-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Sage 4.4.4 was released on June 23, 2010. It is available at http://www.sagemath.org/download.html * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org) Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages. It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to any of these Google groups: * sage-support: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support * sage-devel: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel You can also drop by in #sage-devel on freenode. Please report build and doctest results to the Google group * sage-release: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release You are invited to update the build farm wiki page * http://wiki.sagemath.org/devel/BuildFarm with results of builds and doctests. The following 52 people contributed to this release. Of those, 7 made their first contribution to Sage: * Alex Ghitza * Alyson Deines * Andrey Novoseltsev * Anne Schilling * Barinder Banwait * Bill Cauchois * Billy Wonderly [first contribution] * Burcin Erocal * Chris Wuthrich * Christopher Schwan [first contribution] * David Joyner * David Kirkby * David Loeffler * David Roe * Florent Hivert * Francis Clarke * Franco Saliola * Jaap Spies * Jason Bandlow * Jason Grout * Jens Vollinga * Johan Bosman * John Cremona * John Palmieri * Joni Syri [first contribution] * Jose Guzman [first contribution] * Karl-Dieter Crisman * Kiminori Tsukazaki [first contribution] * Laurent Fousse * Leif Leonhardy * Mark Jordan [first contribution] * Martin Albrecht * Mike Hansen * Minh Van Nguyen * Nathann Cohen * Nicolas Borie * Nicolas M. Thiéry * Pablo Angulo * Paul Zimmermann * Rob Beezer * Robert Bradshaw * Robert Miller * Simon King * Sébastien Labbé * Tom Boothby * Tom Coates [first contribution] * Vincent Delecroix * Volker Braun * Wilfried Huss * Willem Jan Palenstijn * William Stein * Yann Laigle-Chapuy * Release managers * Mike Hansen (most of the work) * William Stein (a bit at the end) * Major features, new spkg's, and bug fixes * Updated spkg's: libgcrypt-1.4.4.p3, libpng-1.2.35.p2, mercurial-1.3.1.p2, opencdk-0.6.6.p4, ratpoints-2.1.3.p1, singular-, sympow-1.018.1.p7, tachyon-0.98beta.p11 * Removed spkg: ghmm * Bug statistics We closed 119 tickets. For details see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-4.4.4 or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement. * Doctesting coverage For Sage 4.4.3, we had an overall weighted doctest coverage score of 82.1%, with 25,516 functions. In Sage 4.4.4, we increased the doctest coverage by 0.6% and added 211 new functions. Thus for Sage 4.4.4 we now have * Overall weighted coverage score: 82.7% * Total number of functions: 25,727 Closed tickets: #327: add perl 5.8 dependency for sage #5238: remove qsieve.spkg and replace it by mpQS (part of FLINT) #7130: David Kirkby: libpng 1.2.35 always builds 32-bit libraries on Solaris. #7131: libcliquer always builds 32-bit libraries on Solaris. #7133: pari-2.3.3 always builds 32-bit libraries on Solaris. #7153: Doctest failures don't kill processes and bring system to a halt. #7297: Wilfried Huss: spkg's for libogg and libtheora [Reviewed by Pablo Angulo] #7439: Jason Grout: optional spkg nauty-24b7.p1 fails to build with sage-4.2.1 and ubuntu 9.10 (gcc-4.4.1) [Reviewed by Jason Grout, Paul Zimmermann] #7826: David Kirkby: mpfi ignores SAGE64 #8416: long doctest elliptic_curves/ell_modular_symbols.py fails on Solaris 10 (SPARC) #8419: cddlib fails to build on OpenSolaris fully. #8512: David Kirkby: Optional database_stein_watkins_mini uses 'cp -v' which fails on Solaris. [Reviewed by William Stein] #8700: the libpng-1.2.35.p0 in sage-4.4.alpha0 contains an extra copy of libpng-1.2.35! #9161: William Stein: update nzmath optional package to 1.0 and post about this to NMBRTHY [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza, Mike Hansen] #9303: dumb (easy-to-fix) mistake in sage notebook js.py file #9305: Add an spkg-check file for R (statistics package) Merged in sage-4.4.4.alpha0: #1975: John Cremona: elliptic curve method -- one should trivially be able to implement a toy version, but can't anymore, which sucks [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich] #2203: Nathann Cohen: Add a traveling salesman problem solver [Reviewed by Jason Grout, David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen] #3461: Mike Hansen: write a construction for permutation groups so that the coercion system can find a common parent [Reviewed by David Loeffler] #5117: Volker Braun: Rename the Polyhedron.union(...) method [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #6665: Jason Bandlow: Expanding the 'zero' symmetric function in variables crashes symmetrica [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #6763: Nathann Cohen: Bin Packing (uses Linear Programming) [Reviewed by Joni Syri] #7492: Nathann Cohen: Decomposition of a doubly stochastic matrix as a convex sum of permutations (Birkhoff–von Neumann Theorem) [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, David Loeffler] #7529: Nathann Cohen: Maximum Average Degree of a graph [Reviewed by David Joyner] #7789: Nathann Cohen: Improve the arguments for the default type of a variable in MixedIntegerLinearProgram [Reviewed by Joni Syri] #7803: Christopher Schwan: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] #7828: Karl-Dieter Crisman, John Cremona: There should be a top-level sign() function. [Reviewed by John Cremona, Robert Bradshaw] #8166: Nathann Cohen: Expose max_weight_matching from NetworkX [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8207: Joni Syri: Factoring a constant generic multivariate