Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Documentation regarding this disc
docs\           Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation

intel\          Files for Intel machines running Windows NT.
alpha\          Files for DEC Alpha machines running Windows NT.
Files for DEC Alpha machines running Windows NT.
path: /alpha/
alanal11.zip    53066  07-09-95  A utility for EMWAC Server Log File
                               | Analysis.
aldn210g.zip   439303  11-20-95  DNEWS v2.10 - A fast, efficient, low
                               | management NNTP news server.
almail10.zip   426437  05-25-95  NTMail Server v2.10 - SMTP, POP for WinNT
                               | 32-bit services that provide SMTP and POP3
                               | support for NT allowing NT to act as a mail
                               | server.
alml1125.zip  1192968  09-12-95  Mail Daemons for NT Alpha version 2.11 beta
                               | release.
alphadt.zip    705518  10-18-94  DECtalk Software provides an easy to use
                               | Application Programming Interface (API) so
                               | your applications can speak.
alw_ax.zip     767672  11-13-93  Astronomy Lab AXP generates animated movies
                               | that simulate a host of astronomical
                               | events.
avsview.zip   3090124  07-24-95
axp_ac.zip      88586  11-11-93  Astronomy Clock AXP.
axp_bo.zip      70991  11-11-93  Bog AXP, game.
axp_dpml.zip   422991  10-07-93  Digital Portable Math Libraries (DPML) will
                               | increase your Windows NT Application's
                               | performance on the Alpha AXP platform.
axp_ha.zip     117817  11-11-93  Hangman AXP is a computerized version of
                               | the well-known game of hangman.
axp_mj.zip      56299  11-11-93  MIDI JukeBox AXP allows you to select and
                               | play multiple MIDI and/or .WAV files.
                               | Requires NT 3.1 or later and compatible
                               | MIDI output device.
axp_pz.zip      51900  11-11-93  Puzzle-8 AXP is a computerized version of
                               | th well-known 8 tile puzzle.
axp_sw.zip      49939  11-11-93  Stopwatch AXP.
axp_tc.zip     305619  11-11-93  Talking Clock AXP.
bg.zip          39581  09-28-94  This short example program bg works
                               | similarly to the START command in CMD.EXE
                               | or the UNIX shell bg command to start a
                               | background process.
bnt6a90.zip   2505048  05-30-95  Backup Exec 6.0
bytemark.zip   204672  09-21-95  BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmark program,
                               | release 2.
clckr12a.zip    75882  04-29-95  Clicker v1.2a, a mouse-button utility for
                               | Windows NT 3.5x.
clmail04.zip   149459  11-18-95  CLMail 0.4 (15Nov95)  Console-mode utility
                               | for sending SMTP mail from Win32 system.
compress.zip   110142  08-10-95  Compress program for Alpha systems running
                               | Windows NT, includes source.
cshalpha.zip  2349466  12-09-94
csh_demo.zip  2875640  05-30-95  Hamilton C Shell(tm) Demo for Windows NT on
                               | DEC Alpha.
dc21040.zip    149776  08-11-95  DC21040 driver kit.
dk051.zip      388201  09-27-95
emacssrc.zip  6058519  12-17-95  Emacs v19.17 source code
emacs_a.zip    730510  12-12-93  Emacs v19.17 for Alpha machines running
                               | Windows NT.
faua.zip       308410  08-25-95  Fragmentation Analysis Utility
fc30e32d.zip  1115533  06-25-95  File Commander 3.0E (ASP) Allows addition
                               | of programmable menu items to the WIN 3.1.
                               | File Manager.  Makes File Manager into a
fcnt_a.zip      53153  05-30-95  Frag Checker for Windows NT version 5.0
                               | (Digital Alpha-AXP systems) by Acme
                               | Developers.
finger32.zip    70663  05-30-95  Windows NT 32 bit port of windows finger
                               | program by L. Kahn.
fingerd0.zip    69539  07-01-95  FingerD - A finger service for Windows NT,
                               | version 0.4 by Dean Troyer.
flex23.zip     302719  08-10-95  Flex v2.3 full release.
fw35_1.zip     681610  05-30-95
gd25b.zip      287998  08-10-95
gd25s.zip      303837  08-10-95
giftrans.zip    77391  05-30-95  GIFTrans v1.12.  Convert any GIF into a
                               | GIF89a.  Source code included, also code to
                               | analyze GIF contents.
gr564s.zip     329330  08-11-95  RCS, the Revision Control System, source
                               | code
grcsbnt.zip   1678474  08-11-95  RCS 5.6.4 executables built from gr564s.zip
grep16.zip     299975  08-11-95  Grep, includes source.
gs261.zip     2348823  05-30-95  Ghostscript v2.61.  An interpreter for the
                               | Postscript (TM) language, and a set of C
                               | procedures that implement the graphics
                               | capabilities that appear as primitive
                               | operations in the PostScript langauge.
gsalpha.zip    173266  05-30-95  Gopher Server 0.91
gzip.zip        37022  01-05-94  Gzip executable.
gzipsrc.zip    226715  05-30-95  Gzip source.
hop.zip         90693  05-30-95  This program traces routes but only works
                               | with direct op addresses
hsalpha.zip    516536  11-15-95  Freeware EMWAC HTTP server 0.99 for Windows
                               | NT.
hyperoid.zip    55547  05-30-95
imsalpha.zip   532920  11-15-95  EMWAC Internet Mail Service 0.40
lpr10.zip      148648  06-25-95  lpr, lpq, lprm - TCP/IP printing to remote
                               | hosts.  Release 1.0.  Includes source.
macawnta.zip   441195  12-11-95
mazelord.zip   212794  09-04-95
mglalpha.zip  1526905  07-21-95  MOGLE, MicroStation OpenGL Engine version
mview.zip      288620  05-30-95  MPEG player for Windows NT.
nbody2.zip     118037  02-25-95
nbody4.zip     102186  05-30-95  Nbody game.
news.zip       670191  11-14-95
nfs216.zip    3341931  07-11-95
nfsalpha.zip  3339595  12-02-95  PC-NFS for Windows NT is a kernel-based
                               | network file system, NFS, client that
                               | enables NT systems to gain access to any
                               | system running as an NFS server.
