_ helpctxt.ce_ home_end.ce_ hunt.ce_ include.ce_ install.bat install.exe isearch.ce_ kcmd_lkp.ce_ key_asgn.ce_ key_bind.ce_ key_help.ce_ lzexpand.dll meter.dll mk_menu.ce_ mk_tags.ce_ para_rfm.ce_ pgm_menu.ce_ precdnce.ed_ prg_errs.ce_ prg_run.ce_ quickref.ce_ read.me_ readme.1st regex.ed_ renum.ce_ setup.inf setup_rd.ce_ smartind.ce_ sortdir.ce_ srch_all.ce_ tag_wild.ce_ template.ce_ template.ed_ trg_idle.ce_ trg_save.ce_ trg_strt.ce_ trg_swb.ce_ undo.ce_ uniq.ce_ verifile.dat ver_algn.ce_ wd_count.ce_ config\brief.xx_ config\edbuffer.xx_ config\edflist.xx_ config\ed_deflt.xx_ config\menu_mn.sr_ config\menu_mn.xx_ config\menu_mnl.sr_ config\menu_mnl.xx_ config\menu_mns.sr_ config\menu_mns.xx_ config\menu_pgm.xx_ config\norton.xx_ config\qedit.xx_ config\win3.cf_ config\win3.qr_ config\win3.xx_ config\wordperf.xx_ config\wordstar.xx_ ----------------------------------------------------------- Paint Shop Pro version 1.02 is a Windows shareware program that path: /win/mis/gr001/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _grgrawi.001 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive psp.cmp readme.txt setup.exe vendor.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- Bounce FileCopy PaintBMP path: /win/mis/mi076/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mipaswi.076 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive bounce.exe bounce.pas Petzold's bouncing ball graphics program converted for windows clover.exe clover.pas Petzold's clover graphics program converted for Windows filecopy.exe filecopy.ico filecopy.pas A simple file copy program for windows with icon. Source provides a good basis for expansion. Author: Adam Allard. TPW only paintbmp.pas Unit to create a popup window with caption and paint it with a bitmap. Includes a simple shadow line and frame methods. Includes resource. TPW only paintbmp.res pdevice.pas Unit is part of PLX.EXE plx.exe plx.pas Paper Express v. 1.2a utility to print text files with special support for formatting, line nos. date/time stamp, file name, and ruler. Full font support. Nice! Author: Doug Overmyer. Last rev. 9/23/91. TPW ONLY plx.rc plx.res plx.wri printer.pas Unit part of PLX.EXE prt.res stop.exe stop.pas Program to speed up start and exit from Windows. Requires a command line approach to startup. Process bypasses program specified in "shell=" in system.ini. Author: Andrey Kozlof. TPW only. stop.txt Documentation for STOP.PAS. tstpaint.exe tstpaint.pas Test program for unit PAINTBMP.PAS tstpaint.res verifile.dat wfplus.pas Unit, part of PLX.EXE. Function extentions to ObjectWindows. woplus.pas Unit, part of PLX.EXE. Extentions to ObjectWindows. woplus.res ----------------------------------------------------------- Object Windows Library or not, programming for Windows with path: /win/mis/ow004/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _owpaswi.004 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive foyeh1.dll foyeh1.int foyeh1.pas foyeh1.sum verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- WinBatch version 4.OL from Wilson WindowWare is a powerful path: /win/mis/pt008/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmiswi.008 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive browlang.dl_ browser.ex_ datetime.wb_ default.wb_ dospaste.wb_ editfile.wb_ file_id.diz global.wd_ iniedit.wb_ intactv.wb_ mcitest.wb_ notepad.wd_ nwconn.dl_ nwcore.dl_ nwmisc.dl_ openall.wb_ pkunzip.wb_ pkunzip.wd_ playmidi.wb_ play_cd.wb_ readme.txt readme2.txt rungen.wb_ simple.wb_ sol.wb_ stones.wb_ stones.wt_ strange.wb_ sysinfo.wb_ verifile.dat w10net.dl_ wbanyan.dl_ wb__ver.40l wildoc.tx_ winbatch.ex_ winbatch.hl_ winbatch.ma_ winmachk.dl_ winmacro.ex_ wlanman.dl_ wnovell.dl_ wsetup.exe wsetup.inf wsetup2.ovl wtastic.dl_ wwwbat11.dl_ wwwdealr.dl_ wwwdlang.dl_ wwwdnetx.dl_ zoomer.wb_ ----------------------------------------------------------- No doubt about it; installing your Windows program is an irksome path: /win/mis/pt012/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmiswi.012 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive demo.bmp demo.c demo.def demo.exe demo.h demo.ico demo.rc demobwcc.exe demobwcc.rc demobwce.mak demoe.mak demohelp.h demohelp.hlp demohelp.hpj demohelp.rtf demotpw.pas demotpw.res order.doc read.me verifile.dat wedl.doc wedl.h wedl2e.dll wedl2e.lib wedle.pas install\samples install\desc.txt install\install.bin install\install.bmp install\install.exe install\install.hlp install\install.inf install\ordrform.ico install\ordrform.txt install\readme.txt install\samples\install.txt install\samples\instlib.c install\samples\instlib.def install\samples\instlib.pas ----------------------------------------------------------- If you like the Ralf Brown Interrupt List, you're gonna love path: /win/mis/pt032/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _ptmiswi.032 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive intwin.001 intwin.002 intwin.003 intwin.004 intwin.doc verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- HelpGen Windows Help File Generator, Version 1.21. <ASP> path: /win/mis/pt036/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buhlprtf.bmp buhpjrtf.bmp burtfrtf.bmp bwcc.dll closertf.bmp demo.bmp demo.hlp demo.hpj demo.mac edhpjrtf.bmp edmacrtf.bmp file_id.diz helprtf.bmp hlpgen.bmp hlpgen.exe hlpgen.hlp hlpgen.hpj hlpgen.mac hlpgen.wav hlpgen.wri openrtf.bmp printrtf.bmp read_me.1st testrtf.bmp vendinfo.diz vendor.doc ----------------------------------------------------------- WinEdit rom Wilson WindowWare is a shareware text editor path: /win/mis/ut013/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.013 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive readme.txt verifile.dat wbinxz.exe we__ver.13b wsetup.exe wsetup.inf winedit\changes.tx_ winedit\commdlg.dl_ winedit\edmacro.dl_ winedit\edtemp.pi_ winedit\tee.co_ winedit\weextsrc.zi_ winedit\we_ext.dl_ winedit\winedit.ex_ winedit\winedit.hl_ winedit\winedit.tx_ winedit\wwwdealr.dl_ ----------------------------------------------------------- LECTURE By Barn Owl Software is a textbased shareware that path: /win/mis/ut018/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.018 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive install.exe install.inf lecture.exe lecture.lec lect_doc.exe read.me_ simple.lec titlslid.lec truetype.lec verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- SnagItis the screen capture and print shareware for Microsoft path: /win/mis/ut023/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.023 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive rfflow.exe rfflow.hlp sample1.flo sample2.flo sample3.flo sample4.flo sample5.flo sample6.flo sample7.flo sample8.flo snag20.exe verifile.