polynomial broken [Reviewed by John Cremona] #8238: Robert Miller: heegner_index_bound may be incorrect for curves with rational torsion [Reviewed by John Cremona] #8351: Jaap Spies: ratpoints-2.1.3.p0 fails to build in Open Solaris x64 as 64 bit even if SAGE64=yes [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #8379: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: add arithmetic for Boolean functions [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #8490: Vincent Delecroix, Sébastien Labbé: Bad behavior of is_square_free for Words [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Nathann Cohen] #8500: Nicolas Borie: Add the set of TransitiveGroups [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry, Jason Grout] #8544: John Cremona: Factor polynomials over QQbar and AA [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #8549: Nicolas Borie, Nicolas M. Thiéry: Implements cycle index for permutation groups, toward Polya enumeration [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry, Nicolas Borie, Rob Beezer] #8606: Paul Zimmermann: floats in exponent do not propagate [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] #8651: Burcin Erocal, Jens Vollinga: binomial(n,k) evaluates to zero when 0 is subsituted for k [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #8655: Tom Boothby: Fix graph genus (broken on multigraphs?) [Reviewed by Robert Miller] #8671: Burcin Erocal: FieldElement.quo_rem broken [Reviewed by John Cremona] #8675: Andrey Novoseltsev: Remove AmbientSpace._constructor and fix consequences [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #8682: Andrey Novoseltsev: Improve AlgebraicScheme_subscheme.__init__ and AmbientSpace._validate [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #8691: Tom Boothby: Implement Plain Change algorithm in cython [Reviewed by Robert Miller] #8694: Andrey Novoseltsev: Improve schemes printing and LaTeXing [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #8704: Florent Hivert: Improve the _repr_ of IntegerRange [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #8717: David Roe: Precision problem in E2 for Tate Curve [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #8742: Florent Hivert: Lazy format strings [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8743: Jason Grout: change_ring on a rational matrix may return self [Reviewed by Joni Syri] #8765: Nathann Cohen: Huffman Encoding [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8796: Minh Van Nguyen: clean up documentation of logic/propcalc.py [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #8799: John Cremona, Minh Van Nguyen, Leif Leonhardy: Bring doctests for mwrank.pyx up to 100% (from 3%) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen, Leif Leonhardy, David Loeffler] #8811: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Translation for elements of a root lattice and related features and fixes [Reviewed by Anne Schilling] #8864: Burcin Erocal: make zeta function symbolic [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann] #8869: Jason Grout: float(CDF(1)) should return 1.0, not throw an error [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Leif Leonhardy] #8876: Florent Hivert: Allows triangular morphisms to have domain and codomain with different index sets [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow] #8881: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Functorial constructions in categories [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #8884: Kiminori Tsukazaki: Inefficiency in isogeny_class function [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich] #8887: Florent Hivert: Monoids().ParentMethods.prod doctest is ill formated. [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8888: Florent Hivert: Rim and outer rim for integer partitions [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow] #8890: Nicolas M. Thiéry: map_support modifies the zero element of a free module, and related fixes and cleanup [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow] #8902: Florent Hivert: Subsets element construction is broken [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8910: Florent Hivert: Have CombinatorialClass inherits from Parent [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8913: Nicolas M. Thiéry: S.cayley_graph(side = "twosided") returns broken labels [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #8921: Billy Wonderly: Extend cross product to 7d [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #8922: Nathann Cohen: induced subgraph search [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8926: Florent Hivert: Family cannot completely handle a class as an argument [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8930: Florent Hivert: Deprecate EnumeratedSet [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8934: Andrey Novoseltsev: Trivial bug in computing faces of non-full-dimensional lattice polytopes [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #8936: Andrey Novoseltsev: Expose facet inequalities for lattice polytopes [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #8941: Andrey Novoseltsev: _latex_ and origin for lattice polytopes [Reviewed by Volker Braun] #8954: Anne Schilling: Implementation of the affine nilTemperley Lieb algebra of type A [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow] #8957: David Loeffler: Word problem broken for matrix groups [Reviewed by David Joyner] #8960: Jason Grout: doctest coverage for real_mpfr.pyx [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen, John Cremona] #8966: Burcin Erocal: Polynomial reduce causes segmentation fault [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #8982: Laurent Fousse: Fix jacobian for ode_solver example. [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] #9006: Johan Bosman: Segfault evaluating large degree polynomials (easy review) [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #9009: David Kirkby: Mercurial is not building 64-bit with OpenSolaris with SAGE64=yes. [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy, Minh Van Nguyen] #9013: Robert Miller: Fix graph.loops() to not return all edges [Reviewed by Tom Boothby] #9017: Robert Bradshaw: Use lowercase i for latex symbolic sqrt(-1) [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] #9018: Robert Bradshaw: Better latex for quadratic fields [Reviewed by Francis Clarke] #9019: Simon King: Full doctest coverage for sage.categories.map [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #9020: Burcin Erocal: random degrees for random_element()s univariate polynomial rings [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9035: Burcin Erocal: add degree argument to univariate polynomial reverse() method [Reviewed by John Cremona] #9045: Robert Miller: is_isomorphic bug (two generalized quadrangles over GF(5)) [Reviewed by Tom Boothby] #9068: John Cremona: remove redundant sgn function from quadratic_forms/extras [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #9081: Rob Beezer: Transistion better between two halves of the developer's walkthrough [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9091: Rob Beezer: check_file() in latex.py spits out warnings every time [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #9096: Florent Hivert: Fixes wrong sphinx markup :cls: [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #9104: Nicolas M. Thiéry: _name is set too late when creating a combinatorial free module [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #9106: Florent Hivert: Wrong sphinx markup in UniqueRepresentation [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #9108: Leif Leonhardy: Mark long doctests in rings/polynomial/symmetric_ideal [Reviewed by John Cremona, Simon King] #9119: Jason Grout: Cython variables used then later declared [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #9120: Jason Grout: plot3d transformations don't respect variable names [Reviewed by Bill Cauchois] #9139: David Roe: PIDs are Noetherian [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #9140: Jason Grout: construct the normalized laplacian matrix for a graph [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9142: Jason Grout: construct "fuzzy ball" graphs [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #9145: Rob Beezer: Expand math symbols available in documentation, remove doc/common/macros.tex [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9146: Mike Hansen: cygwin: gd doesn't correctly link in libpng with sage-4.4.3. [Reviewed by William Stein] #9149: Paul Zimmermann: spelling error (trivial to fix) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #9156: Robert Bradshaw: Add real() and imag() methods to Integer and Rational [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev] Merged in sage-4.4.4.alpha1: #7407: John Palmieri: Fix building of binary distribution so it works on Solaris. [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #8380: Franco Saliola: Implement an interface to GAP3 [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] #8464: Minh Van Nguyen: add FAQ to standard documentation [Reviewed by John Palmieri, Mark Jordan, Jose Guzman, Pablo Angulo] #8658: Volker Braun: opencdk spkg has incorrect DSO linking [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #8747: Florent Hivert: Speedup testsuite using LazyFormat [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #8802: John Cremona, Barinder Banwait: sqrt() for QQbar and AA should have a parameter "all" [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, David Loeffler] #8911: Anne Schilling: Categorification of Crystals [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiery] #9024: David Kirkby: tachyon is buiding 32-bit on OpenSolaris x64 even when SAGE64 is set to "yes" [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #9029: David Kirkby: sympow is buiding 32-bit on OpenSolaris x64 even when SAGE64 is set to "yes" [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #9056: Nicolas Borie: Add the category of SemiRings with an example : NonNegativeIntegers() [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #9105: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Improve the category primer and tutorial [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #9127: Robert Miller: BSD.py doctest failure due to timeout of Heegner index computation. [Reviewed by John Cremona, David Kirkby] #9160: David Kirkby, Willem Jan Palenstijn: Singular - change timestamp of files and sort out SAGE64 issue. [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy] #9178: Nicolas M. Thiéry: attrcall: implement missing hash function [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #9182: Alyson Deines: Jacobian of a Hyperelliptic curve doesn't coerces correctly [Reviewed by Robert Miller] #9189: Mike Hansen: libgcrypt fails to build on Fedora 13 [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #9213: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of combinat/posets/elements.py to 100% [Reviewed by Franco Saliola] #9214: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of combinat/lyndon_word.py to 100% [Reviewed by Franco Saliola, Minh Van Nguyen] #9217: Tom Coates: Taylor expansion of gamma functions is broken [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]