                               | Evaluation copy.
nrlogind.zip    40690  06-25-95  rlogind and rlogin for Windows NT, version
                               | 1.0.  Implementation of a client and server
                               | for the TCP/IP rlogin facility.
nt35_sp1.zip  1712401  12-15-95  Windows NT 3.5 U.S. Service Pack 1 (Alpha).
ntbann.zip      40416  08-20-95  NTbanner is a little utility that shows the
                               | memory-utilization of Windows NT.
ntobjanl.zip   102588  06-25-95  NT Object Module Analyzer
ntperla.zip    483909  05-30-95  Perl for Alpha systems running Windows NT
ntroach.zip    158176  05-30-95
pdtools.zip   9996384  05-30-95  Many (unix-like) utilities, including
                               | sources; uniq, unshar, unzip, wvn, xvi,
                               | yacc, roids, ntzip, mawk, grep16, fold,
                               | flex, memacs, compress, xstr, cmp, chsrc,
                               | much more.
perftool.zip  5501134  12-15-95  Performance Tools
perl5090.zip   905534  10-02-95  Perl 5.001
pov2.zip       265094  07-22-95  POV, Persistance Of Vision 2 raytracer
                               | executable
povdoc_2.zip   200563  07-22-95  POV Docs
povscn_2.zip   499735  07-22-95  POV Scenes
ramdiska.zip    63476  07-26-95  Ram disk driver for Alpha systems
reskit.exe    8114241  12-15-95
sed.zip        180946  06-25-95  GNU sed.
serweb_a.zip   122469  06-26-95  WWW Server for Windows 3.1 and NT version
                               | 0.3
slink13a.zip  1217815  12-15-95
slnet14a.zip  1603213  12-15-95
snap253a.zip   459560  11-13-95  Snapshot/32 v2.53 for DEC Alpha NT.
sp1_351a.zip  5173895  12-15-95  Windows NT 3.51 U.S. Service Pack 1 for
                               | Alpha.
sp2alpha.zip  4368619  12-15-95  Windows NT U.S. Service Pack 2.
sp2_351a.zip  3833190  12-15-95  Windows NT 3.51 U.S. Service Pack 2 for
                               | Alpha.
srvnw_a.zip   1824267  05-30-95  Windows NT netware services release version
                               | for Alpha.
srvnw_a.zip   1824420  06-13-94
ssp_axp.zip    284771  05-30-95  AXP Screen Saver Pack
sweep275.zip   675806  09-16-95  SWEEP v2.72 virus scanner
tar.zip        420702  05-30-95  Tar for Alpha.
tclntaxp.zip   222663  06-25-95  Tcl scripting language for Windows NT.
ue312nta.zip   431306  05-30-95  MicroEMACS version 3.12
unzip.zip       99124  10-16-95  unzip utility
unzip512.zip   229997  10-16-95  unzip utility
unzip513.zip   406100  10-16-95  unzip utility
wb50q32d.zip  1130839  06-22-95  WinBatch 32 Interpreter version 5.0Q.
we31a32d.zip  1471211  06-23-95  WinEdit 32 Pro for Windows NT on DEC
                               | Alpha's
whois.zip       43048  06-09-95  WinWhois for Winsock Applications, Beta
                               | Version 1.0
wimaxp22.zip   230039  09-04-95  Disk Imager for NT-Alpha <ASP>  Make disk
                               | image from floppy, extract file from image,
                               | make an empty image, inject file on it and
                               | put the image on blank disc.  True Windows
                               | App (modern interface).
windev.zip     459264  05-30-95  WINDEV v1.55 ASP - An integrated program
                               | development environment.
winvn_99.zip   483552  11-10-95  WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC
                               | 1036 compliant on-line news reader.
wsalpha.zip    109207  05-30-95  WAIS Server 0.3
wsftp32.zip    396529  10-17-95  Winsock FTP client
wtalpha.zip    509243  09-05-95  WAIS Toolkit 0.72
yacc.zip       178209  08-11-95  Yacc
zinc_dem.zip   610013  06-20-95
zip.zip         99364  10-16-95  ZIP utility
zip201.zip     245702  10-16-95  ZIP utility
zlxv23.zip    1366293  10-15-95
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation
path: /docs/
acrobat.txt     25981  08-27-95  Adobe Acrobat documentation
catalog.fre     40520  03-25-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger     42689  11-19-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita     38525  06-15-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.jpn     29684  09-07-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf   3970026  11-27-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
catalog.spa     40882  06-10-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.txt     51039  01-24-96  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
view.doc         6832  03-24-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Files for Intel machines running Windows NT.
path: /intel/
admin\        Windows NT administrative programs.
apps\         Windows NT applications.
archiver\     Windows NT archiving utilities.
diskutil\     Windows NT disk utilities.
drivers\      Windows NT device drivers.
editors\      Windows NT file editors.
games\        Windows NT games.
gnu\          Windows NT GNU programs.
graphics\     Windows NT graphics related programs.
misc\         Windows NT misc programs.
network\      Windows NT network related programs.
patches\      Windows NT patches and fixes.
prog\         Windows NT programming utilities.
registry\     Windows NT registry viewers and editors.
shells\       Windows NT alternate command shells.
sound\        Windows NT sound programs.
ssavers\      Windows NT screen savers.
sysinfo\      Windows NT system info monitors.
text\         Windows NT text, messages, and FAQs.
utils\        Windows NT utilities.
Windows NT administrative programs.
path: /intel/admin/
alive.zip       13976  11-08-95  Opalis Alive v1.0 for Windows NT and
                               | Windows 95.  Freeware utility to test if a
                               | process is alive on a local or remote
                               | system (running Windows NT)
bjs121.zip    1556078  09-30-95  Batch Job Server v1.21.  Manages the
                               | queuing and execution of Windows NT batch
                               | files (batch jobs) submitted by users,
                               | programs or other host systems.  Allows
                               | batch jobs to be submitted via ftp from IBM
                               | Mainframes or UNIX hosts.  Shareware
                               | evaluation copy.
dmpacl24.zip   190594  05-27-95  Somar DumpAcl v2.4.  Program to dump file
                               | system and other types of permissions,
                               | audit settings, user/group info, etc. in a
                               | concise, readable listbox format, so that
                               | "holes" in system security are readily
                               | apparent.
dumpevt.zip     49461  06-03-95  Somar DumpEvt v1.1.  Windows NT program to
                               | dump the event log, in a format suitable
                               | for importing into a database.
kill.zip       130390  01-13-95  Kill and PS to assist in killing
                               | applications.
ntcrnd21.zip   769420  08-02-95  NTCrond is a Microsoft Windows NT service
                               | that emulates the crond utility developed
                               | by AT&T and Hewlett Packard for UNIX.  It
                               | allows Windows NT users to schedule the
                               | execution of commands at specified dates
                               | and times.
nttools.zip     60379  01-24-94  Windows NT Tools; logoff, shutdown, reboot,
                               | etc.
opr_12d.zip    775225  11-03-95  OpalisRobot v1.2d.  OpalisRobot is an
                               | automation program for Windows NT.  You can
                               | use OpalisRobot to trigger execution of
                               | tasks caused by events.
sdown110.zip    10732  10-28-95  ShutDown v1.10.  Why go to the Program
                               | Manager, click on File, Shutdown, and then
                               | shutdown?  ShutDown makes it easier by
                               | providing the same shutdown service that
                               | NT's Program Manager does.  Great for
                               | shutting down the computer from a batch
                               | file or a scheduling program.
slat.zip       359774  10-18-95  Task schedular for Windows NT.
su.zip          19031  07-04-95  UNIX-like Substitute User for Windows NT.
                               | Impersonate another user on the system.
                               | Includes source code.
susrv.zip       45971  08-27-95  SuSrv, a service that processes requests to
                               | start processes for certain users, and Sunt
                               | - a command-line utility that sends
                               | requests to the service.  For Windows NT
                               | 3.51.
tstgrp10.zip    13595  05-21-95  Somar TestGrp v1.0.  Utility to test for
                               | group membership.