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- The Sound Blister Disk may be a pain in Microsoft's side, but path: /win/mis/ut024/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.024 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive 3stgq1.txt 3stgq2.txt 3stgse.txt blast.wav bonk.wav cert1.wav countin.wav fault.wav food.wav hammer.wav head.wav hrmm.wav lalee1.wav language.wav metal.wav niagara.wav nyaah.wav nyrmm.wav nyuk.wav o_oh.wav o_oh2.wav oop.wav picture.wav ruff.wav safety.wav simple.wav slap.wav sock.wav speak.exe spread.wav start.wav success.wav tools.wav toosmall.wav trouble.wav tryin.wav verifile.dat victim.wav where.wav who.wav woob1.wav woob2.wav work.wav ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Write is a great low-end word processor that has most path: /win/mis/ut025/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.025 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive asc2dct.exe common.dct dct2asc.exe full.dct full.ndx install.bat read.com readme.txt verifile.dat winspdll.dll winspell.exe winspell.hlp winspell.wri ----------------------------------------------------------- It seems like everywhere you turn, there's Yet Another Windows path: /win/mis/ut030/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _utmiswi.030 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive appdock.zip clysbar.zip launcher.zip ripbar.zip sidebar.zip toolba.zip verifile.dat windock.zip winfst.zip ----------------------------------------------------------- ButtonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database. View data as path: /win/mis/ut036/ ----------------------------------------------------------- btnf1.111 btnf1.112 btnf1.113 btnf1.114 btnf1.11e file_id.diz install.com read.me readme.1st ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /win/mis/ut037/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 13dogs.bmp bbsdist.txt brunch.wll chinmob.wll cwalls.exe cwalls1.dll cwalls1.hlp cworder.txt earthrse.wll gargoyle.wll highline.wll koi.wav koipond.wll lunch.wll madmuds.wll nightmsk.wll nwmob.wll progmans.bmp progmans.wll punch.wll readme.txt satori.wll serengti.wll sharpeis.wll squeaky.wll titan.wll vogue.wll ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /win/mis/ut038/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3dv2.dl_ dlwbc31.dl_ install.bin install.exe install.ini lock.ex_ lock.hl_ lzexpand.dll metzcore.dl_ metzdib.bmp metzhook.dl_ metzkw.co_ metzkw.sy_ metzlk.txt metzlkh.ex_ metzlock.txt metznews.ex_ metznews.hl_ metzomem.dl_ metzph.txt metzpho.cod metzpho.env metzpho.ex_ metzpho.hl_ metzpho.lbl metzpho.phb metzpho.txt metzphoh.ex_ metzr.dll metzvxd.38_ nwnetapi.dl_ pxengwin.dl_ rvnsapi.dl_ ver.dll vnsapi.dl_ ----------------------------------------------------------- We've been looking for a really top-notch source of information path: /win/mis/ut200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _rsmiswi.200 Hit ENTER here for a description of this archive beginner.exe bitmaps.txt d_dclie.pas d_dserv.pas editpro.exe haxton.exe hello.exe hello1.exe helo.exe helpread.me install3.exe linklist.c linklist.def linklist.exe linklist.h linklist.ico linklist.mak linklist.rc makelist.bat odlbox.exe ownerbtn.exe pante.exe pmdde.c read.me read.me2 rod.exe submit.txt trash.pas trash.rc verifile.dat winstub.exe wpj.bat wpjv1n1.txt wpjv1n2.txt wpjv1n3.hlp wpjv1n3.txt wpjv1n4.txt wpjv1n5.hlp wpjv1n5.txt wpjv1n6.hlp wpjv1n6.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- ZIP'ed copies of all archives path: /zips/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dos_ada\ DOS Ada archives dos_ccc\ DOS C archives dos_cpp\ DOS C++ archives dos_mis\ DOS Misc archives dos_gm\ DOS Awesome Games archives dos_nl\ DOS Newsletters archives dos_rs\ DOS Routines and Supplement dos_pas\ DOS Pascal archives dos_tw\ DOS Pascal Tug O'Wards archives win_mis\ Windows Misc archives win_cpp\ Windows C++ archives ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Ada archives path: /zips/dos_ada/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sc197a.zip 