Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt          Documentation about this disc.

docs\               Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation.
hp48\               Programs for the HP48 Series Calculator.
msdos\              Math related programs for MSDOS.
win3\               Math utilities and programs for MS-Windows.
Walnut Creek CDROM Documentation.
path: /docs/
catalog.txt     45732  07-17-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | English
catalog.fre     40520  03-25-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger     44521  07-24-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita     38525  06-15-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Italian
catalog.spa     40882  06-10-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Spanish
catalog.jpn     25117  07-26-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog -
                               | Japanese
catalog.pdf   3374815  04-05-95  Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
                               | Acrobat format
view.doc         6832  03-24-95  Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
                               | this CDROM
Programs for the HP48 Series Calculator.
path: /hp48/
anim\         Graphic animation files.
apps\         Applications for the Hp48.
chip\         Programs to use with CHIP48.
document\     Documentation and help files.
dos\          DOS Utilities.
educat\       Educational programs for the Hp48.
electric\     Programs that aid in electronics.
games\        Games and diversions for the Hp48.
graphics\     Pictures and graphics.
grob\         Pictures and graphics in GROB format.
math\         Programs for the Hp48 related to math.
misc\         Miscellaneous files for the Hp48.
program\      Files to aid in programming.
sound\        Sound FX and Music files.
utils\        Miscelaneous utilities for the Hp48.
Graphic animation files.
path: /hp48/anim/
animate.zip      8384  10-27-93  Boy, Man, Horse & Eye.  impressive!
animator.zip    20661  09-03-93  Animation Utility.  This program began as
                               | an attempt to combine the continuous movie
                               | program and the single-step movie program
                               | found in Charles Patton's Suite3D package.
bounce.zip       1201  10-27-93  Bouncing ball animation.
fantasma.zip     1192  10-27-93  Halloween animation! (funny!)
flight.zip      15976  06-02-95  This is the Flight movie... not big deal,
                               | but it's neat.
guts.zip         1281  09-22-93  Guts is a User-RPL program that fills the
                               | screen with a random tunneling that bears
                               | some resemblance to it's namesake.  It's
                               | not very fast, but it's fun to watch!
hula.zip        10653  09-13-93  This is a bit of video converted from an
                               | MPEG.  The animation is of a girl using a
                               | hula hoop.  The quality is not great, but
                               | it looks pretty good if you hold it at arms
                               | length.
ripple2.zip      8565  10-27-93  Debugged RIPPLE from Goodies Disk #3.
sea.zip          3486  10-27-93  Sea Scene Animation.
tank.zip         1821  10-27-93  Two tanks animated in the status area.
tilt.zip          602  10-27-93  Bouncing Line "Screen Saver".
train.zip         942  10-27-93  Train riding in status area.
Applications for the Hp48.
path: /hp48/apps/
bean11.zip      11133  10-08-93  A money manager program.  This is version
                               | 1.1. If you want to track where your money
                               | is going this is what you want to use. This
                               | program is capable of handling multiple
                               | accounts (limited only by memory). They can
                               | be of two types, Credit and Checking. The
                               | Credit account type is designed for
                               | transactions done with credit cards. The
                               | Checking account type, on the other hand,
                               | can be used for checking, savings and cash
                               | accounts. You can open and close accounts
                               | at will.
db11.zip         5103  09-14-93  Excellent Database program.  With many
                               | features.
pim48.zip       14780  10-06-93  PIM48 is a calendar based personal
                               | information manager designed to provide a
                               | user friendly environment to manage
                               | appointments and todos.  Written for the
                               | SX, but works fine on the GX.
psych11.zip      9423  09-13-93  Psychro is a program for doing
                               | psychrometric calc-ulations. Both SI and
                               | English units are supported, in a manner
                               | consistent with the HP48 Equation Library.
rldx62.zip      16664  09-31-93  Rolodex program.  Very good. Roldx for the
                               | HP48 v.6.2 (c) 1993 James Weisbin, is a
                               | "rolodex" style data browser for the HP48.
                               | Version 6.2 is written entirely in
                               | System-RPL and includes fast sequential and
                               | binary search routines, sorting, a 7 to  10
                               | line display, editing, printing, database
                               | selection  from within the program, and
                               | password encryption of individual entries.
                               | Roldx allows entries to be viewed
                               | "full-screen" or in "headings-only" mode.
                               | Support added for "String Writer" editor.
yonpy.zip        7495  09-24-93  Yonpy, which stands for Ye Olde NotePad.
                               | It's designed to be a notepad to keep notes
                               | and lists etc straight and in an or derly
                               | fashion.  Note:  Turn off clock first.
Programs to use with CHIP48.
path: /hp48/chip/
blinky2.zip      2665  10-27-93  CHIPGAME pacman
brix48.zip       4072  10-27-93  CHIPGAME breakout
fieldv11.zip     1542  10-27-93  CHIPGAME asteroid stampede
joust23.zip      2387  10-27-93  CHIPGAME conquest
piper.zip        2757  10-27-93  CHIPGAME piper
pong2.zip         967  10-27-93  CHIPGAME pong
puzzle.zip        360  10-27-93  CHIPGAME puzzle
race.zip          269  10-27-93  CHIPGAME race
schipgx.zip      3279  08-31-93  CHIP viodeogame interpreter
syzygy2.zip     10865  10-27-93  CHIPGAME syzygy
ufo.zip          1560  10-27-93  CHIPGAME ufo
Documentation and help files.
path: /hp48/document/
48entry.txt     63055  11-05-94  This is the latest list of supported entry
                               | points for the HP 48 calculator family.
48faq321.zip    91147  06-21-95  Hp48 F.A.Q version 3.21
faq.zip         38804  09-15-93  FAQ,v 1.11 93/08/17 09:46:40 darrylo Exp HP
                               | 48SX Frequently Asked Questions This list
                               | contains information which has not
                               | necessarily been verified, and is not
                               | guaranteed to be correct, or even
                               | reflecting reality.  It was compiled from
                               | various postings in comp.sys.handhelds, as
                               | well as other sources.  In particular, some
                               | parts were taken from older HP 48SX "FAQ
                               | lists".
gxrpl.zip        1134  10-06-93  These are the user rpl commands new to the
                               | 48G(X)
gxtips.zip       8749  10-04-93  This document provides methods for writing
                               | assembly language software that will work
                               | on all ROM versions of the HP48 (S, SX, G,
                               | or GX).  Many of these methods may be used
                               | for system-RPL programming as well, but the
                               | main focus of the document is for assembly
                               | language developers.  All of the ROM entry
                               | points used in this document are supported
                               | by Hewlett-Packard.  By Douglas R. Cannon.
DOS Utilities.
path: /hp48/dos/
48fnt.zip        3390  11-00-93  48 font on PC
asc2bin.zip      7154  11-00-93  Wickes ASC=>HP converter for PC!
dsz0427.zip    122700  10-27-93  X/Y/Z MODEM protocol (vb in SX.bat)
grob2tif.zip     4276  11-00-93  Convert GRB file to .TIFF file
ipdldemo.zip   312116  11-00-93  Develop HP48 programs on PC
notecard.zip     9157  11-00-93  Convert ASCII file to 48 view program
pms2hp48.zip    11647  11-00-93  Convert Printmaster to GROB pictures
sass.zip        33902  11-00-93  Saturnus Assembler
ship10.zip      13801  08-31-93  SHIP.  Encoding and decoding program.
sysrplpc.zip   384653  11-00-93  System RPL Programming on the PC
tasc.zip        14528  11-00-93  Wickes 2nd ASC<>HP converter for PC/wsrc
tif2grob.zip    13623  11-00-93  Convert TIFF files to GROB files
transapp.zip    35541  11-00-93  Convert ASCII dir to PDL application
unship.zip      34670  11-00-93  ship/unship
uu_code.zip     48374  11-00-93  uuencode/decode
vga2grob.zip     1219  11-00-93  Convert part of VGA screen to GROB
Educational programs for the Hp48.
path: /hp48/educat/
ceqn11.zip       1093  05-31-94  Charateristic Equation of Matrix
kana21.zip       7896  11-07-93  This is a system-rpl re-write/adaptation of
                               | Marc Moline's original "Japanese" program,
                               | which is an aid to learning the Japanese
                               | Hira-gana and Katakana alphabets.
math210.zip     21829  12-12-94  An almost complete math package for dealing
                               | with matrices and polynomials
pertblgx.zip    25541  09-17-93  The HP 48 Periodic Table Library is a
                               | RAM-based version of the Periodic Table
                               | application that was originally distributed
                               | in the HP 82211A HP Solve Equation Library
                               | Card.
simneq51.zip     7311  07-04-95  SIMULTANEOUS NONLINEAR EQUATIONS SOLVER
                               | version 5.1
smpte.zip       19127  10-06-93  This periodic table is written in user rpl
                               | & therefore by nature somewhat inefficient.
                               | The good news is that it is less than 9300
                               | bytes in its directory form and only 7050
                               | bytes in the compressed library form.
triangls.zip     5811  09-23-93  This program calculates the unkowns of a
                               | triangle and area when you know 3
                               | parameters (e.g. 2 side lengths and one
                               | angle).  This works for both right  and
                               | obtuse triangles with C as the angle that
                               | is 90 degrees if it is a right triangle.
Programs that aid in electronics.
path: /hp48/electric/
cmos.zip         2526  10-31-93  CMOS FET EQUATIONS by Preston Brown.  The
                               | following is a set of equations for CMOS
                               | field effect transistors. The constants
                               | included give a good approximation to
                               | common 1.6u processes. The models should be
                               | adjusted for your process This file may be
                               | downloaded directly into your HP48GX.  The
                               | equations contain process information: each
                               | equation uses its own Vt and K'.  In
                               | addition the effective W and the effective
                               | L are calculated. For example in WNEQ 1.52
                               | is subtracted from the width and 0.4 is
                               | subtracted from the length. The L effective
                               | and W effective terms assume the L and W
                               | are entered in microns.
csim261.zip     17896  10-27-93  Circuit Simulator v2.61 by Per Stenius A
                               | simple circuit simulator called Csim for
                               | the HP48.  It makes DC, AC and transient
                               | simulations and supplies the user with all
                               | matrices used. The method used is modified
                               | nodal analysis, and thus elements such as
                               | an inductor or ideal voltage source require
                               | that a current branch is also specified
                               | together with the nodes. digsimul.zip
                               | Digital Logic Simulator by Tony Duell
                               | Here's a digital circuit simulator for the
                               | HP 48.  It has 8 internal primitives: AND,
                               | OR, XOR, NOT, BUF (buffer), HI (node tied
                               | to logic 1), LO (node tied to logic 0) and
                               | CLK (clock generator of definable high and
                               | low times).  It also supports nested macros
                               | defined from these elements.
digsimul.zip     6533  10-27-93  HP 48 digital logic simulator
fftgx.zip        1919  10-27-93  FFT utilities by John Paul Morrison Some
                               | support programs that will help analysis of
                               | signals etc.
oldres.zip       4769  10-27-93  Resistor Value Program by David J Sprenkle
                               | This program will give the color code for
                               | resistors, or compute the value of a
                               | resistor given the color code.
paral.zip        4137  10-31-93  Large Version by Larry Hoppis.  The
                               | following HP48 program contains general 1%
                               | resistor utilities for electronics
                               | technicians and hobbyists. The main program
                               | 'RPAR' will find all combinations of
                               | parallel 1% resistors to obtain the desired
                               | value within a given accuracy.  This is
                               | useful in case you don't have the value you
                               | need on hand, but also because the exact
                               | value you want may not be a standard
                               | off-the-shelf value.
parreq.zip       2239  10-27-93  Parallel Resistor Calculator v1.2 by Larry
                               | McElhiney. The following HP48 program which
                               | finds parallel resistance elements will be
                               | useful for both electronics technicians and
                               | hobbyests. res.zip  Resistor code color
                               | convertor by John Paul Morrison.
res.zip          1007  10-27-93  Resistor code color convertor by John Paul
                               | Morrison
resistor.zip     4071  10-07-93  RCC uses a graphical interface with very
                               | fast cursor selecting to let you choose the
                               | stripe colors of a resistor and will then
                               | display its value.  It will also let you
                               | enter the numeric value of a resistor and
                               | will display the stripes the resistor
                               | should have.
twoport.zip      3171  10-27-93  Two Port Library by Romain Desplats.  This
                               | library handles any manipulations with
                               | twoports.  It works with filters (and real
                               | values), but also with algebraic twoports.