Windows NT applications.
path: /intel/apps/
6plus.zip      434257  12-17-95  6 NT apps.  2CPO (allows you to connect to
                               | different post offices), CHAT2 (improved
                               | Chat), DENET (beta NT interface for
                               | Delphi), TRASH (drag and drop trashcan),
                               | WINDESK (desktop utility), WINNER
                               | (text/programming editor).  Plus more!
aclk2.zip       90297  12-17-95  Astronomy Clock 2 for Windows 32-bit OS's.
alt35b.zip     464348  12-17-95  Almanac 35b, 32-bit version written for
                               | Windows NT.
ccd150.zip      42188  12-17-95  Application to quickly change
                               | subdirectories in NT.
deskfo.zip      46321  12-17-95  Desktop font and icon spacing control panel
                               | Applet.
dock2111.zip   185278  09-19-95  Dock 2000 v1.11 Shareware, 32 bit Windows
                               | NT 3.5x application for Intel machines.
                               | Dock 2000 helps you organize your
                               | applications.
faxsrv.zip     851639  06-17-94  Windows NT Fax Server.
fmant11d.zip   151829  12-17-95  FM Applic (NT) 1.1d.  Applications menu for
                               | Windows NT.
frac2.zip       70007  12-17-95  FracView 2 for Windows 95, NT, and Win32s.
homedrv.zip     13576  12-17-95  Windows NT application to change drive
                               | letter of a domain user's homedir.
littles.zip     28035  12-17-95  Three little Windows NT console applets;
                               | kill, ps, nice.
navwin21.zip   818504  09-07-95  Training program for boating rules.
ntexit12.zip    24123  10-02-94  Quickly exit Windows NT Icon version 1.2
ntvip.zip       97365  12-17-95  Phonebook for Windows NT (supports BMPs and
                               | AVIs).
nz321n.zip     130854  12-17-95  NoteZ is a varient of the Post-It idea for
                               | Windows.
onote32.zip    375734  12-17-95  Object Notes 3.501.  A Win NT Note Manager.
os2_03wr.zip   330733  12-17-95  OnScreen/2, shareware fileviewer, v2.02 for
                               | Win32/NT.
os2_06wr.zip   347632  12-17-95  OnScreen/2, shareware fileviewer, v2.06
pixfnt.zip    1055182  12-17-95  PixFolio Image Catalog System NT version
                               | 2.0.156
psacrdnt.zip   689181  12-17-95  PSA Cards 2.3 for Windows NT 3.5 Address
                               | Manager
psant26.zip   1193325  12-17-95  PSA Cards has an elegant, easy to use
                               | interface for storing names, addresses and
                               | phone numbers.  Looks like a card file and
                               | works like a card file.  This version (32
                               | bit) is for Windows NT 3.51 or Windows 95.
pt04bp22.zip   103231  12-17-95  Windows NT 32 Bit Terminal App.  Temporary
                               | fix for Windows NT 3.5.
rcalc2.zip     336720  12-17-95  Talking RPN Calculator 2 for Windows 95,
                               | NT, and Win32s
ripb61nt.zip   289662  10-23-94  RIPbar v6.1, provides services like
                               | application launching, drag and drop
                               | launching, memory and resource tracking,
                               | task switching, time/dat, post-it stype
                               | notes, hotkey and more.  All in one,
                               | unobtrusive packe.
snap220.zip    137191  12-17-95  SnapShot/32 v2.20.  Screen capture program
                               | for NT.
tinycad.zip    166712  12-17-95  Entry level Electronic Circuit Diagram
                               | design program.
tldemo32.zip   946828  12-17-95  Responsive Time Logger.
Windows NT archiving utilities.
path: /intel/archiver/
gzip.zip       124062  01-05-94  GZip v1.2.4 WinNT port.  Intel, MIPS, and
                               | Alpha binaries.
gzipsrc.zip    226715  01-05-94  GZip v1.2.4 WinNT port.  Source code.
ntzip201.zip   246746  08-22-94  Windows NT Unzip utility.
tar.zip        420663  01-05-94  Tar v1.11.2 Windows NT port.  Intel, MIPS,
                               | Alpha binaries.
unz512xn.zip   146969  06-29-95
unzipnt.zip     35271  09-29-93  Unzip 5.0p1 compiled for Windows NT.
wznt56.zip     298113  01-24-95  WinZip v5.6 for Windows NT.
zip201xn.zip    71190  06-29-95
zip_nt.zip      77881  12-17-95
Windows NT disk utilities.
path: /intel/diskutil/
bootpa10.zip    12661  09-19-95  BOOTPART 1.0.  Boot partition for Windows
                               | NT.  Easy tools to add one partition to the
                               | multi boot menu.  C source included.
dmpdsk11.zip   190034  07-31-95  Dump disk tool v1.0 build 8.  A little tool
                               | that lets you edit physical or logical disk
                               | even if formatted using NTFS.
wimant22.zip   144439  09-04-95  WinImage 2.0.  Windows Disk Imager Windows
                               | NT Intel.
Windows NT device drivers.
path: /intel/drivers/
1571_210.zip   901958  12-13-95  Matrox MGA Series Drivers for Windows NT
                               | 3.5 for Intel.  Verion 2.10.015, Dec 20
                               | 1994.
1597_110.zip   829527  12-13-95  Matrox MGA Millennium Series Drivers for
                               | Windows NT 3.5/3.51 on x86 CPUs.  Version
                               | 1.10.023, Sep 08 1995.
2000nt39.zip    12375  03-31-93  Always IN2000 SCSI Driver for NT.
4mms2.zip       69547  06-16-94  winNT driver for 4mm DDS2 DAT drives.
64nt3520.zip   126494  12-13-95  Windows NT Device Drivers Version 1.50 for
                               | ATI video cards.
82595.zip       24533  10-26-93  winNT driver for Intel PCLA82xx ethernet
                               | adapter.
864wnt.zip     429788  10-17-94  v1.04 of the Stealth 64
                               | Install/Utils/Drivers for NT.
agx_nt.zip      91654  07-23-93  Pre-beta Hercules Graphite drivers for
                               | Windows NT.
ami48.zip       15999  12-29-93  Windows NT drivers for AMI SCSI card.
artgrp.zip      76860  01-10-94  Windows NT drivers for Artist Graphics
                               | video card.
atib2.zip       67781  03-29-93  ATI Drivers (3/26/93) for Windows NT.
atiunt03.zip    58210  11-13-92  Graphics Ultra Pro/+ Drivers.
bignt201.zip   147005  11-28-94  Win NT 3.1 Drivers for all SPEA
                               | V7Mirage/Mercury Cards.
bignt302.zip   125879  02-10-95  Win NT 3.5 Drivers for all SPEA
                               | V7Mirage/Mercury Cards.
c320nt.zip      45478  01-17-94  winNT drivers for Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI
                               | NIC.
chincdnt.zip    45165  12-29-93  WinNT drivers for Chinon CD-ROM w/
                               | unsupported SCSI.
cmd600.zip      10899  01-25-94  WinNT drivers for CMD EISA CSA-6000 SCSI
                               | card.
ctf30.zip       66034  02-10-94  WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX FDDI DNI
                               | NIC.
