`audio-notes-mode' is a way to manage small audio recordings that you make in order to record thoughts. After much struggle, I finally decided to stop trying to make speech recognition work from my phone. Instead, I decided to just record audio notes, and I wrote this package to automate the process of playing them back at the computer. I found this to be even faster, because I don't have to wait and see if the speech recognition worked and I don't have to repeat the message 1/3 of the time. A tasker profile (which records and uploads these notes) is also provided at the github page. The idea is that you sync voice notes you record on your smartphone into a directory on your PC. But you're free to use it in other ways. When you activate this mode, it will play the first audio note in a specific directory and wait for you to write it down. Once you're finished, just call the next note with \\[anm/play-next]. When you do this, `audio-notes-mode' will DELETE the note which was already played and start playing the next one. Once you've gone through all of them, `audio-notes-mode' deactivates itself.