Games and diversions for the Hp48.
path: /hp48/games/
3dttt.zip        6191  09-22-93  o  Real 4*4*4 TicTacToe
alien48.zip      2442  04-13-94  Shoot 'em up game, vaders like.
astronut.zip     4786  10-27-93  Astro Nut (also known as Astro Chicken..
awari.zip        5566  10-27-93  Ancient African Beans & Buckets Game
bbox.zip         7045  10-27-93  Black Box Game
bio.zip          1666  10-27-93  Tiny Biorythm Calculator
biorythm.zip     3142  10-27-93  Biorythm calculation
bjck.zip        11272  10-27-93  Blackjack
blackjac.zip    10140  10-27-93  Blackjack Card Game (aka "21")
bonusrnd.zip      461  10-27-93  Bonus Round for Roborun game
car.zip          1004  04-22-94  Drive a car through a scrolling road and
                               | avoid being hit by other cars.
casdemo.zip      8263  10-27-93  Casino 48 demo. Casino 48 is a commercia
chess.zip        9058  10-27-93  Ancient Game of Chess, HP vs You!
columns.zip      8113  10-27-93  TETRIS like game (but nicer!)
columns2.zip     8936  10-30-93  Columns in gray-scale graphics.  Very
                               | nicely done!
csinodmo.zip     9765  10-27-93  Demo of Casino Games Plus package
cube.zip         3296  10-27-93  Sort the Letter Tiles Game
diamants.zip    19900  08-09-95  Boulder dash game for the HP48 calculator.
diamonds.sh     13152  02-24-94  Diamonds the game, breakout like game.
drivingf.gx     12243  03-04-94  Driving game for the HP.
dtetris3.zip    24290  04-31-95  Version indepentant update of dtetris now
                               | with highscore feature.
eliza101.zip     7534  04-05-95  ELIZA - The HP48 Psychologist
frog48.gx        7985  03-19-94  Frogger for the Hp48g series.
garbage.zip      8223  10-27-93  SOKOBAN GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl11.zip       110742  09-03-93  GL is a complete language package for HP48
                               | S/SX/G/GX, which makes it a lot easier to
                               | write high speed games and other programs
                               | that use graphics.  This package is
                               | complete, with documentation, assembler for
                               | PC, and examples.
golf.zip         4342  10-27-93  Golf Game adapted from HP 28 program
grav.zip         6433  10-27-93  Gravity game
gravity.zip      7953  10-27-93  Slingshot Projectile Past Planets
hapaman.zip      6974  08-31-93  Pacman clone.  OK.  This is my small
                               | attempt to get a feeling of bigger
                               | computer's PACMAN on hp48. It is quite easy
                               | to play at 0th level, but reaches maximal
                               | difficultness at level 15 not only because
                               | of increased speed, but for the ghost get
                               | too much intelligent.
hop.zip          1820  04-04-94  HOP is a little brain teaser for the HP48.
hpches08.lib    45760  06-09-95  Chess library for the 48g.
ice1_1.zip      47073  05-25-95  Ice version 1.1.  Slide around on overhead
                               | maps, pick up items.
lander.zip       3720  10-27-93  Moonlander
lemedit.gx       2944  03-07-94  Level editor for Lemmings gx.
lemprog.gx      11520  03-07-94  The game of Lemmings.  gx version.
magic.zip        8813  10-19-94  Magic Square is a puzzle game, complete
                               | with sound effects, on-line help, mini
                               | animations, scoring, etc.
mastermd.zip     4643  10-27-93  The game of MasterMind
mine2.lib        3142  02-29-94  Mine sweeper library.
mine2.sh         2653  02-24-94  Mine sweeper shell binary.
mineswp.zip      5058  09-29-93  MINESWEEPER is a HP48 game based on the
                               | minesweeper game found in some versions of
                               | Microsoft Windows and found other places
                               | too. In this version you have to find all
                               | the mines in a 18x7 grid using only
                               | information available from adjacent
                               | squares. Requires about 4K.
mmind.zip        4137  10-27-93  Better Mastermind Game
mndlib.zip       4977  10-27-93  4 column, 6 color AND 5 column, 8 color
                               | MasterMind
mstmind.zip      4467  10-27-93  Graphical mastermind
pacmangx         8306  02-21-94  Pacman GX.  Improved graphics, side
                               | scrolling screens.
pentris.lib      8481  07-11-95  Small tetris like game.
phoenixg.zip     9093  08-31-93  Phoenix arcade game clone.  Very Good.
                               | "Shoot the aliens, before they shoot you"
                               | could be a short decription of this game.
pinoccgx.lib    13117  02-21-94  Pinocchio GX for the HP48 series
                               | calculator.
poker.zip        5237  10-27-93  Video Poker with Big Graphics
poker1.zip       4052  10-27-93  Another Video Poker
poker101.zip     3553  10-27-93  Video Poker library
pokerjd.zip      3999  10-27-93  Poker game library
qfl.zip          5918  10-27-93  Graphic adventure: find the princess!
reversi.zip      4281  10-27-93  Erik's Reversi (aka Othello)
reversit.zip     1699  10-27-93  The Game of REVERSIT (Brain Puzzler)
sch48v20.zip    14758  05-24-94  A SCHEDULER FOR THE HP48
shapes.zip      10054  09-02-93  Game Contest.  Deadline December 31, 1993
                               | This game plays just like Mastermind.
shapesrc.zip    22089  01-15-94  Shapes: the game.
silo.zip         3867  10-27-93  Projectile Wars game (aka Gorilla)
skunk.zip        9242  10-27-93  SKUNK
smm2.zip         3704  10-27-93  Super Mastermind (5 column, 8 color)
starway2.gx      2292  07-00-94  You are racing a car down a road that
                               | changes, and if you get off of the road,
                               | you die.  For something so small, it isn't
                               | too bad.  To go left, COS.  To go right,
                               | y^X.  No docs.
stntridr.zip     5858  09-23-93  This is StuntRider.  It is written in
                               | machine language with very fast graphics.
                               | Has sound too.  Object of the game is to
                               | jump your motorcycle over the school busses
                               | and avoid hitting a helicopter and bridge.
submar.zip       2238  10-27-93  Submarine
supercr.gx      15730  03-19-94  This is a car racing game.  You'll have to
                               | figure out the keys yourself... Like much
                               | stuff from france.  :) I think there are 5
                               | levels to race on... (Against the clock.)
t24.zip          3469  10-27-93  Put the 24 Sliding Tiles in Order
tenk.zip        11400  10-27-93  The Game of 10,000
tetrigx.zip      3612  09-02-93  Tetris.
towers.zip       1728  10-27-93  Interactive Towers of Hanoi Game
trek48.zip      23974  11-02-94  Space Trek 48 Game
ttt.int          3423  10-04-94  Tic Tac Toe for the HP48.
u137.zip         3524  10-27-93  Submarine game
vaders21.zip     9526  11-05-94  Space invaders for the HP48.
willy.zip       14470  05-02-94  Arcade Adventure Game.  Guide Willy through
                               | various levels of mines, avoiding any
                               | beastie and collecting all gems.  After
                               | collecting all gems on one level, find
                               | secret exit and go through it, to next
                               | level.
wumpus.zip       3557  10-27-93  Hunt The Wumpus (a 1970's Apple game)
yatze.zip        4862  10-27-93  Yahtzee, the dice game
Pictures and graphics.
path: /hp48/graphics/
4colors.zip     20691  12-19-93  Graphics in 4 gray scales for the HP 48
beno.zip         2914  10-27-93  About Fractal images v1.0 by Detlef
                               | Mueller.  Every time I start using a new
                               | computer or learn a new (computer)
                               | language, I write a program which draws the
                               | Mandelbrot set Z(n+1) = Z(n)^2 + C. Here
                               | are various versions I wrote for the HP48.
claudia.zip      4661  09-02-93  11 color picture.  Whada babe!
cview10.zip      2559  10-05-94  CView is a HP 48 graphic object (GROB)
                               | viewing program.
dragon.zip       2325  10-27-93  Draw Dragon Curves by ???????????????
                               | Dragon curves? Yeah, those things that you
                               | make by folding a strip of paper in half n
                               | times & then unfolding it so all the
                               | corners are right angles. PROGRAMS: DRAGON:
                               | generates a dragon curve of order n (n>=3).
                               | SKETCH: draws a dragon curve.  DRAWC:
                               | (called by SKETCH).
effect.zip        528  10-27-93  Graphical effect
fractals.zip     9478  10-27-93  Mandelbrot Sets Generator by Dan
                               | Ciarniello.  This program will generate the
                               | Mandelbrot Set on the HP 48.  It also
                               | includes four sample fractal images (in F1,
                               | F2, F3, and F4).  When downloaded, a custom
                               | menu containing the programs that are
                               | accessed directly by the user is created.
                               | The main program is called by MANDELin
                               | the custom menu.
glbr.zip        10223  10-27-93  Globe Rotator by John Peterson.  This
                               | program will amaze you!. It shows the real
                               | power of GROBs and the speed of the HP
                               | 48SX. It's an animation of a spinning
                               | earth.
graphedt.zip    11674  09-23-93  1) supports unlimited grob size (well
                               | really 65536x65536).  2) time critical
                               | routines written in sys rpl and machine
                               | language.  3) features a machine language
                               | fill/pattern fill routine which will fill
                               | any region bordered by on pixels or edge of
                               | grob.  User can define 8x8 bitmaped fill
                               | patterns as well as solid fill.  4) the
                               | main menu (which is the smallest portion of
                               | this program) is written in user rpl which
                               | allows easy user customization. 5) supports
                               | high speed editing of graph grob with full
                               | menu control. Editing features are fill,
                               | erase region, cut/paste type feature,
                               | circle, box, and line drawing.  6) User can
                               | easily take subroutines from this program
                               | (such as the fill routine) and use them in
                               | other applications.
grobrot.zip      1507  10-27-93  Grob rotate+ print by Robert Craeger and
                               | Robert Thompson.  In the hopes of being
                               | able to print GROBS that were too long to
                               | fit into the 166 dot requirement of the
                               | printer, the program below was written.
                               | This program will rotate a GROB and print
                               | it vertically on the IR printer that so
                               | many of us wish we had.
lll.zip          1554  10-27-93  Plots and Animate a series of lissajous by
                               | Rob Steele. This code plots a series of
                               | lissajous and animates them. It is possible
                               | to see the resulting figure in about
                               | eleventy two different ways: cylindrical or
                               | flat, rotating or oscillating about a
                               | horizontal or vertical axis, moving toward
                               | you or away, moving to the left or to the
                               | right, or just wobbling.
spline.zip       4331  10-27-93  Interpolation v2.0 by Ruben Rostamian.
                               | SPLINE generates a piecewise cubic and
                               | twice continuously differentiable
                               | interpolation y(x) of a set of points
                               | (x_i,y_i), i=1,2,...,n.  It is assumed
                               | throughout that x_1 < x_2 < ... < x_n.
sunclk.zip      14848  10-27-93  SunClk by James Elliott.  One of my all
                               | time favorite UNIX workstation programs is
                               | called "sunclock", and it shows the regions
                               | of the Earth which are in daylight by
                               | drawing the sunlight on a Mercator
                               | projection map of the globe.  So here is an
                               | HP version of sunclock!
threed.zip       3525  10-27-93  3D Surface Graphing Program by David D
                               | Jansen.  Some features are: 1.  It doesn't
                               | go belly up if it encounters a divide by
                               | zero or undefined result.  2.  It allows
                               | the domains of the XY plane to be defined
                               | to any value ( although it centers the plot
                               | on the origin).  3.  The equation is
                               | entered in X, Y, Z format not parametric
                               | form.  4.  It creates a matrix of the
                               | topology of the surface which is useful for
                               | locating actual values of a max or min.
xbm2grob        2613  10-15-93   A XBM file to GROB file converter.
Pictures and graphics in GROB format.
path: /hp48/grob/
aenewman.grb     1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) Mad Magazine
ajb2.gro         6120  10-09-93  ( 209 x 226 ) Someone's face
austral.grb      1566  10-27-93  ( 104 x  59 ) Australia flag
bannana.grb      2672  10-27-93  (  95 x 110 ) Half way peeled bannana
bird.grb        43809  10-27-93  ( 512 x 342 ) Big picture of forest with a
                               | bird
birdwgun.grb      367  10-27-93  (  50 x  24 ) Bird holding a gun
brain.grb         341  10-27-93  (  34 x  31 ) A Brain
bubbly.grb       1776  10-27-93  (  63 x 109 ) A glass of bubbly
buda.grb         4725  10-27-93  ( 136 x 138 ) Budda
buildin1.grb     2402  10-27-93  ( 114 x  79 ) A Greek looking building
buildin2.grb     1237  10-27-93  (  68 x  67 ) Another Greek looking
                               | structure
burner.grb        115  10-27-93  (  15 x  21 ) Bunsen burner
byu.grb          1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) BYU Symbol
camera.grb        181  10-27-93  (  19 x  25 ) A movie camera
campfire.grb      751  10-27-93  A picture file of a campfire.
canada.grb       1514  10-27-93  ( 101 x  57 ) Canada flag
canada1.grb       535  10-27-93  (  48 x  42 ) Canada flag
castle1.grb      1856  10-27-93  ( 124 x  57 ) A castle
dino.grb         1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) A dinosaur
doodle.grb       7808  10-27-93  Collection of several grobs in a dir
doors.grb        1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) The word Doors
dragon.grb      10587  10-27-93  ( 309 x 271 ) Picture from Dragonriders of
                               | Pern
eye.grb          2966  10-27-93  ( 173 x 134 ) An eye
f15.grb          4554  10-27-93  ( 191 x 189 ) F15 jet
falcon.grb       3618  10-27-93  ( 359 x  80 ) The word Falcon
fish.grb         3574  10-27-93  ( 223 x 127 ) A Fish
fwld.grb         1929  10-27-93  ( 166 x  91 ) Rolled out map of the world
gribm.grb        2585  10-27-93  ( 130 x 151 ) An IBM Computer
grmac.grb        1497  10-27-93  ( 130 x  87 ) A Macintosh Computer
grph.grb         1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) A 3 d mathmatical plot
grraket.grb      4146  10-27-93  ( 185 x 172 ) Space shuttle taking off
grsport.grb      3718  10-27-93  ( 155 x 185 ) Hockey Goaltender
jellyf.grb       8884  10-27-93  Animation of 3 d plot
lion.grb         3676  10-27-93  ( 241 x 118 ) A Lion
map.grb          8118  10-27-93  ( 360 x 180 ) Rolled out map of the wolds
misc.grb         1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) Misc Stuff
monsters.grb     2783  10-27-93  Several GROBs of AD&D type monsters
nface.grb         522  10-27-93  (  63 x  63 ) Face of a clock
nface.txt         476  08-20-93  Description of nface.grb
panic.gro        1106  10-09-93  ( 131 x  64 ) Don't Panic
rush.grb         1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) Rush, Roll The Bones!
saturn.grb       1138  10-27-93  ( 112 x  80 ) Planet Saturn
sf.gro           8018  10-09-93  ( 320 x 200 ) San Francisco Bridge
spacew.grb        876  10-27-93  (  99 x  66 ) Astronaut in space
usa.grb          6388  10-27-93  ( 274 x 182 ) Map of USA
uzi.zip           804  05-13-94  A grob of an uzi.
vanhalen.grb     1106  10-27-93  ( 131 x  64 ) Van Halen's symbol
watch.grb        5518  10-27-93  ( 193 x 220 ) Old pocket style watch
xmas.grb          882  10-27-93  ( 127 x  54 ) Merry X mas!