ctf70.zip       65356  02-10-94  WinNT drivers for Cabletron F70XX FDDI DNI
                               | NIC.
ctt20.zip       41758  02-14-94  WinNT drivers for Cabletron T20XX
                               | token-ring NIC.
ctt30.zip       43455  02-17-94  WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX
                               | token-ring NIC.
dtc3290.zip     83776  01-13-93  Jan93 drivers for the DTC3290 controller
                               | for NT.
ee16nt.zip      15088  11-12-93  Intel ethernet adapter drivers for WinNT.
elink3nt.zip    28083  06-10-93  NT driver for 3Com Etherlink III (3C509)
                               | adapter.
ex2501.zip      24058  05-14-94  winNT driver for exabyte 2501 tape drive.
fl32nt.zip      28656  02-02-94  WinNT drivers for intel etherexpress
                               | flash32 NIC.
gxe64nt.zip     66245  07-25-95  Number Nine GXE64 drivers for Window NT
                               | 3.5.
hg_nt.zip      169677  09-20-93  Beta NT display driver for the Hercules
                               | Graphite cards.
hpisa.zip       26539  10-25-93  winNT drivers for HP ISA ethernet adapters.
hpmca.zip       19985  10-25-93  winNT driver for HP MC LAN adapter/16 TP.
hpscan2.zip   1088106  10-21-93  HP ScanJet drivers 10/93 update for Windows
                               | NT.
i128nt35.zip    36906  03-21-95  Number Nine Imagine 128 drivers for Windows
                               | NT 3.5.
ibm4mm.zip      56011  03-02-94  WinNT drivers for IBM 2gig 4mm tape drive.
ibmsyn.zip      63172  02-01-93  IBM Multiprotocol Adapter Driver SRC.
k5426_d5.zip   121882  01-10-94  GD5426/28 Drivers for Win NT 3.1  release
                               | 1.41.
lmousent.zip    39057  02-23-93  Logitech Windows NT mouse drivers.
lm_marnt.zip    25097  04-06-93  Logitech mouse driver.
m531nt35.zip    66245  07-25-95  Number Nine Motion 531 drivers for Windows
                               | NT 3.5.
m771nt35.zip    66245  07-25-95  Number Nine Motion 771 drivers for Windows
                               | NT 3.5.
m93nt1.zip      67475  03-19-93  ATI Mach8/Mach32 March 93 Beta Windows NT
                               | Drivers.
mapmem.zip      11347  02-24-93  Device Driver to map physical Memory.
miro100.zip    152144  07-07-94  NT 3.1 drvr(v1.0 7/94) for Crystal
                               | 10sd,20sd,20sv,40sv.
miro210.zip    163710  03-04-94  v2.10 2/94 drvrs for Miro s3 801, 805, 928
                               | based cards.
miront35.zip   151242  10-21-94  v1.00 10/94 drvrs for Miro 10sd, 20sd,
                               | 20sv, 40sv.
mtm_nt.zip      53705  12-01-93  Mitsumi CD-ROM Device Driver for NT.
mxxnt8.zip      79057  02-10-93  ATI's NT drivers for 8514/Ultra, Ultra+,
                               | Ultra Pro,etc.
ncrpci35.zip    23152  12-09-94  NCR SCSI SDMS PCI Windows NT 3.5 Drivers.
nflex.zip       92519  03-10-94  WinNT drivers for compaq netflex NIC.
ni6510nt.zip    19123  09-24-93  Win NT drivers for Racal-Interlan NI6510
                               | ethernet card.
nt128351.zip    35837  10-16-95  Number Nine Imagine 128 drivers for Windows
                               | NT 3.51.
nt_130.zip       6784  09-23-92  Trantor NT drivers for T130 SCSI
                               | adapter,etc.
nt_s3.zip       57370  04-18-94  S3 Video Driver for NT.
p9_nt.zip       57490  10-25-93  Windows nt drivers for orchid p9000.
qlogic.zip      16438  04-28-94  winNT driver for Qlogic SCSI adapters.
s4mm.zip        57936  01-17-94  WinNT drivers for Sony SCSI tape drive.
sankyo.zip      20744  12-16-93  WinNT drivers for Sankyo SCSI tape drive.
sb_nt.zip      141702  03-25-94  Final Release of Creative WinNT drvrs:
                               | SBP2/SB16/CDROM.
slp11.zip       29687  05-21-95  Somar SLP v1.1 - NT driver for Seiko SLPro
                               | Windows NT printer driver for the Seiko
                               | Smart Label Printer Pro.  Allows printing
                               | to the SLPro from any windows application.
                               | Also, DLL to allow easy printing of address
                               | and shipping labels from 32 bit Visual
                               | Basic programs.
smc16.zip       28940  01-28-94  WinNT drivers for SMC 16-bit ethernet NIC.
smc32.zip       24176  01-19-94  WinNT drivers for SMC ethercard elite 32
                               | ultra NIC.
tctok.zip       49623  03-03-94  Windows NT drivers for thomas-conrad
                               | token-ring NIC.
triont35.zip    63088  03-09-95  Number Nine Trio drivers for Windows NT
                               | 3.5.
v330nt35.zip    66245  07-25-95  Number Nine Vision 330 drivers for Windows
                               | NT 3.5.
v7mirnt.zip    122026  12-01-94  Latest Spea V7 Mirage Video drivers for
                               | Windows NT.
vnt101.zip      87253  05-23-94  Viper VLB Windows NT release v1.01.
vpcint.zip      69713  11-01-93  Viper PCI Windows NT drivers v1.00.
vprnt100.zip    90966  11-10-93  Diamond Viper drivers for MS Windows
                               | NT,version 1.00.
wavlan.zip      27852  10-12-93  Windows NT driver for NCR WaveLAN AT and
                               | MCA adapters.
wd7000dr.zip    22175  09-20-94  Western Digital WD7000FASST SCSI controller
                               | NT driver.
wntw32.zip      70544  12-30-93  WinNT Tseng W32/W32i/W32p Video Driver
                               | 12/30/93.
Windows NT file editors.
path: /intel/editors/
ed15nt.zip     201499  11-01-94  Editeur V1.5 text editor for Windows NT
                               | <ASP>
ed22nt.zip     217861  07-01-95  Editeur V2.1 text editor for Windows NT.  A
                               | full featured, all-users text editor.
                               | Handles Windows, Dos, and Unix files.
                               | Multitext, no size limit.  Font choice.
                               | Tool and status bars.  Word wrap, and much
                               | more.
emacssrc.zip  5382016  01-05-94  Emacs v19.17 Windows NT port source code.
emacs_i.zip    446019  12-17-95  Emacs v19.17 Windows NT port for Intel
                               | machines.
epnt11.zip     201848  04-08-95  EcopadNT v1.1x.  Text editor prints 8 pages
                               | txt on 1 page.  Windows Notepad replacement
                               | which compresses pages, Ecopad can print up
                               | to 8 pages of text on one sheet of paper.
