621043-01.dmk              621043-01
                           PQS PERQ SOFTWARE, ACCENT S5 NON-SOURCE
                           (C) 1984, PERQ Systems Corporation
                           Contents: ACCENT BINARY 1 NS

621173-00.dmk              PERQ Systems Corporation
                           (C) 1984    621173-00
                           Accent S5 - Release 1

chess.dmk                  DP (Accent - Beta Release Version)
                           CHESS ("    "   ")
                           (S5 Accent)

petal.run.dmk              petal.run   accent S5

tcpipSrc_2-22-85.dmk       TCP/IP - S5 Accent Version Sources
                           CMD FILES: SOURCE.CMD  2/22/85

tcpipSrc_2-22-85_cpy2.dmk  TCP/IP - Sources (S5 Version)
                           { supposedly indep of OS Versions; may need fix to
                             ether.pas + etherAccent.pas to work on S6 }
                           SOURCE.CMD {sources as completa as I have}
                           COM.CMD {compile}   2/22/85

tcpip_1-30-85.dmk          TCP Updates as of 30-JAN-85 w/ speed changes

tcpip_2-22-85.dmk          TCP Update, @Source.cmd 2/22/85
                           In order to work under Accent S6
                           the only source file that may need
                           work is ether.pas ehteraccent.pas