Programs for the Hp48 related to math.
path: /hp48/math/
algb217b.zip    49625  07-02-95  ALGB Library and directory for HP48
                               | S/SX/G/GX
algb217c.zip    49627  07-02-95  ALGB Library and directory for HP48
                               | S/SX/G/GX
algbsrc.zip     92343  04-05-95  Source code for the ALGB programs.
allf.zip         2336  10-31-93  Gives all factors of a number. Requires
                               | factor.zip to run.
basecalc.zip     4187  10-31-93  Converts to and does calculations on any
                               | number base system (Binary, Hexidecimal, up
                               | to base 62)
bessel.zip       6438  10-31-93  Integer order Bessel and Modified Bessel
                               | Functions
bethe.sgx        5222  04-09-95  RANGE & ENERGY LOSS LIBRARY
bmxl.zip         7108  10-31-93  Binary Matrix Algebra Library
bode.zip         2415  10-27-93  Bode diagram drawing library
bodeplot.zip     1413  10-31-93  Bode plotting program
calculus.zip     5535  10-27-93  Exploring Calculus
ceigen.zip       6083  10-31-93  EigenValue/EigenVector decomposition
cmat.zip         4599  10-31-93  Execute equasions on Matrises
dec2frac.zip     3068  10-31-93  Convert a decimal to a fraction
decompos.itn     8715  02-08-94  Decomposition calculator for the HP
echelon.zip      1516  10-27-93  Row-Reduce Matrix to Echelon Form
eqlib.zip        6172  04-11-95  EQLIB is a user maintainable equation
                               | library
error.zip        4054  10-31-93  Calculate uncertanties (Ex: (2 +or- .5)/(3
                               | +or- .3)
facnum.zip       2124  10-31-93  Finds all factors of a number. Uses an
                               | infinite loop to calculate. Breaks out of
                               | loop by dividing by zero, and using IFERR
                               | to catch it.
factor.zip       4688  10-31-93  Factors number, and tests for primes
fctr.zip         3848  10-31-93  Library to factor numbers
frac.zip         5289  10-27-93  Handle fractions graphically
frac1.zip        1702  10-31-93  Generates fractions from a decimal number
fracii.zip       2393  10-27-93  Fractions 2 library
fracts.zip       2445  10-31-93  Create, simplify, and work equasions with
                               | fractions
frad2.zip        2017  10-31-93  Outputs a fraction from a decimal
fresnel.zip      3888  10-31-93  Rectangular Geometry Fresnel Diffraction
gausselm.zip     2722  10-31-93  Gaussian elimination and QR factorization
gcd.zip           610  02-07-94  GCD - Finds the greatest common divisor of
                               | two numbers.
hamgeo.zip       5002  10-27-93  Hamilton Geodesy algorithms
hamilton.zip     5846  10-27-93  Hamiltonian Method for Geodesics
hpsauc10.zip    21476  05-31-95  5-Line Stack program with various features
indef.zip         532  10-31-93  Attempts to find an indefinite integral for
                               | a function
leastsq.zip      3652  10-31-93  Least squares curve fitting
lnx.zip          3552  10-31-93  Calculates natural log (e) up to N places
logb.zip         1383  10-31-93  Calculates LOG to any base
lqpoles.zip      8357  10-31-93  Pole placement for Linear-Quadratic Optimum
                               | Control
math.zip        15401  12-30-93  Handle SYMBOLIC/NUMERICAL
                               | MATRICES/POLYNOMIALS
matutils.zip     3541  10-27-93  Matrix functions
mtool50a.zip    14670  06-18-95  MathTools v5.0a is a collection of tools to
                               | speed up and ease many mathematical
                               | functions of the GX, as well as including
                               | it's own.
mtxii.zip        1739  10-27-93  Matrix functions library
mulmod.zip       1220  10-31-93  Modulo computations on 48SX
new2q.zip        3029  10-31-93  Convert a decimal to a fraction
pdist.zip        3606  10-27-93  Statistical functions
phi.zip          1373  10-31-93  Requires factor.zip to run
poly.zip         3771  10-27-93  Polynomial routines
poly8.zip        4247  10-27-93  Polynome functions library
polyfit.zip      2814  10-27-93  Polynome fit
polygons.zip     1896  10-31-93  Draws an n-sided polygon. Connects all
                               | points. Plus several other neat utils
polylib.zip     12375  10-31-93  Fantastic Polymonial Library!
polyn.zip        2693  10-27-93  Polynome functions
pregr.zip        1561  10-27-93  polynomial regression
prime.zip        1456  10-31-93  Finds the prime factors of a number
prime1.zip       2559  10-31-93  Determines of number is prime or not. FAST!
prob.zip         3599  10-31-93  Several probability routines
probdist.zip     3723  10-31-93  Statistical and distribution equations
prof.zip         1558  10-27-93  Math learning tool
ptlib.zip       26596  01-03-94  Periodic table for the HP.
pyth.zip         1499  10-31-93  Calculates 3rd side of a right triangle
qd.zip            763  10-31-93  Solves the quadratic equasion
qpiracg.v30      1760  11-02-94  Number simplifier (pi, roots, fractions)
                               | version 3 (g)
qpiracs.v30      1760  11-02-94  Number simplifier (pi, roots, fractions)
                               | version 3 (s)
qrad.zip         2808  10-31-93  Radical/Fraction program
radicals.zip     2753  10-31-93  Finds a simplified radical expression
ratpac.zip       5140  10-31-93  Rational number package. Contains both a
                               | library and directory object.
rowred.zip       4061  10-27-93  Row reduction
rwrd.zip         1239  10-27-93  matrix row reduction program
simnleq.zip      3697  10-27-93  Simultaneous non-linear equation solver
simplex.zip      3693  10-31-93  A set of routines for the Primal Simplex
                               | Algorithm
simplex3.zip     7305  10-31-93  Solves linear problems
solv15.zip      12080  05-10-95  SOL is a library that displays a 5 level
                               | stack.
spcv23a.zip     15349  04-30-95  This is a Manufacturing program on the
                               | subject of Statistical Process Control.
spcv24.zip      16364  06-28-95  This is  version 2.4 of my Statistical
                               | Process Control Program.
sqpq.zip         1125  10-31-93  Square Root's using partial quotients
stocdist.zip     1842  10-31-93  empirical stocastic distribution of one
                               | variable
symbmat.zip      2514  10-31-93  Handles symbolic matrices
symbmat2.zip     4417  10-31-93  Symbolic Matrix Utilities
symvec12.zip     2140  10-16-94  Symbolic Vector Program o automatically
                               | detects which machine you have, so
                               | functions work on both SX and GX o EXCO
                               | utility, expand and collect like terms in
                               | algebraics or vectors.  o Commands: Dot
                               | -Dot product.  Cross -Cross product of
                               | vector.  Abs -ABS of vector.  COSLAW -Takes
                               | A, B and Theta and puts them into the
                               | cosine law.  UNITV -Takes a vector off the
                               | stack and gives a parallel unit vector.
                               | SPROJ -Takes A and B from the stack.
                               | Scalar projection of Vector A onto Vector
                               | B.  VPROJ -Takes A abd B from the stack.
                               | Vector projection of Vector A onto Vector
                               | B.  /_A-B -Takes A and B from the stack.
                               | Angle between Vector A and Vector B.  EXCO
                               | -Expand and collect like terms in vectors,
                               | or algebraics.  INFO.  -Version of Vector
thermopr.zip    31476  05-07-95  ThermoPro 1.0.  Thermodynamics program.
trap.zip          783  10-27-93  Trapezoidal rule
trial.zip        2024  10-31-93  Factors Integers into Primes
vectprob.zip     1915  10-31-93  Discrete Probability stuff
weight2.zip      2382  10-31-93  Weighted Statistics package
Miscellaneous files for the Hp48.
path: /hp48/misc/
cntr300.zip     13319  01-12-94  A  package  for  discrete/continuous
                               | control  systems design/simulation. SX/GX
                               | compatible.
exal38.zip       9801  06-27-95  EXAL ver 3.8
fldemo.zip      13786  04-25-95  This program is designed as a Flight
                               | Management System (FMS).
hpedt100.zip    24980  08-30-94  The HP Editor Version 1.0 áeta
local10.zip      2421  02-16-94  Provides an analysis of the local
                               | environments - usefull as a debugging tool.
nsimeq3.zip      3750  05-17-94  NON-LINEAR SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION SOLVER
pbak14.zip      17737  04-12-94  Memory and Port Archiver/Restorer For the
                               | HP48 S(X)/G(X) Calculator
pim4841b.zip    20992  04-27-95  PERSONAL INFORMATION MANAGER (PIM) version
                               | 4.1b
prhack30.zip    37168  04-13-95  Here's the Pro-Hackit tools library again
                               | w/source.
rlc12.zip        9216  02-05-94  Two Storage Element Series RLC Calculations
                               | For the HP48 G(X) Calculator
sizer.zip         739  05-04-95  lets you calculate the size of more than
                               | one variable.
sss22.zip       20240  11-05-94  SSS - Steve's SysRPL Shell version 2.2
starplot.zip    12417  11-02-94  Star Plottter v1.0 produces star maps
                               | similar to those found in Astronomy and Sky
                               | & Telescope magazine.
strwrt44.zip    26935  04-13-95  STRING WRITER v4.4
sysinfrm.zip     3149  09-07-94  How to make HP48G inputforms in System-RPL
tehel.zip       46960  06-24-95  A collection of misc hp48g files.
tricorde.zip     1732  11-05-94  This is a silly little program to simulate
                               | the 'Tricorder' devices used on Star Trek.
viewer2.zip      4165  10-12-94  Viewer was originally meant to view text
                               | files on the HP.
Files to aid in programming.
path: /hp48/program/
ent_srt.zip     77794  09-16-93  SX and GX entry points.
hpasmgx.zip      6535  10-15-93  This is a Saturn assembler library for your
                               | HP48gx ONLY.
iferr.zip        4793  10-31-93  New ERROR TRAPPING by William C Wickes.
jazzv40.zip    118330  06-20-95  System RPL and Machine Language Development
                               | Library v4.0
qsort.zip        1651  03-21-95  quicksort for HP48 gx/sx/g/s
queue.zip       18555  01-12-94  Queueing Theory Library  Version 1.1
rpl48v20.zip    78132  09-03-93  The RPL48 Toolkit provides more than 50
                               | powerful commands to aid system RPL and
                               | assembler programming and library
                               | development on a HP48.
usag.zip         3955  10-16-93  The USAG (usage) application enables you to
                               | review the stack argument object type usage
                               | for any command built into the HP 48 or any
                               | library command.