                               | Includes print preview, drag and drop,
                               | toolbar, and more.  For NT 3.5.
he32.zip       148872  04-10-94  HEdit32 v1.2, Hexadecimal Ed for Binary
                               | Files (Intel)
mewn1m.zip     109315  03-31-93  MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT.
mews1m.zip      11151  02-25-95  MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT source changes for
                               | 1.1a.
ntcgrp.zip       6751  10-30-92  Customize DLL for controlling NT Dialog
                               | Editor
ntspin.zip       7595  10-29-92  Spin control for NT Dialog Editor
ntxsta.zip       7471  10-29-92  XStatic control for NT Dialog Editor
pfe0507i.zip   596697  07-11-94  Programmer's File Editor v0.05.007.
pfe0602i.zip   462728  10-15-95  PFE MDI Editor 0.06.002 for Intel.
                               | Programmer's File Editor, a large-capacity
                               | multi-file programming oriented editor for
                               | Windows 95, NT 3.51, and Windows 3.1x.
pfe0602p.zip   519835  10-15-95  PFE MDI Editor 0.06.002 for PowerPC.
                               | Programmer's File Editor, a large-capacity
                               | multi-file programming oriented editor for
                               | Windows 95, NT 3.51, and Windows 3.1x.
txp32131.zip   717686  11-11-95  Textpad v1.31.  Ziff-Davis 1995 Award
                               | winner.  "TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text
                               | editor I've seen! It's fast, loaded with
                               | features, and beautifully done. Get it!" -
                               | Dr File Finder.
ue312n.zip     299981  11-27-93  MicroEMACS 3.12 for Windows NT.
uedit32.zip    261075  04-27-95  UltraEdit-32 TXT/HEX editor using MDI.
we32i30d.zip   581498  10-29-93  WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (Intel)
ze32v107.zip   436096  10-15-95  Zeus for Windows v1.04 - Program Editor.
                               | For those who have been looking for a Brief
                               | editor for Windows, your search is over.
                               | Features include, MDI support, status and
                               | toolbar, syntax color highlighting, in edit
                               | compile, automatic backup, file restore on
                               | startup, error listing, undo/redo, search,
                               | replace, bookmarks, column, block and
                               | stream marking, quick help and much more.
Windows NT games.
path: /intel/games/
bog2.zip       105798  02-25-95  Bog 2 is a word game similar to Boggle.
bombs2.zip     185038  08-27-94  Bomb Squad Game for Windows 95, NT, and
                               | Win32s.
hang2.zip      143222  08-27-94  Hangman 2 Word Game for Windows 95, NT, and
                               | Win32s.
klotz4nt.zip   137822  10-30-93  Klotz game for NT version 3.05.
nbody3.zip     124137  03-02-95  Gravitational N-Body Simulation version
                               | 1.6.
nbody4.zip     217686  05-25-95  NBody Grav Simulation for NT (Intel and
                               | Alpha).
nethaknt.zip   694330  06-11-93  NetHack 3.1.2 for NT.
pzl82.zip       58076  02-25-95  Puzzle-8 2 for Windows 95, NT, and Win32s.
telpz2.zip     173179  08-27-94  Telephone Puzzle 2 for Windows 95, NT, and
                               | Win32s.
vivo32.zip      39520  03-22-94  Conway's Life for Windows NT.
wm_frn.zip      56066  05-16-94  Master Mind for Windows 3.1 and NT.
Windows NT GNU programs.
path: /intel/gnu/
gd25s.zip      303983  11-17-93  Modified sources to build GNU diff v2.5 for
                               | NT.
gnugrep.zip    184801  02-18-94  NT sources of GNU grep and Intel binaries.
gnurcs.zip     403072  10-13-92  Revision Control System for NT.
gr564b.zip     354156  12-24-93  GNU Diff and GNU RCS Binaries for NT.
gr564bnt.zip   450552  02-15-94  Executables and docs for NT GNU RCS v5.6.4
                               | w/exes of GNU diff v2.5.
gr564s.zip     329477  12-24-93  modified sources to build GNU RCS v5.6.4
                               | for NT.
grep16.zip     258408  02-25-93  Gnu grep and egrep 1.6 (src+MIPS-EXE).
ibison.zip      79014  02-14-93  NT GNU Bison for i386+ processors (Feb 1993
                               | build).
icompres.zip    35422  02-14-93  NT GNU Compress for i386+ processors (Feb
                               | 1993 build).
idiff.zip      106555  02-14-93  NT GNU Diff for i386+ processors (Feb 1993
                               | build).
iflex.zip       83889  02-14-93  NT GNU Flex for i386+ processors (Feb 1993
                               | build).
igrep.zip      106896  02-14-93  NT GNU grep/egrep for i386+ processors (Feb
                               | 1993 build).
ised.zip        65709  02-14-93  NT GNU Sed for i386+ processors (Feb 1993
                               | build).
win32tar.zip    66257  02-26-94  GNU tar NT console app.
Windows NT graphics related programs.
path: /intel/graphics/
anicurs1.zip    10751  10-29-93  Another collection of .ANI animated
                               | cursors.
anicurs2.zip    95284  11-06-93  Collection of .ANI and .CUR animated and
                               | normal cursors.
clipn20.zip    188239  08-14-95  Clip'nSave 2.0 for Windows NT/95 -
                               | Clip'nSave is a Windows NT/95 based screen
                               | capture program.  Features include freehand
                               | capture and single-key screen printing.
                               | Works in mono, gray and 16 to 16 million
                               | colors.  Reads and writes BMP, DIB, TIF,
                               | PCX, GIF and EPS..
drw103.zip     194160  10-20-95  DLR Draw v1.03 - Full featured
                               | cross-platform shareware object drawing
                               | tool for Windows 95, NT, Win32s and Mac..
imglib12.zip   268760  03-30-95  ImgLib v1.2 is a 32-bit DLL for developers
                               | who would like to support reading,
                               | converting, and manipulating of all popular
                               | graphics image formats (like BMP, JPEG,
                               | TIFF, PCX, Photo CD, and more).  Supports
                               | Win 3.1, NT, and 95..
ntjade.zip      89698  09-15-93  Windows NT logon screen (.bmp).
ntqv12d.zip    258087  04-07-95  NT viewer/converter for
                               | JPEG/BMP/GIF/TIFF/FAX/PCD.
ntslrtme.zip    56611  03-16-94  SOLARTME 1.2 for NT: worldmap showing the
                               | terminator.
nt_logo1.zip   254773  03-15-94  Alternative WinNT logon screen.
nt_logo2.zip   182442  03-15-94  Another alternative WinNT logon screen.
nt_logo3.zip   277290  03-15-94  Yet another alternative WinNT logon screen.
polyv170.zip   183374  04-22-95  PolyView JPEG and GIF graphics viewer for
                               | NT.
pov22_nt.zip   164116  02-26-94  POVray v2.2 raytracer WinNT port.
scrcapi.zip    139168  05-09-94  Screen (desktop) capture for Windows NT on
                               | Intel.
snap243a.zip   352108  09-17-95  Snapshot/32 automatically CAPTURES Win95/NT
                               | SCREENS.  Use HOTKEYS you define to grab
                               | your desktop, a window, client, or
                               | user-defined area.  For DEC Alpha Win NT..
snap254.zip    296006  11-24-95  Snapshot/32 automatically CAPTURES Win95/NT
                               | SCREENS.  Use HOTKEYS you define to grab
                               | your desktop, a window, client, or
                               | user-defined area.  For Win 95/NT..
st_gra2.zip    161040  10-19-94  Stereograms v. 1.00 Generates random-dot
                               | stereograms.
toshpcd.zip     15083  12-09-93  Read PhotoCD's under Windows NT w/Toshiba
                               | 3401 CDROM.
wpaper01.zip   275966  11-30-93  Shareware Custom Wallpaper.