120762 03-03-92 Beginner Ada Tutor (disk 1 of 2) sc197b.zip 75429 03-03-92 Beginner Ada Tutor (disk 2 of 2) sc198a.zip 107598 03-03-92 Advanced Ada Tutor (disk 1 of 2) sc198b.zip 85906 03-03-92 Advanced Ada Tutor (disk 2 of 2) ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS C archives path: /zips/dos_ccc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi006.zip 59637 09-06-87 Unix Stuff mi009.zip 115889 11-03-87 Misc. C Stuff #1 mi012.zip 105448 01-02-88 Misc. C Stuff #2 mi019.zip 111203 03-08-88 Misc. C Stuff #3 mi021.zip 110822 04-19-88 Misc. C Stuff #4 mi024.zip 149274 07-17-88 Graphics, MemClean, ZapLoad, etc. mi026.zip 118945 08-22-88 Misc. C Stuff #5 mi028.zip 114646 10-17-88 Backgammon Concur BAWK mi032.zip 84156 07-17-93 CA CFlow CSort FastWr. Mult. mi035.zip 94367 01-29-89 Declare UFind mi036.zip 120095 01-29-89 CVT100 Kaleids mi037.zip 141139 01-29-89 Windows Mandel CMMU BoxDem mi039.zip 33887 07-18-89 ADisk Crypt TCLister TCQB mi041.zip 135150 09-14-89 Fil DeepFind BlackJak CRC QUOD mi045.zip 153198 10-29-89 Tetris GravSim StrfTime PTree mi048.zip 121859 02-12-90 SmallCom Soundex mi050.zip 160341 05-09-90 FFT DATES LIST CMOS ZFMAT mi052.zip 120501 07-23-90 WKQFile, DateDay mi053.zip 119126 07-23-90 Index, Wave mi058.zip 160744 10-21-90 DirSize EvalX Profile BuildLib mi066.zip 113162 06-02-91 SetPtr86, DAFI, FIFI, Flowing mi073.zip 330634 01-23-94 CTask mi083.zip 355425 01-22-94 EXEC, SBC, XMS, MODE X pt035.zip 126614 01-22-94 Matrix STRX sc029b.zip 76445 11-11-87 Window Boss sc066.zip 235724 05-24-89 C Tutor sc122.zip 337801 10-17-90 TEGL Windows Toolkit II(TC2.0) sc154.zip 185878 04-13-91 CtrlC Library ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS C++ archives path: /zips/dos_cpp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi055.zip 174746 09-29-90 C++ Tutorial C++ OOP Wld.Tour mi059.zip 139018 10-21-90 Neural XMSCPP mi064.zip 135563 04-10-91 Dialer2, BiSet, Files, Sequen mi067a.zip 109372 06-05-91 GNU Chess mi067b.zip 89334 06-03-91 GNU Chess mi069.zip 167240 08-04-91 Mouse TMangler FFT mi072.zip 117871 10-04-91 Pool, TEST mi075.zip 108030 12-10-91 Maze Cluster IOStream mi077.zip 147499 12-02-91 DateCL31 VolLab GCObject mi082.zip 233677 12-12-93 BTree, IniFile, C++ Quiz pt005.zip 244360 06-15-92 PXBuddy+ XMS Routines pt011.zip 168208 05-04-93 VSA256 Event pt020.zip 562069 09-19-93 TOGMenu, ObjectEase pt026.zip 743675 10-31-93 Sound Blaster Freedom, SBPROG.. pt027.zip 536376 10-31-93 ISC, MTL, CCL sc199a.zip 110421 03-03-92 C++ Tutorial (disk 1 of 2) sc199b.zip 98469 03-03-92 C++ Tutorial (disk 2 of 2) tv003.zip 283310 07-18-93 Dialog Designer for C++ TVRW tv004.zip 310985 07-17-93 TVTools MDIDLG QDHelp DBPuts ut015.zip 237175 12-27-92 LVS C++ ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Awesome Games archives path: /zips/dos_gm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gm101.zip 1234194 12-05-93 Awesome Games 1 (Artic, Mars) gm102a.zip 1200626 12-05-93 Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 1 of 2) gm102b.zip 1418522 08-10-93 Awesome Games 2 (Nukem, disk 2 of 2) gm103.zip 991183 12-05-93 Awesome Games 3 (Cosmo!) gm104.zip 1178575 12-05-93 Awesome Games 4 (Math Rescue!) gm105.zip 1424554 12-06-93 Awesome Games 5 (Word Rescue) gm107.zip 2945409 12-07-93 Awesome Games gm108.zip 1238043 12-12-93 Awesome Games (Bio Menace) ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Misc archives path: /zips/dos_mis/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bf002a.zip 334359 08-08-93 Envision Publisher (disk 1 of 2) bf002b.zip 298449 08-08-93 Envision