Sound FX and Music files.
path: /hp48/sound/
bach.zip         7385  10-31-93  Great collection of Bach music for the
                               | HP48.
erupt.zip        1074  10-31-93  Van Halen's Eruption
sttng            1945  06-07-94  The Next Generation Theme Song.
tune.zip         5545  10-31-93  Sampling of several music pieces plus a
                               | music builder. Contains SYSRpl examples of
                               | music routines.
usa.zip           853  10-16-93  US National Anthem
Miscelaneous utilities for the Hp48.
path: /hp48/utils/
aclock.zip       1437  09-02-93  This is a working Analog Clock for the HP
                               | GX/SX.
addmach.zip      4876  10-27-93  Paperless Adding Machine for HP48
airtable.zip     3102  10-27-93  This program uses several algorithms to
                               | calculate the temperature, pressure, and
                               | density of air at a certain altitude.
alice.zip        2038  10-27-93  ALICE 1.2  alias dir-WB
altd.zip          582  10-27-93  This is a machine language version of the
                               | seven level alternate stack display
                               | routine.
altd3.zip         932  10-31-93  ALTD.3 (right justified)
analemma.zip     4358  10-27-93  This program uses the graphics capabilities
                               | of the 48S/48SX to draw an analemma for the
                               | year 2000.
archxmdm.zip     2535  08-08-94  Xmodem Archive by Aaron Levinson
asc.zip          3264  10-08-93  ASCII Encoding HP 48SX Objects by Bill
                               | Wickes
asndup.zip       1220  10-27-93  ASNDUP, or Mode-Sensitive Key Assignments,
                               | by Joseph K Horn
astro.zip        2317  10-27-93  This is a small astronomical database of
                               | objects in the solar system.
bits.zip          790  10-31-93  Hamming weight of binary number (BITS)
bkup42.zip      23130  05-03-95  A simple blackup utility for the HP
bond.zip         7062  10-31-93  HP-48SX Bond pricing application Version
                               | 1.0
browse.zip       8884  10-27-93  The HP-48SX Browser Instructions and
                               | Commented Listing v1.1
bzm11.zip        1013  06-18-95  For those of you that have used BZ and
                               | wanted to create string or program
                               | compressions, here is a menuline that will
                               | allow you to do so.
calendar.zip     3788  10-27-93  DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR HP48SX CALENDAR
                               | DRAWING FUNCTIONS
calgen9.zip      1434  10-27-93  A simple calender generation program.
cardfile.zip    13554  03-22-95  Cardfile runs under MSDOS that write
                               | programs that run on your HP.
cfd.zip          2242  10-31-93  HP-48SX; subroutine (subscripted chemical
                               | formulae)
chill.zip        1742  10-27-93  CHILL, a Windchill Temperature program by
                               | Joseph K. Horn
chronoj2.zip     4522  04-26-95  Chronometer v2.6 hp48 SX/GX library in
                               | Sys-RPL.
clck.zip         1559  10-27-93  Here is an analog clock.
clean.zip        3017  10-27-93  Virus finder program.
clock.zip        2457  10-31-93  HP48SX Analog Clock
clok.zip         1369  10-31-93  Better CLOCK program.
compana.zip      5660  10-27-93  Composite Analysis Code for the hp48sx
currency.zip     6942  10-31-93  HP 48 Currency Converter Key Assignment
cw.zip           4192  10-27-93  CW: A Morse Code Practice Program for the
                               | HP-48SX
db.zip           5086  10-27-93  DB is a directory containing a database
                               | system for the HP48SX.
db48.zip         9313  10-31-93  DB48 is a library containing a database
                               | system for the HP48SX.
dist.zip         1438  10-31-93  Computing Great Circle Distance
dsort.zip        3098  10-31-93  The following three programs make up a very
                               | useful directory sorting utility.
dte48.zip        3928  10-31-93  DTE48 is a Dumb Terminal Emulator program
                               | for the HP48SX.
dterm.zip        4083  10-31-93  This program displays incoming data when it
                               | has received CRLF
edir.zip         2738  10-31-93  EDIR is a program that provides an extended
                               | directory listing of all variables within
                               | the directory from which it is run.
estr.zip         1725  10-31-93  Calculating Easter
ewcon2.zip      20051  06-21-95  Configuration files for the editor E! for
                               | windows.
falseclr.zip     6291  10-06-93  Fake a MEM CLR on ON-A-F by Jeoff Krontz
fiq.zip          1029  10-31-93  FIQ More Feet and Inches
fit48.zip        5634  08-03-94  FIT48 is a personal information manager for
                               | tracking health and fitness.
fixit.zip        2373  08-31-93  Fixit v3.2, repairs bad downloads
flow.zip         1656  10-31-93  FLOW isentropic gas flow equation Solver.
fntwrt.zip       2341  10-15-93  Font-Writer for your Hp48S(X)&G(X) by
                               | ???????????
foneman1.zip     9475  12-14-93  Fone Manager v1.4
fsmenu.zip       7500  10-27-93  Full screen menu system v1.0
fxprices.zip     5666  10-31-93  HP-48SX Foreign Currency Bid/Offer
                               | Pricing/Conversions
gl111bas.zip     5833  11-24-94  Programing language for the HP48.
gl111doc.zip     6064  11-24-94  Programing language for the HP48.
                               | (documents)
gl111hp.zip      8208  11-24-94  Programing language for the HP48. (Hp
                               | bininaries)
gl111pc.zip     99414  11-24-94  Programing language for the HP48. (PC
                               | bininaries)
gse.zip          3967  10-27-93  Goal Seeking Engine version 1 - 4/91
gxtool50.zip    12719  06-18-95  GxTools v5.0 is a collection of useful
                               | tools to ease the use of your GX.
helpdb.zip       3718  10-31-93  help on global variables database manage
hstack.zip       2285  10-31-93  HSTACK v1.1 a hyperstack of sorts
in.zip           2572  10-31-93  another INPUT-command (was, re: progr.
                               | ALPHA)
irtrans2.zip     4784  09-14-93  This is version 2.0 of TSEND & TSERVE, the
                               | IR-Transfer speeder.  Now the transfer is
                               | done at 7680bps physically 3.2 times faster
                               | than the OS does it.
ir_samp.zip      5658  09-02-93  Turn your GX into a remote control.
jtd.zip          4771  10-27-93  JTD (JULIAN TIME AND DATE)
laminate.zip     5927  10-31-93  Composite Analysis Code for the hp48sx
lpln.zip         4371  10-31-93  lpln phone adress name pim info program
mdef.zip         1911  10-27-93  Macro Definer to speed up programming v1.0
memgraph.zip     2144  10-31-93  MEMGRAPH gives a fast graph of memory used.
mnu.zip          1700  10-27-93  Cool menu key program by John Paul Morrison
moon2.zip        3692  10-27-93  Here is an improved program to calculate
                               | and display the phase of the moon.
morse.zip        2607  10-31-93  Morse, Morse Code on the 48sx (and serial
                               | cables!)
mrs.zip          1310  10-31-93  MRS, a Tiny Morse Code program
mscan.zip        5119  09-00-93  Scan ROM on GX machine by Raymond Hellstern
msort.zip        2078  10-31-93  This program sorts an array, list or stack
                               | of integers returning to level 1 a list
                               | sorted in descending order.
navstar.zip      2166  10-27-93  This is a program that is primarily for
                               | doing calculations for Air Navigation,
                               | given Departure Lat Long, and Destination
                               | Lat Long, along with Air Speed, Fuel
                               | Consumption, Wind Direction and Speed it
                               | will calculate the Heading between the two
                               | Lat & Long that you specified, it will also
                               | Calculate Ground Speed and the Fuel
                               | Consumption and the Time that the flight
                               | will take.
notecard.zip    10552  08-01-95  Notecard is a program for your PC that
                               | creates a program for your HP48.
pbmon.zip        3118  10-27-93  This is version 1.0 of the program pbmon or
                               | Phone Bill Monitor.
pcx.zip          1931  10-31-93  PCX (Makes your PC a remote
                               | keyboard/display for an HP 48)
phone.zip        7042  10-27-93  This program is a basic database program
                               | designed to keep a list of phone numbers
                               | and addresses, and provide access to them,
                               | editing, etc..
planets.zip      7094  10-27-93  This program calculates the positions of
                               | the planets in the sky.
pow2.zip          693  10-31-93  How can you tell, WITH PERFECT ACCURACY,
                               | whether or not a number is exactly a power
                               | of 2?
pres.zip         2375  10-31-93  LONG REALS MEET RESISTANCE  by Joe Horn
qsdir.zip        4116  10-31-93  QUICK-SORT ROUTINES v1.01
rem311bg.zip    63691  09-00-93  A remote control program for the HP
rem34bg.zip     88198  01-14-95  Turn your HP48 into a remote control
remote3.zip      6541  06-09-95  UNIVERSAL REMOTE #3.0 for G(X)
rotate3d.zip     5162  10-31-93  ROTATE3d a program that Rotate 3d objects
                               | on HP48
schedule.48     12774  05-23-94  Scheduling program for your HP48.
sky.zip          8701  10-27-93  A new graphic astronomy program.
stack.zip        1461  10-31-93  A 6 layer stack program
statplot.zip     1482  10-31-93  Plotting from statistical data.
stkd.zip         2218  10-31-93  Cloned Display Library
stofix.zip       4593  10-06-93  Workaround for STO bug on GX by 8-Detlef
ston.zip         7758  10-16-93  converts a SPICE-scaled numbers by James
                               | Unterburger
stwrt41b.zip    17179  01-11-94  Text/Program Editor.  Good. This is another
                               | editor written in ML. Very fast, more
                               | options, and a more intuitive interface
                               | than QED. Every HP user should try this
                               | program a few times...
sunrset.zip      4026  10-31-93  sunrise/sunset calculating program
swing.zip        2369  10-27-93  SWING draws a tree representing your entire
                               | directory structure and lets you walk
                               | around in it using the cursor key.
sxwatch.zip      1770  10-27-93  I call it "SXwatch".  It displays the
                               | current time in a somewhat antiquated style
                               | which our modern digital watch-wearing
                               | civilization doesn't use so much any more.
sysutils.zip     4718  10-04-93  This release of SYSUTILS provides a few
                               | simple tools for handling the directory
                               | structure of the HP48.
tele.zip         5830  11-02-93  This is another telephone library.  It is a
                               | menu driven program that stores the data
                               | file as a backup object in any port you
                               | choose.  This allows the user to keep the
                               | original 30k of RAM free.
timer.zip        4104  10-31-93  Countdown Timers by Steve Mauser 1/2
timer2.zip       3304  10-31-93  Countdown Timers by Steve Mauser 2/2
timr.zip         1380  10-31-93  Basic clock timer
todo.zip         8581  10-27-93  To-Do Reminder List
todo2.zip       10606  10-27-93  To-Do Reminder List version 2
travel.zip      14606  10-27-93  Takes a list of towns and mileage between
                               | them and displays things like how far
                               | you've traveled  and  how  soon  you'll  be
                               | there.
txtview.zip     16160  08-21-94  TView is a small (~600 bytes) program that
                               | takes a list from level 1 of the stack and
                               | displays it's contents on the screen.  Each
                               | entry in the list is a string.
tyko.zip        20815  10-31-93  EXPANDABLE STAR SUN-SYSTEM PROGRAM FOR
                               | HP48SX
usnd3.dk         8359  03-09-94  This is a high-speed transfer library.
                               | Really nice, faster than TSEND, but no
                               | error checking is done (That is why it is
                               | so much faster!).  It might do an over-all
                               | object checksum.
utils.zip        2747  10-31-93  Some little utilities written in RPL code.
utilsgx.lib      3200  03-20-94  Some usefull things, like XRECV, some
                               | hidden dir stuff, XPURGE (A nicer version
                               | of PURGE), etc... The last program runs
                               | through your libraries, turning all the
                               | names into grobs, and accessing the library
                               | menu that way... It allows for _Much_
                               | faster library access, esp with a lot of
                               | libs.  No docs.
version.48        384  08-25-94  Program will tell you which chip versions
                               | you have.
vt52.zip         5065  10-27-93  This is a DEC VT52 terminal emulator for
                               | the HP48SX.
vt52v2.zip       3625  10-27-93  VT52 Terminal Emulator v2.0
watr.zip         4980  10-27-93  Here is an application I've written which
                               | calculates water vapour and liquid
                               | properties as a function of temperature.
woopi.gx         2453  06-14-94  Ram card utility version 1.0
woopi2.gx        2254  10-31-94  Ram card utility version 2.0
xpurge.zip       1733  10-31-93  Fast PURGE utility for the HP
xysrvr17.zip    89732  06-08-95  XYSRVR Version 1.7 - (C) 1994/95 by Double
                               | Delta Industries
Math related programs for MSDOS.
path: /msdos/
adv_calc\           Advanced Calculus
adv_equ\            Advanced Differential Equations
algebra\            College Algebra
calculat\           Calculator emulators and programs
calculus\           Calculus
complex\            Complex Variables
diff_equ\           Ordinary Differential Equations
discrete\           Discrete Mathematics
dynamics\           Dynamics
games\              Math related games and learning tools
geometry\           Geometry
graphing\           Graphing Programs
k_12\               K-12 (Pre-Calculus)
lin_alg\            Linear and Matrix Algebra
math\               Miscellaneous math related programs and files
model\              Modelling
npde\               Numerical Partial Differential Equations
num_asys\           Numerical Analysis
num_thry\           Number Theory
partial\            Partial Differential Equations
prob\               Probability programs
spredsht\           Spreadsheet programs and related files
statstic\           Statistics
Advanced Calculus
path: /msdos/adv_calc/
fourier.zip    187535  07-22-94  Graph the first 20 Fourier polynomials of a
                               | function.
fouri_ss.zip   127501  07-20-94  Slide show of graphs of functions w/
                               | Fourier approx.
lineint.zip    211619  07-22-94  Computes line integrals over parametric
                               | eqns., etc.
pc_conv.zip    112112  07-22-94  Demo - graphically shows the convolution of
                               | 2 functions.
Advanced Differential Equations
path: /msdos/adv_equ/
lie43.zip       93986  08-12-94  Find Lie algebra of differential equations.
