Howdy. Why don't ya mosey on in here. Have yourself a sit-down. `mosey' makes it easy to mosey back and forth in your buffers. Just pass `mosey' a list of functions that move the point to certain places, and it'll mosey the point between those places. Tell it `:backward t' if you want to mosey on back, otherwise it'll mosey on ahead. Tell it to `:bounce t' if you want it to bounce back a notch when it hits the end, and tell it to `:cycle t' if you want it to loop around when it gets to one end or the other. To make it easier for ya, just pass a list of point-moving functions to `defmosey', and it'll cook up six functions: `mosey-forward', `mosey-backward', `mosey-forward-bounce', `mosey-backward-bounce', `mosey-forward-cycle', and `mosey-backward-cycle'. Then you can pick your fav-o-rite ones and forget about the rest! ; Installation Best thing to do is just mosey on over to and install the package called `mosey'. But if you like gettin' your hands dirty, all you need to do is put mosey.el in your `load-path' and then put this in your init file: (require 'mosey) ...and then you can start moseying around. ; Usage You can use these commands right off the bat to move within the current line: + mosey-forward + mosey-backward + mosey-forward-bounce + mosey-backward-bounce + mosey-forward-cycle + mosey-backward-cycle You might even want to rebind your keys to 'em, maybe like this: (global-set-key (kbd "C-a") 'mosey-backward) (global-set-key (kbd "C-e") 'mosey-forward) ...but that'd be even easier with `use-package' and its handy-dandy `:bind*' form: (use-package mosey :bind* ( ;; My personal favorites ("C-a" . mosey-backward-bounce) ("C-e" . mosey-forward-bounce) )) ;; Make your own moseys It's easy to make your own moseys with defmosey, somethin' like this (this example uses functions from smartparens): (defmosey '(beginning-of-line back-to-indentation sp-backward-sexp ; Moves across lines sp-forward-sexp ; Moves across lines mosey-goto-end-of-code mosey-goto-beginning-of-comment-text) :prefix "lisp") That'll cook up six functions for ya: + mosey-lisp-forward + mosey-lisp-backward + mosey-lisp-forward-bounce + mosey-lisp-backward-bounce + mosey-lisp-forward-cycle + mosey-lisp-backward-cycle Then maybe you'd want to use 'em in your `emacs-lisp-mode', somethin' like this: (bind-keys :map emacs-lisp-mode-map ("C-a" . mosey-lisp-backward-cycle) ("C-e" . mosey-lisp-forward-cycle)) ; Credits This package was inspired by Alex Kost's fantastic `mwim' package. It has even more features, so check it out!