Windows NT misc programs.
path: /intel/misc/
cinnti.zip      28997  03-27-94  SuperMatch Cinepak Codec for Windows NT for
                               | Intel x86.
kb_ren.zip        412  03-11-94  Script renames WinNT KnowledgeBase files to
                               | full names.
kmglos.zip      92370  02-01-93  Replacement Tables of Contents/Glossary for
                               | NT Beta.
mdipad.zip      26432  02-24-93  MDI Template.
mypal.zip        7661  02-18-93  Updated Example from the October SDK.
newmk.zip        4189  11-05-92  Build environment.  New make file for
                               | shrmem.
ntcrn1.zip      29918  11-25-94  Windows NT ntcrond Version 1.0 A2.
ntfi15.zip     893567  12-24-94  Freeman Installer & Uninstaller for NT
                               | v1.50.
ntlpr.zip       23576  10-13-93  Berkeley LPD client for the NT console.
ntroach.zip    158328  02-10-95  NT adaptation of the X program, xroach
                               | (alpha/intel).
nttardis.zip    53943  09-17-94  NT service that provides RFC868 time sync
                               | client.
nt_intro.zip   476064  03-03-93  Intro to NT (DOS program).
queue.zip       12343  11-07-92  DosQueue functions of OS/2 ported to NT.
sossntr3.zip   267941  11-29-93  A port of the SOSS NFS server program to
                               | NT.
tools.zip      217095  03-03-93  Available NT Development Tools in Excel and
                               | Word Format.
Windows NT network related programs.
path: /intel/network/
atrls16i.zip   172348  03-01-95  Ataman Rlogind, Telnetd and Rexecd Services
                               | (Intel)
blat14.zip      51484  10-25-95  Blat v1.4 - Public Domain Windows NT
                               | console utility that sends the contents of
                               | a file in an email message using the SMTP
                               | protocol.
e999nt35.zip   225096  08-05-95  E-Mail Nofity v0.99.9 - Winsock complient
                               | Biff Internet E-Mail client.
finger32.zip    37336  08-24-94  NT 32 bit port of windows finger program.
fingerd.zip     30534  09-23-95  FingerD - A Finger Service for Windows NT.
fingrd12.zip    70079  08-19-94  NT Finger Daemon.
hop.zip         25057  05-31-94  Hop check and IP trace route util for NT.
iarlgd10.zip    82069  02-25-95  Ataman Rlogin Daemon.
iftpd.zip      181473  05-03-93  FTP-Daemon for NT (runs as a service).
lpr10.zip       96161  11-09-92  lpr, lpq, lprm - TCP/IP printing to remote
                               | hosts.
mailhtml.zip    63662  05-25-95  NTMail Server documentation in HTML format.
mtbeta.zip     460899  06-15-95  Map THIS! HTML Image map editor.
mudwhont.zip    16559  07-20-94  Connects to RWHO server/grabs WHO lists of
                               | every mud.
nrlogind.zip    30774  02-18-94  rlogin client/server for Windows NT (x86
                               | src/exe).
ntfngd09.zip    46218  09-22-95  Finger Service for Windows NT (Intel).
ntmail10.zip   166536  06-30-95  NTMail Server v2.10 - SMTP, POP for WinNT
                               | 32-bit services that provide SMTP and POP3
                               | support for NT allowing NT to act as a mail
                               | server.
nt_doscl.zip  4655624  02-26-94  DOS client software for WinNT.
nwc_x86.zip   1060248  02-04-94  NetWare redirector public beta release 2.
qrlogind.zip    17800  02-16-94  TCP/IP rlogin daemon for NT.
qvtn3989.zip   491911  01-13-95  3.989 release of WinQVT/Net for Windows NT
                               | or Win32s.
qvtnt398.zip   501385  07-09-95  WinQVT/Net V3.98 TCP/IP Apps for NT.
qws3270a.zip    22620  11-03-93  QWS3270 3270 terminal for winNT version
                               | 2.0a.
rcmd3217.zip    51603  08-16-95  DLL for Windows NT/95 providing RSH
                               | capability.
rcp3217.zip     68687  08-16-95  DLL for Windows NT/95 providing RCP
                               | capability.
rshdnt17.zip   287179  08-13-95  Remote Shell Daemon Service for Windows NT.
serialnk.zip   762133  11-16-95  A terminal server for NT from Seattle Lab
                               | Inc.
slnet.zip     1017534  11-16-95  A telnet server for NT from Seattle Lab
                               | Inc.
smtpgate.zip   126433  08-18-94  SMTP Gateway for Windows NT.
startras.zip    18220  04-20-95  Keep the ras connection to an internet
                               | service up.
telc10a.zip     47154  09-02-95  Telnet client for Windows NT console
                               | w/source.
tftpds12.zip    41681  09-14-95  A multi-threaded TFTP server service for
                               | NT.
tty32.zip       25525  10-16-92  TTY Sample allowing TELNET connections.
vmail104.zip    62164  09-28-93  VanceMail: SMTP Send mail agent for NT.
winftp.zip     178068  02-25-95  Graphical NT FTP client (based on ws_ftp).
winntnet.zip     9226  02-13-93  Win-NT-Net File Distribution Network Info.
winvndoc.zip   240861  02-25-95  Winvn documentation.
winvnps.zip    329287  02-25-95  Winvn postscript documentation.
ws_ftp32.zip   132750  02-25-95  NT FTP Client.
ws_watch.zip    24781  02-25-95  Windows Sockets Net Watch.
wti386.zip     292859  02-25-95  WAIS Toolkit for NT i386.
wvdoc10.zip    295151  02-25-95  Winvn 1.0 documentation.
wvn926nt.zip   194680  12-05-94  NNTP newsreader for Windows/NT.
Windows NT patches and fixes.
path: /intel/patches/
beta2fix.zip    67355  00-00-80  Fix exe/dlls that were built for NT prior
                               | to Beta 2.
nt351sp.zip   2638756  08-16-95  Windows NT 3.51 U.S. Service Pack 1
                               | (Intel).
ntfspf.zip     672567  06-15-95  NTFS Performance Update (Intel/Mips/Alpha).
pshdr.zip        4957  01-29-93  Replacement psheader.ps missing from Oct
                               | Beta.
resc.zip        26094  11-06-92  Updates to the tools in ResConv and
                               | Annotate.
sp2i86.zip    0019707  06-26-95  Windows NT U.S. Service Pack 2 (Intel).
sp2_351i.zip  7839570  12-08-95  Windows NT 3.51 U.S. Service Pack 2 for
                               | Intel.
sp3_31.zip    1478157  12-08-95  Windows NT 3.1 U.S. Service Pack 3.
spi386.zip    6095333  09-30-93  Windows NT US Service Pack 1.  11/1/93 NT
                               | update
srvnw_i.zip   1337359  06-13-94  Windows NT netware services release version
                               | for Intel.
wnt001.zip      80994  11-11-92  Windows NT, Beta October 1992 - Boot
                               | Workaround.
wnt003.zip      11660  01-29-93  Fixes for HP Deskjet printing with NT.
wnt004.zip      15198  01-29-93  Fixes bug with Floppy based install of NT.
wnt005.zip      13084  02-23-93  Fixes the problem with Cirrus Video Cards.