College Algebra
path: /msdos/algebra/
cnumbers.zip   211053  07-22-94  Evaluate complex number expressions.
jkcalc.zip     129890  10-18-94  Multi-purpose calculator works also with
                               | polynomials.
precalcx.zip   162486  07-22-94  Professor Weissman's Pre-Calculus Tutorials
rurca.zip      102704  07-22-94  Quizzes students on topics needed to take
                               | coll. alg.
ruria.zip      103499  07-22-94  Quizzes students on topics needed to take
                               | inter. alg.
tsdraw16.zip   108025  07-22-94  Graphical solution of lin. prog. in 2
                               | dimensions.
Calculator emulators and programs
path: /msdos/calculat/
amp30.zip      219729  06-26-89  Algebraic Manipulation Package, v3.0
calc100.zip     29834  09-23-94  Evaluate math expr. interactively or cmd
                               | line
calculat.zip    18416  06-29-87  Math calculator
calc_tsr.zip    26932  08-10-91  TSR calculator, deg/rad for trig, temps in
                               | C/F
calc_v22.zip    51097  01-30-91  'Infinite' precision calculator
clc177.zip      62862  04-31-95  Command Line Scientific Calculator w/
                               | graphs
compflow.zip   117725  07-29-93  1-D compressible flow funcs/invers
                               | calculator
converts.zip    37150  06-25-89  Converts
                               | inch/ft/yds/acres/miles/area/volume
convprog.zip    71393  04-07-91  Units conversion, U.S./Metric/Imperial SI
c_calc20.zip    66952  11-10-94  Complex num rpn calc uses ASCII macro files
datevr01.zip    79965  07-17-94  Calculator: (date) +/-
                               | (days)=(weekday,date)
doit.zip        34135  11-18-89  Online calculator with 25 different
                               | operations
easter12.zip     4902  05-05-93  Calculates the date of Easter in any year
eval.zip        18415  11-31-87  Evaluates mathematical expressions
expr.zip        12380  12-22-90  Unix-like command line expression evaluator
expr_vi2.zip     4497  09-18-94  Tiny Unix 'expr'-like integer expr
                               | evaluator
ffc48.zip       30118  08-11-88  TSR 4 Func. calc. with paste functions
fft128.zip      79075  02-03-91  Fast Fourier Transform/Spectrum calculator
ffunc75.zip     16123  08-11-88  Non TSR 4 func. calculator
gear10.zip     130541  03-06-91  Calculate charts/graphs of bicycle gear
                               | ratios
hexdec.zip       5476  06-10-89  Command line number convert HEX <-->
                               | DECIMAL
hp48demo.zip    92433  07-03-91  HP's DEMO disk for 48SX calculator
hpread13.zip    17284  02-29-90  Transf HP Calc infrared data->PC using $4
                               | part
hrs411.zip      23740  09-12-91  Time calculator. Add/subtract hours &
                               | minutes
keypad10.zip    43025  03-31-92  Memory resident RPN scientific calculator
kycal207.zip    39366  10-15-87  Memory resident scientific calculator
mathpad.zip     64600  12-08-87  Powerful scientific calculator
mathw101.zip    72237  06-06-95  Enhanced desktop calculator with entry
                               | editing
monkey.zip      47572  03-31-88  Matrix calculator
mortime.zip     45752  04-20-90  Time conversion and calculator
nalkati.zip     35230  03-28-91  Hindu Calendar. Date, positions of Moon &
                               | Sun
numconv.zip      7157  03-09-88  Convert between several numbering systems
octo100b.zip    22574  07-02-95  Powerful command-line calculator
pchp.zip        28643  02-22-87  HP Calculator
pibcal11.zip    35739  03-12-92  Programmable calculator, with Turbo Pascal
                               | src
raasi101.zip    51922  09-04-91  Charts Hindu Horoscope for
                               | date/time/location
rpc102.zip      15908  11-14-90  Reverse Polish Calc(v1.02) - Bubble gum
                               | colors
rpn095.zip      89432  11-29-90  RPN scientific calculator, emulates HP42s
rpn30src.zip    41387  07-03-90  TCv2.0 source code for rpn v3.0 by bobmon
rqm121.zip     124508  03-06-91  Calculates savings necessary for retirement
scieqs14.zip    43018  11-23-90  Scientific calculator/equation solver
scn.zip         41513  10-31-86  Scientific calculater
sun.zip         30586  04-13-88  Calculate sunrise and sunset times
sun101.zip      31964  04-18-90  Quick Almanac, Sun/Moon rising/set times
symbol56.zip   131915  04-07-95  Mathomatic v5.6: Symbolic math program
tbank101.zip    78351  04-19-90  Checkbook and statement reconciliation
timecard.zip    91036  11-24-93  Calculator for totaling payroll timecards
tsfunc13.zip    63386  04-04-89  Calculates, tabulates, & plots your
                               | functions
tsjog16.zip     32388  08-24-94  Simple calculator/pacer for jogging
                               | enthusiast
tsmatr11.zip    64879  03-24-90  Standard matrix calculations, T.Salmi
units_am.zip    35074  07-22-93  Units conversion program, like Unix 'units'
vecalc12.zip    41758  01-24-89  Vector calculator - for eng. and graphics
vpcalc23.zip   109365  01-29-95  Variable Precision floating decimal
                               | calculator
xact51.zip     212054  03-31-91  Calculators emulate HP-11C, HP-12C & HP-16C
zyac12.zip      49107  02-26-87  Scientific calculator
path: /msdos/calculus/
anumr5.zip     242360  07-22-94  C library of function for linear algebra,
                               | etc.
calctut.zip    120086  10-06-94  MSDOS Demo of Natural Language Math.
                               | Calculus Tutor.
demo.zip       329988  07-22-94  One of the programs shows tangent lines to
                               | x^n sin(1/x).
diff.zip        34387  07-22-94  Command line program to symbolically
                               | differentiate.
findpoly.zip   146476  07-22-94  You must find polynomial from info that the
                               | prog. gives.
funct_ss.zip   120439  07-22-94  Slide show of various graphs useful in
                               | teaching calc.
fv.zip         109392  06-26-95  Implementation of mapping diagrams.
integral.zip   210284  07-22-94  Numerically integrate a function 9 diff.
                               | ways.
jkpolpm.zip    278063  10-18-94  Polar and parametric equations.
jkyfunx.zip    112774  10-18-94  Many topics including finding volumes,
                               | areas, roots, etc.
lab1.zip       133782  10-06-94  A collection of simulations and
                               | demonstrations.
limits.zip     189796  07-22-94  Numerical demonstration of finding limits.
mcaddos.zip    138990  10-06-94  A demo of Mathcad for DOS, v 2.5.
mcadwin.zip   1057100  10-06-94  A demo of Mathcad for Windows, v.4.0.
mpp.zip        248709  07-22-94  USNA calculus package; multitude of topics!
mppdoc.zip      36733  07-22-94  Documentation for mpp.zip.
newto_ss.zip   127914  07-22-94  Slide show for Newton's Method.
plot.zip       136212  10-06-94  Peanut Software's graphics package for
                               | calculus, ode's, ...
rootfind.zip   204868  07-22-94  Find roots of a function using 4 different
                               | methods.
sequence.zip   183735  07-22-94  Shows numerically and graphically user
                               | inpuuted seq.
sm32a.zip      391087  01-17-95  Symbolic calculator.
taylor.zip     187240  07-22-94  Graphs the first 20 Maclauring polynomials
                               | of a fct.
taylo_ss.zip   135908  07-22-94  Slide show of functions w/some of their
                               | Taylor poly.
troub_ss.zip   107001  07-22-94  Slide show showing pitfalls of standard
                               | graphing tech.
vol546.zip     157380  07-22-94  Symbolic math package - does do
                               | differentiation.
wctut.zip      205791  10-06-94  Windows Demo of Natural Language Math.
                               | Calculus Tutor.
wlplt259.zip   287778  04-28-95  Plots functions, their derivatives and
                               | integrals, etc.
Complex Variables
path: /msdos/complex/
dy_syst.zip    109636  07-22-94  Newton's method; Mandelbrot & Julia sets.
feedback.zip   140812  07-22-94  IFS's, bifurcation diagrams, web diagrams,
                               | L-systems, ...
frain192.zip   570514  04-24-95  Fractint - Can draw just about any popular
                               | fractal very fast.
frasr192.zip   973991  04-24-95  Source code for Fractint.
frcal040.zip   368478  07-22-94  Very fast drawing of Mandelbrot set and
                               | other fractals.
frcaldmo.zip   351246  07-22-94  Demo program for frcal040.zip.
winf1821.zip   506697  10-08-94  MS Windows version of Fractint.
wins1821.zip   729625  10-08-94  Source code for MS Windows version of
                               | Fractint.
yabmp097.zip   244885  07-22-94  Mandelbrot & Julia sets; external rays &
                               | periodic pts.
Ordinary Differential Equations
path: /msdos/diff_equ/
chaosdem.zip   107205  07-22-94  Demos exhbiting chaos in ode's from physics
                               | & biol.
mdep.zip       300180  07-22-94  USNA program for graphical solutions of
                               | ode's.
ode26.zip      143011  07-22-94  Interactive graphical or numerical solution
                               | of ode's.
ode_ss.zip     128102  07-22-94  Slide show illustrating many concepts from
                               | ode's.
oldes.zip      219447  07-22-94  Plots solutions of 1st and 2nd order ord.
                               | linear d.e.
rurode.zip      98079  07-22-94  Quizzes students on topics needed to take
                               | ode's.
slopes.zip     198732  07-22-94  Graphs direction fields and integral curves
                               | of some ode.
Discrete Mathematics
path: /msdos/discrete/
catbox1.zip   1262694  05-10-95  A collection of 11 programs mostly
                               | concerned with graph theory. Disk 1/2
catbox2.zip   1434571  05-10-95  A collection of 11 programs mostly
                               | concerned with graph theory. Disk 2/2
isetl.zip      136637  07-22-94  Interactive math. language based on sets.
isetldoc.zip    37757  07-22-94  Documentation for isetl.zip.
isetlsrc.zip   193728  07-22-94  Source code for isetl.zip.
jkpropc.zip     46090  10-18-94  Propositional Logic Program.
jkxpres.zip    100804  10-18-94  Extended Precision Integers.
truth.zip      125334  07-22-94  Generates truth tables.
venn.zip       173115  07-22-94  Displays Venn diagrams.
voting.zip     129257  07-22-94  Illustrations of four voting schemes.
path: /msdos/dynamics/
fdesi313.zip   264505  07-22-94  Draws attractors of hyperbolic iterated
                               | functions systems.
iterate.zip    209365  07-22-94  Extensive package for elem. discrete
                               | dynamical systems
logstc11.zip    14336  07-22-94  Windows prog. generating bifurcation diag.
                               | of logistic
Math related games and learning tools
path: /msdos/games/
algebra.zip     67781  05-09-89  Algebra 1, v1.0.  Algebra tutorial.  By
                               | Professor Weissman.
algwks.zip      65915  07-29-91  Algebra Worksheet generator, v1.1.  By
                               | Richard Bierregaard.
bcalcs.zip      31498  03-28-88  BigCalc, v2.11.  Big Calculator, v2.11. (C
                               | src.)  By Judson D. McClendon.
byte.zip        16962  08-06-89  Byte, v4.0.  Display decimal, hexadecimal,
                               | octal, binary, ASCII, and color attributes.
                               | By SoftCircuits.
calc.zip        78371  08-03-87  Calculus.  Learn Calculus.
cc4_9206.zip   273235  06-09-92  Calculus Calculator, v4.1.  Programmable
                               | graphing mathematics processor, includes
                               | matrices and infinite precision arithmetic.
                               | By David Meredith.
cj100.zip      103718  05-23-89  CatJack.  Interactive statistical
                               | calculator. By Brad Strausbaugh.
cnv200.zip      29818  04-13-91  Convert, v2.0.  Metric conversion program.
                               | By Christopher E. Long.
complex.zip     14341  08-27-87  Complex.  Perform various operations on
                               | complex numbers.  By Ottmar Laabs.
curvefit.zip    70698  05-08-86  Curvefit, v2.05.  Fit values of X and Y to
                               | 25 different equations. By T. S. Cox.
dif.zip        164220  04-30-88  Differential Equations and Calculus, v7.0.
