Magit-annex adds a few git-annex operations to the Magit interface. Annex commands are available under the annex popup menu, which is bound to "@". This key was chosen as a leading key mostly to be consistent with John Wiegley's git-annex.el (which provides a Dired interface to git-annex) [1]. Adding files: @a Add a file to the annex. @A Add all untracked and modified files to the annex. Managing file content: @fu Unlock files. @fl Lock files. @fU Undo files. @fg Get files. @fd Drop files. @fc Copy files. @fm Move files. The above commands, which operate on paths, are also useful outside of Magit buffers, especially in Dired buffers. To make these commands easily accessible in Dired, you can add a binding for `magit-annex-file-action'. If you use git-annex.el, you can put the popup under the same binding (@f) with (define-key git-annex-dired-map "f" #'magit-annex-file-action) @u Browse unused files. @l List annex files. Updating: @m Run `git annex merge'. @y Run `git annex sync'. In the unused buffer l Show log for commits touching a file RET Open a file k Drop files s Add files back to the index When Magit-annex is installed from MELPA, no additional setup is needed. The annex popup menu will be added under the main Magit popup menu (and loading of Magit-annex will be deferred until the first time the annex popup is called). To use Magit-annex from the source repository, put (require 'magit-annex) in your initialization file. [1]