Global minor-mode to print `__git_ps1` in mode-line. This minor-mode will print current `git` status in Emacs mode-line as a mode-name. Status text will be generated using `__git_ps1`, which is usually defined in `""`. By default, the text should be like `"[GIT:master *]"`. User Configuration Variables ---------------------------- * `git-ps1-mode-lighter-text-format` Format string for `git-ps1-mode` lighter (mode-name). By default it is set to `" [GIT:%s]"`. * `git-ps1-mode-ps1-file` File path to the script that has `__git_ps1` definition. When set to nil, try to find the definition automatically. * `git-ps1-mode-showdirtystate` * `git-ps1-mode-showstashstate` * `git-ps1-mode-showuntrackedfiles` * `git-ps1-mode-showupstream` Values for `GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE`, `GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE`, `GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTERACKEDFILES` and `GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM` respectively. These variables configure output of `__git_ps1`: see document in "" file for details. * `git-ps1-mode-idle-interval` If Emacs is idle for this seconds, this mode will update the status text. By default it is set to `2`.