                               | By Byoung Keum.
dlanet.zip      55488  05-22-90  DLANET, v1.0.  Polynomial and Circuit
                               | Analysis Program.  By L. P. Huelsman.
electron.zip   122531  07-09-90  Electron, v2.0.  Solves electronic
                               | equations.  By Harold F. Pfannenschmid.
equator.zip    241043  04-07-90  Equator Equation Processor, vs1.  Quickly
                               | process mathematical equations.  By Pulse
                               | Research.
ffc44.zip       29073  02-21-88  FFC, v4.2.  Resident Four Function
                               | Calculator.  By Timothy Coleman.
form1.zip      159203  07-06-91  Formula1.  The first part of a two part
                               | program which covers the complete High
                               | School or first semester College Algebra
                               | curriculum. By Intelligent Computer
                               | Tutorials.
fortune.zip    189412  10-28-89  Fortune Tune, v1.03.  Graph the curves
                               | y=f(x), y=g(x), and then allow you to
                               | "twiddle" any parameters a, b, c, contained
                               | in the functions.  By David Lovelock.
freetk.zip     129232  06-17-87  FreeTK. a TK Solver Plus PreviewWare
                               | edition. Solve any equation or set of
                               | equations.  By UTS.
function.zip   106583  01-17-89  Functions.  Slide show consists of graphs
                               | of various functions.
geomtut.zip     54389  10-26-89  Geome.  Geometry Tutor.
mathcomd.zip    28895  05-05-87  Math Commando, v1.01.  A memory resident
                               | reverse polish notation calculator with
                               | business, statistical, computer base, and
                               | scientific functions.  By Sandi & Shane
                               | Stump.
mathpack.zip    90813  05-09-87  MathPack.  Mathematical functions.  (Basic
                               | src.)  By Dan Dalal.
mathpak2.zip    22240  06-22-88  Mathpak2.  Mathematical tutorials, college
                               | level.  (Basic src.)
mathplot.zip    86267  02-24-91  Mathplot, v 1.0.  Allows you to specify
                               | complicated mathematical functions using
                               | ordinary algebraic expressions and
                               | immediately plot them.  By Phillip H.
                               | Sherrod.
mathtutr.zip    84758  12-08-89  Step by Step Algebra tutor by Professor
                               | Weissman.
mathwo.zip     337223  05-13-92  Math Workout, v1.0.  Whether you're a math
                               | phobic, child, student, adult, business
                               | executive or mathlete, you'll get a lot out
                               | of MATH WORKOUT.  By Paul Dobrin.
rurc1.zip      171929  09-05-89  RUReady, v 2.05.  Are you ready for
                               | Calculus? (1/3)
rurc2.zip       99604  09-07-89  RUReady, v 2.05.  Are you ready for
                               | Calculus? (2/3)
rurc3.zip      107993  10-26-89  RUReady, v 2.05.  Are you ready for
                               | Calculus? (3/3)
sm20a.zip      208932  04-17-92  SymbMath, v2.0.  A Symbolic Calculator with
                               | Learning.  By Dr. Weiguang Huang
symbol41.zip    80672  07-02-92  Mathomatic, v4.  Algebraic Equation
                               | Processor.  If "A = B + C", then what does
                               | "B" equal?  A super-smart calculator
                               | program that can solve complicated symbolic
                               | math equations.  By George Gesslein.
path: /msdos/geometry/
feuer.zip      202038  07-22-94  Graphical illustration of Feuerbach's
                               | Theorem.
geom.zip       140031  07-22-94  Constructions in Euclidean Geometry.
Graphing Programs
path: /msdos/graphing/
conics.zip     184743  07-22-94  Plots the graphs of the conic sections
                               | (Univ. Arizona).
conicsps.zip    94827  07-22-94  Plots the graphs of the conic sections
                               | (Peanut Software).
dots151.zip    245830  10-10-90  Interactive 3D vector graphics
drawfn3d.zip    81664  07-22-94  Plots parametric curves in 3-space.
drawfn3s.zip    72439  10-08-94  Source code for drawfn3d.zip.
epdemo.zip     198545  05-02-92  EasyPlot scientific graphing EGA/VGA/Herc
                               | DEMO
gdraw30.zip     88622  12-16-94  GraphDraw: Very rich function plotting
                               | program
globe103.zip   251217  10-10-90  Interactive 3D vector graphics with sphere
gpt35doc.zip   600071  07-22-94  Documentation for GNUPlot.
gpt35exe.zip   552716  07-22-94  MSDOS port of the UNIX graphing program
                               | GNUPlot.
gpt35src.zip   740888  07-22-94  The source for GNUPlot.
gpt35win.zip   419933  07-22-94  MS Windows version of GNUPlot.
grafit20.zip    64859  01-14-93  Graphs functions; solves sys. of
                               | inequalities
graph322.zip   312795  08-28-90  Scientific graphics - executables and docs
graphsrc.zip   107847  07-16-90  GRAPH v3.21 scientific graphics, Turbo C
                               | src
grmat13w.zip   130963  07-22-94  2 d Windows graph. package - also graphs
                               | inequalities & odes.
grmat33d.zip   139626  07-22-94  2 dim. Graphing package - direction fields
                               | and integral curves.
grphme10.zip   178587  12-16-92  Simple-to-use 3-D graphing package, vers
                               | 1.0
identify.zip   185311  07-22-94  Draws graph of functions and asks user to
                               | identify.
implicit.zip   191653  07-22-94  Plots implicit functions of the form f(x,y)
                               | = c.
lab2.zip       103053  07-22-94  Three demos: maps, roots and power series.
mathgraf.zip    37640  07-22-94  Windows program to display the graphs of
                               | functions.
mathpl33.zip   129569  10-08-94  Plots graphs of functions, parametric
                               | curves & polar.
mgvga443.zip   127458  07-22-94  Graph functions.
polar.zip      202821  07-22-94  Graph polar and parametric eqns.; allows
                               | "twiddling"
postogrf.zip   136621  08-20-90  Add labels to GRAPHPS or GRAPHLI output
techplt1.zip   352397  07-22-94  Elaborate graphing package; nice 3d
                               | graphics. Part 1.
techplt2.zip   497210  07-22-94  Elaborate graphing package; nice 3d
                               | graphics. Part 2.
twiddle.zip    244401  07-22-94  Graph functions & data sets & "twiddle"
                               | parameters.
world10.zip     71642  10-10-90  World coastline database
wplot.zip      148161  10-28-94  Plots data sets, curve fitting and fft.
K-12 (Pre-Calculus)
path: /msdos/k_12/
fraction.zip   453952  04-06-95  Converts fractions, decimals and
                               | percentages.
Linear and Matrix Algebra
path: /msdos/lin_alg/
jkmatrix.zip   157859  10-31-94  General matrix package; inc. linear
                               | programming.
linalg.zip     261609  07-22-94  Elementary manipulation of matrices and
                               | vectors.
matrx041.zip    42006  07-22-94  Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers
minimat.zip    124155  07-22-94  Subset of an implementation of the comm.
                               | package Matlab.
newmat07.zip   123399  07-22-94  C++ procedures for scientists and
                               | engineers.
nummeth.zip    268638  04-08-95  Numerical Methods: MATLAB Programs
pari386.zip    824386  07-22-94  High speed number theory calculations
                               | package.
twodmaps.zip   243473  07-22-94  Experiment with affine transformations on
                               | the plane.
Miscellaneous math related programs and files
path: /msdos/math/
2sqrt10a.txt  5262079  04-30-94  First The Square Root of Two [to 5 million
                               | digits], May 1994
4acal310.zip    47793  08-06-93  4A Calculator v3.10: MS-Win dows math
                               | calculation program.
adder21.zip     59688  11-05-93  Accumulated-sum calculator.
addit.zip       38544  01-19-92  VGA ADDING GAME FOR KIDS.
addition.zip    23522  07-17-87  A kid's addition game (ages 3-6)
addpr2.zip      47068  09-12-93  Addition Practice- Tables 6-10
algbr212.zip   132530  01-16-93  Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials
alged21.zip     88035  01-26-95  Edit/solve symbolic math, ez menus,w/src,
                               | FREE
algemath.zip    68514  05-04-93  Algebra Helper for You Math Home Work.
algetrig.zip    26962  05-02-93  Trig. Calculator.
algetut.zip    146528  09-01-87  Excellent! Tutor for Algebra, Trig, etc
algtutor.zip     1900  06-16-93  A Warning About Weissman's Algebra Tutor.
alg_tut.zip    118464  05-11-91  Prof. Weismanns 2nd Alg. Tutor-GREAT!
aliquot2.zip   467980  04-20-94  Utility to compute and record aliquot
                               | chains, I.Duentsch
amath1_a.zip   193539  02-15-91  Animated Math K-2 uses GRASP 1 of 4
amath1_b.zip   156166  02-15-91  Animated Math                2 of 4
amath1_c.zip   166875  02-02-91  Animated Math                3 of 4
amath1_d.zip    18956  02-15-91  Animated Math                4 of 4
amdcmp1.zip    211502  02-25-93  Great GL files on x and divide...
amdcmp2.zip    310231  01-06-93  Great, 2nd part mult & divide, gl files
amort11d.zip   219985  11-13-91  AmortizeIt, "The Complete Amortization
                               | Solution"
amortz13.zip   104009  06-30-91  Amortize, Loan Schedules and More, J.Bowyer
analys40.zip    62947  03-31-93  FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlati
                               | on
animath.zip     19154  07-17-87  ELOP MATH SKILLS FOR CHILDREN 3-6
ant.zip          7680  12-07-93  antenna math program
apcalc10.zip    61923  09-12-92  RPN Line Oriented Calculator with Virtual
                               | Stack Memory.
aplmth10.zip    38462  07-24-93  MS-Win dows Teaching Tool for Elementary
                               | Math.
atrig12.zip     27748  06-13-93  Trigonometry Calculator (Capable of Text
                               | Logfile).
bmath.zip        2680  07-22-87  math skills children (in basic)
calc1.zip      172099  09-07-89  PRE-CALCULUS COURSE  1/3
calc2.zip       99781  09-07-89  FROM UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA     2/3
calc3.zip      108282  09-07-89  PRE-CALCULUS COURSE  3/3
calcpd10.zip    32605  06-05-93  MS-Win Scientific Calculator Program.
calcul1.zip    132239  03-04-88  SUPER IBM ALGEBRA/CALCULUS DRILL/REVIEW
calcul2.zip    145657  10-27-87  Calculus Tutor for students
calcul_1.zip   146050  07-16-89  Great Calculus I Tutorial. Disk 1 of 3.
calcul_2.zip   100878  09-07-89  Great Calculus II Tutorial. Disk 2 of 3.
calcul_3.zip   109403  09-07-89  Great Calculus III Tutorial. Disk 3 of 3
calpas.zip      37396  10-22-89  Multiplcation Quizzer w/source
capgnz10.zip   289921  07-06-90  Capital Gainz v1.0; investment tracking
                               | program
castle14.zip   107032  07-23-91  EXCELLENT MATH TUTOR
cc3.zip        195611  05-11-90  graphing programable sci calculator
cc4.zip        269424  04-14-91  NEW VER CC3 CALCULUS CALCULATOR
cc4_9206.zip   418136  06-08-92  X(plore) Calculus Calculator, beta,
                               | D.Meredith (good)
cf427.zip      123736  04-02-94  Curvefits: Science/engineering curve
                               | fitting
chiwri.zip      93905  07-17-87  Math/Science Word Processor IBM
circle2.zip     28866  04-10-89  Geometry program
cla20.zip      290217  02-08-91  Displays info on a matrix (incl. Jordan
                               | form)
cnc.zip         43970  03-24-90  Complex number calculator v1.0
conv10.zip      60896  07-08-93  Unit conversion utility
convert.zip    119890  03-20-91  Converts between various types of units.
coordchg.zip    25455  05-21-93  Program that converts lat/long to
                               | fractional notation.
cryptaid.zip   215201  02-05-92  Decodes simple substitution aristocrat
                               | ciphers.
csa.zip         30177  07-17-87  Analyzes categorical syllogisms for
                               | validity
curve11.zip     23704  09-07-93  Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's
                               | eqn.
cyclo.zip       51017  08-11-92  Cyclo creates cycloids (mathematical plot)
delp.zip         4481  09-30-91  Fast non-iterative multi-exponential
                               | fitting
delpx02.zip    126479  11-09-91  Data analysis suite incorporating DELP.PAS
delpx04.zip    394783  06-09-95  Multi-exponential fitting, FFTs, filtering
                               | ...
deprectn.zip    64755  04-21-89  program for figuring depreciation values
dipole.zip       1004  07-17-87  CALCULATE EACH SIDE OF A DIPOLE  (IBM)
epistat.zip     54438  07-17-87  Statistics program.  IBM
eval106.zip     30733  04-09-92  Command line math function evaluator
                               | (slight nag)
factpack.zip    56184  05-04-89  Fun math drills for multiple learners.
femis.zip      241694  01-16-94  Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System
fftkit10.zip   119753  05-29-95  RealTime Spectrum Analysis & Digital
                               | Osciloscope, C-src
finan10.zip    156533  10-08-91  The Financial Analyzer, Ray Zimmerman
fit2_117.zip    78157  05-21-91  Linear/non-linear modeling,
                               | analysis/transform
flashcar.zip     4696  07-17-87  ARITHMETIC COMPUTER "FLASH CARDS"
flshca10.zip    26122  07-06-93  MS-Win dows App That Is A Fun, Easy Way to
                               | Learn Basic Math.
formu220.zip    24838  05-17-95  Fast interpreter of math functions (in C)
formula1.zip   163314  06-16-91  Excellent Algebra Tutorial Program.
formulas.zip     7731  04-23-88  Algorithms for calendrical calculations
formulc.zip     24836  05-17-95  Mathematical function interpreter for C
fractin1.zip   380014  07-23-91  THE fractal program FREEWARE - Part 1
fractin2.zip   150294  12-18-91  THE fractal program FREEWARE - Part 2
frain172.zip   449573  03-08-92  FRACTINT, Ver 17.2, Fractal generator
fsultra1.zip   111950  06-18-92  High quality, fast, versatile random
                               | numbers
fudg_231.zip   524699  07-31-93  Extensible data analysis and curve fitting
funnels.zip     34329  07-17-87  GREAT CHILDREN'S MATH GAME--IBM
genmth10.zip   900009  03-10-92  Genie Math, timed math exercises for
                               | elementary-age kids.