Publisher (disk 2 of 2) co002.zip 676727 07-03-93 Telix dm001.zip 406610 02-17-92 dQuery Demo dm002.zip 545170 12-28-92 MultiEdit Text Editor Demo gt001a.zip 314540 12-09-90 GeTUGether '90 (disk 1 of 3) gt001b.zip 307400 12-09-90 GeTUGether '90 (disk 2 of 3) gt001c.zip 203281 12-09-90 GeTUGether '90 (disk 3 of 3) gt002.zip 1706784 12-16-91 GeTUGether '91 Collection om003.zip 397345 06-15-92 PARAGen Demo pt002a.zip 266188 10-06-91 The MouseMaster Disk (disk 1 of 2) pt002b.zip 142771 10-06-91 The MouseMaster Disk (disk 2 of 2) pt009.zip 84971 05-08-93 DPMI 0.9 Specification pt010.zip 268348 05-23-93 ZIP Code Data Base pt017.zip 116933 09-28-93 Borland Bug Report Disk pt019.zip 42565 09-19-93 The MS-DOS FAQ Disk sc043a.zip 146834 10-16-88 TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 1 of 2) sc043b.zip 164886 10-16-88 TechnoJocks Toolkit, SuperBack (disk 2 of 2) sc044.zip 96501 05-26-88 Turbo Overdrive Package sc057.zip 94860 01-28-89 MathPlot, Ep sc067.zip 229678 05-24-89 Modula-2 Tutor sc080.zip 55649 03-28-89 Extended Batch Language sc081.zip 310284 09-14-89 Colorado Utilities Disk Manage sc086.zip 95494 09-19-89 PAK sc089.zip 143649 09-22-89 Qanalyst sc097.zip 73730 02-15-90 LQMatrix sc098.zip 117033 11-19-89 FXMatrix sc111.zip 234690 06-10-90 Easy Format sc112.zip 153314 07-15-90 Easy Project sc117.zip 245321 08-08-90 Wyndfields sc119.zip 250862 08-13-90 WorkBase sc124.zip 121240 10-23-90 WindE sc125a.zip 253022 12-02-90 Programmers Prod.Pak (disk 1 of 2) sc125b.zip 135279 12-02-90 Programmers Prod.Pak (disk 2 of 2) sc127.zip 56576 12-10-90 ZapCode sc129.zip 248848 12-11-90 PC-Glossary sc133.zip 117142 12-13-90 Disk Spool II sc134.zip 81641 12-14-90 wynd-dos sc135.zip 145886 12-15-90 4EDIT 4ZIP/4UNZIP XDIR sc137.zip 341034 12-15-90 PC-Draft CAD sc139.zip 91501 01-06-91 PopDBF sc140.zip 110563 01-06-91 PowerBatch sc141.zip 72489 01-06-91 BOOT.SYS sc143.zip 180109 02-20-91 Sherlock DiskList sc144.zip 345468 02-21-91 4DOS sc155.zip 143567 04-14-91 Dazzle sc164.zip 93599 08-04-91 An Ounce of Prevention sc165.zip 341276 08-04-91 Btr Help! sc168.zip 265991 08-04-91 HOTNET sc173.zip 280769 08-11-91 DeskJet Fonts & Utilities sc174.zip 278001 08-16-91 European LaserJet Fonts sc175.zip 257641 08-17-91 LaserJet Fonts and Utilities sc176.zip 192158 08-17-91 TSR Download sc187.zip 170089 10-02-91 Computer Trivia Quiz sc189.zip 219192 03-30-92 T-Zero sc193.zip 68514 08-30-91 PCX2PCL sc194.zip 256102 08-04-91 Hearts, Q4Tool, PC Form sc196.zip 210543 03-03-92 EditPick MathLib METRIC-X tv005.zip 161332 09-19-93 The Turbo Vision FAQ Disk tw015.zip 142414 05-05-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 1 tw027.zip 146626 05-15-89 AL, SD, WallSt, ZCD ut001.zip 897005 12-19-93 Ralf Brown Interrupt List ut003.zip 245084 07-18-89 BGI Toolkit ut005.zip 328977 01-10-93 Turbo Powered Editor ut007.zip 334896 06-15-92 LHA, UNARJ, ArcMaster ut010.zip 253502 02-03-94 The BGI Drivers Disk ut011.zip 1437890 05-09-93 GNU Diff / RCS ut012.zip 116361 09-09-92 Reconfig ut014.zip 255404 09-09-92 ShareSpell ut020.zip 307004 12-28-92 Super Disk Utilities ut021.zip 58836 12-28-92 SeekEasy ut022.zip 333476 12-28-92 Pseuodographics Font Masticator ut026.zip 717782 05-04-93 OzCIS ut027.zip 1327094 05-10-93 Persistence of Vision ut029.zip 144612 05-03-93 Turbo Debugger ut035.zip 206203 02-25-94 Qedit Advanced v3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Newsletters archives path: /zips/dos_nl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nl048.zip 133700 05-22-92 Issue 48 Newsletter Disk nl049.zip 113788 08-28-92 Issue 49 Newsletter Disk nl050.zip 114122 