Windows NT programming utilities.
path: /intel/prog/
axp_dpml.zip   423146  10-07-93  Digital Portable Math Library (DPML) for
                               | Alpha AXP w/NT.
bctex.zip     1076465  10-06-93  C version of TeX 3.1415, Metafont 2.71 for
                               | NT.
caplib.zip       4670  10-30-92  Microsoft Windows NT Call Profiler
cppsum15.zip    16573  05-21-95  Somar CPPSUM v1.5 - file summary info DLL
                               | that can be called from WordBasic, Visual
                               | Basic or C. Retrieves the file summary info
                               | in an OLE 2.0 document, such as the
                               | documents produced by WinWord 6.0 and Excel
                               | 5.0. Source code included.
crctol12.zip   365477  11-03-95  CRC Tool v1.2 - Win CRC O-O Design Tool
                               | This facilitates Object-Oriented design
                               | using the
                               | Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC)
                               | technique as presented in Designing
                               | Object-Oriented Software by Wirfs-Brock, et
                               | al.
cshintel.zip   906328  12-09-94  Hamilton C shell and utilities for Intel
                               | based Windows NT machines.
cxxp4w.zip      19256  03-11-93  C++ Programming for Windows Oct NT.
ddkmk.zip       14649  11-22-93  Updated MAKEFILE.DEF for MS VC++/NT on x86.
dyndlg.zip       5870  11-02-92  Sample to show how to create Win32 dialogs.
fi22nt.zip    1316278  06-23-95  Freeman Installer v2.2, installation aid
flag2.zip       29666  10-22-92  Flagger - A batch porting tool for Oct 92
                               | Beta.
holep.zip       20376  11-07-92  HOLEPORT porting tool.
jx4nt125.zip   159146  10-10-94  Jax4th Forth Compiler for Windows NT.
makfon.zip       3901  10-20-92  Oct 92 Beta version of the source to make a
                               | FON file.
makman.zip      13556  09-05-95  Mak Manager v1.0 for Windows 95 & NT 3.5x.
                               | Automatically runs the appropriate
                               | programming environment when a .mak file is
                               | opened. Supports Visual C++ 1.x, Visual C++
                               | 2.x, and Visual Basic. A must have utility
                               | for any serious programmer.
msgblast.zip  1033020  09-16-95  32 bit OLE Custom Control (OCX) that allows
                               | Visual Basic apps to intercept messages
                               | destined for any window in any running
                               | program.
ntperls.zip    447353  07-23-93  Source for Perl for windows NT.
os2ss.zip      258781  11-05-92  Porting NT to OS/2.
resdll.zip       6251  10-19-92  Oct Beta Ver of samples\resdll files.
resfmt.zip      32854  11-02-92  Win32 Binary resource formats.
rtf.zip         24185  08-27-95  RTF converter for WinOne.
servic.zip       7633  02-08-93  Simple Service Example for NT.
source.zip     926026  06-22-95  winNT POSIX utilities source code.
tags201.zip    383260  10-03-95  Tags Generator v2.01 (executables and
                               | source code).
winner.zip      33260  11-04-92  NT Programming Environment.
xvi.zip        469127  06-02-94  xvi for Windows NT.
xvidiff.zip     24727  01-02-93  Port of xvi for NT (source diffs).
xvisrc.zip     346758  01-02-93  Port of xvi for NT (source).
zkf102.zip     784290  01-04-95  C++ interpreter for Windows NT.
Windows NT registry viewers and editors.
path: /intel/registry/
copyreg.zip     19290  12-17-95  Command line application that copies
                               | registry keys between NT systems.
dumpreg.zip    135148  05-24-95  Somar DumpReg v1.0.  NT registry dumper
                               | Windows NT and Windows 95 program to dump
                               | the registry, making it easy to find keys
                               | and values matching a string.
greprg10.zip    14550  09-11-95  Opalis Grep_Reg v1.0 for Windows NT and
                               | Windows 95.  Freeware utility to search for
                               | a string on the registry.
regfind.zip     21674  08-31-94  RegFind. a win32 registry search utility.
regsrch.zip    173729  03-01-95  Registry Search and Replace v1.00.
rgedit11.zip    33256  05-21-95  Somar RegEdit v1.2.  edit NT registry
                               | Windows NT DLL callable by 32 bit Visual
                               | Basic that can be used to view and/or edit
                               | Windows NT user registry profiles.
Windows NT alternate command shells.
path: /intel/shells/
4dosnt25.zip   384224  12-20-94  4DOS/NT 2.5 <ASP> - JP Software's award
                               | winning command processor for Windows NT.
                               | Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,
                               | many other features.  Optional reference
                               | manual in JP4REF.ZIP.
cmd67b.zip     631999  09-28-95  WinOne - Super Command Shell for Windows
                               | 32-bit operating systems
dz18bn.zip     191726  06-10-95  DeZkTop v1.8b simple shell replacement for
                               | Windows 3.1, NT, and 95.
tcmd3210.zip   480465  01-26-95  Take Command/32 1.0 <ASP> - JP Software's
                               | new 32-bit command processor for MS Windows
                               | NT.  A true Windows NT app, not
                               | character-mode.  Command enhancements, over
                               | 50 new commands, 4DOS compatible, dozens of
                               | new Windows NT-related features.
Windows NT sound programs.
path: /intel/sound/
cdp.zip         18709  12-17-94  Windows NT console CD player control
                               | utility.
cordine.zip     23336  05-05-93  Windows NT freeware button accordion.
midij2.zip      68454  08-27-94  MIDI JukeBox 2 for Windows 95, NT, and
                               | Win32s.
tcloc2.zip     333653  08-27-94  Talking Clock 2 for Windows 95, NT, and
                               | Win32s.
Windows NT screen savers.
path: /intel/ssavers/
melt.zip        13249  10-31-92  Melt Screen Saver module for NT Oct 92
                               | beta.
spooks.zip      15870  10-31-92  Spooks Screen Saver module for NT Oct Beta.
sslaunch.zip    11724  09-28-94  SaveScrn.  Windows NT screen-saver
                               | launcher.  Includes source code.
ssp_nt.zip     116778  11-10-93  Windows NT Screen Saver Pack.
w32ss.zip      454400  11-30-94  Windows 95 and NT Screen Saver Pack.
Windows NT system info monitors.
path: /intel/sysinfo/
fioben.zip      18566  02-10-93  File I/O Benchmark.
ntbanner.zip    10853  06-03-93  Freeware memory montor for x86 NT.
ntchkmem.zip    21535  03-16-94  Memory monitor for Windows NT.
ptnt.zip        78046  08-25-94  Two multi-processor benchmarks for Windows
                               | NT.
pwatch.zip      58054  04-26-94  PWatch reports usage of NT system
                               | resources.
rips32.zip     112239  05-17-94  RipSpace 2.5.  Analyze disk space usage.