geomath.zip    129853  03-29-89  FULL FUNCTION GEOGRAPHY & MATH TUTOR.
god08.zip       93403  11-07-93  Gravitational orbits designer by P.Filippo
googol20.zip   165030  11-26-90  Googol Math Games v2.1 CGA
grad.zip       117320  01-07-93  Automatic Differentiation of Fortran
                               | programs
graph3d.zip     46019  09-09-92  Graph-3d Ver. 1.03.
hdcu099.zip     29619  05-01-93  Convert decimal to any number base.
hex_calc.zip    59520  01-08-91  Hex Calc hex/decimal/binary calculator by
                               | Tom Cantlon
hp.zip          80206  03-22-93  HP - A calculator.
intsci.zip     284242  12-06-91  THE INTEGRAL SCIENTIST
invest1.zip     37035  01-11-90  Funds investment calc & analysis prg
iterat31.zip   175889  12-29-93  Iterate shows iteration
                               | theory-chaos-fractals
jkloan.zip      53212  06-20-94  Compound Interest Loan Program.
jkmath11.zip   436435  11-28-93  Matrices;Graphs/Calculus;Probability;RPN
                               | Calc.
jkmath14.zip   489559  10-31-94  Matrices, Graphs, Probability, RPN Calc by
                               | J.R.Kennedy
jktrngl.zip     47305  05-28-94  Triangle Solution Program: law of sines,
                               | etc.
jkturing.zip    43043  06-20-94  Turing Machine Simulator.
kmath.zip       48671  06-10-90  A Practice exercise in basic math facts
koko.zip         7468  01-20-88  Math game with clown for small children
leap_b08.zip   205922  05-22-95  LEAP: Extendable Relational Algebra
                               | Processor
lgsolv1.zip     59005  10-03-93  FORTRAN routines: Solving Large Linear
                               | Systems
lie42.zip       89545  01-12-94  Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact
                               | solns
lie44.zip       98236  06-02-95  Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact
                               | solns
lifex.zip       24405  07-17-87  Calculates life expectency
linsys10.zip    37394  04-06-92  Solves linear systems (including
                               | homogenous)
loan24c3.zip    84792  02-23-94  Consumer Loan/Mortgage Program, M.Campbell
logic2tr.zip    70997  10-04-88  Logic Tutor
lp100210.zip   210749  12-07-89  Linear programming, solve optimizing
                               | problems
lp261.zip      246978  07-22-93  Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer
lpdos15.zip    278509  12-01-94  Protected Mode Mixed integer linear problem
                               | solver
lpsol14.zip     62216  01-31-94  Mixed integer linear problem solver
lsp4.zip        86506  07-22-94  Level set programming for global
                               | optimization, H.Yassien
mafia2b.zip    383113  12-15-93  Complex math calculation utilities package
mafia2c.zip    417797  03-02-94  Math utilities package, Zvi Shippony
mand32.zip      75130  12-07-93  Generate 2d & 3d Mandelbrot sets, D.Lemberg
mandbrot.zip    31683  03-31-89  Display Mandelbrot Set
maplev.zip     478350  01-07-92  Computer algebra/symbolic math DEMO; 386+
                               | req.
matcal12.zip    40592  03-29-94  Matrix Calculator with Wordstar-like
                               | interface, W.Loewer
mathcast.zip   126449  01-27-90  Math Castle Defender
mathcmp.zip    314581  02-17-91  Animated Math for K through 1st gr.
mathfc24.zip    27367  03-04-95  Mathematical expressions calculator, Greg
                               | Kochaniak
mathmaze.zip    19777  03-17-91  use math facts to go thru maze.
mathp.zip      156528  01-21-92  Kids answer math and win prizes.
mathpak.zip     90315  07-17-87  MATH TOOLS TO HELP W/ALL AREAS ! IBM
mathpl.zip     140645  03-31-92  Specify complicated math functions
mathshop.zip    45279  07-17-87  Basic Math tutorials
mathstat.zip    56428  07-17-87  Math and Statistic routines.....   (I.B.M.)
math_1.zip     150878  01-22-88  Good Algebra Tutorial.  Disk 1 of 3.
math_2.zip      77336  01-22-88  Good Algebra Tutorial.  Disk 2 of 3.
math_3.zip      77529  03-31-89  Good Algebra Tutorial . Disk 3 of 3.
matlab.zip     200815  09-23-90  Computes matrices developed by
                               | LINPAK/EISPACK
mat_x41.zip     99017  02-07-95  A general math program with graphics,
                               | B.Jensen
mc12v10.zip     87648  12-07-93  MathClass grades 1&2 EGA/VGA very good
mc34v11.zip    112065  12-07-93  MathClass grades 3&4 EGA/VGA very good
mcastle.zip    126469  01-27-90  Super! elem. math game.Defend castle.IBM
memtl.zip      143010  09-11-91  Provides "pop-up" calculator; more.
mercury2.zip   268320  11-10-90  Algebra & Trig. Tutor, does grapki
mersenne.zip   121486  01-02-90  Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes &
                               | bibliography
metric_x.zip    99947  11-21-91  Metric conversion program.
meval113.zip    83189  09-30-93  Menninger's Floating point expression
                               | evaluator (w C)
mfloat10.zip    71876  04-28-93  Fast high precision arithmetic for a 8086
mfloat20.zip   130088  08-19-94  Fast high precision arithmetic: C++, C,
                               | Pascal
mfract.zip       5243  07-17-87  Experiment with fractal geometry -- CGA/EGA
mm40_.zip      143029  12-07-93  Mom's Math 4.0 elementary math
momsma.zip      89953  03-21-92  Mom's Math v3.o, math for kids
mort_11.zip    102813  12-29-92  Standard mortgage calculator, G.
                               | Beccar-Varela
mpad13.zip      69608  06-13-93  General-Purpose Calculator (Capable of Text
                               | Logfile).
mrcry209.zip   296858  11-04-92  Math solver, from Borland's Eureka,
                               | Shareware
mssr7.zip       26086  07-17-87  EDUC TUTOR-MATH/SPELLING/READING/ETC - IBM
mult.zip         1997  09-05-87  PRACTICE WITH MULTIPLICATION TABLES
mult2.zip       46730  09-12-93  Multiplication Practice Tables 6-10
mwks22.zip      72529  07-26-91  Math Worksheet Creator: <-*/ frac.
neural.zip     170078  07-17-92  An application of neural networks.
nrsq.zip         6716  02-10-89  Simple/Hard Math Practice Game -CGA
num202c.zip    116240  07-07-92  Number theoretic calculator v2.02c
numcon.zip      10232  05-05-93  Convert decimal, hex, octal, and binary.
ode25.zip      132032  10-22-90  Ordinary differential equation
                               | simulate/solve
optimax.zip    200053  05-01-93  The Newtonian Telescope Program.
oursolar.zip    22119  05-12-93  NASA/JPL text tour of the solar system.
pc_conv.zip     33484  07-03-93  Conversions between the metric and
                               | non-metric system
pimil10.txt   1424515  05-19-95  Pi to the first 10 million digits.
poly.zip        69665  07-17-87  Fit polynomial equations to data points
polyrt1.zip     77274  12-17-91  Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive
                               | graphics
polysim.zip     26655  05-22-89  Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source
popcalc.zip     10008  07-17-87  Nice RAM-resident calculator w/tape
praxis.zip      21819  07-22-87  Minimize function values (source in
                               | Pascal&C)
predict.zip     40154  07-15-90  Predictor v1.0 interpolation program
procalc.zip    119465  05-30-88  32-bit Science/Engineering/Prog calculator
rlab117d.zip  1078123  01-30-95  RLaB: High level matrix programming
                               | language
romancvt.zip    16716  04-14-93  Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C
                               | src
rotate13.zip     4534  07-19-90  Rotate number matrices (ASCII)
rpn30doc.zip    13223  05-29-90  Simulate HP-29c calculator v3.0 (documents)
rpn30exe.zip    47914  05-30-90  Simulate HP-29c calculator v3.0
rsc310.zip      72916  09-06-93  RSC - Resident Scientific Calculator.
schlmom.zip    123769  12-24-91  reading, spelling, math, english, music
scieqs10.zip    40287  10-22-88  Scientific Equation Solver-Very Nice
sgnls313.zip   122361  02-10-94  Illustrates signal processing concepts
                               | w/plots
sgnls400.zip   127576  09-10-94  Illustrates signal processing concepts
                               | w/plots
sharemat.zip   104142  11-18-92  ShareMath V3.1, Math practice Game
shuffle.zip      8477  01-12-91  Number list order randomizer, with C source
shuffle2.zip     6775  12-03-92  Number list order randomizer, w/ASM source
sm331a.zip     400862  06-01-95  Computer Algebra System with Learning,
                               | W.Huang
smst21b2.zip   118271  07-01-93  Statistics Bootstrap Simulation Analysis
                               | Program.
solveit.zip    132116  01-07-89  SOLVETIT V.3.0,THE FINANCIAL CALCULATOR.
solveq10.zip    36894  04-06-92  Solves polynomial equations (degree <= 30)
sop9320b.zip   169297  05-10-93  Track Display Any Satellite with Available
                               | Orbital Data.
spectr20.zip   357872  06-11-92  Spectral analysis of random time series
spectr21.zip   668179  09-14-94  Spectral analysis of random time series
sphrcl11.zip   129769  06-08-93  Useful Tools for Generating Spheres.
sqfft11.zip    214226  03-21-94  Fast Fourier Transform programs, D.Copley
strblast.zip    51169  02-17-90  Exciting spaceship elem. math game.(IBM)
stsplus.zip      3959  05-11-93  How to Upgrade to STS Orbit Plus.
sunny.zip        7920  05-21-88  Calculate sunrise/sunset times
symbol53.zip   132419  11-20-94  Mathomatic, symbolic algebraic manipulator,
                               | G.Gesslein
ticmath.zip     36130  08-30-88  Tictactoe using math problems
tide162.zip    162782  05-11-93  Program for Determining Astronomical
                               | Heights.
trigon.zip      89470  11-21-91  VGA TRIG MATH TUTORIAL PROGRAM
tsfima12.zip    74049  06-01-89  Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi
tslin34.zip    114570  11-20-93  Linear programming and linear goal
                               | programming
tsnum12.zip     73214  06-01-89  T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical
                               | analysis
ttm120.zip      21510  08-26-89  Make/print truth tables from keyboard input
ucalc28.zip     99266  03-13-95  Expression evaluator with graphic plotting,
                               | D.Corbier
unicalc.zip    205623  09-15-94  A demo of UniCalc which solves systems of
                               | eq., inequalities
units13.zip     95113  01-25-88  Nice measurement conversion program (CGA)
univ_con.zip    91613  01-20-92  MATH CONVERSION PROGRAM FOR IBM
vc.zip          22981  10-23-87  Visual calculator v1.0
weathe31.zip   202836  05-03-93  A Very Detailed Weather Tracker In VGA.
wlplt231.zip   272229  01-18-91  Mathematical Plotting Program.
wsqwin.zip      62383  09-08-93  Uses wavelet theory to do compression of
                               | bmp files.
xact520.zip    202812  06-01-93  Implementations of HP scientific financial
                               | calculator.
xcal41.zip     145768  03-07-92  Extensible, programmable, double precision
                               | calculator
xcalc.zip       35312  03-17-88  A declarative desk calculator by Marco
                               | Pescarmona
xysee40.zip    128800  12-02-93  Algebra/Geometry/Trig Math Visualization
                               | pgm
yogi2.zip      239996  05-19-91  YOGI BEAR" MATH ADVENTURE
path: /msdos/model/
curacao.zip     92590  08-31-94  Simulates the sterile insect release
                               | method.
delpx03.zip    395959  10-22-94  Tool for fitting times series data with a
                               | sum of exps.
fftsing.zip     39970  07-22-94  Calculates the fast Fourier transform of
                               | long series.
interpol.zip   173586  07-22-94  Plot a data set together with various
                               | interpolations.
lateblit.zip   120048  08-31-94  Simulates the disease late blight.
menstrua.zip    76668  03-31-95  Predicts day of ovulation, start of
                               | menstrual cycle, etc.
rsistn62.zip   127436  07-22-94  Mechanistic simulation of selection of
                               | fungicide resist.
winparab.zip    99753  07-22-94  Windows 3 program for parabolic
                               | interpolation of data.
Numerical Partial Differential Equations
path: /msdos/npde/
qfld32_1.zip   203294  03-31-95  QuickField. This is the new release of the
                               | system formerly known as ELCUT. (1/4)
qfld32_2.zip   456060  03-31-95  QuickField. This is the new release of the
                               | system formerly known as ELCUT. (2/4)
qfld32_3.zip   390084  03-31-95  QuickField. This is the new release of the
                               | system formerly known as ELCUT. (3/4)
qfld32_4.zip   351034  03-31-95  QuickField. This is the new release of the
                               | system formerly known as ELCUT. (4/4)
vol370.zip     322834  07-25-94  This is a disk file CRC checking and
                               | generating utility originally written for
                               | CP/M-80, CP/M-86, MP/M-86 and Concurrent
                               | PCDOS, now available for MSDOS.
