WYSIWYG, html mime composition using org-mode For mail composed using the orgstruct-mode minor mode, this provides a function for converting all or part of your mail buffer to embedded html as exported by org-mode. Call `org-mime-htmlize' in a message buffer to convert either the active region or the entire buffer to html. Similarly the `org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize' function can be called from within an org-mode buffer to convert the buffer to html, and package the results into an email handling with appropriate MIME encoding. `org-mime-org-subtree-htmlize' is similar to `org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize' but works on current subtree. It can read following subtree properties: MAIL_SUBJECT, MAIL_TO, MAIL_FROM, MAIL_CC, MAIL_BCC, MAIL_IN_REPLY_TO Here is the sample of a subtree: * mail one :PROPERTIES: :MAIL_SUBJECT: mail title :MAIL_TO: person1@gmail.com :MAIL_FROM: sender@gmail.com :MAIL_CC: person2@gmail.com :MAIL_BCC: person3@gmail.com :MAIL_IN_REPLY_TO: :END: To avoid exporting the table of contents, you can setup `org-mime-export-options' as below, (setq org-mime-export-options '(:with-latex imagemagick :section-numbers nil :with-author nil :with-toc nil)) It overrides Org default settings, but still inferior to file-local settings. Or just setup your export options in the org buffer/subtree. These are overridden by `org-mime-export-options' when it is non-nil. Quick start: Write a message in message-mode, make sure the mail body follows org format. Run `org-mime-edit-mail-in-org-mode' to edit mail in a special edit with `org-mode'. Run `org-mime-htmlize' to convert the plain text mail to html mail. Run `org-mime-revert-to-plain-text-mail' if you want to restore to plain text mail. Setup (OPTIONAL): You might want to bind this to a key with something like the following message-mode binding (add-hook 'message-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c M-o") 'org-mime-htmlize))) and the following org-mode binding (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c M-o") 'org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize))) Extra Tips: 1. In order to embed images into your mail, use the syntax below, [[/full/path/to/your.jpg]] 2. It's easy to define your hack the exported plain text and html. For example, below code removes "\\" from plain text, (add-hook 'org-mime-plain-text-hook (lambda () (while (re-search-forward "\\\\" nil t) (replace-match "")))) For example, below code renders text between "#" in red color from html, (add-hook 'org-mime-html-hook (lambda () (while (re-search-forward "#\\([^#]*\\)#" nil t) (replace-match "\\1")))) 3. The quoted mail uses Gmail's style, so reply looks clean and modern. 4. Please note this program can only embed exported HTML into mail. Org-mode is responsible for rendering HTML. For example, see https://github.com/org-mime/org-mime/issues/38 The solution is patching org-mode, https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-11/msg00016.html 5. See https://github.com/org-mime/org-mime for more tips