Windows NT text, messages, and FAQs.
path: /intel/text/
appcmp.zip       7319  02-18-93  Application Compatibility Guide for
                               | Chicago.
csh_doc.zip     50266  12-08-94  Documents describing Hamilton C shell for
                               | Win/NT.
csh_ps.zip     271191  12-09-94  PostScript User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton
                               | C shell.
csh_txt.zip    170921  12-09-94  ASCII User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton C
                               | shell.
ddklic.zip       7057  02-02-93  License agreement for the DDK.
downtug.zip     16170  02-18-94  Info on Delphi Online Windows NT User
                               | Group.
embh_n.zip      12276  02-19-93  Embedded animated Help-Objects for *.HLP
                               | files.
kbuser.txt      14474  06-14-95  How to use the MS Knowledge Base on CI$.
mar93hcl.zip    29982  03-17-93  Hardware compatibilty list for March beta
                               | of Windows NT.
msg1.zip        88805  10-23-92  Messages from Week 1 of the MSWIN32 forum
                               | on CompuServe.
msg2.zip       134100  10-30-92  Messages from Week 2 of the MSWIN32 forum
                               | on CompuServe.
msg3.zip       135831  11-06-92  Messages from Week 3 of the MSWIN32 forum
                               | on CompuServe.
nt16faq.zip      2685  01-20-94  FAQ to list Win-16 Software that will run
                               | under NT.
ntfaq.zip       22105  06-15-95  Frequently Asked Questions about NT.
ntkb.zip      2094765  03-11-94  All WinNT KnowledgeBase files as of
                               | 3/11/94.
nt_13.zip       64231  10-11-92  comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news
                               | (Oct 3-10).
nt_14.zip       20940  10-17-92  comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news
                               | (Oct 10-17).
ras4ut.zip       4279  02-25-95  Getting Remote Access Service (RAS) to work
                               | with Telesys.
week15.zip     179229  10-12-92  Messages from Week 15 of the WINNT forum on
                               | CompuServe.
week16.zip     171571  10-16-92  Messages from Week 16 of the WINNT forum on
                               | CompuServe.
week17.zip     160393  02-25-95  Messages from Week 17 of the WINNT forum on
                               | CompuServe.
winf01.zip     146869  02-25-95  Available NT Development Tools in OS/2 .INF
                               | Format.
wn0789.zip       7286  03-21-94  Windows NT disabled users access info.
Windows NT utilities.
path: /intel/utils/
autoex.zip      28420  10-03-94  Start a batch file at boot without the need
                               | to logon.
clckr12a.zip   151559  04-29-95  Clicker v1.2a middle-button utility for NT
                               | v3.5.
dd32_10.zip     34950  04-22-95  Colorized DIR program with Unix LS command
                               | support.
dlock.zip       45338  04-20-95  Lock all system devices; fdisk, floppy,
                               | com, and lpt ports.
dmpacl.zip     169686  03-08-95  Dump permissions (ACLs) for file system and
                               | registry.
fileown.zip     11116  02-25-95  Examine or change ownership of a file under
                               | NTFS.
fm_ext.zip       5468  11-04-92  DLL for File Manager Extensions for Oct 92
                               | Beta.
gp41i.zip      137994  03-10-94  GrabIt Pro 4.1 for NT/Intel.
grep32.zip      21575  10-07-93  Grep for NT.
gs261.zip     1511046  02-12-94  Port of Ghostscript 2.61 to Windows NT.
gsfonts.zip   1685447  05-07-93  Ghostscript fonts.
help.zip        16314  11-06-92  Convert OS/2 IPF files to Windows RTF.
hhg_ani.zip       972  02-15-95  A Windows NT and Windows 95 animated
                               | cursor.
iconbar.zip     77020  07-23-94  IconBar for Windows NT  Version 2.00Beta.
imnt34.zip     183391  02-12-94  Icon Manager for Windows NT version 3.4.
keyclick.zip    11787  06-19-94  KeyClick Utility for Windows 95 and NT.
keylay.zip      97867  03-13-95  Utility to switch keyboard layouts from any
                               | NT app.
lkbackup.zip   358969  05-15-94  Tape backup program for Windows NT.
lkstart.zip     10586  05-26-94  Replacement for NT 'start' command.
ls_nt14.zip     22194  04-21-95  Unix-like DIR command, ls, for windows NT.
ntff.zip        20617  03-16-94  File finder for Windows NT.
ntfiles.zip     14881  05-11-94  List filename, owner and size of all files
                               | on NTFS dev.
ntls.zip        23910  10-13-93  ls - Windows NT directory listing utility
                               | (version 1.7).
ntpdate.zip     32142  01-30-95  Sync NT time with clock server.
ntperlb.zip    351092  06-15-95  Perl Binaries for windows NT.
ntremote.zip    69380  09-24-93  Provides the remote start function in NT
ntutil.zip     287417  09-24-94  clySmic Drag 'n' Drop Utils for Win NT /
                               | Win32.
ntwhich.zip     19708  07-24-94  Find first matching executable in path.
                               | Includes source code.
setdrive.zip     9492  02-25-95  Set a user's home directory drive letter.
setshell.zip    13357  03-02-95  Set the login shell on a per user basis.
sizelist.zip    10516  02-25-95  List files and attributes regardless of
                               | file permissions.
spin_ani.zip      876  02-15-95  NT animated cursor of a spin Wait cursor.
sw2.zip         57132  08-27-94  Stopwatch 2 for Windows 95, NT, and Win32s.
swtchz.zip       7874  09-03-93  SwitcheZ is a simple task switcher for NT.
tape.zip        83873  08-17-94  Tape utility to use with win32tar.
tcfax.zip      489811  01-23-94  32-bit native client-server based Class 2
                               | Fax software.
times10.zip     44838  03-17-94  Time Synchronizer v1.0 for Windows NT.
umiami.zip       2104  11-07-93  Windows NT Animated Cursor.
unmnt10.zip     18294  02-25-95  Allows safe removal of removable media
                               | devices.
upc12bn1.zip   241882  10-04-93  UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT.
upc12bn2.zip   258782  10-04-93  UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT.
upc12bn3.zip    81620  10-04-93  UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT.
vershow.zip    116951  03-01-95  Version Information Viewer v1.0.
vlt32.zip      338488  03-18-95  Vault v1.03 Stores your notes in a
                               | hierarchy (for NT).
w31_32.zip     124144  10-14-92  While You Were Out Msg System for NT.
wch100i.zip     10328  10-29-94  Waits for a file attribute to change.
whaley.zip     226944  02-19-94  Many Windows NT unix-like binaries; cat,
                               | chmod, cp, du, head, ls, mv, pr, rm, etc.
windesk.zip     20555  06-20-93  Read and set system vars, list boxes, etc.
                               | Includes source code.
xboard.zip      56244  10-30-93  Clipboard enhancement tool for Windows NT.
xmpl.zip        11462  02-25-95  Holeport OS/2 to Nt porting example.