Welcome to the Walnut Creek Ada CDROM!  This CDROM is a complete copy of
the Public Ada Library (PAL) as of 28 April 1995.

There are almost 600 different items on this CDROM, such as the GNAT Ada
compiler, the SEI's Capability Maturity Model, and the AdaSAGE
development platform.  There are four ways to easily find things on this

  1. Walk the directory tree manually using CD.  This works, but there can
     be a lot of trial and error to it.

  2. Walk the directory tree using Mosaic, Netscape, or some other World
     Wide Web client software.  Start at the point ada/index.html.

  3. Print out and use the PAL Catalog.  This is a catalog of all the items
     on the CDROM, organized by a taxonomy with an index.  For each item,
     you will find information about the author, certification, copyright
     and release notes, an abstract, the name of the directory containing
     the item and a listing of the files associated with the item, and other
     information.  The PAL Catalog is almost 2,000 pages long.

  4. Use the interactive PAL Card Catalog.  It contains all the information
     in the PAL Catalog, but it makes the information available for scanning
     online.  The PAL Card Catalog is available in two forms: an Ada program
     with data files and hypertext (HTML).

     The Ada program form is in source code and has already been compiled
     for and is ready to run under MSDOS.  To use the Ada form, the file
     qstart.txt is provided as a short, about 10 minute, tutorial that
     you can print out and then use to run the PAL Card Catalog program.

     The hypertext form is ready to run using Mosaic, Netscape, or any other
     World Wide Web client program.

You will find these items in the following locations:

  PAL Catalog (in ASCII and Postscript)
    ada/userdocs/catalog    See the README and other files here

  PAL Card Catalog
    ada/toolkit/all/CARDCAT.ZIP             Source code and data files in Ada
    ada/toolkit/msdos/cardcat/ccat_pc.zip   Precompiled to run under MSDOS
    ada/toolkit/msdos/cardcat/runme         CD to here and run CARDCAT to run
                                              precompiled version directly
                                              from the CDROM; also, the GO.BAT
                                              file runs this from the top
                                              level of the CDROM; see the file
                                              qstart.txt for instructions on
                                              how to use this program
    ada/userdocs/html/cardcat/00_Tax.html   PAL Card Catalog in HTML

  Browsing the CDROM using the World Wide Web
    ada/pal.html      PAL home page
    ada/pal2.html     Shorter PAL home page
    ada/index.html    Directory walker

The following are key items you should look at to become familiar with
this CDROM and the PAL.  For each item, I've named the directory in which
it can be found, the file names (if appropriate), and a brief description
of the item.

Key Topic Areas
  Introductory Documents
    ada    00README   Read Me!
    ada    0MANIFEST  Manifest

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    ada/userdocs/html  PAL_FAQ.html   PAL FAQ in Hypertext
    ada                0FAQ           PAL FAQ in ASCII Text

  PAL and CDROM Animated Shows Ready to Run under MSDOS
  Note: these shows are somewhat entertaining and informative, but, they
  tend to get out of date.  The size numbers of the various items in the
  PAL were true at one time but are likely to be out of date by now.

    ada/userdocs/palshow    Show on the PAL
    ada/userdocs/cdshows    Various shows on the CDROM
    SHOW.BAT                Runs the show in ada/userdocs/palshow

Major Categories
    ada/compiler       Ada Compilers
    ada/benchmrk       Benchmarks
    ada/bindings       Bindings
    ada/comm           Communications
    ada/crsware        Courseware
    ada/db             Database Management Tools
    ada/distproc       Distributed Processing
    ada/doctools       Documentation Development Tools
    ada/docs           Documents
    ada/misc           Miscellaneous Tools
    ada/mgttools       Project Management Tools
    ada/swcomps        Software Components
    ada/swtools        Software Development Tools
    ada/testing        Testing Support
    ada/userdocs       User Documentation (includes PAL activity logs,
                         information that makes up the PAL FAQ, information
                         on copyright and its meaning, information on using
                         the Internet)
    ada/toolkit        User Toolkit (includes versions of ZIP, TAR, and
                         other tools to extract the files on the CDROM
                         for various platforms; also includes Mosaic for
                         Microsoft Windows)

Ada95 Documents in Hypertext (HTML)
  ada/docs/adarm95/rm95html-1.0    rm9x-toc.html        Ada95 Reference Manual
  ada/docs/adarat95/html           rat95-contents.html  Ada95 Rationale
  ada/crsware/lovelace/html        lovelace.html        Lovelace Ada95 Tutorial
  ada/ajpo/docs/adopt-hbk/95adopt/html   toc.html       Ada95 Adoption Handbook

Mirrors and Copies
  ada/ajpo             Ada Information Clearinghouse mirror
  ada/asr              Ada Software Repository copy
  ada/sage             AdaSAGE Project mirror
  ada/compiler/gnat    GNU NYU Ada95 Translator (GNAT) Project mirror
  ada/sei              Software Engineering Institute mirror
  vhdl                 VHDL Repository mirror

Enjoy using this CDROM and the PAL!

Richard Conn
Manager, PAL

This is a TWO DISC set.  The second CDROM contains AdaSAGE and VHDL.  The
first CDROM contains everything else.
Here is a list of some important files and directories:

README.TXT     This file
0FAQ           Frequently asked questions about the Public Ada Archive
GO.BAT         Startup program for MSDOS
view.exe       An MSDOS program to search the disc and view files
00_index.txt   A list of all the directories on the CDROM
ada/00README   Information about the Public Ada Library
ada/ajpo/      Software collection from the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO)
ada/asr/       The Ada Software Repository from Simtel-20
ada/bindings/  Bindings between Ada and various standards
ada/comm/      Tools and components that support communication
ada/compiler/  Ada Compilers, Interpreters, and Translators
ada/crsware/   Ada-oriented courseware
ada/db/        Database tools, such as application generators
ada/distproc/  Distributed processing with Ada
ada/docs/      documents of interest to the Ada community
ada/doctools/  Aids for the production of documentation, like text formatters
ada/mgttools/  Project Management tools
ada/sage/      AdaSAGE  (On Disc #2)
ada/sei/       Software collection from the Software Engineering Inst. (SEI)
ada/swcomps/   Reusable Ada software components
ada/swtools/   Tools useful in Ada software development
ada/team_ada/  contributions by members of Team Ada, PowerPoint 3 presentations
ada/testing/   Tools and components that support testing Ada systems
ada/toolkit/   Tools for the PC and other platforms
ada/userdocs/  documentation for Public Ada Library (PAL) users
vhdl/          The VHDL Hardware Description Language (On Disc #2)

This CDROM is in ISO-9660 Format, with Rock Ridge extensions.  If your system
supports the Rock Ridge extensions, you can access the files using the
original Unix-style filenames.  If you system does not support Rock Ridge, you
will see the filenames truncated to MSDOS style 8+3 filenames.  Each directory
contains a file named "00_trans.tbl" that translates the original filenames to
the shortened names.  For MSDOS, the "VIEW.EXE" utility will translate these
names for you automatically.  Just run "VIEW.EXE" in the top directory of the
This CDROM comes with an unconditional money-back guarantee.  If you are
dissatisfied for any reason, you may return it for a full refund.

If you have any questions about this CDROM, or if you would like a list
of other titles published by Walnut Creek CDROM, please write or call:

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