12-03-92 Issue 50 Newsletter Disk nl052.zip 336064 04-01-93 Issue 52 Newsletter Disk nl053.zip 167232 06-14-93 Issue 53 Newsletter Disk nl054.zip 166854 08-09-93 Issue 54 Newsletter Disk nl055.zip 264224 09-30-93 Issue 55 Newsletter Disk nl056.zip 52617 11-18-93 Issue 56 Newsletter Disk ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Pascal archives path: /zips/dos_pas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mi001.zip 106965 03-02-95 PC Turbo Tools Disk #1 mi002b.zip 110878 07-17-87 PC Turbo Tools Disk #2 mi003c.zip 108770 07-17-87 PC Turbo Tools Disk #3 mi010.zip 94857 11-16-87 TSR Utilities mi013.zip 123611 01-03-88 Misc. Pascal Stuff #1 mi017.zip 108969 03-07-88 Misc. Pascal Stuff #2 mi018.zip 105332 03-07-88 Misc. Pascal Stuff #3 mi025.zip 103079 07-19-88 Cursors, Chain, Info, mi029.zip 105384 10-08-88 Kbd Enhan Scrn Design mi034.zip 103810 11-21-88 PortChecker Software mi038.zip 125536 01-29-89 Chain Drive EMSHeap mi040.zip 120894 06-17-89 NXRef104 LS3 LM Indexer mi042.zip 105208 09-14-89 BPlus TTY Text2 Vol mi046.zip 107954 10-29-89 Add Bank Eval. FastScrn mi047.zip 112639 12-01-89 ATCFG, DBLock, TP5W10, mi049.zip 136662 02-11-90 MTASK RLINE SYSID mi054.zip 118503 06-17-90 DollarWord Help MouseUnit mi057.zip 140883 10-08-90 OOP Tutorial Clocks mi060.zip 135996 11-27-90 Turbo Paint Stopwatch mi063a.zip 79506 02-09-91 TPUNew EnhKbd Cmath mi063b.zip 134337 02-09-91 TPUNew EnhKbd CMath mi065.zip 129252 04-10-91 BP2Tap Clocks Joystick mi068.zip 118261 06-02-91 ASorts, FRTE, GrabHeap mi070.zip 222897 08-12-91 TPU6, ANSIView, Clocks mi071.zip 138874 08-04-91 Dialoger, MenuGen mi074.zip 139907 10-04-91 EndcodeIt DecodeIt Explod mi079.zip 151991 06-17-92 TUG/Pro Disk Library mi080.zip 216627 12-05-93 SPO Sprites VGAGrab ot031.zip 331916 01-22-94 pt003.zip 196012 02-18-92 Turbo Pascal Library pt006.zip 132707 09-12-92 TPDB pt007.zip 61475 09-12-92 Btrieve Tools Disk pt013.zip 108347 07-20-93 TP Avatar Level 1 Console pt015.zip 276184 07-18-93 pt016.zip 163531 12-20-93 Optimized Runtime Library pt018.zip 54530 09-22-93 pt022.zip 111627 10-25-93 CtoP, CtoPas pt023.zip 241865 10-25-93 pt024.zip 53192 10-26-93 Turbo Pascal FAQ Disk pt025.zip 66587 11-07-93 pt029.zip 357260 01-22-94 pt030.zip 295767 01-22-94 pt031.zip 346170 01-22-94 pt033.zip 316959 01-22-94 pt034.zip 1596486 01-22-94 rs001.zip 148979 03-19-89 Complete Turbo Pascal rs002.zip 81520 07-17-87 Software Tools Routines rs004.zip 133449 11-16-87 TurboPascal Solutions rs033.zip 140158 06-29-92 Routines from Oh! Pascal rs100.zip 318454 07-17-93 Turbo Pascal Reference rs300.zip 333801 01-22-94 rs900.zip 62847 06-06-91 TUGStuff Units Disk sc015.zip 136473 11-18-89 T-Ref sc061.zip 120644 05-07-89 Eyeball INLINE Assembler, sc068.zip 100376 05-24-89 Pascal Tutor sc101.zip 314441 02-15-90 TBTree sc103.zip 155456 02-15-90 CPMulti sc121.zip 139260 09-29-90 JED sc123.zip 662218 03-24-92 TEGL Toolkit II sc145a.zip 268025 04-10-91 TechnoJock Object Tlkt-2 sc145b.zip 247358 04-10-91 TechnoJock Object Tlkt-2 sv068.zip 104056 05-24-89 Pascal Tutor tv001.zip 331067 08-13-92 Turbo Vision Disk 1 tv002.zip 210125 12-19-93 Dialog Designer for tv006.zip 288770 01-24-94 TV Toys ut002.zip 118041 08-14-88 Unsquashing/Stack ut004.zip 158652 05-09-90 BGI Font Units Disk ut006.zip 133543 12-09-90 BGI Utilities Disk ut007.zip 944348 01-22-94 Turbo Vision Utilities ut032.zip 109638 01-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Routines and Supplement path: /zips/dos_rs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rs005.zip 92698 03-08-88 Issues 1-12, Routines & Supplement rs006.zip 101366 03-20-88 Issues 13-20, Routine & Supplement rs007.zip 90120 01-24-88 Issues 21-22, Rountines & Supplement rs008.zip 134167 03-02-95 Issue 23 Routines & Supplement rs009.zip 153699 03-02-95 Issue 24 Routines & Supplement rs010.zip 120532 07-04-88 Issue 25 Routines & Supplement rs011.zip 148183 08-31-88 Issue 26 Routines & Supplement rs013.zip 162893 01-16-89 Issue 28 Routines & Supplement rs014.zip 125060 03-02-95 Issue 29 Routines & Supplement rs015.zip 158195 05-26-89 Issue 30 Routines & Supplement rs016.zip 93436 10-30-89 Issue 31 Routines & Supplement rs017.zip 128811 01-04-90 Issue 32 Routines & Supplement rs018.zip 105252 10-30-89 Issue 33 Routines & Supplement rs019.zip 154817 04-19-90 Issue 34 Routines & Supplement rs020.zip 36777 04-03-90 Issue 35 Routines & Supplement rs021.zip 86564 05-08-90 Issue 36 Routines & Supplement rs022.zip 108572 07-09-90 Issue 37 Routines & Supplement rs023.zip 129447 09-10-90 Issue 38 Routines & Supplement rs024.zip 145215 11-09-90 Issue 39 Routines & Supplement rs025.zip 136336 01-24-91 Issue 40 Routines & Supplement rs026.zip 123165 03-12-91 Issue 41 Routines & Supplement rs027.zip 222523 07-02-91 Issue 42 Routines & Supplement rs028.zip 88503 07-02-91 Issue 43 Routines & Supplement rs029.zip 163897 09-04-91 Issue 44 Routines & Supplement rs030.zip 127455 11-08-91 Issue 45 Routines & Supplement rs031.zip 132966 01-21-92 Issue 46 Routines & Supplement rs032.zip 181001 03-18-92 Issue 47 Routines & Supplement rs101.zip 193617 07-18-93 Zen & Internet ; FixUtil ; DrPeek rs102.zip 236430 10-25-93 DOSRef rs400.zip 842301 09-06-94 rs700a.zip 99532 07-24-90 Complete Borland Tech Notes rs700b.zip 68564 07-24-90 Complete Borland Tech Notes rs701.zip 90636 06-10-90 Turbo Lang. Q & A and patches rs800.zip 166668 06-10-90 PC Techniques Listings: V1 #1 rs801.zip 59083 07-15-90 PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #2 rs802.zip 54901 09-29-90 PC Techniques Listings: V1 #3 rs803.zip 54706 12-03-90 PC Techniques Listings: V1 #4 rs804.zip 70104 02-10-91 PC Techniques LIstings: V1 #5 rs805.zip 78709 04-10-91 PC Techniques Listings: V1 #6 rs806.zip 68169 06-03-91 PC Techniques Listings: V2 #1 rs807.zip 65540 08-04-91 PC Techniques Listings: V2 #2 rs808.zip 53816 10-04-91 PC Techniques Listings: V2 #3 rs809.zip 47527 11-03-91 PC Techniques LIstings: V2 #4 rs810.zip 204322 01-01-92 PC Techniques Listings: V2 #5 rs811.zip 68996 04-06-92 PC Techniques Listings: V2 #6 rs812.zip 115165 06-15-92 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #1 rs813.zip 95859 08-19-92 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #2 rs814.zip 179254 09-01-92 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #3 rs815.zip 162115 05-16-93 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #4 rs816.zip 162115 05-16-93 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #5 rs817.zip 344401 05-16-93 PC Techniques Listings: V3 #6 rs818.zip 135306 03-28-93 PC Techniques Listings: V4 #1 rs819.zip 108366 07-20-93 PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #2 rs820.zip 45385 09-14-93 PC Techniques LIstings: V4 #3 rs821.zip 131387 10-31-93 PC Techniques Listings: V4 #4 rs822.zip 711974 12-08-93 PC Techniques Listings: V4 #5 rs823.zip 175430 01-10-94 PC Techniques Listings: V4 #5 rs824.zip 155149 03-20-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #1 rs825.zip 178656 05-10-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #2 rs826.zip 91204 05-15-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #3 rs827a.zip 707787 10-27-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #4 rs827b.zip 1374706 