\gifs\abstract      - Abstract art
\gifs\art           - Art
\gifs\aviation      - Airplanes and helicopters
\gifs\birds         - Birds
\gifs\boats         - Boats and ships
\gifs\building      - Buildings, houses, and bridges
\gifs\cars          - Cars, trucks and motorcycles
\gifs\cartoon       - Cartoons and animation
\gifs\cats          - Domestic cats
\gifs\clip_art      - Clip art
\gifs\dogs          - Domestic dogs
\gifs\fantasy       - Wizards, goblins, unicorns, etc.
\gifs\fish          - Fish and sea life
\gifs\flowers       - Flowers and plants
\gifs\food          - Food and beverages
\gifs\fractals      - Mandelbrot sets, julia sets, etc.
\gifs\frogs         - Frogs, toads, newts and salamanders
\gifs\hunks         - Handsome men
\gifs\insects       - Insects, spiders and other invertebrates
\gifs\landscap      - Landscapes
\gifs\logos         - Company logos and advertisements
\gifs\mammals       - Mammals
\gifs\maps          - Maps and pictures of geography
\gifs\military      - Weapons and war
\gifs\misc          - Miscellaneous images
\gifs\nature        - Natural scenery
\gifs\people        - Pictures of people
\gifs\places        - Pictures of places
\gifs\raytrace      - Ray traced images
\gifs\reptiles      - Lizards, snakes, turtles, and dinosaurs
\gifs\sci_fi        - Science fiction
\gifs\space         - Space exploration
\gifs\sports        - Sports
\gifs\swimsuit      - Pretty women in swimsuits
\gifs\technolo      - Science and technology
\gifs\textures      - Textures, backgrounds and surfaces
\gifs\things        - Inanimate things
\gifs\trains        - Locomotives
\gifs\tv            - Images from TV shows
\gifs\vietnam       - Photographs from the Vietnam War
\viewers\amiga      - Viewers and utilities for the Commodore Amiga
\viewers\atari_st   - Viewers and utilities for the Atari ST
\viewers\decstn     - Viewers for the DecStation 3100 and 5000
\viewers\mac        - Viewers and utilities for the Macintosh
\viewers\msdos      - Viewers and utilities for MS-DOS
\viewers\mswin      - Viewers and utilities for MicroSoft Windows
\viewers\next       - Viewers for the NeXT workstation
\viewers\os2        - Viewers and utilities for OS/2
\viewers\sgi        - Viewer for the Silicon Graphics Irix workstation
\viewers\sparc      - Viewers for the Sun SparcStation
\viewers\x11        - Source code for X11 Window System viewers