Numerical Analysis
path: /msdos/num_asys/
Number Theory
path: /msdos/num_thry/
krm_calc.zip   178452  07-02-95  Multi-precision calculator for number
                               | theory.
malm.zip        37752  07-25-94  Collection of UBASIC programs for number
                               | theory.
ubas830.zip    323151  07-25-94  BASIC-like environment which is suit. for
                               | number theory.
ubmpqs32.zip    35518  07-25-94  Prime factorization program for numbers
                               | over 80 digits.
Partial Differential Equations
path: /msdos/partial/
pde1_ss.zip    101144  07-25-94  Slide show of graphs of solutions of the
                               | wave equation.
pde2_ss.zip     84564  07-25-94  Slide show of graphs of solutions of the
                               | wave equation.
pde3_ss.zip     92821  07-25-94  Slide show of graphs of solutions of the
                               | wave equation.
vstri_ss.zip    94715  07-25-94  Slide show of 2 travelling waves ->
                               | stationary waves.
Probability programs
path: /msdos/prob/
bayes.zip      133767  07-25-94  Application of Bayes' Theorem to Search and
                               | rescue.
demo2.zip      301901  07-22-94  One of the programs illustrates the Galton
                               | Box.
jkbuffon.zip    48288  10-18-94  Simulation of Buffon's needle experiment.
jkgalton.zip    67079  10-18-94  Simulation of the Galton Box.
Spreadsheet programs and related files
path: /msdos/spredsht/
a2zsym10.zip    19782  03-10-93  A2Z Macros to simplify Lotus Symphony Ver.
                               | 3.0
asa55c_1.zip   301315  02-25-93  As-Easy-As spreadsheet 1/2 (mouse,graphics
                               | etc) (good)
asa55c_2.zip   108270  12-23-92  As-Easy-As spreadsheet 2/2 (mouse,graphics
                               | etc) (good)
brythm.zip      20352  04-21-92  Biorhythm template generator for Excel
centu12a.zip   655974  12-30-94  Census data for business users, 1 of 2
centu12b.zip   612785  12-30-94  Census data for business users, 2 of 2
convr505.zip   117774  05-28-95  Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3
drawman.zip    149763  06-12-88  Generate charts & graphs from spread-sht
                               | data
excl41_1.zip   153378  05-23-90  ExpressCalc v4.10, spreadsheet pgm, 1 of 2
excl41_2.zip    97221  05-23-90  ExpressCalc v4.10, spreadsheet pgm, 2 of 2
ezs23vlu.zip   124250  03-15-90  EZ-SpreadSheet: Easy to use SpreadSheet
instaca3.zip   330444  07-06-91  InstaCalc v3.0 PC Mag editor's choice
                               | sprdsht
lotushlp.zip    31097  05-30-85  Lotus 1-2-3 help Also see
                               | /pc/miscutil/bdozen90.zip
mscor102.zip   468372  02-28-94  Men's Gymnastics scoring templates for
                               | Excel40
navlog.zip     118487  11-18-94  Aviation navigation log generation utility
pivot101.zip    87201  06-26-89  Print util for AS-EASY-AS spreadsheet files
prof2d.zip     122636  01-05-90  2D general purpose measurement data
                               | processor
profile.zip    140859  01-04-90  1D gen. purpose meas. data
                               | processor/optimizer
qc104.zip       32077  07-13-90  Change the way 123/Symphony display colors
qtview11.zip    33185  09-17-94  Quattro viewer (for .WQS/.WQ1/.WQ2/.WB1
                               | files)
qube310.zip    167034  01-17-90  QubeCalc v3.1, three dimensional
                               | spreadsheet
readw308.zip   171672  08-20-93  Free WKS/WK1 file viewer
sc621_3.zip    519750  05-14-94  Spreadsheet Calculator sc v6.21, OS/2 and
                               | DOS
ssu22.zip       42672  12-11-94  Spreadsheet ShareWare Addon Directory,
                               | Dec'94
ssv22.zip       18803  12-11-94  Spreadsheet addon producer directory,
                               | Dec'94
tc810.zip      113466  08-22-87  Turbo CALC spreadsheet from P&M software
path: /msdos/statstic/
basp4dos.zip  1927581  01-29-95  The Bonn Archaeological Statistics Package
                               | 4.5
cdas1.zip      164875  09-18-90  Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a,
                               | 1of3
cdas2.zip      202004  09-18-90  Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a,
                               | 2of3
cdas3.zip      234105  09-18-90  Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a,
                               | 3of3
codebk11.zip    21047  01-08-93  Convert fixed formatted data into other
                               | format
copyfx11.zip     9130  01-08-93  Rearrange data records, change record
                               | lengths
corr.zip       671732  09-21-92  Tutorial program teaching Simple Stats
efa25.zip       54480  05-10-90  Statistics: Princ comp & image factor
                               | analysis
epi501b1.zip   181606  08-04-91  Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 1/4
epi501b2.zip   355885  08-04-91  Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 2/4
epi501b3.zip   253905  08-04-91  Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 3/4
epi501b4.zip   342096  08-04-91  Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 4/4
epi501bd.zip   353372  08-04-91  Epi Info 5.01B Stats/MDBS 'on-line manual'
epilogt2.zip   142710  04-03-94  Statistics: Logistic regression for Epi
                               | Info
epistatx.zip     6892  12-07-89  Menu eXtension package for EPISTAT 3.0
estat21.zip    420317  01-18-93  EASISTAT general statistics package
fit2.zip        83960  05-20-91  Statistics curve fitting and data modelling
                               | v 1.17
histo.zip      171569  07-25-94  Draws histogram, box & whisker plot, etc.
                               | of data set.
kstat40.zip   1397718  05-05-95  KWIKSTAT Statistical Data Analysis,
                               | A.Elliott
kwikstat.zip  1396507  03-31-95  Comprehensive data analysis of scientific &
                               | business data
logistic.zip   154945  10-19-93  Statistics: Logistic regression for Systat
mapstat.zip     76235  06-26-89  Multivariate statistical analysis package
mcase31a.zip   424795  04-23-95  MicroCase Analysis System working model,
                               | 1of4
mcase31b.zip   656588  04-23-95  MicroCase Analysis System working model,
                               | 2of4
mcase31c.zip   653444  04-23-95  MicroCase Analysis System working model,
                               | 3of4
mcase31d.zip   447110  04-23-95  MicroCase Analysis System working model,
                               | 4of4
modstat3.zip   199499  06-26-92  Comprehensive statistical package. 50 tests
mvsp21i.zip    305224  08-11-94  Multivariate Statistics Package, Warren
                               | Kovach
mystat.zip     147410  01-25-89  Statistical Program from SYSTAT
nlreg33.zip    210971  02-26-95  Nonlinear Regression Analysis Program,
                               | P.Sherrod
nonlin25.zip   199595  07-22-94  Nonlinear regression analysis program.
normix21.zip   386393  01-12-95  Cluster analysis of multi-normal mixtures
pcs23.zip      306123  09-08-91  A pull-down menu statistical report program
pdswstat.zip    23671  11-23-89  Pd and sw statistical software list
prfst212.zip   123324  01-16-93  Professor Weissman's Statistics Tutorials
prob20.zip      57833  12-27-94  Probability calculator:  Normal, t, F, X^2,
                               | D.Murdoch
pvalue10.zip   133589  01-11-94  WIN3: Compute standard hypothesis test
                               | pvalues
rasch10.zip     46560  12-19-91  Simple dichotomous rasch model application
separate.zip    29511  11-23-89  Split a multiple record data file into
                               | singles
simst35d.zip   654649  04-04-95  Powerful statistics and simulation program
simstat3.zip   489262  07-25-94  Descriptive and comparative statistics
                               | package.
spcex20.zip    476200  10-27-93  SPC EXpert: Statistical Process Control
                               | progrm
statpac.zip    125936  07-25-94  Multipurpose package for elementary prob.
                               | and statistics.
stats000.zip     7208  07-11-89  Text file statistics program
                               | (bytes,words,lines,pages)
stats22.zip    272942  05-31-93  Statistics for Windows 3.1 w/built-in
                               | graphics
statu123.zip    90721  11-04-93  Graphical tutorial for statistics teaching
stoddjob.zip   170822  10-19-93  Miscellaneous statistical routines for
                               | Systat
stpitman.zip    92834  10-19-93  Statistics: Randomization tests for Systat
st_size.zip    127072  10-19-93  Statistics: Sample size calculations
ts1st20.zip     48897  09-24-92  Statistics: Univariate statistical measures
ts2st22.zip     74867  06-03-93  Statistics: Multiple (OLS) regression
                               | analysis
ts3st17.zip     50500  09-24-92  Statistics: Transformations of observations
ts4st17.zip     38243  09-24-92  Statistics: Correlation analysis
ts5st15.zip     78306  06-03-93  Statistics: Least abs. deviation regression
Math utilities and programs for MS-Windows.
path: /win3/
calc\          Calculator emulators and programs for Windows 3.1+
math\          Miscellaneous math related programs and files for Win 3.1+
plot\          Programs to graphically plot equations.
Calculator emulators and programs for Windows 3.1+
path: /win3/calc/
10key301.zip   187944  01-09-95  Flexible calculator with modifiable tape
addease1.zip   170464  12-19-94  AddEASE v1.0: Adding machine tape
                               | calculator
bcalc21.zip    232143  05-25-93  Business Calculator v2.11 for Windows 3.1
bizwiz30.zip   174869  07-06-93  BizWiz v3.0: HP12C calculator for Windows
                               | 3.1
calcpd12.zip    32781  07-06-94  Win3: Calculator w/var list/editable IO
                               | fields
calcpd14.zip    32385  02-28-95  Scientific calculator w/var list & editable
                               | IO
dimcalc2.zip    88090  01-28-95  Calculator/converter of dimensioned
                               | quantities
edcalc10.zip   349301  05-20-95  Edit-Calc: Improved Windows calculator
hp12c12.zip    168481  07-03-95  Hewlett packard financial emulator program
jafclc11.zip    70731  10-25-94  Calculator for Windows - use instead of
                               | CALC
mba30.zip      178165  07-06-93  M-B-A-nalyst: Financial calculator for
                               | Win3.1
navcalc1.zip    60104  02-29-95  Navigation calculator for VFR private
                               | pilots
navsim0.zip     61012  02-29-95  Navigation calculator for flight sim pilots
papcw10.zip    337011  03-08-95  Programmable arbitrary precision calculator
pclc20.zip     123890  03-31-94  PowerCalc: RPN-logic calculator for
                               | Windows3.x
rcalc103.zip   261556  10-31-92  Talking RPN calculator for MS Windows 3.1
rpncl12c.zip    11808  12-11-94  Mattila's Reverse Polish Notation
                               | calculator
runstat3.zip  1079216  01-08-95  Runner's pace calculator and logbook
scicalc1.zip   189899  11-05-94  Scientific calculator for Windows
smtsum15.zip   275917  03-25-95  SmartSum v1.5: Windows talking calculator
statc122.zip   102131  03-31-95  StatsClicker counts statistics; custom
                               | reports
wwages1a.zip    69330  01-18-94  WinWages v1.0a: Wage Calculator for
                               | Windows3.1
xcalc112.zip   124512  01-29-93  WIN3: Dec/Cmplx/Hex/Oct/Bin RPN calculator
Miscellaneous math related programs and files for Win 3.1+
path: /win3/math/
ainps100.zip   253688  02-28-95  AINET v1.00 manual in a postscript format
decision.zip    90963  12-06-94  Algorithms: min route,critical path,best
                               | fit
efofex10.zip    60337  01-04-95  Publication quality mathematical graphs
funex116.zip   102448  09-19-94  Math teaching program. Draw any function
                               | curve
isoln11.zip    189976  08-18-94  Create isoline diagrams and cross-sections
mathstud.zip  1080375  10-20-94  Matlab look-alike interperter, Student
                               | version
mathview.zip   633957  04-05-94  Matlab look-alike interperter for Windows
                               | 3.x
mtw0100.zip    324249  02-08-95  Numerical mathematics toolkit for Windows
oria100a.zip   465633  02-03-95  Circular/orientation stats for Windows
                               | (1/2)
oria100b.zip   599365  02-03-95  Circular/orientation stats for Windows
                               | (2/2)
piw131.zip     196143  01-30-95  Computes Pi to a million or so decimal
                               | places
sfft2.zip       57111  05-19-95  SimpleFFT v2.0: Fast Fourier Transforms
solution.zip   968544  03-02-94  Scientific math program for Windows 3.x.
                               | DEMO
win3d.zip       90596  09-30-92  WIN3.x: Evaluate/visualize/graph functions
winfit15.zip   197888  02-25-95  Fits data to any linear or non linear model
xlmathpa.zip    31744  09-17-93  Bug fix patch for XLMATH22 version 2.2
Programs to graphically plot equations.
path: /win3/plot/
digi138.zip    104513  05-00-93  Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned
                               | plot to x,y points)
splt220w.zip   241195  05-31-93  Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator
                               | (HP7475A) (good)