=============================  Readme.txt  ===============================

Welcome to the Walnut Creek Tcl/Tk CDROM.  This disc contains the
complete source code for Tcl and the Tk Toolkit.  You will also find
many extensions, such as Expect, and applications here.

Tcl is the "Tool Command Language", a simple and extensible scripting
language.  Tcl is a library upon which more complex applications can
be built.  Part of the standard Tcl distribution is tclsh, a simple
shell for scripts.

Tk is an extension to the basic Tcl library which adds commands for
interfacing to the X Window System.  Tk allows you to create graphical
user interfaces (GUIs) quickly and easily.  Tk includes wish, a
windowing shell for scripts.

Also included here is Expect, a Tcl extension that allows the control
of interactive programs from a script.


For more information on Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, please see the book:

  Title:      Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
  Author:     John Ousterhout
  Publisher:  Addison-Wesley
  ISBN:       0-201-63337-X

For more information on Expect:

  Title:      Exploring Expect
  Author:     Don Libes
  Publisher:  O'Reilly & Associates
  ISBN:       1-56592-090-2


To install Tcl on a Unix system:

  These instructions assume that the CDROM mount point is /cdrom, and
  that you want to put the sources into /usr/local/src, the binaries
  into /usr/local/bin, and the libraries into /usr/local/lib.  

  To make, configure and install Tcl, type these commands:

  cd /usr/local/src
  tar xf /cdrom/tcl/tcl7.4.tar
  cd tcl7.4
  make install

  To make, configure and install Tk, type these commands:

  cd /usr/local/src
  tar xf /cdrom/tk/tk4.0.tar
  cd tk4.0
  make install

  For more detailed instructions, please see the files
  tcl/tcl7.4/README and tk/tk4.0/README


MSDOS, Windows and Macintosh:

  Tcl ports to MSDOS, Windows and Macintosh are in the directory
  alcatel/distrib.  See the file alcatel/distrib/INDEX for


Here is a list of some important files and directories on the disc.

view.exe         MSDOS File Browser/Uncompressor
00global.txt     Global index of disc

docs/            Documentation regarding these discs
docs/view.doc    Documentation regarding VIEW.EXE

alcatel/         Archive at ftp.aud.alcatel.com
binaries/        Binaries for SunOS 4.1.4, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Linux
comp.lang.tcl/   comp.lang.tcl archive
et/              Embedded Tk distribution
expect/          Expect distribution
tcl/             Tcl 7.4 patchlevel 1
titech/          Tcl/Tk Japanese character support
tix/             Tcl/Tk extension
tk/              Tk 4.0 patchlevel 1



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that you back up your system regularly so that you can recover from
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disc, some non-shareware or public domain programs may have slipped
by.  If you find such a program on this disc, please notify us
immediately so we can rectify the situation.  Thanks.

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=============================  Readme.txt  ===============================