10-27-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #4 rs828.zip 290153 11-22-94 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #5 rs829.zip 267915 01-18-95 PC Techniques Listings: V5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS Pascal Tug O'Wards archives path: /zips/dos_tw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tw001.zip 97019 09-16-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Business) tw002.zip 99990 09-05-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #1) tw003.zip 97578 09-07-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Personal #2) tw004.zip 89615 09-06-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #1) tw005.zip 110549 09-06-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #2) tw006.zip 108944 09-08-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #3) tw007a.zip 78937 09-05-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 1 of | 2) tw007b.zip 74863 09-28-86 1985 TUG O'Wards (Utilities #4, disk 2 of | 2) tw008.zip 104001 05-03-87 TUG O'Wards II DIsk #1 tw009.zip 92304 05-03-87 TUG O'Wards II Disk #2 tw010.zip 99559 05-05-87 TUG O'Wards II Disk #3 tw011.zip 103534 05-09-87 Tug O'Wards II Disk #4 tw012.zip 87776 05-10-87 Tug O'Wards II Disk #5 tw013.zip 62138 05-10-87 Tug O'Wards II Disk #6 tw016.zip 103249 05-07-88 Tug O'Wards III Set 2 tw017.zip 90726 05-08-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 3 tw018.zip 67564 10-16-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 4 tw019.zip 88511 05-11-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 5 tw023a.zip 96572 05-15-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 9 tw023b.zip 120483 05-15-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 9 tw024a.zip 123013 05-16-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 10 tw024b.zip 53283 05-16-88 TUG O'Wards III Set 10 tw025.zip 93318 10-12-88 PacMan, Calendar, Robic (TP4.0) tw026.zip 85914 01-29-89 DiskTree, HDMenu, Notebk, (TP4.0) tw028.zip 62168 05-20-89 Aspirin, Football tw029a.zip 87680 05-17-89 KLTerm tw029b.zip 142447 05-16-89 KLTerm tw030.zip 81141 05-21-89 Mk2, X-Utilities tw031.zip 114946 05-21-89 CheckUp, CNTLFR10, RESWRD10, etc, tw032.zip 79116 05-21-89 Conics ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows C++ archives path: /zips/win_cpp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ow001.zip 202912 09-12-92 BC++OWL Disk 1 ow002.zip 512578 12-26-92 Custom Control ow003.zip 371442 12-28-92 Custom Controls Tutorial pt004.zip 118987 06-15-92 COMMDLG Ex., Kaleidoscope pt014.zip 91345 07-17-93 WinThreads, NewTrak pt028.zip 294142 10-31-93 WinEJC ut028.zip 103459 05-08-93 Bitmaps, LZSS, Printer ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Misc archives path: /zips/win_mis/ ----------------------------------------------------------- co001.zip 226129 07-11-93 MicroLink dm005.zip 447332 06-30-93 Ed for Win Text Ed Demo gr001.zip 229301 05-03-93 Paint Shop Pro mi076.zip 112408 12-09-91 Bounce FileCopy PaintBMP ow004.zip 32490 12-05-93 FOYEH1 (Windows DLL) pt008.zip 282191 06-27-93 WinBatch pt012.zip 244743 07-18-93 Windows Enhance Dialog Library pt032.zip 1619254 01-22-94 Ralf Brown List-Windows pt036.zip 196275 02-16-95 rs500.zip 509610 08-11-94 ut013.zip 277500 09-12-92 WinEdit ut018.zip 65440 12-27-92 Lecture ut023.zip 303557 12-28-92 SnagIt ut024.zip 421150 01-17-93 Sound Blister ut025.zip 313175 05-04-93 WinSpell ut030.zip 647676 09-19-93 Windows Productivity Boosters ut036a.zip 698938 10-08-93 ut036b.zip 805323 10-08-93 ut037.zip 1178429 09-20-94 ut038.zip 1319395 08-30-94 ut200.zip 565663 07-18-93 Windows Programmer's Journal