Show system information in Neofetch-like style (eg CPU, RAM). Neofetch: Inspiration also has been driven from RKTFetch - older fetch-like program that I have helped to write some time ago. RKTFetch: Though, this is not a re-implementation; this program is meant to extend "fetch" to this new domain, i.e. Emacs Lisp. El-Fetch does not implement some of Neofetch's features users of the program may take for granted, e.g.: ASCII art. El-Fetch adds some Emacs-specific information gathering, e.g.: Emacs version/packages, used theme, time spent in the editor. WARNING: El-Fetch is primarily developed on GNU/Linux, Windows support is experimental, macOS support is totally untested. To run El-Fetch add it to your load-path, execute M-x load-library el-fetch and then M-x el-fetch You may want to add it to startup or run Emacs with: --eval "(load-library \"el-fetch\")" --eval "(el-fetch)"