Steps to setup: 1. Obtain the Team Explorer Everywhere CLI tool from (don't forget to run "tf eula" to accept the terms and conditions) 2. Place tfsmacs.el in your load-path. Or install from MELPA. 3. In your .emacs file you can setup keybindings for the tfsmacs commands, there's a keymap: (require 'tfsmacs) (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'tfsmacs-map) OR for individual commands: (global-set-key "\C-ctp" 'tfsmacs-pendingchanges) (global-set-key "\C-cto" 'tfsmacs-checkout) (global-set-key "\C-cti" 'tfsmacs-checkin) ; etc. 4. Customize the group tfsmacs to provide credentials and the location of the TEE tool 5. Run tfsmacs-setup-workspace to configure collections and their workspaces in your computer For a detailed user manual see: