In an Org mode buffer: - Toggle the mode with {M-x org-pretty-tags-mode RET}. - Activate the mode with {C-u M-x org-pretty-tags-mode RET}. - Deactivate the mode with {C-u -1 M-x org-pretty-tags-mode RET}. - Toggle the global-mode with {M-x org-pretty-tags-global-mode RET}. - Activate the global-mode in every buffer with {C-u M-x org-pretty-tags-global-mode RET}. - Deactivate the global-mode in every buffer with {C-u -1 M-x org-pretty-tags-global-mode RET}. Refresh agenda buffers (key =g= or =r=) to follow the latest setting of pretty tags in the buffers. - Turn the mode on by default by configuring in {M-x customize-variable RET org-pretty-tags-global-mode RET}. Use {M-x customize-variable RET org-pretty-tags-surrogate-strings RET} to define surrogate strings for tags. E.g. add the pair "money", "$$$". If you don't like the predefined surrogates then just delete them. Use {M-x customize-variable RET org-pretty-tags-surrogate-images RET} to define surrogate images for tags. The definition of the image is expected to be a path to an image. E.g. add the pair "org", "". See also the literate source file. E.g. see